SVH'MsW RY TRR (INITKU PRHms NHWI SRHV1CK j f be f to mno Befall. j. aavsath Year Na, iiwl KLAMATH PALI. OMWON, WKDMvHDAY, OOTORKH US, IMS v ,. "' whmm I'Bijrt IlSti ' '' Vi'.i' V ' aFjrvMw WW VsM X- , i'' i ! 'si Pugilist's Brother Will be Witness for Government " " - - - .. - .- . .... . . i Greatest Battle Since Russo Jap War Now in Progress I", v;a BIG SMOKE MAY BE PROSECUTED BY GOVERNMENT ,i ;,i MANY WITXI&wlR WILL THHTIPV AOAINMT PUOILMT A " r Mar of Other HUrks Aw "lutoUnl la WhH Wavr trtiargr. Julinwm Wm HwrvowaiVd by While OlrU In III TrtUaiag Camps IMr. HU Xunrramm Hatllee In llw Nqttami Wag. I lilted I'rtea Service CIIICAOO, Ocl. 13. Aultliuit I'nlUd Bletea IMetrlct Attorney Par klu'i mother died hurt night, and the Uklm of Ih testimony of Lucille Camrroo has baas postponed until hn rvluins to tha city. The government U seeping tha girl In aacluilon. Charles Johnson, Jack's brother, taattttod agalaat Jack. Ilia evl dtnre U considered sufltcleal lu In dirt Jack on numerous wbllo slave cl tries, a wall ss a scorn of othar Mart. Charm leatlled, It U reported, that Wa1aMaaMaaaMaaaaaaaaaaBBaaaanaaaMBMBjMaBiBMaMBiaaaanat Uiniihu vm rata 4) HOLLISTER MAN ROOSEVELT IS MURDER MAY BE LIKES THE CITY H. T. I.ATHH4M HhTUHNH TO HIH MONK IK THK HOUTM APTKII AM KXTKNDKII VISIT I.V KUM ATH hrotion It. I', Lathrop, accompanied by Mra. Uthrop, will laare far bla horn at llolllitar, t'ailf., tkli evening, after pending, a few dart her looking uver hli property Interred. Thli li Mr. Ullirop'i nrtt vlilt to Klsmstn Kslls In two yesrs, and he ssye that the Improvement that have been made In recent yea re are remarkable. In speaking of streets and hoteti Mr. lAthrop stales that they aro equally e good aa thoae of any city, He hat a great deal of confidence In Klamath r'allt, and predicts that It will In tha course of ten yesrs have a population of at leaat 30,000, Mr. Lathrop Srst became Interest ed In Klamath Ikrougb tk Klamath Canal company's Irrigation project, which preceded the reclamation ser- vice. He made re vera I trip hera when thli city waa a amall village, and baa a dleUact recellectlo of ei ceptlonatly muddy streets aad limited hotel eceemmodalloas. MUCH IMPROVED! TRACED TO PUG i HHMT VIHITOIIM HIM. UK UK CKIVKI) MV THK COLOXKL TO MORROW MRM. HOOHKVKLT IN THK CHIKK NUHMK Colled I'reaa flentce OYHTKIl HAY, Oct. 33. Colonel Hooaevelt awoke thli morning mucn refreshed. He atr a hearty breakfaet Thin afternoon physicians will dreaa 111- wound. The flrat visitors will bo received tomorrow. Thoy will probably be Senator Dlion and ler-klai. Mra, Hooaevelt U acting a chiefly wu !- u rhlm nurae. ( !. HUMAN' KlkUHt IX VONNHOTICVT AXII HMJCK HKLIKVK IT MAY HAVK HMM l. CONNIIOTIO.V WITH JO1HW!f MATTHII Culled Praaa jtarvir ' I'r-imw, Coeife e United I'reaa Service e e BRUXlBPOltT. Conn., Oct.l J. lletoanomo admitted laU thla e afternoon that tka woman he murdered waa, kU eweethert aad not hi vita. Tkia con- AUTO TRUCK TO BE BIG SAVING OOl'.VTV MACHtNK WILL UTAH? TO WORK IX THB VKtNITY OV MRMULL m WaHHt OHAV KL TO UK HAULM) The new county auto truck will be tent to Merrill probably tomorrow to itart hauling lava gravel from thn famous lava bade. Tka new truck has a capacity of about three square yards, and It U believed that Ifwlll be possible to save about half tke coat of the machine this fall la read work, Tke lava gravel kas been thorough- vlncee the petles teat tke crime !" " ou' "d " to. f- to ?U ,h tcry nnni oi phii ni lor ross. Wife Aids Husband to Make Assault on Friend Sensattonal Tcttimony it Adduced When Wife of Man Accuied of Murder Takes the Stand HAN DINOO, Oct. 31. Mrs. Klleu Uwl., wife of Hubert UvU, who U on trial for the murder of C. II. Tol Iver, the Inventor, toel: the stand to dty. She was hysterical. While tears lowed from her hue band's eyes, the woman swore that Tollver had criminally assaulted bur, Mrs. Tollver assisting. She swnru that, her confession to her husband caused him to shoot. The court scene was dramatic. SUFFRAGETTES ARE INCREASING MOVHMRNT tHOHOWlXa RAPIB l,Y IN ROUMANIA MIHCTISIW ARK MJsLIJ RHOVLARLY IN ALL OK LARQKR TOWNK United l'rees Service BUCHARn-TT. Oct 33. Although the woman suffrage movement was orgaalsed In Roumaala only a little more than a year ago, Mme. Jancul- vacua, one of Its leaders aad founder of the first feminist paper in the country, reports an astonishing growth of public sentlmsnt in fnvor of votes for women. Meetings are being held la all tke larger towns. and the demand made at headquar ters here for speakers and utsraturo far exceeds tke supply. WILSON CLUB TO MEET TONIGHT IIKIUOKPORT, Conn.. Oct. 33 Joseph Buoetaemo, one of tke tr:oj i-anturl ft mtuwdmr Af wn. I man on tke outskirts of tke etty Uut night, said that eke waa kU wife. aaC that ke klllea) her while ke was In toleaUd.- ORCtAN-KATION KM IUetJMJITHs The peUeetfe-nd a ear of Mrs J .. m -. -, AllceAMriek,aCkleageaaU-rleeeru.f lmTaml FlsOel ROTH OLD sader, In Ue mnfaeTed woa-w'speck- lARtta-l fl IW OV CAJRPAKiN II la - tka tka aavar I I ..'.. i t sms wat vs-un sn uniongw, mm was poa-L - , sibl hi eeaaeeUea Johaioa eaae. with tke Jack I bHsObMRIOK -,- Taft Oeea te Ceeisal United Press Servlee REVERLY, Oct. 13. President and Mrs. Taft left today for Washing ton. They do not expect to return to Beverly, no matter kow tke election. goes. . Tke second meeting of tke WHeea-'Mars-all dab wHl be held le. tke cir cuit court room tkia evening. It Is estimated that the membership of tke dnb U tacreeeteg rapidly by reeruRs from both tke democratic and repab lleaa parties. At tke-meeting tonight delulte plana will be nude for Ue campaign CAPTAIN ARANT ARRIVES HOME hl'PKRINTRNBKXT OP CRATMK NATIONAL PARK ATTKNDH WCC CPJwtPVL MRRTINO OP NATfOX AL PARK WPRHIWTRNsrRXTH Caatekn Ana., superlatendent tke Crater NatteeuM Park, retamed last nlgkt treen tke YesemHe Talley. wkere he attsmded a misting of eu perintendente of tke natlewal parks. captaia Arnaa tus pirang "Raay matters of impertsnes te tke enperle tendente of tke different parke wer dlacueaed, aad muek geed vM no doubt result I was naked maa ssUeae eeeieemJng Crater Netleaal Park, especially aa to tke ante trafffc. "I reperted that the laerinsi ks taurlet traSe' waa due to a great es teat ta tke fast that aasamsbHes were iiraRtoi ka tke park." Csptsla Araat rsssivsd word em bla arrival here tkat aket fttre kaekes of anew waa em tka grsanil ki'bke patk on Suaday, .' avaa a aaaa' ii L UUM U IILLIUI I vA KIEWAfitfli FIMrJCT U' -t .a ' ,.- .--) ' ,?, .Tn gy- v: ' !uw'ivaMear ea.'ieveBb'. am ayammmi I 1 (- t ) J" "" i 'i '$ r 1,'rriniiwi iif iliV-i Ran mi '?J '' '. ' B&BtFffQB eerej) aaRBysaRsVnsjaf PnW i ( un-c Trvewee. ' , Jekn RtRt reeslred word tkia mern- bag freea km raaek nweea ktlle CreektkMtberewMaheertamksekaf anew e tke ,...) gmv w 'i-vr'-ry- vk;r wUaMed.lsse gwvees, ' t SOPLA, OetlNr-Aa dmwaee weaswtkata i. aXA4eewlw PMtod Preaa RuMejv ; Tlawajiav,ejat. Aawaa-j '' ' Oravsrtlgejtrs Oet Raise LONDON. Oct II. A petition l tke graved Iggers of St Paacrea cem etery for a "living wage week kas been granted. 'which it Is proposed to carry on here to further tka latereeU of Wilson nnd I Marshall, aad Harry Lane. I Msmra tkat n-e ysspsjj Rmw, RnRwR '- ajVeWmmsw mmsfel BasfsBrntaVe . . f VraMRkaVwl vB esVHa WW Gtye rtfil (Wma t J vjSi'jv vrn Lk.A I i L -m ' K f. KaV-Laal ' ,- n Alexander Martin arrived tkia af-' of 17.30 a teraooa from Oakland, wkere, he kas I been visiting kla slater. Notable Meeting of KaUroad la Held in Portla-kr Today and it .A V ' - it lipected Work will Start f(, FOOTBALL GAME WILL BE CLOSE KMOHH CARRY MXHW RKKP RUT THK JDNrOHH MARK UP VOH OKPPIC1KNOY RY A WORLD OV HI'BKB The llnsup of both the Senlor-Sopb-omore aad the Junlor-Prsshman were hen out today, and all the arrange ments for the game of football next Saturday bave been, made. The two teams nre remarkably well matched, for while tke Seniors nre a trifle keavtsr, tke Juniors are qulc un thslr feet The lineup of the Seniors Is; Mc- ciu re, fullback; Cartsr, left halfback i Bkvllon, right halfback; Manner, quarter; Orem, center; Case, left uard: Nlchalsoa, left Uokle; Rlggf. left end) Bogge, right guard; La 'nlrle. right tackle; McCoy and Nail, right end, Opposing ahem (hem on tke Junior rreihman team arei Poll, fullback; Boiler, left hatfbaek; Cog, right half- wtK; Moteekenbaeher, quarter; Stew srti canter: ktarkwarae. left gu-rd; nirelg; left laeklei MeCorgaek, lefl nu; hHanley, rigkt guard; Fevte, right tackle; Hetaes, rigkt end. ,M. A. MeCaU wto etM referee d W, Pa-sJeknsen as' nrnflrs. ; Tks mss oa both teams are busy this afternoon putting up the goal posts at the ball park. Last evening, despite the Inclement weather, a full lineup had by the Juniors. Tnu Seniors also had a good practice. Tin ball park waa a sea of mud, aad the men slipped around considerably. Tke game will be played Saturday, however, despite the weather. Under the new rules much rough playing Is eliminated, so the people at the game will see a different game than It was two or thrse years ago. There will be no charge made for the llrst gams, according to arrange ments. The gams will begin at 3: JO Vera Cruz Falls and Diaz With His Staff Captured by Federals Fate of the Nephew of Former Preaident of Mexico Cannot be Ascertained. Battle Betweeh RebeU and GoTernment ForceaStarta at 9:30 this a. m. V ' Notables of the Hejrtn-M are expected to Issue etwee km a lew days for. tke ruekktg at week e tke proposee, iiaee or i-Mreaa waienwui net only pUee Kleatatk PalU ea a main llae. kat wlU nana -km eky thi. termlnue of tke rent wklek will tap tke vast territory between Urn dty aaa H4rvg erWTe A eoafereaee between Prestdeat WHIUn Sprouk of tke Soutkem Pa clSc, Preddeat A. l,Mokler of Ue Union PneUk aad Julius Kruttechnltt. NEW POOL ROOM TO BE OPENED ROY TAHKR OP OOHIIIH WILL GO INTO RUBIN WW ON FOURTH HTRHKT IN THIS CITY MOI. RRN kXHJIPMNNT Uultsd Press Servce MKX1CO CITY. Oct 33. An olt clal dispatch received here this after noon reports the capture of Diss and his staff. No Information Is available as to what the fate of the prisoners will bi Dlai Is a nephew of former Presi dent Mat, and It was bellsved that in the went of hie revolution being successful he would turn the presi dency over to bis relative. a. Ri nir gaVcm-He-a. aCMBBBHjmn, e-WaVnwfwawi United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct 33. Captain Hughes of the cruiser Des Moines cabled tbts morning that, the attack oa Vera Crus, the rebel strong hold had atarted at 9:30. T SACRAMENTO. Oct. 33. Dri R. O. Brodgerlck. city kcaltk oaVeer of ,8a, Praactsco, reported today to tke istate board of healU tkat for .tke year ending October 13. there aad been la that city 313 eaaea of raMeo reported and found positive. Tke number of dog affected waa 354. humans 5, cattle 4, cat 4 aad' kernes onkr 3. ef.Ue HarTtmMgews)'ef akkw, mie ', presjreas na Pertkuad lee-grAttk' eoaeluekMi of tkat aeSkf R hi pew. ::, ast tkat orders wm ge nsttk for tke'.'.4 prspssid work. - v ; - rJ I T. aaasunssmentkeail tha. -- - tka --.-. . ,--T ..... -v PaatSe af tka lalsaMai .!, Mmr oa " Ike, eatenalsei work " wttk,Jt 'ayeed, 5(-' nut it kaa dsvslsped tkt- eedeti s, for active SeU wei ksWe yet bwsk v; , . . iW., .Vi fini. I A pool and billiard parlor and cigar stand will be opened In n few days la tk store room formerly occupied by tke Palace restauraat. ea fourth street by Rf Tnkmr ef DerrR. Tk equipment fr tke pwe U modern, and Mr. Taker aanounces tkat he latends flttlag up a strictly Srtt ernes resedi y La Follette Will Not Vote for i Any One of Three Candidates Wiaconain Senator Declarea that he will Support aon aa Long aa the College Profaaaor Stfcka to 'u 4 3 fc I KENO COUPLE : ARE MARRIED fillMSIHTll wHiiwwnv.Jiiini - - BMEIWST . r 1 -a PINK Of AM,)) BUY-WlU. RR ON COHCn-RN RffV. V CJAssn-i TOauK AOTIIMI wTeE' " - u :-Vr V hit ProgreaaiTe Ideaajto Fight Otoerwie :4 Uultsd Proa Service LA OROSSB, Oct. IS. la kla pee ing speech of tke campaign herejUat night, Senator La Follette saia taat r ikedld not Intend 'to rote for Taft, neoeevMi or vummm. 1 VI intend to maintain aa iadtpead n0 position," ke a4ded. "If Wlwoa skoWs power a a piegteselve"! wait to kelp klm. but Ido aot kaow wkat two years as a progressive eaa dX 1 propose to Sgkt klm If e weasieaa to tk pressure tkat wll be bfeugkt to bear." GHORGB W. SORRBLB AND IOsB. H. R. RRMKRLL UNITKL IN MATRI MONY HY RKy. PRIksR IN TRW CITY TURSBAY NHweTT Tk marriage of Oeerge W. Sorrale aad. Mrs. 8, B. DrlskeU waa ealemn toed at tka fcddle.Raak ieiala fk'oase taatf aigwtlby Kir; 'Reo.', M. Tk greoail a wei) kaewa, farmer resMlag aear 'Keao.--'li kaa for a leag Uai ketd tk auii eeatract frees Carrla to Xh, Tk Wide awe re- -aasaaaB-R . tm gTgaae'sm ? w-w-ems-asV a-JMmsmaa t sasffaJ awaa.a carav. j i S" :.W UnHed Prei i OTTAWA, Oct.' It Mat tribunal appelated uader CeW ada's trust laws today ds'ctdod tkat'' -Tka rr " tke United Shoe Maeklaenr I a' combination bt reetrsiat tfade. There R ao appeal froai tkbi tiWimuj ' wklek make tke UnetliaM to eaa elUtloa of aU It ne-eata Lig OaRmii . aad, U a aie T,lei '&, mm SaUr R siteSaBa''to sW.kaWae BBr Stat '.) aaatdT aTayawa-BBBwar-na nyas waBW-waswsjBBwawaB esSe) ejsawa- ai r.,- 'h&v r.. w " ---es-iwawe-ejswaa-B-Mwpek ssntry. VsatsAReeaa auw4sa jl kiSaV VAkVI' ila-' L"t "-"''? C- f-a-aamuau-laaW iSffW at lM ii1" nanmmta5RR'f ' , .-