A" If it w V h .. i' ( -" ', tii. rT,fl. "-, 'ft, ". - "' ; '1 , "rt "A.'i SUPI'LUCI) HY THK UNITKII FIIMM NKWM SHHVICK fire ftwninc .. 'X , Hereath Yai No. I.IHM1 KLAMATH FALLS, ORHOON, FIHIIAY, KOVBMMM , Itll Hefalft. sHgjl - - i' i. tS.tC7 i4 a ,l ns- wm totim ' 1 ' California and Idaho are Still in the Doubtful Column v Lane Wins Over Selling by Thousand DEMOCRAT HAS LEAD IN RACE FOR LI SENATE IMIVHNK IMNTKKMUTHKMM1, HUT Irt OUT OF HACK tolling Kmuh HVII in III. Own Canty. Hut l-tN 4Me Moot Voir In llio Outlying KrrUuut Willi Half ..f ritalr llmnl Fmni, (lie Democrat Hu n la.l Wlilrli Will Probably Carry Wm THrongh United I'rres Korvlcn I'OltTI.ANI). Nov. 8. The lalnt rrturm from throughout Iho dais In dicate that l.ane has won In Iho sen atorial race over Hulling. At n late hour this afternoon Iho vol wna I.ano 36.073, Belling 34.333, llourna 34,4S( Ijinr la leading llourna In Multno mih county by CM Lane li loading H lllnc In Multnomah county by 719, villi all but two rclnru heard from More than half of tlie vol of Iho Mia ha been accounted for. l.ano la ahead by 761 Helling la rutting down l.ane'a atate-ldn lead, but It la not MANY IX UA.MJKH : WYOMING IS IN WILSON COLUMN Hauling on Mrrrta la Kipertcd , toNUrtHoon Unllrd I'rtM Hervlce CONHTANTINOI'I.K, Nov, I. Tho situation li growing won 0 MTK ItCTUIINH HHOW THAT HK liuro. Desperate hall lea In tho ' streeta aro eiprcted. Over a .' J OKTMAttKJVOTK e 4 Wilson Lead- Mat Oasaases ft- McMMtaa 'r United Prone Mrrtee 4 million men, women and ehll- , drcn aro InvoWed. Iluslnets has Upon suspended. CALIFORNIA IS STILL IN DOUBT LATKHT Itl-rrUltNM HHOW THAT IMMiSKVKLT HAH A HI.IOHT J,KAI, HUT NOKTHKKN PHK CIMTK AHK MIHNIM1 , 11.1, HKAT TAhT II Y Aoe IBA HO VAUM IX LINK HK THK IIKMOC'ltATN United i'raaa Service CIIKVKNB, Wyo., Nov. . WllMB la loading Taft by 600 vot, ad It la rohkldertd certain that the demo cratic randldale haa carried the atate. (Continued on I'ago 4) HAN PKANCI8CO, Nov. . Cali fornia la atlll In doubt. The laleat avatlnblo flgurra give Itooaevelt 10, 33S and Wllaon 380,135. The latnat returna from Ua Angetoa county with llirco ireclncla mlaalng glyp llooeevelt 711,488 and VIUonH4.l34. There era ii few pre clncu In the northern coun Ilea which are mlaalng; and the out rome la considered moat doubtful. Smile Will Take the Place of Hand Cuffs Mils Elsie Low will be Appointed Deputy Sheriff She will Wetr a Star and Make Arrests Klamath county la to havo a young woman deputy aherln. Mum Klale, daughter of Hhrrlff ilrct Uow, la to bo provldvd with a itar, and will perform the dutlea of doputy aherlff after January 1. when her father takea bla oMce. MUa Low U one or the moat at tractive young women In tho county, ai,d the only objection that can be ad vrnced to her appointment la that It nay reeult In the young men of the county courting arreat. .Anyway; It li certalu that when Hi puty BherllT Klale Ixw goea out to inako an arreat there will be no re aUtance. MUa Low'a principal work In con mctlon with the aherlR'a offlco will t'i, of courae, clerical. Bho will as- alat In the collection of taxea, but there la certain to coma a time when tho maacyillna depulloa are not avail able, and a hurrycall for an officer will como lu. Then, with her atar conspicuously displayed, she will be expected to go forth and perform the dutlea of tho offlco. "Come with mo." Miss Low's friends know the persuasive amllo which will accompany this command, and they aro certain thai there will bo no hanging back. No handcuffs, twisters, or other ad juncts to tho'Jou of poaco officer will ho necessary. "Yes, Miss," and the person who hat disturbed tho pvaco and dignity of the comtnuulty will trot, right (long to tho county Jail. Wllaon Oeta Idaho United I'reea Service IIOIHK, Nov. . Heturna Indicate that Wllsoil has carried the state. The latest roturna give Taft 30,141, Wllaon 39,7 0; llooeevelt If, 111. The precincts which have not reported are heavily democratic. NEW YORK, Nor. I A- UM computed froa all available 4 source Md, wlOe- la aatre-i- e mately corroet, inowa UMt Um tout popular tu for Wllaon e 4 waa e,llf,l7, tUowralt 4,107,- 4 COS, Taft 3.311,314. 4) .1 44y444444f4 ,'J CALIFORNIA VOTE MAYDE DIVIDED M'-HAYUUXtt- 4JV'IIMMHMMMVI IXKOrOM MAY BMV-T IN M VIMOX (MP VOTMH BKTW-KN TKIMIY AND WILSON ' United I'reaa Service) HAN FRANCISCO, Nov. I. With about 50 preclncta mlaalng, It 1 now admitted that an ot-clal couat will be necessary to decide tho result In this state. Itoosevelt leads by about 300. I.os Angeles county, with seven preclncta missing, gives the progrea- Ires plurality of 20,179,' which. It la believed will be enough to swing the state for Roosevelt by a slight plurality. roealbly on account of the cutting ot some of the progrsaalve electors In the south, the electoral vote of the xtate will bo divided. Bad Checks Cause a Yound Man to Flee R. W, Caldwell is Being Sought by the Officers of the Law. It is Said that he Issued Bad Paper H. W. Caldwell, n young man who haa been lu the city several weeks, Is being sought by tho officers on' a charge of securing money by means of worthless checks. As a result of, his operatloM, two Klamath FalU Places of business art out 10 each. Complaint ag4.-Caldwell was aworn to this afterMM by, J. -. Par risk, a .tarts-dsr, jjrsd ib' :: .v- r "Smoke" saloon. It la charged that Cnldwoll lasued check for 1 10, 'lin ing his own name, and drawn on the First National bask. He had uo fundi there, It Is charged. It Is reported that another local business house also holds some ot Oaldwol's paper, although' no com-pleJ-t has been made. Caldwell la believed to have gone to California. JUDGE GOWEN IS UNUSED TO TITLE HKCKNTLY K-KCTKD JUMTICK OK THK I'KAUK FAILS TO K-COU-MEK CALL WHKN MAN 8HOUTH "HKY, JUIM1KI" "Hey, Judge!" k A man, said to hall from Bowutw, dashed wildly down Main street this afternoon, shouting at the top of his lungs. Everybody In town who had ever been Justice ot the peace or held the Indicator In a baseball game turned around, but the person who was ad dressed kept right on going. He was K, W. Oowsn, Justice of peace-elect of l.lukvlUe precinct. Finally the Doaanaa man overtook Mr, (lowen, and It was not until then' that the recently elected magistrate fully realised what Us ottce carries with It tho name, anyway. "I feel grateful tony friends," said Judge Oowen. "They worked hard for me, as the resul shows, and I am very grateful. 1 suppose I will get used to tho title after while, hut K Is a little strange right now." Ill' AMUR IS OUT ON BONDS KLACK MAnf MMMY ITJT ITT wm4w to qui nam son oct of rw t BVMNQ JERRY MARTIHJM, HUUtFS HIS EYES 'Drown All United Press St Ids CHICAQO. Nov. I. Jaek arrested last nlat f ef wkRe slavery. In coaaseUo. wtfli his rslatlssm wMh Bella Scbrelber, asyesisd before Pad- era! Judge I-uM4s fhla wmla. Mis saoehsr f emlshsd n, hod ejC H,. After It was apyrered Um acsd woman west. STUDENTS READY FOR Bit GAME HK1H SCHOOL AOORKOATION WILL PLAY TKAM OOMPOMH) OF YOUNU MKN RMPLOYBO'lN KLAMATH FALLH The flrst scrimmage will probably tuke place this aftsrneoa by Um two football teams of the high school. A flrst team will ho made wp shortly, and It U expected they will star the town team on Thanksgiving. Tho high school teams said they would plsy on condition that Um average weignt or tne town team woald be equal that ot tho high. The town team has assented, so that a game on .Thanksgiving may bo looked forward to. Athletics la hlg- school are some what unsettled at present, some of the boys wishing to start basketball, while the majority ot tbs boys wish to continue with football. It will bo greatly disappointing to assay of Uo townspeople to see football abandon ed so sarly, as Uoy say tho best game always comes e on Thanksgiving. This Is true, and K will be dlsaatrow to athletics la high school to aban don football so early. osUNVaoN or ANUsB AorMuri MOMKINMOCWNB Jerry Martin, srsndsnn of Jerry Martin. trssMsnt of Um NaUo-al hank of U sMy, la. Inod to his homo In B-smae os count of an Injary to bla eyes, suttlag from a bruise an Um forehead. The injury will preveat h frssa ael-g his eyas for several wseks. and has neeesslUtod his wlUdrawal frosa tho State Ualvaratty Oloo (Swh and tho eosatag Draaatle Owh atar. as wsU as "Tho Cloads," to ha nwt on he Mr. Reddle'e alaaa In draasatk) snter ateUUon nsat Satnrday night Clareaee A has token Mr. Mar- lea's aart InThe Clenda." FINANCES ARE IN GOOD SHAPE Mra. Margaret D. Hayter el Dallas, Worthy" Orand Matron of Oregon, Is expected to make an oMetal visit to Aloho ChapUr KosUrn Star next Tuesday oTsntog '' SINGER PLEASES H. S. STUDENTS MMS. WAGNBhR MN A OOOH- OF SONGS AT HMM BCBOOL AUUUY-Hi0-AIW APPIUV ciatr hkr mwym The high school aasembly wu en tertatned this -Memln by Mrs. Wat. Wagner, n loeal ataer ot great merit, oU of her islsetlsns wars wall gl on, and her IntornratiUoa of an old Highland- sou waa donaey Mrs. WaMer U a amber of the K. O. M. . sJswnl, v 11.451,110, nuklag n total of IT.I4I,. 700. "Of tho unsigned subserlatloas.' saya Comptroller Durkee, "there has been pall I,IIS,I91.II, or 11.11 per cent of the total. Inaamneh aa but 40 per cent of Um total haa boon sailed for at Uo Ubm of this aUtoamont, I consider Uo proportion of collections vary remarkable." . iilli' w or M-e Votes :...-.CsL.,. "i-...yst : !. :Tnnf l! T-T r- 7i p " c?.' C-M.Usa-rireew, -TTill' TA M.'-f OAKYILL-, Mar. I Oesv O) Ifl IAXW& ltHl' ,' 4'Uto retams show that "0eU M gUISTgl '' aB'' 4 Joo" Cawott kaa kaon defeated o it! RWIaffcW IWilfaM-, ,. fcrinvatos. Tholasae-ileeaV.' . ., ' J' ill ' 4 or la aotod aa saylac aMrety . - rt s,- . H ' "sm" when Um resoet hoaaao " .MHf,.fSV--l MM known. d .'.' . '. jaajnaMa"' .''- , ty - " '! n"v.?..''X,r '''.4 . ,- rS;' ' h ' fifHit tt; 5?S:'- Ul VI VBaiinilaYlTW ' ns,iiliniJsjBsa-lV-tas, , " i - -v - - L. , '' - - ' . ,- , 1 I , i - r YMC rBMKT Wb kll4sa nMahaeaaaii es-- aa w pw , m f mSBBrrasj a ajsagflajamamp aa bbbj aBmaj-aagjBBB j l VJi- miimi" ' Var'''tmi'-,' n:,,,-,'.'. mt... , fJf"HssY WtUUKM Of.C0MsMsaL ??'Pf'r.'' Trf h 'j- v -; ? MtiMklMlaMMMs1teMi KVaLwT i swasaMSB) av. smst 'app- ' n SV1B.js"ai'la csl Mai Press) stftaa MaWMaff'MnsaiSSr-E 'B HMW YOUC, Mar. I Piantolsf l':.T".: ,- " " l W ' y . . W JF,', l'.t,'i. . . um-m moaaa ,. nsn saa Miai ffpansMM).L ', 1 'fv . W-m 'wM tm tO-Wtoa, h.' m .---1-T --... v. .. . Afn1iwkBJ gBaeHCJeaHaalaft UsiM , aUT?7 Wm nti fsLa sat4M i . fSSls -ff-MOHSSslllBBsAs! f ft fe KELLEY AKimPES !tilr - :. ..-. . --' - An ---" ' sjm Bllgf-I rilBr T-w1 sewwea-smHssj Bamjaai smnaamn smmmf run m riM i s-c--a.- , Off TSOraUl Hf M CRT ON W f?' ?!PVMf"Jli s ,.) H' "' w"W' HHHKt -HHbUHbUBi msMt -' ik "V "" "Rougbaoaaa" Master arrived fci r ,-vVvV - -,w .. -..,--. a- -w- jBIMsra"fijiajai 'aj, ssjl TO-Mor 174- wM Bd Anlnsnn. Uo - Bsv!Aa''' Vaneoaver. Wash., Uchtweeght. - J',l ,-.., KeUaf and Anderssn have ataod MONA-Mf-NMMMM, K , , t, beforo, Anlirsen winning. KoUer r -M - K' ' comnouMm or panama4a. CtaTOEXrXNlTHNls--aiTO. LIC TMB IMUJ-M'l ANS M7awHa-tNT Of F-NBS I8peelal to The Herald SAN FRANCISCO. Nor. I. Rod ney 8. Durkxe, cemptroUor ot Uo Panama-Paelle IntamaUonal Bspoal tlOB, la hie aUteaMat of Uo metme, Mpendltarea and sahseriaUon aeooaat for Ue entire period from Uo eosa mencement of bastaeas In DeeembeT. 1909, to September II, nil, st-tes that flOI.lll.lt waa need for Uo pare-aso of real estate, and that Ue balMIng and gronnda deparUneat has expended 1140.141.11, whisk la an In- dleaUon of lu activity. Thla oatlay covers arekltaetaral and saglnssring expenses and Uo coat of MM In the ovortow lands on tho eaneoHlon slto. Tho aahoerlaUon aeoannta ahow total signed snaaerlaUona of ll.lll.- ISO, and unstgnod suboertpUona of Ulnka ha haa H on Uo YaneonTor boy now, and Mr going to train hard far Uo boat, whieh wHl ha staged by Merle Monism. the wall knewn VppU Fraak M. Upp, Jeweler, haa I laaaoetor for Uo SeaUetn railway. His diatriet' will ho Wood to Ula otty. WA-dUNOTON, V..Ci NeV.-A roalde-tT-nhaaatwaradUManaar- , 4 f alaava Mee4ssMV aAd nssassaaa to aaM Immediately frssa pn-slilgkla to aeataot AaMriean aankaaaai sdasafors In Ssarran nnd sarat.'; sMn-., BklBHHlA9aaHaA s f JFlWJeJB, sbhBI Asserlean ambaasadir at naalo to araaare to swota-t jaa .-:i te.u-toMr. i " i ! '''' '.. -,.: t nkw ". CK AiistriA And Russia W RrV-dv .. - -. . - V ' for Hard European utmpaign -" i -v H P. Troops are Massed on the frontiers and it is BeUtfed that the end of War with Turkey will be Marked by the Commencement of a Graat .0jtfh ?- :."h,i- ," 4 United Press Serv we PARIS, Nov. I. Aastria haa od a largo force an Ua frontier, and everything is in rsadwess to tnrade Ua territory of the. Balkan statos U Ula hssasssa nossaaary to' order' to enforce terrHostal daaiaa-i. ,'.' Russia w araeUealiyoa a war foot- lag. , , ' I. It la fSrart- BUOAPMT, Not- ad Uat Uo sfntaarlAM aABftlv'shaaVil aPMh dsatIAABali Pwwrww- dJf4B"ai'a"J,l jWslarVHs"-1 'e"lsMsaBj"m"BI ana tna routed dsiandara ara wurea- bvi .toward Cona4anMnaale, twontyr to ssUea daMantr' '' v" '. ' Ula hsMsvsd that t)Ma Is Um sad kgkgk aataMlfjataam WlfasBjatHfi ai UI " I' WljsTBpPV "rwWammaj aPV amfmajamm smamaa T-rW,1 knt near Ua hsjaiaalng'of, a , '..Ut v Uaolad'rRoa4' M, f?'1.',! --:W M rS ft' ! . " - !-"-- " 1 ina M:aoH . ni - ' w aCHafTfln fcM 1 ." KalrwBI'l har,iiHiiiHiu'.i TV .feVfc s ' -... ,.i. v.wf; " -Si !.: ,Wlit;.4ti' , 1iBiti 'Afe'. l"ir"- 'tirt ifir-ylal1sifts-TI Itm lil