w ". ' ''V.v''r't-'" v ',,,, r t h ", "' ' ' ,-Jl"J w vr ?. .7; , -,' .-'VK i' vrf' ", j . "' ' f i J t y- i' r, 1 . sxl? ' iuppliho BY TMH UNITfaD I'MHM NRWS SNHVICK C t &e sttenittii f Itenuo , ... fc ft . , o MWi ti " Mevrath Yean No. J.M7 MHMHHHB KLAMATH FALLS, OHROON, MONDAY, JfOVKMBKR II, IfflS Powers Will Land Troops to Block Plans of Bulgarians Home Rule For Ireland gets Jolt in House of Commons UNITED STATES INVITED TO JOIN IN TAKING CITY TUHKM WIN A FKW VICTOHIKM IN TKN HALKANM MtiMlton In Kuro Apprara li Have Cleared Home MrrvU I Mlill Showing n INsptwIlloN ti ll Un ruly Itefort of MaMarr of Ctirt Hans um Hatnnlay a Without (Jowl KuNMUtloa ( ultil t'resa tiervlcc I'AUIH, Nov. It. limit has lent Ilia warship llmlUUu to Cottilaull nople. It It reported that Iho United Hlatca haa been Invited to Join. TRAINS COLLIDE; ALL READY FOR MANY ARE KILLEOi DASKETBALL KXCUIIHIONIHTH ON HOUTHKItX IIOAD MKKT DKATH WHKN PAK HKNOKIl THAI.V ANI VHVAUUT TIIAIN COMK TOflKTHfeR . Knight to Mall t'mti'il Pros Service PIIILAllttl.PHIA, Nov. II Wash ington officials havo ordered Hear ilmlral Knight, romntandlng tit KuUcra Montana nnJ Tennessee, ta til for Constantinople) tomorrow. Tnrha Oct a Town I ailed Free rlc CON8TANTINOPI.K, Nov. I l-r-The lurks claim that they haw recaptur 4 llodoalo. They ar that tbo Turk I h warships bombarded the place hlla .00 Turkl.h aoldlara landed mid drora tht llulgarlaiu back. UlUd Traaa Sarvtca I'AKIS, Nov. 1 1. It la undorttood that Turkey haa approved a plan for tlm tnmporary Joint occupation of Constantinople. The plan permlta tbo Ir.ndlnR of troop from the ahlpa of the power, oaletiilbly to protect the city, but really to keep tbo Uuliar luni out of tke city. It la believed that tho landing of li oopa will be ordered aoon. Reporu that CbrUtlana were ma Mrred In Conatantlnople Saturday aro evidently untrue. illfi HHK IN CANTON tXJVTIXt'KH, ,CCOHIIINU TO nWI'ATCHKH CJUKIKIVIW FHOM THKKK MMH IH TMKMKNUOUH. I'nlted I'reaa Sarvlca LONDON, Nov. 11. Bulgaria' un cr to Turkey'a requeet for terma of pvare haa not been learned. Aa light In la itltl In progreaa at the ChataIJa fort, It, U believed that Bulgaria Iim demanded unconditional aur render. rjrc ib Hulled Hrew Service ' WA8IIINOTON. D. C. Nov. ll.-r-Ati offlclal atatemont Itaued from the White llouaa today aaya thar the pre Iduit la Informed that Bryco Intend to retire (rem the government aervtce. It I underatMd that ho will leave Jnuuary lat., , United I'rrta Service NKW Oltl.KANH, Nov. II. Tlilr- Iimiii were killed and 4H Injured when an excurtlon train collided with freight train title) morning near Man-ilia." The freight train plowed through Kovorat car. Tho thirteen tnutllntcd bodlea of the victim were brought hero and aro now In tbo morgue. MANY CHINKS LOSE PROPERTY VOTE ON LAND SALE IS CLOSED AIIHANUKMKNTH AHK UNDHK WAY TO NNCUKK THK PAVILION KOR THK NTUDKNTM TO I'RAC TIHK IN DUIIINU HKAHOX tnltcd 1'rcM Service flllANOIIAI, JNov. 11. The "On illicit darted Sunday In Canton la xllll unchecked. According to dla patchra received here the .property Ink in tremendoti und thoutand are I'limele. Arrangement aro being made for tho high achool boya wbereby they can liavo a place In which to play batketball. It will be the pavilion. It I planned to have '."die atart at once, o that thu team will he In good form at thu time of the Drat game. Three of lait year'a team are la achool, vli.: l,eon Holler, Hardin Car ter and Harry Manner. They will douhlleta be on the team thla year, and their good work lait year, will give them an advantage over any would-bo rlraU. Along with thla cornea the newa that Mr. Morrtaon, the commercial Indructor, will coach the boy. He will atao bava charge of the girl' work In haakethall. Mr. Morrlton eay he la aniloua to hare practice atari at once, ao that they might be able to take a trip to the valley later on. If the matter of finance can be aettled, aucb a trip will doubtleaa be taken. It ta aUo probable that the girl will have aome good game. They would have had their nrt 'practice Uile afternoon, but the arrangement for the pavilion were not aettled, hence the delay. AEROPLANES TO I'liAN IH Hl'aUKHTKD OK KHTAH- I.IMHIMi A CHAIN OF THK MA. CHINKM AMINO THK I'ACIKIO COAHT HIR I'HOTKOnON United I'reaa Service LOS ANU KI.B3. Nov. II. That aeroplane will be it rung aloag'the Pacific coait from Ban ulego to tne C( nadlan line to eatablUh n more mo bile defenJo of the coaatMa the'pUn of the United State government, ac cording to Lieutenant Auguetua Nor- ton of tho Coait Artillery corpa. Lieutenant Norton, who station is at San Tranclacphaa been choten aa the flrt ofllcer to handle an aero plana on this chain of aeroplane su llen. He io'n hi way to San Diego I to look over a proposed lte there. "The Old Mald'a Convention." to be given at Houston' opera house Fri day evening. November 16tb, la buy with It rehearsal. Reserved seat are for (ale at the DoJkbonnlere at 35 enta. General admission SS ccnU, children 16 cents. MOUNTY COURT M aUtCHsVUKI MC FI4K) TO LKTTMM SUNT OCT AHKINU FOR KXPRHSMON OF OPINION Replies ta the tetters ot Inquiry being sent to voter for an eapraaelen of opinion aa ta the, retention of court house tqnaro for a pabele park are comemnclag to come In. 'x larje batch of letters 'were reeetved Satur lay and today, nil from thla elty. 1 he who have anawered m far aoem to bo, about evenly dlvidod ta opinion, loaning a ahada toward keeping Um property. It waa eipecUd that Ue stent vote would he la favor of keeping tho Und by nn overwhelming majority, bt at was expected that tho eonatry vote would bo la favor of aecang. Three letters received thla meralag were from harbor. They appear to have about tho name Men of tao mat ter. On writes: "Shake to and decide IL" Another wrltee: "Keep It; I don't want H." ELECTION BOARD CANVASSES VOTE WT FEW PfllrOR CHA1NMM aUVH WCKV BaSCOVlao9--WBVoSam ATKMW WUA.MQOIM 'A OOtf. PLKOFHAYB HI United Proas Servteo SAN FRANCISCO, Not. 11 pox waa discovered aboard tao steam er Nile from Hongkong aad Hoaelala. The vessel haa been placed ta quaran tine. Ooatt Taaeo Heeeea Lnlted Press Sorvleo WASHINQTON, D. C, Nov. 11. The United State aupreme eonrt took a recess today until Nov. If wlthont announcing any decisions. Tbo onWal caava of tho retarao of the election, last Tuesday la ta prog ress at the county eonrt bone tadsev Up to a late hoar'UIn aftoraooa hat few mlaor ehaagea la tao rotaraa aa publUhed la The Herald had beta die covered. Tho eanvaaslag board eoaomU of County Clerk Do Lap, Justice Charts aravea of Ula etty aad Jaetlce John Keasig of Fort Klamath. Tao eaav vaa wIN not ho eompleted natU to morrow or Ue aoxt day. CHILD DIES OF , SCARLET FEVER onuMjaM fambxy wtmisuHf NW' YB OUi OfsH, M 1VJMC YIOffM 'inked Pros Some SAN FRANCttCO. Nor. 11. Coov pletely eoolppod la CaHtsral. haa atoamor Fort Salter of ta Traaoportatwa sompsny, waa cd aero today. aUaa Lownr Sacramento christened the vessel, tho otoad tauaehed of ssmplststy enp- rd ThOvlS-roar-oM dnnghfr of Mary A WhlStMaM mt CnJaaaaaa aiag thla or aoariot sarsr aooa) asm WraofaatilpaaroUolorsr, aad are aaoor aaaraaelas. Csraaar WaMloek woat la ChHoqala today f omhatai tao boar aad prepare R far shipment "sconrsHPAST is auK Tho members otUw kAA rflvmd mamd tkAt SJ ib Oraoo Vatraa Maraama . Mariar M ANtHaVaW, Not. 11 Waster wtU act be able U bo bore to attend w ? the meeting tomorrow night. Tbo regular aseetinc of tao lodge, how ever, wHl ho hold at that time, aad a banquet la to bo served. (TnHed Press Berrteo ACRAMENTO, Nor. 11. Governor Johnson positively declined today to be Interviewed. BE USED IN WAR Democrats Charge Fraud in Precincts Los Angeles County Scotty," lo ao wager a tery, fotlowlac hi tooUi aaportor Judge Fraak R. Wllsl. an tho trial of F. C. Ooodwta. saorotarjr of tho Death Valley tostty Mlalag aad Development company, for porjory. Scotty told his lUe'a etery from aw hsglaalag aa a eowboy ta Nevada, ap to the present Um. Ho tosUaod that Ooodwia was ta promoter of tao .al leged fraudulent ssmpony fsrmod to pnrehass a mythiealaatao la. Nsraaa. owned by Seatty, aad taat ho. Sastty, a resospt far IH.M aa a Srst paymeat oa tao ilao. ho ealy received f 1M, aad . iJi- Ct .l'. . " . . t t Subpoenaet are iMued to 150 to Appear Before llec- Willis Wins Verdict for Fire Insurance Lake County Jury Ikcidepf that Well Known Man did npt.ourn own 8t6re-Geta Verdict f0,OQQ ttottjudtfet and Explain How Miatakea were Made. Seal Were Broken. It Is Charged. 14 United Press Servle LOS ANQGLKS, Nov. 11. The oM- clal count commenced here teday: At torney Call, who has boon retained by the attendance of 160 persons to ap-. pear before the election Judge and the democraU,. charged that tbo, ok and tho content unoflcUlly Inspect ed, r Snbpoenas have boon Issued fer predncta mlsalag. gtr RooaeveH explain mistakes, Domocrata and progressives are guarding the oflclat ballot, clal poll book seal had been broken, Uaited Prose KrvlM ,SAN FRANCISCO, Not. 11. The Meat rsturns from tho stats, with, ft United Proa Sorvteo BOISI. Idaho, Not. 11. Th latest returns from tao state, with two dem- oeratkt eonaUe mlaslag, giro Wilson a lesd of i;tof rotoa. Judgment was rendered In favor of the plaintiff la tko ease of tho WllJis "furniture company tbo Horticul ture Fire Relief of Oregon, which baa been on trial la Lansylew during tbo Pt week, i Tho case waa given to tho ; Jury wW ajatirday arteraooni d vt 1 o'clock' Sunday moralatao.vordlct J for tw. til.l.tte waa raturnaal.' "(t. -i -. r h.m.. . --- - 7t - Th aoMgg .wag hroaghttta woror , X -Ihl', & I V n , u 4H.00O .on an Insuranos, policy, It ardw out ot the burning .ot me oto knUm antra, houaeln Ikevlow,' Mr.' Willi was arrested on n charge ot perjury.'and was tried In this cuy, He was ,nculttd., wd then suit wag stnrtedto'reew? tBe.lnsurance. . , t n. Hutaala of this oltf and W. iir, Thompson of Lakevlew rpri aentsd tht plaintw BIG BUCK IS mm meek )K COUNTY JAIL ILW A GOOD KKFieOT ON Tim "COON WHO ' lASl'UTOFWWHWH8 TO THK BAD United Press Bervso " CHIOAOO, Not. 11. Jaok John son Is very meek la the Cook county Jail today, i Attorney Daekrach, the black man's legal adviser, will arrive In Washing ton this afternoon to appeal to the United, U tea uprome court' from a do- eialoa of Judge Carpenter in rornaiag 'to gnat a writ t witmbinmiS mm hu ir ajMKD AC IV. - W , ',v K"i,T,' ,Ut ,v, . tO' Ht ''' t, LOW FJUCWHT IS MAM ON CAT TLK i FROM POINT IN NBVADA TO THK KICK HAY FIRLD6 OF LAKK COUNTY Th Western Pacta to oo-operatln with th farmers of Lake oenaty to make a satisfactory freight rat', ao that ranchers tn Nvaa may proft ably'sead their cattle .nartfc to wtator., Taoro la ptoaty of'?aar ta JUk county taia year, whlla In '.Notada tho lenbter, crop. wag abort. Thta fast couW ta Jata at railroad; company ta eat Iherrolght rate from. If l.so par ear Its. Tata raU will become eCosttvo December :.-fi r.. .ri,,.-," Tho. farmera of Uh eeaaty are at' tbustaatM over the mow fsaaaui. A 4 Jfl.117. aad Wlawa tff.ftl. 6UNMENARE0N TRIAL II EAST ACTUAL MUHBonsnHW OF THAL. NKW YCdtm ARK NOW RAmWfl tO CAPH sHiaKnHO CsiAIH ' ' i l UaMadi .NhtW YORK. Not. 11. Tko trial of tko gnnjaen waa aro e-hargod wttk the aetual UlUas of waa resumed today. BMNKSKTry a M. HAVJIOH, R I WoUi MAKB A lhOffOaiTfOlf WITH A YfJtW TOOPKN1NO HIS " I'. Two meetings of erodttora of bank- rapto wtU ho hold la thla oRjr thla af toraooa. The Srst waa catted for S o'clock this aftoraooa, when tho cred itors of B, C. Sptak of Klsmntk ey will get together. Th second waa eallod.for tao r4- orodttors, 'wRa a view or rs spealng RraofO;H.HetoroftktaMyfil o'etoek. It ta rprtod taat Mr. Hoo- tor will make a proposHloa to hla creditors, wMh a view of his store. f,.w MlaM AatalMte ' IV tttoWtS m v mtili MnllMI . .11 -. , (if ,) - ' ". v. ', ' "; - . aovmkvnamn:wuimo,9owtm I '? :- - . . ; owo amwrnnsBB;. ; -,mmmm "ll n r, I '' K as asamplal,aaf sjppjem mmg a - -. ' m , - t. ..vS- j.J . t -Qd, i f BsUJbiJtsi ilsW Wfny tfnmt . , as mm, sot K m-y. Z . . -. '. TUatan--. j ,. . "StffiK niamami ItaaMat'tawawanannaW anfaliC PrJUfi:!alS3tr " - t 'j aomSmaaja. ., . i , 0L CBOAC.l2 V7t2!l!,3 sfTafwaoanSMan 4 aha. . . " ' aaankjajhait tlamgaBjmnfjnjBtjga.v Hon wmfrostga ! lalstiar aiogp flaw fmlaaa rWs, aad h wUI follow. Ualess tao. Mhsraai boas ml for Iretaad will bo last., .c-l v CaJtedl MaVX. Not. 11-H iwttl tao osnsial at to asMte' tao icjaall i , of tao reseat If stlaa fajtala ataso. Hi ' at posstat taat ao ahttari too wgf bonalR. Wlfcea bow. lata hw Ida, '' ' .; ;t. '. , ' 7" r 1 i SAN FtUMCfa0,;iair. 11. Aa . --- aaslt Wgaf. fggggggl tady-mg BaMaMsBnat nwBBWBBWamg waswmBpj owgggf TaVaTawgR aWgrwjBBBj bbbbj ewaaj the state. Itwhapowoahayhawook ;' hotoro tao reoatt irfB bo loiswou v' :,'"' ' '. i - : j ,r. , . '-,' t i'. . ,.. 90 alkeWI'VaUSlv. bMbbVsIM.WIUM .' MMW-rieKovti,; Idl PLAN FflMKAhTNAJIY: IB Oft sBWAVA&AMJa Y ,'.;.' ' f ' ' n '" 3 . 'For too pnrpoao of trptag oat tao' aaaaldatoa for taa aeaUagtaaai af;j, M rnMBjo WBmW9tirMmwwUItBt wkWWa aeett aaao WararaaB 'jaasafjeaVHaF tgv held the ath Slat aM tao trta. Two -, & rr A. "- iA aal Ttotora' wW whlek to Wsscot taoAaalBBd a, isroasH noat aaoat at Ashlaad. , ,,': High Cost of Uvlng R 4 s-. "-. iV :-, Z.titSV.9 '" .. r iT,H..a'I. Srfsv.. r.tt ".II . LCD V,)r t? j: ifiv.fr' f. .J . rA '. Y& F ;.i No Payment It Made by lerrice. Cat erteria Ucli fricei T , -V vwn. 'fh v , A ygjBUM laW masiafcnir n"djgiMUtf mataffs awvraavnHmmrBi crwa gavaywfaawg g a wassmmBmmnf , awampj teaood ta die la tao stootrl oaak fw hla' aart ta thomardor, aro Nt aetead- aaaai .-- ij'it lf "" It Is oapectod that tho trial wtttr- . " i . - . "- i .; rsohodule. ;Wtro.woak.M . imu ' - ' lOkJ l2-a . ...v... -.- M.1 , ' '-,11C' aro forces of tkoFoodOttty Z ,-r -,;: -1 Jf tt u If' s - jntw" .n''.u.: -if ' i &N . ' 'jjBjnAgAJjnjlsj,! gakgnjnjgjom tgukdh' tm 4fcWaWaV' M.l gmVasaftmaA BsanfMsMl wo ""? aP' """J", ""'""1''' ""v-''' wherohy Ik east tt rTtag ha beoa wt.aat, aa4 tao stndeaai'wtW hrro after W fsfoar tao harp aaat f tko 9:i3:-:.t.Jim :n Tko artsag far faas aaw aro IsaaVnriMtafarg " Ja"T, BjawJ SaBmmmmsj,mm bbbbb ;lV.r. c Vi( "i- BkknosasM. aaaa " " a.aw.tajm auBBja m h t' tTvj,TTi iSF areaaW tag tkolr Inistlisg wi4Blpif 'sBBTaHsBBBfiat aBBnuuroMsBfB?4 MPtf laryhg1a1itBlbttdl mBmafal tm wapJaafB aBdUHtaaaf rap m wlsf f raajnk