r M , it , , - wvrrum n m 'irajrihV IttHM Wi BmMVUlM fHtaih Yeai No. lBSw KLAMATH FALLS, ORMON, HONBAY, OCTOBER ill, 1V1U P-Pf ' j' 1 , '"''ii - : - ' '- "S " ' ' ' ' " I .! ' i II. . "Big Smoke" may be Lynched by Angry Chicago People . . ,., L . -- Klamath Falls to be Terminus of New Espee-Ne vada Line fi ft. ; i At i . vt - b - ".;1 - v ' Federal Officers Will IWEALTHY MEN BECKER DEFENSE MILUONS AVAILABLE FOR Prosecute the Pugilist ARE ASHAMED ; IS DEAll BLOW wi ' rt '-.! ' 'M vfi. , - vS United States District Attorney Rc ' fries to Consider Jack's Bend OF OCCUPATIONS t CHICAUO, Oct. II. Til police liw ey dlpr.d a crowd that had hung t MacMarcd dummy bearing llili dp: "TiU I what w will lo to Jncl; rur the government In a cut In which j the violation of In whllt alave act! I charged agalntt Jeannetta Dorr. "You are euipect," Mid lbs fed eral attorney. "I will not approve of any bond you furnlih." . ilummv . nAl rut drum. Tt deHonitratloa cauaed a riot, "nlt-d I'rrta Service tad farther trnubla la anticipated. VANCOUVKIt, II. 0., Oct. II. A cable from Bydaey, Auitralla. aya PKRKINN HAY THAT HK IM A HK TIHKD WOKKINGMAN Joliaao a Waprt I jMeJ I'im Bervrue CHICAUO, Oct. II. Jack Johoion tikeaoaed to United State OUtrlct Altera WlUcrton today aaylag that It woolJ futnUh 116,000 bond for fa nlaaia of l.ucllla Cameron, the MU clrl who la held aa a wltataa LOCAL PYTHIAN GETSJWM V. that Hugh Mcfatoeh, tb prlie fight promoter, baa cablad hla Antarlcan representative, I.. Kelly, to call of all negotiation for Jack Jobnaon to go to Auitralla to light Jo Jnntte and Bam langford, Tbla action waa taktn because of Johnaon't trouble In Chicago. TVVO COMPANIES TO GROW NOW Ttieeaae P. Ryan Haya He la a Parmer. Adi-iU Hwang Olveai Large For. tan Is Nave the Deatorrallc Parly From Going to Pierce Perilae Haya Ha la Trying IsOMm Right How Law Tbroagti mmoK Ir-srWB IN THK NORTH IN ONK 09 MTATK TO HK aoXOHKI) MY LOMK ATTKNn a OKAXD LOnXMC MKMTINU ,Uorge C. North returned iaturday rtealag from l-orttaad, where he ha Ni h i delegate to the Orand Mt KalgbU of Pythlaa. Hr. North vm highly honored by the Orand IMt by being one of four la the til to be preiented with a handiomo tM witch charm, aultably engraved, la ipprKUllon ef the peraoaal work arat for the order'. Hr. North wai Miub.bUI la Mcarlng II new hrabera to the Klaaaath rail Udg. Mr, North waa appointed Deputy rud Chancellor, and A. B. Klder of tbti city waa appalntad DUIrlct Dtp ilr Orand Chanealler for th dtatrlct naprbMd of Khunatk, Jaekaon and Jofrphlnc couatlea. A dkHrlct eonven U- of tbe K. of l. will e held In Klamath Fall neit September. r. Ufo, . Merrymaa neturned laat 'Mlni from Portland, whar ha ac ophld Mm. Merrymaa and baby n a ttalt. ,? HAMM LVMMCR COMPAXY "Ml AWltiatMATH MASfCVACTVR: I NO COMPANY JOI.Y rORCKH. HILL INCRKANK PAYROLL Aa a preliminary atep which will mean a greater pay roll for Klamath fall, the Klamath Manufacturing company nnd the lllg Daaln Lumber company bare Joined forcea, and from' tbla time on will bo underone man agement. Dy the conaolldatlon thoec who are Informed declare that eatenatre lm lirotamanta and addltlona to the two planta will be made, and an Impatua will be given the reaching out for bualaeea. Robert A. Johnaon of the Klamath Manufacturing company baa acquired an Inureet In the Hlg Baain Lumbar company, and haa bean eletced vie prealdeat of the laat named concern. VV. H. Plah of the Big Baala company haa bean aelected aa general man agar of th allied companlea, United Preaa Berne WABHINOTON. O. C, Oct. It Tbomaa P. Ryan waa th flrat wit ntaa today before the aanatorlal earn palga ooatrlballon Investigation com mlttee. Ha teatlled that bto occupa tion waa farming, nnd that he had contributed 160,000 nt Brat for th democratic 1104 campaign. Later he gave 1100,000, and toward the end of the campaign ha waa Informed by the national committee that the Par ker campaign wontd eollagai unliaa more money waa forthcoming. Juat before the eleee el the campaign Mie contributed UOO.000 fer the pur loe of paylag electlen deata. He did that beennae headed-mm. wnM;ee the party go eat of eeletence or dU- Brec. i "Kvary aoiiar i cave waa peraaaai. uad did not come from any corpora. Ilo r other latMwat." ha aatd. Peklna waa neit called. He gavel" BY OWNflTNESS US POLICK UHVTKMANT OIVMH DR PK.VUANT.THK I4K t HKktr Waa Lata hi Anivtag at the - PoHr Haatleai ami the Mom hag ef the Herder of Herataai R. R. EXTENSION TO CITY Hamblrr Befanmant CaMed a the Weed Late Thie Aftrmeoai Thage MayReCaRed " United PraaaBervlea NKW YORK. Oct. II. Former Po lice Lieutenant Rocker took the etaad late tale afternoon In hi own behalf. It la poaalale that Shapiro, Lefty l.oule. Qyp th Meed, Whltey Iawi and Valtoa aaay be enlled. i-ouee Meniennw meaauKi lean fled that eBcker wna nt th pettee aU tlon at 4:16 on'fkf mernlng ef the murder of Herainn 'Roeenthal, and net before then., Thai waa n aerlena BIOW IO IB mm mi -. ;-- -' J1 IN CALIFORIIA Candidates are on the Jump Prom new on mtll eleeUea day eandtdatea for oflke la Klamath 4 county are going te be very huay. In nddUlen to Interviewing voter 4 In th uaual'way, thy will be called neon to attend candidate' dance te be given hi different parte ef the eeeaty. ' There will be a hall In Dairy teaaerrow evenkag. On Pridny there will be n danee nnd aoclal gathertng In Henaata, nnd tale legetag to caaa aoate cenllct, hecauae there la alee eehedaled fer that date n ) candldntca' baaket aoclal In Mill addRlen hall In thte eRy. There la 4 abo to be a hall In Bly on the earn evening. . ' e Th laat advertked eatertalament aapeckUly fer the aeaeftt ef the e candidate la to occur fm Port Klamath on November let. , " 4 Jurt how th candidate will "get by" nil ef thee enterUIni ti I 4 myatery which they are now trying to aolv. ,. 4 (V I ", 2i Ws- -' lJ J rlV of - mto ARE GIYBI O0T M s Th different rlaaae at the high achool bad their picture taken tbl forenoon. til occupation aa a "retired work logman." "At preeeat," he aald, "I am work log eighteen hour dally trying to get an eight hour law through." The wltaea aald that ha did not know how th 1104 republican cam paign fund waa raUed. 11 contrib uted 176,000, but knew nothing about the Harrlmaa fund. ILHO.VH RVNNINa MATK AR RIVHH IX HACRAMK.NTO ON A TRAIN THAT M TWO HOVRH MTK RKCKPTION TKNBKRKO HALIN GIRL TO WED MERRILLITE M HMKrHB TOBAY TO MK-HARL McKRON AM M3M FRANCMi bnOTANCK 4RAVHB TO ACT AN CTOPH A. nwri-klnie'lieanii aweahaeee' tela' afternoon te Michael A. McKeea nnd MIm Praaeto BretaMfc. They will be married late tbla afternoon by Jnettca Qraven. Hr. HcKeon la a waU known yon'ng man from MerrlH. Hlaa Bretaaek la the daughter of a farmer redding I near Malln. HENRY WILL BUILD GARAGE CONTRACT ,' KK LHOM WHX FRWOO WITH IVftnARnV 1 "i... . ' o . 'f J ' r.l' ) v. Ti - 5 t' . . i hmrwye) Are New an eke PleM ami. pi. . , ''gsetl naram ,"J.--' f- Li ft?-!. '' .; - -.. .,; " y I 11.-,, OMaaaahna an' Hma mtn'' 11 ararfBjBjn m -ajgemamnmBnaBBgeBm gnmj jfrnmrnm aBBmny , . , , : j v ,- v, ?; iA W vare iaaaaw ... ... lui.iit'-i, n, BBrramB fadeYmatamBmBBtaV ?? - aafafHPHnB nATAtWBABJBaT.BHmBTV ? mBHff garBTBema POR HwtltmW COR. i. .j.m .CiL ' 4-.., ATHAVnCslaWTjHnHM tpS'-baVkiU .' '' '- i BaTaTaTaTaTaTaT . BaTaVBTaBTaTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaB BTBaTaTT TaaTaTaTl BTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaVBT . amRanaJha . , ' L iJl . ".I i. C Ttheei"'r-eriUW J ath avenae between Pearrfc and PMth atraeta haa been let to Harrle it Cm.. by B. B. Henry t The new buHdln- wUI he 45100 tivei, u Bire tn Try stnufl. iij .will be. the home ef the Mitchell car. The UHiaMn ed Itmrt'of a ptaaef the May far n tht rente mat twcemeontenl the . .iiiinuf,i we facte 'M Peafla Here , R. L. Lalhrop nnd wife of Holltotcr. Calif., arrived tat th city mat evealaic for n hert vtoK. Hr. Lnthron 1' given n big ncentlon. heavily Intereatad In property In thla city nnd county, nnd today made a trip through the farming aectioa eouth ef Klamath Falle with Hr. nnd Mr. Wm. Wagner. United rreea Nervlc HACRAMBNTO, Oct. 11. -Governor MaraknU arrived hare today over tbe Southern Pacific. He waa accom panied by Mr. Marahnll. The jtrala on which they arrived waa two houra I The vice preatdentlalcandldnte waa IfMNCIPAL FAUGHT UHUVKMH 1 AaWRRjW TO PirPILR OP THK i 'HIGH SCHOOL AFTKR SIX I WbMCKH OP STUDY STUDENTS URGED Three Leaders Claim TO ADOPT COURSE! the ' State) of Oregon O. P. Van Riper, Oarret Van Riper and Kd Qowan nagged the limit of) quail on n hunting trip yaaterdar, PIONEER LIKES KLAMATH BEST Turks and Allied Forces fire Fighting Fiercely in Balkans Montenegrin! are Accuaed of Uging Unfair Weapon and Shelling Hospital! of the Turks, Killing Many Wounded. Royalty at the Front to Fight t'nlted PrM sanrla LONDON, Oct. II. Uoyd la to dlr charging II per east for Inaur ttc agalaat n war Involving Auatrl and Ruaila within the neit all fconth. The Chronicle puMlahad an Inter 'w with Klaml Paaha, praatdeat of "' Turklah oouadl, te which ha da that th war threaten to b the prelude to a aignatk eaaMtt. Vl''t0 Preaa Bar Ha ''aP"WaK Ala) nUDAPJSST, Oe. II, II la reeeH od that Iko Turklah Irregular have practically annihilated n Servian rg Intent In Sanjak. ReyaUy tePrant United Pra P-rir ATHBNB, Oct. II. Two Oreek reglmanU have Invaded Turkey near Arte, occupying Qrlmbova HalghU. Th kwf and prwnUr hr solax to J wawJnlmHr epvSfga Vwamee7Wgeg United Prwa Service. VIRNNA, Oct. II, Dwpateh from Beta report that the Rntajarian I advance guard haa captured two outer forta defending Adruanople. A dot perate battle occurrod nnd iha loaaaa war heavy. United Pre Sarvto LONDON, Oct, II. Constantinople dlapatch to tbe Kvenlng Standard ay that th Turk haVe aurreundad the Montenegrin force croaalns the River of Boyaaa, and killed 110, r. capturing aaveral poaltlona. Th Turk aecuae th Montenegrin of ualng., "dumdnm" bulwta and of ladling th Turklah boeplUl. kll tag many wounded neMleri. J A. PARKKR RETURNS AFTKR TRAVKLING TRlbOOOH THK WKHTHRN COUNTRY WILL GO TO RI.Y RANCH After traveling exteneively through out the WeiUrn country, J. A. Park r 1 convinced that th Klamath country haa vry otar part beat to a "fraaale." He arrived In the city lam night, nnd will ge te hla ranch near Bly tomorrow, Mr. Parker came to thla aeetton In 1874, nnd haa large preperv later cia here. Recently, however! he haa traveled around conaldernel. "I am alwaya pleaaed te get back," ho aald. The Brat all weeka of high achool are over nnd the report will be mailed aoma time thla week. Profeator W. B. Faugat, la giving n Ulk te th stadeau PrWay. aaM Scarcity of Fuiids is Cra K n.-. I. "' Vtal7dMW-M-.llat -' r laa,. .1 taiil i'V jLfittAVnUtiiCBi oGuuwwmm :fnm;' in Progress Cause of Worry (- i .i "WRh the election two week away,. veM by M.aee,' the maaagera of the three leading candidate for prealdeat claim Oregon The Brat eta weeka. of achool areife' r favorite, accordlag to re-, ipona irom au neiBrn -ii- land. Each, alao, regrete the aaaall neaa of th campaign fnnd nvnllahle for carrylag on the good- work. "We will carry Oregon for. Ri over, nnd by thla time yon aheuld be fairly aettted tat regard te the enure yon will take "thla achool year. Your ccurae in high achool will be your Jcourae In life. If It I not, than your achool Ufa la n failure. And failure la utually cauaed by lack of Interact In your work. Therefore, If for any reaaoa you are not aatlafled with the work Uat yen picked out all weeka ago, change your courae and aeek aJ cr.ur that will latereet you." WHI W. H. Roberiaon and wife will ar rive thla evening from led, 111., to take up their perawnent residence In Klamath Fall. They (have been In duced to locate here ttreugh their aon, O. W. RoberUen, C the Klam ath Fata Dye Work. ri . Xn Th rgulr meetta-g of th Fra ternal Brotherhood wlH he held thla evening In the wt hU f th Odd Fellow' building. There will b a oeiai evening u W T SCHRANK WRITES IN PRISON CELL ASSAILANT OP ROOMKVHLT WILL NOT DIVULQK THK NATURK OF COMtaYhPONDBNCK RKFUHBH TO ATTRNB SIWVIOHS HILWAUKBK. Oct. II. Sehrank, PeeaareU'a aaaallaat. waa huay writ ing tat hla eett, tedey. He would not Ute what he. waa writing, , Jaaterdny u prisoner, refnaed to letaate in the rHgtow aervl. ., r. ..C'.-i - . 'id f v, r ' 1 V. f dMlaraa ClwlraBW I Brawn ef the BnH hteee. ,' h v , ' ,"WNent win earry Otegem'.hr- ' leant i.0H,";aya CluUrnua ttaaev... -: "Taft will carry Or. biK aa not giving ngure,' aa etataaa'de ,ai' ' anieent t mueh.'caplaln ( Meet: TCSSuSSS r n; vr. U Sleeping Man is Hit , it . by Passenger 1T V 4 . tv ? -.' ; , ? :t is. ' I sHdJBMBJBJ eliAfaUaU fcit'-'v ? -A "i t& - jii. iv wi fe ?i linploye of Mt. Hebron Lumber Co Meets witli Serious, but not fa tal Accident Taken to Dorrit j1 ', fct John Btraaak, an empley of the Mt. Hebron Lumber maany at Mt. Hebron, waa arlonly bt' net faUlly Injured tendajr vanlng when ne; truck by the aenth bed tratn naent a Quarter ecn mu rront (he nepot in Mt, Hebron.' '' Vf It appeara that Straaak had Im- btlied freely, during th demand' had Uld dewh .aloageld jf ,thaMktU l-.p.".Th-aMlaer "rtb aoWh . '.j':.. . , i.i . bound train, did net a ham wna too late to atop, aad.the naan waa. Mmk;MvtmttJmt sjat) aaaulaar hrtlMVrrfainU'ahe Baa d te"m W ' i - f3-." r The tajnrM.'Bjnw.WM;!)! the trnlna4rMrtM'iwlBl e Nehron.rLetar he M tahn lt1 rl,' where Dr. Mkamn aMaanRH I The nhyakdaniiSMii thla mat, nminwrnmn. ,; J',, -i v -.- inr wH. 'IV: it t iS $ '- in