skssJ''' M '" - "0 fj.1 vrruiH THB UNITS rMMM NHWB BRRVfCR 0be f benina Ucfali. .... ,'V ' l rf ' u i 'J.3I ttf. v-1 aa K h garMth Year N. itr KLAMATH PALLS. Oft BOON, WKDNKHDAY, OCTOBER 49, 111 Vice- President Sherman is Kept Alive by Use of Oxygen Col. Hammond Ordered Here to Put Down Rebellion r .1 ' DEATH EXPECTED Ih SHERMAN HOME AT ANY MINUTE FAMILY WAIT IN AN AUMMNINO ROOM roil THR KND PhyslcUM fllve Up All Hoe of the Haaalag Met af Taft RMWNiw. rlat Hm Net Hrcovrfrd Cue). srlou, and PaanMy Walt for MU UM Mwiilo-l'TwUm Nmoj TelfgnMN ftltM rrM KMTtM UTU'A, N. V.. Oct. 10,Vlc I'm. Meat fihtrmsn wu all at G o'clock Mb afternoon, but It waa oalr the rawlt of the um of osygea. Dr. Peck MM (hat lb ead we vary near, and amth mlaht coaia at any mlaute. I U.a llhmAt MM ItlMMi SABA ara wHIai la aa adjoining chamber to be nUr In the avaat of th vice preal ant move ring consciousness. Pre. Keat and Mr. Taft have wired their Watty. J UTICA, N. Y.. OH. SO. VIM Prosl' at Sherman, la la a conatoaa ataU, Md death la eapectod momentarily. la a statement tkla afternoon Dr. Rjek Mid. Te vice preetdeat U gradually 1 ftawg. Tka ad will probably eme kwlghl or tomorrow. Ilo baa beea cloui slaee yesterday attar- STUDENTS LEARN HOW TO VOTE lTKHKrTINfl DIHOUIMON IN AH. KKMHI.Y IIKHULTtt' IN URKAT UOOO, ACCOKDINU TO -K fct'HOOfi FACULTY State Troops may Mobilize in Ashland to Attack This City UTICA, N. Y Oct. 30. The at. Meting phyitelaaa baVe privately ekwdoned hop for Ibo recovery of Tit l'roildont Sherman, although aetltly they any tbat bo may recover. Dvsth U eipected seoa. COUNTY RACE ' ISJXCITIN6 .WrTIl POUR CANDIDATES RUN MINO NKCK AND NHCX, IT M ' WmctII,TTO PICK W1NNKR A talk, "How tbn President la Klec led." waa given tbla raornlag la hlgk actool aaaembly by Tbeo. Case. 4 Renlor. Ha tpoke very lucidly, and In uch a manner aa to abow tba atu ileuU tba procedure by which the prreldta! I elected. I)y tbdeo talka In aaeeinbly It U hoped by the faculty to educate tbe tti.dtnta lo vole Intelligently, that to, to rick a man according to bla good ncM i.nd platform, and then lo go to the oil and vote for him. MEETING TO BE . HELD T0NI6HT KTATI! MIMHURWt WILL RK DW 1'HNKn IN TBK CIRCUIT COURT IKtON NO POUTHTAIi MPKKCM. IM TO RK MARK Por tbe purpose of dUcuulag ttato maaaurea to ba voted on at tba forth cornlag election a meeting will be held In thr circuit court room toalgbt under tho alwplcea of the Wilton. Martbalt club. Tbe meeting will le non-part lean. Holla C. (Iroeabeck, pretldent of tho WIUon-Manihall Club haa an nounced that addroaicii wilt be deliv ered by W. K. Paught, Prod lllndmau, K. A. Kmraett, V. A. Dolielt, Holla C. droeabeck, C. M, Onelll, Ram Kvany and A. K. Klder. PUH BHVBIWW i . Il t The raca for'the oRca of aberll of Waauth county U getting axcltlng, Hording to ikoa who arc keeping la "eh with tba' eltutloa. and thoaa aao are prone to back their judgment kb coin of tha raalm are la doubt aa ."aowtobat, 4"Tnl limtHt lawkea) tt la al. an Impouibla ta pick tka favorite, ' anUred a wall lararaiad local meXU Nlaa Ihli morning. "I would u on (ne tou of a nlm aa la alak aav jof the four aaadldataa to wla." , BEATTY IS HERE AFTER A CHINK DKPVTY UNITKD HTATKH MAIU HHAIi WIIX TAKK INTO CC8TO. RY A JdONROLIAN CRAROBO WITH MCLMNO ROOKK TO RRD Deputy United fltatea Marahal Beatty arrived la tho city last night oa bfflelal bualneaa. Ho will go to Lakevlow tomorrow to take Into eua tody a Chinaman wbo baa been ar retted oa a charge of aelllag liquor to aa Indian. ' It la underatood that tba federal oRcar haa aeveral warraatavto aerve, la addition to the one for the Lake. view chlak. Fear of Bloodshed Cautt Governor of the State to Take Prompt Action, terrible Crimea are Credited to Blood Thirsty ResWents of Klamath Falls REIDY TO BUILD E FOR W,U. HOI ? Salem, Ore., Oct, 30.AttMt GCftoral fhztr, fjctkif itRtJer enJers IrAuR GarvRmRf West, today detaMetJ Coronal p. C.JHmmii ef tho tat Artillery, UfOti KlaaMtli raNt and attaeavor to oraveat a UKaataaadcaafNct frawinfl aat of the HaH-NatcMaa trowMa. Tha raalcoaditiOR m Klaaiath Falfa in marf or laaa of a atystary hare. Oaa 'raaart haaitthatthaHdH-Hatchvaatiiiblaia aariaaaai may toad to Maodahad. It ia da- dfd that thcacaca afflcar ur U toafaa with a aaad af craaka aaj that raaaariaa araaf haarly aocatraaca. It to aid farthar that it la daaiaraaa for a paraaa to waUt oa irr sireats inere anar wni. i Another report, which la not gen erally credited at tbe atata houte, haa It tbat Klamath Palle la oa of the a afdRrtr aNew la tha etate, and tbat alt of tba agitation la tho mult of a aewepaper reporer railing aa oAcer a liar and receiving a punch In the noea for hU Impudence. Colonel Hammond will not ha ac companied by troosa oa bla preaeat trip, but on bto report will depend whether or not Qoveraor Weat will order the city placed under martial law. In thla avaat troopa will be or dered there from Aahland. Noorderat for the mobllltatloa of troopa la tbat place have yet been Uauad, however. ANDERSON MAY FIGHT IH CITY VANCOUVER LWHTRTHORT AN. NOUNCKM A MATCH WITH CY CLONK KKLLY IN KXAMATR FALLH RLNCnoN NIOHT CHIEF RANGER LEAVES PARK I mtataBMama K. K. MOMYKR AND WIPK COME TO THK CITY FROM CRATRR NATIONAL PARK MCARON WAR RRHT IN RRRTOMY Newi of Qovernor WeiU' action In ordering an oRcer of tbe atato mllltla lo come to tbla city to "prevent a threatened conflict" waa received In thla city with a good deal or amute raent tbla afternoon. However, tha prevailing opinion aeemad to bo that Colonel Hammond ahould he received with reapeet, and given every oppor tunity to arrive at the truth la the attuatloa here. Although ao definite Information haa been received, It la eipected that tba military repreeeatatlve of tha gov- traor will reach hare tomorrow might. It la probable that a raeastlea com mute will a at tha depot to meat him. A Hat haa not yet beta made up, but it U nature taai it vr. Leon ard will agree to war a hat, aad Bam Braaa will promtae to toll tha truth, they will both bo Included In tha per sonnel of tha committee. icker Must Die in Electric Chair Soon i Tiutice Gof f Passes Sentence on Po- i .. K lie Offf Wifat la tn Accom- pany to Death Cell In Prison FACULTY PLANS TO 6IVE PARTY IN ORDKK TO KKKP BCMOLARH OPP THR BTRBRT TOMORROW NU1HT, A PARTY WILL RR OIV KN IN HIGH BCROOL . According to advlcea received hen irom Vancouver, Wuh., Dud Ander- ion will mis with Cyclone Kelly In lbh city election night. nud la rapidly climbing to tho rroiit. and now algnt blmtelt "light weight champion of the Northweet." Kelly wna to have had a go with the Vauvouvci lad aome time ago, but th match waa cancelled for aome raaaon o other. The IrUh lad halla from Uritbth Columbia, where he haa a noat ct admlrera. Anderson la fast devetoplag Into one of the faateat tighten of tha coun- try, and Jutt recently boat Danny O'Hrlen of Portland. He aapacta to no to Baa Prancltco from Southern Oregon, and there meet aome of tho h'.K lei Iowa of the country. i e i' V 'tf- lOat. !!. Jaatka !w yaax. soa i ., I llmrnVV i Way JBJIum M-PfUH MH- ( of RMj Baaaar to be etoetro- Maabar Mk.' 'fM.ariiaRWtadjijghMi tor.BaM 1 I a a Wag at oaa., .It la raportod that Mra. Backer will aaoompaay htm to the door of tk aaaU aall. Tha dafeaaa haa Had aotle of ap peal. Thla aatoaaattaaUp aata aa a atar of aaatatiaa. t,. - An Inviution waa given thla morn- lag In high school aaaembly to all tho atudenu for a hallowe'ea party, to h given tomorrow evening at tha high school, Thla Informal luaetlM w to be given by tha faculty, aad tha even ing will bo apeat with gamea, aw. The atudeaU are all expected to oome ranked with at laait a attlow raie and ihaat. Tha aatarUbiBMat Uglna at I o'clock, aad wlll'laat two hours, A large number of eUdaata are aspactad, aad all antlelpato a great time. ' ' laetdaaUlly thla la aspected to en tertain aome "ellaa" who otharwlaa would aaak pleaaure oat of doora with ;aek'-Uateat. tlck-teeka, ate, 0 IMMORAL WOMEN LEAVE THE CITY OMPICKHB MAKE A TOUR OP THE OAK HfRKKT DISTRKT, RUT PAIL TO FIND ANY BUBP10IOU8 CHARACTERS ORcera thla morning vWted kovaea on oak street wnicn aaa aaaa re ported occupied by immoral woman. but they fouad tbat there had bean an eaodua.' la one houaa there waa found a woman who is vary 111. She na not dlaturbed. TTTe? Momyer, chief ranger of tbe Crater Lake National Park, and Mra. Momyer returned last evening from Crater Lake for tho winter. Super intendent Arant wjll remain at the camp about a week longer, when It will be closed. Mr. Momyer stataa that there waa fourteen Inchea of enow la the park when he left, and that the winter storms have set la ao that the tourtat season hi over for thla year. "This haa been tho beet season at Crater Lake I have known." aald Mr. Momyer thla morning. "Although tha season waa much shorter ttaa ueual there were ff.lSS visitors registered, while tha number lot year waa 4,1(1. la addition to those registered thla year, of couraa there war o.lto a number who got by wlthoat ragtater lag. Thla year ther were 413 auto mobile Ucaaaed to travel through Um park, against only ST teat year." Mlaa Agaaa Le. Mlaa Loulee Lea and Mra. B. B. Haary will leave thla evening for Saa Praaeteeo. Mlaa Loulee La will aaead tha whiter la the aouth studying ataatc. Mra. Haa' ry aad Mlaa Agaea Lea will return to the city la about a maath. What Dee HMaaf The frleada of a certala aUetrWan ara greatly worried over tho ataraaald llghtalag man. It aeema that ha la making arrangements to toar for a certala Oregon tewa la a ajr r two. What worrlea tho gang to that Mather party left for the aam torn baa other day. Mallet ,,, ' K,amaHwMHiB Tha much tolkad of daakdsaaar of tka Kaiahte of Pytttea la to hagiraa thla avaaiag following work la the third rank of to lodge. Allawaaban aad vWtlag hrataara ara oordlally la vlted ta ho preaeat aad Jay the work aad baaaaat- WORK WILL RE nTPARTBB) Ovt NKW RUfLRfNO ARwODTtTHI THK TKLHPHONK COavPANTS NKW RMMHC TOMORROW MORNINO The Weatera Uaeaa Telegiaph oaaa- paay la to aav a aw hem. Ar rangements ar'ah t vaaalatd far leasing a halMaag to k ereetod a Joining the PacMe Teleahoaa aad Tel egraph company' oaw BevaaUi street, by P. M. RMy. Mr. Reldy atoted today tbat th contract for th ton had at yt been signed, bat that ha waa to meae work oa th aw bmiIMIbc to morrow. Th balMlag 1 to a af brick similar to that neeatly haUt for th Teteahoae fompaay, aad R la aspected to hay R aamptoted wRhaa thirty daya. J BUYS MERRILL i CAR OF JERSEYS WELL KNOWN MAKRH A RUMNRBB TRB D1PPKRKNT PODfTR Bf WILLAMHTTK VALLRT TO Uuy Merrill returned laat night from a business trip to patota ta th Willamette VaMey. la Albany ho bought a car load of high grade Jer sey heifers, which will h aalpped to thU city at once. They will be tekea from thla point to Merrill. Mr. Merrill stopped ta Rage aad Salem. Ho aaya eeadHleaa are favor able la the valley for a prttpaiaaa wtator. Ba route heme. Mr. MerrWparttet- pa ted ta the eaavaaa at a ea the preeMeatlal tlietlaa. velt waa the laverK for premdeat DORRS WILL BE TEDB1TSGUAR0 jsi'ti'- mrnrnm REPUISED-IUHS MilKEAalHM MRRAL ARjRlR , j)l ' c jy- - bf, BanORWmsrPi.HaalaaVI VanUl .3.. Maayaweramai aLJ SJ l Jt! rl V 1 Cr ) ' ,-JlLla-i- -aaat flatk 7 'aWsfJaW M JmwNarmBRSaai Pvaaa awvaaa t li' iaKed r.itfOTABmisnPfJB' Rat.': Hah of the, V today far btlewref The laseet ;et4eaarataatsa taMfaafammm aaafaaaVaT ajaaaRj jLjjRhagagfJ laaaeaaaaaa 'maaamaamav af war, la saw ta eaamaRgat 'fixi: ta' , tiaHed.Prtaa CaTTTUaaVOet.M, tee aad Seadef a JaaeUea at teeklag the eRy. & tha BeaaataaMB. ' aa R '' ana aaaaa aaaaa aigaav h '&)?ft-- M i.i lu.v. ' Mw Pre atwlia'A- - --,M f jr ' Catted. LONDON. Oat. S Me weed beea reeelved here vt tha afwataaa af tka hatila'ar BSrkaaa RJaar ' It ta a Waved that tMa kt daa'totae laaair L aatp atatatataed at Beta, aa hade ' eatea that the Belgariaaa have aaet ;' wMa a TvTSfsa Uatt ,ha battle la ta JEROME TO HELP FI6HT FRAUUS PROGRKeaRVRS ENOAOE BRRV' ICES OK.FORMKR DftrTRrOT AT TORNKY OF NEW YORK TO HHLPTHEMFK1HT United Pre Bervte OY8TRR BAY Oct. SO. BtatrlH Attorney Jerome of New Terk haa beea coanataaleaed by th prgrea aire to praaeeate frauda oa Tuesday. Cetaaal Keoaevalt aald; ' "We wl not tolerate a repetltlea of Uaaartag primaries. Theee attempttag fraada mutt deal with the'Buraa' deteetJre. In Buraawe have tha heetmaa oh Ulaahle to prevaat Ulegal vetlag- The Cotoael declared that ha feU a wheat ha started for New Terk. NOTED DKTRCT1YK WILL THAT NOTWNU HAPPHNB TO THE BULL MOOSE CANBtBATK IN NKW YORK TONKHR Halted Preai Berrte OYSTER BAT, OeC 18. DeteeUve Buraa luacked at Bag met day. lie wHlaet aa.Celeael vaH's peraoaal body guard ea real to Madlaoa Square Oardea, where the Colonel will apeak tealght -- ' f i - i . P'aJew'-aTaV -, 'v awes not reaeat dHaaw, , -f " f ' v v J arvea aawaamwama reesBarstesS . . r . -Itlapiail ipalal, . ,, m gRTj Bwak WTaaffaa WaaVrnWamf Jf J wm wmm mr - aMMafjaf , " f r i ;- " bat Uattedl PARW, Oat. H.- ly aaaeaaeed tbat Austria Uhaa R, keeo Uakab aadf the taiiRaty I ' 4 l " . . :ti i ' jLK . j. u United Pre flervtre "- ' -,,ll mm -A Si lArniiwiwimai w. mrmmm Paaha. snmmiaalag the Taakkdsaf, t airy at Kmk Kiaaaih, eiaa.ahet iaifejp-'. aesawMhe tailed ta a aamary ehata.- ' i f i - ' nt l-? HaRedPraeeforvter ..( V JJrUu (v BAN IIUMCiaOO. OeC vrJTvo uadred Bervtaaa left' today far the '.V J - ---- aaaanaH awaaj weiiaaasi taarmv envawaa erwt bw7 war ta tha Rataaaa. ft , .' , . .. i fe lli OCta r . fit . i Jt U.n .11 ,, . rtf J J di i!X)BAMORLaB,Oetas) Oael t; Ualtod Prase i'lob anoi UaaJ aiammlaimiai lliH. RaViaa in aallBl Hdm. p.;rm mywR.taB.aaw aeawa, - Mmmsmmm om .ran i c mTjT "1 ' W ir ;, Emmitt Tellf Why Teddv Should hum m ,S i i ;; Ca , tf - k ami i ' ill It taa aVATakaC '' 'Vakgi I rrvuiviwai' wmmmm, uian i ; i' J -i l i 'l .. ., i.iv.l2 .Jt. t Taft yill CJffry prcfi; latlra CountrrteSafeforlskk-t . I .eSaft av': t fayRJAl'BgaRt) - t... ' r .. ' :. i . -- 1 1 uppeetiHO) a, uwra ierm - w aeee- ly ta the hearteV'the'Aaiaami'aee. aalai M tRJkal feiaahBaBRkaBi ahRBBaamamr aamaal afwHJa y 11 PHBBJ BBBRRBBBBJaH sMBHgaHBHj PHfJl aa, AjtWrtaai tradlttoa. Keel awarsva) i psmt jaaamr L .):$! deai, la hi P.. t. twe terms. . An ! BaBJBBawgmai -. rbdj BjBjam AtOraat aad '4 ! i jVa .,.- t"ta lm A'. .. '