:0 !i wmmim by run nrws MsBic Wa. t.tta $be f df nirtft Bef aid. l '- , --; tfj KLAMATH PA MA, OHBOON, HATUMAY, NOVKMMN,!, ISIS Ottoman Capital to io 5 :l Turkish Army is Twelve Miles ANXIOUS RUSSIANS CHINA FIGHT OVER TERRITORY MUNNMHnr WAN M TsUUCATK.V afl aW RABUALM iM M MM Several Oeaor.Us la tlM CMaeaa stervko Mar Al iasy Takaa Bseea to Start Prera. II to aNefesl That the Present Cor it at WMt Bi rn OM o( I1 ,1'aMed Prase Service PBK1N. Nav. II. Prominent CU Mat an demaadlag tkat Presldeat Tea alert a war wlik Ruaita la da H to Rawed tkat tke Yuaa govern avaat wRV he mrtkrtu uatese ke ytoMa. II la reawsd that severs! goaerato are ataaarlae; t atuek Ue Russians IS MaifaHa, despite TJresldeet Yuaa. -1 w? mum ASKED tD BE KILLED WrtXKM nUM OP RHQVMHT MAM MY LABOR LKABUt wwui muntinq in wood in IU lied Press llvOUMAPOUS. Nov. II. Freak KtkkeoT. a.CUeUaatl Iroa warkar, Uttleed tanke federal eeert today tkat Jets MeNemara kad aeat kiss to Bellegh, Nek., wkere Jin MaNaaura kaa kid attar the Ttases eaploeloa. with a BMasage. Joea MeNemara gave the.wttaees III tar "la MeeraaasyJtos aad I. were kuat laf la tka wooes." aaM tka witness, "wkea eaeeealp ka kegaa to Mawaa Ua Ua AaaUa anlaatoa." Ha aald Utt ka waaUa ta U, Ml kaavai da to akaat kla wkaa ka waa.aat laek la." i Laavaa Data Praia tarrea N1W YORK. NaT. It. Woaaraw Witaaa aa4 kto ttally aalM Ula al Uraaaa lar Rarmaa. Tkara vara ay aaaMatira wka ekaaraa tkaai u tka aki aaiM.; WHAT ELECTION DID TO TAX LAWS OOVKRNOK WWIT OUTMKRM NKW OOMHTITUTIONAIi RIMTKIC IONM ON THK OOLLHOriON OP KKVKNUKH flAI.ICM. Nov. 1 According io an ouUlna prtaaraa by Oovtraor Watt tka following ceaitltutloaal re trlcllOM on MMmnt and Uiatlon ilit la (bt ttata aa a mult of the ro caat atactlea: Na Us or dutr aball be lapoeetl wltkaut tka coruent of I be people or tkalr rapreeenUtlvea In the legUlv tlva aaaambly. Taxaa aball be levied for public parpaaaa only. Tka power of taxation ilialt never be aurrendered, euipended or con tracted away. No poll or bead Us aball be levied or collected. Tka lofUUture eball provide by tow for uniform and equal rata of aaeeearaeat and taxation; and aball praacrlbe aucb regulation as aball tecure a Juat valuation for Uiatlon of all property, both real and per tonal, aacoptlM eucta only for muni clpal, educational, literary, acleatlle, rellgloua or charitable purpoees, aa auy ka peclally asemptad by Uw. All Usee aball ka uniform upon tka aaraa claaa of property, within the ter rltorul llsalU of tbe authority levy FITZGERALD IS UNDER ARREST UIC'AIj MAN IS TAKRN INTO CDaV TODY ON A CHAKQR OP BKIX INO Ligt'OR TO AN INDIAN. WAt ARRJMTKO RKPORH Oil ilwa am4 Aa Caah 1C H wll kJllIil CllUCI ajUUlla lO llafC i' dP ' ' r 'i-'i , ,- - tV"';-'"' From Constantinople and - " ' ii ii -! i i------a.wejaa-MMieM-eiaanBajaajaM K i '4 tf.VV, yt-. W.t'M itfJ Ki ;V AaikUnt Indian Ageat Hatoaaa cante down from Yalaas last night and arrested A. PlUgerald oa a charge of selling liquor to Morris Hodge, an Indian. He will be bald la Iba county jail until tbe nrrlval kera of a deputy United SUtee marshal. PlUgerald was arrested several weeks ago on a similar charge, bat, after being conflnod In jail for sev eral days,- was released. BRIDGIE WEBBER DENIES CHARGE MtW YORK OUNMAN HAYS THAT UK MO NOT KII4. HOHKXTMil. HAD RKKN OAMHLKR AND DIVK KKKl'KR VOR YEAR United rrer Kervles NKW YORK, Nov. . Patten rommlasloaer Dougherty, oa Ua LumI at kK mtm nf than, f Alio' aiiaMaM lag tka Us. - r.""; ",Tu .T. J ,ZlrZ T.T.Z" The legislative sMembly shall t -'--;---"- " -J- dacUra an emergency In any act rg- '""""" '"" "".... "7Z ulatlag tssstlon or es.mptlon. , --- --"""" """ slltymaj Bjgfaj avail MM 9m ay vat - 1 llrldgle Webber wss called. Ho 'dcnlod that he bau shot Hosenthal. He admitted that be had been a gam bler and opium Joint keeper for years. LORIMER GOES UNDER KNIFE FORMKR HRNATOR MURMITH TO AN OPKRATION IN CHK3AOO IKNiPITAlV-PMYIIICIAN HAY IT WAS HUOCWMaVVL United Prase Sarrlea CIIICAOQ, Nov. II. aanntor lor Imer waa operated on at tka Presby Ivrian HosplUl today. It was sUted by physicians at tka conclusion of tka operation tkat It kad been successful. l.'ylted Press Bervtva WASHINGTON, Nor. I.8ecro Ury MeVaagk announced tkat Carml Tkompsoa would become secretary of tka treasury Tuesday. Changes Are Made In 1 Line-up of Town Team Fait AlircgaUon WU1 Give the High Ural K'sUte Man Dead Uulled l'r-ti Srrlct SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. H, John HyUnd, n real estate dealer, waa shot to death wbllo breaking Into Wil liam Cos'a house. Cos Is held on a cbsrge of murder. If yon knvo any wbeat or barley for sale submit samples to J. 1. John aon. Hall hotel. l-tf AFTER BIRDS FOR 816 600SE STEW PPRO h M atjpseeal I Oaafraas BRYAN APPROYRB e a Wlteea WNI OaH atjpseeal Sea- alaai af Caaaraaa ' United Fren lervtea. WASHINOTON, .Nov, e Hpeaker Clark and WIHfaua Jea- a alnga Bryaa kavaj'aaaroTad af wilson'a alaa Uantt aa antra session of tsagraaj. ' e h x&! it GREAT FOfTIALL BATTLE RESULTS . IN EVEN BREAK I'HINCKTO AN YAI.K PLAY AX RXCITIN OAMK At Mm Very LaatkMnnU a fassmsktwUi Player Ties tka nwro Watk a PleM Goal Preen oka SsVYaHl Pins Mali Maaa WMk taLsad); Pre) wqasBssssTVanflvgl ' HECTOR GOODS AT PUBLIC AUCTION TRMMftt wfxfayosat or r MamCMAIOsaMC AMR A PURUC AUCTION BAU. OK NOV! Tba O. M. Kectar atack af bndle,.aad; dsturea ara ta ka ate-t-osed "oTnC aaWlc nueUoa-at 10 o'clock a. m., on November Htnv, At a meeting' of efedltara Mr. HaetarV with lha kaektoat of a loeal ospHaHst, olered to make n sank settleaieat. but soma of the credKors okjoetad, tba stock wlU be dbtpeaad of at a public sale to the highest kUaer. H. C, Merrysssa waa ekeaoa aa. trnata. BASKETBALL IS NOWJOPUUR NWBTRaVI ROYBPAl PRACTICK MANY TRY TO MAKH I MOawVBON H COACal mammmm tnlted Preaa Sarrlea PRINCETON, Nov. If. One of tli greatest games of football aver plnyed here resulted la a tie between l'rlnceton and Yale this afternoon Tbe first half ended wltb Princeton ahead, 6 to 3. Pumppelly. a Yale substltuts at right half, tied the score In tbe sec ond half with a field goal from the 50 yard line, Juit as the gsme ended, Hnnrnrd Wins OAMBRIDOE. Nor. l.J-The anal c.rr In the gsme between Harvard and Dartmouth was 3 to 0, la Uvor of Harvard. CHAMP CLARK BURK TO OPROCBK School Boys Hard Battle. Weight LUfcUl U Avrcca upuu v Imaaraaas akaaaas fcara kaaa mads laUkn Maa-up at Ua Uw i Hm. Aaaardku to tka totatt .ssRetato,,aaUU ami naea i play aaek of tka UM, H' " Mbakto nlsjr asintsr. Murpby and AmeM gnaras, Araotd and Umak MM t1P,1I4 iMAaMaAM . i-miT , TaMtM ssmasMSBsm' .' ismrjs wttl kavata Ml as inM J'toir ' ifl - t. 11 , order o keM tka Kaa. Straight foot ball will ka played, aad it Is not ex pected that tylek ptays will, work suc oeasfully oa acaeunt af Ua fastness of aatn taams .i Under tbs sgraeawat wttk ins high aakaol koys tbe town taaat' wUt walgb Ig, at 111 pounds, and.ww avsrsge wltt,aa'aaally . . ' Z U'Tke kaya af tka klgk sskaat'vr;ee preeaaUd wltk two saw fotHaalla ky W, r, ). SPORTBMKN WILL OATKRR AT WILLOWS POR A SHdOT BOOR DAYS RKFORB TRR BM VRASV AT SACRAMKNTO Special to Tka Herald 8A0RAMRMTO, NaT. II. Taa game eoaamittae of Ua Big Oaaaa Blew, wklek avaat to ta ka sraa la Sacramaata, rata or aklae, Naraaibar 24th, by tka spertaeMa of Sacramento to tke aporUmea at taa Woat, kaa be gun procuring taa atraa wklek wui aa stnwad for tko kK taaat A krlgade of sportonaaa opeaed aoasbardmeat oa the geasa tost Saadsy, aad aararsi iloien were brougkt ta Sesrsamto and put la cold ataraaa.ta await Ua pleasure of taa eeeha. ' shootlu wUt start ta aaraaat ay the Brst ot aaat weak, aad aararal hundred of tka aaeeaaary thousand geese will ka In sold storaga ready for the stsw. as a atsaaa-ei proennaeT the necessary two or tares kuadred a big shoot kaa kaaa sailed to ka ksld at Willows., This aaat wtu use place on November IMa, Jaat tour days before taa memorakla avaat, aad all sportsaua'wko wteb toparUalpate are Invited te: report to Teas AJw or Prank Buret l Willow tad day ara rtoM to taa attk. ' WASHINaTON, D. C, Nov. 14. When the new democratic konee of representative! la organised nftsr March t,,Cbsuip CUrk, tka present speaker, will not bo opposed by Rep resentative Henry of Tesaa, accord ing to the latter'a announcement kera today. Henry, wko la chairman of tbe rules committee, waa a candidate for speaker two years ago. William J. Brysn, it Is said, favors Clark. Democratic members who have reached Washington knvo expressed themselves ss In favor of Clark, and little opposition la ecpected wkea tke question of re-eteettag tke speaker cornea up. Nlaatsea keys taraed eat far kaa kotkaU nractlee tost oreaiag at taa pavWoa. Those wko have charge of tke prac tices are Ernest Nail, student kody manager, aad Mr. Morrison, tke earn msrc'al teacher, who aeta aa eoaek. Those who kavo aegua work la baiketbalt are: Harry Meaaaer. Har den Carter, Leon Boiler. Louie No cture, Paul Noel, Ralpk Hum, Robert Rlggs, Harold Passe, Rex La Prairie, Roy La Prairie, Roy Orsas, Hsary Stanley, Walter Hates. Rraeet Nail, Harry Rlchsrdeon, Oeergo DUoa aad SUntey Smltk. While ail are net. trylag tor tke first team, tkara are at toast twelve wko are seeking n bertk aa M. fiOVERNMENTjUEN HELP RAISDY WAS NOV NEW MEASURES 1011 in Retrtt Hi mmm . r-a ma aassLAj Rf MsstsssssssfmassssssnAjsMT C MMfH SsfW ataVafa) flNMMaWRssMasI kaa rewrites a to whether or aet the gerernor deelsriac taa raaaat af (m. new ligtsieiiaa ss.ia or U mast awaH Ma tka aaUeUsa. n Tko gaastlsm wa by Jaaga Bean la tM.OaKatl court abowt two yean aaa court keM tkat tka-lawn tke piasls are ta Ue aetto etoea ok aleettea. daw, It ta tree that, ao oa raai want tko reeaet t thealiablaB la est a parttealarj nseaaaaa .taTasMPssBM smpa. at tko riiakl isaaat aaAsay ka aattt the eeaotal save.' Mew orikslsaa. the eonrt kaa aesat.saahRl resarrtas a saaJorMy eftho .rate fa tka tew froas aleettea any oa. taa tlate af taa asay ka Isaaraaactaa U u ll - - fm . ' u n "ii f -. m -p. i f.ji TELEGRAPH M ; TO DE MODERN TJKSORPLABY BOtTYTO IBINlhl P. L. Walker af the meat of tko Wi eompaay to ta the easy of the at taa aKafeMw "Tke kalMtat wttt aa wlU aa oaaeah "It will ke sanssteat ta atoe to onro af tke kaataaas tar a teasT. aad allow for great growth tt' the eky." j mwsnex COCRaUTIXfl IN FAMOUS CASE IS FINALLYSETTLED JUDGR CAIJONSfaUBrAINS BaV MURRKR IN A CAM INVOLVINtl 49 ACRK8 OPLAJfD IN YMIN. ITY OP POR aOAltAT Attoraey C. P. Btoae resatred word today tkat Judge fialhlni kaa tea telnad tko demurrer to the eeesatotat la tke ease of Baaato Resseraai aad Delia' Hlllmsn agakMt Walter Bttem cad Ornoe Dixoa. Tkto gait taTalras I0 aeres of toad aear Vert Xtoautk, aad tkto to tke eaeeaA aaU ket tbe same parties to tkat has been dlaaaeed af ky demur rer, Judge BeaaeeA having auae a' simitar rullag agates the same piala- Ufm akeut ag ssaatl fVf WMk the reslsmsWoa aarvtoe ea oaerattoc, Oaase Warden Rsmaka- ee etaMa ttat araetteiUy aR af the ttaat at areeeat aelev the Last River aaas ana ka traaeterrad to the water aaava Uedam. Up to date tkara have kaaa III treat traaefsrrad. aad the work to aUU ketac serried aa. Tke report tkat the aerviee waa not la not true." aaM Mr, aftaraooa. "The eerrtoe kaadetaMed two xaea to Ue work. Baatdaa the service kaa fad Ue ash and yovtasS fresh water." KKMOVBD BY tWVRRNORl RYVOTRRS xsmh ta Bear Yeest United Press' 5nl NEW YORK.' Not. K. Presldsat Tart arrived aero Ula mornlag. Me Journeyed ever, ta CoUege CRy la aa sraTwVsBBiwm'wsFara -RSfj m assaajsssn l' , Iaa Clah kaMet bantakt .' MBKi rlSs RCIMMjaURaV MR MURoasfiRaWi n ft.: "" " Rwapaad), Fsssssa 'Sana JH . a , - LQ me aTsmssssnlfff eWssBsdsTI ammsW asssBBBNsaaBBSsafdaasfr r A; itetssAPrsM stent ,, .- -J- saWsdSJsgaBS"g' sHar a i . BVr'sTaV "sVsssipsssswsBgT' araay Rtwatoo asRaf sVata sSB'v stesmte. aad la ; 'MaaslM aaasod-taae-teatoeaBBR Bsswsss'targ9MM Ca-Ree PaasTi ' i .t;, isr , vfxansasswt ssaa, mm. ""-, irganf--- eases asm ansssssRsm asssWAJRaaaaaaaana , essyTaaa ansay, asgaa aanaaw saaaaasy WaaayBnsnjBaj -amBSJpBBHHBJBBB dS, &,. 'aaLa-gfa taTAgsBml fsi'gj was ausfwerei'kp tamliiitpi M feera4thattsM8RaaassBtoaMasas . .j ,' '! v- r VaMed Preaa awrvtaa v, , 'j ' X; karo .Tsmsaes:tojnaaaj SS ttenaf sssrmmaa Taatgajv - tssmffita AaaaTfaTaaTkb aBsjgafJ aanTaBBBBBaBBBBBBWaBtMastsBB tag. '',p --v jen,, v; ".-J'rfjiii- '; rRI H aTdapTaFssrsra aK obssbbssssbbsbw aTamsHaggsP f.-i-af,i,; ;;-,;. ( Pinaa flsrim- PbJRJ taWTtmRfi . f Parted! awaWaVAaapBa aTrtTen v4ve,,",-,aTM srdB 1 MiHlR, tft i MHMT it- .Hi! I a-T mnmmmmm Bteestaaad Psaaee.'kat Rafa liklifjl Sirminy. Aaetrte aad) ttosy.' iisJR Wilson wui can i'"; -V 4V ', An Itn .1, y .x Jr V ,,? Vm ifi Predlctioa It Made Tiit Fim e. t . H - . f frees of Democrats Tena WW WPP v & m Lut.MckUU.tllWtator J i X: A etaak ,ketweea Oeveraer Watt aad tke'Juatiea of the aeaeo ta RaaO Ingtoa'ls tkKateaad.faveral aseatka age tka goveraor rsmeee Ua Jaattee from oRee. but at the AsfeMom fet- lowlag theotera returasd the Jeattsa ta oRoe.- Raw Ue geveraar, threat en that If-tko Jnettoe attentate; to auallfy aad dtoskerga his duties Uat ail lass aad aeataaeea tsspaisd ay Mas wilt ke ressHted. r,.n ,;;-, . UaRed j,i WASHINOTON. D.ua,. Mar.v II. Wgfeal ss)SBLaMkd aSnapaj aaasAansnsnaj Cengrassmsa here 'West a Mr aatU tkatr terme of wlU kVlmnsaals'ii tn emit' wesa ,asj es?aBSBesT-Te-sT "sw. "t-'-wp snBnr i ..a. - fc.wjTur A ' ' 17 TV;" : ." ,"'"vr, T; .iv .f.-R'si saissted WUaea wttt eeaeeae aa at.saaas44'aaaat ifsMlti. K toles " ' ' . -r ' :c -v",. v r.-) -A , M 4- ."." t:. A A .'hJ t f, " c t-to Ml ," L - " VJ ' a'?-." Uv4: t n? 7 ,ri m in i Si i mull, Smaj' U-.m IteJtediiaaaatejidaa . tf. S RS) RgaTAsBBSBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBlwBBBT BBBBBBSBl F ;ap- IU!ll7Ssssta slssa. nVHasTjM fv