t' t U ' , ' ' u IVKPLIKU HY THK VNITIH) PHHMI NKWH HKKVICK r gibe f benina Befatik rl ' W.V 1 .flW S . A , - ' v' : ',5? M ' , v ' (( ' i . t aim a tmmm iw . . ' - . ! Heveath Yer No. I, MM - . KLAMATH PALLS, OKMOON, ttHMDAY, XOVNMBftft ft, ltl shlVI Constantinople Expected to Fall to Allies in Few Days Looks Like Wilson Carries Home of Brown EARLY RETURNS FROM FAR EAST PLEASE OEMS NOHTO.N IH CLAIMKII KOK HON HY aW,00 WIL. ELECTION NOTED AH FLOP SUFFERS BY 6000 ORDER) IN COUNTY JAIL .NO UOMI'LAIMrl MAIIK TO THK OKHCKKM 1)1 DIHOKUKKLY VO.MWtT UKIIMtT C.HCU. I.ATM'OK A IIMNIl 'U I lp lo a lata hour IliU afternoon T.fl 1Mb I- HHmll ITrctart-ll,"1IC,,""U!nU11',,V7nm,dJe,th! .police m to ul.ordnrly conduct and lloowvrlt DUIilm lirval Hepubll-'no arrcita had boon inado. Thuro waa ii Vole auil (lain I HIhihr liy M ,e'M,M ,l,l "nd pig waa ., , ' operation In tho tulc, but thla VWI.ou Ovrr the U I'ollrU fori ,,,. WM not brought , u,c ,Uou. Ilryan In 100 Many Clianrra fiirjtloii of tliu police. I.l.....ln Tlrhrt Yrl A ,,r!",(n !"M1'f?,l,'m 'V" .!' luji-J Hind iIk failed to confirm tho 'report, mid It I believed that aomo Chltcd I'rcM Hervlco ,nau ,cured a tottlo of boot Urn, LITERm CLUB MADRAS MAN IS A PRIZE WINNER KKUKKAL PRMONKK MAY OIK Mk PORK HK CAN RK TAKK.V TO KOHTLAND IM UIVK.V MOtV I'HIXK PHOM TIMK TO TIMK Deputy United Stale Maria lloatlr I worrying today over the condition of one of hli prUonera ta the county Jail, Ah Flop, a Chtaa- nian, recently Indicted by the federal Kraiid jury on a charge of ealltag liquor to an Indian. Tho ChlnaaMB U a drug Itend, anu la In a tarrlblt. condition. The fedoral officer la doubtful If bla prlioner wilt lire lo ml In PnrlUn.l When arretted tho Chinaman had Karly relurni from Mauachuielt, uutit before and elmply treated a three bottle of morphine In hi pea whre the polU ctoo at 4 o'clock, ln-(fe friend, going lo an laolated part Jacailon. In order to keep blm allv dlcatrd that Wilson had carrlod the of I tin city to do ao. Ihu la being given a amnll amount of Ule, although thla l not conceded' -- - . - - the drug from time to time, by the republican and progroaslve . Warrrn la Doomed For long time Ah Plop waa aa manager. Tho beat Information la, CHIJYKNK, Wyo., Nov, S, Thoioplum cmoker, but the recent reairlc koMorer, lhat-.)io democratic candl-Jheavleat volo In the blatory of Wyom.jtlona aa to the Importation of the 4 le lia carried llotton by a largo lag I being polled. . Democrata and .drug made it almoat Impoaalale for aijjorlty. Kour yeara ao the vote ln'lrogrrlvr arc fating In an effort to'hlm to got It, and he changed over to l'vlmi waa tery cloae. irarry the legltlaturn and defeat War-'morphia. HooMivell had hla uaual luck today ron for re-e'cctlon. I Ah Plop ha lived In lake county II California. Ilelow the Tekachapl ' Pu. where Hooaev.lt la the alrong- ,ur " 'c,lan '""n" rl m, the wethr,waa Ideal, and lUe'Ka,,, Wigwam dance. 60c. fill vote waa' polled. In the north, STUDIES MEDKME r m. WAKBN HUNT UCAM IN AN IXTKKHm NO MMMON OT TUB KLAMATH UTMARY CLUB LAMPS' 'V atier Wllaon la atrong, rain and now foil. It waa ImpoMlblo lo cure any niulla from' tbeao aecllon, and tho atate of California la still In doubt, with tho cbancoa In favor of tbe bull niooao candidate. VANTh't Womnn to do homework and Billing, tllackburn hwpltal. 5-:t for many year. He ha angagad la maay dlfftrent linen of bvabjeae, bat tbe drug habit baa aecared neb, a hold o hlm.thatkU elalateaLtbate haa adopted the eaay mode of maklag a living of aelllag liquor to Uncle Ham'a ward. United l'ro Hervlce AVON, Ma., Nov. C The volo complete waa Uooaevelt 147, Taft "9, Wllion 141. Local Voters Cast Their Ballots Early in Day An InteretUac laveeMag of the KlaaMth UiatWTCtai. at Ue reel- deaee of Her. J. . MabMeteM lat night. The aabjeet wan "Rrretatlea- ary Teadeaclea hi MeilehM." The dUcuealon waa, 14 by Dr. Warrea Hunt, who bandied tbe eabjeet ao aa to advance tbe progr mad la tbe prevention of die, rather tbaa tbe ear. Paper were read br Mm. Stewart, Mlt TaHy aad Mhw Me. Tbe nest meeUag af tb etab will be held neat Taaadar! evealag. Tbe aubject will be "XTtaUaanr Tea deaclea la Law." Nolle C. Or bek will lead. He aakad la member Uat algbt to attend tbe seat ataaloa pre pared to auk aM'cemplalat aa ta tb preat proeedur la law. B4aY MMaUNi OlMIMaaaV IN aUV OaWnUL OaMKKNi UUM COLONEL LAWSON GOES TO SALEM KKPfUeSKXTATIVK OT KRNOR COMPUrTHB OATION A8 TO OOXMTIOffa IN KIJIMATM FALLH Gandidates( for Office are Careful oto ' t to Violate any ProvMion the Corrupt Practice Act lulled I'roa Horvlco IIOSTON. Nov. S The Uracil i,S."r:Maai Not to Violate any Proviiion of at I o'clock. Democrat claim that Wilton leada by 30,000. Lat cleo III n Tafl rcliril 41.110 nml llrvati ll.ise T Cnlti-d rea Horvlco IIANOVKR, Maaa., Nov. 6.Tlio tele romplolo waa Kooaevelt 140, Tuft 128, Wllaon 05, In 100 tho vtiu waa Taft 243, llryan 48, I i.iUd lra Horvlco Hllllll.UY, Mai., Nov. 5. Com ploio re(urn glvo Uoouvlt 81, Taft '. Wllaon S3, In 1008 tbo volo waa Hiyau 40, Tafl ISO. (Continued on' rage TT PRISONER COOKS FOR COMPANIONS AIXRCJKO MfOrMPTKH W AUT INT OVKR TMN KANOIC, ANB MB l'l'KAaha) THK PALATKtl OK HauiW lHrMONaWW aaamaaaBBBBi I'rliouera la the county jail nro farlug w tbeao day, and It la all becaua of the dticovary that oa of their number I a flrat olaaa cook. He I conHaed la the JU awalUng action by the grand Jury on a charge .cfihopllftlag. It haa been tb custom for aaa Ulmo put to buy provlalon and ar nit the prltra to cook their own food. Tht plan work out alt right hen lhr la a eook la coannemant, nut torn time tbkt la aat tb oaio. 'fit allM bopllftr la a bM (or la tae art of eaeMag,' bowvr, ud, beat ! all, ha la raar'aa4 will- "W$ V Jer. Local politician predict tho beavl rat votn over polled In Klamath Fall today. In aplto of n light rain, there were many proplo nt tho poll at tho open lug hour, eKclalty at the court houiv, 'Hhero the hvavle! early voto wna rogltterod. Within tho flrat hour Ihero had been about 30 votea caat, and the voting coatlaued without In Icrmlaalon until noon. The numeroua atate meaaur to be voted on cauaed delay. CoaacJentloua Jkoler I nalited on reading over care fully the title of the different meas ure beforo voting. Many, howvr, voted "No" to every meaaur wblcb r t Continued on ITage i) TEDDY'S LUCK IS 6000 TO HIM I'lMKlltKHHIVK HTKONQHOLD IN THK HUUTII IH MOKNK OK KINK WKATHKII, WHIMC W1UJO.NH TKKHITOItY IH OKKNCWCU United IVcaa Service BAN rilANOIBCO, Nov. B. Kooae valt'a luck I strong In California Tho weather I clear south of the Tehachapl, progressiva stronghold, but all through the north, whoro Wil son la alroageal, rata and anow has been falling. More thaa'oM-thlrd of the vote had boou caat bar at noon. Halt of the vote lu Lea AngeU bad beea poll ed. The vote In tbe aoutb'wlll break all reeord's. - r LUCKY MACHINE GIVEN WILSON THK TKIibKlRAVH IN8TRUMBNT WHICH HHCK1VHD NEWS OP CLKVKLAND'B KLKOTION W IN HTAIXKD IN rKINatTON AmimI ApM AaalMl , I bay moved, my stock of apaUa from Ctujr avenue to No. Ill Mala street' (eM' Ohambsr of Comsaer bulUlag)? ' 011 from 1 to B p. m United Pre lrvlea 1'ltINOKTON, Nov. 4 Commodore llenedlct, a frlsnd of tho lata drover Cleveland, today presented to Wooc1- tow Wilson the telegraph laatrumeat which received tbe return when Cleveland waa elected la lilt. Wil son will use tbe Instrument tomorrow night. l'HINOKTON, N.J., Nov. Wood row Wilson voted' ballot 111 In a (Ire engine house. Whoa a emerged from the booth ho said: "Whoever arraaged the ballot mad the democratic- elector hart to tad. They are almoat concealed,"' 5-8t AMBROaS TISOHLaM. Wllaea 71, NORWBLL, Maaa.', Nov. I. Tho rote hor was RoomvsU 104, TatlT. Lieutenant Colonel Lawaoa, per- aonal representatlvo of Qoveraor Weal, left thla morning for Salem. after apeadlag several day lavsatl- gating conditions la Klamath Kalto. If will auk a report to tb gover nor Immediately upoa bla arrival In tho capital eHy. aad H la expected that, la jueUe to thla eky, Ue gov- eraor will Immediately seek It lab ile. Colonel Lawaoa talked, with maay people in thla dty. aad It to the ara valltag oplaloa that tho report h will Uke to the governor will be favor able to tht city. It la admitted Uat It will bo lmpoaalbl to oaToeUvolr counteract the elect at Ua uafavor- able report which bar recently goae forth concerning thla city, oven If Colonel Lawaon'a report I most fa vorable, but it will .help woLroMnrFi TUlasaajltotttar of Madras, Orsv, oa af Ua boat dry fana ONaaria la tho Wv agate damaarad that Oregoa lead laa world aa a ary tana sMCUvaa At tb lataraaUoaal Dry lraasag eoagrea joat hM at UUbrtdge. At- berta, b watkad of wKh ao maay kweeaaUk aad f rat prtaaa that ao othr country had a look-la for U btg cap. Thla I aot U tret Us Uat Mr. Itcatitr haa'wea a "world'a afJa" ta dry faralag a4d. Ho waa alasslar aaroeaa at U agiaa aa tyoaaa la 1(10, aad agata at Clrad 1a Ifll. "I am arador af amy over bfr " aaM Mr. boeaaa I have haasd Caa- adaotoaraca REFUSE BOXES ARE NOT IISEI COMTLAINT M NAME THAT Cffl aKMaWNOTArrHarcunnnc HsT OV TMH WOaHHr CnVaC LHAOnt , I aaaam. ' .' "V" r aaaaaaaaaaT ssaaaV gaaVaSaV sflLaaaaaaV aaaaasB FEIWIJUWMAY BfEMfffMlf Captata Laa, damnsrall aad rotaraad ahawt I a'asoek 1M HaVeCsJal A aMsarVy UtoafWaooai 111 r srlsWsW Til Xv. Maatfoa daaee toataat, KaaMsm Saam IJllNaHI Wigwam. Admlla 1st oklaa Altaaagb rata boasa to tho i bar af twaaty ara aow losatsd at veaUat aetata aa sao attaosa ta aU rati, there I aaM aptai etUaea ara aat swtas aaaaa. Ta bona war prald ta thafty by U Woasaa'a ClvteLaagm. wHh a vlw of mskiag a cloaaar sy, It haa beea aaamsafal that MM lice eo operate, aad arraat a lav a pt waa pa by a rafaao baa aad tbaa throw tt aa Ua aldewalaa aa4 aHrMtsk wWUmVMm I j ' : ' 2 "' x i. ? r , Sas Vata ta Cattad tSreaa aarvMa CHICAOO, Nov. I. R la that there whs ha MI.9M aat la that otty. ar avar MVk.aaat of Ua whoro ta ITHa to aaavy. Taa thar to . WHITE PELICAN TO BET REPORTS MAN Adam INNI8 KMaWM AN IN V1TATION TO TMH.PVHUO TO MAKB THK BIG saOTML LOUNG INOPIAOKTONICan Manager Innla of the White Peli can hotel la making proaaratloaa to oatortala maay clttooaa at the big hotel Uta eveaug. A wlra haa booa hMtelled ta tho hotel aaa U fall re port of U Wostara eatoa will b battoUaod. . . ' "We tavlt Ua poata af thla elty to bo our gvoste tonight," aaM Mr. ta- nt. "Wo ara arovMtai Ua bultotla service ailally for UeaabUe, Wo want Uoai to become hotter aoaaut ad with tap White PsWsaa. Thar to no charg for Uo ua of baa hotel par- lora or to hoar tho aaaatfoli of ta bulUttaa." 1 ',. " .'. '9 risjsmalli Yottag iry- wi VTasatal- ta' jakiaaai aa aaiWy we. rv'AaewBBBa aaaja MoaL , . baa aaaaa to asaaaJsamaV aaaaaaaaaaT itwsa a PfwwjBafcaBWjaBW vssaasjeaaaws avnaaaama sntaeaaaw .aaaaaaaaam aaaaaaaaa -ia Palled rYaastsrTtt" aha aakaca mm aaa jaaaa a -.-w- w x. m MaH.. ! esaaar .aaaaaaT asv raat ta lata to,?, li iilliT I s. .. Ilea alatasiiata. amd j VV km I , ? . - -.'12. " w w- p . t TflaaaaaaaP' saaaaaaaaaaV aVsaaav aaaaw -.. C dAaadl aaJalaaataaaaxt TWsassaar aWaaffrnwamr' ajiawaj- wawjaj JlaMsaal IslgVW VWsrVaffaaV Caaaaaaatl a9aaaanas. aaaaaTBaat H ' : sWaTA," . (. Taa aaaajaaaMs i taTrlnalarsmtts aad TohaUaJa, , NOW aWAaVaWga ' ' V gaomatssa , aaaaa W4aafaaaoJaw x.i' iXjC x-r rL z.r ' u i & CQsswy AJfWPOf !. May, a. Para aalaaa aaal aaa aadatat a tot.' A Xpriri H -1 County Result Will Not Be Known Here Tonight Becauie of the Length of theBstUot. it will be Impoartble to Get Ac curate JtetulU Before llecm That Ue remit of Uo haUottag ta eOasaeU asaaty will aat ho kaowa aatll toawrrow afteraeea to oartate. la aoaao arootaeta It to evaa aaM Uat Ua oaaatlag will aot ha seasladed aatll near 4 o'clock tomorrow after- It ta adlmtted Uat, boeavae U Uo teagU, af Ua ballet. It win bo to TaftbThM Ualtod Proaa atorvto DNNTBK. Ota., Nov. . Pta weather provaito ta Colorado. WUaea aad lUooavoH ara toadlag, with Taft third. Dsmesrate oiata. Uat Wllaaa wlU oarry Ua atate by I0.000. Pro- grssalv ataao Rooasvalf gtajotity at ll,Me. righttaf to coaterod agataat ssretery of Btate Poor, aoaaoorat. It aotag aUagd Uat a haa booa cmtHy of lasp roper oaadaet wh WQasaVvs aaaaMyJ CINCINNATI, Nov. . Prsallamt Taft voted la a Third wart arootaat Aa aakaowa aaaa aaoaarod at Charles Taft'a rasidoao thla moralag aad triad to push 'pat a maid. Ha Id; "I rvd ta U Civil War aad waa avr 'mustered aat ' Taft aaa moo ter me eat" PoUeeatoa ojatted taa mam. " OaM ta toera Data MOnOM, It, Not. I.- caM weather provaMa here, waa a aaavy early vote, -Tory Thar Wstoaaaa LINCOLN, Nob., Nov.'l.Tha aaa- at Balaaea that WMaai aa. r WaTossTssaB) jtobbtsj wy OMpsasam aisaTJl NoooTak are raaataa otaaa, wdu Taft a atesaT waMrwa a'saal'aaWaWsjW farayHsa tlabat'wHI probably ha alaateaL wpaiwrw wfwarm aywaraawaa' ejveni BBBpwatTeafO; ot--. i' hoar, aas) M wtN ratatra Taa Moral ta raoetva fall aad aesaral roatraa froat Ua ooaaty, aad aay ro port prtadtag ta aeearate bafira aaaa tosaarraw to ear to bo Uogaooaof IQCAXmAWIaal BllaHa1OTAMa. Alib sWam up yo fdM AT sNHM OT TO 1 TaTAT WhU. WW I. The torga Tarhtoh fore 1 UaMad j Owapaaaaya) aWsjTw ,,BWBjsaBiv amasaa' sXPU. Nov. . rrytag Ua Chaaalja ,-tofapwMtts ar tte waamoi isaattaaawai. TMoaf aat rsaarta ara that taa tawaoja aota bardmat aalgtN;i afb , u.. ,,l larviaai Darted Pras I . . taatte T&sxsrirmrir FFW WA6ERS ARE ADE 01 RESHtT NRKli MSTS HSfKSIWII: V bota aaaa today aa taa resaht 'ta thai ooaaty, there were bat low t asado oa the ralt of Uo etoetlea. Oflara wore atroot oariy.Uto WjraljaVxai aravUi asaJsjSjYJiV mlNBlaabaar Maal WKTwmwummmwmM mmi - t a T, lit iiy'r t ' .'J ' S , X'i Marin autaaaah ha Vaahalal sssaa ahlaaaataaal wore oNerod wMh a fatal Ateaal aanr aworea aa aat aar aaaa ma ta ll.m at Uto rate, bat ao tar aa ooald a ttaaajaamaaal ftamaata. ajwjsaaasa amaa. la .Ue raee lor aAaraf aamt ta he ant &aki haaaaa Law aa4 Walk, wtu Ua admor wa r i J rwtaraa " 'V lW to M yaaia of lam bora,. Uo Valted ;Baa, assf fsat am aoura ismimami at ajaaajsm war, rlaee h,W:asmshM -W. arret! today, aaat haa fjs wataa Mr. Narretl haa rasalad t m Ktatasooam4yaawmlial liMll"a1l' waaotwoctmai aaJhaaalwapa nraAtoaa s ta a Iwmasjorhaama t'C UaaJaaaaaiasaamwJta lf atatfem amaj favf I spaaa . aaajm tat ISMBVaaaa taaa am, 1 1 pa aw bbwltt rasorr a jv '-,)' Xx , .xAx.'V -"- u J iKt w. ,v