tt. n ', M Vv . vrruw hv tbb NMWI SBHVICK mi ttcnirta ffal5. -.,j f'ijjwiS4 't-iv ,J , ;, c v ,'u . , ', r ,.5 . v fcA W.V'-J "If .V . ";. j fflnnv pw iltl 1 , I " T'1'-)' 1 I ' Oil rmmrm wmn, wme.mmmi ' " " " - " - .'M , eTBU YearNo. l.fflft KMMATH PAM.H, OKUGON, WKIlNKHDAY, NOVKMBKKM, IM wmmmmmmmmmmmmm..i ' ! Ci i ' tywJ! e:-s j , - Uncle Sam Wages War On Medicine Fakers . , .vg ' '' ; . R Many .'? IT 'i -.i- K CARNEGIE MEDALS URGED FOR BRAVE POLICE OFFICERS MAYOR OP MM ANUKUM START TMK MOVMMKKT Mm Who Ttrtwti! Police la Mualli bMwUM a Owrn Mmmmt. flw Wm Ueavkted of Herglary Ye Ymm A, Bat Ktdreeeil oa le IWiw lu IMacua Mted rree iwi tee ' U)t ANOKLHH, Nov. 10-Tke man ait yatUrday drov omcir from tin pike atatloa, UreaUnlBg to explode t bet of dyaamlt, today aavs his : , m U Kmrt Heldebacb, formerly Ma Wurtemburg, flermany. Hv Mf that be baa hundreds of pouaa at aWalU cached In Ham Hernardlno iijl aawor aiiuimi iu ...... . - la Alir f'arnaaia Ud4Lt (tr Detectlvee Broniie. Hoetck and I jlleajKtld, who subdued the dyne- Timber Assessment is Ordered Reduced County Board of Equalization Final ly Reaches Conclusion Regard ing Timber Owners' Protests Timber wlilcli I. conquered almost .kltuated In Hie vicinity of Creaccnt, la.ccM.lble at tliU time will bo tub. "y. and ' 'r "" rl tho Jetted to . cut uf 26 t-er cent In Hi..'0""1' r . M assessment made for thle enr. ,,,., .. ,MOi .,,0o nJ 90 cnti. Thli dcclilon ttacbcd by lho ltli n rnto of GO cents thousanJ on out r a oi auRiiuuon inn luunuug, wmio ur. und ffecu let than ono-iiurter of tho tlmbvr In tho county. Tlie timber attected by Ibu cut U None of tho limber on cither ildo of tho lake or In tho vicinity of Fort Klitmnth li'ftffected by the cut. PRACTICE GAME IS El VCOURAuING Tlioto who enjoy Reed actinic and beautiful arenery ahould not ml thli Kratid production. Atlliouxb thli fea ture wai aecurrxl nt n ronaldcrabte el .'r'nir, the price of admlulon will not I ho railed. A good Vltasraph comedy (will complete tho prosram, maklnu n I omplete Vltagraph program. ..I HKIH HCHtHIt, TKA.M Wll.l. UK I.V mi'KllATlVll TAKKH UNTO OOGAN TELLS OF ACTS OF ONION HIGH OFFICERS I'UltPOHK OP CHAKW: OP NAMIM IH JHWUiKD McNatuara Told HUrj of Havfav Heca Hued by Uw KtWtera AaaocU Ikm, Arrordwc to'WMneeo Dl trkt AUoniey Jereeae of 'ew York Took l'rt w DyaMiilto tovaXaf . - Mow hi Part i Hulled I'reu tkrvlc INDIANAPOLIB. Nov. :0-Patrlck lagaa, a former aaomber of Uo local Ironworkera union, rwumed the atand thla morning at the trial of the labor tvadera who are charged with tbo Illegal tranaportatlc of dynamite. Ha teatlled ttat John McNamara bad told that the araetora aaaocUtloa bad aued blm. Preeldwt Ryaa order- Senators Will Probe U. S. Soldiers Home -V Charges that Barracks are not fit for Habitation and that Food Is Bad will be Considered CRUSADE STARTS IIIAITflfTItt CITIES OH CdAST '.,vtv.v :,a '.: ': United 1'raaa Bervlce IJOB ANQBLBS, Nov. 10 feaaton Jonoi, Catroa and Chamberlain to day atartad aa InveaUcatloa of the National Holdlera Home. It kaa been cnarged that the barracka are unfit for human habitation, and that the !ood la bad. There have been maay eomplalaU legareHag tk aelaien kaata darlag tka aat few yean. a4 Ue tavatttga- tioa by eeauatttM tka United etatea aeaata kaa kaaa Uraateaidtw I loag Urn.., The lavatlaaetlem la aaiieOi ta laat for a earn alderabU latk at as Uere will be maay Ined. LIDRARY CLUB HOLDS MEETING Attorney Hay dlacaeoed tka Nbjaet aloag general line. Dr. Haat eaake ,or ue retauea ei eaiptHu aw and B. U. Cklleete eaokf of tae kejat coat of llvlag- J I laHal l'r rxv i U ANUBLKN. Nov. lo.ll.rtllllon , Item ibov that Ibe dyaanalter U ILmm atiHwcer. convicted of bur- !Wr bare two years ago and reteued m tehAtle. He refutes to discus 11 ! Haw Oartar maadf Tk recently prepared aldermanlc luler will be presented to tbo city vataett at the.aeit meetlag to be bold VeMmber I. according to a decision Mtkod by the ckarter committee lata S; TRAIN TAKEN OFF 1 CHILOQOIN RUN ANNOUJfCKaiBNT OP CaUNflK W MADH BY VOOAV AOKNT OP niiBHaTMlWK PACIPIO TWO TRAINS WKKKLY HKRKAPTKH Agent Ball of tbe Houtbern l'a lie announced today that hereafter taste will a hat taa tralna a weak U CMIouIb, atMd7 at4 Friday of j " ,wea. navafeiwfw .-- , aw operated a Wedaeaday train, but H ml trill be dlooMtlaued. : The train orth from tbl ;; ty oa Piraay will mm to Kirk, tbe . preaeat (ormiaaa a uie iiao. n: t OINIIt HMAPK TIIK POIITII COMI.Nd OAMK WITH TIM OP TOWN HOYH A bard football '"itlce asbeld tbl afternoon by tbe high school team. Tho bora are rounding Into shape nicely, and tucy culm tttey will make It Interesting for tho town team. The practice this tflernoon was do- voted largely to loimntlona and sig nals, and both worked smoothly. Tim nrectlco was by far the best hold yet, and this was possible on account of a stirring little talk that Mr. Nccait. tho coach, made to the boys tliU morning. Meanwhile the town boys aro prac ticing regularly, and aro learning many of tho fine points of tho game. Tbe matched game will lane piaco on Thanksgiving Day, nd I cbed- uled to start at 1:30, Those who ar looking for a berth on tbo high school team aro Kdwln Co. Korreot Poll, Kobert Hlgg. n.. Mill. Louis HCL'lur. liarum ItlNVW lo.ri.r ixon Holler. Tneo. case, joo Rkelton, Hy Orom, I.oiana iiaiues, Henry Stanley and Harold reese. lady mWt THE EMPIRE THEATRE Tho beautiful three-reel produc tion taken from sir waiter .-.. famous poem. "Tiio war oi . . .... m ..i miiiiFiii bv me Vlia- ...III I.- ..VMAAIltAtt Prl- graph company, wm .. r. - - - . iitay ami Thursday evemu. HIMHKI.P HKTTKIl HALF td him to deposit tbe union' money IhURIRCT BtKVOMJTtOMAKY TKM- IMC.VC11M IN satXMWwtfOa, LKAB BY O. AiKKAUMC, MKatBKRH OP CLUB mPKAK i n.t.r Ihn nana of Q. W. Clark to k .n.,ri.. Urania wu liaued thlalblde bla Ideality. Tka wttneea Ideatl- lternoon to Herbert (lllllle) Ayerltid a bankbook wklek Ue govarm- land Mlaa Haiti Wilson. Mr. Ayera meat produced. Is a linotype de-rater employed lul Tha wlteMeaUaVUat V. (- this city. tls Wilson reside nere.iaoT. Jonn ncwamara aa a-- i BaaklaiaU Utt aikt. Tko ind ha. many frleaa In Klamath that uwtrw wraey. Jerome -."" B.m.attRmM T-a Palls. aummoned Kyan regaraiag yaiiiej - ""--," 7 L. H. Batk Uft tkla afteraaem far BakercteM, CaUf., o a baata Ho assetta to be aaae tear or ro. A meeting of Th'e wedding occurred thU afUr- r.utrage In tbo KuL He .wore thAt cle In Eoaolo." Ie4 by O. A. ,.con l the Presbyterian rnante the In 190R be beard Hockln at ualoa "J "? "" J tcirmony being porfortnc by Iter, headquarter dlscu. the Detroit dy- tlon to the banking feature of Uo .1. S. Stubbleflcld. r.amue ouirage. ,.,..- BUI ed kla aaa froas Lawreava'a, atara to Ua baHatog aaat ef ,.. r.umr.lBraa.'a awaaatr. '5 at tae.boaae of Bar. Spanish Grafters Appeal to Man Dead About a Year Letter Offering Opportunity to Make a Fortune is Sent Here Addressed to M. W. Espy. The Form oi me Letter is Sterotyped and Presents Appearance. .'. mmmia MMBMHMB ZT.V ' t. v - rmj A aambor ef Ue aewato aav aaam aaaar Ue lmprels ;aaM,aW.aaaB for oatalde patata w aet aaeNi,am Sunday. Postmaster Briadeabarg sUtea Uat Uo amU la rtv4 aad dispatched Ua aame o Baaday aa M other days, the only dltoreaco la Uat the mall arriving oa the afteraoea train I not distributed to Uo base for local delivery until Moaday. week at the Temple theater. Hnanlih arafter don't keep well posted on tbo vital statistic of their Intended victim. ThU waa demon strated by tbe receipt bore of a letter addressed to M. W. Epy. who died horo about a year ago. Tbo letter I of tho stereotyped form used by the tnun who have for year been flooding ii.. iinttod State with tbo appeals for i..i.. ii,.i,tin out tliu bait of u for- M-.' ..w.... tune. i-liu 1llr felluws: M. W. Kapy, Ksq., Soda Water Man- ttfacturer, Klamath Kail, ore., "Dear Sir I know you only from .nut mffinco of your honesty. My ad Isltuatlon compel mo to rovoal to you an Important affair In wlilcu you can procure a modeat fortune, saving at i... that of my darling unuBuier. aw TBfkjjMVMaamaawBBaaa Bam gaVgaaaaa aVgamai waV 'gVB1" - " aV ff llw ,- -- - i """ w a w "lluforo being ImprUoned her I Saw mm aaej - ..M F WM Mtabll.hed a. a baakor la Bu.- v R.C. Short Proves itb5A--.rss dmfaia) '0 gaTaiaT w 'newspaper which have published my . ,. -T--1 -.-InrriMit In London. iti- '.- .AMA gaIIbi liVi Acres Oil "i "cu yu to be,p m t0 obu MAUmj 9WCUlUi7C vh- ww i ii.. mt Fnr 90 Per Acre. I ' -I 77- Crops Brings uooa ncium.. Klamath Farms Pay: n um of 40,000 dolUra to come 'here to raise the seliure ot my oag ftugo, A reel aatoto deal w conaummat- 'a Tuesday wkloh llluatrate ua V vain of farm Una la the Klamath eouatry. It waa Ua aaU;6f 100 acre , f:lMi MM tkaWBIia;Wig. -taanut eltv. by ?Uur llaMMra to R. C. airtr MO ttaora. w ' Wiu r.fieH IM naw p ! ; formerly lrt of tb oia ei.. ranch, and )t wa aftr careful oon aMwatloa'of his profit that he made taeSurcnao. Aiier !. t--' watafroBt. J60 for taxe. and allow- lagT8 for Inter" on tn mrw- meat, 'Mr. Short tounu i - -r sotted h ." aM " H.JO r hundred wn. i mvim to the registrar ot tho I court the oxpne ot my trial and ro- Icover my portmanteau, lnaapnioio to recover tho ald um. f a re ward I will IW" P l m a"v part, Vl.i 180,000 OOliara. "I cannov rei - . the prison but you must n4 a cabla- gram to a penon of my connuouw, who wl " , . . ' "Awaiting your cable to Instruct you In secret, I amlr, youra Uuly. "Plrst of all answer by cable, not by letter aa follews: "Senor Luelpo, "Mendci Alvaro 39, "Madrid, Spain." The newspaper clipping follews: AflllKST OP A 8T. PETERSBURG UANKER CHAUOEU WITH PRAUD IN RUS- BIA AND MANSUAUOHTER IN Sl'AIN INTKRVIKW OP THK TWO AMUASSAD0R8 Some mouths ago, aa our reader mav rumember. wo referred la tbeo columns to tho sreat tcandal caused lu St. Petersburg, and la, Russia gen erally, by u noted banker; who ab scondod, leaving a deleit of over five million rubles. The Russian police sought for, niaa tor a long time In vaia, ror it aeema ho had not left tho leaet trace ot hi tllght, and tho continued aearck 6ver Kuropo and America proved unavailing. Yesterday, howover, a Spaaian in spector accompanied ,by two olBcer from Scotland taru, wum u dar instruction of the Spanish Am k.u.dnv who had nravlously Inter viewed the home McraUry arretted i,i.., n iiis way rrora iae aoisi ho wna itaylng , to Ua ateamhlp loBce. It oema that It waa hi evi dent Intention to toko passage ror New York, Prom Information re- ivj hv the ambanaaor. he baa been In hiding In Spala;' where he lived with a woma wtu n daughter. A few daya before arrUlkf la Londoa he had Quarreled with aa- I '" ii' issi'aai tai L 'v "''' ' Beta) Baawa1 w'Btaaw,liila'' --- namaa - -- maaa aaaBiMst, V IBMa, AaTwBaWaBBalwwaBammB tfaltee: tr Saretae ' l " rk, WAMIM8TON. D. O. Maw.awA' '..:' letaaaater Oeawal Mil it ink' toftjT '! ' ordered ,tk lmalBiwm'aWat ffr- !'; 17 aaeaeJaotorer W"egBj aAt ' .alilas am 7t t tkllBlw ,. . ' . : r etatea. Tka wmm ef ,IM.aaWae.,, WUSaTal Saarm. PiaaSiaS iwMMaV WaWBafafdf . were' et mimM& a "K - ;..' ve -Tke .MAWMaaa M-.B ' . .J r W.,-,ere;erfar;.an,,-. , , . ejaaiae1 aaa,e, eawBBaj, ay law Juj-mvaT- - jjililMnT mHtf "TfT?-? a. (' i-, , ,i(f ' vW MtL ftr.-j?- - . e. i. J .yaAeJUv- ki it DONART BETS AN ESSAY PRIZE i CaitedPreaa IAN sntANCttOO, Ho.., eral eaUera awattai iImHm here, aa weH ai WtHrttnaaYa Loa Aagolaa a4'aaay aaiaWat towns.- There wttl ateeaMr.fte aader erreet tt' aeaa , towa. HM. ..l. .." kyCAITUVIMITA - '-.t- r- '-,,Vi', ' . , FACE W other Ruaalaa. who waa mortally woundsd by a revolver ahot during the acuRte, and who only lived loag onough to denounce bis aasallant. in aa Interview with the Ruaalaa aabaaaador, It eeau Uat Ua aame ho had been ualng la Spala. aad which he gave oa being arretted waa not his real one, Maaatoelaa being Imply an alibi, but attar cotapartng .. . .- -t .-,.. i.i. tbe pruoaer wun pBowgrapua iu hw possession, .tbe Ruasiaa ambaataaor rAcovnlud hl aa Alexia Ivaaomltcb, the crlmlaal banker who eloped with Dye million ot ruble;, he U a native ot Bt. Peteraburg, a widower, year old, wlU aa only daughter, Uat h left la Spain oa escaping from; that country. nn halna- arrested two ot Mana- aolaa'a or Alexl Ivaaovotch portmaa- teau were seised, but although strict; iv arched nothing but personal ef fect were found In them, in apue or which tbe Russian ambassador ae .i,m that tha orlsoaer ought to have several million ruble some where. V Th Ruaalaa aad SaaaUh amoaaaa- dor conferred yetorday evealag a to whether tt'e prlaonor akouW be conveyed to' Spain or to;Ruata,faad after aa Interview with tha bom aeo- retary, aad la aecordeac with. the. extradlUoa treaty ot England. Russia aad Spain, it. waa agreed uat ue p'rlaoaer ahoahi be eeaveyed to Spam toVataad kla trial tor maaalaughtar, and "bhat only after kla trial can tka Rawiaa' goverameat . aakt spam, threurk dlptoaaatle ekaaaoK. for kla oatradltloa. , LOCAIi BOY WIJW OOaWKTI- TfOft PP aWBT WBfTTBN COM- rwmox on tub bbcrst KLAMATH COUNTY PAIR Walter Doaart ha beta aaaouaeed aa the winner of the pony wklek waa to be given to the writer of tko beet essay on tbo last Klamath coaaty Pair. The succeetful 'ceateataat ,wa formsrlr a atudaat of the kick aehoel. Tha eatar. along with the dUfereat photograph of Ue fair wlU ee aeed for boostlaf Klamath county. Th nriia. aa trat asmoaaoea. waa r''rr .... i. " . i. iia mnia niM. nut laiap' am uauy 'ja ayrw . .. . a.. m. ..j ikia iftwaaaa to Jaaaea B.'PaaW B4 Biseaaoro i. rvi " -..-. , . ; -- - waa the prlao awardew Mr. Deaart. i-eia.-ay iaaaei j-a. m r'i rS il'MA'l, V: t"r'X-i ; t: iu wswaaa Btaaaaaaam'tBBT BaawrYa .. w . -. . , r ,. &." YBUB-OUBOV ' 'i &&.V .1, H. " . ? Calted Preaagerwea.H I (- t mawriua: Mav.Mv Ta awtawl Jury la a apeetal reaeirt wtoraa .tai ladleUMat tgalaet; J.jFaagdt liaaf, ekargku kka wRk aM-eerka Uawat, ree. i' . " f He la aecuaed of adrtoT.1 remt : ... . . w- ,.;, , i .!. w-"- -- r - t n rrrr- ''ft '.SJ '-. j Vi . y mm t .ii' Captrtfc v- J. ?.,t., M ' 1 '.. aV ,tV : ... e ----J m. tl.. ltU Man wno is joeucTcu uww ,, , . .iV.a-Li n . ' ' aii m t. '' "' i up a uuoniii ,twwriM.i,wBji-,, ( When He SptnWtij MKDPORD. Nov. l,Qoite Brew. t 1 t : . ' v allaa 8.. C, ttaKb'I waa arretted karo; War- lurday algkt., f ,. , .' Polio wing 'the robbery Browa v k " -t today fer,Ue keW-afefU . 3 rea'a aaleea V HIR. CalH.,'iMu V) iV it. V iKS , ;a;uaagrth blm' H,M. and a The rttklaaa seat km tu,W Wpeatae, 1 .'!l" ,W i gMaoX'waafal'Bijbwg aartkpi4B.f;A)y;- ;''l ' awMiaer la vatak aw BoawaeP. ' aojtja) , eawawaas waa , f. mat aaaBaam '-'jl ' ' r'!LtWa: a. -l ,SBalBl n.? ;i .'.- i; v.f i , "" P --i nsawTiitik :vi