ij mm avrrMM) mr tmk nam NMWM SRHV1CM f be f brnina Kefald. icvcxixa I'llINT TWI.NBWB, NOV id I 1 mmin Veer .v it' KLAMATH FALLS. OWSGON, TL'NNDAY, OCTOUKH 1A, IIMJ TakHowitzer to Kill Mooser, Says Teddy Assassin's Bullet Enters the MONTFNFfiRiiiS Chest Wall of Ex-President NOT OPPOSED iCAPTURK IV iHMMin wv! I m " A A 4V a . I "- . ) IMmilHCriUl OI a IlPrn in KrAOOt DstiLrzil wiu, uK one ov;thk nniT Breaks Force of Lead, But Physicians Worried Over Patient's Condtion President Taft Sends Message of Sympathy Colonel Ii Propped Up In Bed Read ing His Favorite Authon. Relative of McKlnley Telli of Battle Uncle Waged CARETAKER IS NEEOEDBYCITY OOU.MIL WILL KMPLOY A MAN TO I MKK OUT FOR THK FIRK DK I'AIITMK.NT KgUIPMKNT Wt- MKN AIIN THANKKI) HKJ VIGTORIMS IN THK WAR KLAVH AKK NOW WAOINO ' CBTTINJK. Oct. U. Th Moat-' jottrln army begaa the advance laguinst Scutari. Thar pas ao-oppo- anion. New Yorkers may Yet Win in Race for the Championship Terrific Pounding is Handed to the Wonder ful Youth from up Boston Way by the Followers of the Pioneer McGraw lajarj Hertea i Press turtle 0) StCAQO, Oct. 16. At I: ! biArooo lb surgeon fa' 0 bUd statement. wit's temperature u ) tULsal" Si. and rsaplrattoa WML AttUte qaUt U wtMMry." )aawttatnt far. "Tha la. 'hrf) serious, and U not a mar liatvosid." ftt0)o)c) lleada UaJU A rW Pre Service IILWAUKKK. Oct. lSJnh. k Pluded guilty, and waa 11.900 bonds la mu. JbkeJ eoart. convening Decern- A "0O , I'' OMration UmlMmm livwj, Ot. IB u ... daeida.1 t-i!?nU on Colnl Rooeevelt FMHMt four nr H 4. n.- '"PeduplnbsdreadiBg. "emlly Ka Ram. WORK Oft. I6.-Mri. Room-r- Ethel and ThuilaM i. l afternoon Cor Chicago. r, ui. l THK CRUISER MAT- " lfelesa), Oct. 15. "J"1 wnt a meeaage of aym- jgwuamd on Paa "" . A motion to laatruct th city at turner to prepare ac ordinance or a resolution proTldlni for tb employ ment of a man to hare charge of the fire department equipment waa car ried at the meeting or the city council Uit nlgbt. It did not appear to tliu conieaiui ot opinion lb oitlro of cblet of Ore departs ttUbtlahed, but It Waa coi tbat a aalarled man ibould charge of tb caring for the boa other equipment A resolution aaklag the eUjr i ell to take charge of tweaty garbage 'cane recently placed on th trta by uajiuitv mtiv luvvnuvv luth Woman' Citric Uagu waa adopt ed by the council and a tot of thaaka irTHOMll.V KNDORHKI FORCI-(t0 the women waa extended. Rt.K HKNOLVTIONM ARK ADOPT-1 Complalnta tbat atray bone bat boon doing damage on the outaklrta I of the city were received. Th city .attorney advised the council tbat the LA (1HANUK. Ore., Oct. IS. In- law did not dlatlnguUb between doraement of the to-called mslorltv ,,or,M omMi "be country and .m.n.i . . h. no, '" " city, hut all are ' (amenable to the lame Ian GRANGE DEFINES STAND TO TAKE reopl paaelag wUhta) block of ihn county jail at aooa t4ay wr on tfilalned by lb alaglac at oa of the! trlonera, who look advaatag of Hi' opportualty oVarad by th abaeaco of. Jailer John Seaaltoek to indalgf In alr-aplliilag recreation. PRIZES OFFERED SCHOOL PUPILS A marriage tleeaae waa; Uaued thU morning to C. K. Haatmoad and MImImkKTINO OF THK Sarah Fltaher. Mr. Haaamoad la pioyg by Will Daaeaa In Laagall Valley. Ml Plaar. wboMHla yaare of ag, llra la Bona TJ LYCKUM BIT- V M HKLD IN TMK CIRCUIT RT ROOM FAl'OaT TO Al'- cxntMrmcRM COUI ( i laeetlBg of the Klamath Lyceum I an waa bald la th circuit court! (room laet night, and plan war for-1 ImuUUd for tb eaUrtaiaateaU plan- aed for the coming wlator. la order to atlmulat intereat ot --,-Jta papUa of th city ackoola. It waa ' Haavaaaaaak m. n aaaM aaeaaaaai i aa ata at M". MS Batting Averages are Fattened by the Game Two Home Runt, One by Each Tea are Made During the Seven th Contett. Tomor rows Game to ' be in Boaton MUST REGISTER KD HV THK FAItMKIW WIS NOW MUCH IMPROVED fAl THK HIQH SOMOOL A HLIOHT OPERA. '"KHHKVKHALDAVgOl- lM 9 'ht, principal of the ui.i. S"" alight oparallou u atatad tbU af. "liiti .!...""" i. " " " J" "I, but It waa not until it.i. 'Hi it wa, daamad batt to voted on at Hie November election. waa given by the' lllue Mountain Orange No. 346, at lla laal rurctliu. The grange unanimously adopted a' resolution, In which It held that th present axceeatve ue of the Initiative la Ita wont nmy, and exproaaed thol belief tbat a remedy Ilea In the pro-' poeed meaaur, making neceaaary a majority vote of all elector at any electloa to change the conttltutlon. Tha resolution adopted by the grange follow t Whereaa, lllue Mountain Orange baa been and I friendly to tha Ini tiative and referendum; and elnro It la tb aeni of Ihl grange that the present exceealv ma of the Initiative ta Ita wont enemy there are now be fore tb people of Oregon certain proposed constitutional amendments that threaten with calamity tha busl- i laws. ODD FELLOWS WILL CONVENE yalted-piaaawjfima "-' l Oct. II Tk a mltta 'tb borau and foar athera to a ap- Bring ipointed by the president. The electloa of tha fnllowlav nm.i yor Nicholas-,,, WM cenflrmd: W. K. Fauthi.l at I aa ..,. a man With . .5ffgxam5ffgxam5Kl. - "' 'SPJff wius .nrnlillllt: M. D. Caere. Im proteat proaaalirio lb council by dMt. R u EnU)tt nUry Councilman Doty. It waa alga by I aeven member of th city council. and follew: 'Klamath Fall. Or., Oct. 14, lai "To tha Hoaorabl Mayor ot the City of Klamath Fall, Or- prrsl- aUUXDAT, BK TMK LAW OFrOMWINltl ' KKOMTKK gea: (Continued on Pag 4) RX1ULAR WF.KKLY MKKTINOH WILL BK HKLO PROM TMM TIMK FORTH IN8TKAD OF TWO TIMKil A MONTH Tb meeting night of Kncampmant No. 4S, I. O. O. F baa been changed from th second and fourth Thurs day to vry Tuesday night. Th chang atari tbla evening with a meeting, and all candidate who aro entitled to receive the Patriarchal de gree will take nolle and be oa band. The meeting will start at 7: JO sharp. IS JB:; SB ar. Local Men Locate a Group of Gold Claims L G Van Beilum and L A. Reynolds Return From a Projecting Trip to New Camp. Near Lakeview L. 0. Van llullan and U. A. Rey nolds returned laat Bight from the new gold camp of High Orade, Tha boya hava been in th camp for sev eral weeks, and were fortunate la lo cating a number of valuable claims near the rich Ruaihtae mine. They report that experienced min ing man ar agreed that with proper development High Orade will be tha nut sensational gold camp of America. Bx. Dawson, vice president of th Sunahlno High Orade Mining compa ny, who went over to the camp Bun day morning, returned this afternoon. Mr, Dawson say two very rich ttrlkea were made In tha Sunshine last week, and that all of the leasers oa the Sunshine properties are work ing In ore. The Sunshine people ara planning extensive development for thla winter. A shaft will ba sunk 100 feet oa the rich vela. It la the opln- "We, th aadralgaed, coua cllma of tha City of Klaauth Fall, Oregon, hereby denounce the action ot Cblet of Police Smith aad Patrolmen Hall aad Oreeawood, la their attack upon R. Vance Hutcblns, Wedneaday, October 0, aad w respectfully requeat tbat you tab aom ac tion In tb matter. Respectfully, "M. R. DOTY, "BEN a OWENS, C. H. UNDERWOOD, "CHARLES McOOWAN. "J. H. HAMILTON, "FRANK D. MILKS." Notice waa given by Councilman Doty that he would bring the mat ter up again at the meeting nest Mon day and would take action regardleea of the mayor. Aatlclpatlag aome action aa a re sult of the tght between OHeer Hall aad R. Vance Hutchlas, a newspaper reporter, there waa a crowd of later acted spectators at the meetlag laat night, aad the spectator were not dUapolaUd. Th mayor took advaat age of the opportualty to hurl back at Mr. Doty tha fact that a clique la the couaell haa repeatedly handicap. pad Ua mayor. "I have kaowa all along that tbla council la opposed to me." declared the mayor. "I hava been advlaed that the council waa going to 'get' ma aad put Crlsler la aa mayor." Mr. Doty reseated the mayor'a Im putation aad laalsted that th council had been bh!d th mayor la every-thing. Mr. Hutchlas, who waa reported to have auttalaed a fractured akull, waa present la his capacity ot reporter. Aside from a alight discoloration un der one aye, he doe not appear to have suffered to any extent from hie receat eaeouater with the omeer. The light eommltt reported favor ably mat sight oa the requeat for street llgata oa tha corner of Jebaoa 'aad Oaaby etmta, armor of Slith and JOHNSON DUYS OUNCH SHEEP 'FRISCO MAN BGCURKH BAND OF J MM LAMBS FROM DAVF KD ' LKR, THK LAKE COUNTY UHI.KP ' KINO. Because the laat day permitted by (iLe sUte law wlthla which tin to regtater to vote at the fortheotuluu election fall on Sunday, the lat op portunity offered U register wttl be I next Saturday, according to C'cunly Clerk De Lap. The clerk In tha oBo ot th c mo iv clerk ar kept actively engaged now registering voten, aad It la aa pected that th vote la this eoaaty will be far greater than avr-befor. Who Stahl wtu pejt k mm I J. O. Johnson, a" Baa Francisco aheap buyer, la la tha city to receive 1,000 bead of lambs recently bought from Dave Edler of Lake couaty. The sheep will begin to arrive In this city late today or tomorrow la bunches of 1,000, aad will be shpped from Klamath Fall. "Ham" Hamilton, who waa arrett ed yesterday oa a charge of Illegally selling liquor, haa been retraced on hU owa recogalaaaca by Jadgj j,av lit. H will be given a hearing In t!-e pollc court Thursday morning ct 9 o'clock. POSITION WANTED Young stenographer desire position quire Saddle Rock Restaurant. 15-6t15-3t lady En- At tha court house, Thursday even- lag, October 17th, to orgaalt a Wlt-soa-Marahall campaign club. Every body welcome. Ladlea especially In vited. "Let'i Win With Wllsoa." W. A. DELZELL. WM. WAQNER. R. W. QROMSBECK. Ion of Mr. Dawcoa that the deep shaft will disclose extensive bodice of IPIae, aad oa SUth atreet up to aad la- boaaaia rock. leludlag Jafaraaa atraat. Citizen Urges a Plan to Help Those in Need Bureau of Investigation to Work in Conjunction With a Municipal Committee. Deemed Allright Editor Herald: Up to the preeeat there have been few subjects ot charity In Klamath Fall, but ta view of additional pop ulation aad more settled conditions an orgaaliatloa should he formed to take upon Itaelf tha relief of the poor la thla etty durlag the coming aad succeeding wlatara. It la a dim cult thing to give Juit what la needed aad at tha proper time aad la the proper amount, aa la realised by weal thy benefactor who employ experta ta study th claims upoa their bouu- ty. Instead ot charitable relict being baphaaaard aad uaayatcmatic, why not let nil our charitably lacllaed ci(- ueaa aad churches unite la forming a relict bureau or board havlag the usual oflcero. board of dlrectorc aad lavaatlgatlag committee. Amy case aeedlng relief could ba referred or re ported to the bureau aad laveetlgeted by the committee, aad Pfjwcr relief awarded. Aa Itcmwed retort of tha work would be made at stated later- vale. Contribution could be la the MOmtiaueiSon rlgl )- '-'- " tomorrow to eabdae tha.Oiaa I the perplexing qaetUem. Thacw e ara thoa who llva that ) ! "Smoky" Jo Wood wttl bo aivem another opportunity, but thla la doubtful. e Mathewaoa Is slated to pitch for Ner York, at meet la th opinion of tha fan, bat K I pea. e alble that McOraw saay have a surprise In ater. United Pree Service BOSTON, Oct IS. "Smoky" Jot Wood waa put out of commkwtoa la tb flnt frame of the aeveath 'gam af the world' champloaahlp eerie play ed here today, aad tha National Uagu team aow haa aa ovea. break for th buatlag. Tho laat aad decld- lag bun wlU be playd tomorrow. Mugay McOraw' youagster loaded nn Up Boston Idol thla afteraooa far a total of eight blnglea la tha Srat Inning, and scored six ruas, glvlag a lead which U beaa atera wr ua abU to overeeme. The game waa a veritable awatfert, lth vrybody fattealag up battlag veragee. Wood waa taken out after one taw ing aad Hall eubatUated. Ho permit ted the Olaata to saaea Iv raa. but ht dUtlaguwhad hlmaatt aa ta bat ting pltchwr ot tha series, with a total of three hits, oa ot which wae (or n extra base. The batterlea at the start war Wood aad Cady for Bostoa and Tee reau aad Myr for New York. First UaJag Devor singled. Doyl followed with a single and they worked n dou ble steal. Snodgrasa doubled, ear lag Devore aad Doyl. Murray aacrt Iced. Mcrkle alagled. scoring Saed graa. Hersog singled 'aad Mark) waa run down. Meyer alagled, eeor Ing Hersog. Fletcher alagled. Tea- reau alagled, Meyers seorlag. rieteh- er scored oa a throw, but Tearcau waa put out at ooad. Mi raa. Hooper faaaad. Yerkea draw a Speaker tied oat. Lawk oat. No runs. neceaa Hall replaced Wood; and stole second. Deyle wanted, ;, V ' lOaattaaaTcm rat l" a : v .i V I v ; t'i. .o i ' -1