tM . Iff ' , ' i'Vi r?r: ipw jcawipiii V? ' ' - . ... I I? ' ' I , mam lw-If. l,tlg x Portland Business 1 &' ' Vi ;- ,rft ,r ,. ' tf. ' ' w i -)- .U.lS ,4t.. & ',??;$ 7.1-iO tlspdP-' "f M " 2i, ' - '.. . ,, wiy.; . 'I"" i n KfiAiMTii pAma, oramon, munday, November ia, itu TO T "' r - r ? - , - ' ..'... - '-. - '- - m i . " t t n ra W WI11I it " '- J ,nMi pt PPBP.Y'A, rfl ;ss Men Char ged With Crime .1 r. . ... , 1 , -w; .ff .- f:.. 'IJ Young Boys Make Confession And Grave Charges Made By The Pcoe POWERS UNO , IMS IN THE CITY mm AIMMOAW VMMKt LANM mJT A V, M l ,e 4t Twka hw I U (Mil Mav HvbW INN MM) VMMWfftt Ifl MAMHM WMh WyUwIc tlMl Cltr MmmUt After 5N I'MHMPNMMrrlM LONDON, Not. II. Two Uiouuai urlMa m4 klut JckU witi toMt4 ta CMUaltMoU UU fUr- hkw frwi, Uo WMtklt of Mio pewwt. Tk MnloK Mat osly Mk Ammt- INH, .B" Tho.lMUtk MM UsaM. ffalMA i COWtAinWOILK. Not. II OLoIwa law Uo TurkUh troops k MtftMiMM t lt ot , Atlty. oitoi ProM ftori tr. rvrmuBUHa. not. ii. a 1 Ottota! ooioolofc o fUo Tvrktok av fetoMAor Aoro lbt tao Tarka aaiaoi a aUto victory rotor4r. aio rraaa tomo UONOON. Not. II. Tk aarrta4or f MoMtatr Ho Iko wIm U roaort; ot IroaBoigrado. rThroo TurkUk ataorala, aa4 '41,090 aoUUra, woro Jk-k a. a. mm ITU ' .A .. It UMMrrtMlorTtoa LONDON, Not. II. Uto, to r(tka ooaAra tk oaatart i Moa Ur. Tkc'lorrtoAa lott.koaTtly, aad toiilM Aaya bAo'9 ta taltol rtHAarvtit VIMtKA, NT. UIV Tho oorro roaAoat lor taorwaktort.QMotU V tkat Tuklok aoMtora art lylag WUb IMr. ittMta koir teaaa. Tk rilirooA. track aro Haa wjik eoraooi. Bf Hi WOMEN TO lit E lEXT iHTH ' H '' i''', wmook cocwr namoiAM ark -IK TMK AIR" AH TO WHAT WHA aUrPICK QKTTlKa TMK V6TM M TMK JURATION .i! MND, Not. II, Tk womb of tkki,Rf Moet lo b aatoac tko Irtt to oaarolMtk rlbt of fraackUo at tk Mr lettoa oa Doeoaikor I. TkN wlH k tkrot couaettaMn tad '.aaaiar oloeU at tkat tlaw, aaa al ra 'ik arofoailoaal aolttlojaaa wko "mo TAMfloup" in adraaeo aro put omA, Jat kow to go about tbo mat Irr ;l aMvatlac lb wenoa without aooialai lo cuttlraU tboai to tbo quM loa worry lag aoaio of tboat. MANY TOWNS TO 6E I A A A A A LIOUORLESS IIKCKNT HtHCTHJN I'VT KLRVKN lMJ IN TMK DRV COLmjf AND MIX IN TMK WKT tiRANTA PAMHWK ,', StToatooB! ,town voud wbtbr thor would bo wet or drr uador tko bona raW annwdment In tlio roeoat oloctlon. 8U Toled wtt nd olovoa wont on record aa drr. Tbo which wont wot woro Woodbnrn, Oraru Paoa, Oaktoad, Oloadalo, SuthorHn and Bprlngld. TboM votlag dry wore Bugtao, Albany, Bllrertoa; Loo- tlaa, CotUga Oroya, Eaterprla. Wal lowa, Tlgard, Labanoa, Hood Rhwr and Koaaburg. . -,f - WIUKMf IN BRRMIWA' 1 , tm A The lliaHBBt.Kttct Arrtroi to , A -AaoHhiin Wort in - n i UaHoA Praaa Sarvlea ,A v; IIAMILT9N, Bamad. Nor A f II. ProolAMtlactWaMaaaA'A family armod. baro UAar n A board tbo tteaaur Baraiadlaa. A i t f V- A i A A A A A A A A A A A A A W( s . Freight Train Knocks - Street Car To Pieces i Wreck 1h California Town Results in Tlt Injury of 15People. , Two . WU1 Probably Die. 'altod frao BarrKa MARVBVIL.LIC, Calif., Nov. II ; Klftacn partona waro Injurad, twq fatally, .whan a freight train knocked a Northern Mootrlc atreot oar o tbo Veatber River trestle today. Tbo street car was crushed like aa uKKshell lien It fell thirty feat to tbo ground. .. .. .j. . .,. - QUEEN MARY WAS BRYCE'S FRIEND PORMKR AMRAIMUDOR TO TMM COUXTRV MAD MANY KNRMIhM ATfOOURT WAa A1.WAY8 Up. HhXD RY TMK OUKKN ; United Press Aartlae LONDON, Not. It. It Is under stood In court circles that Ambassa dor Jamas Bryce, f bo recently resign ed bis oce at Washington to devote bis tlaw to literature, owed his son- tlnuaaeoas Qroat Britain's repress. ttt4aMarTl. . . . . luilve U the personal Intervention OAlrVAbmfWPLE, NT. II Tk uuea Mary. Bryce had many pollt- IT1 iiMMrwTn J THIEVES CAPTURE A SAIIILUEIICS t iiji-4fr POUGR AMI NOTIWIWO: A MOsV i mRaW OB A AertkAfdsVWrwit I ,ffH,'5P!ff! AN rRRCBOVB TONBA ft; trs ar wader arm OINOA, Italy, Nat, .TT "" hco Ut keen noUMd'ibat robbers bare )at atatoa from' the fAaetuary Delia' Craardta; a ktoaU aaMAMi U rallas i ter aalaU whleb wr -aa' alMi te aahaavllv staddaA wHb wtoVAABKAlw;stMWA-1i;Jto,.ai-HmM abM'WM auee to oanry away ,Ue aMr at the Ma4aa, wkUA M aevaraa aWa-wRk JowsWaad preetew !iMBii&; w. .BBvJ' v "m A9 IS MJpMJBjMMM vi Wi SJMg w af r HWmra. baA si 'tpfpiiiii of tlMaMia at aHATtma, ?7fifrf'"t':iV, "".' , It long sought entry Into Reno, says a dltpstcb from Sen Prsnclsco In the Huo Oazctlo. Thv Novada-Callfornla-Orcgoa rail road plana to atandardtse Its road Irom Doyle, Calif., to Rao, by tk ad dition of a third rail to Its narrow suae track, Tko Reno ears will be switched o tbo Western PaclBe tracks at Doyle, and will be run through to Ban FrsneUco without a change of trains. The trat)c agreement between the two roads wM give Baa fraaelsco an other railway eatry lato Reao, and will give Reao another railroad outlet to the coast. v - ' President T. T. Duaawny of th Nevada California Oregon railroad verified the announcement regarding the company' plans., It la said that work has' already been contracted for nn the f tandard guaglng ot the road. leal enemies here wko wished to sets a tk Panama aaal controversy aa aa escuse to rseaii Bim,a-iMy probably would bays succeeded but for bis wife and the queen. The ambassador vaa nsvsr vsry much la toys with his job, It la said, and never troubled to keep himself In tbo, good' graeea pi me caoinei, out his wife bsd powerful friends, and Qun Mary very meeh approved of Mrs. Bryce. fi liOJUBE- i V V.N BROAD GAUGE; WkwrTMUf rACtnd.Wllili KNTKR RKNO OVMBJ MOAD PROM ' DOYLR, 'A'apOaisKM fO OKPI- CIAL bWATsWOUW u . Taft Is Travellag t.'ulisd Press (ternc , NRW YORK, Nor. II. President Taft started for New Haven today to attend a meeting of tbo trustees' of 'i ale. He will return to Wssbtngton tonight , MUCHEYIS SPENT 01 VOTES f MTVrKMKNTM P1LKB WRbT TMK MHCItltTAMY OF" ATATR BfA VUNHWIbWk KNUemTrCNTNil FINANCIAL IUTTMM BALRM, NAr. II. Bspeas atata meat lied wMA the secretary of sUU show tkat a total of III.IIMI waa speat Aarlag'laa csmpslam to defeat the gtaaaatodj alagle tan measure aad to seen re tA as ss age of taa msasurss Icdoned bytAe aUto IsAislaUve Us eommtttee. -' The Oregeat Bawsi Tsistlea Lsaga speat ll,ltl.ll-t tble aam, Mm sae"isdiaikfi 'tan eemmMte 7, M4.T4. ae l Atoaet UA. Th tk Urn for Mag eUtetaeaU bbtA iajt algkt, W, g. U'Rea, was dartog the campaign led tko single tax forces and wko to known to kavs speat Urge sums of money oa tk promottoa' of the measures for which they stead, hits filed no statement. Advices r celvvd by tho secretary of state are lo the effect that be takes the posi tion that he has seven dsys ret In which to file a statemeat, but aa ex amlnatlon ot the law falls to disclose any such provision. Whoa n candi date falls to lie an espeass stste ment, ths law provides that he shall bo prosecuted, but no provision seems to be made for 'tbo prasecuUeta of persons who aipead moaey tor or Against msasurss', aad fall to At a ststemeat. " Tbestatemeat lied by W. a Daat- ny. stats printer, showed a bad - ponded la IghUag tk state printer flat aatary bill. A state- bo'espended ISSO.IS'ln wsglag ths campaign for the measure. R. A. Harris kas filed a statement- showlna be spaat IISS.IO aa behalf ot tb Mil to aboUsh capital paalahment A..W. Lsffarty, eandldsts for een gress from tbo Third district, expead- ed IHI.; Thomaa McCuaker, ean dldsts for the earn , speat 409.SH ; N. J. 8lBit. sandldsU far congress In.tbe Sacoad dlotrlet, speat 1114. IS. The Caseadeeeuatr com mittee expended fS.m.lT on behalf of a measure, to oraata Casead coua ty:. . y.u- TURNER IMJHE IS .-mm K ' ft ' . ' ' " . v.' U - MYBTMRIOCB rtWC IN TMM MaM - . .,. ... . r v APMfNOA AMBAgaON OCCNAM ON avnmay, ,mmBQmium AWAYONtAMf' '" Tk bom of Jas Taraar la tA Met Baring addHle aaar tb raMiaal tracks; wsi baraed to tk grenad aad sll tb "e"aiata deatrered about I o'clock SaaAay BMrahW. Mr. aad Mrs. Tjufar,toft for, taalr homestead 'Asturdar 'wrsalag-, aad there waa no on la' ike ease at u Urn of tb Sr. It to aot kaowa Jast how th ar started, bat It to presum ed that ira'must kavs reassiaed in th stov and the building caught Irs from "this. la seme way. -' V. ' V tir ' mil QU1DIC .t '; LOKBfiNT "7T MaXI-YOCWAT4M)NSTw .TAXAaAM aaiwat ntrT'tim tasMsirtaaa'' t. rtk , TAOOMAAVTKM '." " 'fa . V. , ft. "t- VI . . I.V .. rAOeMsVL'rWMMaW' klTat- Utov. wto ae:wagd aaWaa A -j" i"-ii mm i imU t - (r-".-i"," "rniir dally aewsaimr,P.'alTilmig,aiiaA. r of asasia c asara.saaa axav saa 'ThMaaAaaAJaW'sjAlBiglBwaa today UsAlkAi'MAaam'1SAaataai oa trass NWTk isa1Mfl' f " , , " a ' t i KMIfaW f -V. W- BB.P I r .'V. .-'-' '. fltntd tfi i-i:iii' i 'r"Ti--v ' Meet am) AaaaaaA fAsafeaaVgAjg . t VVmJ aaVHaw "aMMMMMMBJBf MBM MMg? algmAAgmml -m a. -a a j . sF a. Corroll Case Will T - - ; '. ,..' r1", ' -v-v -rt,y ..x'0-t'V i-' V : Start . .i ' I 'afSfWafgPSfaflMMT s, .fn mi w s"-1" f - a 4 jSMskfMlMiMl TA-' . v . V lit. J. 1 l tfft4i!-Wi, I'i"--''.,r" KJ judfe rienson DeiiMMotMiMi; m a r f . ' jiv - TT-tST' ?ST7X'mimmTZL-amm --, uonnnuance Ana ums-ft tmi rat ' Case Be Wsiwsdd . . . -. V. .V L- i" -u .'' '- ' - - AsttJ TOgM eamtJHf J V, VWlPHilU As.eMwg gaRJaavl surt la tb clreaR eourt tomorrow morning at o'otaek. This ,waa tho order mad ky Judge Benson this afternoon after kaerbxg tka plea ot Prosecuting Attorney Kay- kendall, for n delay. An Important witness agsiast Mr. Carroll Is said to, b M. P, Mlckler. k to aaw la Fbtrtd.- 'Ta akA fev'ilma to aaaara' la th prsseaiA ker of Ik -mamma M aaa. bat tb court was of tWAsalaa that sametoat Urn bad elapsed, aad ordered tk trial to prsessA Tk regular Jary.eaaaatt aaa. at about four, but a speslalTsalrs'wUI be summoned .to try th ase." '. SEED TESTING. . 'AT LAND .HOW , 4 liARORATORY Of O. A. C. MAA MHCN BWyHM.TO POMIfJUW FOR TMK WBCK VOR MMMCA TtON'OV LANM IsMOW VMRTORA gpeelal to. Tk Herald CORVAIXbS, Nov. II, Tb gar- ernmeat seed testiag' laboratory. wRb all Ha apparatus aad th apeet la chargg, aav been mvd .to portUM for USjSfeek," laorder, tkat visitors kow sed sre testsd tit, par ity' , andl germlaatlag power. Tae smouat of dodde In dltrat altalfa c ,1 Grand 'i Jury i WlH I y Famous - . Follow fxt t Carrol! Case Judge Benson and District Attorney Kuykendall Hold a Consultation And Aeament Is Reacbed As To -.,-, . - mw t- BM -xmxa, t .. i ..T : BV . t ' CaUind of Inauiattorial Bodv. "-..-,.:,: : w. i ." .-ito' - - ,i t. .i.. li a , r Jt i-. .. r -t . m . V : A' jX? sWesaataUvsa of tk .wtoijA Pa elaa'rallroad bavo.aanouaeed that aa agraaatoa'aaa.basB'raaoaad wMA ta NsHaa-Oallforato-orstoa rawwaf which would glv th Wsatora FAaMt -v w aW4 . The Klamath oouatyaTMidi Jary will b summeaad immsAtatsly. after the conclusion ott theeeaa.'agaiast J, p. Carroll., fkls waa'tAaaaeUion reached thto arWnoon.sftor a.asasul tatloa betwea Judge Meary UBsa UaMBd PreateutlBg AHmmv B.'V. 2 t'K' A- WW IT T. .(! JK" i "V ; Ta '.ttojm, Vklt R ,wlU rirepto try tbe'Csrroll cs kl mors or.tossof a taJM. but it Is ssmsIM taat'lt will be.alsr' before MmW, of' the '.week.' r, sf.y - m .- . 'i j ?'?-. Aaeedlag to Mr.vKuykadaU there ar'maar Impsrtiat aafJI emragWwa Jg BjamV MgMSBjaxjmi aWyt 9Mmaa A will k msasnrad. that aa wast to .'aaai4;baaAtwte-e- msrlal atod, aftoa. n r u t...' . i' i- r- juaieita i erwpa aaawnng off eanriaaeaht toi ftk mnaJiaealBA j mM rweawM asavpamvaa bisbi smarmi axmBBBBmaxfaBga ' aa aatoatato dsUaaa ai tan swvesBaaa , aaya) Bjaavap Ktoa BMlaaAa'am Mm aarisA aaa- vSaamfaaA saAsiaeaBjs Crook aad Maro'asaatlss. as".wH a at. laa tmtM-'ataliaa''gjra aa aa- aaaat apportualty 'tis gat. a' klrdyt vtowaf toe experlsaeat stoUsa wark. Aa sspsetoUr la pouto aahwtt to aaown'as' a' pah f laa Craak' 'as'aaty farm, ethlblt. sad, the v bom sjmtlaa shows tb largest' aad iaeat aara a ktbKsTesskewalathaatoto. '" " ju Tkto oora exhibit oaatalaa Mt ar W selecUd ears f ta aaast aalWga bred variety af aara, laa raaatt af t yfamar'lw;sWlas.tos:v.:it tk aattM to max R the nual corn aad AM atato, la wktoA nataata wsM aa' daetod U;to imMimiataf aara. patatoM, waaat, kartap, aata aad aaai sr. : U ' h . 'S in- f- - . .-' n' . ,wi. 'iii.iii? I tiA" '"V a. - "IV ' . - t XA 0'AffjM , af ,;frwr',. ""-, i Al rtfi1llBR,i 1T,,'ltolaPll, flgai KBjrriJOBB4xv.i 'SSaHamMMBBaaMalBM MV-'ttlilralBM 'V' SJrwAj wa Ma 'AHaMSa am? sfaasmMpfgpfJJBMBS sWiT'at.AW'AaalBBaC IsaW Aatt '' aalslaAl laAaat; Jaak aMaa, A tltoJ.m.i.'-la BWP daaami ttUnaMhanaWeatma , MmMMBbV MBM SSSJW SMSSV SMBSBBMMS3 ; All C laa aasaaat aaat anManaA "" oai tk ssaatry kaaaejBaal.kaa axaa BMS3S) WMSf ) 'SmMMMP' VMSjSjsy SJBM watbTaata MsaawsaaasW tmaxBBssttsBV wBaaaaBaAmaaS '" w-mw aw smaaaT aa aBBBmaa SarasBB alto JaaaT Daa iranaaA, Mw faastl' , w. kaMled k aaa to ta aamMi SaRaMtoakadaA. ' A . Jayasaa vMrr AjBaxA MaaaaMH' 8iaraT;.aea lata (a mMltmUh 'mamra (amx emaBBaaBaam aaa bbbbbbb . mMLgajBf' BCRAX, ri asbxk toarAla a AatoxAxaaa,tr4 PJwPJsm wt3u ." ( MmBM VamJaHty f m&SPW'- raadAyaaaAM -mwvar.taac Ji-'.' ;.' 'Tissaass .r as. atoas, l aaa aa i h' M .av:aHMaiOTw, avaaw ien rnnvM am as VamAi, o- AlAAsmASxmBmaaabr to asAafaba 'TOM OOYaamAOatM ACV : C-:!asf.; rat csaI xaaatA 1 1 y,y . "';' ftynjr-tn' ( r; . . .' if.' it.' ".. --j new trial tar Ptord A4toA aaA nla aea ZZZZJf'gZS. ' 9tojiAa, eaaaasxaad to Ato Wa,ar"2J2T. mm HIMawttto'aaaK vaeaa iiiiaa ' ." MMABBBf gVI .-" a rssss. bxtkto saaastod'tbat'lt will eapeetedthat toaasAatMtoHal JtoAy th HimvtWean rax aaata,;. , ?TT'.. ' "J1.' btgfaf' before 'aMV&ljrafk RdJi to 4'iabMMfaf,A41as.aja aagxag TifiS-f-J and tbaV.ths graat Map will gt dwa jwba the iunp,Biaat aadtomtoaad. Ds- a;;Maaa-' to ismAls taa aaa- IzStSBSfL'S tovbuslaeas bf ssyniany'st .to sesaber 1st, ,waa aav graad lrr asaaAs,'rito;wH;Baaably;riaa. to ""TlffffjS Waftr.' '? 7I':' , v . imiMM'sAimBWd w r .iskV- , . IMirAssa ?;.iVKV5 -?'' '',v; ;.''; , .. ; UAfMAMBMR SGSBB