V tr ? t J vrrtMD BY TU t VMM nUM "BWw MMVICK 15 t ftifnina mim. , . ', - - a y. j.'K .i ? - tr .1 a,."' .'-. . V-frtM V iaii ' " feraakh Year No. l.lld Kt.AMATH VAIXft, OBBOON, TUKHDAY, NOVKMBBH IB, ItlS Perfumed Gun Men 1 : - "" ,irWMMMMMWMMBBMP . f- - II Mk BBBmW l Are Guilty Of Murder iff .'' 4' "''v flurdei Justice Qoff Practically Instructs Verdict First 0e&itee ' . 4 . ' ! ". .V- EtKJKK CUAK AGED EMPEROR WANTS WAR TO START AT ONCE ITUHI to. MAKHB A BTATR. MKNT MHOAMMNU MUHMHt Aa Armaatfcw Ma Hera Agreed t'poti Order to rWMH Mm Hartal of the paad) Hear Whh Twkqr l How to MM, MHb Oertala That TwHi WIN Kmm Hmwwh um wmM rmrat. Cnli4 rra Mrrle V1KHNA. Nor. t A dlalelt Iron HulapMt W t wha told of U bftyoMttlag of ComuI 1'rocb Nb at lrUhrBd, Kpror rran jOMfMMt , "t wm fr mm, but bow I an sot for taM at aay prlco." Tao RafakfMat,. a atirtpaaor, tie-Maaawar. Uuiu4 frM art 'CONiTANTIHOPl.K. Nor. 1 Tea l.ulaaflm kavo ircd to aa atiht Bear arailaHaa to bury lha daad. Ttt atoaiMarrfcrim tha aaftaw 4ara Ut a tacrine. CorpaM ara p)l4 katB wRklB and wHaout Ilia ChaUlU fcrta. VaUadPrtttMrtiea .oriA, Not. 1 Th Bubyirtaa ttralpotasUarte tr appolaUd to day U arraaga for a nral armlatlc -:ih Turkar. la Naar fnlttd Praia Sarvlca BMRUN, Nor. it. Paaea la aaar i haad la taa Balkaai. It la faarad. tuwarar. that taa partltloa of Ku (flbthiwai aa Paa 4) Lives Are Lost In Los Angeles Blaze Scorei Of People Jump From Win dows Of Burning Hotel. Number Are Misting. t'allad Praia Strriea iowph Martia, a Jiwelrr clirk. IM ANUKLKB. Nor. IS. TbrM, Jail. Maloav, hotal enflnwr. pMpr. ar. kaown to bo dtad and Mn. Harrington' biby wi prob- twlr. paraona n Injured lu a fltrlablr fatallr burned. Prank Uoclutbd which occurrad la lb. St. Oeorga bojhli wlfa were aUo terlouilr l( aot tel. Pour of tha laur.d will prob-' fatally burnad ably dla from tbalr lajurlra. Tka known daad ara: Mia. Ckaa. Marrtagtia, aa actraaaJ REV. 0RENDEL MAKES ADDRESS WBtA KNOWN IX)CAL MINISTKR TRLUt OP HIS UPK WITM IN Df ANHTBU OP TBKIR OVfl TOM AMB MAJNHHM m Ror. J. 0. Hraadcl of lha Baptlat churcb gara tba itudaaU of tka hbjk aebool aa lataraitlBg Ulk about tha ladtaaa thla noralag. Ha flnl told of bU own Ufa with lha ladtaaa. and than ba ibowad aoaa of tba coaiumM wnicn mej wora. Ha alao gara atatlatlea to bow tbat tba Indiana war. not do craulng In aumbara. Ha aald tbat whtla tbara waa a parlod from lio to ItOO, In wbtcb tba Indiana ware on the decrease, from 1900 to the pre ent date there wm a great Incraaae In lha iBdlan population. He stated that the majority of tha people of the Servians and Turks Slain in Big Fight Report U Received that 20,000 Lives Were Lost in Three Days ngnt ing Before the City Falls Bcorea of people leaped from tho rlndowa of tbe burning building Into life Beta. United State bad bo knowledge of tha Indian, or of tbalr true life. Ha salt exhibited aoaia ladhw rellea, which lie ha carefully pre ferred. Among lib) poeeIOBa he baa an old ladlaa toattoaa, or drum. Ha aara tha atudenta a aood Uluetra- Uoa of the war tha daaee, aad ha told of the aid ladlaa faaata aad aara Btoalaa. Rer. Breadel. baa latlmate kaowl- adga of tha Indian, harlag beea a other tribe far tweatyeae yaara, MANY FAVOR SELLING GROUHD HMALL PKRCKNTAQK OP VOTKRH HKI'LV TO LKTTKR8 RKCKNTLI HKXT OUT BY THK KLAMATH OOUNTV COURT CITY CONVULSED OVER EXPOSURES OF DEGENERACY HPTKK.V MHff ABB NOW VNBKK ARRBBT IN rOBTtVANB AMaaaat to dear IV M. O. A. a. Thwlr mklrta OaaamBtaa U Ap- pOHK0Q vO WHalW WwawaiMaW,,,aJIW forty IVweia Am Baapeeteal ad Be bag larelraa ha MM Hcaad!. United I'ree larrlea PORTLAND, Nor. IP. Plfleea men are la Jail and thera ara about forty suapecta la tha acaadal recently made public by the coafeaaloaa ttt young boy. Tho Y. M. O. A. ha appointed a 1.' committee of aava prominent aaal- neee me to aeeara erldeaee to ahaw that taa orgaataa'tlea ha set baea InrolTed In tha aaaadal. The city la aaarataad, aot kaawtac wha wHl ba aaaaaad aaat. Ameag thaaa aadar arreet ara Jack Rlgo, gypay rloBalat at a laeat eafa: B. Tbaratoa Hie, DvBreaaar, ara rittiH( th..A-aVC.ratiauraat,at 141 Waahtegtea atxaet; 'B. Healy, I.". . ... ... clerk la a fwrlat'a eetabllahmeet; H. L. Rowe, credit maa (ar oae ot the big wholeeale hardware Irma; Barl Van Halea, an employe of the cliam bar of commerce; vWllHem Holmaa, a drug clerk; Karl Ilrown, clerk oa oae of tbe dock; Lionel Deaae, aa archi tect; Robert Johnaon, clerk la oae of tbe large clothing itorea, aad E. Taylor, a morlng picture bouae em ploye. Tbe facta In tbe poo onion of the odcera who bare conducted tbe In ruatlgatlon are moat rerotttag. Tba vlctlma ot tbe rice clique were Although erery reglatered rotar la .Inhered 'r th. uty. with the oic.Dtlon of I7S 'aierawr aoya, bomi eteraa. aaiaamea Declared Schrarik ., Cdminajly Crazy i 1- AgMllant Of Golonal Roosevelt Will Be Cofined in i Mad Home For Life PerkxL United rPaaa larrlea HIMffAUKBB. NaT. II. Babraak, who shot CoUael RoeeereK, waa to day decUrad to ha a aaraaoae by aha aaalty commlaelea, raeaatly rapartod to pae oa hw aaalty. 8cbraak will ba aaat to aa aeylam for th. criminal laaaae far Ufa. tence will, ba paaaad toawrraw. Tha, ta. fi -IX Ualted Preaa. Sarrtee NBW YORK, Maa-.. 11-q-ClMll UooaeraH deeUaed today to tbe declelofi of tha i Mr. aad Mr. ApptagaU bare ha- coate aMgraiery. aaaany apeaaimi their wbrtar to tha lead of perpet ual aummer. but Barer falHag to re- Ura with aprbag to boma la Klamath. coy an i B MANMt OT TrYKAJMMiB WHX NOT lUCTKABfTtON nalted Preea Sarrea TOMB RIVKR. NaT. II. T. Praak Hlckey, arreeted far, tka murder of 7-year-old Jeaeph Joaeaha of Buffalo, declarea that ha will walre aatradl tlon aad aecompaay tha efaeera to Buffalo. He declare that tha charge galMt him U ridlculou. aad aaya I bat ha will proro hw laaoeeaee very eaally. hare been aaked to cipreaa aa opin ion aa to tka adrUablllty ot aelllag eourt.hauae.aa.uare, bat 4S0 replica hare baea recelred. Of thee S.'.i and other walka of Ufa. Adowatewa apartmeat bouae, the realdaaee t a coterie of the mea Imprleoaed, waa uied aa a dan of curruptloa aa rRe aa wara fararabla to tha plan to wli thalto kw It from ketag area fatatly de- property aad 187 farored kaeplag It. Thla afUraooa the remalader ot the noUcea, 175; will be aaat out. PARI!, Nat. .A telegram tram Uihuh aaya, that i,09 Turk aad Harriaaa war alato la a hattte wbleh luted tkrae 4yt,vU which pre ceded tha eatpure of MaaaaUr. Military eaaerU her Me lacllBed SISEMQRE FAVORS to part. doubt the accuracy of thla re- SEELING SQUARE rXRT KIiAMATM BANOaTBK Bet. I JKVhm THAT BKVlaW BODY OT TAXPAYKM WW OOUNTY HHOULB OUT BBNBftl wall la kaown to imore, fort Klamath rancher, tar plaa waWa will daarlre too au aayan af Ktoatath eoaato M,m fta eeeaa af aha aala of eorthaata Huar. Ha arrired la tha city laat Bight, aad today U dhwaaaiu aw acrlbad. Oaao Oaatlaaed Oa motion of the defendant, the cat of the aUta agalaat J. D. Car roll waa ceallBUtd by Judge Baaaaa thla morning uatll March S. aubjeet " x. ''"OaaH Ll with Kguatth Fall reel- aalaaga to VaiOd.Mt ha aaM Jar U 'tmmtmmtt pa-. T .... v, ,"? It la further added In tbe meaaage from Ukub that the Berriaaa aao captured 110,000,000 In caih after the city had fallen. talned for tho benefit otvafew people la Klamith rail, who, through een- iim.nt moitlr. deaire to retain n. "Tha plaa to turn tha aquare Into a market place aeema to mo rldlcu tou. la tbe Ont place the property la too valuable for tbat purpoae. Tbe plaa of prorldlag a market plaee la geod, but a better and la eipeaalre lAMtina should bo laCUrid. ? nu..i..; ..i.rM nf tha kind being plaaaed ara 'aot a. a rulo tno attraetlva aaato to tha world, aa It daaa aat aaeavto ma proper that tbe eeator af tha aRy ahould be utUtied tkmt Hawarar. that la a matter to wbleh Ua raaldenU of Klamath raUa ara aaat. lateroueu. AU of thetaaaayaraaf Ua county wlU ba aReetad by the aaU of tho property." , v. . 1? ,v nanaUtoBaaa ! Bait wm atarted la tha km'eirt tak aftoraaaa by a awaaa wmm MB't J- " varreMi rwr aarar aa a aata. w, n. amawa'ew. Wraey fw the ptalatw. .. vc 10 SKH NH1EI.I mm wm A hearing of tbe bankruptcy mat ter of B. O. 8plak U la progreae thla afternoon before J. C. Rutealc, ref eree In bankruptcy, . ' Will Brotbcrtoa came,' la from hln.Mlim Elale will aceompany bar par- liat Rlvor ranch Monday on it bud- iiit. but may not remala more thin naea trip. a month or two. Mr. aad Mn. L. B.. Appiegate ot Prookalde Ranch, la iwaa Lake Val ley, lll take the aftoraeoa trata for tla aoath today, aad will rlelt frlenda In varlou parU of CaUforala, apead- Ing moat of tbe winter la Sea Diego. TRIALWILLBE OVEINEXTYll ' ' ieni?'i'i lama adagaaaapj ameRamrjgagavaaaa jeRamaMaeajaaaF aBBaBaaBajavBvamaaav v 'TVATJBuOgaTmm maVlBmBmV-4 ' aTaTA.BmBBmem UVKf CSAJMNmV WIWbW HamVaaB)aMM r ,fcl--. . -pamamgaBB',' ? BmBBdLaB aV9dmam.BTfjmBBBm U BIBB AbBBBT , gaVaBBsBBl wwiBB ' mmwm.wwmrwmmwm , II. PaBid ' UaBad INDIANAPOUR. Mar, fMatea Dwtrtet Attoraea'. that OrUa MaMialgal wtB ba aata to thaataadt day to taaUfr la taa trial la watoh labor leaden ara eharged wBh taa IBagal traaiaortatlea af dyaaaaNeV'K aaw aeeaw oertala tbat' the trial wRt laat until tha mldate af Jaaaary. Bala Hlteheoak. a California female detectlre. teetlaad that aha had Barr ed a aabpaeaa aa Mr. Oaataa to tes tify ta tha MaNamira trtoL dtghTB laTaAema tMmmmm idfedhk tBm aBjiad'ap eaavwam awpwemeaamaaafwm wfpw w la aa: WILSON T06ET EXPENSE I0NEY ftOUBB A1TBOWUAHONB OOm hftTTBE WILL STABfT WORK TO htORROW TO OBT MBABT BOB rXMWBXXMBTNO BtthMNOH i.'nileu Preaa Barrlea WASHINGTON, D. 0.. NaT. II. 'the heuaa appraariaUoaa eemmlttea will comeaca tomorrow to draft ap proirktaa httta. WHaaa will re cr Ire $, far hto aaaaal'trarettBg rxpeaaea, Juat aa Preeldeat Tatt baa vVmaVp aTwfg?Te rflifiUlfl . iiLfi .lonti iiiwbV , y..;y', -fi. -t h. ?f , ' aw ' to" Brung aa' a ' VbadBal 0 , r i'",1. -'. V.. " r?Df'" Valtod Rraea Bwrvtaa '4 HSW'-rtta. Maw, fV-Ba Jarp B aha aaBaaBrndHB fJBt J e gamaaaa-ehawgajd wdaYfJto sajawit J'lar ad Kweam BjajajlfaVaa.A raad a; gwBdl e) araaaaama trtB Ba' MtMeBAaaBWBPMdam ..n . 4 4 dJbf ' kfu BggiiaTmW. dB mmrnt SmHmV dBhdajjlAttttU&beS ' aad Urn nt llii ,1 milaalBBwaa dMwbwaaat ; laaaiaa Oaara emamat wtfajaaBr JaatJaaOaara raewa vaa jarp aa eraaf aa-aaaeahiBw;hatB ajfaa gap aftaraiaa. 'Taa' laaw amfajBamhta ge raatotahiWtaiBamaaaaaMB aaatratid their laaaeaaaa atlaaam toft taa aaart raaai vBB ammTBaBBtBj '..' 1 . H ' .t .3' AMuction Caac Wamt Not Well n m JU MMtmmmSBOt i. Municipal Judge Fonnallf Charge Against Jack Big Negro has Body Guard Insane Man Captures Los CHICAGO. NaT. II. Judge Hepklaa today charge of abdaetlea Johaaoa beoaaaa af tha hiak af Jobaaea aaav paaled by fear big Angeles r Armed With Box of Dynamite, Man Drives Officers Prom Building But is Finally Captured. 1.08 ANQRLBil, Nor. II. Albert UaTl ot Long Beach, .luaaeaedlyjii ane, and armed wth a baa of dyna mite, entered' the- police ttatloa and announced that b Intended to Wow ud Preildeat' Ihoup of Jtha PaaMd i.'toetrlo cwaaaay,' Ha turned hex oh the oBeera,', the tried to tawa Kt. .. Jv . - aad Ua atreata ta tha.Tlalalty weraictoa'to;trafa. bint, aad ordered, thaaa from lha bulMtaav ; ", , 'ar, thirty ataaAMBaTta aald ua dlaputad poijilea afvthetolice U tloai,, o s -y . w "hi,wi.w, -rww at bbeatatloB wara atoaaad af laapli, hy '-..,.'. , -,', I' t l .. i-"- r C: x'.' ' i m hta hedygaard. -, .. . HaYSemHMaa IspMi SS m Bat IB elareir la OREGON CROfS ARE THE BEST ' 'H " s !MtPABhfBNT Of 'AOMKIBXYVH: BaWBR aWATgnONV CHY1SH1 TMM BTATB BM BOOBB'. IXHJO MUbOMUUfBBfJOOB NaaartthaaaPifimBai ColoradoBM'aabjawtachii amtoaa m gaad aa:.taat-:a( Oempared.weth'laat yaaa, aha aaai1 ghf 'aaaaajflauaktgbgiajkaj Afmamml gaahma BaagBai ,VB .aBfjajapamammmajem fggjgamB) fgPV )f "sT faaAty the -a . . . .. ... ' .'-i a ruee. uaweura maatea, area up hakt4 TWvta 'ami ' :Ua1 eaaaetoua AU ha jreraaaa w iaa.- - ,-V ' Derm aa aaaeai Hi.-wittabgiw oa' of, PVjgetiato, lYaBemammawVJH am"dBm aW A' "&& ytoM af aH eraae to ba aa faBawa; , , t B .'' .S 1 Utoa. . , v . r-s U' r . ,. i mB1.3 '.j. -..:. i . .iib'k J.A t 1 .! p uhw! ,- ' IAI- JF 1B1 ( . t Jf" .- '-.( t '' i )K a . .w ' , W ft tt twm. y ,ti- ; -v -. , k t. e i lf. JU Bat aa eeai A WW fi' .'..'A1 mw! a - h f a t aaaK w$ w vetSefaasngf soawiiSaS is.i-Pa. gaaa la SIT. ( wblea that i naaBuilBf. OreBW laaaato IM baihala of "aara, air-, U wgja , tar.WaateradUailia HtM Oraaaa whaat B) M,' wtth M.t tor ta 77J to th faa Wap t emaBfgaa awwaamamamap aammp rFrmaaaraH aatur eara torn Opa4j m , aaAlaaa t m laii fil )r1eaeAaaytaUBl l-jAjgaja MBcjaaadaIf-a aw ebi, aaalBw tft ar ?Am? rsn'U .f gyjitfL j