, i'! 'J ;v-.--. F ...& - r3J5M' I' n MPruan r nu 5 vnrrw frbbs nmws sbrviob Pe lamina Htfalii . ':' Mp-'-ftf" d. i.',iTV.t.,'ir'.t.Hfl V i. rrf-.' v m Heveath Year No. I.rfll KLAMATH PALLS, OKKOON, MOKBAY, NOVBMSHft 4, tglS n ?sr- '? -? j" European War Now Threatens the Peace of the World J - Wj V,.;-' K M Gamblers Speculate on Result of Tomorrow's Election aa .W'rl CLASH OF GREAT. POWERS SAID TO BE MOST CERTAIN CKKMANN KXUITKIl OVKR THH PLANS OK MKITIHN forlc lies That Art tow II Tahiti at (tare l lt a Won tii Im War In lh lUlhaa Allleu Kotoa tir Mke Peer Trnua Willi Anyoet' Ktre pt the HnUan Hanarrp of lli'j ChrMlaM U I'reml nlt4 Pre Kervle LONDON, Nov. 4. The dngr of i itncral Kuropean dealt la acute, A af-KUl rablifet meting U In oalon In J fUcuM ttia porta' request that tlio Mertlmmedlatelx mediate. No con! Hailon baa bean reached. Iirlllih Ambauador l,owthcr In CtusUntlnopla ha telegraphed that ll port beg the powora to act tttlokly. I'Upttche iroM Herlla eay" that tie Ctrmaaa ar esclted over th Bflllih naval preparations. The Ital ian foreign altWlfN la Berlin.. II III confer with the kawer tomorrow. Meay KHIetl felled rra Service HUDAI'KST, Nov. 4.-Mllltary ei etita ratlmat that at leaat 130,000 aat been killed and wounded In the Balkan eo far. It I believed that thnTurka have lot 10,000 men. I'AltlH, Nov. . Kcar that the alllr would reject mediation by the powrre haa been verlfled by unofflclal mtmgra from Cottlnjo, Athena, Bona and llttgrade. The alllmi will dltcuia ptace only with the aultan, and will not accept any appeal to the other power. Turkey haa aaked for an armlitlcc. The French ambaaiador haa replied that It la Impoaalble. Auatrla'a lerrl torlal ambition aro declared to be dangeroua to Kuropean eaco. t'ultrd Pre Service IlKIIMN, Nov. . It la not known bow many ot the original Turklah rmy of 100,000 under Nailm Taaha are muttered behind tuo fortification on the peataiula. Military eiperta doubt It mor than half ot the orig inal number are muttered. Kalonlda la prepared to aurronder (Continued on t'age i) "The Situation in the City' A'LA'WALT MASON-Per H. D. I.Ut not to tlio llalkanii roar, for hern at home we have a war, not of tlio l(oe nor of king, but of politic and aundry thing. Up to the front thn leader run, bralna their word, the pre (belr gun, with graft the ilinrg) and mud the ahell they skater on another well. Aa Ramuiy rave with all hi might hi vIiIom aoar to creator helghl, he hlmeelf Iho mllllla head, while all about him lie the dead, enemlei of a former day fur their mladeed have gone to pay. Dead the leader of the clique, Iliac Chief flmlth and Mayor Nick; li'ail am Hill Mall and Hharpe, with no chance of crown or harp. And looking down with gieat dkdaln are all theae phantom of hi brain. I Kvana, Circulation Ham. Hut ere all IhU, the livening Hal in lend a hand the mor to calm the raving of the While Man' Hope, Sammy and the Morning Dope. The trader of thU latter clan I doing all the thing he can to ultay the fear nnd quiet thn heart ot cltlien In different parts of Klamath I'all, which ha renown a a bloody, fighting town. II how affection for the nubile weal and hardly would attempt to deal vote that Kaminy claim he'll rob from the people for a job. The llntchln pnklng by a rop ha printed fairly at the top of the paper o (he folk who are not prejudiced could ee the joke. So the big war (Immer down to Hmllh and Kvan. who frown and frown, and Hammy, girded for Iho tray, geta carele, giving everything away, lie doein't own the Morning Done, nor It "My Building" hloa bett hope, but the properly of a liquor clique who Blunt put many a gnod-alied atlch In Samtny'a oft drink, which are bound to make hie head gii round and round. Ho he care not If the people fret for hi onlieit only one beet bet I Kvan, Circulation Bam. 44 fair PAISLEY PEOPLE WArtT STATE ROAD I'CTITIOX IH ClRCt'lTKD AKK 1X0 THK MOIIAI. HUITOHT l MAS IX IIUIUUXO HIUIIWAV KltOM XOHTI1 TO HOLTII I.IN'KH A petition I being circulated among the builnet men of I'alaloy MflLSONJES BAStt OKTTf AD IIKMOCHATIO CANDIDATB . M HIJUHTLV INJVRKD IN AUTO ACCIDKNT KkfrTttHH TO BK I'llOTOORAPHKO UalU4 freaa'Arrta WASIUNOTfN, Nov; 4. The weather kWeal predleU the lav eat weataerlv teaaerrew. It will be clear. a4 warm praeUav ally everywheea eaeept la Um Weet rl . i 4 fiAMOWPICK TOWN mm j " Tell it to the Governor " HOOHKVKaVT M MCKBB TO OAK HV OAUPORMJa, MJT IT M KX PBOTKB TMM'WIiaWN WILL CARRY HAN rlUNCMCO l.'wtid frea Senrtea BAN rRANCMO, Her. 4. Team Corbett haa aaaceaf! . te elee- tloa bu U akUe. tteeaaeeuto die ltlMIJMn.l Ukaowa. i,i Wllae te Ue Jawelte. 1 la ; Rooaevelt IMUl; Halt 4 la 1. WkV lal BaaaatammT S ft-m gkgrW gtaaa rraaelaee. BaMlag'A Iwl tUeaeveltvUI laatM htwe a jaalafllf aawfir &. Taft I'Olled I'rrt rAlt " MILWAUKBB, Nev. 4. WMMtt la a favorlU here la the aat Mac Ha la quoted S to 1. The oMe ledleate that Tart la aecead aa4 Raaaarilt third. United I'rea Serve VlllNCKTON, Nov. 4. Woodrow ... , ,. ,. ., . lh ...'Wllaon refuied to allow photograph railing for their aupporl of tho atate, ? ".. aurgcons put on hi head where he waa cut Saturday night when hi auto hit a bump in the road. automobile road acrot Central Ore gon, uyvldlng It goe through there. The present plan I to build a tint claa highway acroa the date from tinriklik -out' . with eair aradea and) "V -"r T - . . a gesMWd, '.. the ue of tourlaU,"" waa arivtai. and wwryone ..Uereded In good The governor went to Patteraoa road. The road will paaa through W I'aeaale to apeak today. Uend, Silver I-ake, I'aUley and iJike- Dr. J. M. Carnpchan aald that the view, and Will be paid for by Iho date. All that la aaked for In the petition I the moral aupport of the project. Moat of the butlnei men of I'alaley have signed, John Kill, who ha been In the city aoveral day on buitnv, loft tht morning for hi ranch on Buven Mllo Creek, CiremetT lropr (leorge Tboma, proprietor of the Mer rill creamery, date that he la bow selling 3,000 iouud of butter a month, and haa been for the pad threo month. The market or Port land and San Francisco will bur alt the butter that the creamery can hlp. I Merrill Record. Local Candidates are Busy to the Last Minute Several Cloie Conteiti are Expected Attorney Give! Advice to Voten In PaUtlng on Many Measures Candidate for county olBcea are kolng to work right up to the lad minute and today there wa raoro activity In campaigning than at any time previous. It la admitted that 'here are several cloie eontest, ao elow. In. tact, that thore'la but little The race for sherIK con t laves, rto Attract the atott attontloh. It Is any body's victory right, awrly nd, whIU Individuals express themsdvo as be ing conldeat.ot, e'wteseaof one of the (our caadldat, It la, a notable fact that smo of theatare willing to baok their oftajoa with ola of the realm. " ... Th ballet tea Uajjthy aMir. la Kihreaha CTeae Halted Pre P-rvic LINCOLN, Nov. 4. Rvm money la offered on the result la Nebraska. Tart Is not aupeorted. United Pre Service CHICAGO. Nev. 4. WHee and RooeeveH fellowtr are efferiat even aoney on the result In Illinois. DORRIS COUPLE ON HONEYMOON Miter Pataaat of tte BaUeUa t BeM, Ore., reeently raUrnetl front a latlawiea to Paaaaw. The feUowtag la one of Ma enTorta ea kla return heeae: Oeern n the) Msmmm of Paaaaaa they have a verae eeetotV'TeH k to the Cetan el." Celenel Oeethal. the head of the eanal away. BLsksaai tBAavfetnt hBamAl asaf aawmhaWamaWlAat VnnaalaBBBgaBaaW eetaaagksaaBmamat bBbJbbb4bTBi JBW mWW VB epaaetBajBjgemaaa( e)inBBeBgeBaaaBrBBBf aajajgesj annv esajajasBBBBjaBrgeaja nanvwial at hi head. Aras4c4r arewteg nH In Oragen aukea R eeeat nn prafiato to yecaetrale Um Mtowlns iwedy, "TeH It to the Oev- W HbW) v bot Jattoatt,aai Uf If tMrw ain't If yw have nay Jeet to sat K an to Governor eWat, tograwL Ihsra'a a ehaaae to Mwl. toi the Sill Jones he played So Bill he wrote the twvoraer, far ha Mt alaiaghty He'd tried to hack a Jaek vat, whBe the aealer, an M Produced Uree Irat etaaa aees, when BUt held aaly "Dear Oeveraer," than wrote WaUtaa, "I'at a nara and inafal latl, Aa' the aaniMtnc that's nraaraMaaf here hurt say feeakaaa awful aa It eeeaaa to aae year duty, aa' the artaelate at ataka. . ' Deataad that yea set haay, aad ferthwKh HfWgaTflnUTnt" Than there' the ease of Baaheav waa eaaaa la tow aaa car. Aad had three drwlw 4 feasay atlto whl laM awai aha aay. . eReueea. rather reeky, aaa heaae aa4 Mb Ma wtfa , That la aa awful aatj-a he'd slaasat Mat hie awe. aa raaa 4) SftfllWTETl C 1 ' J . y'-V4 i'i mmmn ; IJ'I T UKHTHfiW HINI IS II 0 1 rBJ nwBa jarvawawjejejaaBrwa itt hi,, vyi i;..i"i,u SJOVt BBjnaTBBat MaTW OaaUaVUBI LAB) ABB CaUlaVIOtt USaa. Wattaunr or m woau tv NMnOBBrABT I'aUted NEW ORUCANS. Nov. 4. ataadot U. reported to he la the very heat eea dltlon for hi tea-round battle with Champion Ad Wolgest tonight. The admirer of the loeal hey aCer to bat three to one that the champtea will aot kaeck out Maaaet. Mra. T. Lyaek of aMee. arrived la the alty Sunday to Jala her hueaaad. waa Is saaaw aa the work at the aeeead ualt lateral of the rlamstla aerrlee. H. WhKe t Caltoeala waa aa ar rival here Sunday. Superintendent Watson of U Klamath Indian reservatloa, 1 la the city today, a addition to voting for caudldnle for the different oltlce, national, date, county and precinct, there nro thirty- aeven measure en which the elector are to pass on. .Beeauae ot tho great number there are hut few voter who liavo taken th .time' to study thorn all over, and the result hi that there will not be an lateHtoent verdict on all of the measure. ,, Th first ot th questloa submit ted I the unl suffrage apendsMt, Thl. araaably, I best known, and the verdict at the' polla temerrnw mit NiMWeUd to eiprees the hen est optaton ot th. fleeter. "6a ."S (CesWaeee aa Waa- i) BI66UNSLFAVE CENTER TO VOTE HKADgUARTKRfi OV THK WO PARTIHM IN NKW YORK ARK IIKSKRTKO THK OANMDATB8 AUK HKADV VOH THE VINWH United Press Servlea NKW YORK, Nov. 4 The national headquarters of the bJi aartlea are deserted today. The amaaagera re- llorato their forecU aanouneed ov Saturday. President Taft will receive the re turn In Cincinnati. Woodrow Wll lion will be In Princeton and Roose velt will watt' the result In Orator Hay. 'Governor Johnson. 'Muaar 1'erkln and Dlaan will he la pre gresslv headiuarters toawrrew nltht, Johntea'wlll make hla last weeeh la BprlnfteM, Msmtoalskt. ROSS Wft.Kl.NS ANB BBSS MNNIB PASS MARMKD YaWrSBaBAY-- onooM is well: known cali- KORMA KANCHBR Rosa WUklas and hHaa Mtaai Paaa were married In Dorrts Sundeymern lac aad arrived In thl Ky Suaaay alcht. They are hath well kaowa here. The bride le a daughter ot a well known farmer rtaldlag la Oarrla, aad Mr. WUklas. operate a large term la tho same eectlon. M. P. Mtekler at the WlUew Sarlag raaeh auae la Baaaay aad left taw morning for PortUad. Thureday he will leave wlU hla family for PlerMa to eaead the wtater. Wateea ka Jaat kreaght la a aew tareaalag outit far. aa aa th Klamatk rsearvatlsa. WHKKK TO V0TR Polling places la Klamath Falls for th eleottoa toaterrow 4' are aa fellew: 4 West KlamaU FaHa Navtga-' tlon building, near Uak River 4) 4) bridge. 4 Seeoad Ward Caart Heue. 4 Third Ward Makatay reals 4 esUte eSke. r. V eWaTw'efcWnmwS" eTa'aHaapftw'aBmy'g'w) bulMnag. y . , 4 MBIa NAaaltlm awam Addt- tleakatt. x,r BhlBaagtea--Pat kalL 4) ,,. ' MODOC PROJECT TO START SOON IRRMATION PLAN FOR KLAMATH INBUN RB8KRVATION WILL BK PUT ONDHR WAY BY UNITBD STATBB BNOJNKBK ejaaassaBmawsBa Aeeerdlag to ataeriateadeat Wat- sea. the government la to eemmaaea at ease aa the Maine Irrlgatlea are- jeet ea the mwa reeervatlea. Aa apprearlataea af I4I.4M la avahV able far um ketweaa aew aad July 1, and R. tt nlaad to ireaesuta tho work aaHat the awttra. wlator, la aaa mmmmmmmmfflmP'll"lmm SMaml aVaaaaf aml'Bar. Iflttlaffl 1 I'W k JSA" hJ. . '' ' OaVAam &AW4OT Wi aah bawr'MfMBBBV ' BBat- aaaaawl VaaanaBam VHaBBa BBBBBanBBVVaanBBBBBBBa I wBBV aaffWSHasB) i ? HV aBawBggfffV wBgW .BkrSaai.'7 .i It jMaTW TBBJRV Mwv. .) JWBbb SB 'vSHT in? ?r r A - r 7i jjJlaaMlBl a-BxaA fJ'M tlkjBk MaaaataflV 0HnBjnnBBBBBB vaaBBaaw(, wwjbbbbj wjb aaaaw IBBmJaTBBnw f fMMstok .tBa' mtmmtmmSmi ' 3n "af erlafafaaKtaaS WWji aknaa' vSM; f 1 l?aBBBBBBBB! Cl . .1 ,rj T-'.i.t.p. i7 VI "-.,- ' -V -i- '". . - - ' . . fl. .IV!. mi . . "-if.VTm tv ' i Lleuteaaat Cetoael Lawaea, Oev eraer Weat'a yaraaaal rsgriseatallve. la aUH w. Ike etty. He '- - - Ike taeetiag of ue eaty aaaaaw w- f i aight, akkaagk whoa aaked tala at- ternoea H ka laeaadaS aokag gsaaaat WIHH. ka ke aaM tkat a dM aat kaHaee taatl am aatw Taeadaea'BaHaaBBBBBnwBWsaWaaVanaVf - " - .- MVZ -- . MB who wain. LBITHM ' "Jj"!) ZjSTfTJS- 1 ... i ' aW aaW naaWJawaVRB wnV1 BHBHf bbWBMBF K 7 ... ....-- . .... . aUttaUHawM. lam;taM BfffaaaaMHNV jOT ' .u . . 4 ifcBJfr aaaaaatafgW ggggaB laBa jaflSkaaBajajaaaa . ffaWlaT PB'B,",w' nwBHflBFfnyaWTBj IHaWgBBBaBBaBBai r WBarBBBBl laaMaw aJwaanawawa aw aanVfaWav , I aBjnjaWjgjaaaaaj-BJByB .. . , ... a. . m mTLT2l22V' S -W 'aa. aafawMryaW lafjl I retrained tresa nnnaag Ma ssaigiaai , uae ,lailawia ileal Hy aC at J lea af the aaaato waa aaaaa the tW9 uv ,w itoaw eteaeawMek reeuMed la.tke gev-jpu, aM,,aaim reawet awam at a t, -. -b aaPa aaaaaal aaWBWwSBg "J'BBpa amBHS BBjaw1 ke waaM.aaaRa a isaMhtoreaert to tul i)M iiiiiaBlj if Mlianf I ! . the sjamaar'waaa ka returaa tolMu,, Tto" aas bean aa liiajlia it ' '1 ' ,aa3aaaaaa Faka I a suraraM to Celeael Lawaea. "1 re- gret that I kave aat tke tlaae to leak ever tke tributary oenatry. bat I la- toad vlattlag here .agaa bom wlH aat take aay lame. aa tkesa tkat they aaee Jaat I haewa imlhlllty, aaaad to R i J ,ff wMt aa tke reeaR. . K Caaftos B. la'to'ka-k i) :r ;:?' "Votes for Wowcn" Carry, in Many to lt( t.4 y V,JC. 'i j it "V rredlcUons on tlvt Ira of v. Wi ." aTlamMainW .. r - i rtn'th v (& are favorable p m AiW: j.w ' tT.-. ?Va..- rr. a ... 'WWnllisA -VirWaatVlaael'' iulA. ' CIIVS IddJXUUfS.W 7MaBIHp .Mr.' HuVebavan MBMr. la mw kata Ireta La dasaata laaaw Mr, Haaek.' laatraaaaal aaaa. .waa. eaaM aaya''iiam :Deaeet;-'.;lf la tkaaN ta faatateflaU el tM iek wark katoto BBaaaaammBS- . 'J j t a a Ualted Praia Serrlee MILWAUKBB, Ney. 4. Sutra iiaa are aeaSAeat that the aaeae 'Wrpasi waawr waweartar-aeBiw amvwaa erearae uawawtav wlH aaeat tka auBraaa . . . . . - fv' UFeUetAa, Ma Jaae Aaaaaw auva.eeawatoxed'.aa ev ery eeaaty la, tke atotola tnt)r 1 '$ ' '-, J f sp-jBtaa. y j" FSMHf Hu eNeaaVi 'Hntf ' waB kaaakf aalaal aka aaaaaaaa jf.f'Ht'' W '.T.Hrt' ' ai. j..l. . UI-... 'w-Aj kka f- W OHVSVMVai W.Wil' ( v -T-wF" ,. iVt',W M PORTLAND. 9t: v,r,,,i V L.JW- iff '4' i-vr; ..i StSi TOPBKA.: r 1- rf.Vi. ''.! eweemBBat aeaaa a Of ', ffwtf fMUBMr rf