UPPMKI) lit THK DNITKP I'lllCM NKW NKHVICJt fbe ttrnittn MtUlh. i 'Kfi -, ' KVKMXfl NKWBPAnHM PRINT THK NBWS, NOT flevcnth Year No. i,HT KLAMATH FAI.LH. OIUMJON, MOMMY, OCTOBKR T, IMS Price Five Cents Labor Leader Confesses Part in Dynamite Outrages Sneak Thief Continues his Operations in Local Stores EDWARD CLARK AND M'MANIGAl IN SAME CLASS RANCHER WINS PAISLEY TO HAVE WILSON SAYS HE MINING MEN A TEXAS GIRL NATIONAL BANK IS CHAMPION OF 0R6ANIZE0 LABOR llt'OII ). WKll. AND MIHH Al.ll.'i: -TOW.NHITK COMPANY TAKKH A PoUKl.t. AIIK MAIIHIKI) AT THK I.KAIIINO PART I.V THK OIUJAN IIAPTIHT CHURCH I.KAVK l.ATIO.V OK IIANKINO FACIM 11)11 I.AKKVIKW TIKM FOR THK TOWN LUMBER CARGO GUNMEN TRY TO COME TO CITY IS RECOVERED ENTER NEW YORK SUPREME COURT The rulmltiMlon of a rumauce ',,,,y , to hat a national bank. hleli had !( Inception In Tea v- jy. the t-sks County Kxamlner. rudlitali Ouealr Avows HI labor leaning Point to IlillMMt M'HINKHM AOKNT OF DMIIN CIIANUKM PI.KA I """ irrnl year, men occurred In tliU city President Halley of the Northwest ..r.l..nOnrflmlMri..liit.rt(iiUy n(((i ug ( Wr(( n.wnalu. company king the iaJ v . f .1.1 i !.. i.'M,ni I'nuri . ... '" nrxnnliltiK tli hank, which It In So '1'U"'",'"'-r,Wr'MoMr,M..IAII.l'.m,.,rn.1nU,Mln.r.iM(t.(, mM 0lcn tarntln. t. n,IUn.IU Oilier IMfnriaUilaK nt tlir llaptUl rhurrh by ltc. J. .. ,nuiy ut. Kour of tlio flv dlr.it- Xnw Krrwi l H Vcrjr Uneasy Ovrr"' llrcndel .r m be rlllteu. of Paisley. '. .. . f ... Ml.. l'oell arrived In the city yes- "W.i do not Intend to make ill.. ""0u' il-rd,, BMnm. frnm T,,.. m..Hnk ''" ,,ou'" 'r "' nf ,'r wan met at the train by Mr Wral illfj CUM pi-mir INIUANAI'OUH, Ind., Oct. 7 Kd DKMOCIIATIC t'A.N'RIRATK HCOItKH ' TAFT AND TKDDY HKPHKHKNTATIVIM FROM THK NKW CAMP OF HIGH MHADK COMK TO KLAMATH FAI.I.H TO INTKHKHT LOCAL CAI'lTAL the (..million of lite Wool Industry la l.aMrrnre Answer Tail' Charge That laborers Will KipariMK lUiay Daj In order to Interest local capital In I'nloalthe lllfh (Irade dlttrlct east of hare, where lorao rich strikes have been IIAHOK HITH A HUNKKN LOO OX THK I'PPKH LAKK AM) IH HCII- MKHAKI) CAIUJO HKCOVKRKD HAH BF.KX I Aa a reault of striking a sunken loir, a barge ot lumber being towed by the 1IKCKKR THIAJ, M mtAtOWm A TKR HOMK DKLAT allcan Navlatlon company'a 'Trouble I. Had i. Kerhqi I'UUIIM), Colo., OcL 7. WlUoa i nteri'rlM," aald Mr. Ilalloy, In .onk iik to an Kiamlner man. Uol.nnW. hr it.u mnrnln. Ha will t'ounty Clerk l Up a aiHN-l . r(, )n 1P InllU huclnwi, and natlunul IUQak In Colorado Sprlngi thla nfter- i lit. iiiu nr fiiiinipii ! iiiiirn in ikbiiii .. .. i ..bu.i ..i ....a..u . i...i . i . . . . . . . IJ? T.ll l .. Iei". r "r,n"- M"' '""r ,"" W,-d"" ,V" B b"rf,,w a" ,"" ,non,,y "C uct'r c.Vd h.t ...I... ha. to. '"! !""" i ' 1 .J , , . . "Mr"BOI,,r " ',,r'0"""1' anJ ,h,i mul. w,tn c go borrowing, at A u,mng the employer to demand that ft.rt ktw i n a rharge of being m. lnorB, Mr and Mr.. Wral left for ,,,r Ccnl )n rhlladrlphla. We belktf c-mploye. .upport T.ft under the fuM It. uun.er.ua dynamiting UkM,.w, fcnoll Uank lrrfl J,,,, llelp Ui wk "t that iZr U lo.e their Job! . through., the country, thl. Mr. w, ,, ., ,,,, r,ncllrr , ,hfM ,iUD(lroil ww ,,,. " N.lac rh.i.ge.1 hi. plea rom not , foWi V..r ,, ,, ,JOi000 ,CIr. of ,. T,u Md Itily t guilty He h been the ,M Me mr n toMnM wh h ' .lc... .(.nt of the Iron Worker Th w.man'a Cl.rl.lla.i Temper- Mo , rr,n,.. A bank I greatly1 Nrtl.er underUke. to aet mo- Ul00, r" Un'un will hold their regula.(llt..drl at Paliley. Mr. Ilalley ayn0p.)ly aalde. Their propoaal U that Wh.n emit niwiieU till, morning meeting Tueaday. October nth. at they will be ready to receive .ub.crlp-ltbe .orernmenl be admlnlatered b a Itnade recently, Charle. II. Pulton and .launch Oakland was submerged In the Upper J.nko Saturday afternoon and waa abandoned. The barge' was loaded with 32,000 feet oT Inmber deatlned for Pelican Bay. At the office of the Klamath Oe .. . . t.t... k , volopment company this afternoon It come Intereated In the Sun.hlne. and ,w" tad1 "00 '' .f. ?.' K'nlud tliituKAB a aiV KaLv aJnaiAaiil leal nllil the work of developing the property l going along entirety satl.factory. II. X. Dawson are In the city. They have brought with them apeclmens of ore taken from the property of the Sun.hlne Mining company, where the .trlke was made which gave the camp Ml. name. High Orade. (irmatl Jury to InviUkjati the (l.argr Agvlnst the Pellfe At ten.pt of Couawel to Bacuro Balaf for Former FoUce Oflker U WH owt Avail : JO p m at the home of Mr.. II. H. nn, within thirty days day., after .tlrlg.by. Klevonth and llu.h .treeU.jH,. pipflr. am. recclyed from Wash 'I Incton. C ttk ut beside l.'nlted Hlal. Mar itil fkbml.ll Dltlrlct Attorney Mil kr announced that Clark drtlred to time hit plra, The ladle, ot the llaptlit church' TneprUonrr .t.md up at the cm.pw rve a chicken dinner In tho " H'e urt and changed hi library basement on election day, iConllmird mi I'oge 4) "-"- TiiMiloy, N.ivoiilber Sth. TTTTi TB. Hector's Store is Scene of Burglars9 Activities Thieves Enter Place by Way of a Rear Window and Secure Many Articles. Safe Not Touched Tlir Hector department atore was t 'k'n Into litt night and numerous t'lltlci of value stolen. The police h'r are working on aome clu.a left Uhlnd. Ibe tohbery wn discovered this Bernini by Mr Hector when he open 1 Ik lore, A rear window was Ma, and an Inve.llgatlnn revealed "Hm nf a .ult of clothes, a tray of '"I I'lin. A pair of kUmi belonging : on cl tin. r,.f Kh, Mrs, l.undy, and " tiiniu frnm n pair of glasses he-i 'ling to niiolhf r rlerk. MIm Jim.. ' probablo Hint other artlcUt were Imiin and a r 'n " The window waa openetl by means of an Imprnvl.ed "Jimmy," which wna left on the scene. It a. a piece ot Iron from the brake of a boi car. The cash register was broken open, hut nothing Mas secured, as the rash hnd been transferred to tho .afe upon tho cloilng of buliuM Knliirday even lui. No attempt Mas mndo lit break open the safo. rfl. ...la tf kIaIIius klnlan kail Itsxrt IIIU Bill ill IM'llll'l PIWIVII lU a" j vlccteit HmurJay ug by n local tiff. deposit hud bteo paid WILLIS SEEKS TO RECOVER (0,000 ACTION UV FURNITURE DKALKR WII.I. IIK IIKARD IIV 1VOGK IIKNHON DUItlNti TKRM OF COURT IN IjAKKVIKW An echo ot the criminal charge on which I.. Willis was acqulttod by a Jury In thla city recently will be.heaid by Judge lUnson at LakevUw dining the present trm ot court there, when the ca.e of the Willis Furniture com (any agaln.1 the Horticultural Fire Keller company of Salem la taken M'. Mr. Willie' ator we destroyed by tire In Ukevlew last February nnd In an effort to collect the Insurance It vk charged that he bad comnT.ttod iirrjury. He waa tried here ind ac quitted. An action ha now been itarted against the Insurance compa ny to recover ,000 Inaurauc. W. Ulr Thomnaon of Ukevlew and J. C Is. rill bosrd ot trustee. The only left Is the rivalry aa to who the president ot the board." Quoting Taft that "It Wilson Is electud tho worklngaen will exper ience rainy days," the speaker declar ed that the worklngmen are already experiencing rainy daya. He pointed to tho condition. In the Lawrence I wool Industry. "When I say thai, monopoly must be broken," he said, "I consider my self the champion ot organised labor." ifnnnp than. I.Baf aavfaaar nf nrkhnMri ll-A W. I Heryford. J. I). Heryford. Felix " before tonight Oreen, W. Lair Thompson, K. A. Fits Patrick and F. M. Miller. M flat !. m lumber had been recovered last night,' .., -,. - . , . and It was expected that the balancel NEW Y0RK 0ct 7," Th "" of tho cargo of the barge would b-l'''r Po"c LUuUnnnt Bk wm 'aurted today, iter evernl kwn of 'delay. A score of pollfsnmi eject sl .FIONKKR POP OOKH TO RKHT1 a number of Kaat 8le gun and (other trying to ester the court roam Cnlted Pre Service ' Justice OoCt denied Mclntyre' nio TOl'EKA. Oct. 7. Wm.'A. Pteffer, ' Hon to postpone the trial. It to ex- former Kan populist senator, andlpected that It wlll take. several houra, Merrill People Wed The marriage ot Miss Stella M. Durham and Roy U. Cooper was sol- emnuea l ne nonn oi .ie uriuee. ... ... .1. , . , parenu, Mr. and Mr. T. M. BurhnmJ J"d tt fWltat party, dto4 atto lect a jury, in u.r,m B.t..,.v -.i. h.v Chenola. Kan... today of old age. m aw...... www..j .-.VH.OT. .--. Anderson oSlelated. Ilooarvett to Tewr ilte.t I'm. 5rvlce NEW YORK. Oct. 7- Colonel, School Bead la Hurt While 'en route from thla city to1 Lakevtew Saturday on hi motor cycle Roosevelt conferred with Dtaart, Per State Superintendent of 8chooU Al-'klns and Strauss thl morning. . tie derman wo thrown from hi mach!newlll start thla afternoon on an It-day and his leg was broken. He waa tak-itour through the Middle Western en to Lakov'.-tw for treatment. I elates. HUGE MACHINE BEING MOVED OAHOMNK KXCAVATOR OF HKC- I.AMATION NKRVICK IH IIKINU WORKKD TO rULI. OAPACITV ON PROJKOr Bonanza People Pay Contractor for Work The big gaiollne excavator of the reclamation service I being moved to day from near the T. K. Griffith ranch to a point ucross the main drain. Although the dlitanro from the place BREEN GETS HIS CASE DISMISSED LAKKVIF.W LIVKRYMAN WAHTRK i VICTIM OF A PLOT DY IlKD SKI.VH. IH IIRLIKF CHAROK IH NtKT 8UIWTAXTIATKI) ' . - iLawSuitin Which Klamath County At,llUf WM .-7e'IV. '- w the office of United States District Attornoy McCourt, the charge ot sell ing liquor to an Indian which was re cently preferred ngalnst Con Ilreeni was dismissed by United States Com-( mlssloner Ferguson this afternoon. A school meeting was hold Satur- C'cuuty Hank atulnst the School Dhv It Is claimed that there waa no day In nonania, to rasa on tho eon- trlct No. S, tried last month, held It t..l..l. .I.l - kslsnsA An cYtu In nfTnof lift 1 Xhto nt nn Petal rlM nnt .- e..d ..ainstlldUUIB VIKIIU IWf WUMVU wm mv m.vmvv.u-m . -, w. .... Hw Bank was Plaintiff is Finally Settled to Satisfaction of All foundation llreen, who Is a livery stable keeper at Lakevlew, It appear that three Indians became Intoxicated while on a visit to Lakevlew, and were ar rui,H hv thn muntcloal authorities. In order to escape Jail, It Is said, the redskins concocted the story Implicat ing Mr. Dreea. school building erected In 1907. pay the debt, and the meeting voted The district had Issued a warrant, to pay the contractor, R. K. Watten but the same not being properly sign- burg, the balance ot $1,660, and a ed by the chairman of the board, .now warrant was properly Issued to Judge ncnion In the ca.e of Klamath him. 116 COS TIS BE HANGED UMIWXA WOMKN TO HKNIl OUT niHTMIIH UIUIINO THK HUP ItlllT III' MOVKMKNT TO KK. TAIIMHH PIIODUCK K.XCIIAMIK l'ASAIl:.VA, Cftllf,. Oct. 7.AI a ' lilersnioof i.nirers of tho Southern '"("ruin sinlo Federation of Wo ' Clubs in Pasadena. It was "M to lend to all women of tho ' circulars urging thorn to up r, mov"ent to ostabllili a pro !, f'wlsslon for the purpose of """'n. tho high cost of living. Kr. ..; iin wect or upianu, ' . J. Water of l.o Angelas, ; 0 u '.nun or Ainamnra, Mrs. .',,; "" of Lo AngeUs and Mr. '"'ft ll.rlw..n .... ..... . ...... .. ,., --v.. Him niu Anna noes " "U city. NDIAN CHARGED Mhern the machine now Is to whero Rutenlc and i. 8. Kent of tho new work will be started la but a ihls city are attorneys for tho plats- jcouple of hundred yard, It Is neces- Tsary to move tho hugo machine over Juiige nensoa lieaves aooui live ini.ee ui te.i.kui. v- .... ..-..--, t Mra. T. J. Ford of Salem I visiting Tho excavator will be continued In ling for Lakevlew. where he wilt hold W. J. Colbert on operation a tongas possimewis win- m lerm oi cuur. n wt. . .( ter. Two shifts are employed. i.e win oe gone iiioui two weens NDIAN her sister, Mra. Kast street. AGED MOURNS DEATH BIG TEAMS ARE READY TO PLAY ASSAULTING GIRL HTAM.KV PKDHO IH ARRK8TF.D AT CIIIMMiUIN AND HltOUOIITJ TO TIIIH CITV -WII.I. UK TAK-, K. TX) POHTIiAM) Charged with a statutory offeiiie, Btnnloy Pedro, an Indian, was arrest- od at Chlloquln Sunday by Deputy United States Marshal Dually, and brought to this city. He la now being held In (he county Jail, but will bo taken to Portland tomorrow, unless he gives bond. Soldiers Resent Being Called Thirteen Dollar a Month Boys Pioneer Sergeant of Recruiting Company is in the Hos pital Battling for Life While Tiburon Toughs are Confined in Jail Awaiting the Result of Injuries ICHIKF JOHN OF THK PIUTK IN-IkKCRKT PUACTICK IH HKU BY WAN TRIIIK CARRIRS FI.OWKR8 THK IIOHTON CLUIV HOOTKRH 1 TO THK OKAVK OF IIIH UK. ACCOMPANY THK TRAM TO PARTKI) 8QUAW NKW YORK I The face ot Chief John ot the Piute'. United Pre Serrtee United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 7. Ser ..nt Pstrlck Durkan of the Twenty- eighth company of general service In Pedro, It la claimed, wm employed fantry I dying her today ' on tho ranch of Henry Jackson on autt or a oarroo- .. ";"-" the Indian reservation. It wm while Harry Whlrland and gam Bixtsrliv he wa employed there that It charged been arrested and held pending tho he MMulted on of Jackson'a duugh- outcome of Burkan Injury, ter. Tn fl,hl ,tMUd mo'n under arreit referred to a grout) of soldier a "thirteen dollar a month boy."' Sergeant Durkan I wall known to a number of Klamath Fall men who have during the past nfteen'or twenty year served In the United States army. "He wm a daring man whan I knew blm," said one Klamath Falls ex-aoldter when shown the foregoing dispatch this afternoon. "Ho was not a man to Mk trouble, bui when he happened to meet up with any he wm Invariably 'there with the goods.' "Burkan dm been In the service a I Indian tribe waa aeen In Lakevlew 'last week, says the Ukevlew Exam iner, ho having come over from l.'s reservation allotment In Klamath county. John aaya, "Two year more me own 'em land; be heap rich then." Despite hi many long years ut hardships, Indian John I a character of amaslng conception and one ot a deeply sympathetic nature, always ready In hi odd and humble way to console one who Is In trouble. Last spring when ba lost.hl squaw, Maggie, John suffered the lots keen ly, and hi moanlag ware pltable. And now whenever a funeral takes BOSTON, Oct.- 7. The llnal neae- tlco ot the Red Sox occurred this morning at Fenway park. It wulii' secret. The team started for New (York at 1 o'clock thl afternoon. A' I number ot rooter accompanied them. good many yMr, and wm one ot the i place and John t here he may be seen moat popular aou-commlMloa omotra carrying flowers, usually In a rugged la thn Went" 'cm, to Majjfert ewt. --. QUaU and KbifeUider NKW YORK, Oct. 7. Arrange- ( menu hare, been completed, for th Olanta - Highlanders practice gam this afternoon. $ t J The sale of upper grandstand seat. and boxes will occur late, today. One man arrived at the 0flo grounds at midnight. Two tbouMnd people were In Una' nt daylight for the general admission sale, -which opena tomorrow The management ot the OlanU la confldent. J