1 J f! , Vj ' ,1 I J V,;,S tv .,v . "v; 'cnM'tcrMMfite rMMftw a 3 j Up ij A Sale IftvesUrient II atwaaMr Mm mtmLUMmm tot awake, jeWaewIha eaw eaU eetn a 'tfii-' rmmcLT. "Tan BwXf MMT eMke Nertk. "lap bIiiis," ' Tbai faay. MAIIKMiMU LY AT til UCttSMMjnCTVBI ,. PASILU f itfWAIj NIXING & K.DA xMMkte edht Swkwway fl MWWf . Tewa 4 I IkW ehest eeaaieime. I Ba MM pvm WM pvSJVP w mrStmiM muSimi " eleeCTiiiSJ Phwycr. eawXbr haBlaag. H adJsa re laeaase, hi roataja aa Mm price aaal mom. AlBS? MBHhJttO aMww 9MB9 VfJMMM MMM suae pfsvMfl OlkftjOOCE, BwBBUaSt,i HhmMI s tier Oar Because our Groceries . mrcGood l- THE EVENING HERALD w, o. ram. HMtM PiMMki Onmr UmmU Nk, al 111 fWtlfe t. atered at ua Palle, OvBgeB, tee ureugh tte anile an A.KlMMtk ubecrlptloa terme or mail to My ad dress la Mi Vailed Mat : Oat year . . .Il.ae Oh month .-. . i . .19 KLAMAT VAM. ORaMON Tl'HaBAY, OCT. SB, lBtt V. f. . i A tteapMBMater? order wUI V- t, owIin yea. f , i A took wmTuri WOOD nritakWMvsoi AMkte4tfiywM4 Yours. msiAm to -ji.u,(Winr IMI A COMKOY Or KMMHW Ir COUNCILMAN DOTr, aa aa oM elal, to-ataeere la hi efferto to bring ubeat tlii; removal tram Re ) et a couple of iMtrolatn m4 tht ckM of'pollc. Ut r km but lw pn pl la tkk city ke Ut It, aad UU krtM Is Ia4a4 V U rovgh M'WpM Uctle k hu imploywl la ta clly eouseil. Tb IUn mmuH m Uutcalaa rr4 tiaMt tw watka aao. Two Cvtlla CerU aava bta biii ky Mr. Daty to krlag akoat Uj dlaekarga et Um aroaaat aeUea fare. Tka taat al fart waa aa rMlculaaa taat It eaaaaa laacktar. Mr. Doty kulMtM raU- aau at Mm alty ta kaUava Mkat, ta tertkar kla aaa. ka waaM aaarlra tka city ot aollca prataettoa. LaM alfkt ka araaaaad ta tortkwHk paaa tka aaaaikara at tka aaUea forea. aa4 Uaa laara Ua city akaalataly aa i faaMalJiaSpfaT III , 4aKWj44TaN Where? . i' -j5ti... ,. ; r AFiiePtwto Vraai a 4ar CrtaM it YalaUTa .ia a araalaaa' Maaika. Wky nat aaaa aaa tklayaar m 'a: rm? 1 T WWtJBaayf S lr 7 "n " vl; -aa aVkMaMf aBgMa&jaalaamff akAalAaatAAC a" Ba aaaajaa aaajaaaBaaafja) aaamaaavvBaaaaa awaswar kfeaaavaaaalaaa teck 4a tkJa .arftffaWm;a-MM CTTAE STUIW aWaBaaaaBaaaaBaBBaaiBaaaBaaa I ,.i .aaa JtllTA ooouipiriiiEr' Wh? i aaaaaakaNt kf. aaa jaaa aa aat aw aaaaasaafa. Tkara la ar'akaaM ka a way ot la vaaUaaUag ckargia aaalaat Ua po llea. Kvaa Mm aaiapporud eoaplatat t Mr. Hutcklaa akaaM ka coaalatraa'. aa4. attar dut eoaaldaratloa, be acted apoa. Mr. Doty aaraty kaowa kla daty aa a eaaadtataa. Ha.aaraly kaawa kaw ka aay lasaUy arias Mila aaaaak caarga batora tka propar body tar caaatdaraUaa. Alaa, ba aaraly U aat aa aatatr aa ta arakrarily du eaaraa bmb aa Ua aaaappartad karga ot a ataglos ladlvldaal. aad wHkaat glrlac tka accaaad aa oppor taalty ta dafaad tkaaiaalraa. to It paaalbla taat Mr. Doty, actiag aa Mm taat t atkara, aztracta aaoagb aaraaaal iMrltcaMaa traaVkla rldled- laaa aatka aa ta aaMafy ktat for tka apteuela ka to awktat at klaMoKT CaaM, Mr. Doty, If yaa really" waat la kare tka R. Taaea Hatckiaa ikariea laTeet Hated, wky aot go akaat It la a ditojailed awaaer. aad. by aa dnlay. pat ta aa aad tke die graeefal eaaabblae wblcb are aot aaly latoferlac wltk tke propar adalale- trattoa of Mm elty'a kaalaea. bat are eteetiTety glTta Ktoautb ralla aa aaeartoble rapataUaa la the optaloa et Mm oatalda world. TAX MATTERS TO TAKE ATTENTION Article t Sectloa It. No tai or duty eaair'be Impeeed without (he coaeeat ot the popte or their repre aeatatlrea In the Ufltlatlvo aueubly. Tasea ehall be levied and collected tor public purpose only, and the power ot taxation shall never be lurrentlcr ad, suspended or contracted away. Alt taxes shall be uniform upon the same claso t properfy wlthla the territor ial llailta or the authority levying the tax. ' Article IX., 8ec)lon la. No poll or head tax shall be levied or collect ed ta Oregon. The legislative assent bly shall aot declare aa eniergncy,ln aay act regulating taxation or exemption. ArgvMMvat .Aad aow Job Irwla'a fature kep is tkreateaed. Bass Evaae ka la, going to support him. v Van Riper Bi f Hatl Is changed wltk giving Hatcklas. a aewspaper re- Pi a black eye. Tke Northwest- i been eaavteted of glvlag this dtocotored oattc. R. Vance reaevered froat hU la- ;tba kaock adailalatarsd to siM wiu aa ia erMaaee for Drake .akoald tka tkaakfal. suck a aaiaH favor aa 84 m R '. ( "( I SBMT' '. a aisir etw w m :.. ymm wooa W m gaBjsgaBBaaBgjsBMaaaaBBfBBiii aaaaaBB ,-lmmmmmm ' OaVJaTeMgateTdTaVLaP 4 i rV- 1 , . "". i f ,, t aTHAaV TsbTaA' fsWMS mm. wvm m. ii.THM . w, InflgawWaall A 1 UTal Mr !' ,;' " -Ui'' frcl UaW'Mal MaFWfti mm h a i ,. . n. -! '' . "Krf ". r LMIVt n t 5 . LookvMt tbh Mr. Homeaeeket r;oc 'llrV Q O Tj A NEW d-raaas I aew eaart kaaoa; aat 1 airy raaaw) torga featfe'i atoaatolatfeataraal Fire ptoaa; and fall . view. Ib fast; tato to 1 the most desirable ! the city. V rite. MJNi A MODMN Hdm 9t 4? aad, hath, etssat. par aard wa sVUrer Mm waeat badjr aad atoab waarL a,.PJCVTflN, ""ae "" w m lata i ' MMbrftil Tonic Wt Aidt DifMtion Mia aaajaaiaaa, ta 'aaat car fajt MdTTar patoesais t ta paVa) Mm fMaTaar tka Mses- tojsMkabts aa,.tbesMaua aaaaaa, aaaaavseisw .te-pre-'faasraad:TJnaaaa klaas ai k kaaatt . jkaaM far a 1 only four Mr-ska fre y coVasr. afkaisth mm I'M . - t straata. PrieaaM-MMt aaawMala . .-"'I'Jv . '" 'f. ' , t , ....rw-, tvbb I". ,v i". ' pMeeetaipe "V. - J. F.MCUIRI mmmmmtm wae svMaMsmaaal faaas yaa aa. J t-m m .svesaaaw.aaga fll dtoas faai . erseissisi .ua leisiss ana eaMg fsi aasMW se ta "TF aTe'i'awwW agrlaPTfn (nas er SMaaaseg s.arir- aa SAmmmm 3SB-S "! V MMBBB aapBBBBBw UVJfJMe perfect eea aMdistae ta eyas's teaic MMT. II a oeaalttod wUkeat ataec acuity ef tke t uey atattw aa la a aaset MSB a ttka ft BMMipato. IMfBBMB? 5aaa& irKtokt Hraal la favor of Above Meaearea Tke purpoe ot the proposed con. stltutloaal smendment Is to provide a broad aad safe foundation for genu ine tax 'reform In Oregon. If adopted we caa thtn proceed In aa orderly aad rational manner to correct the defecte and abuses 'In our present ays taat et taxation, aad thus discourage aad repress the irrational schemes aad vela theories now prevalent acUea. 1. Article IX, and Section ad la Oregon. The legislative aesem tloai kave Imposed oa our state a primitive form of tke general prop erty tax, a system which makes the pretense of taxing all property, real aad personal, tangible and Intangible, seen aad unseen, by on uniform rule aad Method. Such a systeM was tolerably adapted to the economic and Industrial conditions ot a half century aad mora ago, but Is too rigid to permit equitable taxation ot the widely varied form of property to-J day, and too limited to reach many claase of private wealth taat should bear a part of the public burdens. Eleven , states have either nsvsr placed oasrous restraints on legisla tive power la taxation or havs suc ceeded la so amending their constltu ttoa aa to permit tbem to break away from tke genera! property tax. Tkeee states nave fanad tke absence of suck reetrlctlona a decided advsa tag. permRtlag them to Improve their tax laws aad administration to meat tke reaalreaeats of modern conditions. Tka remaining states, Including Oregon, kave provided la tkelr con- stltutiomi for tka general property In no. one et them kas It keen satisfactory, Tkto la the unbroken testimony of every tax commlmlon, political economist or expert wbo baa given thoughtful consideration to the sutiject. Tka second conference on state aad local taxation, keld nt Toronto, On tario, la 1101, under thp nusplces of the international Tax Association, adopted, unanimously, the following resolution i . Whsrsse, The greatest Insquall ties have arisen from law designed tu lax ill the widely dlferlng classes of property la" the same way aad such tows kave been (selective In tke pro duction of revenue, and. "Whereas. Tka appropriate Uxa- Uaa ef various forma at property la rendered Impossible by the metric Unas, upon- tka Using power -cow- talned In the eaaatltuUoaa of many of Mm states; Reeeivedr Taat aU state coaetl- Union rsqulring the same taxation of all property, or otherwise Impos ing restraint upon the reasonable classification of property, should be aiooded by the repeal of such re- strktlve provision." Two of the proposed amend menu (ballot numbers 204 and J0) were submitted to tke people In 110; but they were defeated In ths election of that year tor the reason that their purpose and Ua wisdom of their enmtment were aot fully undsrstooJ and appreciated. These amendment are a again submitted In the belief that they are aow better knows and will be approved by the large major ity of votsrs wko surely prefer a pro gressive and genuine plan of tax re. form to either tka Inequalities of tka general property tax on the one hand or the deluilv uncertainties of the single tsx on the other, The third eenstltutlonal amend. ant proposed (ballot number 301) Is for the practical repeal of th. .n. called "single tax" amendment adout. ed In 1010. This proposition sppoar- n ra me uauoi at tb last under uu attractive title, not preestve ot Its real pumoee.c wmmm ume giving promlaenea laeioeaui feature that waa at a Joker, providing far the tag pen. tax. t .Wkhtbe adoption of. ameadment of all tke amendment ot 1110 wouU eu who the exception of ueatoi ma Doll tax. Tb lameadment also aroklkito ina of an emergency In nny net rag utstlng taxation or exemption, thus fully Insuring the right of referan dum on aay tax law enacted by th InUUtur. This provision Is Insert ed In lieu ot the moat unreasonable and unwarrantsd feature of the 1119 amendment, which practically de prives the legislature of power to leg Itlate In matters of taxation. It. la urged that the amendment of lto permits "county option" or "home rule" In taxation. True, hut there Is no demand for local legisla tion of this charactsr except to fur ther the schemes ot the single taxar. and no county tax measure are being proposed or considered except by sin gle lexers. Aside from Its connection with the slagle tax, "county option" or "homo rule" In taxation Is contrary to tho ensral course of rational tax reform The tendency of wel-consldered lgls latloa Is toward centralisation of au thority and uniformity of laws and methods of assessment nnd taxation within state Jurisdictions. Th state that have been making most substan tial progress toward equitable aad elective taxation have been moving In this direction. If put In effect, "county option" would disorganise the, fiscal system of the state, engen der controversies between counties and be destructive ot any general nnd orderly plan for betterment or con dition In taxation. In conclusion these three proposed constitutional amendments harmon ise with each other and together form n broad and sound bast for teal tax reform In Oregon. Being convinced that these measures fully answer the demand for constructive and rational tax Isgtslatlon. Inslsad of vain the ories aad destructive schemes, we feel confident thst thsy will be approved, ArgausMK Opanatog Above Meeeetr These three proposed tax amend ments are Intended to tnke from the people of Oregon their constitutional power nnd right to bavi every aew state tax law referred to them for ap proval or rejection before It Uksa ef fect; second, to take from the peepte of every county their coestltutfeaa! powsr aad right to make local laws to tax or exempt from tax aay class or classes of property ta tkelr county. lleeldee, tkaaa proposed amendment will opea tka door for tka legtsU tura and tka state tax commission te: I. Mill furtker lower tke taxes oa railroads and other franchise corpora tion. 3. To take from the counties the school monsy derived from taxes on railroad and other f ranch Is corpor ation. Nowhere In theaa amendments or In any measure offered by the legis lature or the state tax commission, or In nny nrgument offered In favor or these measures, I there n word or n hint about taxing the water power trust on th value of the water power owned by It, whuch la now praetieally exempt from tax; aer to there even a klBt about taxiag tka value of fran- eklaaa owaed by raltroade aad other fraachl eorperatleaa. The real purpaae ot tkaaa amead meats to ta take rrea Ike people tke power to ceatrol tax laws, aad to give that power hack ta tka toatola tura. Taat to wkat Big Bueiaeai waat aad wkat tka Ut tax cemmlseloe! waat. Th stats tax commission ..u .., .. ..... i BuiuiBa pom is "aerect aad abuasa" la ear tax laws uatll the peoi Pie took control of the taxing power la IS1A (i iS I ' ' ; ekatloal fsdtoaKJ soaMsMaMksB alBaanHUm 4 gajfasVu .gawjgxfmr eavMBmau- et'T7 The manning of these three amaadl menu la that, at the opinion of the leelelatura k . ,. u,. loa tba people of Oregon cannot bq trusted with absolute control of the taxing power. That la what the slato tax eommlMloa aad the legleUture aaa. aad wkat tka railroad, tkif "' power iruai aaa tka big apseui latormeaa. Big Bnalnsaa dtoeevered Immediately after. Ike ItUSewotleq . Eue7 nome ruia tax amende meat 'was "very 'bad" aad "revolu tleaary," Then the stau tax com toaloa aald M waa "verrkad" and revolutionary." Tke advocate of thai amend. meat say th flrtt two were M. ed la 1(10 because th people did not understand tbm. Tke ear the county home rule tax ameadmeat was adopted In lle beeausa Ua people did aot understand it. Do the aUta tax eommlMloa and tke toglelatlva -..w mnn ! paapia uaaer- wnat tney were delag la,lie they eleeted.taa Ugwtotur of aad tba araasat auta ) '.The atataeaaat that tke eouatv ome rule tax ameadmeat aaaaarad oa th ballet la 111 uader a title that did aat eapresa Its real purpaae, nnd that to eeataiaed 'sometki ii . joker" to preved untrue by the ballot mat4 aa fkjai) saeBajtaafjajaa VxBBBjajBBjgjga HJIJ Valm ?9L5BHBVaBHHiSaiSaVs geaBBBBBBBaaKl flsaaLjawaTAat 1 tmflaaBVBBBBBBBmHr aaLHtBaBaaBV V afffl4aH MmJ SSm MLUttlTm te la hav a -2 have aaalH.7.7riBBa m thst uiuri:!. 1 kit AfcM T "-"" alB gatBaisBkat PWMwag km 721. MdiPM.ref,r!.ii . la afford .."M"B)i , VliB0.tp,C.!ll!?J j ir vou iiui.. t -'n be Initall.d.J, '? DON'T COUG Stud to Undtrwood'i And net a bottle of NYAL'S White Pine and Tar It will relieve the Irritation, loothe voav ti . - ja ..-. ar- eBnaBBj mi eiep ina, t-oujn. uet u bottle ana !, welHoNlglit. Larue Ufjttlei fTI U N DB R W OO D Carrier Main mud Seventh WESTERN TRANSFER CO. Nave I'Baa) ISBI. HrMra Vkvm, w III M HKMVICB ItACKtAUK r-IIMUHT MIIVIMJ ANIi (1KNKM.1 THAHK:it riairo movim a sWMcuLrr rssisagari sMkad) Vp aaa Beilerred ear Mate la Tees JOB A&OOltl Proprietor IMIN 4. 11'MWAt.T, Ifsaldiat. K. M. Hl'IIH, Vl MKHf K. WITHrHIW, Htxtrlert, lUraath County Abttxact Co ABiTtACTlNG wnrtjnjl Irrsflttoa EiglBtert "r, - MAtU rAB. BMAilanMNTB, lTt?,v KUftMll 'tlk, We Welcome Small Deposils Md yen ever stop to thla Ikal a hundred small 1 n bank streager lhaa a doe. lirgeonest That U ons ol or f mm for urging the man of limited means to transact his betlaeM ka a Large accounts are wslcoa, loo. for It I otr purpose W ant A LI, th people. II matter aat what amoun ot money you hsis te sa w will accept It at Ulo baak. W welcome the small desesavr, lead ta kla the eame eeaeldera lee sad,turtleser4dtll our palraaa. , Our caataajMra all kaaw tato. THE FIRST NAflONUL Bm oitaitpo,ooo m.:iJS I Amateurs Notice JaaBXal Wc are now prepartid to do exnert develodinir uf Have your best,: negativef J 'anlaan.altaeaa.lMlMllltl Cim .' vaiiavi x-tfli iniiriaiiaaas ww a St All prirtU rwde on Verox 'rapcr. a Satlffaction guaranteed ', S d ant, r!l mJj gwairwlhleia, Ih ila Qmmtr iUM 1 - ww.wjamBBmyamm.wap. , W?hlTiDRUO ;C . IN BUllNEfS Ria YOUR HEALTf n i tt s J m;;:::,,,,jX ,