vrri.iM MY TM VRITSI rHHN rlRWff RMHVICK r Nje f timing Befall. .; ,J KVENlNtt I'ltINT THH MaTtYaV M ; ketrnlli Vci No. ' NLAMATM FALLS. OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOUKII 17, 1V11I film, Ft? Oeat Debs Followers to be Punished for Abusing Teddy Turkey Declares War Against Bulgaria and Servia SOCIALISTS ARE INDICTED BY A PORTLAND JURY ATTACK ON ROOSEVELT ARK OF. JKCTKD TO Curia lit iWoaaPa Retwat VMl in Ik tUr City, It la Charged Trial Klght I'romlacat Mm t'a d Sear rtlou l.1iralar lo Ho laaaed Tfif Ki-Pmldral U MM a WonliMtr Harden lulled 1'ree Service PORTLAND, Oct. I7.w-Th Mull scaaa county grand Jurjr today re turned ladlclmenta Maloat e!ht pioeilornl luclallita on cbarf of ' iu D( xurrltuu circular attacking Celontl llooietelt and Nicholas Uini-I eortq during llooseveU's recent visit lo Portland. The circular dubbed Kooeeieil A "vvulil-be murderer," aid accu.eJ Uai worth lth having property dt vttid K Iht social evil. Advance on the Greek Frontier is Ordered Turkish Fleet Sails Toward the Gulf of Sparta and Fighting on Water as Well as Land Is Expected HKMI.IN, Hungary, Oct. 17 Plghl-ivfince on the Oreok frontier. The Itii between Turkish troop and llul- Turklah float la lalllng toward the carlan, Servian, Montenegrin u-l(ulf of Sparta. Oreek I now In progress. Tho llul-i 1 AGENCY St ORE Roosevelt Partakes of IS ATTACHED! Big Bull Moose Steak Unknown Admirer Sends the Colonel Choice Piece of Meat. Crisis is Expected Today or Tomorrow HUITH ARK tTARTKI IN THK JU. - TIC COURT AGAINST R. CM HI'INK HHOTHCK TOKKM THH I'KOPKRTY ON MORTOAQK ESPEE SEEKS TO SET ASIDE TRAFFIC RUUHfi garlans are battling around DJum bale. Tha loair sustained by tint Turk and Montenegrin have been very heavy, War llrrlaml United I'tM Hervlce LONDON, Oct. t7 A dlipatch from Constantinople y that Turkey ha formally declared war agalnit Hutgarla and Hervla. Tn-i Turkish war ofllce haa ordered a general ad- -..- - Mlubtrra Oct Passporta oiled Treaa 8trtc CONBTANTINOI'LK, Oct. 17. Tha Servian and llulgarlan minister have received their pauport. Hulu war start! la Justice Graves, court today by Shiva Droa., Robert at , ')att4 pre Service nana ana mo Farmers implement CHICAGO Oct. anu nuppiy company against u. u. Spink, a stor keeper at Agency, rind a writ of attachment waa leaned 17. Colonel Itooaevelt apent a Terr uncomfortable nlfht, and thl morning ha allowed tlgna of hla loa of sleep and fatlguo n M ,,. - .. t i I n. . opiaa, oromer oi me ae- reaultlng from pain. Tha crUla U at tendant, took pooeeoslon of tha atora tM tomorrow. Tha doctor aro on a rhallail mnrfjrmjfaa . .. on s chttttl nortcact. AUTO RATE WAR IS RENEWED Ounboat Hncrerd United I'reaa Herylce i ATHKNfl. Oct. 17. Two Oreeki gunboat have forced an entrance toi the flulf of Hparta, deaplte tha Ore of ttin.Turklih fort on ahore. I TT TT T i-i"t necior i naea flult wa atarted In the circuit court tul morning by U Jacob agalntt Mary K. McCormlck and O. U, Hector (to recover C00. Klllott ft KHIott are latlorneya for the plaintiff. FRESHIES WILL BE THE HOSTS watching for algna of blood polaon. After breakfaat tha Colonel slept. At S o'clock the following bulletin 'waa peatad: "Colonel Rooaevelt'a puIm le 72, ! temperature J.l, raaplratlon IS. "The wound wa dreued and look wall. Hla lunga are In good condl tloa. and bla general condition U ex cellent. Tha caaa la progTeaalng very favorably, and unlaaa complication occur the bullet will not be removed for th preaent" Tha Colonel laughed aad Joked with the nuraea aad doctors. To Mm. Rooaevelt tha Colonel aald: "I feel bully. I bad a good aleep. and feel aa If I could start for Oyiter Bay today If they would let ma." Mra. Rooaevelt Uted that there waa no chance of him leaving Chicago until after Sunday. The Colonel ac quiesced. , JSUIT M HTARTBV IN TfflC OCMfr ) MKRCROOVaTT .j' tUumMh VaHa U ACactaal kf mm Cam Comaaeiy WaM Ctatrgs) Law Rata Retwrca Haa Piaacmc aeaf Pertlaajd Thaa Retweea laHirmiill I ae Point laj rtlw la aaajhc U Rectify IMecwpaacy Oakad rrana lamaa BAN rRANCMCO. Oct. 17. Tka ; iiiiiiiiiifl no t'age NeUon Rounsevell baa returned from New Plne Creek, where he I heavily Intereated la the new mlnlag I town. Ha exDecta to remain In Klaro- KVKNIXO-OOOD PROGRAM IS I,,,, r,u for wk or M. I'HKPARKB RKCKPTIO.N WILL RK OIVKX I.N THK HIGH HCHOOL TOMORROW WIIIUkm IMaapewr lii llaxl I'rtM Her vice UM ASOKLKH, Oct. 17. Com eating on the. Imllclmenl agalntt U PorlUuJ loclallat, Taoma WIIW II; ju, ivcrttary of the aoclalUt port) ' la California, laid: ! 'If time men are MUllly they Ivuld get their Jual deierU. 'ftiry nut have acted on their own lollla Ute. The aoclallata dlaagrti rflth RbOMtell politically, but there la no ptnonil quarrel. Any chars of In Borallty agalnit Rooaevelt and Alice Ungworth I prepoaterou. Th Lai llimla (oclallita regret the attempt oc Koovtlt'a life a much a any-cat." I 1, jPIUCK CLTTINU CAR COMKN TOlfnlted freea Service THIH CITV WITH 1-AMHK.NtiKltM NKW YORK. Oct. 17. The aUta AMI SOW Till' PHICT OK THPrM,", ln lhe U,Ck,r l,Ul l0 A.M .NOW Till. KICK Or TH.iAUorn(jy Urt tUfUd ,he 0,e1,1C TIUP IM XOTHINO atatement for tha defanae. Aaderaea Wtaa U "d .nltroa waa given the 'e clilon out Danny O'Urlea In a fiut ccntMt In Mrdford !at night. In the tlghtli ruuud Anderson put his oppo se nl duwn for tha count of nine, aud el the end of tha tenth ha was J clind the winner. the. Alter a truce oi a tew U.r in, ,, w u rj,rMI w. ,, CUrk auto rato war between thl city and'and Hill IHtee went to Chlloquln tha Ukevlew baa been darted up. 'morning to look after the logging o It wa .nnounced thl morning that! 'ration, on Mr. Darne." tlmbtr, .hlch , . , ., thn recently purchaied from the r;3v the battle of prices would be contln ued until the price la firmly utab- . ,. lletied at I6. Whenever the price cutting car Uj In thU city, paaaengera will be taken) lo Ukvlw, a dlitance of 110 mile,, free of charge. At other times the' price wM be U. Klaborau plana are being made by ' Halted Prase Wi.- te committee In cbarae of tha an- 'ORT WATNE. lad Oct. 17. spoke here thU nual Preahmaa receotlcaat the htxh (Oovernor Johnson school tomorrow evening. Isftornoon. He will speak la Marlon A comprehensive program has been tonight, aad then he will go to Chi arranged, and tboae who will part Id-'"go to confer with Rooaevelt. The pate In this part of tha entertainment Colonel haa summoned htm. are busy practicing. Several mustcil numbers have been arranged, and tho Greefca KHIcd Hoys' Otre Club, the OlrU' Glee blub' RENO. Nev.. Oct. 17. Two Greeks and the orchestra will give select Ion. J were killed today at the Steptoe The committee on refreabmont tmelter, where a strike 1 In prog has provided for the rest of the even-trees. The state police have left for Ing, and n good time Is assured. tbe acaae. HAMILTON IS . GIVEN A FINE JUDGK LKAVRT VIMM ROUT. BLACK GUILTY OP ILLBOAIXV SKLLIXQ LIQUOR APTKR A HEARING OF THE CAME ARIZONA CATTLE ARE INSPECTED LHCAI, MUX GO TO MIDLAND TO HKK HUNCH W UVKHTOCK llrtOUUHT MKKR PROM THK PAR HOUTH Quite a number of cltlsens went to Nl'Hind yesterday and today toexsm Ac the bunch of cattle shipped from Arltona by L. Oorber and Alei Davis. Tlere are about 1,00 in the buncb, nt 700 of the 1-year-olds are being b'l at the 8. 8. Low ranch. Alex Davis went to Midland thl morning, where the balance are, to "'lit In separating tha cattle. A number of those belonging to Davis III be taken to Bprague River, where ' Iavls haa purchased hay frori lIlBmltb. ' The local people aipected to sea n let of long-horn Taias cattle, but In load they found a Ine bunch of Here )rds, which are salt) to equal any of 'ho cattle raised Id Klamath county, While a few ,of these cattle will be rl tor beef, tha greater portion will " wintered and turns out on the "nie next iuaMftr and placed on the "ket neit fan, There Is plenti ful suppty offcay In tho counts this ort .- V TAPT GKTH AN ANNWER TO WIUK Halted I'raaa Servlc I iikvkri.V. Oct. 17. Praaldsnt Taft arrived here today. He autoed from Worcbester. A telegram from Itooaevelt waa ro reeclved by the president. It was "1 appreciate your sympathetic In quiry. I wish to thank you for It." "Mra. Itooaevelt telegraphed at fol fel fol eows: "The family and myself unite In thanks for your kind esprewlon of sympathy." The ladles of the Christian church will hold their usual cooked food aale Baturday, October 19th, at the Bhasta. DIAZ IS HEADING A County Will Erect Four Steel Bridges Early in the Spring Contract for the Material for the Bridges is Let to the Coast Bridge Company-. Bridges atKeno and at Wil liamson River are Included in the Contracts Charged with Illegally eel! eg liquor, "Ham" Hamilton was convict ed In Judge Leavltt'a court thl morn ing, and waa given the upttta of pay ing a One of $35 or serving seventeen days la the city jail. He paid the fine. Hamilton Is well known In this city. 'He operates a bootblack stand In front of the public library. The arrest of Hamilton waa the re sult of numerous reports whlek hare reached the police Jat liquor anight be bought her oai laaaay: The ser vice of L. HaU were enlisted, ami he approached Hamilton oa Octjbsr Ctli with a requeat for liquor. It Is charg ed that Haaalltoa produced aoaae In exchange for money. Southern PaclHc Railroad haa filed a stilt la the coma to set aside the Interstate commlaalon'a order eroklbKlac the company from charging blfker rates on traffic between polaU latermedlaM between Saa Praaclaeo aad Pact land thaa oa traffk betweea U state. Th railroad eemneny chsMaa the eoaetltatloaaHty of U Maw and short httl clauae aad aaka (sr aa tai" fISn7s9s9a rr CORTKLYOU WAS- MOV UlSXMMIMI Halted Pre swrvte WABHINOTON, D. C, Oct IT. Cortelyon testlffed today before tat senatorial hsveUtiag eossaUtte that ha had ffrst heard of the aXaad- ard Oil comaaara it.tt eeatrtba tloa tarosgh a letter from ovei'. He showed the letter to BUa. whs said that he bad not received any thing from the 8tandard OH compear. He aald that he had not heard of J. P. Morgan'a contrlhutloa naB he read th testimony glvea dnrtac the area ent hearing. Frank Munaey teatUed thl after noon. Ha aald that ha aad Mtri uted $111,000 for RooseveR'a re convention The county court In seaalon this morning awarded the contract for the steel for the building of four bridges In the county to the Co.ut Drldgo company of Portland. In the contract It Is specified that th material must bo on the ground by March 1, IVU The steel for the bridge iter" the Klamath Klver at Keno I to coat $17.H0. This bridge will oo 375 foet Ion v Ith an ls-foot roadway There will be tour spans, threo 14b feet loot and one 76 feet long. For a bridge acroea the Williamson Rlvor about twenty-are miles from this city, steel to the amount of $11,- 400 Is required. ThU bridge will be 100 feet long, with two a pans, of 100 feet each. Steal for two other bridge to bv erected at points to be designated later by the county court waa alo contracted for. The price agreed on waa $1,400. REVOLUTION NKl'IIKW OP POItMKIt 1'HKHIUKM I MASS IH AT THK IIKAD OK DIH- HATIHPIKD FOItCKH IN THK III!-, I'UIIIJO OK MKXICO United free Service MKXICO CITV, Oct. 17. Follx Diss, In a statement published hcie dsclaros that he started the revolu tion at tha request of the "best ele ment In the army." fJeoeral Kugsaolls, tha federal com mander In Yucatan, favors Diss. Congress Is considering a demand that the cabinet resign. Th mem bers of th cabinet are charged with grafting million of dollars. FOOTBALL RALLY IS HELD TODAY HIGH HCHOOL HTUDENTH UK I hV THUBIAHTIO OVKR.TIin OCT. LOOK KOH HPOItT TKAM CAP TAIN MAKK8 A TALK The Junior-Freshmen boys had an enthusiastic rally this noon for th purpose of creating more Interest In football. Captain I'ell made It plain that th boys musCget la and prac tice In order to have a winning team. The meeting had result, aad this af ternoon a full team was oa tha ground with plenty of subs, to buck line. The football games will probably be held th Id, 9th and 16th of next month. The taama are fairly matched aad a series of good gamee coming. ' will be forth- DEMOCRATS HI KET IN THE COUITHOUSF POLLOWKRH OF WILSON AND MARHHAI.L WILL HOLD FORTH IN THK COURT HOUSE DIP. KKRKNCK OK OPINION KXISTft Th tint political meeting of tho campaign will be bald by the demo crat tonight In th court house. There Is a difference of opinion among the local followers of Wilson and Marshall u to th wisdom of conducting an old-fashioned cam alfa. Many ar of tho opinion that or good will be accomplished by remaining silent. L. B. Dawson Is la th city today from hla ranch near Lost River, WOOD DEALERS STAY IN NORTH CHARGE AGAINST RH1KR AND AN DKRSON WILL PHOnARLY lit DROPPED THKV HAVK MADK GOOD A MORTGAGK Attorney C. F. Stone returned tv the city laat night from Westminster, B. C, where he has been acting in the Interest of creditors of Brier A Anderson, who were charged with taking mortgaged property out of th state. It U probable that th men will not be brought back here to face a trial. They hav mad good the' amount of the mortgage, nnd, as th cost of ex tradition would be great, th crim inal charge will be dropped. Th boy of th higher gradea Iu the Riverside school have organltct a football team, with Graham Kiehl as captain. They are doing daily prac tice, and expect to play the team from the Central school in the near future. There I quite a rivalry between the boys of the two schools, aad the con templated game la looked forward o with great Intereat. T" JUDGE GRAVES' SON MARRIED CEREMONY TAKES PLACE IN CRE8CKNT AT THE HOME OF THE BRIDE'S PARENTS ONLY RKLATIVBS ATTEND The La Pin Intermouatala's note from Crescent contain th following account of th marriage of th son of Judge and Mrs. Orav ot.tbla city: Th marriage of Charles Qravea Jr. to miss k. iren Tyler oecurred oa Wednesday ynlng, October S, at t:IO, Judge B). O. Raark aerfermlaa th ceremony la hla usual Impreeslv manner. Tho present wer mew bers of th Tyler JamHy aad My. and Mrs. Joa. L. Rlngo. Mrs. Ulan la a sister of th groom. Immediately af ter th ceremony light, refreshment. wer served. - liMItjMPl If lima The furniture from th Baldwin ho tel la being moved today Into th ad dition recently epmpleted to Hotel Hall, oa the corner of Fearth aad Mala streets. yf FREAK DANCES TO DEJARRED THE CHARTER COMMMMHON AP- PROVES OF SONS CHAN4MM SUGGESTED BY CtTIIKNB SA LOONS ARE AFFHOTHB At a meeting of th charter mission held last alght It waa decided to chang the portion of th charter pertaining to th graattag of saloon licenses. It Waa ffrst proposed to al low a license to hotel having tfty rooms or more. Saloon men protested agalaat th hotel feature, and th argument they presented met with th approval t the commission. At a meeting to he held 1st this attwraooa th ehsagei will be formally voted aad the aw charter will thaa be turned over to attorneys for th purpose f sansTir Ing any legal dsreeto waJa may oaset- Th cemmleatoa aaa dsialsd) to say body In th eharUr a vratna ' will eaabl th pollee to regwtoto lie dancing. The Portiasdj rsTuattoa prohibiting such daasss as the "Tar-, key Trot," th "Teaas Twamy! aai, th "A'aglo Worai; doaea. Xi' $ k u.