t J V. SUPPLIM) MY THB UNITaU rMMM NHWB BBMVICM 8e ftienino HefaUi. n i-.i " 1 1 bvexirb i I'ltINT THK NBWS, MOV Keveatti VMM No. 1,1 KLAMATH FALL. OMMION, MONDAY, OCTOUKH 14, 1W1U New York Giants Again on the Baseball Map by a Win; Business of World Awaits U. S. Supreme Court Ruling O'BRMN FAILS (TREASURER IS TO HOLD DOWN j A MONEY SAVER ms uirui.ti.iS NAVAL REVIEW PROGRESS MIX HAKE SWATS IN (INK INNIXO LOSHNUAMK New Yorker Now Have Chance lu Capture the HaMlng Hams Tw wmrruw Will Ha flafe la Haste. Nlahl Win the TW Marauart Win III rWoad (iMif Hwatfcat for lh Omnia. HUUHKH RECENTLY COMPII.KD MHOW THAT OVKK M 1,000 HAM RKKN MAVKI) HY KUT HALAIIY LAW c4e4c4ec))c) To I1ay in Boetoei ) United Pre Service New York mutt win lb next two OltnU hat now won two garnet c) anil the Hod Hoi three. In or- dor lu win lh championship Now mutt win tho next two games. Tba game tomorrow will ba played In Boaton, na Stahl, tha Ktd 8oi manager, tbla after- noon won tha toe. Tha deciding liat will nlao be played la Boa- 4 ton If Ntw York wlna tomorrow , tc))c)4e) NEW YOHK. Oct. 14. In spit of cloudy, cblllr weather, fans gathercl ii (ha park, at daylight today to wit bi-te what waa coastdered to pa the ll ib of tha series, but which re sulted In victory for tba Olants, thus llng a chanca for tha homo mr- Utlon to cop tha bunting. MAMCM, Oct. 14 lly flguraa being compiled by But Traaiurer Tliomat Kay (or tba bUnnlal report of lilt offlee It la tbown that thn tttte it ahead Juit 124,443.40 in thlt one office at a result of tha flat salary law. which waa Introduces! In thn legltla- Uura by Mr. Kay whan h waa a mom- bar ot that body. This It tha amount collected during tha latt two year at Interact un state monay dtpoilted In various banks. Under tha old regime prior to tha adoption of tha flat sal ary law ill years ago, thlt Interest money went Into tha pocket of the Iraasurar. In every department the treasurer's office abows a substantial growth In tha laat two yeara, which Indicates a corresponding growth In the develop ment of tha state. OIIKATKHT MAHINK KVKNT IN THK HIMTOItY OF THK UNITKD NTATKH IH FORMALLY HTARTKD I.N XKW YOHK HAIIUOK United Press Service NKW YOHK, Oct. H. Saluting guna at 9 o'clock tbla morning opened the greatest American naval review ever held. Admiral Osterhause and his staff visited Secretary Meyers on hoard the gunboat Dolphin. Tba squadron commanders followed. Then the bouse and senate naval commit tees 0barded the vaaaal. ALMOST 1,200 CANDIDATES TO CANUCK LOSES BATHTUB TRUST AT THE 0. A. C. MEET VOTERS! CHAMPIONSHIP TO BE TAKEN UP BY HIGH COURT HTUDKNTM AKK HHUIHTKRKD FROM M OTHKR HTATKH AND MKVKN FROM FOKKIOX OOU.V. TRUCK, IXCLUDIXO CHINA HHeMDKNTM OF MILDKBHAXLrrJKItXKttT UARRY IH NOW BUST MAVK A FLAX FOR THK K.VTKlt. OARHMAX IN THK WORLD. TAINMEMT OF COUNTY AHPIK- MrKKXDRKK HUYN RAND OF LAMHH O, T, McKendrae, a abaep buyer for tba Ban Francisco market, arrived In tba city this morning from tba north ern part of the county, where he hat beau 'buying livestock for aeveral days. Ha secured a band of 1,600 WOOD DEALERS MAY GO FREE COUNTY MAY MAVK THK KXI'KXHK OF KXTHADITIOX FORMER CITIXKXH ARK KMPLOYKD WITH TKAMM IN B. C. After a cbaae which took him to Irlllth Columbia, Sheriff Barnee re turned home laat night, leaving Ueo Anderson and A. D. Drier In New i lambefrom sheep raltsra In the vlcln- Westminister In the custody of At torney C. F. Stone, specially appoint ed deputy sheriff. Whether or not the men will be brought back hare to lanawer to n charge of removing mort- company gaged property haa not been deter lly of the head of Hprague lllver, and they will be shipped south In a day or two, K 8clal to Tba Herald CORVALLIS, Oct. II. Just tan ore atudeaU registered at the Ore gon Agricultural collage would make 1.J00 oven, since the Baal report of Registrar H. M. Teaaaat abowa there are bow on the campua 1,190. Not only every county In tha atate. but II other etatee of the Union and even foreign countries. Including Ruaala, China. India. Japan. Hawaii. Mexico and Canada, are given at the home of new etudenu. Many mora Jcama with ailvnncod standing thla year than previously. or 91 freabmea In tha home econom lea courses, 10 bava advaaced ataad lag. Soma 10 or more have trans ferred with advanced atandlng from the University of Oregon, Yale, Cor nell, Oberlln, Stanford, Purdue, Ohio Wealyaa, Iowa State College, Wash ington State College, the state unlver- elllee of Wlecoaeln, MlnneaoU, Idaho, California. Washington, aad a large number of other leaser Institutions. ANTS FOR OFFICK vciooer i sin. it is eipected that a number of the candidates for county offices will attend. The committee having tha enter tainment In fbarga consists of Scy eallh, B. B. Raadala, C. C. Plervon, J. N. Drew and Chaa. Ilurdorf, THOUHAXDH OF PKOPLK HKK A OREAT RACK PORTER CHAHLTOff I CA: TO BR CO? A candidates' ball will be given ini"" P" vce Maccabees ball In .Hlldebrandt on LONDON. Oct. 14.Krnett Barry defeated Kddle Dumaa. the Canadian, two boat teagtba In tba race today for the tculllng championship of the world. The time waa St minutes 31 seconds. Barry led over tha entire course of four and a half mllea front Putney to I Northlake on the Thames. Kaorasons , crowds wMaeeeed the race. The Maiwell Hardware O'llrlen. bo .....,. ..,..., f,.bM.rt,rt?d U.U 1 ,he clrcuU ' wined, but It Is possible that aome ar- tlabeanJat.raniiih.nn.i.i,.. r.V. tln(t "' Nl y,00it lo "'o'.rangemenl will be made whereby the tie bcan-eater. on the opening of .he miM, c, c. llrower ,Uornfy for'coun,, w, nol r,qulred to ;o tl) IC'ontlnued on Page 4) 'the plaintiff. Ithe erpense of eitradltlon. Drier A Anderson left this city with eight horses and two -wagons, alleged lo be under mortgage. They were traced by Sharif Baraea to New West- ! minister, U. C. where both men had secured work. They were earning 7 a day each when the sheriff arrived on the scene. Attorney 8tone represents the bank holding the mortgage. Spud Exhibit Will be Feature of Show Many Entries are Made for the Laud Products9 Exhibit to be Held in Portland. Ore., in November WALLEN WALKS LONG DISTANCE I'lllHO.NKIt IX THK COUNTY JAIL IH IIKI.IEVBD TO BK IXHAXK. WILL UK KXAMINKD IX THK COUNTY COURT LYCEUM MEET TO BE TONIGHT Hcone of the Htehns Uw Power of tha nserre Commit tlsa Coaeldcrwt by the fJndeeal Btaeaa Be preene Coewt Maa rismhiinl Lawyera at )aaasnc It. LOCAL BUREAU IH TO BE KK-OK- aANUBD PUBLIC INVITED TO BK PRKSKXT IN THE CIRCUIT COURTROOM Because there waa not a eaSclent attendance at the meatlag held la the law oMce or the aecrsUry, K. L. Elli ott, a second call haa been laeued for a meeUng of the Klamath Lyceum Bnroaa thla evening la the clrcuU court room. The parpaa ot the auetlag ta to affect a reorgaaUatloa of tha bureau. Tha meting tonight, which will be called to order at 7:10 sharp, will be open to the public. , HJgh Claaa Raaaa Boagfct r CapUIn and Mrs. 1. D. Apptegate 1,-lll.B.ll O.ImuI.M aAM,fl. ft L wt,,Hv kw,iL vtvBiaai inin -,n land where Mr. Applegate pur chased It head of Rambnlett rams from John 8. Herrln ft Son. The aal- mala am uld n h ti Mmmmt u-i. . . lturm Af klUk u Ifcaa '&- "r mens ever orougni to uwttew.T: - -r -" " Ihey will arrive here probably thla evening, and will be taken Into Modoc county. '.VASHINOTON. D. C, OeL With the bualaeea world awaltlni lu declelea. la eaaaa lavorv lag of dollar to coauterelal latareetn, the Supreme court of tba UaKad Bute convened at aaaa loday.. Tha , vmeaUoa ssaaea had deuM kameUr with' the jasUeaa, aad taef.leekad tha ale- TedalgBHWwaBvrsts CHICAOO. Oct. 14 Roaaevalt went ta Oary, lad., tadaj aa4 eaeka at noon there. He rafaaed to com- mt ea Bryan'a InvlUUon to him to dehata In CleveUnd. The Colonel b hi year voiea. bench llateaJng ta tha eM eeart aviar announce ike tlae-hoaored farainla that "all nonaaa havteg tn'niii with the heaoraMa tha BaNay4 Court of the UaM4i Mate ar aaV. moalahed la draw near aadl aire taalr, aUaatlea, for the eaart waa aaw la EDDIE FA1NTH at onco to the acene of the arreat. Arthur Wallen, charged with In cest, continue hi tlrelea march In the county Jail, and It waa eaU mated thla afteraoon that he haa covered nearly 400 mile alnc ba commenced walking hack aad forth four daya ago. H. W. Keeaoe, attorney for Wallen, la convinced that hw client la Insane. He proceeded He will take the matter before the Upcclsl o The Herald I'OHTLAND, Oct. 14. A potato dlil'lay bigger than nny ever held In He Pacific Norlhweat Is promised for Itio land Producta ahow to be held In Portland November 11-11. The tubers ltl be exhibited In 10-lb. botes, and tr ro are many entrlaa In tbla division nclng In alt from tea botes up rd. The first prise la f 100 aad liver cup, and there nre many other Premiums for the beat potatoes. Fifty-eight districts ot the I'aclllo Northwest hate so far applied for space at the ahow. This means that the four atatea participating will be well represented. There Is a great deal of Interest In the district dls playa of agricultural producU aa well na In the districts showings of fruit. Attractive prise nre offered lu both classa. The Portland Commercial riub offers n handsome trophy cup (Continued on Page TT Becker Case Will be Finished Next Week INDIAN GIRLS LEAVE SCHOOL POOR KOOD AND TRKATMKNT IH CAUHK OK MAIDKNB 8EKKIXU THK1R IORTUNK IN THE CITY OK PORTLAND (county court ImmedUtely upon the return To tha city of Judge Worden. Wallen, so far aa can be ascertain ed, haa not tahen any nourishment since he atarted on hi walk, aad he refuse to talk with his fellow'prlaon era, according to tha oBcors. IN COURT ROOM Ualtea Proa Sarvle L08 ANOELE8. Oct. 14. The Kd dle hearing waa reeamed'today. An other warrant, charging Eddy with contributing to tba delinquency of Klmn Jonee, a minor, waa aerved to day. Kddle fainted In court. CHEAP POSTAL RATES WANTED MOVEMENT IH 8TARTKB TO PKlt- MIT LETTERS TO. BE CARRIED . IN THK MAILS FOR ONE CENT EACH "OR BALE On aecoad-haad Visible Remington, one second-hard Under wood and one second-hand L C. Smith typewrlUr. Apply toMC. I Stoekla. White Pelican hotel. Hit FOR SALE Four milch cows; will be fresh In early spring; good bar- agin. J. D. Morgan, Midland. 14-C NEGRO CHARGED HAM HAMILTON IS, ARRESTED BY CHIEF OK POLICE AND LODORD IX THK CITY JAIL HALL IH COMPiai.VANT. Webber Gives Some Damaging Test-kw" imony .Against Former Lieutenant. Murder of Rosenthal .Argued PORTLAND, Oct. 14. Two pretty Indian maidens, runswaya from the Chemswn Indian achool, weVe picked up by the police aa they were wander ing tba downtown district. Tbey stat ed that they had left the achool be cause of the poor food aad the treat meat that they had received from the other students. The oldest, a altndsr, vivacious maldan of about 19 vaara. told In fair ly good English why they had ruu"ow'' w" " '' " HOMESTEAD or timber claim, acre, 14 mllea from Falls. Writ P. O. box 1 Jt Local buslaaa men are. greatly I lute re ted la tha campaign now helnt; conducted for one-cent letter poauge. Active step looking towards the In augmratlea of the lower pottage rate will ba Ukea by congress this wlntur, according to the present outlook. Now that the parcel post problem bas been disposed of, the next Import ant atep In poatal affair In thla coun try will be the Inauguration of 'owv cent letter postage, according to tie officers of the. National One-Cent Let ter Postage Association, which is con- Klamath (ducting n campaign for one cent pou-14-It age. 180 All the oaVaiaraf tha eaart ha oa waty rrewar a sear it year. The Jaatlas aaddad leaat ty to dlathagnWhedaeahsr af Ua arwhoiwereraeat for tha open, lag. laetadtag Ua attaraar aWMrat" aad mMibera of hi etaB who eama to argae.lmpertant-eaaa whtah-tae gorerameat'u proaacutlag. Following tb opening of the court It Is always tho coatoat.ot tha Jaatleas to ad'journ'ImmeeUaterjr to pa taalr restiecu to the preeMeat, bat a Pres ident Taft waa out of the city todn, this courtesy waa deferred to a later date. The court thea tank p a num ber of applications far admlealoaa to practice before It, naaT heard' motions for the advancement af eaaaa. Fal lowing this brief eeeatea, adjoara ment was ukea aaUt tomorrow, when argumenu will b 'heard la a number of case eesslalij irtlgata for n benrlng nt thnt time. Tha moat Important on will he th ao-aaUed bathtub trust" case, la which the enamelware manutactarera are flght lag the judgment of the federal court la Maryland that the?' haw been gnllty of violating th Sherman tew i maintaining an unlawful con spiracy la reatralatvof trade. The right of th owner of a pateat ta at Uch such conditions a he please la regard to the ue ot hbiSi (Coailanawoa Fag !" SELLING BOOZE Temporal Power Goes to Italy Charged with selling liquor on Sun day and without a city license, J. W. ("Ham") Hamilton, n negro boot black with n stand la front ot the They ar oa the way back to the achool If charge of the agent, who followed them to thla city, NBW YORK, Oct. 14. Justice G" It determined to waste ao time ' th. trim ot th. Becker case, and It t believed that th trial will reach lio jury next week. Webber twilled this Morning thnt shortly before Rosenthal waa slain Becker had told him thnt Rosenthal waa making trouble, adding: "If be aver sees Whitman It'a nil off. Why don't you boys have him croaked. I'll take care of the boya after tho job I through." Hat Concern Sue Suit was sUrted thla morning In the circuit court by th Thanhouser Hat company against O. M. Hector, to recover 1571, alleged to be duo for goods. Elliott A Elliott are attor neys for tb plaintiff. A. R. Campbell has aUrttd suit la the circuit court against M. B. H. McCormtck. J, H. Carnahan Is at torney for the plaintiff. lice Smith thla morning and lodged la the city jail, peadlag a hearing before Judge LeavltL x Th. offense with which the colored man Is charged, waa committed oa October 4th, according to th. corn plaint, which waa mad. by A. T. Hall. Trial Started United Press Service SALBM, Mam., Oat 14. Th. Ettor trial was resumed hor. today, A sec ond venire of IB0 ha been Issued. Qulnn Is examining the venireman but Spiritual Power with Sultan Peace Pact Between Two Nations is Finally Signed, but; Fighting Still Continues in the Balkans and Manjr Great Battles are Reported to be in Progress lalted Prose Service BERLIN, Oct. 14. The report thbt Turkey and Italy bad signed a pe.oe pact was confirmed this afternoon, it la believed thnt Turkey will surrender Tripoli aad Cryaaalca, th. eulUi vo- Ulnlng spiritual authority. Tb. Mo- hammedaas la Turkey will pay the In demnity. Baltic Reported United Press Service SOFIA, Oct. 14 It I reported thnt a battle between Bulgarian aad th Turks l In progress near Kgrlps laakn. Three Bulgarian armies ar concentrating. MevMg United Prase Sarvle BBBXIN, Oet. 14 Despatches front Constantinople say that Turkey has rejected tk. demand of th. Bulgnr A declaration of war la expect- tomorrow. Austrian ar moving oa th Russian frontier. fV United Pram Sarrie lk Tars Inwasw SetW B8LORADB. Oat 14 The Turb have lavaded Servla near Bart.' A ' battle I ragtag. I W .' t 1 r V '. United Pre Sarvt. ' - ' ) ' ; I Pa4 angmaS -. P LONDON," Oet. l-?Jraf' m lUly have alW'taW'HMa Mat', M cerawgioa weriea