The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 14, 1912, Image 2

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, 1- . ll
The Majestic
bmW," ,
Qem Drama.
Champion' Drama.
TM JrTDTWMm m Nflst
"te BeHe of Bar E Ranch,"
Nestor.freetern Comedy
kteltaee eAek ckaage day.
Preorssn tbaaaea alond'v. Wed
47, Friday1. Saturday and Sunday,
Ttoc Temple Thedtre
Tk Heart of RuneraMft."
Vltagraph drama.
"MoeoUght Trail,"
Esanay Western
"The Tyrolean,"
C. 0. P. C. comedy.
The MaMioratW of Yoath,"
Lubla drama.
Yen'H kw seta aar aWsww oemr
hoes. PHcea raago flwaa IBM at
T50, on ay tereao. Ye TeeA Isaee
to wait far davatoaaaaM. Ifee arc
goes) right new. N atea Bam aa afeaw
yow some geed flaw teat on tke kJU.
Howeea u4hMWd parte at the
aft? MVaaaaaakW
tertaa. If yea are I
U4s M Mfce ievanow joa Uia ? allay.
.Vest lo Amort ean Bletol. rkaaw Ml
W. O. thtlTH.
PubUaked dally accept taaday ay Um
HaraU Pakllehlag Oeepay 1
Klamath Valla, at 111 Tmutk M.
Catered at tho poetoace at Klamath
FeJta, Oracoa. (or transmission
through tha main aa second-class
Kasilga Wgwam
Wodoesoay aa Sets Era
afdmmmm1aUJAmV a !! fllrnfilT
wwvn Wai wnsnaifWAvn r
Business Directory I
Ma PSmmr ef uk Cftr. Tw m I
I a
Tniaaa, tiriac atKTaxiT ktua r
rritaB. !
nik. ahlMlu aa4 haaklu Mlat:
ale cimnil Dttfccisrr. ! tr I
B. I.
Oar Buataeea la Qoodt
Our Customers aro Ooedl
Because out
are Good
A complimentary ordar will
convince yau.
Youra, anxious to plaaaa.
Moiarck Grocery
Try a eaaief ear
' Nee Battar.
rtiaaa INI
Wood to Bum
Call or phone to
Paone 117.
Wood Wood
SablM ?X.m J2.HC4
u uitt UCi
' I'm tmiUijwHi
4hMm I2ii
Leave ordcrd at
JK. Traiiffer Co.
Mmi car. aaad Mate
P. C. Carfson,
A faaay knjtf of aaadad ral-
laa dlsaad iaikocolaU. Soaa-
aat toe awaat.
agalar mVU lOe a poind; ea
alrBW at Ma a aoaad
l darMatoSt.
Why d ram kajr
If yea ato aat
kaat at Um rtoht ptita yaai am
Van Riper Bros.
Pheae B$t
Just on
the Matket
Plva-room bouM la Hlllatda;
new; modern hi erery way; full
baaement., $1,500; tartna.
Lot SIHallO, career Sac
oad aod Waablsgtoa; good
lawn. Price f 760; term.
Lot G5H04, on Tblrd street,
between Wacblaftoa and Jaff
ereon. 700; term.
431 Kilff Strut
rfubtcrlptlon terma by mal to aay ad-
dreee In tba Ualtad autea:
One' year lo.OO
Oaa month .... , .50
MOXHAV, OCT. 14, tvlll
The following realty traaetere,
contract, deada, mortgagee, ate., re
cently tied wltk the county clerk,
era turalaked by the City and Couaty
Abstract cespaay:
Henry Offonbacher to Campbell A
Raamaa, deed. 110, tract No. 3G of
Midland tracts.
Ralph L. Carter to Oscar L. Carter
warranty deed. 1 10. WH CWH, NK
K SWU.Sec. 7; NKH Nfftt, dec
8. Q. Bryant to Ada M. ntddlngs.
warranty deed, 1100. lot 1, block SS.
Hot Springs addition.
Robert W. Welsh to 11. II. Welsh,
warranty deed, lots 1 and I, blocl- .
P. M. Reldy to M. O. De Lap. war
ranty deed, 110, lot 14, block 13,
ralnrlew addition.
Marlon J. Baraea tq John 0.
Kchstlock, warranty deed, 1 10, lots
4, 6 and 6. block C5. East Klamsth
v vt was sun wwwwi m wMWtWm
(Continued from Pag 1)
article when be rella or licensee It, Is
InrolTed, and the court's decision Is
expected to throw new light on the
relations between patents and the big
manufacturing combines, and the ex
tent to which the tatter may go In
controlling trade by the power of
their patent grants. Lawyers for
the trust claim that Its right to con
trol Its patents should not be cur
tailed by application of the-antl-trust
The court will also take up a fam
ous murder case. Porter Charlton,
a young man of IS, who waa arrest
ed and locked up In a New Jersey
prison to answer to the charge of
murdering his wife at Lake Como,
Italy, two years ago, denies the right
of the United States to extradite him
to Italy for trial In the Italian courts.
His counsel will contend that under
the treaty relations between this
country and Italy there Is no war
rant In the law for returning him to
Italy. The case Is on appeal to the
highest court from the federal court
of New Jersey, which refuses to Issue
a writ of habeas corpus granting him
his liberty. -Charlton will soon know
whether he will be set free here or,
be forced to latum to Italy and stand ,
trial for murder.
Cases to be argued tomorrow In
clude tha controrersy between the
states of Wyoming and Colorado orer
tha diversion of tha waters of the
Laramie River; the contest over
Judge Archbald'a decision In the New
Orleans-Alabama rata cases, and the
Patten Indictment on a charge of at
tempting to corner the cotton market,
to which James A. Patten, the Chica
go speculator, demurred In the fed
eral courts of New York on the
ground that private ownership of
large quantities of cotton did not
constitute a violation of the 8berman
anti-trust law.
(from the Northwestern, October i
IS, lll)
Awaaeneu aooui a o cioc yes
terday morning, Samuel J. Fraw
ley, a clerk for the J -a Milling
company, between Main street aud
Klamath avenue, who lives In the
rear of that establishment tor the
express purpose of guarding Its
funds, saw two men climbing
through a window, beneath which
stands his bed.
One man was astraddle tho bed
and the other hnd his hend thrust
through the window when Mr.
Frawley awoke.
Waiting until the man had left
the bed and had his back turned
and was facing the door leading lo
tho Interior of tho store, Mr. Fraw
ley quietly slid out from under the
covers and grasped an axe, which
he has standing at the head of his
KrUUw Robber
With one swing ha felted the
robber, and, at the man was fall
ing, ho swung again. The man's
head seemed to be caved In, and
Mr. Frawley turned toward the
window, through which the other
robber waa crawling to the aid or
his pal.
He swung his tat and landed on
Mr. Frawley'a aoae. Rut tha blow
waa light and did not put the bat
tsr out, and ha awuag his axe once
mora and landed on the face ot the
tecond thief, knocking him out of
the window.
Tha man on tha floor, according
to the story related by Mr. Fraw
ley to tha Northwestern yesterdsy,
waa groaning and swearing. Turn
ing his attention to him once more
Mr. Frawley grabbed the man by
the feet and dragged him lo the
door, out ot tha door and Into the
yard In the rear of his room. He
then quietly re-entered his room
and again retired.
Oorn Rack to Bed
But not lo sleep. He lay awake
for about an hour and a half, so he
says, when the first robber Anally
managed to get lo his feet and
dragged himself off.
Mr. Frawley had a good look at
both robbers, and says ho could
identify tnera again.
Mr. Frawley did not report the
caso to the police department.
Asked why ho did not, Mr.
Frawley replied:
"Why should IT Had I done so
I more than likely would ha'e
been beaten over tha head for my
rains, and because I had glten
someone away.
"No, shan't report It to the to
lice, for It would do no good. They
.onldn't catch the robbers, any
way. I don't thlnkHhose two will
bother me any mora.
"But I do think that it tin lo
men are arrested tha thieve who
have been 'robbing Klamath Falls
business stores will have bren
About 11130 Friday evening,
Samuel J, Krnwley, euilo)cd In
n (rod store on Sixth street, rushed
Into C. K. Itlley's saloon ou Sixth
ntrct'1. Ills nose was bleeding and
he appeared to be In great excite
ment, He said that he had Just
hit a couple ot men over the head
with an axe.
A man nccompnultd Mr. Fraw
ley back to the feed store, ami
made an Investigation, which led
to the bollef that Mr. Frawley had
fallen out of bed In his sleep and
had struck his nose on the floor,
causing it lo bleed freely,
There Is no sate In the feed
tore. In lieu thereof, whalevet
funds are taken in during the day
nrt deposited In a cigar box.
"Frawley'a nightmare," Is the
way those who were In the sstooit
at the time characterise the affair
Frawley'a AMdavit
State ot Oregon,
County of Klamath.. .
I, Samuel J. Frawley, being first
duly sworn, do ssy that I am em
ployed In the 38 Milling coiffpn
ny's itoro on Sixth street. In the
city of Klamath Falls, ami was
so employed on October 10, II and
13, 1913. That a statement cred-'
Ited to me In the Northwestern a
follows, Is absolutely untrue.
"Why should 1? Hsd I done so
I more than llkel) would have been
beaten over the head for my pains,
and because I had given sumo one
'No, I shan't report It lo the po
lice, for It would do no good. They
couldn't catch the robbers any
way." KAMUKt. J. PilAWLKY.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me this 14 In dsy of October. A. I.
Notary Public for Oregon.
(From the Northwestern, October
13, 1911)
Ballard's saloon, at the corner
of Seventh and Main streets wss
entered about 3 o'clock yesterdsy
morning by two burglars and sev
eral bottles of liquor stolen.
The men gslned an entrsnee by
prying open a window on the Sev-
entn street side of the saloon, and
were at work when the porter ar
rived and frightened them away.
The porter gained a fairly good
look at the men, however, and ef
forts are now being made to ap
prehend them.
It Is believed that when the men
are captured. If they are. that the
robbers who have been burglaris
ing the business houses of Klam
ath Falls recently will have been
The men were at work enjoying
the fruits of their robbery In the
saloon when tho porter arrlvrd
about 3 o'clock yesterday morning.
Ha entered by a year door, and
as he did so the men made a break
for the front door and escaped.
So far as the owners aud em
ployes of the saloon are able to
ascertain, no one entered the placo
and no liquor has been mined.
"I did not see any robbers In
the saloon," said Richard Vlnlng,
the saloon porter. "I don't know
whether the place was robbed or
nearly naif a doxan casea to deter
mine tba scope of the Hepburn rate
taw In Its application to the question
of liability of railroads to shippers
for artlclea lost In transit. In a ault
originating In tha loas of household
goods ablppad In Oklahoma, the ques
tion of whether this law limits the
liability of tba railroads for such
articles lost In transit, will be ar
gued; In another case tha quastlon of
whether the Nabraaka state constltu
tlon or,the Hepburn law control the
contract limiting such liability, Is In
volved. The loss ot a horse shipped
from Iowa to Nabraaka precipitated
this issue. There Is also in dispute
the quastlon whether tba statute al
lows the express companies to limit
the liability Incurred from tba lost
of shipment. This Issue had IU
origin la (he shipment of a ring from
Ohio to Alabama. Tba ring waa lost.
Tba powers of the Interstate Com
merce Commission are to be further
delned In early decleion on cases
shortly to be argued. The commis
sion claims Jurisdiction over the Chi
cago Stock Yards railway. The rail
ways deny this right. Another ques
tion Involving the commission, to be
heard next week, Is whether tho com. ," of Pennsylvania are exerclsInK
HinipKiio control over from 90 to 9',
rer rent of the total output of sit
thruclte coal.
How far the slates may go In de
lermining the rates that railroad i
may charge for the transportation of
mission may compel Interstate rail
roads to grant connections with inter
urban electric railways. Certain of
the latter railways In the statu nf
Scheduled for early argument are Ohio are demanding this privilege.
A new construction of the pure
food law Is looked forward to In tho
determination of the status of frozen
eggs seised on the ground that thoy
were deleterious to health, and there
fore under the ban of the law. Tho
title of this case Is "Four Hundred
and Forty-Three Cans of Frozen Egg
Product vs. the United States."
The court will hear argument on
the question of what person is au
thorised under the New York state
employers' liability law to collect
damages In recovery for Injuries sus
tained. The validity of a Denver ordinance
authorising the construction of muni
cipal water works In that city Is also
to be tested.
Tbe court will hand down no opin
ions until a week from today when
It may make known IU determination
In a number of Important cases that
have been under advisement all summer.
The most Important of these Is tho
so called "Reading case," In whlc'i
the government seeks tbe dissolution
under tbe Sherman anti-trust law.
of the reported anthracite coal mp
nnpoly, charging that railroads In the
freight and passengers will be large
ly defined If the court makes public
noxt week in a doelslon In Iho Min
nesota, Tennessee, Oregon and Ne
braska rate cases. Tho court will
nave to decide whether the states
may make laws .governing rates,
wnicn are declared by the railroads
to be confiscatory In their effect, and
heme unconstltutlonsl. The court's
decision In a largo measure will de
termine whether a decado of leglsla
Hon In Western and Southern states
aiming at reduction In railroad rates,
Is lo stand or fall.
Crater take company automobiles
are meeting all 8. P, trains at Chllo
quln. Round trip fare, Cklloquln to
Crater Lake, ,11,10.
e e
When advised by phone, automo
biles will meal lauaskaa at A.
Lauding, Reunl trip rate same aa
Automobiles from fat i .i. .-
Medford.'ajoaday and Thursday .
1B, !tr rot!d trip.
emomBmsawaiaaWwamaaBaWJi gagejaanmmrjmmagenmmi
utiBaTTKL7tgrBkj w ea isaaaal
Hk iAiivu,aVrr,WKAltY uT
la euro leuave a pl..,at ,,,
refreshing aloe for Ihoss who
Have, awaiting them at how.
that luxury which only a pron
erly appointed bathroom .u
give.. And modern sanitary
Plumbing baa plated them at
the disposal of rich and poor
alike, for few purses nowadays
are so limited aa not to be sbl
to afford what was a fsw ysr
ago an almost priceless lutury
If you desire lo know all aboat
what a moderate sum they ran
be Installed, call up OliKKi.Kr
A Clean Scalp And Healthy Hair
'luxuriant gruwti
dandruff, will r,
Many of your friends have found that a
hair soft and glossy sad a sculp free fryti
from lbs use of
This Is the procedure
Wash tbe hslr with warm eater and a pure soap rlu tiwr
oughlr rub the scalp with a stiff 'briuti apply lllrsutone rub It
In well snd dry the balr before et'mblag.
I'leaeo understaad that Hfvsuloae Is not merely a hslr Mb
it Is s tonic a food,
Willie ll IhoroaayMy rleaaara, II also prevents bac
terial actlow aourtstee anil atlmitlaUa the roots of the
hair removes all etaMlrw'l prevsejta Me retnni sxl
preaerfewthe aaiavil keasHy and rotor el the fialr.
Nyal'a Hlrswioae gbould be in your dressing table
II eelts at 0 'tenia sad II d the bottle.
U 2V JilS R W O O e
Illtlie iftoew IMI, KreleVftr rttoej' 4M.
Paasgra I'khed Vp a4 Bellverrri any I'Uir la Tm
JOIS MOORS Proprietor
IM).V J. 'I M WALT, PrrsMrMt. K. M. MUHll. Vlrr-l'rrS. and Inn
IIKItT K. VHTHHOW, Mectrlary,
Klatnatli County Abitract Co
Surveyor aad Lrrlfjltlon Engineers
MAP. PLAN, MLtKI'HlNTH, atsV. KUBUta fllll, OrtgOB
We Welcome Small Deposits
Did you ever stop lo thin that a hundred small account uar
a bank stronger than a ctois.' I rge ones? That Is one ot our r.-aion
for urging the man of limited means to transact Ills bualuraa with ui.
Largs accounts are welcome, too, fur tt Is our purfMite to imo
ALL the people. 4.1. ,j (a .r'l H 'l
It mailers not what amoun ot Honey you" bars todepoill-"o
will acctpt It at this bsnk. We welcome the small depositor,
tend lo him the same ronsldeialfon and courtesies accorded to all of
our patrons.
Our customers all kaow ttls.
v Capital 9100,000
Cheap Excursion Rates
Via TIao Houthern jpwolflo
The Double Track, Safely Block llacs of the Weit
Good for return Trip aatll October 31
CHICAGO $80.50
ikn VKIl .,.. $03.00
NKW YOltK ,.,.....?! 110.50
OMAHA MniHiifitMti(MMiii 'avGSaOO
ST. PAUI .' S $81.50
KANSAS CITY ., f $68.00
BOSTON h,""$118.50
"uw V.. .$78.00
CorreiaoRtHag Kite to otter Mull
The only' remaining tale date are October , 10, Jl,aad 11.
M Information or Reeerratlou rail oh or Write,
Ajpiit, Klamath Falls
;nniM wunii
D. P. and p, A., 801 K St., Sacramento, Cal.