HIUTMKH IIV TIIK . I.MTW" I'lIK14 HtiWH "KMVU.'K w tuning rfalft. i:vi:xi.vn NfcwsrAPaM I'HIXT TIIK MCWft. NOT HMTOftT Hrtrnlli Vrr ' " KI.AMATII P.IM.H, OIIKfloX, TUKHIIAY, OCTORKR , 11 lrlc. PI Onto New York Giants Lose to Bos tonians-Score 4 to 3 Turkish Soldiers are Again Galled to Defend Country MONTENEGRO IS JIT W AGAINST OTTOMAN EMPIRE: ' llrtnlp llrltmiillrr Hununili In T)ilinM iVtrr star iiattkii :. t'hllrd I'rrM Hervlip i.oh an(h:i,i:h, on n llelhlp llrlliiiiillor, tnr bailer of III l.'oast league, died nf typhoid fever till innmlng ! HMtMU. DH'LAHATIOX N IIXAI-j i, Mtm: I'i'iii.u' llflillnx l l I'K'tm-' Alnnu iIip I'roallrr MatrdimUna Arc i:hm ltd in Hi Im I 1'rtilt.titirrtU nf Ollirr I'lmnlili lit Itiilrr l'nrr In Tkr Mnilfrr Anion I lrriinl ,UlaMr ill Till" 'IIiiip : SIREN WHISTLE : IS REJECTED? IIKPOIIT IH DKXIKII CITV ntl'.M'll, UMlrt HPKUKH'A-j tionh aiik sirr fitly him- I'l.llJI WITH IIV TIIK Ml'fCIMrt.! I'l I. MllllKltM IjiIi.IIiIIi'n Ijmv Partner Makr Htatrment ' 1 United Pre Herylrt MADISON, Win., Oct. 8. Al- frcd Rogers, f,a Pollotto's law l partner, unlit lml) Hint Ilia re ixtrt Hint m Pnllrfte had declar ed fur Wllnoii was faUe. BUD ANDERSON TO EIGHT SOON IHVNV ll'IIKIIA MILL I'.U'i: TIIK Ciiuik Itltiuii rlavldgv Inul night wou IiU riitntuUn ngalnit tint now ulriii fir ii whlillu. TIip illy eounrll last iilxlil oli) in reject II, which mean Hint, temporal lly l leait, Klamath) Pall clllisns will lie summoned lo, dm Ashling ilill)' by Iho nnrlrnt bell, j A ihalrmaii of 11 ruiiimlttt tt- SAM EVANS GETS A CONCESSION ; Giants Rally in the Ninth but Fail to Overcome Big Lead jjBECKER HELPS Tesreau is Taken From OWN DEFENSE Mound, . Grandall Subs KOHMKH POLICK I.IKtTKXANT 1 I TAKIXO ACTIVK PART IV TIIK NKLKCTIOX til A JURY TO TUV IIIH CAKK HlhKl VAMIUUIII Ntl l. "mil npioltittl to report on Ui.. ..,- ... . ....,. i iriii m an ! ' MI'DIORR IIOIH hiki: in' virion aim: lintrt bIuo I'rrM prlc IjONIKIN' On K -Tho Muiileltr ,uia ccniul general here lis r Danny O'llrlen, I'lirllaml inirJ thr irpint Itial MouUucgrni weight, mhi annniitiri'il lili ti dttltml war aRaliiat Turke. inciit fimu tin-iIiik allcr liU ilrfral at ..UKP n It. uhlkllo, Mr. HihIiIko rrpnrtcd thai tli hltlt n not ncciinlliiK to rontract.i lli rlalmi'il I lint tln nlr lank wim mnll Unlit "In. trail of IioIiIIiik IS" pounila ut rrilH- art' IV nlil."lt lia only a lon-touinli Tilt) wIiUIIk Ii about IMIW.V TIIK ' AU.KV KKAIt OK TIIK KV WKHTKItX liril.lll.vili I'nltoil Crciia Rerlr IX TIIKj NKW VOIIK. Oft. h. Thr lleckerl N'OltTII-itrlal dan ronumol Dili morning. Tho Wood Holds National League Bat ters Don Except in Third and Ninth Frames. Great Crowd M tinoui-j j M0rtiiw-irii. and Chief of who Hi hamU of Kranklr lluma oiiip 3iti, inrlua In lie lb MonlrnrcriMii lionlcr rk nxo. In to try hla ham) onru , fir fn.( nnK," tlntcatU (lirtr nml Krrvla arc ! agnln In llm iiuriil rltrlv O'llrlrn jr. Hnrrry of Hlirrri I Iron ii lo cliflrr war nlo bkkIiiiI haa broil inalrhnl to ko till rouniM ttrtillir.l llio wtilatlc, drclarrd Hint .ilirjr hrfnrr llm M .-.Until Atlilllc ttub on ,, ,.ftr had turn mailn In llio orlic Orlnlivr ICIh, with till old rival, Hud m ,,,irncntlon. nnd that the nlila. MKX.VA, Oil H -Tim llulKarlan ndrraun of Vantoincr, ah. TIimp p ua( rxnrlly almllar lo thoao In til ?ltln iarllatnrtil harp cm hoya lintr mil four tltnm wlthnut a ,r r(llr of grratrr population 'jwtint tin. rtitrr In an In nnr ilrrlalon Aiiilrnnii rlalnta hla ! n.. i.'i.....u. t,.iu Th rnnnrll innli r..k ... -..I...... ,1. .l...i.J. h.i. t..Bl. .... 1'..H.H. llnl..u...l ... I . ... ... Vfirlhwnkliirfi linllilln Trim in rniiilin urn iir u iiinurjiiMiini ""I iniiiiii jurinimiu imu r, ll(0 a IPW 01 III IIIBUPr, IjnU , -.-...... ,. Jr.l iiTarLry Tlirli adjournmrnla wrr AIp IjIipI of Han Kmnrlani niakn him u)nl lo rpjorl tho whlatlp. , "I objpet," aald the ofDrr. IhMiork llratl difeiidaiil iraonally iaMd on tho United 1'rtM Rorvtcp SKW VO,U5' ct' 8--",,Jr '0lM iMlminaii nnd follow oil Hip quvtlona LONDON," Oct. 8. Frank Umlock. ,,-'rd on T"u-on th Mvonth Ibb- That Ham Kvan. imblUhcr of thp of lli. dlalrlct uttorncy clcmely. Hn i the famoua ahowinan. died hero today ' ,n" ,na P P . w Police II I'P hla own atar wltnoaa of Influetua. ,on Kel 8ox ,(Wlc-" ,aa tMt ,BB uiania wa noi aoie u oTcrvora. man ( 11 won the firat aamo ot Ho Irrma bc-enmp apparent at tho meet-'li-K. CVDI (1011111 lll I 0 World'a ChaniploMhlp IlHjpb.ill ItiK of Iho city council Monday niiclit. Flto Jurora. had been avlected vbtp'rlfl IINIIIII nil I A tcrlea. when Hi former appeared before the ib" cne " 1J"rned for luncheon, fcftl LVWIVII IllbbW Up to tne uu fwentb. the New ' ork alabater held the yliltori Ij but two hlu. one of which, a trlrle b;- city dada and aaked permbuilon to cut down the alley In the rear of the new i "I ! nl PIONEERS WILL EXPLOSION KILLS THIRTY MEXICANS iikta. itnitlilriit Hint he ran aettle allldefTer It Ii pieillrlnl Dial Hip Marnlnn- i nrra with O'llrlrn In Hip i limine 11 till irt.rl jialrh Committee Completes the New City Charter Citizens are Given an Opportunity to Investigate and Suggest any Changes for Interest of City POLICE CHIEF lroMrty In that block, and half of that alley haa rtimv from my proper ty. I object to hallux It cut down." Mr. Kvana nlto wanted the grade , ,ou Pine street rhaniced, hut In this. HOD REUNION l itivr nti wa, a iihiikcui ( fit una. TfimiiT nrnnrn iiHtter '"' "" a,Km uy ih 'iHi'tx.'iMhrx'L mkkti.m; is hkmi IkIIAN I llrHl.rK ' M ,"or, ! no.,.ir n r.ily. ?fflr,Mt ix tum nTv-ur-m-KiM .! IllUnil I VI I W fall 'iiepn'Pr in wiurii in auvenun nil ordlnanrp, which would be necciuinry MKI.KCTKII TO HKIIVK VOIl TIIK I In order lo proceed with nny nuch' co.MI.NO YK.lt flTV ht'HOOI. SI'I'KIIIXTKMIK.NT !"""" - "- "- ) inn, pronuuiy wiin iiip nujcri iHpeaker, roaulted la acor. In b !tienth Tear ea ii loat bis Krlp. nnd ' (four blnglea were marked up afalruK IMKAHTKIt IX TAMI'IfO. M'AK'0.'hlm Wood, for Iloalon, kept the hlta IIKHVI.TH IX THK IIKHT1U-CTIO.V we ,,, excpt ,B tMrd M- OK A W.lllKIIOl'SK AXI OTHKHjIast Inning. Ills support was great. howeter. atM the came was over when Crnndall, who replaced Tesreau 'in the eighth, fanned with two men United I'resk Srrrlr- (0n bases. TAMIMCO, Mexico, Oct. S. A pow- Crandall had little trouble with the lll'II.DINfiH litis HAUKH A lli:ot!i:sT OK Till: ,lm, ,,,. ;ouW ,? 10 ,ulPIBen, At un ndjourned mMtluc , of hf , Thirty men were WIW. dcr pJtiloiilon here today detroy.il vliltom during the two Innings he waa a warehouse mm other biilldliia.'on ,he mouna- In " eighth the first t'lTV fOl!Xt:ilpVA.STS I'l HI IV SCIKKIIJ MOllK'niiiparlug In his newspaper dally Hint the Northweittern Is tho official paper. i The publisher explained Hint his fnpw biilldlna had litin rpftched that I'll) School Superintendent liiuburiiuge of construction when It would to lino the back alley IMoneer Asoclntlon of Hie Klamath Ilasln held lit the ottlce of Prank Ira iuie on me evening ui wemuer iin, President O. A. Steam presiding, the old officer were elected for the ensu ing )ear with tho vxceptl'in of sec (Continued on Page I) niiiiiiitrnil tiifnrn tlip cltV Council last lti niwriurv night and askiil that n truant olllcer'through which to Inttnll his machln-!rcUry trlurr A- Castel. whoso re- b nppnlnted, prefrrnbly Hip chief of ,ry, or slop work. It was arranged ,'" !. ' " o the city en- ! " "" ' ' -- Names of Contributors May Yet be Published poiuc. lie siniru nun uibio -n' uy mo council io nao me cuy en-i ' - THe cbatlrr (I)IIiiiiImIiiii appolntpil wlli In Im heni.l In regard In Hie .. , ... .ri. , tho ,, .....i.ii.h il. rm.l nf ih. nl!vlcor' If Itr ntsinr nnd rnnnrll m rrnnm .iisamp. ,. .pi,(1i nn wlm were ImiIhc ...i iwrmii u vv.n. m m,in th.,. President Stearns appointed ""tr fnr KLiniutli Kails has llnUh- 'rouih drnfl of nhut It believes," (nlley In Hie stakes set. Klrsl pIpcIIoii under llm chntter i K,,,, ,,( 0f ncliool by their parent. 'shall bo held tlir Hist Mnndiiy In Mny, )r lumbar stated that the duties '(ill ... numinlli' I Ii. train flail . Tu.l' j . t. . a ,..rtl.. t.l.l - If .. titk tl A - I . t it i a as "'l MllllMiW "nn" UI P ininUV Ulllllir wtiilltl mwsn ii I.k wnrklliK charier. Ii I fl,rml,iclllcll from ,.iirli ward .hall l.o, luU. of ,I0 chief's time. JMt in (tiatiKP tieforo subinllilna oleclnd, na well as u miiiir, pollco w !, iMa(d to take him lloinstiuriii'y in pius on the leMil'Jtntgi "l 'I'r ir'fer in serwt two aruiind In m buggy," nld Mr. Dun ' nd the ioiiiiiiIhIoii nuilii ' )tnt. (bar. 'd to have nnyotio Intereilnl In Tim power In eiuirt or nuiend the The council granted thn request, "Wilof Iheilmrler In look tlnMt chntler under IhiilnltlnlUc and refer- ,in, uppolntcd llio chief to the ofllce. 'nilpdigneaiiiiiia In writing Hint ""I'"" ,,w" " "", ,nl" nrt' Kiinin-t0 which there I ottached no pay. ( CI occur to llmin. leed. . ! ( Tte.harl.r may b.. seen every day! Tho city will l dhlded Into Iho j. llrennctnnn nnd wife nro In AS khaNCISCO MAX IXTKIIKHTS '' 5 In & nrlnck p. in, nt tho city 'iiriln. tho city from UKlunomn uiiy wmi ii lll until Krldav nfi..M....... .....i ....i . Tim powcrn of llm city are enlarged view of loaning. Mr. llrenneman I - . . ... I ... .1 M-.n.il . .. t .. ......m I . ...... ..............a ...mk.... Impei'inuy as io iiip iihihk umrira'.u uroiuer n i. n. nreunciimii, uhi-i -,. fn r.l iiii.mi iihi ii.ii line of tiualncHd nnd the exclusion ntendout of the Water nnd Light iC'ontluued on k'ngo' i foiumlHici,, will meet nt Hip tamo tr oil Hntunlm- iiriirmwiii i .1 I'"11 !' In bear anyon.i that It company. Grade for New Road is Being Made at Foot of Lake Ewauna Southern Pacific Starts Work Which Leads to the Be- Mef that the Line From This City to Reno, Nevada, Will be Started Soon. Steam Shovel at Work 1 th Southern iw,iHa ..,, i.. INo ih"1'"1'0110" Wofk on ,hB Mo" UIimi. , l" I'roiioieu road from Uft"r:N":! Ud . reainonis ot Kiam- iUm. ",u "cmoa to answer In L,ti !h 1,,a,' two o team I " nu boon ui m.,1, n i.. .i.i. -.- ... ..win ui iiw iient of wuy of tlm Modoc. Norllicrn at tho foot of l.nko Kwattna, where tho line loaves (lie main line of tho Southern Pacific. The grado of tho proposed road Is being made, and the surplus dirt Is being carried away nnd usod for balnst on tho main lino. "Active construction work will probably not be started until spring," said a rnllrond mun liut nlgbt. "I may be mistaken, of course, but I do not bollevo that tho company con templates active operations until that time." This man declined to allow hi name to be used. He Is supposed to be In "tho know," but to what extent ho would not divulge WOULD ORGANIZE TO SELL SPUDS hOCAh I'OTATO HAIHKIW IX A I'l.AX HHl KKCTIIIXM I piiicks koh pitonucr Ail aasocjatiou for the purposo otj liuiirketlug the potatoes raised In tho I Klamath country I about to be or-1 gaulxed. 0. II. Kellogg, representing a an r rnncisco oroKcrage uouse. i In the city for the purpose, and ho stated till afternoou that he had been meeting with great success. "The potatoes raised In the Klam ath country compare favorably with those ruined In nnd around Salinas, Calif.," said Mr. Kellogg. "The Sali nas crop Is rated .the best In the Won, ami command the highest price. Many ' of the potntoes raised here will soil just as wen. "After a preliminary survey of the situation here I am convinced that this section will send out this year nt least 300 car loads of potatoes." Secretary of the 1904 Republican Committee Declares that Dupli cate Lists are in Existence TACOMA, Act. S. Senator Jones all ot the 1901 campaign contrlbu- l. 8. Clrlgsby as sergeant at arms and An drew Kershner and Marlon Hanks as members of the executive committee, i thus completing a full compliment of i officers. All thoie present were cn- thtiRtastlc In their expressions of toy-! nlty to tho asoclntlon, and pledged their best efforts toward promoting ZnZ UnSn ZZ winter -"-comnilt.ee of the CappjUon. had been stored m . ChUago 'considered, but the further develop-Investigating committee, questioned . "?"?" "T.IZ, menta of reunion plans were loft to Elmer Doer. secretary of the 901Ut of the' contributor, and that he the consideration of tho oxecullo.rrnul)Can campaign committee, hero had made 'copies. He said he would .rtmmlllfl !.. ... today. . i produce the papers ir the committee Dover stated that a duplicate list of (so desired. committee. Roosevelt la Detroit United Press Servlcp , DETROIT, Oct. 8. Colonel Roose velt arrived here today and conferred with prominent Bull moosers. He then started for Flint and Saginaw, Mich. mTSiniiWWB IDEMOCRATS TO HOT DISTURBED! BASEBALL FANS! WHOOP 'ER UP UKPHK8KXTATIVKS OK U.IHOB U.MOXH IX CAMKOIIXIA IM) .NOT IIKI.IKVK THAT I.KADKnH tX TIHAh AIIK UWILTY United Press bervlce 8ANDIE00, Oct. S Despite tho confession of Clark, former business agent ot the Iron Workers' 'Union, tho California Iuihor convention In session here today I unanimous In expressing confidence In the labor leaders now on trial In Indianapolis, 6 lid this will be expressed by a for mal resolution. The convention will demand legis lation providing for state guaranty ot employment for every cltixon, old ago and mothers' pensions and a mini mum wage scale for women. AKTKKXOOX HKAIIIXUS OF COM MITTK.K With UK AnAXDOXKU TO AI.MUV THK MKMIItiK8TO WATCH THK HCOUK IIOAIIDH WASHINGTON, D. C.. Oct. ,. Senator Clapp, chairman of' the sen atorial investigation committee, baa decided to abandon afternoon session whenever possible during the world'a baseball championship series, In order to a'Uow the members of the commit tee to watch the score boards. Wayne MacVeagh testified this af ternoon that he had not seen Morgan LOCAL I.KADKHH AHK TIIVIXO TO Hltl.MJ K1TIIKH HAItllY LANK Oil t'XITKD HTATKH HKXATOIt I'IIAMHKUIjAIX TO THIH CITY Klumuih, Kails democrats expect to hold a rally lu this city soon. Party leaders here are now In communica tion with tho leaders In Portland, try tug to Induce either Harry Lane, can didate for United 8tates senator, or Senator Chamberlain to come here. v In tho event of either one ot tho-! telephone to anyone and discuss cam- prominent democrats accepting tho palgn contributions. He repudiated invitation of the local men an oW-' the Welllver story, saying that he had fashioned torchlight procession, wHh never been In the habit of giving out the usual meeting later wjll ,be niv Interviews. tanged.