gVPPMKO HV TMK , VNITKI M"" NKW" ""HVIUM gibe f tuning Hefttlft. EVKNIXQ HINT THK NBWB, NOV I r?lh Year No. I,N KLAMATH FALL, ORnKIOM, THURflDAY, OCfOBBR 10, 11B , Little Willie Jones, Not Stolen, Nurses his Sick Father Giants Even Up by Winning Second Game of Series HEAVY FIGHTING BREEN CASE IN PROGRESS ON ; IS fl 0 FRONTIERS DISMISSED Policeman and Reporter Engage LOCAL HUNTERS in Fistic Encounter on Street! SECURE GAME PMKKH IHNUK JOINT NOTK TO HTOP THK WAR Tutor Makra Uwi lMt In Caa- siiga " rr i MmW That M- KafCtlM Are HMtrhrriag Woesen sad Hilldrrs Many Villa Have a hi io the Torch flr- I retrial f War (llulMIn) CKTTINJK, Oct. 10. Kosteeutlnt and Turin Bra battling iimiI Detehllcb mountain, aad ik lb tfoutsrl road. Th Turk hit tn reinforced. They arc ea titlrtied and have mowed dowa (ha Uiuclng Montenegrins,, King Nlch stst ti In t tnsrsl t barge . fKMTIMONY OF I.MMANN NOT IMPHKHH UMITKD H COMMIHMIONFIt YOUMJ MARK ADMIttHHINH MKX Teiss anil llutgartau HhlrmbUi ikltrt Press f-rrw GOMSTANTINOPLK. Oct. 10. aUralshtnc between Turk and Bui atrial er KlUaura aad Taabuah U H trtfrra No detalta bars beta ra-altet Con llreen, takevlew lrr xtable proprietor, u alien a bearlni U- loe United Klali Cummlaalunrr For auson last ult'il mi a chsnrr ..f kU log whiskey tn an Indian. After hear Inn the testimony, the case was dis missed. "lllg Jim" Lynch ai lha principal witness fur the government. II la grandson and a nephew were the oth er witnesses. The two young men failed to auppnrt "III Jlm'a" testi mony, but admitted on thoatand that "III! Jim" had told them to say that Uraen had given them liquor. Uwti Prate SefTlr CONDON, Oct. 10. Dispatches feea Comuntloople elate tkat Bui airla ud Her la oipact to laaaa aa I? waBatira to Turkey today. QrMM k rtleeUnk to start war. Tka power Ul top to prevent ganaral bostll- I'oitera Involved ttasd Frees Service CtWSTANTINOI'I.K. Oct. 10 Tha latimion of the power have en fared Turkey with a collective not 1 1, "Mi reforms la Kuropaaa Turkey. Villages BanUe rtd Prat Servlea TlnWtt, Oct. 10 Tha tlettlnli (rteiaent telegraph that many am along the TurkUh and Mob atte frontier r burnlag. Tha Tirki charge the Moateaegrlaa with UatAtario woman and eklldraa. oatcom of lha battle at Del k to doubtful. l'M l'rM Rervlca ST. I'KTKHHIIUHQ, Oct. 10. The wo Vrernya prlnta a atory today to taott that Aitalrla la moblllilng "or tray dlvliloa. nraaumahlv for la the tlalkan. Th paper " 1,1 00 can aro raadr to J" o.ooo KuMlan troopa to "eai If Auatrla taterveaea. rot'LK--l.ot B3U10 on hill. . Mtfroro Fourth and Mala. S7G COAL DEALERS ARE PUNISHED MtOOMA MKX Attn mnvinri-n " CMAIlflK OK DKVRAUDI.MI WWTKII HTATRtt ON f( "ONTRAOT '' ! I'r. Rervlca fC0JlA. Wa.h Oct. 10 Obarlaa oewa aad Jni... n.ii..i. .'j... (d j. -- UUIIIKH, coal ! ajliaJIr. bMn CW "It eon- ?'" 10 defraud th. ... . Mail.. . "w iiw" nTJ"f V oopply tha lOTaraaaat 5i ii.tor AUrtM rwt, WM nHatti.v. ' """" awar a 7 ltd tbraa waaka. 1.7 10 Conneetlna raltk tki. .... , . ---w n.. !. -m Jarvl oeaaj . . P ' , r. t-" .j.iir. t ir'" ' 4 tui- FORAKER'S PRICE WAS VERY HIGH JOHK B. AHCMHOLD TtMXN Of MB,M HKKT TO OBM NKNATOH IX Itee MKAKNT I.K-TTKRH Al: HWUIIIATKO WAHIIINOTON. D. C, Oct. 10. Ixula Ijiylla, Taft' Ohio pre-con-rentlon manager, teatlflcd today be fore the (enatorlal lavaallgatloa com mittee that 176,000 bad been con tributed to the Taft fund In Ohio. Charlea Taft, the preeldeut'a brother, and Chairman lllille of the National committee were the principal donore.i John O. Archbold waa re-etamlnad regarding four letter written to aa- Senator rorakcr of Ohio In 100. and encloalng amount totaling 140,000 He tettlntd that roraker was attor ney for the Htandard Oil company In Oblo ittlta, and that the money repre sented bet faaa. Tha .wHae admitted that be thought th charge were too high. II refueed to admit the authenticity ot many letter which bad been print ed In llearat'a magatla. Chief Makes Htaleaaeat "I waa preaent' laat night when Hall and Hutchln mat," e aald Chief of Police Smith tkla e afternoon. "Wo bad expected e to meet Hutchln laat night, but only to secure an explanation. lltowavwere being struck before I had any Idea of such a thing. The story that we had been on the lookout for Hutchln with a view of assaulting blm I e an absolute falsehood. Tha trou- his occurred on the main street e of the city, and In the most crowded portion of the city. 0 e This should be evidence that we e) had not planned aa assault." ee44e4eeeeee As a result of a fight on Main struct last night between William Hall, a member of the Klamath Pall police force, and II. Vance Hutchln. a re' (orter for the Northwestern, Barn I.V tns, sole owner, editor, managing ro ller and business manager of the morning paper, this morula, asked Hans Kvaett) ftpeaha e " have confidence that Oov- e ornor West will aarad the mllltla e to this city to upkald the law. I e sm hopeful that tkls coura wilt not be necessary, I have been tn correspondence with the offlco e of the governor, and have re- e celved assurance Uat the chief executive of tbte atate will aee e to It that law aad order are' maintained everywhere within thn border of Oregon." Whether or not Mr. Kvan ha tent final (attraction to tb e governor for tending of the e mllltla bere could not be atccr- talned up to n lata hour thl nf- ternoon. under martial law. In the meantime the sole representative ot tba mllltla of Oregon In tbla dty. Captain C. J. 'die. e) e eeeee4eeee Northwestern, conveyed the Informa tion that be waa lufferlna Intense i KaykeatdaM b WHtenga "Tkla oDce will Investigate e the alleged -aeeault carefully," aald District Attorney Kuykea- e dall tbla afternoon- "I bare not yet talked wltb tke complaining e witness, Mr. Hutchlns. I under stand that he U confined to hie borne. It doea not appear to be aa emergency case. There seem to be no danger of the men charged with the assault leavlag tho city. "I have talked with Mr, Kvan, but be was not an eye witness to the affray, and be ttoaVK RIVKB HUNTIXO aROU.VU IH FOUND TO ABOUND WITH DKKR BIKHX AND HMAR1 BRING BACK FOUR . may have been misinformed aa to the facta.' pain. It waa Intimated that he might of an old Injury us- Ferguaon, la planning to go on a hunllra trip. ., There ara many aaldlversiaed ver etoaa of tka igkt oar tka atreet last for warrant for tka arrant or MalL raUht. AeeerdlM t the atarr told by Cb'lef of' Police ftmltk. Mayor Nleko- tba Northweaferw, MfJtatcblna waa Us and two other member of tba aeaaulted wUkont provocation be- local police force. Caaaa of aa editorial wklch had ap- Mr. Kvan utd at tb Uaaa of peered la the morning paper yeeter- ssklng for warrants that he waa In I day. aad which atuckad tka police ! Smith vleJted Ua oce of tba North- communication with Oovernor West. (force. A bulletin from the badalda- and would soon place Klamath Falls lot the reported, according to the) (CeaAiaued on Pace 4) talced from an at wound on the forehead noma time before, aad ag' gravated by Ua Mowa inflicted by OBeer Hall. The balletta concludaa wHk Mm taUasatie thatneomlaeat etty oaVlala, efcaractartaed aa thugs. aro being watched for fear tbey may leave tba coaatry. It appaara that Chief of Police GOVERNMENT TO SILL TIMDER about io.eee.eoo fkkt wim bk OFFKHKII FY1H HALK OS THK KLAMATH INDIAN HKMKHVA TION WKIN Annlhnr large, tract of timber on tho Klamath reservation wilt be sold to the highest bidder November 30th. Notice of this sole 1 now being ad vertlsed. The timber to be sold rover about 1,1110 aero, and consist of about 10,000,000 feet board measure log icale of yellow pine and a small amount ot ugar pine. No bid ot less that 13.25 per 1,000 ftet for the first three years ot the contract, and nn Increase of IS cent per 1,000 for the remaining two year will be considered. .Missing School Boy Returns to Home of His Sister Near Here LadTellf Story of Having Spent the Night With Hit Father on a Homeitead About Two Milea from Worden. Mother was Worried of Whereabouts Willie Jones, the IS-year-old boy alleged to have been kidnapped by bl father Tuesday morning, I again at tending th Worden schools. Instead of bis father being en routo to Bprlngdeld with the boy, D. W. Jones Is on bl homeitead about two mile from Worden. Jone and hi wife were separat ed about seven years ago, Mr. Jone and telephoned to her mother In Ship being awarded the custody of Willie, plugton. The mother hurried to thl iaa-iiiaa"SBMiiia-aa mmbm Several year ago Mr- Jones' was married to I.. West, and baa been liv ing In Bhlpptagtoa. Willie baa been taring with hi Bitter. Mrs. Volt, nt Worden, and attending school then Monday evening Willie accompa nied hla father to his homestead and did not return In time to atart to school. Mrs. Velt became alarmed city and swore out a warrant for the arreat of bar former husband, charg ing him with stealing tba boy. Messages were teat to points toutb of here, asking tb oncers to. Inter cept Jonea aad tha boy. In the meantime Willie returned to hla sister's house and explained that hi father had been III, and that he bad reamlaed with him to render all assistance poaslbl. i 1'abl In Full Fleaaea The Manton-Claman Player liter ally "packed ' In" at Houston' opera house lut night. Tba play waa "Paid la Pull," and It waa not a dis appointment to any of tha audience. The evenly balanced compnny at tained more popularity than aver by tha performance last night. THE TUB BUTTER LAW IS ILLEGAL Ht'fltKMK COVHT HANDH DOW.N AN IMPORTANT DKCIHION FOH THK DAIRYMAN AN AI'I'KAI. FIIOM PORTLAND COURT 8AL.KM, Oct. 10. In a decision written by Chief Justice Kakln and handed down by the supreme court thl week, the law passed In 1911 regulating the branding of tub butter Is declared unconstitutional on the ground that It It clasa legislation. The question came before the court In tha cat of the ttato v. Roy Oood hve. on an appeal from the circuit court of Multnomah county, .which had dumlated tha suit on th defend ant' demurrer and tha tupreme court nfflrm tbla decision. Th low, which la taction 4, chap- tre 179, law of 1911. provide that all tub butter when cut Into roll or square and offered for sale mutt be labeled tiib butter, except tub butter manufactured la Oregon, which uiny be offered for tale at Oregon cream ery butter, without being labeled tub butter, any time within twenty day after Ua manufacture. Declaring that this It dUcrlmlns tlon In favor ot Oregon croamarlea, the opinion declares thl section vio late tho stateconstitution. Mr, N. K. Bend, photographer and' former owner ot the Cottage Studio. I now engaged at hla old ataad to aislat Mr. Argrave during hla holi day budnee. During tha past year Mr, Doad haa'beea following; hla pro fession In Baa Francisco and Lea An geloe, and keeping In touch with 'tho late development In photography, and la juallRad to give tho heat aer vtce to cuttomera of tha Cottage Studio. IAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 10. Jehtr B. Roger, tka alayer of Benjamin Qoodmaa, waa today re-eeattaced to be banged on December ITth, by Judge Prank Willie ot Loa Aatlee. WHISKEY MEN TO BE ELIMINATED CALIFORNIA NA90.N8 ARK CON HIDKRINO AN AMKNDMKNT TO THK RITUAI, NKW CHARTKR8 TO IIK ORANTKD Hunting deer by automobile It be coming quite aucceaaful among th sportsmen of Klamath Fall. George Blehn and Earl Sharp returned last evening from Silver camp, near the Rogue River, where they bad been on a bunting trip In the former' Ford car. They brought la four deer. two of which were alx-polat bucks of extra large ilte. The one killed by Sharp weighed about 100 pound. Dob Huntakar and Ous Malbasa also returned last evening from the same section by automobile. Tbey have been camping for the past month, and report that tbey secured the limit, which is Ave deer apiece Uesldet eating considerable venison during their moaUt'a camptaej tbey brought home aevaral dear. RUBE MARQUARO PROVES PUZZLE : TO BOSTONIANS CHANCK TO TIK tMXHW IgMsBWM A WAT IN NINTH i Bark-Haaded Caark by .Oasjat OeaV fielder Haves the flsme far the Kern Yorker Up to taw Laat tsantsjeT . Bat Three HHe Are CtaaMMd) Up Agataat the lavtsrraM New York ' HUb Artie COLUMBUS DAY IS SATURDAY! United rises fearvie BOtTON. Oet !. Atter.hntdiM sews itw stsa )os ror whh bat-three hit. Martaerd I ad np la Ua anUi la the) worlds championship aeaekaH eerie, aad al-, lowed foar aafe ktte. Perfect '' part, however, prevented bat eeagit ear betas made. Beaton fan were transferred ktt ravltux maalaea wSaa. tat tha ninth. wRh Ue score S to aV, Lawks drat) m 4 aaal OFFfCKM IN THK COURT MOU8B WILL BK CLOsMH) ALU BAY BANKS WILL ALSO PtKMMBLY Hl'HPKND BUHINEMrl FOR DAY one and OajjBjtf, aBaar4 adtfs -gj astasHHHglskBBvaatU-''- raspnagsaej WKtm axeal Be It enacted by tbe Legis lative Assembly of tbe State of Oregen: De It enacted by the People of e the State ot Oregon! That tha 11th day ot October e ot each year shall be aad the tame I hereby tat apart aad de- e e clared to be a pnhUc beUday e der the) hame aad-' this ot",'Ca-. e lumbua Day . e e Filed In Ue.'ofdce of Secre- tary of .State, .February 1, 1911. e eeee)eeeee United Preaa Berrlee LOS ANQBLKB, Oct. 10, Tho Cal ifornia Grand Lodge meeting of Ma sons here If considering aa amend ment to tho ritual prohibiting anyone connected with the liquor buttneaa Joining any Caltforaln lodge of the order. Tea new chartere will be granted at today'e ataaloa. . A marriage Heeaaa waa lawad this afternoon to Henry C. Cann and Ml Jennie Pox. both of Port Klamath. Tb ceremony was performed t thl afternoon by Judge Qravee, . T. ... Saturday la a legal holiday, made o by the 1911 ecetlou law ot Ore gon, and, aa a result, the county offices will all be closed on that day. Whether business bouse will ob serve tbe day or not baa not been definitely determined, although It la expected that the bank will be closed. Postmaster Brandaabvrg announc ed1 this afternoon that tbe postotBce would be kept open aa ueaal on Sat urday until 10 a. m. After tbe ar rival ot the mall In the evening ,thi office will be opened and mall will be passed out at tbe general delivery window until 7:10. eontlaaed the Ur Gardner adi waa caught at Uatrd far the out. Tka seat ataai. aa H Uaded eafely, aad the) amass, wswld have been tied ap had Oardaar tried to (treses hla ran to third beer. Tbe next man ap, Ca4r, Seed sat. and. th second gam at tba aeriaa was over, score. New York I, Beaton 1. Thl make tka etaadtac of the two team la tha aeries.- Beaton aa name, new ion owe assa. Only Devore'a aenaatloaat baek- I banded running catch of Cady'a Br Ipreveated a lie. 'mere were anower early tnu morning, but tbe aky waa clear at noon. . v . The batteries were O'Brien aad Carrlaaa for the Red 80s aa)d,klar-n quard for the (Hants. Tha llao-wp af the two teaaii waa Ua tame aa raster day, 'except that Devore batted traf aad Saodgrata third for the) Bmat. ' Tlmraatnt; Devoret first up tor New York, sin gled, but was eaugbt trytag to ataai second after Doyle Bled oat. Saod grata' waa out on n long By. For Boston, Hooper flied nut. Yorkea awung tare Ueaea la the air and 8peakar waa put out at Brat- Murray hit a fast one for two I Merkle advanced him n pec oa a aae- rlflce. Hertog drove out a long aae- rlflce fly, enabling Murray to eeere. Meyer went out nt Brit One ma. Lewi, first man up for. Boston, landed oa n fast one aad reached Brat. Gardner sacrificed,, advancing Lewi (Coatlaued, aa rage LANGFORD STOPS BLACK OPPONENT CLAIM OF FOUL fN THK BLKV KNTH ROUND IB NOV ALLOWRD AND McVKY KsCTMM TO GO ON WITH FKHT Ualted Preaa Barvte PERTH, Australia M. IB Lamgferd (topped MeVay la th elev oath rouad here tohhtht. McVey clalmea a foul. This waa net allowed and Mere rafneed 1 to'east-Haus, " ir BRIER AMD HIS PARTNER PINCHED FORMKR KLAMATH FALLS WOOB DKALtCRH ARK.MKLD IN OfJ ' TODY IN .RRITssM OOLUMBHA ON 8KRKHW CaUIbHC1 Word kaa been, reeelved tha capture of J. D. Briar aad i Anderson Jn New Weetmlastr,..B. O, Bkcrlff Raraaa kad been. net 'aa IM Uall ot tba atea far aaaaiai days. 4 0. P. Btone; attaraap ;ir the i Itora of BrUrt to BrIUah Cc4um! an effort to ball tha of the country by t will assist la eatradi j aeesai . Vl7 .l;i '.- j Aadalioa. ssa aaaa .- V : Bla-e. wmaLV t aBaesbejUa'eaN'r. .. 4 aA s mea, aaA loathe.. , - ,