fj .CTWbPWBW VMHMV c I ! I .' I mil ,B WaSaaaBBSft. omrA)fcxi;wtri Metal TIU tTAMraUOt leaUen,4Jregoa AbbbbUUm tjOMf ttot MMonxAwaora L The Meat Imr Mn. Bromide (dltcuttlng child training) A ttllch la tine urn Hist. Mn. Sulphite (grimly) A .witch 1b time eared mine. Oertrude Lambert. MAMMY kUKHMtr It yea wut youyttul,ae utmtfn aalekgtt Ramet If IMS MBV ' aad Mete riaeU. red Rameby'a OeraerBovMth BIS wmrvowimnr , Call at OOMITOn, III, K yea will ur MBLP. jmr at tbi OOMBTOCK K yon wtatajMttrawl. maak ntorvteM Owfc.y . hBajeBjaajrav flffffW41 MMMMIa Ml HMM mVMS &tjVr flftMl flHHMf Ml hi ? iroafMta. Mi a parma- awl mm far daaArnff. otvo m eeaR. i Ha. MT KtMM Ave. (Paid Advertisement) HAVTIFUL HMD AT SMALL COST A SIMPLE RKMKDY BaUUTIPlRS IM HAIR, CVKKS DANDRCPP, STOW PALLING MAtR SEWING MACHINES IN THE HOME OE ORIENTAL RUGS jL IP TOO W O O T Bay ,arMa .IS-teca slat wood i waak at BBS pier cord we veaMeVMcMlheweM. AIm body Md ,tak wood, oLmCYTO.V. rjaVoitaopW ' Pbmo, TJ " -P w VaVBaaUNRa. MOHM MmpHeRy, aeetoalhllUy, safety, (durability aadVoBomy. Burn ) aaavr eil,two-Ulrde lw la Mat tkM SMattaa. atefere atoheag a pureaate we tavKe yu tetall ud aaa aar BAMMM'dMl&f,i t I WMBAVKVOCMOWn Isrmst, BROi. ISlS,Iaala,StbMBillt la XtAMAIByAiXB What a pity It It to sec to maay teople with tola, wltpy hair, (adad or treaked wltlt gray, aad raallia that moat of taw people might hare aoft, gloeey, abuadaat faalr of beautiful color aad luttra If they would but use tht propar treatment. There la ao neceatlty for gray balr uader ality Sre years of ago, aad tbtra li ao ea- oaaa for aayoae, young or old, having tbla. itraggllag hair, either full of dandruff or hoary aad raak imeMag with excettlve ell. You aaa brlag back tka natural color of your hair la a fair daya aad foravar rid youraalf or any daadraff aad laeaa halra, and make yaar hair grow itrong and beautiful by uilng Wyeth'a Saga aad Sulphur Hair Ran. edy. Par gMaratloaa cemmM gar- daa Saga, baa bean uaad for raatorlag aad pretcrvlag tba color of tba balr, and Rulphur li recognised by tcatp PKlallaU at balag aicalltnt treat aat of hair ud scalp troublat. If you ara troubled with dandruff or Itchlag tcalp, or If your balr It loalag IU color or comlne out. cat a fffly caat bottla of Wyeth'a Saga and Sulphur from your druggltt, aad bo- Mm tba Improvement la tba appear aace of your balr attar a few dayt' traataiMt. United frets Service irugt. Many 'of tbete ara auppllad by WAHIIINOTON. D. C. Nor. 16. German manufacturer!, aad the How Arabian women In far-off Adon African maka thlppad froat branch .... ,...' . .., ''"" o American aiportara la niv ua,un luq imiiiv nfliu( nniiuinvi In universal vogue In America It tba unlquo "Arabian NlgbU" tele recited to the ttate department by Contul Walter It. BchulU of Aden. He aaya thore are 1,000 tewing machlaei In ue In Aden, tho liome of Orleatal fiombay or Kgypt. Kitrerae poverty of the Arablana Kenrrally pravenU their purchua of inoi-o American machinery, Coaaul Hrhutt raya, oaly the r'ary waatthy Arablana being able to afford an American tewing machine. " VALUABLE COWS TO BE EXHIBITED MILK DKAUHWt OP HKATTLK TO HAVR A tUQ DISPLAY AT YMH DA1RV SMOW TO RK HKLB IN fOHTLAND BOON wCNCRAL NOflCES Aafiaal Apaaeat Apeiatl I have Mavaa My ateek t applta freai CMger areaaa U No. Ill Mala atraat (aM Ckaabar of Ceaiaierco buUdlM). Call froail te I p. at. l-lt AMBROBR TISCHLBR. The ladlea ef the Chrletlaa March are urged te attead the aid Beating at the church Thurtday afteraeea. te roaiplele arraageaieaU for their ThaakagtvlM dlaaer. TYI'KWHITNO CepylM fee at reduced prltet. All clattaa ef work aarafatlr attended te. Ulllaa A. McMlllaa, Til Ptaa at 1141 POR 8AI.B No. 4 Stalth Preailer typewriter, aheap; aerfeet order. taeulre at Swaaaaa'a barber ahop, la Hotel Hall. ll-lt If H'a werth terlag- Bee ttreet, or alieai k BaTkaBS H'a 4TliHrata at worth te- SIRETY BONDS Why aa a,l yeaw Meade M thRjata ahaattiltaa wawa yea eaaT flea eeaety aeault at ataaM eaetT BWda e( erary ewnwaP"je'av rankHhed eeTaauteieantak IBBhteitSt. PheaeMt y Special to The Herald PORTLAND, Nor. lS-MUk deal era of Seattle will bare a big dktptay at tho Facile International Dairy thow to bo held In Portland Noreaa ber 11-10. Prof A. N. HendereM. cblaf milk Intpector of Seattle, la di recting the preparation of a rery full exhibit of milk and cream, which will Include tba product of nearly erery large milk dealer In the Sound terri tory. In a telephone coareraatlea with O. M. Plummer, manager of the thow, Prof. Hauderion Indicated that tbe Seattle milk dealera will maka the Portlaad men la thla Ilea of bitei neat look to their laurelt It they are to compare favorably with the ahow lag of tbe Puget Bound dalryawa. There will be tome very valuable cowa eatereg at thu ahow. Seme that will be exhibited have advanced regktry recerda of II to 10 peuaee of butler par weak. Such cowa ahow a net earning power of aoaethlag like 600 par year, aatda troaa their ealrea. Many of the cattle to he offered at tee" combination auction aale are of tbla high elate. Dutch belted cattle, from the Baa- lower Dairy at Attorla, will be put up at thla auctloa aale. The herd la beaded by the three-yearold bull. Gold Nugget," for which tho own era paid 11.010 whM ho waa a alx montha calf. t There wilt be. great latereat la Ue dairy thow-i the city of Portlaad Itaelr, aa well aa la the aurrouadlag territory. Varlout civic and butl naaa men'a cluba, auch aa the Ad Club, tbe Rotary Club. Raet aide Rualaeaa Men'a Club ud the Pro- graaalre Rualaeaa Maa'a Clab have all atgalaed their lateattea et ai ag at leaet eato day at the ahew. H O T r I f. b. tatpha A. W. IT POWHI.L aaaaina WRfc petvate I? nieTBJRrll dBJBX p m.i i "' v U R P I K (Reteferrcc) Coacrrlr rtulbllng) MARRRV, BAN PRA.NCIHt O mv Bay al wkhoat bath. BIUW. ." iLnh idHMMW ht iMth room IK t .. l ' V ;4 ? BammamBBeaBBBBBjgmBBBBBaBBaaeeeaaeeBB " . u - ' GOOD :vT' PRIftolN li an mportaWrVt in a"y business, mm) of UntrfntriblUi toward succeee j Ltt ub sWw you owitotk of bond paper And MBit for you , Jay,. of office &U tk)awfhich wiU jrpfk business- , We ol smitCppiinting ., DAVIDSON HELD TO 6RAND JURY Ml CHAJM2RO SHOOTING AT HPNIRRB BOHR ONM TOOK A SHOT AT HUB AF TKR MR HAB PIRMD !. A. DavldaM, a farmer realdiag aaar, Mldlud, waa held te aaawar to the gTaad jury by JueUea Qravea yea terday m a charge of aaaauH wRh a daugereua weapon. Hit boad vu Oxed at fill, which ha furaleaed. It davalapad luat before the wa chaloa of the hearbtg yaaterday that tome peraM had UkM a that at the defaadaat alter he had drlvM aoaae buatera freaa Ma Bald. DavldaM ad' mltted that he had Bred three ahoU from a ll-eallare rUU In order to frlghtM haatera. WHEELER TO BE IN CITY SOON HlRMRR BBBPtiTY COMINO MMRK TO RUY BUNCH OP HOBBHB VOK HOMR CANA DIAN Deputy Sheriff Jobn Bcballock ro- celred a latter leet algkt from Jamei Wheeler, who m now In Hardeety, Alberta. laUlt letter Mr. Wheeler a rote that he weald arrive here about December I to bay a buach ef heraea for Canadian .farmcrt. Mr. Wheeler la an Importut wit- nrta In caaea la which loeal couaetl ruen are Involved. It waa reported that be had gone to Canada to eacape appearing aa a wltaett. LEGAL NOTICES Neilee for (Serial No. 01111 Not Coal Leadei Departmeat ef the laterier, U. B. Lead OflMe at Lakevlew, Ore gea, Nsvember I, lilt. Notice la hereby given that Carle- tea O. Brews, ef CryaUd, Oregon, who, ea Jane 4, llll. awdeAeme atead aatry, Ne. llll, fecNRH NRK NWU, NVi BRKNRHNWK. Secttea IS. Towaehlp 14 8.. Range I R., Willamette MerMten, aaa Bled aotlce ef lateatloa to make Baal ttree ear proof, to etUbllah claim te the lead above daaertbed, before O. R. Do Lap. coaaty clerk of Kkuaath rouaty, at Klamath Pallt, Oregoa, ea tbe llth day of .December, llll. Claimant namea aa wltaeeeea: J. Q. Swan of Klamath PalU, Ore.; Jcetle P. Rote of Cryatal, Ore-: Oeo. Wlae of Cryttal, Ore.: W. H. Wamp ler of Odaata, Ore.; S. A. Brown, of Cryttal, Ore. A. W. ORTON, 11-K-ll-ll r ReghMer. Neatre ef Bale of. Reel Ketate By In the Circuit' Court ef Ue Bute et Oregon, for tbe Coaaty ef Klam ath. R. R. Reamet, Pialatiff, va. Wm. A. Rarla, Defendant. Yoa will pltate Uke notice, That vadar aad by virtue of an execution Uauad eut of the Circuit Court of Klamath county, etate of Oregon, In (he action of B. R. Reamaa va. Wm. K. Barle, duly atteated hy O. it. Da lap, eeuaty clerk -of Klamath couaty, ttate ef Oregon, ei-effMo clerk of the above entitled cewrt., oa the lid day of October, llll, I aar levied upon Ue real aetata hereinafter da- atrlhed, aad that la puraaaaee ef aald exeeuttoa I am commudtd to aell aald real acuta to aatlafy a JudgmMt eMakted agalntt Ue aald Wm. A. Merle, la Ue above waMtled court aad aeUM ea the HU,vay, of October. A., D. llll. and recorded la ClreuR tiMrt. Journal, page 4M. That t real aetata to be teM Mder aald eat- cutlM'la detcrlbed ah foHewa, te wR: Lai eight (I). ef Week Ulrteea TBiefl . i a .MMaBBmmaMBbBflBBJp SlSSjgBwSBMMHE ' BHBMaa bMbb J ' 'aLLKflaaBBBBBBBBaVaTlL ' BaBBBBBEHjBBJBBBugf y & ,t i '"" If ' ."..'J . " Btva.. JM madaM i . PtaaisW haa aaaaad w-kLi ' J PIuBPbayI LONa,HOT,' U aere to have a,aJeSkat aad relreaalag clcMjaT.tkaee who have awaltlajfMBt , at heme that laxaryjralM aeiy;a pree arty appeisted haahraom can aaalUvy Uem at of rhkVead poor 'for few parMi.Mwadaya in limited eim) to he able aa alterd what wm taw year "agm u almeet irlaalaaa luxury. If PM dealre to kmtw all aheat BM a meeerato aami.taey aaa be haataUed, call as cHUIBLRT n (11),, of Palrrlcw AddRieaNaaiber One (1), te Klamath Telle, Oregea, according to the offtdal plat thereof, Including all the teaeatMta, heredUa- menia nnd appurteMaeaa thereaate lictoaglag. You will Uke aotlce that m Thara- day, (ha llth day.ef Nerember, llll, at 2 o'clock, la theaftcraM ef aald day, at the froat deer ef the coaaty court haute, la the city of Klamath Pallt, tUtVof OregM, I will, la obe dience to the aaM eaecutloB, aeM the above detcrlbed property, er aa mach inereor at may be neceeaary to aatieiy the plalntlff't judgment, with latereat tlitreon, and coettr to the blghett aad bftt bidder for each', la geld cola of the lntted Btatet. W. B. BARNBS. Sheriff. 0 KO. W. HAYD0N, Deputy. lo-ll-ll-ll r ft Admlalatrater'e Netlee ef Bala ef In the Couaty Court of, tbe BUto et Oregea, for Klamath Ceuaty. In the Matter ef the Betate of Martha AtBaaBldBBBBB laaaBBaamamdl AMVaMjmaammj AV9MbmRM. Notice la hereby glvM that, kt par- aeaaee of aa arder of Ue abevc m titled ejart, made la Ue abeva m- tRled matter m Ue TU day ef Ne vember, llll, the aaBarateaad, m ad- mlalatrator.wlttaeHtlMfettewlagde- tertbed property to m)M: The NBH ef MU, Sec If, Tp. II, : R. II. B. W. M., kt nimath Caaaty, Ortgca. at private aale, to the hlgheat hteder, for mm; m er after the TU day ef December, llll, at the law edteaa ef Btoae Barrett, la Ue Amtrlaaa IJenk.A Traet Ce. baUemw bt Ue etty of KlaaaaU PaUa. KlamaU eeeaty, OregM, Mkjeet oaly te Ua ceaarma- Hon of aald aale aa by law provided. Dated November 7, lilt. B, T. ABBKLOOB, Administrator ef Bald Batato. T-14-I1-II-I h TIeaherBale Sealed Mac marked outeldc "Bid for timber m Klamath ladtea Reaer ratlM," aad addraat'id te Ua aaper latMdMt ef the Klamath tattle School, KlamaU Agency, Oregon, wilt be received aatll II o'clock aeon, Pa- cllc coaat time. November 34. 1911. for the purebate ud removal of aM mcrchaaUble dead Umber, attadlag or fallen, aad all the live timber, that may be marked for catting by Ue otriccrln charge on n deatgaated area of about 1.110 acrea, .located aa, fol- Iewa: That part of tbe SKH ef Sec tion IS lylag eaet of Wllllamaoa Riv er, except that part which M lacladed n an alletment: 84 of SectlM II, T. 33 8., R. 7 E.; SWU ef BccUm 31, T. 33 S., R. f E.; NBU aad Uat par of NWU of SectlM 3 lylag eatt of the river; NH of SecUM 1. T. 34 8., R 7 K.: NWU of Sectlra I, T. 14. 3.. It. I B.. Willamette Meridlaa, ettl- mated to be approximately 10,000,000 fret board mccture log teale of yel low pine and a email amount of augar plno. Five ycara from tbe data of ac ceptance of the bid will be allowed for the cutting and removal or ,tna tim ber. No bid of lota tbaa Urea doi Inn aad twenty-Ire ceata per thous and feet board measure for the flrt ihteo years of the coatract and aa la create of twenty-five ceatt per thous and for the remalalBg two years of tbe contract, auch lacreaac to be op tional with the Commlailoaer of la- dlaa Affaire, will be coaeMered. Barb bid must be submitted la duaUoate 4nd must be accompaaled byji certi fled check oa n solvent Natioaal Banr la tbe sum of Bve huadred deUara and drawn la favor of the Saperlc- eadeat of Ua Klamath ladtu Behoot The right to waive technical detects in adver titemenu aaa aiae aaa reject. any nnd.all bide la reeerved The tim ber must be cut and removed aader regulation, copies of which with fur- tbar larermatiM may M eataiaea from the BuaertitUadtat ef the KUm- ath ladwa School. Klamath "Ageaey. 1 le-ii.ii r la Ue Orcalt Ceart of Ue State ef OregM. for KUmathtCojat W. McCahe. Puiatur, va. K. J. Bvaaa ud Patty Bvaaa, De-feaeaaU. Te B. J. Bvaaa, Ma et Ue Above- Nuui Dofeadaata r Hi the aame of Ua State ef Oregon ou ara hereby reaulrcd to appear ud antw'er the complatat ef nlalatltf above named-aow m tie la the clerk's oface of the above aamed ceart, la Ue actten above ea'tttled, m er before the SU day, of Deeeaabeay llll, aaM aay belag Ua Uat Bay.vttala watch Ume yoa are reeulrM to appear' aaA u twer aald comalalat m Baai-byjUu order ef Km, W. 8.Wer4ea eeanty Jadae et Klamath eouaty, Oragoa. far the puaUactiea f Uta aummeaaiIf yoa fall to appe'ar'-aaA aaawer aald eampUlat the xdaiaUff wUI toko jadg- agaiBK PM'for the turn oc,t aad . far- Ua eaaaa. aad dlaburtemeatt at- Uta aeUM'aad.ler, m arder at Uta Herald ant AM , . j-- T : z- milt agj v -PORRrnm,. hi Ut MMkaVkldl WM ' " .r -I .ill'. "In I mtmgmmmamimttmllk 'QM avyrtaii.MM jMM. pMMjMalaV , Oway,'Hentor.i '. X'jtT ,: Paff aVMal af mVbVBBF t jr ' 1 . tire, tea .or twaaVty.-aara) IJBBBJI J 4 weU aad N'appte tMaaiBaMl - -rj aad aader eeMvattoa-yllB MB ts . : 'J Irrigated. Thta,ta"tjaAlmaiaat aaa) aatott.aaMhaat daBTM. aad haaMM tovi Beaaaaaaaaa ayeamr eammmarej W"Pt "" J owae ar -. MlK i, JQTIntmf n ilBMmlm gBTaBw 44i;r , t'i ,. ' sBMmaaaaMaaaaai Banana emma mmaa maaj :d 1 ' " l ' ..2- --- omakMmah - I Antolaitta Baaatar, aail tor mm eaaar NICELY farataaed reome at the Ort gon House, (Hath aadaThimaU ' MM4CHLLANB4MM COWS BRED I aew have two regea- tered Heletela balkyaad wW aarve a few mwb at II eater; payment meet be meeo ha. advaai. Jaa. W.' Straw, at Straw's Dairy Sl-llt MB-B gm MgTaTBBJBBf BBJ tra Sne wkKe Wesscttoa and I1IS each 1-tf PRANK BVOP! MONEY TO LOAN! ud 1, WhMe-1 Mata . BB et.m.ltM JF i v -X ;. Baw aVBaM'' WaaaaalMa LTf BBWHJ eyBBWRBBBBJe T jf. V ,' baltetos. T-lwha Ing described property, to wR: Lot 3; In block losria MIHa SecMd adltlon to tba City ef KlaaaaU Palte, Oregon, heretofore .UkM nadir at tachment la aetd eaeee,' aa the prtpW ty of tbe'defeaaaBt aV.J. Bvaae.X- " . This summeaa la publltaed oaea a week for the period ef eU eeaeeea tire, weeks ,1a Ua KlamaU Bopoh Beaa. a weekly aewapaper, prlated aad pubUshed at Ktemath Palls. OregM, by order of Ue Hea. W..S. Wordea, coaaty. judge ,ef Klamath couaty, state of. OregM, mode aad Sled the lid day of, October, llll. ,Tbe date ef tbe Irst pebHeatlM betas made oa tbe 34th day of, October. .1311., KEBBEB A QROBBBBCK. 10-24-11-Sr Attorneys fr Plaintiff. tad farther reRef M Ue warraat. f-c - aald Klamath iMai.ef the BeneM.v,Jaaie a ef the state ef OregM par et Klamath, ABanlalilraiir'a RMtae ' Ocorgc LaPleeh Notice la hereby glvM Uat aha M- derslgned. aa admlaletrater of the ee Ute of Qeorge LaPleeh, deteaaed, BM lied his aaal eeceut la tba) Coaaty Court of Ue State ef OregM. for KUmath Ceuaty, vaad. Uat Sataday. tbe lid, day ef November, llll. at the hoar ef II o'etoeka. m. of aell day. aad the Ceaaty Jaagela otaee, la Ue .coaaty Marti beete la KlaaaaU Palls, KlamaU (aaty. OregM. haa boM appointed aad Saed by aald eeart m tbe time ana place for h cartes at MJeetiMi,-lf aay Uere be,;aad the tottlemeat thereof. - ' if' ' Dated aad IrH puMlahed Uta llth day of October, lilt. ' , , , . nuniM, a 10-24-11-11 r . A.tmlakvtrator. " j; of year ! rial Mo. HMt, bmBo ftetaoar if. ltll, aar tao U -mm a)aarBBS IBB U MRU BM m, aM to Piwilj BW U'BMM.TaanaahapSfBL.! Adiiilalslrstnr'a Xaaiea , Notice to berfby glvea'that by or der of the County Court of. KlamaU County, State of 'OregM, maoe ana entered on, the Stb day of October, A, Wl'O.lS.l'etcr OIennru been.RP-poluW-U BilmlnUtrntor of 'the. eet.-ttc of arorglana Oiean. deccascd;aad tlist all persons' having claima aganat tald estate arc hereby required to prctem tho same with the necessary vouchart-'dul verlKed to him; Ue underslaaedadmiatatrater wRhla'an months'froea'the'daa ef Uhi aettec. to-wltrfromrhe-leth-aayef October; llll; that each cUlma'may be so pre- MBtedto iatd admmtatreter, at'Mer rlllj KUiaeth Cuaiy.' Oregea. orat the efltae'of'Cv'C. Brewer, attoraey for aaM admlaletrater.. and'estote; nt hta laaveBtae tax. KlematbPalls. ,ln tald eMBty.aad state:; and all pe.rsoaa Kaewlag themselves to be laeeBica te aald ettate ara requested to make paymeat thereof to- eaW- aeailato tirator. & ' Dated tbla. JOtbrAal 'October, A. D. 1911" .v:;,2p'" ,tl' PETKK aLBNN.. y, AamiBWiraior 01 juntww osjeieer gtaaa jQtMB, DeceaeeA. ' ', 6; C. BROWRR, Attorney' for Betate. w 1019-11-14 r 4,! . !k !. ..,..... u .. nll.-.ul. I. " junetneiie assrua. nuew. -v i 'VM .! V-. ' -- " " ( -- : " 'W. B. WISJBTB .atlB. ,S r .! ie-ie-ii:n r (Jr2 oC.taao r. ToPraakJB. M.IBaB. af Ortaea, CettaetM: 'Hi. Ymbm Lebb, who gtvet m;bM II, 111. Bag a aBBBO' eie ooTseweRiei oibow aM' aaB''aeeawa..aao MaaaaalBB BBBBtB sreaautoV". Bat emBBat B tSaBB taat yoa.aaMVraBBv JMjwP oWatTw CaScBBWwHaBvfa, fa) fBBHBpBagaWoHgoT0 Ipffafaw" mmamammar mjaamms, mammas BeBBBPaaB aaaaaoap mTjmvma maaay aMhUvMod'-ec aaamMB Baa aaaae;Uat yoa,ahaaaaa aaal aMat aaaBB BBBaawar aamemamBBeB BBBmrnjan -mmaBmareaBBaBBBia wlUMtever havhM aamBakatoi a beaa' arcaieteaee aheMm, Ym are, uWefMe,,fataar aaaV led Uat the aaM allmmtfas wf Bty, ukaa by, Uta,eeaee''M havhag 1MB' coafcaiad by yea, aa4' year aaM oa try will be eaeeclM thetMaaer wRaV; Mtjiear farther rlgM to ,1 taereia, euaer.aeteM tarn eeate ar 1 appeal. K yM. fail to aa ha tarn i ijuie-innr "" . " rmnm, . --, pveuwjom et; tuo siwiii)iiSt below, yerlaaeweif, aadirooiBju aaa' clacattytttesaaA riagialhjS to BvBBjB- aypajoBBaB' iajmpaaa BaaaaB1 mmy ommmr gaB mamama eStae aao proof UatyM bom Banat, a 'aoay' of "jroaf aaowar. m .Bm goat JEPBBjmBjuBBjBa.B feeBmaa; amg BBaBFaBaBJp BBa ajBJ HBmp taterea aaalL ' If tUo aorrlao la maete by. Ue.datlvery ed.a eaas- of awor to Ue iibMbBI; fa PfoefW aaM aarvtMawat ko 1 tadgeatat ef.ala Mbaaht ota abewtatMeatoeIMilaamt,artBO aSMavtt of UepereM by. delivery: ;n aad. where the caay wm atHtotoi; i hrtvraataatolrBMB; aveaf. of, M.aaaaaa davR of .the peraM by whoaa Ut laag In. the Circuit Court of the State .et uregea, for iue veeaHr- cm Klamath 1, ti' Walter David Martla, DeleaeMt" Te Walter, David .Martla, Deteadaat? la the Name ef-Ue Bute e Ore gen: You are hereby reoairee to op-. pear aad aaawer the ttmptalat' Stal agalast yoa la the above Mtltled tak wlthla tlx weeks after tba drat,' pub-, lIcatlM'ef thai tummoaa la Ua Xuia ath Rapublleu, a newapaaer prlaUd ud pabltahed la the City at XleataU Palta. CMBty' et KUaaata, Baato' of regoaor'M or before .the "tweaty flrat.daK ofNevemher, 1IM, that ho- Ug Ue laetoay of Ue UaMreaaathe4 la, the rammoat, too aretaubtleatlM being m'Uw tMU'.dayef'Octeear. llll. aad If yoa fast ao to aaaoar aad aMwer 'tMlww't.Uereeltho pialatiff will apply tethe eeart tor Ue renet prayed for .la the aaM aomplalat. to wtt:i:Pvi'h,aecree, "'""I court that Ue beada'et arlttoay hewealatlag hetweM 'PtaKtUff . aM . defMdaa be a dtasalMdr Usi Ua, nlalatlB be BOT-'r, to which R Uta afMavR maetae Ue 1 paatmaater rt wtat Wff.'t.JAi.-r wi'.r.i' ' TsiT'eb )M (Mki an el VCB erBveapmraiea) ajfavfl aaaa ef,tt m ami tba .WMmtlaaaB b""J"o) awawa. BaaWgr BapwH toJwjbloB ! aaat h , '4 IV.: I h' v -BaaBmaa, , Date of tatf aebetaetiea. Nor. U 1IU Data of M pabttesttoa. Nor, 14. Mlt Dow of Id pubUeattaauMM.: II. MM lkto.o.tMMteatapa, Nov; St. IBS la Ue Matter of Ua 'I'lV.SWiilJ.- hu,imi K .1 aWHCN Baettemaat f 'aatotoof'Rtlaa.' u herehygivMUat B BPlaBBaBMPoBvg BBaWBBBBBBB; mycl JBBa i BaWBmmm . EltoabeU. Is; tbi 'ceuaty. oMrt of, Ue atoJo OraaeeJ tor Ptamatb eeaatr. UofB order 'for- aaatteatlM of tBHieeeMBt ec aar BaaniaiHitumi m m too BretMbtleatlM taerea)eitala.:aad that Ue.eMrtJBgj Batoraay.tBB Md day of Mill MfmBBt tVeaMl IB toreMM at aaM gay, m laa IBM BlBf s Bajmamej mmaa ma memaeamammmmaaa. am) amaamr BFaagaa eanaraaaa'OBmamB . eBeayaa agae;aaaamammp Patod Uo tlth day of V - , ... of tlpr3-. & -,,. -. .t . ii-. tejrtu ;fc sib, Ua fe4tow- dtaaetvM;' Uat Ue ptaiaUB br'aor. ''JMiBB. -giauHl