'-., V j m MMMHMHMHMMMMMMMM "V ; Amusement The Temple Theatre Complete Clfange of Propi fgVALRT ONLY "VtMaae Vtoeei," Kaiem Drama. " Near M4YM Be far" atoejtepk Ceeaedr. "A WeM-Wasted Mawcs," Pathe Comedy. "Bread Upem tfee Waseca," THE EVENING HERALD W. 0. SMITH. Pubiiehed daily mm saedar Mr Mm Herald .Pabtlealat OMHW ef KtomaU rails, at til Peer St, Batered at Ue poetomee at Klamath Patls, Oregea, tor traaamlBsloB through Ue malle as inn-Iih matter. subscrtptloa terms by mall to aajr ad dress ta Ue Catted States: 0b year IS.Ot Oae month 59 KUtMATSJ PALI OMOOS TUK8DAY. NOV. 1. ! Game Laws Will Be Revised At Salem Conflicts Will Be Eliminated To Aid Sportsmen, According to State Game Warden Finley. v. Aix usjimi.u wcrtnuBS T 4 Hi W.M.TIMMS fflMfll ItMfi Cldmflftt VOTIw B1MV wjrwfJBgBjgBjjBBjBK Whmth Vmm di.mrptt we rimers an epeea tat ftaaa aeseta aad rage a aaammBsmvlJBl JBamBBItBBBB "BBJPBBWBW vSaVAmBBBB' BIT Tout wnrrirs WO OD y lWyflaWoy$3cd Block Wm4,V50 load AB & Co. WojM Yard fsLssMUIX.IMr. Leave sreefe at- ssaaMBasawyaaiyi tM Block Wood milts fat La . OBA1 Leaf ereerg Cigar Man. w. iferwla- 'a Mil. FOLK'S aaUWi jf nisiie Directory I mAwmmmr cMva sad I BH VeBBBBjme ftWalpj ajHBaBndjQgTa) aBBBWMBa OT H FORMER WIFE THANKS LEWIS WIDOW OK MUKDKHKD MAN SAYS THAT 8MB HVKI) WITH MVBRY OS VRAM, GRSATLY AGAINST HKR INCLINATION Caltad 1'resa Servles SAN DIBQO. NaT. la. Hihert O. Lewis, who waa aeaeKted kara tor Ua UUtac of Mrs. Kate TatUrar. baa received a tattar from a Mrs. M. M. MarUa. eagreaslag bar delight at kla aceBtttal, aad addtag that aha waa TeUlm'a wife for IS years. "I waa young thta." tbo latUr reads, "aad fait that I mutt atajr by him ta save him. It waa IS yaara ef martyr dom." Lewie to to ba triad eeoa tor klUteg TolHver. whom ba aceaaaa of attack lag Mra. Uwla. Mr. aad Mra. I, a llsamore, Mr. aad Mra. Jaa. Peltea aa4 Mrs. Cet- chatt earn la Wat might from rort KtomaU. Mrs. Calehatt b n aw war koma la Waod. aftar a vtoit wHb Mr. aad Mra. Pestoe. Oregon gama lawa will probably undarao a comolsta revision this com ing wlntsr at the baud of tha tsgla- latura, It plana that Blato Cam War den Fluley U now working on mature. Ua la engaged Ik caratully golag over all tha existing atatataa pertaining to the propagation, rotaUoa aad killing of gaute ot tha atata, recodify- log aad revising. Glaring Inconsis tencies that ara bald to bo distinctive ot Oregon's preaeat coda ara balag cllntlaatetl for tha purpoaa ot giving buutera equal rtghta everywkere. Abtaaa regarding tba akootlag ot duka aad dear ara receiving special attcatloa. Tba geaeral atata code aaya that deer may ba shot all ever the atata from August 1st to November 1st. Tha limit tor each buatar la are. At tha preaeat time there estate a sep arata coda applylag to Wallowa, Ualoa. Umatilla, Qraat. llaraey aad Malheur eouBtles. tka whole aztrema aattara portion ot the atata, wklek allowa the sheoUag ot dear oaly from September 16tk to November 1st, a dlfaraace tor huatars of adjaeeat counties ef oae aad a halt moatka. It Is manifestly Impossible to eaforeo such a coda.the game wardaa holes. Per lastaace. tka character of por tions ef Morrow aad Umatilla cana lise to exactly the same, especially atoag tha two adjaeeat borders. Oama la Jast aa pteaUfally la each. Tel huatars ot Umatilla can't cross tka lias to Morrow to kaat aad take their game back with thaw. There are many violations here, aad the gama departmaat of the atata to almost powerless. IslltttL raakfaat a la.earta aeaf " every ev BtS. V .It IMf wooi fa OtMlal iTUJafj OX MsOWT NOnOB CtoMwgfteal raeae 1IT. " ox Maka M. Wood Wood i n Wk Wfti i ta. $2-5al u u m uu Uijimi UU m I2ii -.-. . ;.K. Traairr Co. Just Think Year Terr Ufa depends on what you oat. It behooves you to be particular, ft yea ara par ticular about groceries we waat yon for oae of our customers. We pride ourselves oa tha klgh class goods We sell, aad tka oddest service wa give otr patrons, wi kara groceries fer portico Uf people. eMMKMsW WMVttU VmUTAaXKg V VaitNKiper Bros. Ptric8s Don't Cfiew the Rag ' But go ta the BkasU aad bar soma gam. , Twsaty-foar 4if ereat hraaas aay ef wkkk' wW slaaea year teeth sa4sweetea year breath. The Ollmai dMMalatw. Deck shooting regalaUeas are aroch tka same, la Clatsop, Colum bia, Maltaomak aad other couatlea of tka Taller south to Coos aad Curry, hooting begins September IStk aad lasts aatll January lltk. At tka prea eat time la Wasklagtea eouaty kuat rs rsaaet go alter ducka aatll Octo ber 1st aad Ua aeaaea lasts unUI February lltk. Br reasoa ef tkto a ataa esaaet cease from Wasblagtaa eouaty aad kUl la MuUaomak sob, aad oa the other kaad, attar tka seasoB closes la MuUaomak tka Pert- toad guaaer ceaaot go to WaaklagtOB eouaty to kaat. Tka dtoerlmlaaUea Had la tka fact that maa from either ot tka couatlea, huatlag la tka ether opea seaaoa, eaaaet take tkolr game back borne with them la tha brief period precedlag or subseauaat io ibtlr own seaaoa. la Laae aad KUmath couatlea Identically tha aama coadlUoaa ob tain. The couatlea ara ot the same contour, have tka high altitude dl mate aad la all respects gama coadl lions are similar, la KUmatk ooun ty duck akootlag to allowed betwesa aVpumber 1st aad Fsbrusry 1st. la eouaty the seaaoa to betwesa aeatembar lltk ta Marek Ith Aa arbitrary Use, aemeUmao a treela- dlcstaa where a maa mar sheet sad carry gama during eertala portions ot tka year. KatraacUg views of i!ocks of ducks Just screes tke lias have proved aaraatotably tamptlag a great away times, as tbs helpless gams wardens of the two counties will aMrm. Tha game commtosloa should bo given more authority oa the game tows of the atata. There has beea a light back aad forth la tke legislature tor a Bumber of years over the gams Queetloa, aad hardly aaythiag la the close counties where game supplies aro running low, nad It should sot dales (or the seasons, t should be si lowed to gal the opinion ot hunters ami cltliens, and act upou theut. To Ubcwss Hale of Uarne A meeting ot sportsman will b hold lu l'ortlsnd luo Utter part ot tho month to discuss question ot kill- lug wild gitme tor ssle In tha public markets. Hie meeting will probably be held' within tho Bait two weeks, and In conjunction with the session ot the gnma ami Hah commission. Tha aunual utaetlug of tho dahermsa of tho stats will be held this moath also, and nrrsngeiusaU will probably be made (or a Joint session, as Interests of the two classes ot sportsmea are similar. A large assemblage la si pected, ss Mate Warden Plaley ba tistes the call be to ssadtag Is aa Im portant oae. Ducka may be sold la tha opea mar ket from November 1Mb uatll Decem ber 1 5th, Inclusive, tha sssson opea- lag last Friday. Many sportsmea ara doubtful about allowing tha sale ot a at all, aad tka qusstloa to bo dlscutsed at this meeting Is therefor vital oae. Tka big majority ot sportsmea bunt for the pleasure. On the other hand are those who have a taste for game aad who would sever be able to secure It escept (or the markets. Should thete mea approve of gama being sold, Mr. Flnlsy hss n moasurs ready to turn loose before the state legislative body that Is believed wilt cover the point to the ssltstsctloa ot every one. It Is a tagging systsm. Bach gama bird sold will first have to ba equipped with a state tag. sealed by a state oncer. This will be a leg bead. Deer meat will be tagged and sealed la the same way. This will guard against the ladUcrimlaate hill- tag ot game, aa .the proposed measure will allow game to be shipped lato tha state from aay point la the world at all sesseas ef the year. Thus ths Oregon asaaoaa could remala closed escept for the few months or weeka that ara bow opea, aad the local game supply would aoU uf or" so seri ously through ths msrket dsmsads. There would be ao objectloa to the sale at aay time of game raised la ceptlTttr. Wardaa Beads Oat Letters Cease Wardaa Platoy to securing aa alphabetical list ef all duck hunt ara la tba state whom be can ranch, and la seeding out letters asklag them to keep trsck of the varieties of birds they kill. The latter asks them to list the species as nearly as possible, sad this In n wsy would glvs the department a general idea of where tha game slsughtsr Is greatest. Tha gama department could thsa. wkaa It saw that a eertala variety of birds waa becomlag scarce, put the baa oa kllllag. It la wsll known to game experts that the wood duck to becomlag vsry scarce. Tba vsrlety to well algb ex terminated la the Bast, aad preaeat Indication are that the bird will go the way of the paaseager pigeons If protective measures are aot taken shortly,' Most duck hunters do aot kaow tbs Tsrloas vsrlstles of the common species they shoot. To help this con dition a circular Is beiag Issued by the game departmaat coatalalng da cvrlptlons and pictures of the com mon game birds of tho throe classes: wstcr, sand and uplaad. The book OLCOTT CUTS OFF LAW ROOK CRAFT 1HU MKCHkTAIlY OF NTATB IM THHKATKNKD WITH LAWaUIT IIY THIS WHOLKaALK BOOlt DKAI.KIIH OK TIIK NTATK HA1.KM, Nov. is.llscausa Sscre larr ot Slate Olcolt hss refused to ell to wholesale book dealers the Orason Isw reports at SO par vent dis count of the pries Itied by statuts, (Icorse A. Ilstesou ot Uatesoa A Co., Inc., ot l'ortlsnd, hss threatened to tiring suit against Olcolt to compel hint to allow the dealers' dUcouut. Iiateeon cites for his authority sc lion !&. Lord's Oregon Laws, which provides that the secretary ot slate "may allow Io dsslars such discounts ss aro uiual to tha trade." r In n reply sent to llsteson Olcott sold ba rouildered such discount dls- rretlsnsry with him, snd that ha would never allow such discount un less ordsred to do so by ths courts. Secretary Olcott saldt "Shortly after assuming this office I found that the law book dealers, most of them residing outside the itste. had been purchasing Oregon reports nt a discount of 10 psr coat; this msaat that the stats wss sslllag for IS. 10 ssch, books that actually cost 13.13 13 for compiling aad pub lishing, aad thereby loslag about 11,000 aaaually. la other words, the state was losing ovar 1 on every book It sold, and tho more business done, or books sold, ths less the state had to show for It, aad the poorer It became. An Individual could not long continue In business on this basis, and therefore why should ths stsUt" way of progress ken beea accomplish, will Instruct as to tho varieties which led. Krery maa who goes to tka Isgli- are being killed the meat raaldlr. aad blch vsrlstles srs of Ua most agri- toture lavartobly kaa a pet measure, and some ef tke legislation Uat has beea developed shows Uat tba mak ers ot ths bill aad ao kaowledge of coadltloes. Tka ask aad gama eom- mlasloa to looklag at Uto from a seleatlac staadpoiat. its mea ara coasUatly studylag Uasa Ulags out Tke eommlesioa akould kave tke same power tkat to givea tke railroad com- mlssloa. It akould ba allowed to V yV fftttf7l Car. dead Mabi II rP, C.fcarlson FISHING TACKLE Wa kara everyUIng j" aesd far tkat aahlag trip; ae, redd, reels, ate. .We rat aad eamBieM '"J TUX GUN; MOM 9. B. CftAIJBKM ta I 1 1 Ojgij bbBbBbHsI1 V1 .daBBms. bBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBI LsaamBaBaBaBaBaBaBalamll BaBaBaBaBaBaBBaWtBaBaBFaaglBaeBS cultural and horticultural value. Since .August nearly 1,000 ptess- aata have beea liberated la all sec- lions of the state. Of Chinese PhesS. ants an bsvo besn released. Desldes a taw golden and silver Dhau.nt. . r -", isv rsevas nsvo beea tarasd Ioom rsay more will have beea set cit to prciwgaU tbslr kind before the yenr la ovar. SINGLE TAX WAS VERY UNPOPULAR VOTK MHOWM TMAT TMK rXt-XT- OHM HaUUC DO NOT WANT INK MKAHURK TMK BANKIM1 LAW OCTH OKKATbmT MVIVORT According to tbs oBclal couat. which haa Just beea compiled by Ue secretary of stats, tha most popular measure oa tha ballot at the raceat electioa was Ue oae deslgaated aa No. 313, providing for "CoasUt,uUon- ai amsaomsat ot section i, article xi of the coastituUoa, afsklag slockbold- ers la bsnklng corporstlons liable to pay tor Ua beaeflt ot depositors aa amouat equal to the par value of the stock bold by and stockholder in ad dition to having originally paid Ue par value thereof." This msasure rs- cslvsd 11,046 sfflrrastlve votes. The slogle tas measure sppssred tu be the most unpopular to tbo voters, as there were cast 10,130 voles sgalnst It. A GOOD HOME If jroa are toot lag for a I tae rigs price, better two alecaa frees MIb etteai. tVe complete to) every detest, aad Use price only aa,BM, oa eaar terasa. If NO,Hf)T.WBAIlY DAY la aura to have a pleasant and refreshJag close fer those who kave awaiting thorn at horns Ust tuiary which ealy a preo. erty apaelaUd bathreem can give.. Aad modera asnllsr Plumblag hw plased Uem at tha dtopesat of rick aad poor ailka, far few purses nowadays ara at limited as aet to be able to asTerd what waa a few years asm aa almost prfeeleas lasury. If you daslra to kaew all about wbat a moderate bum they caa be tastaUed, call up ORXBLBT .t ViA you prefer to battd year owa Id Uke to show fee eeBse well Iota. Or, If yea're leakaag fer beet sao preferty, bettor taveastgala ehel 9-foot strip wHa aew aeUd iisinlj bulldtag at la,g. HwsHparroa to Investigate Uto fottowtagt a-foet lot oa Mlsmatb 'eve., at 7Tg.ee. fl-foot let am wth street, at am. owy aaew caM. A ceraer tot la Nleaoto addWIoa at BsBw.M. Ssl7B fast, lei em Creaceat are. at .. Oae ef the beat lou oa the BW at Ageate tyr Uio leadtag Nre (asar- cosaaeo of America. CrilLCOFE Paaaedwi Don't Buy Haphazard Look Ua ground ovar carefuUv and bur wkere you get Ua vary beat la quality, tha most stylish psttsras aad tba mast rsllabla Jswslry Ht your moasy. WB ARE ALWAYS PLBAIBD TO SHOW OUK QOODS AND tutwrrm COMPARISON, May wa serve yewt PRANK M. DPP waictimaksv Jaweser aad v S.P.gaa ''..', mamam 'S fl -i Why asapw the cow r hai ncss the "plugs" Without a light on these dark mornings? We hire a full line of Ham'iand Dirti'i CoW Blast NoB-Blowoat 4h and hud Luitcnrl "S. rrncu to wit tou WIUIAM C, HURN Rverytlitng lia AdttNlo BaBaBBaVjvmBBmBammsi .. wie nepresrai (Ure ef Hli.raiib Cla; g o0s - il,. Ui.i... ... ... . "wai. ,'lnor oilier mim tim. Ageary tut IIITI! NKWINU MACMMfai " i san ajri MCI OK 1.U.KI.NO lUVastt tlmAe, Hiallnnrry sad tlrtejsi lUWIMmlllsjKllfl 711 Msla Itrest. It. MAIMKM, I Kl BBJBB IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJj Mz. BJBmTMg9iJSggg I Sn iBmBmBmm J" 1 ''Prssear ?( YMKCIrtCk IS IfM 0N KdP tkat will unlock the measf ra resented In your bsak seaeaat That meaas ths safely ef yaw funds both from Us sties at ol hen and from yoar oa ss rethlou Io spend unthlskiage;. Open sn sccoual sad pay by caeca, rou'll n4 It a proposition, First Truat and Savingi Bank iqailitfc falls, Oregon DON t, Xl'MWAIff, Preside at. B. M. BVNB, Tke-Pres. asm Tsesm NBNT B. WrraWIW, gwemary. Klamath County AMtxact Co AMTtACJlrtG SMnrefbw aa4 IriigisttM aVadjgjMers v MAPS, PI.A.HB, Bl.tBfM)rTrBTt,. iMgUM!! 'SUS, OfSSl DON'T COUGH Santa to Uaisrwsara bb4 gttaktjttltdjINYAL'a White Pine and Tar It will rallav tM kriUttoM. adjtllia yaw Uvtat anal Stan tM Cdmth. gat Nttls and sastf waUtailfnt. .want stottlaa .tae U N Lt" It WOOD'S Corrvaf Main ajsd Sdnrtala ,. l WESTERN TRANSFER CO. Osare Pftoee ISM. UVSI UAOUAdW MOVIXQ ABB teBNaWAymUsamteft PIAJW ISOyTIMI 4TB1 BIBIIST fssseagara PtaBad Vp aaaySwiltared aaf Piaaa la Team il joe acoew: 7 gyoprlQT ,i A 7!T'1-'", We Welcome Small pipits Did rati aver atop to Ula" that a kaairad amaH ssseaaU Ba a baak etroager tkaa a doses krge eaasT That h(se ''""' fer urglag Ua maa ef limited bmbbj ta twamHIda baatosss wiebw- Large aeeeuals are wstoeme. toaT fer It'lstanr parpsaa to sstts ALL tba people. f ,, It matters aet waat ameaa t saeaa yea Sdva ta eepewv-'r assspt It at Uto baak. W wetoeaa. lag afsgN gefaoBffi tog, amt tMilBBbm aseargsg ie a- w will toad to him Ua aama ear Bar .SsV THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Caist ai 1 1 OTjavO '.rt i'"ti n- geaaaBjmJB ?J BmBaBmBBBaBmBBaBatBBBaBaB - - v 4