di tvrvuw t THat IIKITW) fRKM NBW SBMVICH $be Penltta Beftlft. 9 i (i - KVKN1NO K1WK PRINT THM NBWS, NOT atvrnili Vfr wi it KLAMATH FALLS. ORBOON, SATURDAY, OCTOIIKH ill, tit lit Frit rtfe Ceaee ITALIANS AND IKS WILL GO AT WAR AGAIN I1UCK VMT IN IIM'LAHKM FI, .KltlltlMMJ Tl IIKPOHT Mi Mranllm" the OtsMuan KNiplrr Hea Mufflclency of Tronbte to (Ih gamea Hair Hard Fighting l (Mm All Along the Frontier- ef the IMItcr-nl .Nations Involved In (wat rut era j. 4ff4)44444)4 IVarv Part h'e sUgawd I'AHIS. Oct. IS. II U report- td Ikat Ikf peace pact, recently dnwn up and which was to hart 4 been ilued by lb repreeenla Htm uf Italy and Turkey, has ton Orrlaretl off, and the Hal- Un Hmi u now en route In an illtwi'l iti pat Dardanelles with a low of capturing Con- itintlnople. The alralu of Uar iIihiIIm are mined, and lha rep ) rraentallvre of lha powers are- greatly alarmed, a) ... Mocha MaMa I'alleJ l'rea Fervlea l-ONPON, Oct. II. Hespoadlag to tteptnlcky rlllnc on Ida rontlaanlal urr4, ticka have slumped heavily km. and financial Isadora regard tka taliin outlook aa unfavorable. fan rraaa Samoa VIKNNA. Oct. ItWHeavy ".gating between tnd Montenegrins and Turks Win prairaaa about Scutari. Tka Torki am trying to hold tha town. Turklili accounta of tha Bgkllag 7 that i ho Albaataa an Igktlog ltk lha Turks. Tha Montenegrin iv rsUllatlng by butchering ecor ef aee-combstaata. tiold-up Story is Probably Untrue In ii sensational .lory ciilctilnt.tl to further discredit ill0 potit H. t in. Wave of Indlf nation ih, mcinlnx prima a thrilling account -r ho waylaying f nu aid man, l. J To.,l,..y. It was .tatmt that lit- had Iixfii held up ami robbed by thno oiiiik men. Mr. Tnohey . "slugged," affording lollie newspaper account, mid then waa rhloroformad. Ilavlux lost ron.rlou..,.-... Mr. Toohar waa robbed of a flO-relit piece. lr. Wright, a tcputable Klnumtli Kails phyilclan. made an ex amination thU afternoon, and reported that be bad found a placa on Urn top of the axed mnn'a brad, fthero tin. akin bad been acratched, such nn Injury a a man might receive by falling- dnwn. There waa no other Injury. The truth of the llutchlna aault baa not yet bean told In the .SnrthwMivrii, and It might ii well bu told now, Hera la la: following; the publication of the editorial In the morning paper Iji the effect that atalerneula had been made by a member of the po- ..... .urn. ueroaaiory to tne chier of Mice and the police depart ment, Chief Smith made a peraonal vl.lt to the Northweatern offce to find out the authority for the charge made. Inatead of aaaum lug Ibn rrapomlblllly for the article In hit paper, the edllor. Mr. livens, ahnuldnred Ihe blame on bU reporter, It. Vance llutchlna. Mr. llutchlna waa called Into the office and admitted that he gs the Information and charged al'lrolman Hall with telling Mm thai the chief of police bad refund to permit Hall to raid a certain aambllng game. Determined to rind out If thla waa true, Chief Hmlth Immediately aought the patrolman, and waa Informed lhat Mr. llutchlna had lied, and thai he hnd never made audi a atatement. Ho further volunteered to go with the chief to Mr. llutchlna and de mand lhat hn tell Ihe truth. ROSE TELLS OF THE GAMBLING IN METROPOLIS IIM.'KKII FACKH HI AtCTHKIIM IX HVHRKMK ol)BT i Ananias a Piker BOSTON TEAM i Compared to Sam SEEMS NOW TO BE A WINNER The chief Informed the patrolman that he expected him to meet Mr. llutchlna, aa he waa determined to know Ihe truth of the mat ter and wanted to find out on whom he waa to place lha blame for Ihe lie lhat had been pubtlabed. In the evening Mr. Hall and hla chief met Mr. llutchlna on Main Mreet, and Hall demanded a re traction from the reporter. An argument cnaued. and on llutchlna ideating what he would do If Unit had hla atar off. the patrolman threw off hla coat and gave llutchlna a punch In tha aoae. Aa Mr. llutchlna did uot put up the Iraat aemhlance of a right, the row laaled about two teconda and there waa an occasion or poaalblllty of the chief or anyone, etae Interfering. Matcnlaa there- (Continued on I'aga 4) HHnee Declare That Koraaer I'o- llce Ileal aal I'aaaod Oat taw Word) That MaaeaMial Mae H "tYaakert- OaVarj perUrrd That Hie I'nllra H'aaM Olc a Medal lo llir Murderer. NKW YORK, Oct. li. la the trial of ei-l'olle Ueutaaaat Becker to day, Jack Koee appeared aa a wltaeaa. Hit face waa pale aadjkla kaeaa trem bled. Decker eyed aim wltaeaa con- atantly. Tha wltaeaa aald met Becker la A IJecker raided htov The two becaaia SALOON MEN TO ;U. S. RIOERS. HAVE COMPLAINT1 MAKE RECORD MK.1AI.IHTN lMK AT VHMS MKRT I'alltd Press larvtas DAN DIK-OO. Oct. It. After a two! ouri tiormy aeaalon. during which It ii Charged thai the proposed math, o-i of the referendum ayateat of choo. loi olDcera was socialistic, aad a plot to get control, tha state labor conven Hon defeated tka Telfer raaolatloa iDdonlng the plan. GilUgher led lha ngkt agalasi Ike ("n. The convention approved of a "port referring tha womea'a aalal mm wage measure to tha aaacutlve wuncii Overwhelming endorsement u given the deauad that Ue etau iwrantee to all clilsens employment Hlng wage. kKW CBAHTKH WIM. ALUIW HKV- TltlMII'KIW KHAL MORK HALOOM1, AU!(RO- ixu to ugroii dk.i.kiw who IIAVK INVrMTIOATMl MARtH ALL MIGHT AMI HALT O.W.Y AT I.VTKH VMM TO ALLOW HORMKX TO OIIA7.K Wll KKW MOMK.VTN" t ba had flrat 111, when bllag place. may, aad the witness agreed la eatlect money for Becker, f Roeatald that Rosea tkal and Uec- er agreed to go Uto business io getkar on forty-ltUi street, the wit- reis to be In charga'aa Backer's rep resentative. Ha said that tha part ners quarreled whan Roasatksl re futed to give up 1500 for Charles Tilpp, Becker'a praia ageat. Tka Vltaaaa daagarad that ba ha1 protested agaJaet ike murdering of Rosenthal. ' "I want bias craaked." Becker re plied. "VH taka eara t the asea doing the Job. Tka seatlmeat at po lice headquarUrs Is such lhat they would give a aaedal'to whoever croaks Roseathal. Here'a a hundred. Olvv! It to Seising aMlWhtw lns-tt-t- aenthal stopped." Selling demurred, the wlucas aald. Rose saw Lefty Louie and Whiter, Lvwla, who agreed to croak Ttoeeu-! thai. There la such a thing as a poet taking all klnda of liberties with the. Kngllab language, and no crltlclam atUchea thereto, bat when a newspaper deliberately Juggles with the truth In an effort to ac complish some particular purpose, whether right or wrong In the opinion of the editor, It Is time to call a halt. The morning newspaper Menu to be determined to acquire the mailer degree In the Ananias Clnb. and thla morning continues a pol icy, adopted aomq time ago, which la calculated to accomplish that end. After reciting the fact that Officer Hall nnneared hnfnr Jus tice Oravea yesterday morning and pleaded guilty to a charge of assault and battery, tha Northweatern goes on to say: "That this action was Uken at the advice of District Attorney Kuykendall U evidenced by the fact that Chief of Police Smith, to gether with Hall, and Smith, went to the office of Justice (Ira vet. where tha proceedings was carried through." As a matter of fact, Chief or Police Smith and Officer Hall did not call on the district attorney. They did see the district attor ney late yetterday'-afternoon, long after Jfall bad pleaded guilty to the charge of assault and battery. Th,e officers consulted the district attorney concerning a matter entirely foreign to the assault and battery charge against Hall. When Officer Halt went to Iba office of Justice of the cPace (Iravas be was aot aceampaalad by anyone. He had not seen Chief of Police Smith since the nlgbt before. The facte might have been asccrtaiNcd by tho alag paper, bat t seems that Hea better serve the patpaati. ' The Northwestern declares that Chief of Police Smith wjll re sign Monday, The paper says: Another festure of the scheme by which the real eoadltloa of municipal affairs here Is soughtto be squelched was tha notllcatlon Mayor Nicholas yesterday by Chief of Polllce Smith that ha would resign his office Monday. Tills Is aa abeolata falw'iooO. Chlst of Police Bmlth did not notify Mayor Nicholas yesterday or at any other time In the pas-, that he would resign. Tha Herald believes that the people who are back or Sam Evans and his newspaper will resort to most any course, no matter bow unjust. In order to effect the removal of Chief or Police 8mltb. A few Ilea matter little. Rut wbyT Let's dslve Into a little recent histery: (Continued on Page 4) TIIIKM VICTORY IM CHALKRIY UP kor'rkii SOX lletllent Holds Hard-HHUag Oiaats Down aad MaUiewausi Loassaa Up la lltrt Mingle laal Itach-Hst. terMcCormtrkHaveethrXewYork Tram From Rerrtvlac a Oaeaaeete Hhvt-Ous. Wood WW PHrh 4 United Press Service 4 IIOSTON, Oct. 11. Beeaaaa 4) New York aad Bastaf are Saav- day towns there will ba ao game 4 tomorrow. ' 4) It Is conceded that the victory 4 today practically claehea tha 4) championship for Dostoa, esaa- 4 dally as Wood pitches agala on 4) Monday aad tho Qlaata moat win three straight games to cap- 4) 4 tore the championship. 4) )! Thla afternoon a number of clilien I'nlted Press Vrvtcs took advantage of the Invitation of' WASHINGTON, D. C, the charter commission, and eiam-'- rnuoua hike of 7 Inrd the document which hss Juit rlch without sleep o Oct. 11. miles at a r eitendfil V liher aad Kaok Arrive HKATT1.K, Oct. It. The crulear Mirylaml, with Secretaries fisher nd Knox aboard, arrlvsd hare today torn the Orient. RABBES CLOSES HECTOR STORE ATTArilNKNT AS A HHHULT Of A MIT OX A XtrTa! MKANS THK TIKHIOUOH IXVaWTIOATION tlf '"OMIXK.M OONOHHK As n result of an attaebmaut Issued 11 connection with a suit Alad by "nry liabbes against O. M. Hector o recover about 1100 oa a note, the ior Uepartmsat store baa baen t'oicd aud a raaraaaautlva of the Vh 'rnc,iCo " Trade, II. S. Addelitela, H now maktag an Inven to'r of tha stock, friends of Mr. Hactar are confident "it a thorough lavastlgstlon of his "!ness win eatablwh bis solvency 'Mult la tha ra-opsnlng of (he "ore at an early daU. Jr. Addlestsla hat aaat a lull ro P of his InvastlgatloM to tha San mnclsco coataurclal body which ha 'Pressi, and aspects to raoelva a ily naat vaak. been completed, aad which will soon le presented ta the electors for re Jectloa or approval. Notable among the objections "hick have been raised against tbr charter la the provision which al lows a liquor license to any hotel hav ing fifty or more ooms. The char ier provides that the number of aa loons In Ihe city Is dependent on the populstlon, Just as does tho prsssnt charter, except that It Is provided lhat It Is permlssable to grant extra, licenses to hotels, when the law Is "GRIZZLY BEAR" IS PAlWRXtiKaab ARK BKIXO TRAXH POKTKO FROM- THW CITY TO LAKKVIKW, IIO MILKS, FRKK OK CHAROK I BOSTON, Oct. It. A holiday meb of Boston baasball fans became rav lag maniacs this afternoon when the (led Sox annexed tka third 1etnr from Now York Qlaata In tka world t caamplonshlp series. Oae saare e- tory for the bean eaters vlnnlng ot the world 'a 1 The game today waa probably the rat or the season. Bedleat, wRh ar- feet support, had tka Qlaata sating oat or his baBd. exeeat to the aeventh. AUTO WAR NOW CHILCOTE IS ' BiWGWAGEDr mmmSSsSSsS l emergency hitters daHvared tha gsjadaP FORBIDDEN HKAL 'HRTATK MAX KasrUKXS FROM A THRKK OAYM HUXTINU TRIP WITHOUT VKXISOX HI! aim KXPLANATIOX rest, and every man and horse In perfect condition, waa the rare feati which Troop 0 or the filth UnltuP ttlalaa Alfalvi. nn M..tt In IImaIi.Iii I recently accompllsbed. War depart ment officials hare say theirs la tbr record for the army In the lalsuds. and It baa caused much favorable comment In service circles. The troopers marched all night, be ing halted only at Intervals uf atom three hours lo allow the homes to grate for about fifteen mlnutoi. Tha men, who were ou the Journey nine teen hours, took only two sandwiches s piece and a canteen or cold coffee. The results ot tha march show, oaV PKNDLRTOX PKOPLK WILL XOT MTAXB FOR POPULAR DAXCHH. TURKRY TROT AND RAOOIXO UXDKR THK RAN land the Qlaau secured Uair osdV scare. -, Mathewaan. dean of tha bag avnab mound performers, waa aaver better. He failed In tha third haK, and hnX of all the safe blades charged -gntaii Ihlm were made la that Innlac. with - jibe result that Boston scored two The annual automobile rale war' Although K. M. Chllcote. the renl runs. Not again did Matty loosen between this city and Lakevlew Is'cstate dealer, saw Ave deer yester-i"!'- He pitched winning ball, but the now In progress and, as a result, two, day morning. Just as he and Dr. f red ,wia "ln' ' tbo Red Sox was too auto load, of P".ra traveled 110 1 w.it.rfcl(, orok, c,mp on JohBton snt. miles between this city and the Uke I. ... w 1 The gamo might well be charac county metropolis free or charge. "":-. ' uumera reiurneo 10 (erlxd as a pitcher's tattle, with "We'll buy them tbelr dinner, too. " cil lMt night without an ounce J perfect fielding as a aMe attraction. If they haven't got the price," said of venison, after a three days' huni-,,u'dln bad a trite tka beat of the compiled with. 'dale In charge or the forces on the In the event of the charier bslngiutands say, lhat the soldiers aro In adopted It Is argusd that there wlll,lne bftt ot condition, and are fit for at once be made applications for ,!, harJeat teal ahould they be called licenses for three other saloons un-Un to maks It. dsr the SO-room clause. COLUMBUS DAY iMUIPUrS tsmmim PIEISE PEOPLE ANNIVKHHAIIY Of THK UIHOOV-1 KHY Of AMKRICA IH f ITTxTTlT COMMKMORATKD IX NKW YORK f LKKT S RKVIKWKD. I " MAMON-CliAMA. PLAYKRM WILL COXCLUOK KXaAOKMKXT AT THK OPKKA HOUHK WITH PKR fOIIMAXCK THIS KVKNIKO PENOLKTON, Oct. It "Ragging" as a form of terpschoreaa accomplish ment, has been placed under n baa at the popular Saturday night dances given In Pendleton. The "Turkey Trot." tha "llunny Hug," the "Gristly sly near," Ihe "Angleworm Wiggle," and all their kindred, will no more be tolerated where tha weekly crowds gather for an Indulgence In their periodical pastime. .Laat Saturday nlgbt whan the throag collected, they were met by a placard announcing that hereafter "ragging" and walk ing In two-steps, tha same being the "raggy" successor to tha glide, would be prohibited. Tho edict a as received with much disappointment Inasmuch aa tha crate for the Bowery-born dance had seised upon the local disciples of tha dnnclng must, and Ita fullest devel- tomant had almost been reached hare. Kven society folk "had fallen" for Ita mysterious movement, and whetb- ar or not they will obey tha mandate or Ihe dance promoters remains to bo seen, for theie asms dance promoters have no voice In tha management or exclusive parties, United Praas Service NKW YORK, Oct. It, Six tbous- and marines and blue Jackets ware In a parade here today celebrating tho anniversary of tha dlacovsry ol Amor lea by Columbus. Tha opening cars moay waa the annual fall rsvlsw of tha Atlantic Seat. Tha revlsw will and Tuaaday. Tha president and Secretary of War Mayers, aboard thr Maytower, are ravlawlag tha ahlp.i. Tbo Manlon-Claman players liter ally "packed 'em In" at tha matlneo In Houston's opera house this after noon. I.ong before the hour ot atartlng the mstlnss there was a steady stream of youngsters, dressed In holiday at tire, en route to the thaatar, aad by the time the curtain rose there waa uot a particle of room to spare. The company will conclude Ita en gagement with a performance tonight. i. Clapp, manager of the ciapp Auto company, who waa the chauffeur In charge of one of tho eara. It appears, that three weeks ago Bruce Thornton of Lakevlew sUrtsd carrying passengers between this city and Lakevlew In opposition to the Clapp Auto company and the White Pelican garage. It Is claimed that Mr. Thornton started to cut the price, which la 1S. Manager Qordon ot the White Palieaa garage and Man ager Clapp of tha Clapp Auto com pany bald n consultation a few days ago, and decided not to cut tha price, bat ta carry passengers tor nothing whenever one ot Mr. Thornton's ma chines waa to malta a trip. Tha situation la that wheueier ai lag trip. "The nearest of tha dear I saw, explained Mr. Chllcote this morning, "waa a doe. Of coarse I, msde no effort to bring her down. The other four were bucks, but they wero too far away." Prior to leavlag on the trip, Mr. Chllcote had promised to break a rec ord by killing tho legal limit In threo daya. Heaca the explanation. Wilson's Yoke HaaTrra United Press Service HAKRISBURO, Pa.. Oct. tt. Woodrow Wilson arrived here thin morning, en route home. He has made seventy-five speeches In ten Thornton machine arrives In Klani-(states. His voice Is frassled, but ho Teddy la an Chicago 1 (tilted Cross Serrtaa CHICAQO, Oct. II. Colonel Boos- evelt arrived here at I o'clock this morning, lie waa greeted by gnat crowds. A good umbrella laada class lo your apaparaace. If yen don't belleva It try It Put on your "glad raga'i and go out with a bunt oM rain stick. Of course you do, you" leak like ; Yell. Umbrellas tor.lad.laa and grn- tlemen at McHsttan'a. SIO Mala Adt ath Falls, passengers may travel on one of tha Clapp Auto company's ma chlaaa or one owned and operated by tha White Pelican garage without paying a cent. But when Mr. Thorn ton Is not represented In the city by a machine the charge Is as usual, 115. I satisfied with the results. speak In' New York tonight. He will battle, aa the summary shows. But four hits are charged up against him during the satire nlaa 'an fags, whereas Matty must answer for alx, three or which were made In the ratal third Inning. The batteries announaad at that start or the game were Mathewsoa sad. Meyers far New York, aad Bedli" ent and Oady for Doaton. 1 Continued on Page J '"" r A thief might steal a cheap um brella. If you have a good ona'and some one takes It the first , Owe they use It In a town of tblsatts they are practically taught, fine Una of urn brellas at McaUtUd's. StO Haln Adt sWaMeWa) AarsfSTVal Tha official ballet for tha forthcom ing election has baen received at the office of the county clerk. It la a lengthy document, requiring twelve BUCK MUST BE ''KEPT PRISONER JUDGK HKLIKVKS PLKA 1. PK1SONKH WOULB fLKK THAT IF QIVKN AN OPPORTVItTY CAN NOT HAWK BAIL If you have nlca handle and a good frame, you hadbatter have It recovered nww. I Juris a, line of nlca umareua coverar - atcHattan, Main Adt. w- dalted Praas Samoa SAN JQSK. Oct- II Black, the banker, unable to get bail, la very cheerful, ha ocupwa a, call recent ly vacated by Jackaon Hatch. Judge Wallace refused to lower the f-.u ball because pr n plan by the prosecu- iium mmi pwh wisaaea 10 nee. UNION LEADERS LOSE A POINT FKOKRAL JUDGK asHNIHS MOTION TO ALLOW THK DKfKXaK TO KXAMINF. THK KXUsUTS NOW HKLD HY THK OOVKRXMKXT t ) V- I United Praas Sarrlea ' INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. It. Judge Anderson overruted two motloaa by rthe defense In tba dynamite eaeec The first provided that the defease be allowed to Inspect In advaaee tan exhlblta of the government The second asked tka government to re turn to the Ironworkers aH union doc uments, letters aad papere aetaadUsi year, and which the proaeeallen lu tends to present durlng"thalaU7" R. J. Rutharfard. u'OaUtuthamlkt Keener, testified thai MeKealgaJ hady boen In his hotel in lll. The teat I- ? mony or other haiei keepers 'has M ' traced McMaalgal. Naehln.and Jtat r McNamara to Claotanitl, WHag jaj .r-r m - elsewhere. 1 . j - j