I , U'J'MKU W THB lMTK KM NKW BaWVlUB foe f tirntno Hefal6. -ft r !i 7 t iutl -.y&rs? r 1 KVKKTWtl NBWW i PRINT THB KIWI, NOV ! I l'JI i H W ,,,1), Year No. I JT KLAMATH KAIJ. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER w. IMS PHea, Viva Cans Baseball Champions Mix Until Darkness Intervenes Court Decides Against What is Called Charitable Trust IKS PUT OUT IINVESTURS PAN IESTATE OF MRS. OF COMMISSION ' THEIR OWN GOLD; BAKER EDDY IS MANY ENEMIES )io.vt:.:iiuan ami: an.miii. ' UTI.I AT r'HONTIKII Lifttf Nlulalrr lVf CoMUnllMupir ltd U Kiprcteat Ttaat IIm llv raerautlie of Krrvte and Halgarl.i Will follow Hull A MUM of War a Ann llrportr.1 la Ktist I Un RtHua Mute NOW COURTS i lilies I'rsi flrrttra LONDON, Oct. , tllcbe r itlied he from Conitsntlnoplo y nst (ore of Montenegrins tiiat iroMl th Turklah border bat been tulMUted, War Estate filled I'rm 8rvlce U.IX)X, Ort. . A telegram la lU inxk vidianc (ran I'arU say. I'll UMUto hat been received u tvatclag tli aeveraac of diplomatic itUlloai tot ten Servla, Ilulgarls 14 Turkey A data of war eslits. Mlaletet Lain Turkey PAfllfl, Oct. . Dlapatcae recelv H lire lody (( that the Ureeh tilaMir tin left Conatsnllaopte. Tta TMK IIM'IIKMCNTATIVKM Or IIKJM UIIADK MINIMI COMPANY OF. FKIl PIIOOI' OP VAI.UIC OK THK i'iioi-i:nrv oii'Kitui roil kai.kI r,,LHT vvsu ov w.ooo,ooo.ooo m IIKCI.AIIKD VOID inn uui'iun niperienc of "pin ning" one' o n gold li tioltiK offered proapeUltr Klamath Kail Inveiiora by repreaeututlve of the Hunahlnc lllgh (lrdn Mining company, who aro lu Ilia clir for thn puri)o of inter- eitlng loral capital In Hip prmnotlnn of lbs company Office hvi bin no cured on Mala alrret, near Klftb, and lha regulation equipment nf a pro, (lector I placed at Ilia dlapoaat of Iboao who are Internated In dlacover Ing Ilia value of the ore hlch haa been brought hare from ttio new min ing camp of lllgh tirade, Th property of lha Hunahlne con lit of three ctalma located on the California aide, but atmoat on the Oregon line, Tho rich claim are now being developed br Uaaera, who are reaping rich harveal. It I the ptan of the compaar to Inital machinery tbla wlater and cancel all leasera' contract. BREEN MAY YET FACE A TRIAL MKKVIKW MAN IS ORDERED lO APPKAR AT O.VCK BKPOlti: U.MTKD NTATKN COMMISSION Kit KMUJIHON IN THM CITY Coa Ureen, UkavleV livery thl hriallan Hclenc Desmmlnalloa I ""I"'0''. ' V hv lo face trial on a charge of lelllait liquor to an liullaa. It wa expected that the charge calnit Mr. flreen woo Id be dlimliaed, At the End of Eleven Innings of Play the Score is 6 to 6 Joseph Heaalg and wife ar la the city today from their ranch near ells- wick, Calif., oa their way to Fort Klamalb, where Mr. Ileaalg go to vlalt hi parent. Mr. Ileaalg I pre rilssrlin and Servian mlaUUra i. Ident of Klamath Telephone and Tel- Arretted by Ruling It I Probahlo That Itii. State Supreme Court Will Apiwlnt Trustee lo llaaillr the Vaal Hum of Money the Woman Hail Accumulated United I'reaa Berflc IIOSTUN, Oct. .The truat fund of i:,000,000 created by Mr. Ilakor Kddy, founder of the Chrlatlan Bel enre church, for the benedt of the denomination h been declared volj by the Maaaachuaelt anpreme court. Thn court illputated that a new charitable truat had been created, and that truiteea may ba appointed to ad mlnlater the ame. ItcI lo leave thli afteraooa. Irgraph compaay. Court Rules That Union is Not Being Attorney for Labor Leaden Makea Opening Statement to the Jury but is Slopped by the Judge INDIAN NOW OUT OF JAIL IIO.WI H rTHN'ISHKD KOR TIIK KKLKAHK KHOM CVKMMV OK HTAM.KV PKIIKO. AKIUMTKU IIV t'. H. AITHOHITIKH but It now Mem that thr haa bent a mliunderatandiaf. He ha been nntined to appear forthwith beforn United Htate Commtuloner Ferg.i- on In thl city. He I expected to ar rlro here from Lakavlew tonight. It waa reported that th ehirgi agalrut llreea waa to reautt of oil taken Ideality. However, three fctt Be for th government h cr- rlved la the city, and they ar balng held here pending- lb bearlag befnm the United Rtataa commtaaloner. Mr. Preen I at liberty on IGOO bond. PRINCE OF WALES GOES TO SCHOOL rAMI'KRED t'Kt HAN THRKK HOOMH KOIt HIM PKRMO.VAIi VHK AMI A IIUXC1I OK HKnVAXTH TO TAKR CARK OF HIM Stanley I'cdro, an Indian who haa been confined In the county Jail for aeveral day by the United State au thorities on a italutory charge, haa been releaacd on bond. I'cdro I a prominent Indian ranch er on the Klamath reservation, and had no difficulty In iccurlcg th bond required. JEWELER LETS THIEF ESCAPE OKJK41 TO HEU. MKtVTKO OOM AllOl'HBM SUHKiaONI, BUT THK hTRANUKR OKKKHH TO HHOW I'llOI'hRTV TO THK POI4CK (sited Preaa Sarvtc OXKOnU. England, Oct. 9. The Prince of Walea. began hi unlvertlty career today when be went Into real dence at Msdln College. II will itudy at Oiford for twelve, month. and during that period he will, o far a poeilble, live the life of an or dinary "freahmaa." ilia apartmeata at Magdeltn have bees thoroughly overhauled and redecorated, Th prince haa three room for hU penoaal ue and there ar five rooms for H. HsbmII, hi private tutor, an querry and a valet. It 1 probable that after h leave Oiford th prlace wltl go to th aUUr narfYy of CambrH ta- to prevent Jeatoaiy. Heavy Wind Interferes With Outfielders Work Pioneer New York Pitcher is Able to Hold Down the Hard Hitting Red Sox. Averages Go Up LABOR LEADER GOES TO JAIL INWANAfOMB, Oct. I. Nwl ,,rf returned hi atattmeat for U dtftai UU morning la th trial t Ike tabor leadtra lu th federal (curt here. He ald that th Iron. Mkir hud been attacked. DUlrlci Attorney Millar objected M tn court luitalned him, aaylag; "No labor organttalloa I being tried her." Harding aatd: 'Th Indictment charge the Ille gal transportation of dynamite. We will how that If th dynamlto wa transported It waa by McManlgal and th McNamara), without th knowl edge of a tingle defondant now on trial here." Water Users Ask For Some Drastic Changes Abel Ady Tells of the Meeting Re cently Concluded in Salt Lake. Important Resolutions Passed u'Hng the turning over of complel i poriloni of government Irrigation HoJti to ti. water uteri, and pro '" h le of power attM i ' by th approval of th water ""directly Rctd, th meetlag M In Salt Uk City r.cently by ati?T0UtlvM or nMo," Wtrn and tk !.! We,," tt wm a aUp In " Mvancem.at of th country, ae- k u .w to Ab,t M' ' lnd, Itiat "" t0iV' "4 wh0 w" " nolo m " ting of th Na wui Federation WaUr Utera waa m which Mr. Ady atttaded ou ' 'l trip, u WM foi0w4 by n meeting of- th National Irrigation congreaa. The rciolutloni adopted by the water uiera were taken bfeor the Irrigation congro, and wore approv ed by that body. A conference waa held with Con greaimaa Bmlth of Txaa, chairman of th congrlonal commute on Ir rigation, and h aaaured the Intereat ed water uer that he waa In entire sympathy with them. Th proposition urged in the reio lutlon for th turning over of com puted portion of Irrigation project Is of pclsi Importance to the farm ers of this section, according to Mr Ady, u It would main a better service at a Ism eipens. STUDENTS WILL TALK POLITICS THIIKK I.KAUI.NQ CANDIDATES KOIt THK l'HK8ll)KNCV WILL HI.' DIHCUH8KD UV HTUDKNTS OK THK HIGH HCHOOL That student of th high reboot are keeping In touch with natluiuk af fairs I evidenced by the announce ment that the three leading candi date for the presidency will be dis cussed during th chapel period, on next Thursday, Friday and Monday by atudenta. Miss Alll Halls, a member of the Junior class, will tell all about 'resi dent Taft on Thursday. Then Theo dore lloosevslt will be heralded by the same speaker on the following day. Forrest Fall will appear a tho exponent of democracy on Monday, and will tell the lit atory of Wood row Wilson. JONKH KLVDBS AUTMOIUTDM Although th authorities have tele graphed to different points In Califor nia, no word had been received her up to a 1st hour this aftsrnoon con cerning th apprehension of D, W. Jones, who la wanted her on chsrge of kidnapping bis II -year-old son. II. B. Hoyt, former manager of the Sparks thsater, has returned from a visit of a few days in th Fort Klam-tttMwtrr, l ulled I'rea Service i'ASADKKA. Calif.. Oct. . Oulle- lesinei of a Jeweler I rriponatbl for the freedom being enjoyed by a man who Is today believed to be the one who robbed Dr. J. W. Woodhouie of bla On watchea and coins laat week. Offering a pocketful of gold. mooted Into a abapcleas maa for sale, lb man asked the Jeweler what It was worth. "Thl looks, suspicious," the Jew eler said, "I ought lo notify the po lice." "Never mind," replied th other. "I'll go over and show It to them." "Alt right." ssld th Jeweler, "and If they say It's all right com back and tell me. and I'll buy It" He never came back, and th pollen ar somewhat peeved. STRANGE VOICE PROBE SUBJECT ACTION TAKEN TO FEDERAL COURT ACTION FOR DAMAQRS BROUGHT UY KXKCUTRIX OF RSTATK OF HORACK COX WILL BR TRIKD 11' V, 8. AUTHORITIBH Th S0,000 dsmag ault 'recently started ugalnit the California-Oregon rower and Light compaay by Maud Cox as administratrix of th estate ot Horace Cos, deceaied, will be trans ferred to fho federal court for trial. A petition for thl action waa today filed by Kuykendall A Ferguson, at torneys for the company, and Is based on the ground of divers cltlscashlp ot th partlea to th suit.' Th action was started to recover dituagea as a result ot th death ot Horace Cox, a former amploy of the compaay, who met bis death by com ing In contact with a high voltage Mrs. H. G. Hoyt sxpeet to leave In th morning for Regis Point, to b at tbs bedsld of bsr 1st?, Mkw How- lett, who I very low wHh pneumonia. VIRGINIA HKN'ATOR TKLLS OP A CON VKRHATION HKLD W1TM THK WHITK HOUHK nUltl.Ml I not CAMPAIGN United Free Service WABHINQTON. D. C. Oct. . Illllls will testify tomorrow before the senatorial campaign contribution in vsatlgstlon committee, according to an announcement mad today by Chairman Clapp. Klmar Dover of Tacoma has been summoned to testify concerning the 190 contributions. Senator Scott of Virginia testified that In October, 104, be answered th telephone at the republican bead- quarters. It was from th White House. A vole asked If Higgle was In any dauger of loalng In New York. '-'Yes," replied Scott. "I'll send for Ilarrlman and see If a fund cannot be railed for Hlgglm, ' replied th vole. Th witness said that the vole soundsd Ilk Roosevslt. APPEAL OP W. H. POKLMAX CI DIHMUNED IN THK FEBBSAL COURT WAS UP FOR CON TEMPT OP COURT 'Jetted Preae lervtra SAN FRANCISOOrOct. ( W roblman, Saattl labor leader, ad' Judged In contempt ot court last Jan. uary for refusing to answer the ques tion of th federal grand Jury, and sent to Jail In default ot a 1500 bond, waa today brought before th United Stats circuit court here on an appeal. Attorney Rlckman ot Lo Angeles and Oscar Lawlor as special prosecutor on behalf of the United Bute attorney general, argued the case. The appeal brought by I'ohnman waa dlimlMed. Ill attorney had ar gued that the January grand Jury he had refused to answer had gone out of existence In July when the new panel waa lummoned. Pohlman will be returned to Jail in Lo Aaglev ' The Dradnack Muak coavpaajr of thl city haa Just sold,' beautiful Jesse French piano br burl walnut BOSTON, Oct. t With forbidding clouds sailing rapidly by ttajm stiff northeast gale, th ascend gam of the world's championship series wa started here today, and anted In th eleventh tram with an rs , 6 to C, whan darkness prvntd far ther play. It was a veritable swatfSaC Be cause of th kavr wind R waa av posslhl for lb fletders to prepajsly Judge batted balls, and bMa taut would under other eircumaMasvsM been easy oats were seredp at hits. case to the Baptist church of this city This plan will rV heard In concert this wluter.'andfs much admired on account of It, beautiful singing qual ity ot ton. Adv. It. OlaantV r-rrangL HndgTSss bttJhg an Ba vores plae, Becker hi a fsd grass. Th gam started at eight mlautes past two. with New York at bat. Baodgraa. th Brat asaa am, laced out a double, bat tx-T'-'--rTl and Decker and Murray west t at first. No run. Th Sox start out Ilk tby pected to win the gam right off th reel. Hooper jingled and stole sec ond, while- Yerkes wu safe whs Fletcher dropped hie 8y; Speaker bunted safely, and the base wer full with no ono out. Then Lewis stag, hut Hooper waa caught at th pint: Gardner went out at trst and Yerkes scored on the play; Steal singled, scoring Speaker and Lawls; Wagner Bled, ending th Inning. Three ran. FEARS VERDICT; TRIES SUICIDE in this innlnrtha OlsnU started U th run column. Merkle faaaed. Her- xog tripled and Myers slagled, scoring uerxog; Fletcher died, aad'Mathew- son forced Meyers. On ran. j Th Sox went out In a hurry. Car- mean and Cotllna west out it tm I Yerkes reached flrst safsly. but waa doubled by Hooper. No runs. Third laatac For tb ataau Snedgrsss l!d, Doyle fouled out and Becker wa out at flrst. No runs. For th Sox Spesksr wat wit at (Continued on hag ) POLYGAMIST IS WORLD'S CHAMP SOUTH AFRICAN TRIBESMAN HAS 40 WIVES, ACCORDING TO OFPI CIAL CENSUS NEAREST COM PETITOR HAS RUT an. United fress Bsrvte JOHANNESBURG, South Africa. Oct. . Th champion polygamtet of the British empire has bn discover ed among th Bantu tribesmen of th Transvaal, according to returns of th census oHe. H baa forty wives, 'and I IS ysars ot age. His nsxt near est competitor' w th matrimonial staks boaste of only twsnty-elght wtvts. WOMAN TAKES IOI80N RATHER THAN RUN THE RISK OF BEING SENT TO JAIR. AND DISGRAC ING HER PARENTS United Press Bervte SAN FRANCI8CO. Oct. 9. About to go to trial before a Jury In Judge Dunne's court on a grand "larceny charge, Qertrude Louise Wright, who waa recently arrested at the instiga tion of her husband, T. J. Wright, at tempted suicide this afternoon by swallowing chloroform tn th Hall of Justice. She swallowed ao much ot the drug that It acted as an emetic 8he was rushed to th Harbor Emer gency hospital. The woman had declared shs be lieved that she would b convicted. and rather than bring disgrace upon her father and son, prfrrd death. Wright, who I an aged miner, met th woman through a matrimonial agency. Ban aecurcd fl.SOO, wKh which th wu to purchase n lodging nous, and left Mm. Later ah wrote that bsr marring waa n mistake, but refused to refund tb maney. KESTER REPORTS SOME BIG CROPS POE VALLEY FARMER M WELL PLEASED WITH THE PRSBBNT SITUATION THRSsHslNQ IS STILL IN PROGRESS Charles N. K ester, a landing farm er from Poo Valley, was la town thw morning on buslnesa. He r apart the grain chop ffrst cUsa la ala val ley, and threshing taYardsr a( bnaf. So far aa threshed as Mr. Xaator'a farm the yields have baas IS tttasala per acre for oats. 14 bnibJanWlnr wneai, ana f good ylsld Surely Po Vails moat pr i fj mww WmsB A Igflanannm. antna jnananVBjaHBMJBms wPf vla.n.Hnsnmc ' lgrnnf' sntsWttnlft f v -Tmmk:t uw - B,Sd'!"W'nian aaaujas','- v , A. " tie,'; t i j-i v