"1 ,' J O j. i. i, A 'NTj -w )V F tti i lUfPUKt) hy THU UNITRB FRHBS NRW SRHVICJC ' grtje Seventh Year No. 1,MS fUmnu) 1 etm . s Miorvvai mm mm MmMVE r' ' "t w. T - i I 0 fr . , j r - a . -a 4 i r a.! MMMHMMl KMMATH PALLH, OIHcAOft, TltHNUAY, NOVKMIIKK IS, iffl Klamath County Annexed By National Democrats Scarlet Fever Causes Postoffice at Chiloquin to Close SPANISH PREMIER FALLS A VICTIM OF AN ASSASSIN MURIUM COMMITTKI) I.V HKAKT UK MAIIHIIi Aeuusla Takes HU Own Mfe llefore the Arrival of Hip Police Two HullrU Are Hcnt la Rapid Horrra- tun Through Iho Mewl or DUllo. gulitHHl HlalrMHan llralh Come ' lnUatly. lulled Irese (Service . .Vol a Kuklite United Press Hervlca UNION, Nov. S. lila- patches from Madrid thla after 0 noon say that Zarrato has bean arrested, and that lio dlil not commit aulclde. Tho dorr of lilt taking bit ou life iu clr- minted In order tu deceive hla accomplices. MAI)UII. Nor. 1 J. Premier Can al)Jas waa naaaaalnalcd thla inornlnf. Ill was ahot twice behind the rar and Imtaatly kllltd. Manual Pardlnaa Y Zarralo waa Iho aissssla. The aaaaaalnktlon occurred In front of the office of tba mlulster of the In tirlor on 1'uarto del Sol, a square In tla very center of thla city. Step ping behind Canalcjaa, the aesaasln li ltd twice. He committed aulclde In fore the arrival of the police At the lime of tho shooting the sijuars waa crowded with people. (Ileal confusion followed. Military gtarda attempted to clear the squsre ai d tho throw atampeded. Scores of cavalry finally acattered tba crowds. Floats Over CMy. United Press Itrrlw HAN rKANOIBCO, Nov. 13. A via. tor Kowler atarttd from th I'realdlo at noon today, and crulaud for half nn I'our above the city. Lorlmer la III UnUtd Preaa Bervlr CHICAGO, Nov. l.Kx-Benntor lrlar la very III. I'hyalclana aay he haa appendlcltli, and that an op eration will be ueceeaary. Hull was atarted In the circuit court thla afternoon by V. 8. liench et al aialntt II. B. Crane. Keeae 4 tiroes beck are attorneys for the plaintiffs. SHANK ENTERS PLEA OF GOILTY AHHAII.ANT OF COIXHJKI, HOOHK- Vhl.T Wllil, )T FlflHT KOli I.IIIKUTV VUKHTIU.V OK IIIH HA.MTV CXJMrM VI' Called I'rtt SrvlM MI1.WAUKKH, Nov. 1 J. When Bchrank waa arraigned In court today he pleaded guilty to the charge of having ahot Colonel Theodore Itoose-veil. Iu event of Hcbrank being found aana Colonel Itooeavelt will be re quested' tu come to this city to tes tify against blru. Bchrank waa taken before Munlcl- pol Judge lAuguit llackua heavily manacled. The hearing waa ad Juurned to 3 o'clock whon a aanlty cotnmUalon will be named. 0E6REE TEAM GO TO MEDFORD liAIMKM OK KKHKKAH DKGKKK ' OK TMIM C1TV WIIX CXrttWTK KOK lioXOHH AT THK NKXT Jr.Vi:iUli AHtttMBI.V l'roperlty Itebekah Iodge No. 104, I. O. O. K will enter a team Iu the competitive drill to be held at the uext Grand Encampment of the order, to bo held Iu Medford next May. Kor thla reniou tho members of tho team are drilling moat ardu ously, aud grea. Intereat U being tak en In Iho work by Iho members of tho team. Tomorrow night a meeting of tho monitors of the team will be held for the purpoae of practice and all members aro urged to be on hand promptly at 7:30. Mrs. B. May drcor, president of the Itebekah Assembly, while on a visit here recently, complimented the work of tho team very highly, and urged them to attend the assembly and com- pcto In tho competitive, drill. So earnest was she In her roquest that the lodge ha decided to enter tho team, and earneat drilling will be the order of tho day from thla time until they feel themaolve capable of bringing home the honora of the assembly. K. U. Kagait of the General Elec tric company, entertalnod iho atu dents of the high achool thla morn ing with hi talk on electricity. The talk waa very Instructive, and showed the varloui stages' by which the present electric lamps are per fected. He also showed the stu dents how to read an electric meter. Ills talk waa llluatrated by icenes thrown upon a icreen by a ateroptl- con lantern. INDIANAI'OMB, Nov.lIBecause of the Illness of Juror Spauldlng, tho dynamiting caaea havo been continu ed until tomorrow. If he la unable to resume then a mistrial will result. Fever Epidemic Is Causing Great Fear Poitof f Ice at Chiloquin is Closed and a Guard will be Sent There to Maintain a Strict Quarantine ISEVERE PENALTY FOR BIG NE6R0 rOUIt ADDITIONAL INDICTMKNTH Aid. iiirrcHN'i:u aoainkt jack JOH VKO.V, WHO HAYH THCVHK Tlf. tSU TO KIIAMK HIM fulled Press Service CHICAGO, Nov. 12 Jack John- eon haa been told that four additional Indlctmenta havo been returned against him, and that bo might bo Imprisoned for flvu years on each In dictment. Bend may be required for IH&0.000. Tho big black charged that aome (ino la trying to "frame" hlin. LIGHTING EXPERT TALKS TO POPILS K. 1. KAOAN DKMO.8TKATK8 TBK PIUNCII'I.KN OK THK MOOKKN KMCCTHIO L1UHT lIXUtrTKAT 1XO WITH 8TKKKOPTICON JUIIORIHSTItlCKKN e t Appoplriy Clalans One of Twelve 9 ArMters ; 4 United Press Her vice INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 11 The trial ef labor leaders on charKcs of dynamiting csme to a 0 sudden halt here today when Juror Allen 'Spauldlng was stricken with osoplexy. Court adjourned unllf thla afternoon. A 44)e4) RITCHIE WILL GET HIS CHANCE CALIFORNIA LtOHTH'KKiHT WILL MHKT AD WOL0A8T I.V BALY CITY AHEXA IN A ae-HOUNB GO THANKMIVIN'O BAY United Press Berrloa SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. II Willie .Itltchle, Coffroth and Jones today agreed on the terms of tba pro ponod Wolgast-Kltchle match to be held In tho Daly City arena on Mat Thanksgiving Day. Tho fltjut Is scheduled for twenty rounds, and on the result will depend the world's lightweight championship OFFICIAL COUNT GIVES WILSON A i luo in:TOraiU0M MAKE BOOSE STEW Hob Sloan, who has been getting his potato crop uuder cover for tho past two or threo weeks, has complet ed that glorious proposition and re- lown for the winter. irAUIIY LANK BEATS 8KLLI.MJ KOR V. H. .SENTAK Threw Democrats Annex coeaty Jobs, Hat Uie Rest' of the Oascee) Oo to ItfMtfaMraaav Close) Contest b for iteuaty Treasetrer, Bat Dssjgrtr, Wins by a Majority of Korty-Moe, .UronMajtl to Cos7"l-. The official canvass or the returns of thn election a week ago put KUm nth county In tbo ranks of the demo crats, no far as national affairs are concornod, but the republicans con tinue to hold tho lead In county af fairs. Captulu Lee, present assessor, slid n democrat, vrns re-elected by an overwhelming majority; Claude II. Dsggett won for treasurer, and Earl Whltlock for coroner, but they were tho only doinocrats on the county ticket who had a surplus of votes. Harry Lnno received the endorse ment of Klamnth. county for United PLASH AKK UNDER WAY FOR A Ilia CELEBRATION IN SACRA ME.VTO KOR THK BPORTCMKN OK THK PACIFIC SLOPE United Press Rervlrs SACRAMENTO, Nov. 1 J. Twenty cooks will combine their culinary art In thls.clty November 2Ua, to make the big goose stew to be given at Ag ricultural Psrk by local sportsmen to the sportainen of Northern Califor nia, the finest stew ever tested. And this little army of cooks will be as sisted by bigger srmy of waiters. Qhalrman W. W. Thomas and Louis Kauer of the culinary department of tho goose stew have arranged to em ploy TS waiters to serve the stew. These waiters will be taken to the (Continued ru Page 4 ) (Continued on Pa-go ) Desperate Bandit May be in the Klamath Falls Country a. -a -ma. Local Bartender Encounters Customer who Acta Sus picious and it is Believed He may be one of Shasta Limited Robbers. Says He will make Escape ' The postoRco at Chiloquin has been closed and a mau will be Mat there thla afternoon by the eeunty court to maintain a strict guard over the place, gearty (aver baa broken out la tba family of the postmaster, L. WhlttesBore, aa4 his bondsmea will be asked U tana aver the hand ling of the mall. i , t All of the null atpmaat la the PMtoSaa will be f&iata aaa av Hvered, hat all taaaaMaf mN w4H N h-V.. distributed la soma other place yet to be selected, Oual WblUemore, 18 years of age, dlod from tho fever yesterday, aim other members of the family aro stricken. Because tho postofllce has been a geaersl roeetlug plate for residents of that section, it Is feared tant, taa epldsm,lo ,ay become geaeral, aaa. etally aatoag the Indiana of that sec I ! man believed to be one of the two bandits who held up the 'Shasta limited at Delta last week Is some where In Klsmath Falls. A bartender In a local saloon de clared this afternoon that a waa an swering closely to the description of tho bandit who made his escape when his partner was shot down by a brake- man had bought a drink from him thla morning, saying: "That's the flrstdrlnk I've, had for some time, nud I've been giving 'em n good chase." The customer was covered with mud, und displayed signs of having recently gone through a severe ex perience. Ho furtively watched both the trout and, back door of tho saloon r.a ho united for his drink to be served. " ? "1 am going to beat It," he said, a he left tho place. "They'll have to go some It, they get me., I, know this country like" a book." s' Tho hold-up In wnlch It Is believed the mysterious stranger was Involved occurred thirty-eight miles north of Reddlug. nu... aUmmlm uitt had turn takan t AUU Mw .. . - The tralu bad moved scarcely 100 yurds wheu the locomotive ran over a torpedo. The engineer, Frank Wents, at pneo stopped the train and a, masked man Jumped on the foot board of tho locomotive aud held a revolver nt tho head of the engineer, ordering him to take bis hsuds off tho levers. He stood guard over tho cugluo whllo two other robbers made their, v ay to the mall car. One on eacn giae or me car, tne tttOi began shooting., The people of Delta rAn out of their houses and stores. A few imssengerskjuinped out to seo what tho trouble was, but were quickly Intimidated by the shooting. Tho messengers In tho mail car, nottclug tho mopping of the train, and not suspecting robbery, opened the doors on each side, and both rob bers entered, setilngHhu registered i Meantime the head brakemaa, Jim Yokum, dropping from the rear of the 'train, ran back to tho town and Into Tom Norton's saloon, crying 'robbers," and deataadlag a gun. Norton gave hlra onVand the brake- man returned. Frnthag taa went up to the robber and deliberate ly shot him through tho throat Tba robber fell off the footboard, aaa u supposed to have died Instsntly. , His two compalnoas alighted from the mall car on the river side of the train and escsped. One stayed for a while at the mall car, threatening the mall clerks, and the attar re tar ward calling "Frank." He hesitated a moment' when he saw his dead part ner beside the engine, and ejaculated "Who did thUT" He, tbea dashed back to tho mall car, Joined his re malnluK' cbmpalnlon, aad tba two led. No trace of them could be found when the train crew and paasaags made a search, aad thirty mlautes after the torpedo slgnstho train was uuder way again to Portland. BALL MISSING; NO PRACTISING HIGH HCMOOL AOOtUKtATiOit VK- ABLE TO TRY OUT FMB OF GAMK BflCACSK OF LACK OF FROFHSTY la spite of tba sanddy graaad at tbo ball park, last areata a tall team-turned oat for praetleela foot ball. Tba ball failed to show ap. however, aa that there waa M,reg ular practice. Taa boys wlH nrae tlce steadily for tba remalalaar few weeks before the ajame wRk tba towa team, wbkh coaaes a Thaakagtrlaf Day. The goal posts at taw-park aakew oa account of tho reseat and present a dismal aspeet. ever, a good game wHI be played tba 22d. This is eertala am aseeaat af the eaUuslasm of tba players oa balk teams. Meanwhile those who are In terested la basketball are taf that practice will tbortly begin at tbo pavtHon. - .rL mimtm M)MU EOROKIII SOUP moosers; m in Hell OEMOCRATM CHAaMMT. 1UT TURNS IN LOS ANORLRS OOVX. TY HAVK RRSN sMHsMVHY TAMPERRO WITH United Press Service LOS AN0ELE8. Nov. 11. Chair man Cotton of the democratic eeaaty ceatrat committee Intimated that he would either apply to tba court far a writ of mandamus to eompel'tbo county cemmlseloaa to ollmtaalo lai pared returns or apply to tto'naat congress for redress. SAN FRANCISCO, Mar. laV-WMk 31 preclatte alaatna. tbo pragreeatTea cUlat that Roeeevett te-anoad by votes. Tba democrats, with lees sra clacta mlsslBE. claim that Wilson Is behind only 44S. Cenfuatoa eontln ues. WReon Undecided TRENTON. N. J.. Nor. II. Free! dent-elect Wilson today declined to confer with anyone regardlac eatt an extra session of congress. 8a In sisted that ha bad not mlad. ' - ' f V.vl 'V "", u ( c i sssngawM svessswsna nfnen Maw SaR't- C Hi-. A SeSasss la WaRtng-aa Cansjnsa, nRt K Is RsRsvsS tasst'Fanaa' afsRiRaat Sx - - - - .. - '- ' , ,o ananeneseji an Oaasaaanaannla la way RRfUJN,;Maw. ! A ismeiaaM M aapa that Use, war SetsanV aa fan SH aiRlvaTlmabsanaislsnadfnaMMiajt - -1 fr-"-' n-nr'rtmmlT kavkfilnl nana wseBBsaswesaw snwawsnw naaasnmnrwawsvnas) san nawsWafangna" Unstad Fiaaa Sanatn h ,,, ; FARJnV Mar. IS. ffasswnansj , aaataAaWaVSrsaMVaeasmmSBTStaaeMBBBI "''li ,'m awasm . ii'hi llilliai I ajenjnslajajanjnnNS emRaa m,,weWala antaaV aR ReR ' anata. e -J'v K r, . Maawssiaaaanaaaxa) UaHed Preaa Sarrtaa' ' '' SOFIA, Mvr.,niv-t R iWaasafl "-' that Adrlaneple baa baan aaaearaS. Pd t'aWoa Preeja Berries . ', i i '"' , e" CONSTAKTS. Mar.ll'-, RlRRaR , t !'! a SiaaMiaba asur ,thial tnssMsa. awanveBswv wnnaanyapsyaayejnw sssnsnj assawawas" nnjrsaaanaa sngtSeSSwR1 JwaFSRJaRl HHrJaj r aanaaaBsSj JjRva SAsagl f dying fram dRiaai. wianla aaataSa ratten. Fsrsaasiia aaa aaaaasanaf tba eMaaaa. CMm aRs'amaat t taa ansaawana an smisasia . -,.,, , esemsssw4saaawwaam ' t , V s CbtaaanFftA- T .' & ,' - ff Ualted Frasa lirrtaa, I ' V,4X.,-. FWLADesl.FMU.. Mar. tsW4ai eraRera Manlaaa i ad for Tnrkiab -:r' I aitr. to rtu- fSLfaaaf ra . RMfaRaBBaWaaA sRn feaw SR"aa VR ' eTnanenBnlR i j. taraata. Ha Srat Hvad tot tta try1 Cl A t " j" i Boise Firm Makes a New Record on Dilch .-?' . i V J More than the Amount of Work B- auired has len tsnmnitstd oha T7,"- ; ; ,,v - rr-"" ,i1 ' the Great Irrigation Project - , For some reason or other, the po tato crop of this vicinity baa fallen short of expectations, aad many of tba planters are trying to fathom the cause thereof, , Most of 'them agree. however, that it waa owlaa to the low average, temperaturejof the ea water at Dstta and bad started north, bar still guardlag .taaaagtaeer, f, a-Fiv" first rob-'mer' Just 'past claiming that there near, hnv waa ery Uttle good growing weatber. Without brlnglag any eanlpasant here, Maaey Bros., Batso aontraatati. will compete tba eentraet on tbaaee ond unit lateral or the Klna 'irri gation proJao'aasUy wlthlia tba Maia iimii'seaatraa ay taa goverasnesw, s- tordlfti' .la;ii., A. Klrcbner. eop- eoniraes- . V ; M i ' ii t, , kU VesenRittve hire of the big lanK IWais , immediately upon belasT.awaraea tho contract. Maaey area, seeased tba cskparattan of'sub suatiaea.;and forthwith, the work kara waa RRgat: , K 2 It , if 5- . vtAi . The 19 par sent raaairod'ea to by-thejgeveraaeat hilin 1st' was.eomplafd aaaaa Mr U to asUsaatoi ttat atoaadv ( peraat at tba wort R RaRsjH'awRRaaa - j l Wa eaulanwat RerVVsawVVaPVVVMV MsrHV Klrsbaer.i'.'bntitbte fkf nsoasaary.'',- If Oft onallaaaa 'at wta i SKrV11") "" . vf.-.H.v?. : K .W: rwara prepared a s'MMS ( srJaa aawa ) jgejr aaa RfSHS sH'aBBBaa W Mraeura Mf aw" aRS '-.