u I I J.V lUPPLIIfD HV TMK UNITMI PHMM NKWI NHHVICK m .- e ftoenino , T mfi ,,-w - - - A7' r -, j njlil "'Y . - . i.Ki1Jiu;w1k-ii,V r1-- t - . " M'1"'" . . 'K STMV,.,. n."-. it,. i w " ill fe ft IZMssm u f 1. i HtYMttt If I No. 1,1 KLAMATH FALL, ORMlOlf, WHftNMWAr, , IMS' i i-i.- Ii T i :. """ " i? ; vrtf j- SftjBBBk''RBmi gBjBBBl lV v Gap. Lee Says Democrat Allee Samee White Man Now IIKHOKH QKTH HIH Tim NorUtlet Vote 1 (Jrtwl, lint A poo. Is Heatr United Press Bervlce CIU0A0O, Nov, 0. Chalr mnn llarne of tlio Hoclsltd Na tional cuuimttteo estimated to day tint iho oclallit rota throughout tlio United Htatea a wa 100,000, greater than hoa a a or teen polled before. A vere blow wae rocolved at headquarters wliun the newa wa received that Merger had tern defeated for re-election. 4.OLOMKL IH HOIIC ) ItooMvrll Will Mo Iteck tit Work. on Outlook United t'rnu Henrico OYHTKIt IIAY, Nor. . Col onel llooiovelt will get back on the Job at the Outlook offlce Friday. Ha It planning- to con tinue Iho fight to keen the bull moose party on the map. He ia aome encouraged by the fact that the progressive appear to be aecond In the debt, but the ting of defeat l noticeable in Ma manner. t TArT TO WOltK . fiT.l.l.nt Will Kngagr In the I'rwrllre of lw e) 4 t'nlM I'reii Horvlce . CINCINNATI. Nov. C I'rea- Itlwit Taft aroo at K o'clock iliU morning. He wn not de- prciicd by hi defeat, lie joked vlth till friend, saylug! "I am glad to be back among d) you. I will re-enter Iho practice 4 of law In Cincinnati at the end of my term." t MULL MOUMiM OOMMM a a) IMso PieiMcU Heat Piaawea lives WNi Be Hmmj 4 . 4 ii tar if ,S V. vrs ,kf NKW YOMCNer.' Dlton Mia teday: "The.frt- grenlve party Ugea n pkM m the- domktaat' typoelUoa ar to the trinawkont dameatlli party Tfca' tr reaalvee tnk eHher the Crat W aeeond ! in the haHatlng. aeett !! BlAjLtB-a - ggMjiWallaaljlakjBJ aaaleftafW A rlarfitl) ia fnVW tVVgWBaiVaWgMH leajF" V tles two rear f re aew tker will be nmrawT watthera m the job." : wttMomnmnuK , ItMnala to MM aWMto (In I fawBehate WaWT TOMC War, t ilnted fjratsraai akw tktt.WlatM vMI have III vatoa ta tka alaatatfal eaHega. Tkan la a atraac Wtt- at tratd fc Itlaaali, ml tka iaanawla ara alalailaa' Ua atala It aaaaan, that, taatTaMr 4 t Ma waa Ilttaaia. Kaaaaa, , Km. nmmttmU mU Waak- tataaa aad.Talt la IcaM, Otaav Vamiat. WyiaHagj, Saatfc Bay kota la waakifaL , ."" CIMClNNATt Mtr. . trkw4attka Tatt raawrtMi waa aara that "IwlUaat kardar far bm ta itkan katlwaaM : A lat Oar- fcm - Ar-X a a"w A a A'la a . oenrw.ilinnMr:!. Kaaaaat lanir' Akjpm bVm. ' Vv; aMaaaataali- "' ' J, , ?4A rJ:ilu rSatfSiSSa! MIV aVPwf aVJv laaB(VpBhife) flBLv V a atvawfta) ka WMiiImO lalaaaarttlwtiBJ a ito alkttkm af aMlrii paat w.aatlt aa miagil TAFT CALLS FOR UNCLE JOE GOES Wilson Plans to Make' Things AN ORGANIZATION I'llKXIIIXKT WOULD IIMHUJAXIZK tyKI'tlllLlt'A.V 1'AKTV lt(MM Vt:i.T WILL ATTKMt MKKTINU l)K THK MOONt; HOO.V CnttoHt Preae Mrvlc NKW YOKK, Nov, d. The effect of the election on the republican party U ao a matter of (peculation. The re eiHUdtn ran aectiml In New York attle, to far aa Iho atale ticket waa ttactrnrd, but Koopwlt polled from to to Ave tlmea a many votea aa TIU On November loth the progreaalvea will convene In Chicago to permanent W orgolee. Raaaevell U ercled in " aiftnd the meeting. I'rMldetit Taft ha called the re el bllcaui to organlie. The toclallita hae pollrd the hvav kit vote In the hUtory of the country. In tomo Houthern italce Debt led Taft. NTO OBLIVION i Easy for the Next Four Years mmm KAK1MIT vmsMinyni fiiuiw.ii.iwiinpv HIX-I.V.,AW OK KOKMKII HI'l-UK. KU OA.V.NO.V AIIMITH THAT (IIIAMI OI.O MAN HAH UrHT THK CONTWKNCK OK KOI.M1WKHM Unllrd I'teaa Bervlce , UANVIl.t.K. III., Nov. . K. X.j lkcurvc, aon-ln-taw of the famouii former apeaker of the houie, con cedea Cannon' defeat In IhU district. MvKlaley I aUo defeated. "HPreiident Elect Tells Citisepiof hit Plans, Ideak and Other Things Before Taklitg the Presidenttal Chair. Says He Wanta a Chance to Talk to the Nations waUiKNomri tit f0llillln HHMIWi tfcto 'FRISCO BACKS UP W00DR0W riUNCITON. Mw. 6Wj4rawWltooii aerntig: ltTkt KNltKlTMlrMM tlUrt tftt tllMiMM VAMt f IkW uaitc to jive tkc coantry frttdoam uA wittf ttin. TU jmtnmml kM4 froa sclfUh w rrojMt f'i'Mj amf'MTO0r,MO TMM H'afMaMBC WkT'ttW MaHMMNI' WMUMmWttk av MaV " MKt hopuovwu?btb4 & Mm ttr lrtoMI- geat ctvopwatltti to lf owr timpaMttj a flrltof emWUmmvtmtk Im aorcr before occwed. TOM KN K. rUBLICITV MAN., x . f Wn-L I'lttlHAHLY UK I'RIVATK) f k a. ui.. e HKatCTAHV-ltltVAX WILL .Of tile MttkMI 0 iMttCri Of jftt 101." , HM.'IIKTAIIY OK HTATK WILSON'S CABINT ..-' NOW CONSIDERED JNK1TITII TtUlltY LOtlNH IK THK OOIJIK.V (IATK CITY, HUT HULL MOOMK CANUIDATKH KOH CON'OHKtWt IIAVK K1NOLK CHANOK United I'rcta Bervlce . I'ltlNOrrrON, Nov. . The choice! of hi cabinet now confront WlUon.l ' i. i. iiniiUil-ail Imt Ihmii annAlllt' menu are now contldorcd certain: HecreUry of Hlate William Jen- SEEKS TROUBLE; FINDS HAPPINESS i,!L Ui.ItcJ l'reoa Servlea HAN KRANCIHCO, Nov. r.-iCam- tUte relurna from Han Kranclaco give WlUon 4.0S1, llootevelt 31,614, IVbi 11,415, Chatlu l.ttl. Judge araUam, Coffey, Mogan and Lowlor are re-elKted. In the rourth dlitrlct, kCabn 10.- SO, Bchletlnger 14.S9C nine llryan. Secretary of Agriculture Dr. Wiley. Attorney Oeneral Loul Drandlea. Secretary of Navy or Interior llurleaoa of Tesaa. - Poatmaator Clenvral William Mc- , A r0BUU,c, 0j the wlrea culmtani Adoo or Jo. Daniel. . .... ,ht uh ... Mrta-, et Secretary of Treasurer Itedfleld n Mi uiu NM Km9. WKLL KNOWN KMPLOYK Of THK OHKUONOAUXMtNIA FOWKH COMPANY WKIM I-OPUIAK OIRL OK CKNTKAL OFKICR trouble that Mr. Hreater waa gm hoelng for, and hla rrleada declare that he eucoeeded la tadlac great kaaplaeoa wkaa ha aaraaaded Mlea to aar "yea." WANTKD Waaaa ta 4a kaaaawark and waakdM Maekkara kiaatial. t-tt Tke Hall OrlU aervea.aaejetel ckaaU Itaeh caalr, St'aaata. Iltt Lengthy Ballots Cause Delay in the Counting WHUi KNOWlf KliMUWI MAN Ml TMR nUCB OP KLAMAmi LAKH PHHCWCT. B. 9U9-. Makaa awr aaw ka aa Bakaaktakg1 tk agaamggam bbVIbI BdU 4yJTVBBa ejoay vaajejaaaaBaBBi aaaaaf aaaaai attar aa wHI araaaMr aa aaraHawa: "Jadaw Makap." IM awM NW ejlMMMMi aawaVjBfVagV VjV VHSPVaw SraflMmBBBBBBBBaP li oUHl - - M nBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVjP OBBKAmVlJaBf JBBBaljB. VMBBBBbI gBBBBBBVTt ' aagaBBBT aaaehwap w BiaBiaaBP ji . . 1 AamMmHaVaVl aVVTaHAaVaWMVATeK IMV if , i , Miea Ire- M. Weaaat m. m4 Waam btAmgmtm ffSTS" ' jft toailiwattta.KlegaaBBigaaalato 'J eaeeagew.ealkaaaiiftWmli tjaaaka al taaaam eapwMjCT la tka aMr. Ma aataaaaar vM ka taalt Ma tMa aaajMaMaV -. -f r,3B IIMIP RFH4 &S5K?iTOE MaNVI JK W A , -, '"' ka wjM ifMMatavalBtajaiagglSI " t wwejMaat aalatha)BeaaMH at Mww If Mil nWeMI iw aamaa BS5 JJJJJJJJJTJJJSSJ tharala Makaa la at Oelaan. aaL kiaaaaa.aM M tka aMaa la tka Wiar; Mr. Ma ka Mf , 'Jaekea of New York. I Chairman McComba of tlio national ion. The groom la auperlateadaat of !- .. k. Ai-lBlllAeila I9abjJi committee I not likely to be n mem- .,"".'"- - bor of the cabinet, but will bo taken company, ana nu uriae naa sees aaa- ' I -...-. i.. . Ill hBllh U tuwir. N.Ui.1.1 m a i.iutniuu Attanlat har. In U,.PUkdUtrct, Nolan (Pro-" """T" . " "' , . g'foui." iruuve) I7,08, coatello (uemocraw ioi,. -...- -. -- - - - .... k,.m, .,. w.,..,.., ... .,;i ggw . . .". Wi- gar ja; isa Ed Rourke Helps The Herald Make Klamath County Record Returjna From Small Precincts are Received by Sending Message Around a Circle and Getting it into this City in Spite 01 the Many Obstacles Presented Because of tke UagU of tke kal- Wttaaa 117, Ckata I, Daka I. lota, grant delay waa enueed la tka.valt 74 UWtaCPNaatfJHknt - - -'' 'f' t "l wLWMmam. "'r&y ' ri J' iii. . - (aWBBBBjj aPPaT aBTVJHBaBVaVi bobbjK SJV bV ta raat-ap tkagkfjiMa0Vf aearaaaMaa.' atoaaaaaBkftiMkT k 'SA L-. r , -' iM wm.W,l,lkliaa7C ttM r . 4 " ". N L . .1 I. mm t aa fieewawauji 1 liMpmTOP.tJka, . lV The Herald today aceomplleked ."It will take .a weak ta hear what .' Or pud ver beforo hoard of la iwipaper hUtory. Itke vote In Oreiceat, ta tka Klamath Fall attar election. eiaae raaat, and r'ta kaar from i tka iaal daeailaa aag l pata .jee jewMe, . . -..-.v " a ,St- ' Hi I' v V happened In Creeeant, Although tkara wk but twenty ag ragUtered votea there, Tka Her ald! determined to get tke reaah; and taday, Meatagea were aent,' and at neaa Tka Herald reeetved fraen (to eareaaaadeat la Oreaceat., M Kourk, tka'meaaag- Tkla aHMMi, aent by Mr. Haurka, kade tka'laMawla trip: r ', -Oreaceat ta Bead. ... , ... "J ' i,- ,-V ,4fSW -.. nend to Tba Dallea. The Dallea to Pertlaad. Portland to Saa Praaclaeo. San Krancloo,to Klaawtk Palla. Total dliUnoe (eetlmated) ta re ceive accurate return from aa.hwUt ed precinct la Klamath county, !, mile. Fortunately Tka Herald kad a wide awake correspondent w CraaasaA, M Rouri kaa mora tkiaga la and araaad kla kaad taaa hur aa a aat. counting. At. a late kaar tkla attar- aooa tka vote In tka Beeaad and Third ward waa aot known. Tka Herald aecuied ta within 10 votes at comple tion of botk of tkeea warde, aad tka result follew: Dtatrlat Mtoraey Drake 4I, Ir wta 1,111. Matr Saaator Sklaat 78, Tksatp aaa 141, TaM 4lt. , Rearaaeatative Forkaa 47. Orew 7, laaltk Ml, nHeoras 111. kerUt Orlgaby 111. Mawakarat 147, Law 144, Stamen 74, akkar 414 Caaaty Clerk De La 1411. ttt- vey 14, laamera 571 Ceaatr Treasurer Baatt 141, Maajtwc 474, Tyrrell N.i ekaal aaerlm l, Pataraaa. 1,010. Ill, Oawlay 141, Uo 1.141. 7T. Ilageleteta 156. Rlttar 141. County, Burveyor Mawry 1,101, Kltwlll. Coraaar Bay 147. WkMlaek SA, V114a447. ,"',' JaaUaa t Ua Peaea s tawea h0, araaa M. CaMtaMa 8ekaUeeo4II, " 411. r , It waa faaposstkla ta'asaara tka caatatata retaraa from Mew, aad tka rapart at'ika rata la tkai araataet la aat laaMM la Ue aka.v, to tkat prselaet Maaatag raoalraf a aaaiorHr i ".. vv..v; j-- et IB.itMJa' aot keleaaai Jkat Pairing Akarereatkle II, Ctaa. er t, Orakaaa 71, Maaatt 114. Uattsd wataa Baaatar aaraa M, Clark 14. Laaa 141. Pagwt I, It, katUnc II. uajM,g&HkamBBaaKmVtj of aLSkakjiv BV4n7Vajama jy tjoa, av'sBaraV Keaaadr 14, OUatt 111, JUddaway 14, Ryaa II, WkMa tl. Juatlea SaKasaa Caart aWkakt 11, Aektelll, teatar II. ffaaTar II. uairr ui raaa caaMuaaiaaar-- raaaa II, Dttsmar II, Laa II. Meakle HI. WaMraad Cammhwleaer OamykaH 111, Vatwtll. IrtrlH Oeleme Preaaeatlag At- Uraer-Braka 71. Irwki 111. anator Sklsp It, Tkampaea 111, Wm at ' ' RaareaeaUUve Parkas areas II. tRk 111, Maaraa 44. OaaaMr osteon kacHt Ortjaky 91, Hawikarst 71. Law 111, M l, Walker II. Ceaatr Clerk Da Laa III,, ktl- vey M. awamara II. Couatr f-Traaaarar TtagajaM 111, Maaalac 141. Tliiasl II. , IH, ww - - '- M - .aa, rsramLaBVa sj VfSpXi f., .' I, T V. Moooert I.' - V to the- Orgfjm Voir, looaerelt Folte wen Stm Glaiai thir HaVt a Chance to Pit taat in Cohuan of Piograaahraa C PORTLAND. Mae. 4. AA "7, tff, I efrsalaaallai aPJtoiiasa"JR ij" . ' ii - v V-.- .i.t a aw, wney aa. vatBaajgasaajgewesaajh av, aMMi aaas I...,, asl ,1 -- --- awsiar.ajsi,,' sseaHyaeee. wwltsVatelie. atkata ' VkMaaaN IM. aa sea W Leal;,4 OWMPVfL taa. Cateaar, mair'H. rill. '"'5V ' i laatlea at.-tka Paaaa, IMkriMa a tee, vvenwa aeiH r i' IM 11J I - II ,-i-Ji--7 " ?f A tit . i' Riaimm a4 tkat Wttaaa wM mm tka state kp 1,444 ptarakHr. Laaa la asakat aa tka --" la tka jBMuoaftal kaM. al tkeagk.tka reaaH la daakttal aa ta a lata kaar 'tkla attameaa. " ' laeaaoalate rataraa traai twdaty aaaatiaa lavar WHea. akaak tkla daw aot gaaraatea kkm tkaataA. At are sat kauias H tka Mtaaa tkat tka aaaasasa at aatkaa wBagffji wesrea jrBvnBBBss, maaj jmrnammmaj ii Macs) win kaawm kasara alaktfael Mi MM pat. mate mat aaMl taamvriamv T ernsw eBsassaaj ajorejarmjis,, ua aa aaaa. w iiWMki paja. dJMmjMm fa laAteaBt aaBBBBalRammlBmfVmmmW mSaMwiBtomWml Vitfa wWm HVJlssal aVfTfsWf eaScgMJVa 4VVVTaWt VfJWsr MBwaajHy-aw - t i'. kteMBjMaakV. kMMttT VNN anaaeaas asBjasiaarwaa av wis wHMk Irfif, Mt 1,144, Taft MIT. tetka'W MM 'Met .Wa lar, sacraca 4 RIM ; n tkaaalte ksaaa.ap fJM rcHaaa saajaftii' aaSmmMi vW aa wflpaaauii aaa aaa win Mia: ' kr ! TOtes, mnilaiilkil M(.,;-.'k4r4aaa atgajt '.f MMIt If'WMek.tka MifHHifHsiysaMaaar. UltalMk jk l 4Mk ejaBftaMi tlSJH Ba aaaft JM 1 ' " ', - ; V H -4 C'