,'" ' h'f SUPl'LIKI) HV TIIK UNHSU riltm NKWM SKHVIUK gibe ticnino Uefald. ?? r : 'i' ,' ..tf r- -Vwi. .-. A f.... JLJ ?.j. ilb iT - 'F i ,, aT Mevmlli Year No. l,UWii KLAMATH FALLS, OHBOON, SATURDAY, NOVKMHKK , If IS mmimtammm Gigantic European War Threatens Peace of the World BONANZA VOTING NOW IN PROGRESS MA.N'V KLAMATH FAI.LH I'KOPLK OWNING I'HOI'KIITY UMKK TMK I'BOJKCT WILL VOTK ON THK I'HOItMITION The election to determine a to ttia Issuance of bond fur tlio Horsefly Ir rigation project la In progress today In tbt llonanxa country. A number ot Klaaulh Fall people own property , affected by Ibo proportion, but be cause of tb bad weather only a few went to Honaus today to vote. Among (lie Klamatli Falla people owning property In that section are the fotlowlaf i J. W. Siemens, Henry Offonbacher, Jamca U, Orlitoll, Mr. Uila Drlacoll, (lua Melbaae, Kred Melbain, Chaa. K. Wordeu, V. II, Miuoii, J. II. Mason, Orb Campbell John Irwin, Mr. L. tlcrber. Mr. Verna Hlubblcflelil, K. C. I,yun, Mm. Nate Hllirboln and Kip 'Van lllper. EODIE VAN IS FF KING ; HANOCU DEL A BD TBLBQRAMSm IAIDH WILL HOLD THE BOARDS MISS LOW DOES NOT LIKE JOB HMM.ITII PALI. Mllll, MAYH THA 8IIK WILL .Nor UK IICI'LTV IK HHK W IIKQl'lltKII TO AllltKMT I'MII'I.K I'miou I'reaaHervIc CHICAGO, Nor. 9. Jack Johnson wne put In the bull pon with the oth- cr t.cKro prlaonera today. When the big black comptalaed of paliw In tho stomach he waa But In hath tub of water. He refused to leave when the doctor ordered him to and Ire water waa turned on. Jack leaped out of the tub and Dr. Hagtt declared that there waa nothing U matter with tbt big negro. H pre- rrlbed an unpalatable medicine. OAHTOO.MHT WITIIKXvlUm HIIOW IH WKI.L KNO'AN IX TIIIH NrXTIO.V IIK IIAKFLKD JOHN MCHAI.LOCK THItKK YKAHM AGO hddio Van, who amused at tho (Ircat llaymond ncrformMca Ian nlxlit with cartoons, la well known in Klamath Kails. About three yeara ago Mr. Van waa hero Willi a "mys tery" ahow, and attracted considers hie ntleutlon by eeraulni from all of the handcuffs, locka and bare which lnlitU I'tess Service the deputies of Ihe sheriff 's ofllco wero INDIANAPOLIS, Nor. . OrU able to dig up. McManlgal aald, on the wltneaa stand "I locked him up 10 tight that I ,oJ' ,bt h, for bla flrat Job la thought ho would never get Bway,"llIynamlt'ac M ,ho "ompllmon.to ot Mid Deputy Hherlff Hchallock, whoi"" oc'r uoaro ana 1J6, which locognltcd Mr, Van ou the atreel lo-WM h,na''1 ' on the atreet by a day. 'nut ho made It and iiulltolr j,lrD-r handed nut hack all of tin- Irona I had I fa.linrd uu him." vnn " ertif- Mr. Van mado a cartoon for The' HorlA' " --The klnga of Bar- Herald Ihla afternoon, which will be " urwc Montenegro accepts war la ended, bejt we will aot aubaalt to coercion at any point." United l're Service IIKKLIN, Nr. A Mwu MB Athena aaya that the Ttirka bar butchered perhaM a tboaaaag Chr&t- tlona la Saloalkv, before the tawa capturec. Tiattlcuma war women aa eaMaraa, and thar vara mutilated bayaa recogaltloa, ureea iroapa vaatea to Kill tBe 10,- 000 Tarklah troopa captured, bat were re trained.' candidate here Sunday, but ataay aro gralve will meet blm at the train and at bla deak bn Moaday. found In another column. M- AM.,k. r i' "I tolilvety will hot make an ar- nU" There, now, Mlaa KUlo Im ilrolurra that alio III refuae to accept tin appointment a i deputy sheriff under her father It ll I required that alio mutt "toto" .?oplo off to Jnll wlij havo neglect to obey tho law. "I won't wear a alar,' ELKS PLAN TO GIVE AN OPERA r:TKHTAI.MK.T COMMITTKK fiaNK M)K A HHOW HKKK IN IIKCKMIIKH KAMOl'H OTKKA Wll.l. fHOtUHLY HH MILL Ctar rerdlnand'a Invitation to ai pany him at Ihe bead of the foreaa of the alllea In the aolemn entry Into Conatanllnople. They will attend imam at Sod. "Wo wilt consent to Intervention." aald Premier (lueachoeT. "before tba United Fraaa ftanrlea V1KNNA, Navt -Maaaacaa from Turklah aanraad aay that Klaalel Vaaha told tba JambaaMdora of the powera la CeaataaUaopla that tba aul Un would perlah . before he woald abandon tba city. lalUd Praia SanrMa SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. f WhUa doubt remain aa to who naa oarrlad CaUfarala aaUl after tba ofietal oennt rarlaaS raUraa fraan all bt If dla- trteta glTo RaaaavaR Ill.tM, a4 Wlbjen JIO.IH. AM of tba praetnata arn 'InHad PraaSrrtea SACRAMCNTO, Nor. 1-1 ant Oavaraar WaUaaa In n atatamaat Ueued today aaM that Uara wanM be a meeting of CaHferaJa alv leader bar an Manaay to fer with aoramar Jahaaaa. ,tv; PHOTOfiRAPHEB isiNjiiwf OHAXHmTLAMAKMMV. j- -, . INSrARCKTO AT OVStOX'S otsmu wowm aanaT ' United Praia Sari lee KOCHK8TKR, N. Y., Nov. . The American rederatioa of Labor will meet here In convention Monday. The annual report of Oompara and aforrl ion will then be delivered. liultadPaaaSaffTtaa MU.WAUKKB. Nor. . Dtotriet Attorney Zabal talaajraaana to Oala I Rooaevelt today, ranataUnc klai to appear Tueaday agalnai Sehfnnk, when the Inaanlty commlailan lae the LnitadPraaalartlaa SACRAMRNTO, Ner. . Comply ing wltb tba wtohaa of Governor John ten, there wKI be no reception aa tba arrival at tba defeated ball CONSTANTINOPLE, NaT. ?, K waa annaaaead bar today that tba Twka have bn rtetorlana at Mara a. naaf Adrlanopla. after.K bear a( tba Moodlatt Sgbtias ot tna war. Far elgner bora do not beMev tba atory. i v An amualng fare "111 tba CM Mala' ConvanUon to to bo gatna ai Haaaton'a para baaaa Prtday sinkt, NaTamkar 15th. far tba baaait f tfca vVaman' Qalld of Ua Hflamnllin Tba maaiaamint naa aaanr tba boat lal tnlaat to raaraiant tba twaaty maldaaa, af niaartaka naa, wba teas far baibtadi. Tba aaar tbtoan ara awaot a4 aar. and fnH af araant ntoaa far a batatnl fatara. Tba totontoi Stgnara LHumttl,' tba Italian eeraatlat, vUl Srat UaM an Ua toaal U grant envanraUa Ulllan MlUtnakl. Ua concluding wltb Ua bier. Maatar and MnrnTntmL Prleoa far ranrvad aaatn SS StMral admlaalia It eanta. IS B.H. t 4 f - -i 7 rt' v .. " oi Six Powers Get Ready to Fight for Spoils of War in Balkans z "put on" a -. Sr .". rt t The Klka are going to comic opera. Tlilt haa been definitely decided upon, and au agreement haa been en tered Into with George WlUon, wbJ managed the mlmtrel ahow of the Klka laat year, and Kd Andrewa, for. Miicen yeara ncau oi ino Anurewa InaUted Mliaiul' company. England. Germany. Italy, France, Auitrla and Kntiia are Mobiliaing Troops with a View of Starting Trouble at the First Hostile Movement mum MM m..nk n brOararnar Want ban af riamatbaatmtr to Ua feani to ht'UM' .. inawahiUlaattrnan la la tranattw Ma wm yaMarday Jaat m b wa aaaraa train to faUowlacMa nawnangnai n4d In eaatody nM ntbjkaV Caaaalnlnt waa raaan' that lana Ua aHy to nM Um-iM't.-. mrww mvhh wmm othhhbw r '-'"-...-,- . II- ana attogael to aa eteav na4,wna gV an am natty.' Lator a ! v-x. I LONDON, Nov. 9. Servla I defy . ... . . t. i . . l Ij liu.l.al.U tliat ! nimpa will Iia I low iouay. "i wouiunt miiui being . "-- " . .--"."v,nr Au,ri. ,nd i, ruhlnn an army mikbuo, aiinoiigu no uennnei , .,....,. . .. a deputy aherln. but I don't want to,"1" arreat ueonle." diclilon baa yet been made. Tho mat iter I In the hand of Abncr Weed of Duntmulr la In the city today on builneaa, having ar rlred r'rlday evening. GrorgO'Kelfcr I In today from tho KelfcFranch to buy ranch auppllca. under General Yaakovltch to aelie liitrt. nt tfiM Ae4tlilla Am liaiaaim ... wea nv aawiintivt n aiiia a coiummeo ..... ... . ,K.KU compo(cl of K, II. Hall, l.cll Roger . auu unnrim nouvria. ine cnivruin nicnt will be on Dviember 3 and i. Krauk Carr of Chlco la an arrival In tills city on a builneaa trip. Inland Highway is Now Being Planned PIONEERS WANT NEW CITY PARK Pioneer Good Roata Advocate of The Dalles. Ore., is Planning Or- ganteing-Bulldinp of Roads To aaaourag road building In Cen tral Oregon, U Inland Kmplr High way Aaioclatlon la aooa to bo organiz ed In Hi Dalle, according to word Jmt received from ther. I'eter Keuhnllng, father of tho proposed aa- oclatlon, la enthualaatlc over thn proapocta, and In an Interview had ho following to nay concerning- nit Mun: "Ha excuse for coming Into exist onto la to nld the building of a high way system, which will mak access ible to our own, aa well aa tkoso living to tho aouth and north of us, tho vast country known aa Central Oregon, touching Cascade Locka, Hood River, Mosler, Tba Dalles, Wasco. Moro, Oraaa Valley, eknt, Bhanlko, Anta lope, Prlnavllla, Fort Kock, Mlvar Lake, Pauley and Lakevlew, on to AUuras, calif. At Prlnevllte a branch will run yla Redmand, Read, La Pin, Crcnt and on to Klamath FalU, UUr.en UiaraU'wRl, run to Crater Uke, th lo CavM;ns4 'Ua Uva UouatatM and otkar BatiUa.af litor- est can bo visited along the Cascade Mountain range. "In order to avoid any nilsunder. standing It might be well to state that the organisation la not building high way or roads; It will advocate them, aid In every way possible, solicit from the counties, stato or nation, or from private Individuals, and see to It that they aro properly expended. It will watch tho roads or 'any defecta In them, and report them to the proper authorities so a to have them looked aflor! well, at Ua own expeuse, build and place (It counties nnd communl- tie refuse to do so) signs and Infor mation boards. It will advertise the exlstonco ot the highway by pamphlet nnd every other legitimate way; will help to got the traveler, tho tourist, the homeseeker, tba wan looking for sport, to find the way; will try to make easier ihe way for tba farmer, tho ranchor and the tiller of 'th eell: will try to havo tho wear and tear on tha farmers' wagon and, animal re duced to n minimum ; to aid and -alp him to bring his producta to th mar ket, etc" LONDON, Nov. 9. It U feared Uat Kngland, Franca and Ruaala will b lighting Germany, Auatrln and Italy w Ithtn n week. Servla' action la con sidered vital, and an Austrian Invn- slon la expected. It Is pradlctad tbat Orrmany will then atrlka Ruaala and France will Invade Qermanr. PKTITION VROfNQ TMK COUNTY COURT TO KBKP COVRT',oTlfi HOUAHK FOR TMK BKNKFIT OF TMK CITY IS UHQKD Member of tha pioneer' aaaocla- tlou aro opposed to th selling cf court house aquaro. A petition em bodying this opposition la now being cumulated through tho county. A aeon aa' anSklent number ot signa ture are aecurad It will b preaantod for Hit consideration of tba court. The petition la part follows; "Wbsrea, tha old alt was central ly located and accessible, with It fluo trees planted during tba pioneer area, hex loop bean a chrlhd resort for the people of, both'th city and the county, ko that tha conversion of the block to bualnes purnaaee would bo a sorlous loa and nnd deprivation to the people, ror wnicn ua aum uai would probably be realised from a sale of tho old block would bei no adequate 'compensation, v "Therefore, we, th. undersigned mombora of th pioneer aaaoclatlon of the Klamath Basin, earnestly proton against the sal ot the aald Mock tor business purposes, and pray that It will be fat apart aa a puMlo nark to Italy la expected to soon declare var against Franc. England will then attempt to deatroy tho German and Italian fleet nnd aead troop to fight the Triple Alllanc. Tba situation la mora serious than haa existed la Kurop la year. Eng land U working secretly, aot wishing to InSame Germany. Four British battleahlpa and two cruUar bava left Malta nnder fall sliced and with sealed order. Austria aad Ruaala ar. mobUlatag troops. Germany la already praaarad. be under the city or county author ity aa shall hereafter be determlaed It la our cherished hope tbat It be niado a alto for Ue public library and for a memorial ball, or a memor ial room In tho library building, to bo used aa a meeting place for tbe Pioneer Aaaoclatlon, whre historic records, souvenir nnd memorial can be gathered tor preaeryatlon, Interest aad Instruction. Italy's Trlpolltan veteran ar. ready. Diplomat ara furious at Bulgaria's determination to enter Oonatanttaa- ple. which 1 declared to be but will only precipitate butchery, AraFlatnT United Pram Servtea SKMLIN, Hungary, Nor. I. Bul garian dispatehe any Uat n furtoaa battle I ragtag atone tba SaataUa fortlleatlona. The Bulgarian re peatedly charged. Aalatle troop ara reinforcing th Tnrha. H. H. Bdwarda.af Algoma came dawn from that plana last evening on a bualasa trip. 0AG6ETT WINS BY a GOOD MAJORITY UNOFFICIAL FROM DAIRY SHOW TMAT MANNING OT ONLY A MAJORITY OF FtVK IN THAT PRRCINCT With unofflclal ratorna from Dairy received here, It la aatobUshed that Daggett1 majority otar Manning for county trewnrar la it, ,lt waa reported Uat Dairy bad given-Manning n majority of 35. Had tbla been true, Digjstt's majority would nnva been bntft,' but it ap pear that Manning' majority in Dairy wan anly va vatov ANDERSON TO DE VERY BUSY WRUt KNOWN UOMTWHOHT OOUrQ TO CLASSf IN MMBFORD WITH LAD KNOWN AH FMHDMK CORMCTT Bafora bla match here wlth"Rough- hou". Kelley, Bad Anderaon la to aav a ngkt U Medford, aecordlng to Ua Medford Mall-Tiibuae. Tba fol lowing la from Uat paper; Wltb Ua arrival ot Freddie Cor aett, who 1 to bos Bad Andaraoa be far. Ue Medford AUUUo Club on neat Tueaday night, averythtng la In readiness for what appeara to ba a great boxing night tor Ua local fan. Tho coming bout will mark Ander aon alxU ooatast In Medford, Bud having won. hi laat nva In a apeatac ular manner, III coming opponeat, Lorbatt, hi aald to be an nltogaUwr dlf erent type ot ring man Una Bud' last victim, Corbatt being mora on adaroa'a own typ of milling, and It that la Ue case thar la anra to bo aomaUIng doing nt the Horn, ot CHirrala next Tueaday night. In U alx round speetal avant Fred dl Andanon. waa. Una bla aider brotbar. Bud, hag aVtJM aarawrna wt a owner, wIU awai 'rNiat Tarry Ma. (mare," n saw earner, wno la aaM, to ba aMa to !'. Ualtod CHICAOO. Nov. . Jaak X champion heavy wolgbt pagllast at Ua world, spent laat night an eH No. ( la Uo Cook eoanty JaM. WIU all of bla aaAtngn at a Sght- er, U. big Mack anna waa n to satisfy Ua aanrt Uat ha praaar man to ba at Uberty, anal h to bald an n enarg. 1 vttoHa-c ana OfHCIAl WM VI I IVnfc OafafllllV v ffKaWIt - -t J WnBBnBssajm eMMVL jsl tmpSgfta r.d zAfet: ' -i V t FtUaNMOVTnTHinWnW-MXMMI , g 'm MV Beikn- Cln k""' l maimmmj aWaVPJaVaTTTVleHW 'Jl k ' . vuufvmrjsr wmm avar oy nTMnJ mnvaj mm nmnrmai img frf 7rrrr- rm-ivmu -asamt an mmmay mmri Fraaatwrl. ' "- - -",! HgteJkmm -j-- TSSknyf lafnVSMSVJBSI SVaSPaE W " ! BBTHjBaTHa Jtn fH fnl-lJ ---- ----l ftbS Vl----Mn ka-BnBS av. - .-- H"H'H' "M-PB gfjk eVaJHnanVawsnwdmV aFVsVnw -HwS anrMdtotna i lav Jannaan'a frlaada ndantt today Uat Ua aUnatton la aartan. andUat Ua fnturn naaaara to nokt nathnc far tna H( MpeNa g-SgU y CbaTtoa Otavaa, Jr. eMy laat nagnt wIU Ua Crssssnt. . Tbat laelatsd In WlsmaU eaaa af tha ladeasant faarad Uat Ua ballat beat be bar to Urn for U. to -In nal kvBBt. Ma9WSTSCt a-V OfSMS . WeWV-l v i l onto, aal waa able to fTn-a an'' ' ,"' eial ratona nan an JMaaa. -l',t ,, BjA ;. to kajati i "" -" i- -T MTgMttx My today on a Reclamation Oikf it I wt. " " I Irrigation Enthusiast " r"' W F. W. Newell, CWef of the Bnreai ArriTes i-i the City to Make an ; lnsectkn of Work Here ! ) On bla annual tear af tha reetomatlon projaeta af Ua try, F. H. Newell, dtraetor af Ua an- ran oc reeiamauon. auu. auaai- ath ooiuttry. - Ha arrive laat night, nnd today. wRb B. P. Hanson, waar- vislag Mglnaar, nnd W. W. Pnton, project engineer, ba to maklac n trip over tba Klamath project. Mr. NwU to anxtona to aaeet elt Iwna of tbla Motion nnd dtoonaa with them manna of j-tas-U govw meat work more offeettva. WRb Ute purpoa in mind, ha baa aatondad an lnvttaue to Ua raaMagda to kirn at Ua White Prttean betel i Mr. NawaJl to n aaaat tatstaatlag ceiYeraatteaa-at, NntnraltrbatoM- thualaattoon Ua anadaat af irrlgattonf an ua waya and maana wktok the PMpteoUaatotecanMUMUatSfe- dueUva aUrltg eout fM nutot ' ' air. itawaa my awrni tM , mental prapoatUan Uat Ua Srat naa., after lertgatton beema'n; laat, to to npsanla anto.Ua .tondi as 'l VI !-S? i 'l ,' A $ I U' -n Wan-kB- -la-k ------- j! lKl w ' -- waapaj Tsmmmsmj , ajanmm anWBto f J taw mm pamaaiar u. rani . . A .r . ' -Pjwhb-h sa. aaa ten vary nator of thatr -' '-- tm mm -7 w - , . W . V ,iJ' Prti To ,r the 'ki etv ttonof.tha nawly intotoa.tai, r tonda ot Oregon to ana ef taWana' atruetiVa hope la 'Uto'stoig.aaag'' Mr. Newell, "and , the;. irmiMw r bodtoa and Ua'raltoindS na4 a atk era who prstoni an aatrr a Inafaat g aanmantty balldanc ,'nN JeBsfajgshl Uahaat asaana'to that AtoVrh .. Id al- UntMSiPAhto. af Ua ' aC.tMataf S j i. M'IBt' V.J .J.a l,to than touowa may. aUat t-saamsn ww 'af Ua-praswiM.to.vdato whieh toad rrT( . i ', Jvir'i!'. , - j .- '? .?t.'-.L -.'..''w'.A.. " .,ijmtii:, aald bat i by.wWU'nwdniwMi I aaaentoUanr Hk ' aetivtty at i aajbl tgsj a' anaMWniMil.i