J' " fvmrao by tmm uKifw nam nim mmtwm ftSfsaU VHT-Kl, 1,111 jjjjg f brntttp Hefato. -1 if1 fi - -A1 ,if mv:: '; ? ... - . ., " ' .. W. ,llW'tf ,1 -1,' "fl !.'" ' f , U!U Vi ML VU I i g fjJ A. ""? "4" 3 KLAMATH FALLN, OHKOON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBKR 15, 11 Officer Wm. HaU Makes Important ArrS :' ' '''.''"?' Loaded Down with Plunder, Young Burglar Thro ws up his Hands ws iV-d .. j . J. EUROPEAN WAR IS AVERTED BY AGREEMENT BUD ANDERSON IS HERE FOR MILL VANOOVVKK LAD FKKLN OOOD AFTKK A HAHU HATTLK WITH UKUWiK MKNMIO, FAMOUH UW ANUK1.HH LKIHTWsClUMT MCMANI6AL STILL ON THE STAND VLUARIA CUmm DKFINm,' rACT WlWt AVftTMA Dud Anderson, without ft scratch. amkt l to Oct AaVtatte ftoaaoit anl lis spite of his encounter In Medford lUUroMl Freest kMtrotltoa to ftelea fas, Accorasac to kUlaaaeat Matfe by lYrakl Owl of the "ntgar laa IWUammU CfcoWa AMi to Horror of War IMPf.K'ATKH TVIBTMOK IN THII LOH ASUKI.m KXPLOHION, AND MAYif DYNAMITK WAH I'LACKU AT THK OTIM HONK cnJ vt Mfnci LONDON, Not. IS. It If author astlttly stated that President Dane I Ui Bulgarian parllameat baa cloa- i a dtlalte agreement with Auitrla, atertby flcrvu got as Adriatic ut art aad the railroad from Mltrovltsa to telealka. Tkle practically kill cay ekaace at Mnmi war. idled Praia Berets LONDON. Nov. 1G. Turkey aad wbjarla kava deflaltely agreed to aa MaJeUte. accordtaa; to" a Coatral Bm Agency saeeaaga received bar ton Sella, via Bucharest. Tkla re mit aaaaot be eoalrmed. I CBaaMttatBtJaMMaVat Failed Prcaa BervU-e CONtTANTWOrLK. Nov. IS. Ha ambassador af tha Pawsrs have told Ut Porta that ibey will hart to atMslt tha otbar allies, aa Bulgaria abac cannot great aa armistice. Thla M laurprated aa Indicating that Bui Urta I determined' to occupy Con- Uatlaoala. Oaaataaa to Asfraam lUUd Praaa arvlaa RUDAPhWr. Nav. IS. Tha al- airUM coattaaa to advaaaa. raajard of tha paaea aaaaflatlaaa la pro' Nm. it la reported that Ua vaa awd haa reached KlUat, tha Black m aatraaea to tha Baapaaraa, with aula forea wHala OnaUUa, aad Ut llBta atllt advaacla. ,The oecu patios of CoaaUatlaeala la hallaved be latvlUMe, aa tha OUeawaa are Hitlaf up a vary weak deleave. (iwiaw no. rwiK Tutadar nliht with Otorie Memalck. one of the heat known llghlwelihu In the country, arrlred In the city lait nlcht to prepare for hit bout with Auatralla" Kelloy here a week from loalibC Ulck Donald, Andorton'a manager, declarea that hla.hoy la In great abapo and that the mill here next week will he a tod one. "I don't think there la a chance In Hie world of llud lotlng," aald Donald thla afternoon, "but thla Kelley boy mutt be watched. He hnowa a lot About the game, and la a rower. We will Uok out for bint." Anderaoa will go lalo tralalag at once, although he It, la perfect condi tion right bow. He haa agreed to lua&e US pounda on the afttraoon of Hi aUIL The Portland Journal bad lb fol lowing to aay about the Meawlck-Aa derwage: Hoping to make a rich harvest of raay money , George afeatalck of Lot Aagelea, under the aaaumed namo of Freddie Corbett, and a following, In vaded Medford to flght tea rounds with llud Anderson of Vancouver, Wash. Anderson won In the eighth round on a knockout, after flooring Memtlck eight timet. After tha flrtt two rounds the flght waa all Ander ton's, Memtlck vainly hoping to laud n lucky knockout. Aa the bout turn oil out, Anderson's claim to recogni tion with the near topnotcbera It strengthened. The loser admitted his IdeaUty aad warmly praised the Van couver lad aa a comer of tho first aaaUty. "It waa the twenty-eocond scalp Anderaoa tied to his belt. The ptuedo Corbett boxed like a veteran, and floored Anderson In the second round, but the Vancouver boy roto like a flaab and from then until. the elghtb sent hit opponent to the mat at leaat once In every round. Considerable money was bet on the match by a number of San Fran- t'nlied Press Porvlr INDIANAPOLIS. Nov. 16, OrtU McManlgal, when ho resumed thu ttand today said: "Jim MiNamara -Mid that 'Old Msn Tvletmoe' first suggested the Times explosion. ' , He testified tha. MrNamara an ctarod that after tin- blowing up of the Paclfla Coatt Lumber company's plant at Onkland, Ttlatmoe, who Was "paymaster of the l'.i Iflc coatt," was very much pleatod, and gave him fSOO and luggestif that ho dettror the Timet building. He twjro that Jim McNamara ds- clarod that ho lis! idaced the dyna mite charno at tho Oils home. GOWAN TELLS OF HIS EXPENSES HvccmnrvL oimbatk for JVNTIUi: OF TatR PBACK WAH OUT aai.M TO (Jiff THK JOB. OTHKK CANMOiTM TBIX It cost K. W. M-Oowaa Just ISt.SO to be elecUd Juttlw aC the paaea of Llnkvllle precinct, areordlng to a tworn statement filed let the ottce of the county clerk today, f A. L. Coan, socialist candidate for assessor, spent 91.80, aad William Snow, Independent aad succsssful candidate for coastabl. spent fit durlag the campaign. WW wwwmt BWIIi PHINTHTON, Nov. J5. Prttldeat- olect Wilson will go to New York this afternoon to attend a banquet of kla class, Princeton, '19. He doea aot expect to return her before golag oa bis vacation. ELECTION MIX-UP 6ETTIN6 NORSE NOTHtNO MMRIVB CAM Ml KNOWN VNTCL TBI QTWKMAL COUNT INIMCATIONB MATH WIIX MM aWXR (,'nltrd Pfcst fftttm SAN FRANCISCO, Nor. IS. The election mlx-ap la ajetttag won. He Cage of Saeraataato elates Uat Roosevelt is 100 ahead, wall WUaaa lira here concede RooasveH a lead f M. In Lo Angelea Rudolph Saraek- ela haa employed Barat deteetlvea la an attempt to prove that the ballot boxea la several of ta prstlaeta ka that eoaaty war Uaapered artta rf Roosevelt's followers. Jordoa refasee to make aaalla aay more returns aatU tha eoaat la com plete, ladleatloaa are growlac Uat there will be a apllt la tha eteetoral veto. OIL REPLACING WOOD FOR FUEL TWO OWNkUeS OF JDUDDMI W BXAJtATH FAIXS FIND OHKAP. OTBaCATDKITaTAN Movement Started to Create New Office for the County Attorney! are Anxious, to Have Clerk of the Circuit Court to handle Matters Collected With Suits. Now Performed by County Clerks Klaaaata FaMa bow, baa two baltd Sjaa fgtsmjlgaja ffaA BBaV PJaa BwjrnaH awajajaojaxeaji wg aU far fnel. aa4 too that tola wilt be lb dty la all of tho largo laBeiaf Tao new 0. W. WbMo balldlaa baa eatoac with aa oal karaar, aid X A. Feeler of taa Jaat eoeaptotod tha laetalhtsaa of i pUat ka U la addition wUl also faratok the First Nstleaal Bank bedMaac. Those two pleats at aow ka ttoa, aad latartad awaora tt laga are watohfaag tho wttk latereat, a aa tkakr dspaad tk aiaeardbMC af faraaea for tk ail all enrtkooaataa4fcfojlaf oe eratlag la radaead to k la atotofl tkat tk east at taat. WlllUM CAIliT it FACESiMlBEf it t w A c .; Jls r C 'M BJtUlIHCHNll'r (Ciniinucd on Pscv 41 Use of Electricity Increases in City THIS CITY GOOD Capacity of Local Company is In creased 1200 Horsepower by Connecting Tail Creel Line Ths Fan Creak Haa at Ua Oregon- UaUforala Power oompaay waa tied tt alght to the Klematk Falla plant, tti'rtby ronnectlag all at tka"a" HU of tk company la Oragoa aad iXorala. Hareafter thravwlll ba ko UosajklUtr' af KMBiath Falla bo H wUhaat UghU or oowsr far a oat aa aeeeaat at ay ta local plant, aa Ua entire lead an tmatedlatety awltehed to tka l powr Uaa. ; - s Tha FaU'oraak atoat kad, already couaitoi wtoibWiiMakU at ntMnaaA mm J itlM ffsaWaw aaJkal Jk lalaJk f w- ) WwlHafBfl J7 J IttC. Of -Uftl lufialkffaflW aMtaaV 11.1 aMSt P. iVt i miJ kflji . 7 .J wanit-basrafahek V- , mlsalea tine to connect up the Ktam uth FalU plaat. According to F, II. Mromor, elec trical auperlataadent of tho Klamath division, tka uaa o'f electricity has In creased at a vefy rapid rate during Ua past year, aatH aow practically the full capacity at U total plant baa been reached. Tk connections wltk the other pUnta wlllj4ve an additional 1,300 horse power. A new SS-hersepowsr motor kaaiaai.aa Installed la the bos factory of, tka Klamath5" Hanufacturlng company at Bhlpptagtoa.'aad It U predicted taat tha comlag irtar will see a large iw ber of w tactarlea etarted In Klam ath Fall which will use electilclty far power, . movement has been started by i and there nre now 6 law oasea pead members of the bar and the county nt and 60 equity cases, besides the dork's office for the creation of the i" "".T"?"" """""" icrs. mii ui taeea cases ura i wm ad tho by cilice of clerk of tho circuit court for Klamath county. At the preaent time the county clerk la ex-ohlclo clerk of tha circuit court, an work la performed by himself some of the deputlea la bis ofllce. When court Is la session there la a mass of work for thla department, and where a portion of the records are kept In the circuit court aad the balance In the county clerk's oBce, It cautos a great Inconvenience to the attorneys as well aa the clerk, aad It la very easy for error to occur. Bine January 1st there kaa beea 1 law cases filed and IS equity cases, docketed and the papers and orders Died as they are presented by tka at torneys aad the court Unless as treme care la taken It Is easy for aala take to bo made In the eatrlea aad filing of the papers. This Is particu larly true ahould the papers be flled with one of the deputlea uafaaatUar with the work, during the sessloa of court. Executions nre Issued aad some times not sntered In the execution docket by deputies not kavlag tkat work la ckarge, and thereby eauaea considerable annoyance to Ua attor ney. Whea cases aro 1114 by a dep uty that la not used to the elrcalt court work Uey very often are aot ladexed properly, it, at all, wklek causes contusion la looking up euKa pending. Clerk D Lap Is very muck la favor of tha creatloa of tho aaw ofltce, aa he kellev this, work can bo better baadled by oaa maa, wbo gives kla aaUr time to It, Uaa by deputies from bit ofkc. It the oace should be created by tha aeit leglslatur It Is probable tkat It would ha filed by appointment by tka governor uatll the aext eteetloa. At Ua praseat time aeorgo Chattata, deputy clerk, kaa dies most ot Ua circuit court work, aad undoubtedly bo would ka eoaaM ered aa tka moat ootapeteat aua (or the appolatmeat BUSINESS POINT PIANO FIRM WIIX MAKK KLAM ATH FALLS PKRMANRNT HKAD QUAKTKH8 AND DMTMBUTINU POINT tihouherd & Sons, the wall known uauo Unulert, have decided to make Klnmatli FalU n permanent neaa- (lunrteu aud distributing point for Kbttaru.Oregou. Tins nriu som ineir drst plauos In KUmath couaty twenty-three years ago, and have keen innklnK regular tripa mrouga mis Miction since, that time. WIU the de- vninmuent and growth of auaauta ORDERS FOR MAPS, SWAMP OFFICE WAIt IN MALKANH CRoUTOS BM UKMANU FOR MAPS OF aUHMCR ItlthKY, MONTUNBWM) AND AUHTRlA-Ht'NaARY , (Jutted Prsas service WASHINQTON, D. C, NaT. 18. Tho government printing aatc Is swamped under a flood of ordera for mapa of Greece, Turkey, Maatoaegro and Austria-Hungary aaa,rsult of the all!' stuck upon U .Moslems. Letters from congrssaevanntor and U public generally.' aaurlng GIVES ADVICE TO THE STUDENTS Tka Hall OrlM ekaala mack ; f i -i"v -, ' RUaWIll f 1,1 "TlffllBl f WlTat'lfaVIUaisiVaa '" swna szmBratp aaaesaaaxf tM) raraaasa aotagtl ' ; -ZL 3 aaaaattoaa are . Ismal,MBVSaa) Ij ,, ' ray. i, i aai ? kaaa - - - -j-. ,- w-. ,v itvenesHfeaaasa saavaas aaaasaB ssa 1 M I .. . -. aa aar i . .... . . . -. . v . ttZTmZZmlZm ' is test aasKeaw sbbl asas .aaa) bbbbbb bbb aaoaaaa wka ' k - -- 4. rfb tk waat fwsat aseveko aMtaa. as oaawa aa, -'- 'i kamar. ' - nm araal aTai I ii iT ' -1'r ksataaaa. " T : - - -'$& w snasBaaaaaal aaat j . ''; . . . a . . - a, ' -f & JtH ;me , at avi saa arx v C"a aa awsaja eaawvaax a . .. . & .'asT . . j!V aawaBm.BwBBPSBweoBB, aaa as mrtwm. ' -Vi ' - '' ataaaA'aasaVfaa aaaVaaal aaBBaKaaBBBBr' '"'", -M eweaaaj - - " ,Ji .; . .. asms an aata aaar sas nasi aa bubbmf aaaxaxasfam, -- jLW A -tni-' utmUmt. TZfT ll J" ...'ILL v Tl to kOaaaatfc FaMa . wstaavxwsmasawwamaaaaaaBai f aejaappei wttk U " " TT" " wmaaw Mm bmsm- " M m aWaBajsjaa awaatt' FINsM i aesasm.aam aaBas saaaasj, (l, -a, m. m a jitfkAiMBaaaiMt atoaaaaaa iei oea am Bvaaaaaast eaaakasaaai - r as avsaasaaai waaw aaaaaaa aaw a Im Mail. w iew sjem awaaw. . . a storo, aamd mtko wdtoajaak .-. Krattaekam aaikawa " '' mmmaay Mtva aa. wwsaow, Bssaaaa. sa saaa mar Ua Jaaaaiki far awaaa .saw bbwbbv t xaw asmaav sjaaaar aMt far eaotoat. " ,' aWABBaraaiBW f wa msaraasr. aaskiaajam snaWa. wm s---i.i harried anaasA to taw kaafe. 2kaaat U. :-"" " - : -: -.- , r.". , W. S eente. 11U - (UaaAaalSk. Wtlli w, ' " Z. . . 1 . air Uat akara waa ta awaaV - . tttt aaJaa inhabit tkaA aaa nin allies. . oil far tad. asW all af tka toga to k arsotsd wlU probably be buraora. It Ua alalaM af faetarera ara atavwa. NEW YORK. Not. 11' I big throughout oar territory." Tkle Is Ue aaaouaeemeat af JaUaa Kratt- schaRt. vie preetdeat t Ua Haiwt- ta llaoa. karo today aftor a.ato week' trip over Ua eoatpaay'a aroa- eny laapoeuas naaM Coast Ceaeeralag reaarta tkait Ua Pacta latoadod new short Haa bstwsc. Iraaaafl aa4 Los Amgetee. Ue work waa acUg aatkaa to local territory, bat a Uroagk llao were i: . . m. sW. u.iaa. ....a- aana M 41aa. Hiss Falls and the couaty, me traaa aeraav wiw w" ""- - . . . n Innnrtant that th irm IDasA WBT aUKTICl. .-. lias uvvwihw "-r. - -w - t . ... ...-"- derided to opvn permanent hsadauejr tr here, l enable' them to Beadle their rapidly Increasing business, Tk Ehepherd family has followed tka pluaa business for a'1 period ot forty l. years. , Oreeki rcaldlag la thl waatry ara nlto atktag far waps prtatot to thelf native laagusgi. but Uaaa are not supplied by the"v govtraxaeat. being compiled rprl vioi laud uadar federal PMNCIPAL VAVQWt TMB.HK1H kCHOOL BTVBKNTH WITH NBCaaSatTY OF BBIBalMI. NATION . Prof. W. U. Faught gave the high school studeaU a, practical lHtle talk this morning about the laa aad outa of a student. His talk waa direct aad to the polnt, aad left ao doubt la aay of the students' mlada aa to what ka meant, Ha told VU students Uat If they expected to i make a aolaUSe they must be poasecaaa otjsftckta B tlveneaa,';' He ad'ii-'TMlUat-Ing, "wobbly" stuaoat'WMld ka a "wobbly" versoa la UUK He advised tha students to stlek'to their, coarse and got a "bulldog grip" oa'Ulagt. aad tkaa go on wltk H througk Wi aaatcMo . ..; ,'.V..BLOUBLlTI , ' Vf, ...i,V...BLOUl A i'V , J, i ir: ?jvrv ; ' im. Analysis Shows Mrt; 4 , '', II''" V. ' -: i- Qty Water is Pure Tflllaa nsmlitai tTWawt MA AAAi ' ' ' 't r "' " i ' mill".' -,.MTmr ".,, F 1.1V,, 'T'.'-A-" l,.S-ls ((, if Gallons of Water a Day, On Third Wall V According to a report Jaat rtvd from Ue chemist af , Ua Ualvetatty of California by Ua CalKarmJa-Ora-gon Power company, tka praseat wa ter supply ot Klamath Falls' w jaat about aa pure aa It I posalbl tarit to become. The tost show tkat Ua water Is equal to Uat of aay at !tk oltlea ot the state, aad mack aarar tkaa many ot tka Wlllaasett Yaltay towaa. The report'' teUawa: lJ Berkeley, Nov. 'ITTka'kM- v tertologlcal taaamtoaShm, U ka saxapte of; Water Jaiarkid, kaif.i; received NaTapkar.i'kak'aaaav' ; 'Ui toMewtac hnM; 'BactoH'1,, couat--etoxaa la,lt..'t , watrt5 Taat fw;& jMwiik kwtoea all aad aafraato kntk. ; va.'wiu 1 cc. atU wa- , Mgatt1 tor, Mmaca, t ii fJ 4' .J. 'V, r V- ' (i, nt11'- uub waaaa aa ia t -,--; ," Tory aaltalBBtorr fla-o."' A. FtTaWAlff. " .''; . . . -. ' - , ' .' w " I ' ,wxaa4aaL aak.-'f'J?i .' . - water to Ua tty far aaaaa ttaaa faaaj Ma two waila, wktek wata aatlM akkj cummer Tkaa ara teeatedaa Ua tarawi aad ara soaaeetsd, wttk a total lly at Nk gaUaaa a akaaata,' A kaa) preaeat tkaa fcka fataa la. kakaf f rated r-Al i v XrsVsh --,' '.. '. m w-V- 11 1. yv" i taat Fbiajiak Faka & .M, awMaM. ayataT fMk; '''AH ri." -31 Irw PJcaJ nwJay nkkbtsaf wktek. wkoa aaajkFBai WwfBaV waaaw aWgBa SarajX) waaw aBBBBBapBaa; aaxa ajpaaaaa aas aaantaa' aallaaa a sbul aapswwww sxeaw aa BBxaxajsi WkJW Vi f-