I V ,KrruMni mi NBWi MMVtua 'I v (- ' Jt ' V ibe ptnina lTU-N.1iS.l l-AMiH KAl.Lt, ORMbN, THVMUAY, NOVKMSMt ST, 1011 Vj Herald. .fct Ma Mm Cmms ,. .m kf amath Woman Pleads With the Governor A A .... . ' v 3 i. Charles D Wynne Would Give Life To Save Condemned Murderers ORDERED IS f RESUME THE BALKAN FIGHT OK AIXIKM AHH TOO HAR '' ron sultan i I , Jar Troabto With th htm J 'fee Seems tu Ha Fee I Hwl a Xot Receive Saepait aa Ki. (MM Prom the Hataarlaas, Win. t IbI fee Hearsty to toe War u lrMlAarlktos I rim Serf lee I WMTANTINOI'LK, Nor. II The H bit confirmed earlier rsporu iTsiksy had rejected the allies' letetcesilve. Flghllag bee beea I resumed. I- Warabfee aWawwU- LfsYtt, Not. J I. It to reported I Selgsrton torpede beat blew fti Tsrkleh warahto Haatdleb. rTsrhe were hilled. Dynamite Crank Said To Be Perfectly Sane Alienists Make Examination of The Man Who Held The Police of Los Angeles at Bay. 1.03 ANQKI.IU, ;mr SI. -Carl , the announcement waa made lleldelbach, lite rain wlio bold the po- It developed that tho dynamite lire at bar with a box of dynamite, li which the mau had wai SO per cent line, according to Jamu Klshor, pro- Ketstlue, dated Nov, SI, 1911, and la feasor of neurology of the Uulverslty.tnsile onlr on apodal order by the of Southern California, and Ir. Cliai. fllanl I'owder company. Cartsr, police surgeon, who eiatnlnd It la suspected that there may be him. .more behind the itory than haa bean Reldctbach grinned wildly wheat learned ao far. COFFEE IS GROWN Chinese Army Ready IN CROOK COUNTY frees teri" No, 21.- Tks daagor t war over the Halkaaa la :cd Mat, Berrle'a ae- ol a romaremtos Adrtotis ett'.sved to settle the dtoaate. arrliai iletdediuader prewar J.U' .. ""2. . . iiiih, BHigarwaa ware lulOII their, preetosd ees- Itotwrtta'e dtaiaad for a aert se- istmelr own tromeadesa tosses. "r" i t T I Pna aeria - OONaTANTlNOI'LIC Nor. 11- axottatloaa between 8aroR I main I'aiha begaa at lladen , tlltagt .ear CkUU ireawr la turret! tbat a riaaaaera ' NrfctlaBt haa beea aUrted at .ttlrty mlUa aorthweat -if Jeru , aat.thla caaaot be coaOrmad. I oaiietr haa ktM eauaed by It, The Raaataa eralaer Qlag iMwaa route thataw WOMAN STICKS IOOSERS GET TO FIRST LOVE TOO FEW VOTES OIVKX CHOICK DKTWKK.V TWO NKW I'AltrV HVKHANBS, HHK OOVM TO THK TMIKI) IX WILL MTILt MK OHVMOS C'ANUI ONK UHK MAIUIfKD OTHRR MAN IM AMORT KIRNT. IIATIt MIJHT HK NOM1NATKO HV I'KTITIOK .V FVTttRB latted Praaa Barrtea the progreaaWa party goee Into SAN niEQO, Nor, II, To regain (another campaign In Oregon It will hte wife, Nre. .Setlaeaa-Oetroa. who .bare to nominate lu caadktataa oaea Saturday decided aha preferred HE LUIZ IS ancn RtrR tic " tam . VOH JOtUNION aWLKNTfl iWr MbMiiinr and ohomw TO 'MVal paJIgfANtOV W I Kreaa laralaa . kMCaUUKNTO), Nef. II. OoW auoa waay raarierea wuue ho Mhould' haa',baM haBMw I Quaatla toorraw. Mafaaar, M Matasaag ( to kaiKi wMk not raaotro4, her Ural huebaad. Charlee V. Bellmaa, be llered to be dead, Karl Oatroa, hua band No. 1, today Died ault la the local Juattea court agalait buabaad No, . Mr. Bellmaa-Oatroa married Of iron aeveral yeara ago, believing Sail man dead. When ahe met hutband No. 1 on the atreet Saturday ahe fainted aad waa hurried to hla apart taenia, where later huaband No. a found them. At the police elation, when aaked to choote between the two, ahe choae huiband No. 1. Now Oatroa la aeeklag to regain her. JAPS LAUNCH A . 6REAT VESSEL more by a inaaa convention ar ay pa tltlon of Individual candldatea. Inapectlon of the tola caaa for eon greaaman, which la the teat of polit ical partlea under the direct pri mary law, ahowa that tho progreeetvee failed to poll enough votea to obtain official standing a a party, and' they aro In the aaaa Us they were Uat summer, deapita lb fact mat uoy polled aore volea for Rooaevelt than the repubtlcau caat for Taft tt baa generally been auppoeed tbat ll Laffarty'e rote were counted In with the vote for Campbell, progree Ive nominee la the rtret dtatrlct, the progreealraa would have enough to entitle them to a place aa a political party, nut the flgurea enow tbat even If It be conceded that Laferty'e entire rota may be counted for the oroireMlve parly, the party lacks 5,000 of having eaougb. HKOORl IN HHirHUlMHNU MADE KXTLOBION OP OUN fOWUKR ON ORUIABR WOUNDM' TWKNTV MSN FRISCO MAN TO PUN A RACE TOKIO, Nor. II. The crutoer-bat-tleehlp Hlel waa launched at Toko auga today. The voaael baa a die placement of 17,000 tone, a record In the Japan shipbuilding Industry, By an eiploslon of gunpowder on the cruiser NUsbla today twenty men were wounded. INHURANCK VRKHtDKNT WILL CIIAM.KNUK FOR VACMT RAOK T Hi: HKtD DURIXO THK flltKAT 'FRIHOO l'AIR found aa It grows. may seem, tbat exhibit i:XHIMT AT THK LA MH)W IN fORTIiA.NU ATTRACTS ATTBN TIO.V BKAN IN THK NATIVK IHHJ IH alHOWN PORTLAND, Nor. ll' There la but one exhibit In tha Laid PraducU Ubow where the cotTao ajan can be Aasaslng aa It L la from Crook county, the aeml-arld realm wnereMomgolla. there are cold nlgbta tho year through mid where dry-farming saelhodA ara necessary. The cot ea haa been grows on a mora buah, whlealbe expert manager of the exhibit haa nursed to maturity, juat to ahow what he caa do. Tho exhibit euggeeta anything hut n tropical Jungle, where cofee la Its statural elate thriraa. If ever tn exhibit waa arranged ti.make tka Weatera plalasman homeelck, It la this. After looking at It for a mo ment you caa aaell tka eegebrueh smoke of tha ladlaa teepee, hear the' buccarooe rldlag through the grease- wood as they attend tka tall rodeo, and aee steers fattening ea tha whit ened buach grass of tha retting hlUa. If ever a setting waa deetgaed whleh would suggeet tha oppoaHa of a coffee plantation, tt la that whit" at what the To Fight Russians Troopt Are Being Concentrated in Pekiu. It is Believed That Fret. Yuan Powerless to Stop War. hf-kiern infMa awAtrwItme world haa roaardad aa the'"aeef Oregon Daart.,'- -. j -Buttbe podeaiwae- feejak yvWeh craw a tha PrnierllM faraa. IR la aot neea nor Jara, but tha veracious word of tha master Is glvea that It la real coffee. of the bush variety, aad tbat Ita na tive home was where the coyotea sere nade at night and Jackrabblta disport all the time. For originality It. is conceded by visitors that the Prlnevllle exhibit la remarkable. It llluatratea the pace of development between the Rocklea aad the Cascades, where the aage brush Is universal. Aa Indian teepee la on the right, begrimed with smoke, from mhlch It woald aot surprise one to see the greasy face of a Pluta obtrude. There is greasewood aad aateensah nxt. and then the famoua bunch grass, Just aa It la taken from tha Kaatera Oregon hills. Then come the first product of the white maa, aad finally all the vegetables aad fruits known to the region. Ualted Press BecTlee 8AN FRANCISCO. NaT. II. "Cm- aid" Muaaea. the marriage lleaaaa letorh. fcorevhaa est tslsgrams all war inland Skyscraper Collapses, None Hurt t Floors ofiUie Marquaip Build ing Gave Way. Collapse waa A:'V-.nH''4tratsR0Ded I Ti'', .ir'.,?.(T! i - i it-1. V 1 i "' 't'V t.rt H tv llf rraaalarrlaa' T , "TLAND.'VN-t. ll. aaalsiAAK -. a VV0 MaraMSJi suraarafer m sair.-. r- w - a t mtM4r. vTaart waa m ,fmk,MjmtM H t r " ' . i"" f', fm ' k for many htosha. The.eolUMe aad bee exited aad tha etreeta la the rlolBltr war 'i,i .. traau. pei' w tt w Naaaa BAN FRANOISCO, Nor, II. Kear- lenge for a yacht race In IttS would fall through, Thomas H. .Miller ac cepted, under uulvera! rulea except that the boau must be neeigaea urn sailed by San Franclscana. Miller beads a syndicate or twenty- live, with 176,000. lie Is president of the West Coast Life Insurance com ' Hetty Haa MrtMar United Tress Service NEW YORK, Nor. 1. Mrs. new Ureen waa, 78 yews of ag;o today. Ma spent the day la her oateea. swafgwajwWsw j Ualtad Press Serrloa ,. ' PHIUDELPHIA Nor. Il.-Tha 44th usual coaraatlMt of the Na tional. Woman Suffrage AsaooUUoa lartd hero todar. At aoou a mass Mtlaa waa hell la Independence run. wL. v PRODUCERS TO BE HERE TONIGHT V IIJiON AND AND11F.W8 AMB COM 1KQ TO PRKPARK LOCAL MJU KOR KNTKRTAINMKNT TO BIC OIVKN HHRK BOON George Wilson and Ed Aadrewa, tha well known producers, will ar rive la the city tonight for the pur pose of preparing for the Ma ea tertalnmeat'to be glvea bar darlag tho Oral week, of next month. They will be accompaaied oy it. it. awwau, urcompanlat. The opera to be given by tka Blka has uot yet been decided upoa. "Pla aforo" haa been suggested, but tha Mikado" appears to be tha favorite. At a meeting of the lodge to be held tonight a anal decision will arwkably be reached. It la urged that thai be a good' attendance at tha 8HANOHAI, Nor. . It la re ported tbat.Chlaeae troops ara eea- centratlag at Pekla, aad ara prepared to march agahut the, Rnaalsas la President Yaaa la waUarad U he powerleas to prevent (he hreeklag oat of hoatlHtlaa. Several iremlaear aaarals ara be hind the meremea? to atort war. to drlra tha Resetaas tram aad It la beUered that the will be deposed iaUeereatef hla met falling la with too ataa. PRETTY JAP IS MADLY IN LOVE MIX HON AWAY WfTH JANITOR Of THK SCHOOL SHB HAS AT TKXBfle) PARBXTI OHMOX AN START tCARCH awste.'aatfiartlaa ae Issued to pretty lt-yaar-eM Daka Harawaka. a Japaaeee felga aeheel girl, aad Rage Caatodto, tha Pert Rieaa JeaRor ef the aeheel the girl attended, followlag their slspeaaeat here. Since the girl's lafataatlea for Ue Janitor became known la her ewa home Daka haa beea cax.ers.lly guard ed. The girl araded the rlgtlaaee of her uncle aad gwardlaa, H. Hara waka, who then appealed to Hui The etate law, prohibits the rlago of Occidental aad Orteatala. Mlaa Daka. who waa taatoff a school course with the desire of be coming a teaeher, to aa aeeeatpltohed musician, aad a fftrl of marked beauty GRAND FKATJTR FHOBCOTIOH AT TKMPLR THRATHR TONHHR The Vltagraph eompaay for one of Ita greatest feature producttona aaa cboaea "The Lady of Ue Lake," of Sir Walter Scotfa greateet aeea By carefully atoetai their leadlag players la the porta moat aulUWe tor them, aad by Ue aid of beautiful Ukee aad delta, they hare mad thto feature oae of the heat they hare yet released. .. This picture la oae that wlU be ea Joyed by alt who are ferUsato eaoagh to aee It. Toatoht aad tomorrow night. A good, comedy by the TBagraph eompaay to addltlea to tha feature makea a complete Tttagraph program The uaaal artee of tea cento for ad mleslea. SISEMORE TALKS TO H.S. PUPILS FOmTKLAMAI PtlPlLw Toeal aalsetlsae. whtok www aea;arr ea. Her roloe to.rleh aad aweet, aad her alagtag waa lewdly apptoaded. Ska waa aoromaaatod by Hogue oa Ue ataae. MRS. ARNOLD GETS BAD NEWS RRCMVBa THI.aWAM AJWOTJIKV INQ THB MATH Of aTAm HA1I m IN PATarTTR, awAHO WAA) MTiUMOriM- Hra. D. F. AraoM reeelred a tele gram anaounetag the deatk ef her aged father. O. H. Kelae, at Payette, Idaho. Hr. Keleo waa 7 yeara, meatae old. a aatlre of Ohio. HeMredwttk kto oldeet aaa. He Is aarrtred hr fear cblldrea. two aoaa aad two daughters, his wife harlag dted. sev eral yeara age. Trial lalted Preen !errteo , CINCINNATI. Nor. . -A Jwry waa selected today tor the trial ef the National Cash whleh started at Tom Lyons, the egg king ef Uttle Klamath, was la the city today from hla ranoh aouU of Ue otty. He brought la forty dotena of fresh egga for the total market, ' , LOST Karatose.coBtalalBff letters and papers. Including pateat mads out to O. B, McDonalo. Ftader leave at Hwaldamaa.. --- Ritchie Thinks He Has It Over Wolgast Mlftf .If !) If I i i -ni -r miUrJfilltt, V. I - 1 riMllBKlAlfJ f " ' ''-A li t! ( . f t' r 'i ', Mra. Wyaate Weaaa wJamawKaaf r u IM la Mat a Buw. BfeaS SB t war aaawar m mw m awamf mas BS , to Hafawst i toteawkwsaaM - amwwWwl asaTwVp faWgagrawawar 1. West, aaStodw aaa taeHresef, lama sassfJsc.s4 TMatotas CltlMmm, weHahtsto amvamt,M ' ' ' -" - ami g fAdhmai sTam I tan WwrmjmsjaT w-ywrnma Hsaawm gmmmrn, Tawgrnmamjamy mw. , ; awawmiAFl'ijgwawaTawawe' "awHi w ewewar smmaafwmji ajmrnam BjgHma majsmmaf- amj ammy eaweVaVeVg) ffaaawaw it, ' VW A. tm - .. . "v' ...-,-.. .1,(1 "' , aMB OOH AtT0H,rr--"- --7--w- '-! , ...mm aaV aa- v SWJW . SaaBWfem , SBWaaaBWa SBwrnswar mwVmneVaPww awmAwaWaw mwVgsgeBwwg? emw djdjl aVmrSSt wssSjaar aaamwaSjaajgwamwaW sMMb) 'awiaWTmOVR aamsi.V her lesto, 'aw gsak .'. .v aaamaaa'tha aak aaa at ehaaa'BBam The ktok sshsm Mmmssy w- yrmZutSTmS 1 doaWy eatertatoed bsto meralaff by n,tMII nay m. a tmi,mm." , n : LeakMBaaaeaaadLlaardamiaators. !- '"' f '-L '-.'rTT r Mr. sissmsre am a skstt task to Hr.,Wj-i msllis emassm-Hmfd ' ; A Htos Le-toe Mass aeat gas Swe ' "V'f '' 'Vf V l J , : ' W ' NABS ARE If BE 0PHE0 lf WawJ Smsaal aarmrmVarwS . swst wSSaaWar .- - i - -h - itte THaoomnv ' 'v."1 V ATks i eemwr'sswrt wsemr" seas aaa seea aMamvj i , ( j b MOae read ks4.hsssxJhigamammwl-.J' " u. "l -',ii -ef by Abet'Ady aad Mtotoad dtotrtot. nitltleaai far ha J. awaywajaaaawjpewmi waaj ww av ethers. It la to UtrdrssA K. Drew'aaA rattar. ' , O. yi ', r wm ssksA sw Oasstoa . , etkavs. AtotoTsaas ' Viewers were agistotsd to set ea aha aetHtoa st J. H. Haawc.aaA sM.v' ' " '' sea fee a vaaal BBjsjvsiias MS) ammeasjp t - aaske PetoA'rsa. Tas itowars tf .,o i ssmjaawgamm mrwmjwai saaje emto aemwawawmwjBwa) emmmm James Dims r f, ,, '?(,. - -" v' , v. SAM SHfPPS K WTOf PUSH j i- NaUre Son Would Like to Ha?t Winner of Forthcoming. Match Take Entire Purse. & A 'SAN FRANOISCO, Nor. II. Wel set's Ulkef atoppmg RUehle la, to rouadaaet tas aatlre aoa'a goat this atteraoea. aad ha toned the follow. tag atatomsat; - - -,v If he'to so sure, ww'w allow toe wlaaer.totaUeesAlraaaraet Isto talk to all a Mwt. make III sosads Sat at riatsWe. wUl sarstms BtoVksw'eaaj l(m as jf1 - - w ato IswAiaMl Shea I H ji , Rtteato wetohed aubHaiy tow attar. He ttoaed tas ssam at IWth1 1 Ami nwwve i. to uuyi uammwm, t jjcmnmwamc -,,f-- NaTW TOmiC,) Hs?.." . , Bshoi'ae was iwtossed atom has Tsmfm ''a, wFewawayg. wBjia sjaamaaamji waa) wammwemmwgaF emmt whleh as.hBsesa;asW tMa'' mtossd. . ' . .... 'V' M ' K mtm.mwm, PSFePsaSsTm W wawPjaPBPP sJamTBHsSB'S etoak swawmm awwmawmmmr wawmae maaa it SmM 5 wTf4yWWBewT rBW hstsffiaafAad ga.whavas A Vi -T. '..,- V MtoSxft M SSMS !'. v, .fr 1 cC' V w1 M O j V i. . 1 m i.