' I! 4 MfcM rW UPPI.IKII HV THK tXITKIl NMU'M MHVIUM gibe f totniw ikfato. v s CVKNINQ JCBWI 1'ltlNT TMH NBWB, NOV Htf talh Year No. I.BBI KLAMATH FALLS, OKJMION, FRIDAY, OOTOHKH 11. IUIU PHMi vh "Tramp, Tramp, the Boys are Marching", Dreams Sam "Smoky " Joe Wood Puts Indian Sign on the N. Y. Giants 60MPERS' NAME BROUGHT INTO DYNAMITE TRIAL TTUHKiH Hill THK UKFK.NMK LOHK A POINT II. UmU llolrl Clerh TrstMe Thai lb Head "f lb Aaaettra) Pftlrt Ilea of IjiIht, and Not Tvlrimor, HrfWlrml al ll HmUlirrn Hotel la ipom I'rltru Hntr4 Han I a Wltae I All! IVM HTTIf- INDIAN'AI'OI.IH, Oct. II- Tbe gov tintnt haa al lat aucceeded In iiIuIbi Romper' nam Into (lie li tl of Ihe labor Issder brt. frink Hchllllng, a 81. Louts hotel drk, allowed lo testify that Oiaperi and not Tvletmoa bad been Is Ibe St. Uula November ST, HOI, Toe defense objected on the giaaBit that neither Qompcr or the suerkan federation of Labor u on trial. Ttio government promised to (low the connection 'of Oompers, and lie objection waa overruled. 0. A. Dlion nf lb Argonaut hotel It Ian rranclaco. leetgd thai Jim Mr.Ntnara had registered Ibara as Bitealo 110. ODD FELLOWS ARE INCREASING MKKTI.NON ARK Til UK HKMI O.NCK A WKKK INHTKAII OK TWICE A MONTH HVK CAMIL IIATKN IKITIATKII STATE ENGINEER TO INVESTIGATE HKAHINGN WII.I, UK IIKI.lt IN THIfi CITV I.V IIKCKMIIKII TO DKTKHM1NK WATKIt RIGHTS OP MANY FARMKRM Kwauna Kurampmenl No, 4ti I O. 0. V haa grown o rapidly that at a meeting laat nlgbt It waa decided lo hold meellnga every wrek, lualead of twice a month. The meeting night haa been changed from the aerond and fourth Thursdays to every fur, ilar night. At lha meting laat night !tv can. illdatea were Initiated Into the Hop.l Purple degree. After the meeting the member enjoyed a banquet. Candidate who are eligible lo lha I'alrlarchlal degree will be Initiated al tba meeting of Tuesday arming, October 16th. CAPTAIN DREADS An Important bearing to determine the rlghu of farmer la Langell Val ley to tba water of Loat River will be bald In thla city December 7tli by the atats engineer. Notice to thla effect ha Juat been aent out. For year lha farmer of Ungell Valley have uied tba overflow water of tost Hirer, but whan the dam waa ronatructed at Clear Lake Ihe an nualnvrrfiow waa atopped, and now It w be determined whether or not thn farmer are entitled lo any of the atored water In lieu of the overflow water. Two day before the bearing of the l.ot River matter the engineer wilt atari an Investigation relative to the right to Ibe watera of Cherry Creek, n tributary of Upper Klamath Lake. AMKItlCANH TO UK HHOT Mealcaa Kobe Issue UtUmaluaB to KaJIroad United free ferric KL PASO, Taiaa, Oct. 11. Tba Met lean rebate have laaued an ultimatum to the Hetlcan Northweatern Railroad company that all American operating Ihe train after October IS will will be abot. The Northweatern I Ihe only road In Meilco em ploying Americana. KIDS OF PAISLEY NEED A SCHOOL rKOUI.KM IH PUT UP TO THK AT. TOHN'ICY GKNKHAL OF NTATK. MORE KCHOOLM AMI TKACMKH IRK .NKKOKD 8ALKM, Oct. It. Tba 1'aUley. Ota, school la overcrowded, and ' I an Ineufficleat number of t.thn. The director put Ibe mat lf up to the voter la a rea.ut for n addition lo ihe building. The vol n turned the proportion down. Now tt art the director going to do tout It? That U the quettloa put up to the orny general. II advUed tba dl Wore they could uae for tba am 'nnnt of teachtra or curing ore room 16 per cent of tbe 6 mill Khool levy, but If mora than Ibat I 4ed the money can be had only by ote of tho elector. He advised ' that they rould hire a many J"Mra a thoy aw fit. Odd FMtows. Atteatlon Tonlnht te tba regular meeting night tf Klamath l.odge No. 117. I. O. O. P., and Ibe meeting wilt be called at 7:10 abarp. There will be work In the flrt degree, and all brother are recreated to be on hand promptly at lha opening hour, aa Ibe Initiatory work will be taken up aa tbe flrat order of bualneaa. In order to permit some of tbe brother to at tbe meeting of the Loyal Order of DI6 FEED FOR LOYAL MOOSE NKW LODOK WILL I.N1T1ATK 18.1 CANDIDATE TONIGHT AND A HANQUKT WILL FOLLOW l.V THK HALL OKILL LOCAL PEOPLE CONTRIBUTE (13 WILHOX AND MARHHALL CAM PAIGN FUND IH HWKLLKD DY LOCAL ADHKRKNTH GROKH BKCK AND WAQNKR WORKING Following a meeting In Odd Fellow ball tonight, when US candidate will be Initiated, a banquet will be given by tbe Loyal Order of Mooae In Hall grill. Candldatea aro expected here from Merrill, Dorrta and other rolnta In the county. Cover will be laid for 100 at the banquet tonight. Local INHURANCK RATK IN FRISCO CUT democrat have atarted a campaign to rat fund to help finance tbe campaign of Wllaoa and Maraball. Rollo C. Orooabec'k and Wm. Wagner are In active charge of tha fund raUlag. Tbl afternoon coatrlbatloaa of 11 each bad been mad by tba follewing: Wm. Wagner. Rollo C. Oroeabeck, Uncle Sam, Cbarlea Grave. Demo crat. Frank Ward, J. H. Caraakan, J. J. Barrett. T. F. Nlcbola. J. W. Bryant. Bam Walker, William Whlt lock, Oacar Peyton. SERVIA WILL BE JN FIGHT WITH OTTOMAN EMPIRE UNOFFICIAL ANNOCNCRMBNT Of DKCLAHATfON , Heavy Flgtlilac I Roetl an eat I'artj) of Kattipe Taw hey. DetrMtrh MonmtMim la Beeac Fw tMetl Ramor Haa It Tha Moe. egriaa Have Take) aha taerai ad SowUH. i, United Pre Service BAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 11. Tho Pacific underwriter board granted a 10 per cent Inturaace reduction, bringing tba rat to the 105 level. Moose and be decorated with a aet of A 10 per cent reduction I promto-sd boraa. later. Tba cut la effective at once. CALL TO DUTY William Hall Pleads Guilty to Charge of Assault and Battery RKCAUNK HK HAH NO HORNK, LO CAL MILITIA MAN FKAHM HK WILL HK UNAHLK Til HKMPO.MI TO OOVKHNOR'H CALL Captain C. J. Fergueon tbl morn ing noaltlvcly denied a report which bad gained conaldarable publicity and which waa to the effect that lm had received advlcra from Governor Writ lo recruit a company of mllltli I nni. In hj. rnlv In aliirin thi cltr hall and eject therefrom the present' city official. Captain Fergueon I tho only mem ber of the Oregon mllltla now rvatd lag la lb city. He admit that he U reluctant to again undergo military discipline, but lb only eicuse he la able to advaace for not nerving In the feat of a call la that he baa no bone. LAKE SEASON WAS VERY ORIEF BUPKtUNTlCNDKNT ABANT OF I ' TMK-CRATKR NAVMNfAL PAM RKPORT8 UNUSUAL YKAH WILL ATTK.ND CONFKRENCK District Attorney will Present Charges Against City Officials to the Klamath County Grand Jury Next Month. Indignation Wave Causes Smiles SLAVE GIRLS ARE RESCUED Halted Praaa Berne BAN FRANCISCO, Oct. II. lm- Arordlng lo the morning Wave of Indignation, unle Dlalrlct Attorney Kuykendall luue warrant for the arret! of prominent city official by tomorrow night, Governor Weat wilt be notified and tbe mllltla wilt be aent here at once. In tho meantime the district attorney, according to hi declaration thla afternoon, will con tinue to conduct tba alalia of hi own office without regard to the man datea of tba Ulg Wave. Thta morning William Hat) ap peared before Juitlc Oravea and entered a plea of guilty to a charge of aaaaultlng It. Vance Hutcblna, a reporter .for the Morning Scream. Justice Oravea Imposed a flne of IIS and coat. Bam Kvaaa, editor, managing ed- migration Officer Nicholson and iltor, buelnca manager and aota own Oobbln chopped their way Into n Chi nese tave den today and rescued Gait Kay Far and Lum lock Muey, slave glrla. They were taken to Angel la land for deportation. Brave Messenger is Victim of 4 Robbers Valuables in Express Car are Hidden and Messenger Resists Efforts of Bandits toTell of HidlngPlace er of tbe morning paper, catted on the district attorney yesterday af ternoon and demanded Ibat warrants for tbe arrest of city official at once be laaued. A lengthy conference was held, and the district attorney aa- auted Mr. Kvaaa that tbe aame course would be pursued In theaa caaa aa waa followed la tbe chargea against Hun ter Savldge, Herbert Bavldgo and J. F. Uoeller. that 1, lb nutter would be called to the attention of the grand Jury for Investigation. "It doe not appear to me that tbl I any different from tbe municipal graft matter aa tboaa eaa ware orig inally brought up," aald Mr. Kuyken dall. "All of tbe man wbo are ac cused with crime are well known her and there appear to be no danger of any one of them attempting to leave tba city. "I have but tbe word of Sam Ev ans and lha aewapapar of tbe chargea against theae city official. Accord ing lo hi own statement, Mr. Hutcb lna la coaflaed to hi bed, and not ablo at tbl time to give taatlmony. However, It it ahoutd develop that any of tha men who are charged with an offense attempt to leave tba city, I would at once authorise the Issu ance of warrants, even on the un supported word of Sans Kvaaa." During tbe season Juat closing, the liri.i(hap mt th fratr Vaftlntiat Park baa been tbe moat Inclement In eleven years, according to Superintendent Arant, who I in the city today, en route to the Yoaemlte Valley to at tend the econd annual conferenco of superintendents of national parks. will,.!, wilt j-AnVAn.. n,(AKa, f Jtk '' "The season has been shorter lhau . , . . lany I have experienced In tbe park The Klamath county grand Jury.durlnE th pMt -TOB Jmn .. , will convene In this city during thejcptan Arant. "Nevertheteea more last week of November. After sever- people registered than ever befort. Thr were E.lOS lourlita In tha nark a mattera now pending are disposed of, ibe Jury wilt be excuaed and a new Jury will be drawn to convene during the Aral week In December. It will be thla grand Jury that will probably tak up tha chargea against Mayor Nicholas, Chief of Police Smith and Officer Hall. Mr. Evan' announcement of tbe Issuance of an ultimatum to tbe proe ecutlag attorney caused considerable amusement on tha atraeta today. Also It waa recalled that when aerloua rhargea of graft bad been preferred against city couactlmen, Mr. Bvana, through Ma aawapaper, waa atrenu oua la hi defaaaa of tha accused. It waa whea a repreeaataUve body of men composing tha Klamath county grand Jury retaraed Indictments that he transferred his attacks to mem bers of the Klamath Falls police force la an apparent endeavor to di vert public attention. 11, Four a Kansas train at Fort Smith VATFIKLU, Ark.. Oct. & bandits boarded M'f 8outhern lM nlhl. K'P-eit Measengar llurgetl waa J"" nn took all of tha valuablee ' tluj ' and bid them. Than owned fir on tha baadlU with a "iun. on bandit waa fatally wounded. The others entered the car and beat Durgett Into Insensibility. Unable to And tha valuables, the robbers torturad Durgtt. II refused to give any Information, however. Again they beat him Into tnssnsl blllty. Completely baffled, the robbers topped tha train and vanished. Poaaaa are In puriult. Bursa la dying. LYCEOM COURSE IS ATTRACTIVE FISHKR HHIPP OONCKRT COMPA NY WILL HK THK FIRST TO FURNISH KNTKRTAINMENT THIS WINTER The flrat numbar of tha Klamath Lyceum llureau courae thla aaaaon will be tbe Fisher Shlpp Concert com pany, which will appear at tha opera house Monday evening, October II. In this company tha maaegemaal haa combined tha two prim essen tial of a popular Lyceum organisa tion, high standard of Individuality, and perfected concerted work In tha eaaemble featuraa which form a targe part of their program. Their pro gram la of great variety, no two num ber on It being alike. In addition to tha vocal aoloa and duets, inatru menial aoloa and duet, reading and tba musical number la which the whole company appear, the program iacludea aeveral sketchea which have been a great succeaa In tha past six year of the company1 exlatence. Tha Klamath Lyceum Bureau haa Increased Ihe number of entertain meata thla year to nine, aa follew: October II Fisher Shlpp company November 6 Rosa Craa. December II Margaret suhl. January Jubilee BHagera. January 15 Cosmopolitan Four. January II Robert Parker Mile. February 10 Ford K. Samuel. April 4 The Starr. The Sunday date of Ford Samuel will be on February t, JOHNSON WILL MAKE EXPOSURE CALIFORNIA'S GOVERNOR AH RIVKS TO TAKK PART IN THK FIQMT AGAINST PENROSE HK WILL KXPOSK BOSSES 'lattad Pre Service PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 11 Gover nor Johaeoa arrived here thla morn ing to participate la the aatl-Panroae fight. Ho promlaea to reveal an al leged coalition between the demo cratic and republican boaeea to beh amlrcb Roosevelt. this summer, During tbe week Chief Clerk Ucker of the interior department, with hi wife and clerk. Mr. Kelly; Frank Bend, chief clerk of the general land crtlce, and Edward W. Dixon, an In spector of tbe Interior department, visited tha park. It la expected that active eeaatnic ttoa work on the road In the park will atart May IS, 1111. Called Praaa Serrtea Servla far War BERLIN. Oct. 11 An aaeest- ), firmed dispatch from Blgrada , says that Serrla declared war agalaet Turkey at 4 a'daek that afternoon. '" ! 1 1 iiaMadPraaal LONDON. Oat .11. I from Dud pert aar aha tha Monte negrins have accepted Baatarl. Catted Praaa I VIENNA. Oct. 11. A from Poegorltaa. Kkag Ntehetaa' I quarters, saya that tha Mnalajiln are fortifying Detchtteh arouatat. They are preparing to advaace oa Boutarl. THUGS WILLING TO TELL IT ALL- STRIKEBREAKERS UNDER GUARD DINOHAM. Utah. Oct. 11. Hun dreds of deputy sheriffs nra guarding 100 strikebreakers working In the Utsh Copper Mining compaay'a mla. Union miner have bad frequent clashe with the strikebreaker and deputies. LKFTIK LOUIK AND BA4JO FKANKj ARE SAID TO RE WILLING TO TELL ALL ABOUT THK ROSKN. TMAL MTJRDBR United Praaa Berne NEW YORK. Oct. 11. It I rum ored that leftle Lout and Dagu Frank are willing to confesa. Thomaa Ryan, tbe driver of the taxlcab which pursued the murderer of Rosenthal testified that oaa ma did the shooting. He haa not been seen alnce. Perfect Support is Feature of the Game Boston Infield Saves Defeat. Tes reau is Wild and is Taken out of the Box in Seventh Inning United Press Service NEW YORK. Oct. 11 The phe- nomlnal pitching ot "Smoky" 3 an Wood, tha ll-year old aradlgy, put tbe Indian alga oa tha New York Olaata again thla afteraaoa. The Red dox woader had tha heavy bitting Giants at hi mercy, and, although eight safe btagla were marked up agataat htm ha vu at hi beat whaa bite meant runs for tha local agrf getlon. ' "J , ' Tesreau waa taken out at, the bag In the seventh, aftw ha hd'awd its hit, passed two at aad lot ee)t tun la on a wlt aiuh. Asm waa substituted, but tha kard-hMUag Bad Soi took thraaaafa oaea from hi tfe dullvery, bfdf a baa ,bemv Qardaer waa tha batttas atar oCtua. xcsBasssrsrmm r - '! ..'.! m