', mvppmmu MV THK UNITKU PRKM NMWM IHHVIVN 3fte ftifmtto Hefalft. ! i ? 1-J evknim mmiTi PIIINT THK RBWS. NOT Hrtrnlli Vrar ,u. I.M KLAMATH PALLS. OHHOOM, WKIINKMDAY, OCTOBKIl 1J, llil Prion, WH OmM World's Baseball Championship is Won by Boston In Hospital Bed, the Colonel Wants to Discuss Politics THE SCORE ' Ran Hit New York 2 9 Boston ! THE PITCHERS THE EARNINGS Irrori j 2 For New York Mathewson Total attendance series 252,032 8 4 i For Boston ; Bedient, Wood ! Total receipts of series $490,830 Each Boston Player Will Receive $4029.00 Doctors have Trouble with Famous Patient Colonel Objects to the Simple Lite o Neceuwj to his Well Being. King George Sends Message UMPQUA INDIAN IMRS. TUBBS WHS CARPENTER TURNS ISnodgrass is Given the Will BATTLE EARLY SETTLED BANDIT TO EARN Credit for N. Y. Losing FOR HIS LIFE IIKIMKIN KKTAI.NH ATTORNK.HJ TO MAKK IIKFKNHK WIDOW OF MAN WHO POUNDKD ijnkvuxk vbhts raw cm .IN TaTJC QCMT OP MKR MIHTt.lt. ! MBA V. K. BOYD FAMILY SOPPORTIGI"t,ntfl,d1e1"Db - ' ; Chance and Man is Advanced. Famous Pitcher Goes Up lATTKMPT TO ROB KTRKKT CAR TIUNBOUTBAD ' I'allol I'r.es Service CIIICAOO, Oct. 14. A imlUMn la sted t I 30 from Mu; lioiial s)i: "Colour! Ilooettelt .wise ha teej o tod temperature l.g througUuift Ite morning. HI bralliltm U easier Md hl general condition nxerllent. STUDENTS WILL WORK FOR PRIZES , I Mr. and lira. Klleworth Tubba ur JYreka are la the city, vleltleg Mrs.' MroMMional Ifrvrlopeaenta Ait Antk-l-'Tttbba' slater, Mrs. P. KBoyd. palnl la (lie Kveat of Ihr Ca- On' - Tubba waa oat of the pioneers i i . . ... .. iof ,hl '' 8n WM formsrly the ' i..f ... TrUI-Mbrr Indian May lwf, of 0orw NurM wl0 pUttd ,h II Iropllraled la the Mauler Prank Jack, aa Indian Vrvta ilia lleeervatloa Wonld-lle Hold-Up la KUlrd by the Motoraaaa aad la Later IdeatMrd aa a Carpenter of Berkeley He !n Marvived by a Wife aad Three Chil dren) Midnight. Waa Hmt of the ay M? FateiM 1'iUUd I'rru Hart lea MII.WAUKKK, Oct. I! After lij SLal-aU of tit bulltla In the rtinlver , sii4 by Schrank. chemist. if.Ute tlm ' bullets were not poisoned. UTKRKMTIMJ TALK AKK.MADK, HV TKACHKK AND PHOMIKKXTl CtTIXKKM HUUAHDINU I.YrKUM .Jck COVHMK of town of UnkvllU., row Klaaialb Valla. In 1187 Mr. Nuraa MUM kara. B- curiae a pe-mK fraavUM covaraaiaatt - -- lav'tkatyaar ka oparata-A farry acroaa Charged with tka asardar of Prunk Urt Hirer. Drrtas the auamer lam ' OAKLAND, Oct. 1 A bandit heM j . . .. ' I bar waa raftad dna-n lha rlvar Inra'im irfikt it. wj! UDtaowain uaipqua wa r.-" . - .7 7 .... -. ..- .. ... -..- . Ifarff Klaaiatli ann tti ttlAaAv kull !i.iif..i ft... Mammmm. it... i r.l..l h.h Jn.IlM nr.v... I.l..' .., ... -.. . .,,. , auwlvu ,,..,, , HETCH HETCHV TRIAL COMING UP lac vaa aractad on a roekv Dolnt naar ti.i. Hnmina k MantiiiH "Ihli all.rnooB. and waa bouad ovar to,b rtTer btBk and Mm itreet Rdward Walaa of Barkalar. GOVEXXMKKT'TOIX OOR THK CITY AN OPtXMnVHTTV TO KX PtiAI.V ALL ABOUT THE WATKR NVPPLV PROPOSITION were Srhraak la Maaa L'kllwl I'rra Uarvica MII.WAUKKi:. Oct. !. Ulilrlcl Atlornr Zbl In an Interview toJur atld: "Bchrank ! Ucally sane. He rrU Ur thai bo committed an lllrgal act. k Jlulljr ha hat a tllght aberration ll- will (tt a fair aad Impartial trial.4 richrink U persaltted to clrctjate lib thi othvr prlaoaera and dlacuan kU cite. Horn very Interratlna lalki Iran In tbo lllfti Hchool Auditorium this morning by Iter. Htubblefleld. Captain Apptcgate and frofruor Dun bar In regard to the Lyceum courn which baa been lecurod for thla year Tlckrtt will be glrrn to tbo tudeuli who will try for the prlic on Prldnr attornoon, the grand Jury, Mr. Nuraa opened a autler'a atore In Kreaee A Oroeebeck ham been re-'nl atrncture. The trade at flret wim Uall-Uii fitted I'raaa lUrrlr CIIICAdO, Oct. U. The follow. In bulletin waa Utued at :t0 thla ernlng: "Colonel Itooaarelt had k good liht. Ilia putae aid temperature u normal. Ilia general condition ricallrnt. signed: Murphy, lie Taut ami Terrlll." Waau 10 Talk FoNtka UnlliJ r.H garrtM CIIICAQO, Oct. !, Tb. apeady rry of Itoosarelt la predicted un- unforaoeu compllratloaa occur to r and tomorrow. He will probably the hoapltal In tea day. JTho Colonel ate a kaarty kreakfaal. U'oqtinued oa Page ) r BROWN CLAIMS HIS INNCENCE 'M'MN AHHHarTKD HV HHKRIPP I'LAIMH THAT THK PROPKRTV "K IH ACXICHRD OP HTKALINO I4HIHOVVN eeUBBBBBB Cbaried with ateallag a aaddla and "nkot, Joe Brown, aa ladlas, wa MTMUd this afteraoos by Deputy "llt John Bchalloek, acting on nd Ticea from the Udlan reaarratlou. 'on was allowed hU liberty on hi. n racogaliMea. -,fcWo,d, Brawn, tbo property 1.. . Th,ch ht ' with steal "lUhlaown. HaeUlMtbathebad " iroubto with a Muaw on tbe red nation, and hla arrest la tka result. Hutbajula fllre Tip. 'lalted I'reat aervlc VIKNNA. Oct. !. Information given the police by angry huabanda led to the raid of a feminine gambling house and tbe capture of nine wires who were rlaklng thtlr houaekeeplng money at poker. MerrUI Couple to Wed A marriage llcenae was laaued thU afternoon to William W. Smith end Viae Pannle Walaon. both of Merrill. Tbey will be married at S o'clock thla afternoon by Juatlce Qrares. W. K, Upton, who has been ployed In tbe Hall drill, left morning for Ban Praaclaco. em this Ulned by the dsfendant. Tbey An nounced this afternoon that tbey would Inaiat on tbe state producing evidence to show a case. It la Intimated that there will b aome sensational dertlopmenta In tho went of Chenoweth being held for. trial. Inaamueh u It will be howit' that there are othera Implicated In tho murder. ' Chenoweth la an Umpo.ua Indian, (BOOKH while Prank Jack waa of the Klam ath reaerratlon. On thla account there la soma bltteraeaa. The murder waa committed on the "white" side of Wood Rlrer, so that! It must be tried In tbe state courts In atead of the federal courts. moitly with the Indians. He waa a carpenter by trade, and'!'0" Pns ertlce 1 has a wife and three children. WASHINGTON, D, THREE DAYS TO RE6ISTER LEFT 1 WILL CLOAK HATURDAt MflHT OOl'NTY CANDIDATES I ARK ACTIVK IN INDVCINf. VOr-l KRH TO gtlALIPV Mrs. CanrcfcJII Leaves Mrs. Lola Churchill, who baa been .conducting the Hall drill, gave up 'her leaae last night, and today the i,IMC ftfMtvv , vwui iftfv,Mw w mu lager Hall of the Hotel Hall. Mrs. Churchill left this morning for Portland. C, Oet. 16. I The department or the Interior an nounced today that a final hearing of the Hetch Hetcby water proposi tion would occur November 25th, at which tlmo San Franclaco will be giv en an opportunity to show cause why their present permit should remain In force. Ureal Pasm InSssa atail 4) Interest In tho laal irtme ( e the worMa eaampionahlp aarlaa wwat farar MM ka Klamath PaMs todays Tka Ha-nM'a baHa- -sfca kaggstwnat asirratoarny"tn eager crowd of fane ta suck aa astent aa to Week the sMswalk, 4) d and Chief of PoMen SeaRh r- 4 dared the hoard raasored to a d( e DOlat aa Paurtk atraat. arkara av " , the faaa eagerly awaMed raturna. ' Wbtn t waa a'aaen nasi that ' Boston had wan there wja n 4)' great about, ladleatlnc lha: tka . baan-eatara have nwnr follow era here. d ) Mtdwlfa Honored United Press Service LONDON, Oct. !. "8bo brought Into this world three thousand Uvea," reads the epitaph on the gravestone of Margsrst llawtree, a midwife who died In 1734, which has Just been dis covered In 8t. Paul's churcryard, iDaptford, GRAND JURY TO BE VERY SECRET HKATI.K I'KOPLK ARK WONDKH- IN(J HKAHON IN'QUWITOIUAL BODY IH TO UK CALI.KD TO. UKTHKKATTIIIHTIMK United Press BerUre 8HATTLK, Oct. 1. The greateat uoaathle secrecy Is still being main tained with regard to the special grand Jury, which was convensd In the Unltsd States court here on Satur day. Tbe Jury will not be In session for mora than (our or five days, Judge Howard Intimated. What tkslr Inves tigation Is about Is enilrsty a matter of speculation. The marshal's offlce Intfmated that the same secrecy will be maintained until all those Indicted will hsve been' arrested, aad that this may corsr n period of thirty days, PostoHee em ployes wore tha only ones ao far ex- amtnad. Alex Davis haa rsturned from Texas and Mexico, where he haa been for some time buying cattle. Hut three days remsln before tLv closing of the registration books. To day the registration waa heavy, and It M-II. la expected that the rush will be kept MXK up until Saturday evening, when tho I last opportunity will be afforded. The candidates for the different1 county ofdcea have been actlvo In In duclng registration, and the county' ...... h ftj..a& has ft.&A. . aA.AAl .laa. WUn HWHK HM U1W " HIVIBI UHJ1 the headquarters for aspirants for oSUe., It la expected thst Immediately af ter the registration hooka are closed the candidates will start on the cam paign with a renewed vigor. SINGER HAS A 6RANDDAUGHTER NIGHT LETTERS REACH WIRELESS 8CHUMANN-HK1NKK. PA- MttMAQBB WILL NOW BK RKCK1V- MOVB OPKRAT1C STAR, HKARHl mi FOR TRANSMISSION ACROfM OPADAVOHTKRBORNTOHKRl WATKK AT CORRKSPONDINf! DAl'QHTKR-IN-LAW mW RATK TO TKLKGRAPH United Prow Bartee j IiOBTON. Oct. 1 e. The aHea denes I for the entire aeries of the ltll jworld's championship gnmea was ,151.012. The total reeelpu wore ssso.sio. Men of uw Beaton play era will receive f 4,tM). ' Tbe credit for leetaf tho gsvsae for New York la given to Bnedgraaa whan he muffed an esay ly anil ka the tenth Inning. Mathewson pitched 1 hla greatest game. It waa a heart-breaklnt battle or tbo Old Master, who stood through a game with uncertain support ai only a marvel of heart, brain aad ana could. The tnlsh was tbe moat dramatic ever ataged. SAN DIBOO, Calif., Oct. Id. The 1 tjuUva Preaa P-rviw flrat granddaughter born In America AVALON. Calif., Oct. !. The to Mm. Schumann-Helnke, the fa- ., . , . ,.,, .i .i .j.w .. tkl night letter" system has reached uiuim n(vi iw m IH, Clrosamont home of Mr. and Mrs Hans Hetnke. born abroad. She has several othera Biilgarians Get Angry and are United in Declaring War Fighting is Going on in the Balkans. Turkey's Frontier is Harassee by the Three Nations Who Don't Approve of the Rule of the Sultan the wireless telegraph. Effective to day, night lettera of fifty worda tor S5 cents will be bandied on the Mar coni wireless .between Araloa aad l.oa Angeles. Ily WHeoa 1 BOSTON. Oct. 16. After.pltealag nine Inning of 'perfect ball In the final game of tbe world'a champion ship aeries, Mathewson loot hla grig In the tenth Inning, and tha Red So brought home the bacon to tha tuns of to a. It waa aa much a battle of brains on ' iCintianod on Pag 4) rr""" Bulgaria to Fight 4 United Press Ssrrlea 80PIA, Oct. 16. Bulgarlaa declaration of war against Tur- key was publUbsd this attar- noon. 4)4)04)44)4)i Fighting Reported Unltsd Press Service VIENNA, Oct. 14 Turks and Greeks are fighting along tha fron tier. Turkey's mlnlatara have left Qraece, Bulgaria end Serrie without asking for transports. Turkish warships are. being held readiness to sail at short notice. Warehife fteadr CONSTANTINOPLE, Oct. Ultlsnat Brafted in lied Press Semes BBLQRADE, Oct. 14. Bulgaria, .Bervla and Qreese are drafting an ultimatum. Unless tho sultan yields, 16, (war will be declared Immediately. NAT GOODWIN . A DEFENDANT BAN DIBOO REAL ESTATB DKAI KR CHARGKH THAT FAMOUH ACTOR MASK LOVK TO HIS WIFR AND WON BQHl LOVK .-L United Press larvteo 8AM DIBOO, CaUf., Oet. 14. Nut Goodwin, the aetor haa been mndo defendant In n suit for 118,000 start ed by Charloa Doughty. local real aatate dealer. Tho charge la aliens- v Mrs. Doughty was an actress. Her stsge namfxWaa Margaret 'Morelsad H. S.QRCHESTRA IS PRACTISING BKVKKAL NKW PIBCKil OM MVCdC HAVK HKKN BBCURW AN PROPKHslOR WTI IB PLKA8BD The High School Orchestra had a ' very suecsssful praeUee Mat svanlngut at which several new plssss of nuwet r were tried out. ProfeM.r W4Mg'l4 very optimistic over tho prssisets. Mo stated thla morning that tho" bom) fv , were progressing nieeiy. it n pected that the orchestra will take an Important part In all sihssl ftiastloaa thla year. - " ' W"-' ti -'" X