W T'W EU - KOAJUMM r : 1 COMPANY Abstract. IMWMM Beaton Owm Aasxiatloa tlthiM- HUtOKIXANMOV IAIWHVS KXI'HjMM II ;0 aat yaar itH moved m4 iwrd t Ramtby'a astro to "to If". Oorar Bvath ltd Mali lr4- ItMMM BIB IMUVM , eiu up COMBTOCK. Ill, It m wut any kiai m nm.r. MgtotorW lb COMbTOCK If MB vul m1ia.Bt. MAMM ANB MM. Cm coraa, taMw aad to ptvtu toaaalla, Ma. TtWM saw rram. rainaw wa as rtaMMMd raw. OITtM HIM iwt nwm. ra Its tresis, laa sat car fer Mr Ne.BlT At. etatJl.SM lawntSTTS. Desirable Lots Im are mm mat bargataat lAlh.Mo.lh.HHI. IB lot oa With tr WMtwh. hstt.Utoa KUnsatii lssIMM.MffcewadNeaatBIM VI Al JiWk MM bIt4bb 0f th boo Ml CvtBt V. i nm rinWm in sim. laaabaat thai aBartmrat a I A a! HVwi aa. right atiraa m4 Isaf I bote yea ha to lit farm If OHILCpTB IB fit. 'A ItMMM Ml tENERAL NOTICES vote Hmmmtsm ow ro mmmMllmfmll II aWuif99PBVfx ttOSro1'' " TaYaVRaamTaTaW Aantptlel MorUaltr hi wrd It Mm local fautlMM waajHto dillv mtdi to buy a kraaaVatw 1,800- I dtllwy truck. at factorr coat TrMk ordinarily catta f ISO. Ibt alkU offor K a nera nodern, deal dillftrr irttoai bpmU Ttb tritk will lake tba plac of too tva-korHtaama. Addroaa Truck Co., Kmlai llfrald. Mllll U w kWrfcra,Tak Noilco all barbara holding Mrnlta from IlktiUl board of harbor oiamlnom lotOrHon. who rooldo hi KUnatby W Lak eountlM, ar baroby Mil IM to appoar at Klamath ralliVon- Norombar ttb. IMS, .for tho IpMpoH of bolng aumlnod M to tbolr MUIratloBa m bwbora. Any aul K tarbtra boldlu Mfnlu la U Irtow Ktatloaad eoMftlo falllai tu toar for oianawa m U abot tbilr paratltf HI ka rovokod. Itk tumlaatlon will b hold X iwwuon' barb' aha. 401 Main M X . V. I.KK, Candidal for COUNTY A8BK8BUR a) a) 01 X QKOKQK M. KLKIN ladtpoudont Candidal for COUNTr HUHVKYOR 44) 7 X C. . LOW Regular Rapubllcan NomlaM for 0 SIIKIlirK 4 Tl X C, K. DoliAl. llogular Republican Nomina for COUNTY CLKKK 4 d M X A. J. MANNINU Regular Republican Nomina for COUNTY TRRASURKR . .0 a) MX KARL WHITtOCK Candidal for COUNTY CORONKR ' ) 4) MX CHAHIiKM ORAVKH Candidal for JUSTICE OP THK I'KACK l.lnklll Olitrlct f 75 X . U WMMKH Rtgutar Dtmucratle Nomlnn lor BIIKHiry M X K. W. OOWKN Regular Ropubllean Naumeu for JlMTICKOrTIIKPKACti Mnkvllle Dlilrlct MX FRKD I'KTKMON Regular Republican Nomlneo for COUNTY SCHOOL. 8UPKR- INTENDENT T X JOHN' HCMALIiOCK Candidate for C0N8TABLK Llnkvlll DJetrlct MX TIIOMAR DKAKK Independent Candidal for I'HOHECUTINa ATTORNBY 7 X h. C. SINRMORR Candidal for COUNTY CLERK MX WM. M. HXOW Independent Candidal for CONSTABLE Unkvlllo Precinct . 03 X JOHN IKWltf Regular Republican Nomine for' PROSECUTING ATTORNEY ' 71 X B. B, GHKMBY Independent CaadlAat for SHERIFF ! MX JOHN HAOKLHTKIN Regular Republican Nominee for COUNTY COMMIB10NER ITIXJ.W. HAWXHUKST lndeendent Candldato for SHERIFF NICELY farnlahed raoaw at tb 0r gcmiHou, RLttk and KUaMth TOrV AeRY -iDur rooaia for ban keeplag la prirat family. Tle- t-tt il;on 61. FOR RENT Two room boua bill, partly furnlibedj Jncladlag Ighle and watar, M per month. Ap ily W. O. Smith Printing Co. 1 7-tI MIHCKLLANKOVS WANTED To borrow. 400, real tato wicurlly. Herald oV. tf POUND Bunch of key. Owner may bare uno by calling at Herald ofnee and paying for thl aotie. W li' - ,- ijIaVaMbgam aMetWW 'aaVmMMm maaa ' i res balm iim mm t aaM ,befr HormbT ,1; . 1kx.a V '!! a spring aaaiiiea., 1 1-1 1-9 .W ii:, i.f 'iiTi m,ifAM:iti;M Far fata ar. Fire, tea or twaatr" aara, rOT 9( VVflf wtl tm$ N ftMrS irM-K jI tJnllfakf rti flat all! """ " wewifiimf. m waarw 'waamaj wu ... . Irrigated. JThi la tba abaaiaat aaal'V'V ' bM acreage ftMrtlMiaw:,wrillaa , i irimai raaavfea J A . i mall BaymawyaM ,bima i lay v , ' ? tan ,aureaaar. iaiaTaiia wh -i. 441. ,t , T '.,;', :;:":,u.ut '! Em to Gat Rtliof , From Indigtttion Yar at acb abemld digeet the feed re eat. without tba aid af aar arU dal digatUre. XT It wea't a that, th yea a reatlaiilly aaljact t auiaiaiu aaaaitaatt. laittad er taklu aUmUvd aMdlebMa. Uki a(a t get yoar Hoaucfc and la- tUaet again la a healthy, natural lewtu cudiUea. 9aya'a Teale naifug a thta fer ye U you avi tab it rot 2aaMa' barbar'i vt.m.Ua LEABO. BtcreUrr. ! IWANtdHf. DPty. tt.lt l (Paid AdraHewmaal) Me for Mian Bill Nimber 320 X Yes MMUm ---- JH AartoaMarat OaW mi On. r of Coawa, atTtajtaaai fatrn. Sui abfii them a4 4 l aha ataHfa aaa Bawd U Mite, tbma gT'--TT- --- J ?Hrala, aaafiaWa.VH?MM al at .mt aaaaaj. t inli iat r - in laataMM MM JtU Bill U eadamid ba ?! 'TbU BUIU la tb latoatN al aw "-MMdamM naaa." A'A..i"iJi Mai taaaiia. a7etB4 tituu I Oikw ---- "" gMamaaagaaMjafk a avfaafamgjaaMBBgja SaHlaiaVaair WaJatJliT '' iriiialaMi iiail.it Ikl kill 11 u ft litbTlagTf"- - g?- aaj j aJll T ?af ,,,J' JBw i anTaTaTaTaTafaWM abndBB ak Bjaaknf TflMgaa. JPX aa - - - Wx$ ' l4U,..l' " i r--miii j w.rinwiu. - w --. wam iWraann I v ,f.rfAfti: .ilJij.AJ4'V Urty. It It at a dJetr of food. but it wtU lamri yr Meatach and Mowlam a that that wiU attaad thtr aatatU faacWoaZ digattmg what yu oat aad gtrlag , Mraagth to the far mar thaa alghty nam tha ad af man aad aimia wh had af fared the aaiaa aaaaod by dyaeyaU aad inilgamuahaTa h a atalaaagbJ Jjaj a tb eaiy laniity which amt SrifeaBMJ .Wml "" faflwl faawaf) aTMwamwlHF anarwaBBMaTdnml TtJanmaafatwafaBV far wSah JaiaA.SSTlamilrataB Miam inamrjaaa Jayaa-aj aa- H a lib. BaM By dnaaajNa avmr imi ur. it, aya abiajta. f flh?g-llp Sy Joe Buk SEES SURGEONS Ibe on time WIELD KNIFE (Paid AdtrrtUmat) DANGER IN DELAY KMaey IMoraaea Are Too Uangeroa for Ktomalk Fall People ta Neglect Th hiI ! of kldaav trouble I that they get arm bobf before tb uferer recognli tham. Health I gradually undermined. Backache, hendacho, nerrougneaa, iamaaa, nrunaa inmhavo:' urinary troublaa. dropay, grorel aid Bright1 dlaeat. follow In merciMaa auecaawon. uoat neglect your Wdaoya. Help tb kid- aitk thWrnlloblii and aafo rem My, DoaaVkldney Pill, which ha curd aeopw right her In tbla lo Mr. Hry Nutt. 4 Utiom itrost. Oraat Pad, Or., aayai "Doan'a Kid ney Plllilhay been uiod uy mreo maakua lif aav fknllv. and the one who taokfthem waa eurad of gravel. Aftor thU;ronwdy,wa.u,d grate), at larg aa rfi aae4 ol with the kid- aewatw. Tho troubi taa tton- mdthe peraon la now well. ey Pllla brought about a i la im . aad aa It nMurra laWer my ewa sri. I aaa kaaWfy aa wlbat aa riatady will ." Far i ay an o?r. nw f eaala. roater-MHbura Co., Batata. New York. ol agrnta for tba UaUad RMiambar tb aaato Doaa'aaad V CviJl,' .1 - Interlocutor Oentlemen, be ealed. Ta-ta-UU. Sambo Mlitah Interlocutor, am dat little black dorg your, auhT Interlocutor You mean that little dog that follow me about tb tretT Sambo Yea, aub. Dat little dorg wld no balh. Interlocutor Ye. h belong to me. Sambo Did you all buy him, auhT Interlocutor Certainly I bought him. Sambo Did you all pay for him wld your own money, auhT Interlocutor Why, certainly I paid for blm with my own money. Sambo An' nobody eU own nay Intereat la him, auhT Interlocutor Of coureo nobody eli own any Intereat la him. You aoem to doubt my word, I am willing lo make a aworn atatement to that effoct. Rut why are you no Inttreat ed In my dog. Sambo Ah' Jea been thlnkln', auh. Ain't you moa' out ob dog, auh, , Interlocutor Where were you lat night, Tambo. Tambo Ah wui to d council meetln. Interlocutor Did you enjoy your telff Tambo No, auh: Ah wua moved to lean. Interlocutor Moved to tear? Why who could have moved you to tearaT Dambo Ah know, aub, Mletah Doty, an' h' a home mober, uh. Interlocutor Sambo will now alng that pathetic ballad, "Aad Nothing Came Out of tho Weit." I VALK MAX RKFt'HKM TO TAKK ANAESTHETICS BO OPERATION IB PKRFOItMKD WHILE THE PATIENT IB PO.N'BCIOUB The honorable city council waa alx mlnutea late In reaching the council meeting. Hence the clty'a bualne had to uffr. Moral Mr. CoaatHmaa, bay eao of thoae Nae Howard Watrhe af Prank M. Upts tho Jeweler, aad bw oa lime. ' IK YOU w o o p Hay grrea l.lach jablb waad .thl weak at M.B0,fr aari wa weald ddBr thawood. AJao boV aai Umb waad, Mock woaiV ,j O, PMrON, OafeaUMtHaeta PhoaetBTB PORTLAND, Oct. 19. H. R. Dun lop, preetdeni of the Vale Trading company at Vale, Oregon, laid on the operating alab at the Qood Samaritan hoapltal for aa hour, and without mora than a alight numb pain, watch ed a aurgeon cut four Inchea into hi vital, relieve aa abnormal condition, and then aew him up again. "It didn't hurt o much," aald Mr. Dunlop, 'but aomehow or other It made mo nervou. I didn't know whether I wanted to remain atlll or aot" Mr. Dunlop wa operated oa for hernia, with which ha haa been af dieted alnca childhood. The opera tion waa accompllihd with, the uno of local anaeitheila only. The operation waa performed by Dr. E. K. Scott, who followed tho ayitem being developed with eoaild arable aucceaa by Dr. Dolla of Phila delphia. Tbla la ald to have been the Brat operation of the kind oyer attempted la the Northweet, though toeal phyalelaaa are lealag,to local aaaeathetlea-fer minor aaaaa. Two middle abdominal laelalona, each Bv lacha long, wr mad In aa oval ahap. "Moat of the pain came," aald Mr. Dunlopt "after It waa all over aad the nurgeoa waa lowing thai wound to gether, The effect of the'aaathtlo seemed to have worked off by that time, but it wa far better than tak ing the chance i or being put to Meop. The nun were ruihbag around much aa they do, I Imagine, waen the patleat under the Influaaoa of ether or chloroform, and it It aeary to make hut, but there waaiao' hurry ntoeaaary, and I waa able to watch tba proceeding aad talk 'all th To Servo Dutch Laackea I Prom thl date on t be Hall grill will bo open for Dutchluachea and oyatera WednBaday aad Saturday nlghU. V ! LEGAL NOTICES Notlco to CrcdUara lu the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County. In Hie Matter of the Etato of Fred Dlaha, Deceased. Notice la bereoy given that the an- dertlgnod haa been duly appointed ad mlnlitrator of the etttate of Fred lllelin, deccaied, by tbe County Court of Klomath County, Oregon, aad that all persons having clalma against aald estate are required to preMBt the tame to me at the law oMe of Keesee & Uroeabeck, la Klamath Fall, Ore. gon, within alx month from tb date of this notice, properly verified aa re quired by law. Dated at Klamath Fall, Oregoa, tbla 6th day of October, ltlS. i ROBERT A,. EMMITT, Administrator of the EaUte of Fred Blohn, Deceased. lO-lO-H-Tr oral merchandise store of B. C. Saiak at Klamath Agency, Klamath county, Oregon; also atl that roatauraat prop erty, consulting of chairs, tabkia, dlshe. Data, knives, fork, spooas, silverware, cooking utensils, stavaa, and such aa U usually kept aad used in a restaurant. Including flxturta'aad the building altuaUd upoa th Ualtod iKate goverameat raservatloa. hi Klamath Agaecy, Klamath county, Oregoa, aad commoaly known aa. B. C. Bolak'a rettaunat. Bald mortgage being glvea to ae- care the paymeat of oae eertaJa pram- laaory aota fer the na af eight tbou- aaad (M.eeM9) doBara, dated ape December 6, 1111, aad payable aa or barer July 1, 1111 beartag iatareet at the rata of save (7) par aeat par aaaum aatll paid. That iatareet baa aaaraed aaam aatd note la th i earn of four baadred eighty, aad aUty-BvalaM.baadradtba (l4Su.CS) dollar; that, tba aasouat, of principal aad tatrt bow du. aad owlag upoa aald aota la eight tho - aaad four haadred eighty, aad alsty- Br one-hundredth (I.4S0.S) doJ- lara; that. bo part of th principal or Intereat ha been paid except tba wa of alaa buadred alaety-aae (Ml.) dollar; that there I aew du aad'ow llng upoa' aald aota aad'ssortgaf la principal aad latereot. tba .earn of ar aa thousand four baadred abjkty-alaa aad alxty-flva oae-huadredth (7, 4I.S) daUara. Now, therefore, I, R. C. Bytak. aav Ukea pewtatloa af tba pieperty barer labofor dMcrlbod la tale aaUee. aad have atoetad to farealaa tba aald atortgag aa la provided by tba tana aad eovaaaata of aald mortgage to toreeloe the earn by. Mvrttmat. br. advorttolBg th aaie of th aald persoaal property tor th peeled af two weeks la the "Kveabjg HeraM,' aawspaper printed. puMlshad aad etc culatad la tho coaaty of Klamath, aad IsUU of Oregoa. and to sell said prop- lerty at public aucUoa by giviag twa weeks notice of the sal of said per sonal property, the said public aaetlea to be held at Klamath Ageacy at the hour of 10 o'clock upon the ISth day of November, 1913, aad out of the moneya arising therefrom such sal, to retain and pay the said sum above mentioned and Interest aforesaid, aad all charges touching th am. aad lacludtag a reasonable aum aa eeaa I fee of fifty (150.00) dollar. ra- derlag the orerpla. If nay ant tb aid mortgagor, B. C. Balak. R.C.SPDXK. C. M. ONBILL, AttorjMy far Mortage R. C. Balak. .. . IMvk J -'iV SP said .account aad Dated tk. Hth.day af OrW, lilt ' fPr I - r J'?" ''inutt'' lk r, ir Exaeutor. of tba Bwtat,( Misabatl) '' ' ,.S. . ai.L. -vi.-j -"";.' -- "! niaiHH. BEBwawsmBBi . . vawaaa am - AV . -. '-.Vli it ". . ' I -! V HMjf ' l A. .( lm "ml m. mm Mim at . -tit ti -. Tj -a. .. i WVSf-: t ; , ., .iV-ul.' ., - '.'ik.-ii: ,.!" 'r rBM,;T0;ii .. -;'w (laaaaah ' W ft , ? - - ' la U pircalt uroawa, , ni., AatottutU ' -.ti'.-is'''f'mv vm. ' , - . t. ': . i WalUr David Martla, ffljCTaf f.Sg , To Walter DavKatar1 ft, ilWja1; ' Ik the, Na-W ,( th aa-rf ,. ;. . gea: . Tea are hway,imd w aav '' . xpt aad'aaawW the eaabjawl afJal! agaiaet.'yoa bi'caa abav astHtd MPt. wlthia.six waeaaaftar tba liat ajb-.v I 'J lr5 Yih ' l '. , ucauoa or uu sammaaa la tM B5av r , . atb Rpabllaaa.'avawaBs;ar, aalhwad' "-v ., aadpubllhdlathaCttysTaiBasab ' . Fall. Coaaty of 'SBhsMb,- Mafa 'It A' . Oregaa. or aa' ar bafara tba taaajfy ' . 'w. Bret dyvof NevemberrillllMt bav.-'a'' " lag the Uat eJayy th tt prasaflaad ' .V la tba ardar VrpahBeaMewe tba " ' summa. th Brat pabelaaUaf tb'diaaf V beta aa tha'ti day ayOetawar.A,' - mi. aaair yaa Ban aa t smiraM aaVwrVforatirc ta y' ,. ' : wHI aaafyte the caart far tba taMaf ' .. T arayad for la 'tba aald timplsaal. -'r. wit: Far a daara "a taWaaart'tbaii.' Z tba'baaaa af matrfmsa bWtweea auMttl- aid dlwalvadt. that 'taaaatfaaUf ba aar- iHtod ta'aaeama bar Aatalaatta aajeavar, aa Bar aaak adhar mud friair I m aaa' w w..w. . i w - I ww-w m r J- ..v ..-. . v-.. J warraat. 'i, k - Tbla mmaabiJ aid Klamath atoaail 'ardar'afta Natlea of Foreelooare af Chattel Mr. Dunlop has a horrar of the usual anaesthetics. He prevailed upon th surgeon to undertak th opera Hob aocordl'ng to the iaara modera UdtAaddaf aafdfslajl FaB jaw fF wyaaye Notice la hereby given that that certain cbaitel mortgage, dated oa thd 3d day of November. 1111, aad re corded on the 3d day of January, 1913, la Book 3. oa page 191 of the record of mortgages, for th county of Klamath, and state of Oregoa. wherein said mortgage, B. C. Spink U the mortgagor aad R. C. Spink la the mortaaaa. uno the ' folio wlaa de scribed aaraoaal preperty: Th stock at goods, ware aad mor- chaadlsa eoaaiatlag of groeerlee, geaU' furatohlng; dry good, hard ware. macklary, wagoa. buggl, farm ImpUmeat. grata aad farm' arei duets, aaek as la usually1 kept la a couatry store, aad at Klamath Agea cy,, Oregoa. the aamebatag a gaaaral merehaadlaa stock of good, togather with aaaM, flxturaa aid, thi'hutld laga uaed ba oaa4lea with the gaa- la aWuakrawtay- Naalea af rarat Meat lag af Cradatar w ' la the DUtrlct Court of th United Bute of. America, for .the Dta: trlct of Oregon (In Bankruptcy). la the Matter of O. M. Hector Bank- ., rupt To the Creditors of C;. M. Heetpr of KUmath Falls.' Kbiaiatk County, la the District of Oregoa, I Notlco I hereby glvea tnat aa ta 8th day of October, 1913, 0. M. H tor waa duly adjudged a baakrapt. aad that Ue first maatlu nf tritBM ora will be held at th ottee otj.7 Kutenlc, refer la hankruptcyV U above named court, la Klamath Falls, Oregoa, la district aforesaid, oa No vember 11U. 1913, at S o'etok itfm., at which Mm eredltora may, attaad. prove thlr elalma and appekat a'traa toe. examlae the baakrupt, aad traaih act auck ether bualaeaa as may prop erly come bafara th aioUag.; ' jl h C. RTJTaWIO. w Referee la Baakruptey. JOSEPH 8. KENT, Attorney for . I Baakrupt. 10-39-11-4 h aaaiaaai aamaa. . . ' ' ' IT'". V. 'V,V ' ," pskbwbil B.tJbv-' samaaamaaxa', ' ,; ; amjswaw'aasjBaT'B r i'ai "rW.V,.'' ' t ,,." af tba aXata waaaK sW b,MM rKlaaU.sadaaOatilir.'it. -'' ' ywBVwnjwVi'r;' ' i., -j AMatMF.IwI' l-l-ll.91r Vtff tw-i. raa.a5-a. j- Notlea I beraby.fldaaa tbairiBr- der of the Caaay.Oaart,;, coaaty, aaat at utagta catered eathe Hkday.af A. D..1913, Patar OUaa ha polaUd admlalatrater of th eatat of, Qaorgiaaa Oleaa. di'iiatid;.' aad that all aaraaaa havhtrelalaH said tata. are herea. reqaisad preeeat tae same wna ta voaehers duly vertaad. t bna HMwJliFig3Wd avWMIATBwWaawMr" BMBtba from tba, data g'MiMtla to-wiu from th IHkdayatpetabat. 1913; that such.etalaM may.'b saatod ta said atajkto aj.aaay rill, KUmath CMm;fb?iagaa, ,r at UevoflhMeiaC.-awama, aaafJaaay t 'or said admlaMratar hlwoBrc?wv mlA ..-. mmA mMt mm4 ! vwwat i, in w vvqnp;- B awu(uiniiiH ,. mmmwvwm .-, said tot ar riaatd ta 'Btaeji.;.'-' paymeat tharaaf t aatd)' admbs-v ' trstar. ' o - 'L ""&. ' Dated thl ltrday at etafcat. '' VAIBII.. SJ . , . filA- Or iytUjtmwX.wtMHM-ti' .,; Admlalatratr.t tb 'Batais at pia -,-glaaa Otaaa. WinaiiB, ' !' ',"' C, C. BROWBR, AHaraay Bar M laiBJl-M r k . .-'- i . I .r l. m .0, r r V.W j t u; .';- i i -r. O d'aitBB ,-; Kiaaaaaar vmaajt ,aa imi.. .. ,. - ' vi 'An , "J, rJU' e - . ; ta th Matter of the BataU ef.Eliaa: ktk BI.I.I1 , . t .IA h V Notice, la heroky .taWUngal'. Buuimera, executor of the esttto ,a( Kllsaheth Blohn. doaad. hMf-BUd lit th county court1 tt the atat, af OregoB, for Klamath oowaty, tba ! Recount of hU admlalatratlaa at aaM Mtate, aaa taat ta oourt aaa bx aaiuraay.ta aaa aay or ivmBr, 1913, atta hlofjaj Velook liia foreBboaaf said day, a th Urn tor TT'-vyJ M ' .W II T ' aV : ,,7 l. ..... '.., '. , ,ji . , r la HeabrwBtoy Wl af FM Ma. a ',sik w . -. t ec (eaoaa ,, tB-tkAtTHatrtat riuar'MMlBSVkd r'r. " tasftbi'TltstflkWcigX i la U;-hMW-'f .inrd C aBB.' ' ,. ', Baakrapt. . .T -, , m ToCrdMMoBrard,C?atai( ' Notlo; hi brhy, glva abMM-tba'' ;th aajf-of .Qotober, 19ip.;Baraad; , C. Mlak .waa duly; adjadgad a baal- laat: aad that Ue Brat mallaa at has creditors will be.lMM;'aY.t;stMf(V' J. C. Rutealc.'rotna'f aba'rt . la baakraatapii taffaauFaB, Qga. , goa.lajlabiiat alasM, a lajaak bar 4U, lfil, af yeUag a. m.. at,. wlahL;ua(irad4taa BrllV ;Mf4aw4l BBBstawarW ftaMB' JawatlwaalBamaaK. -rSSa 1 .- ...v. ,-., : r .. . -Aii ,..rj t4-- " swr . ah harla of aMMOo. If aay. tc ,( 4 ..itiUhHH. ; m' iwaMt'.Ait'ui ;aauu .. ma aw a - .... X,W.rArb-i- . -W' '"'' Hf' ' flfjfrtWl' iltfiHWI