- 5: HVI'I'MKH IIV TIIK UMI'KII I'llIMN NKMM HKIiVICK mi tlfltlttlj K efaU. .HMfci mI sn-w 4 i Vh.-O'.'i'fSiii. j RfKNIKfl NsTWlPA HINT TIIK NKW, NOT HMTOmf ! Ml HrMllHl Vrei Vo. I.H7II KLAMATH FAI.LH. OIIWlOX, H.tTURDAY, OCT. A, 1918 BRIGAND LEADS Price. Five OMi BULGARIANS WAR EXCURSION nllKIHII HAIIHACKrt AUK IIUHX Ml TO TIIK OHOUXIi ARRESTS OF TWO RFV. FUNN TO MEN EXPECTED LEAVE THE CITY?' WILHOX KHCAPKH ir ik iii:i.u:vi:i thai iiicikk ami iuhhixatiox or mi.mhtkh of axihiiihon mavi: iu:i:x in:, tiik i'iiihhtiax ciiuiicii ac taim:u at gu.tiiAXTiXK at ckitkd iiv ciiiitcii iioaiid Till: tA VAIHAV IMIIIIIKH AT .MKKTIMJ I.AHT XIHIIT .. ' Although itu word has been recnlv ). lmr aunouiiiliig lliolr ca.lure, l( :,.IIUhi. il ll"wl Owned by'u praillrnlly certain tlml llrler nml At it meetlug of tlio church hoard noiu nit night, the resignation of llov. i;. M. Fllnn, pastor of Ih Chris tlan church, wa accepted, and aa f furl Mill ho mad" to engage, another lMtor at onre. llov. Kllnn will re- Tin ki IMlrt for a Republic. Ainlersuu will U lakmi Into rutiod) . , .. , , within Iho nest day or two. Tim AiihIm of a (Jaarler of Mil. ,.....,, , ., , . ..... " 'II ascertained Friday thnt iMv- ..ii Min Mill l llraily for Um , menu of mock Into Canada ato do-! mala In the city until hU successor IMdh) .Mondm, ailmlillrtliMi1u,Ml M i""1 'v "' Intt-r. arrival. 'Mlotial boundary Hun. and thin. It U1 It wa atatad thin morning that the ,im Mmle believed, nriotinU for tlir fact that I board would comunlcata with a alia I'1" Vmiiotivir oltlina havii not iiiadit later at present In Nabraaka, aad who, "' arrest It la aiiiiui-il that llrl.T II U uKpcrtrd, will bo railed here. t a mm Aiiuaraon, kiwi uieir noises, are. II. I.iilillr I Italaml I'"''' quarantine nt one of thn u Unit"! I'reas Hervlre 'l'Hiil of fiitry bIoiik the Canadian 0 I'AHIH, Del. & Tlm residents U"" f of ihi Turkish liland of Hamoa Hlu-rlfT llmm , nw on the trail I 0 liifr drrlared for a republic. of the two men, and In the morning s'l' V Hlone, Mho U thn attorney for) MMMM "'" r""lll,,r" "f " fugitives, will j ' niitp io niit me aiiprirr in trae.' llilimml l lewder "' '' nun Mr Hlone will attend a ineeiiiiic oiwie nmi anil kbiiio corawl.MVi:i.l. KNOWN ATTOHXKV WILL slmi In Portland on Monday, and wll ..,.,., ,.... ..... en o on north I """' "" --s.i- r STONE WILL DE EIRST SPEAKER 'rlrate Car of Democrat la In Wreck Cnltad I'reaa Sarvlce , OMAHA, Nab., Oct. C Wood- row Wllaon'aiprlvata car ni aldn-awlptd bf a freight car la the Cedar Uapldi (Iowa) yarda. Iho obnervatlcn waa wreckad, but no on Waa Injurad. Tba ' craah did not fcwakra tba daaio- w crntlc rnndJdai. . ANOTHER FAKE STORY IS NAILED YE66S MAKE A LARGE CLEAN-UP HAFF.. OF THF. MKTOOIOIATA.N I.IFK IMHVRANCi: COMFANV IX MAX FKANCWO IH BLOWN OIK AND $Sff,000 HKC'URKI) Blled !''( fertile FOKIA Oct 5 Tweiity.ne hun',( CffJ lliilcarlaiii, under thn command if the brloiid, Hnudanaky, burned t'i TurVlih harrncka at Onrhuniava. BIG LEAGUES CLOSE SEASON AiumKHs tiii: mkmiikiim tiii: i:gi'Ai, hcffiiauk lkauvk tiiih aktfiixoox FIIACTirr: flAMK ttmlr Io He lleatty llllvt l'e Hetilca CUNSTANTU'OI'I.K. Oct. 6.U li athorlllltly staled that Turkey 411 mublllin two armlet of 1&O.000 " ituh Monday .I'UWKIIS AUK NI.IIIIITI.V IXJIB- TLr Serilau uiluUtar haa demand'. .... .1 that the ...tt.n aurrendcr the Kl " THK OIAXTH tiiintllan of war which have been U'll.l, I'l-W IIKIHI.AXDKRN IX I'Ut-d, rnlp (ho demand U mat llblu lornly.four houra diplomatic I litlunt will be aeverad. i ' ' MoW iiiiuhe.i In the window at ' ",l,1 ,,rc "'r I e lullan, HuUarlan and llreek le- NKW YOHK. Ort. 6 The National I u today and American Iraiura cloied thla af- - ternoou llardurr of llonton today) WIImhi Km lloalr Wra Injured hla rlnitrr which waa frac I .ill. J Pre.. Fervlc tured recently, Doyle of the (ItanU, AMKH Iowa, Oct. fi. Woodrow who waa aplked Thuraday, U not aerl- Wllion u rn route Weil today, lie nualy Injured kill tnrrt llryan In Lincoln at a rally The (llanta will play the IllahUnd. It be belli tonliht. era Monday. The flral of a aerlea of addreaiaa to I be delivered hy prominent Klamath ('alia men on the aubjact of equal auf- frno lll bn by C. F. Hlone to the .menibera of the league In the library .Mr. Htnno la heartily In sympathy Ith the taorvment for "votea for wo man," Other Klamath FalU sun will be Invited to addreaa other meetings to bv held before election day. Secretary of Union is Charged with Treason federal Prosecutor Declares that a Defendant in the Dynamiting Told of Grimes to Save Self PROMINENT MEN TO BE HEARD ItCI'OftT THAT WHKKI.KR HAN HKII'FKO IN DF.NIKD Former lrputy Nherfff aad WHaeaa In I lie draft Gaaea la Now aalT hrru. Hut WHI Hrtara to Thla CHjr la About a Moath He U la Ooaa munlratloa With Frteada In Ttda nty 'l lie J I'lie Sen Ice HAN PIIANCISCO, Oct. C Yegg men blew open Iho aafe of the Metro polltaa Life Inaurance company taxt night and got fJG.OOO. The Janitor dlaoovered the robbery when he opened up tba office thla morning. There la ao cine to the robber. BY U.S. MARSHAL more BEER IS MADE IN U. S. FAVORS PRIVACY FOR YOUNGSTERS i fu.' uiTinn tw uivnimn n MXqUKXTA IH ADVOCATED BV JUVF..MLK Jl'IMiK IN THE PORT a LAND COCRTH . AMERICANS DIE FIGHTING REBELS NICARAGUA PORTLAND, Oct. 6 New atataoda of handling Juvenile delinquency ara discussed In the retxirt of the Jbv. f.lle Court for Hoptember. The oB-' cera give figure to abow that far more caaea were dealt with oat of tourt than In. While 43 young of fenders faced the Judge at the bar of Justice during the month, 74 other Amrm Ammtt J.ltt In arinii. bfkm Va. -I.W -.-. -U .U . B.IUU WBja U . Juvenile Officer White and bla aaaUt-' ante without being given a public I TIIK IXHfBflKXT OKXERAL TftKXCHKH HIH FOHCfW KN. Aided by Federal Treoaa, Aa4eaM Wla a Victory aad Caatara taa Leader of the K-hil Ifw Aaaar Icaaa Are Killed aad Ms We The Fetteml. Laat Aaaat IM! Itehrl toa I'aka trial. ynlted I'reaa Service XKAItl.Y N,wOS,7IS.08e UALIX)XH OF TIIK FLUID FHODCCTID IN THK WOULD IX IOIO, AXDMOHT OF IT rOXHUMKD Frlenda of James II. Wheeler are highly Indignant over a story which appeared In the coming paper In al'rrt that Mr. Wheeler haa "skipped" tin immirv in orCer to eacape ap pearing aa a witness against men who were recent I r indicted by the -KATI2 IXVMTIOATION OF CAM I'AKIX (XIXTIUIICTIOXN WILL I'HOIIAIILY UK COXCI.UDKD HK rOIIK KI.KCTIOX DAY INDU.N'ACOI.IU, Ind., Oct. 6. It double crossed McManlgal and the I unrirtaln whether or not United union. The prosecutor demanded that miles Dl.irlcl Attorney Miller will llockln stand up. He obeyed, flush. HKlude bla Mnteuiont of the chargea Ing. ln.t tlm labor laadora today. Hard Pointing nt the iiccuaed. Miller ilnliimeiit for the defense, will ahputed: much briefer, "Thai man double-crossed McManl- uovrriiiiii'iil wltnessea nru arriving gat and tlio Union. I'll tell you later l how ho conveyed the Information to I tin federad building, Incriminating hla associate while aeeklug to save himself. I will show how ho double- crossed everybody." "re. Miller declared that Iho regular J'lf (ho Iron Horkera received for )mltlnK was im. per Job. He "ttodthiu Hecrelary llockln had iille.l l'lt-. .Sriu WA8IIINOTON, D. C, Oct. G. The member of Iho senatorial lave llantliiK committee conferred today and arranged for nest week'a heat lug. t'ougreasmau McKlnley of Illinois will testify Monday, Mrllarg and Dan llanna will be heard Tueaday, Arch bold. Illlles. Charles Taft, I'crkln. Ilcarut, McAdoo and Munaey will tea llfy later. , Senator Clapp hope to cloa the Inquiry bofore election day. United I'ruas Service WASHINGTON, D. C. Oct. 6. Nearly 3.003.7 4 C.000 gallons of beer waa the world's production In the. year 1910, according to a report to the state department froaa Consul llelngartner at Liege, Uelglum, quot ing figure from the "Action Ecoao- mlque." Of thl enormou amount ?,V!D,000,000 gallons were consumed darlaavtbe aame period. ... The United State occupied first place among tho beer-producing coun tries, with an output of I.IOK.OIO, 377. Germany waa aecond. with. l,703,f,l(o gallons, manufactured by 13, tie brewerlea. Oreat Britain ranked third and Auatrl-Hunaarr Is' fourth. The method of aettllng the caaea, WASHINGTON. D. C, Oct. 6. out of court la recommended. The de- Four Americans were killed aad aU linqutnt children are taken to their were wounded In a battle wHa Nlear home by the officer aad there the uuan rebel at Coyataaa jreataraar. matter la arranged ao that no pub- About too federals wera alaa kHlad. Ilclty I given It. For the flral of.) News of the battle waa raaatiad fense the child Is shielded from d-hore today la a cablegraai fraaa M. grace, and la not given taa opportunl-Chamorro, mlnlater of ferataja alatra ty to pose aa a hero before hla com-' of Nicaragua. Pinions for having been in court. General Zeledon'a rebel amy wa Of the 43 children who were routed and 55ledon waa captarad Bear trought Into court for trial, 18 wereaya. He waa wounded aad died boya and 17 girls. Five more were oa ftr nl captur. there for aecond or subsequent of-f Americana under Admiral South fenaes. Seven bad committed bur- and Nlcaraguaa federal troop glary, four larceny and four had been i participated. The rebel casualties ara guilty of acu of Immorality.. Nine were sentenced to the Frailer home. seven to other charitable Institution, one to the reform school, two to the Home of the Good Shepherd aad the other were paroled or. glvea tbelr friedom on probation. "A' The Big Gaines will be Reported by the Herald Arrangements Made to Publish the Daily Detailed Accounts of the World's Championship Games The worlil'a baseball championship 'Jt buwee., ti,u Now York (llanta " "i lloslon Hod Box will bo w rtM ln detail by The Herald. Ar menth were completed thl CTu.ryi.o'thM,i'B,,iwwoh " has been decided by the repre sentative of the big league to start the game promptly at 3 o'clock. Al lowing for tho difference In time be tween tho Atlantic coast and thl city, there will be ample tlm to give tho final results to The Herald reader, together with detailed Information gathered by the corps of special writers engaged especially by the United Press for the occasion, HORSE FAMINE IS IMMINENT UXt'LK HAM'H CAVALRY IB UP AGAINST HKRIOUb FROBI.KM IIKCAUHK OF TIIK HHOKTAQK OF HOKHK8 Culled I'reaa Uervlce WABHINOTON, D. C. Oct. 6.- Uncle Ham's cavalry Is up against the problem of another "horse famine." Tlio Second and Fourth cavalry regiments, which have Just returned to tho United 8tatea from tho Philip pines, have had to bo entirely re mounted because a disease made It Impossible for the regiment to bring back their mounts from tho Islands. The remount stations which sup ply horses for the cavalry arm have been almost stripped bare of service able mounts, and It there should be any additional demands for horses tho government might have to go out and buy horses la tho open market Owing to tho activity of the Hex loin rebel ou' the border, the de mand for cavalry have been largo. county gTand Jnry'on graft charge. Deputy United Bute Marahal Beaty, who la credited with having furnished the paper with the facta on which the aitlcle wa based, declared thla morn ing that he had not given the paper any such Information. ' I told the Northwestern reporter' last night that Wheeler wa in Can ada." said Mr. Ileatty. "I did not aay that Wheeler Intended staying In the far north. All of the Information that I have concerning the where ntiouta of Wheeler came from the alierlft'a office here. I do not enjoy !...lng my statemenU ao twisted aKraULAR IU.PUBUCA.N XOMI. to make a Iter out of me." S NORKSMU.N As a matter of fact, Wheeler ha I Wen In constant communication with ' w IW- UK lvv T"K ruaM ' friends In thla city. He Is not In HTATK OF CALIFORNIA r.rillsh 'Columbia, aa elated by thei taornlug paper, but U In Alberta. Hla(ll(i.,i i.re-, 8,rvic BOURNE WILL BE CANDIDATE unknown. Zeledon refused goathlaad'a de mand to surrender, aad eatreaeaed hla army on a bill near Ceyotepa. The Americana aad federal deployed em two sides, the rebel fighting deeper atelyf Two hundred of Ue federal werc'wosHiaaa. jj lyt SAN FRANCISCO. Oct I. A ftre TWO PARTIES HE NOMINATING CAMS which broke out at o'clock tal morning in the PacMe Oil aad Load work, I being fought by the whole Dre department. Twenty men nar rowly escaped with their Uvea from the rapidly spreading name. ' CMTFD KT4TKN MFVATOIt MAKtti I '", e,llB,,a al " lMIM' TA"' HK.NATOR MAKhM ceed i00(0oo. The aame structure AXX0UXCI-:MKXT OF HIS AC waa deetroyed in 1J. when for Ave CKPTA.NCK OF -FOPLXAR GOV llly th" tn !' " Hh the flame. KRXMK.NT" XOMIXKK tain letter to Deputy Sheriff John Schallock waa from Hardeaty, Alta.. and wok received here September SI. In this letter Mr. Wheeler write IIirI he wilt probably return to thl c!i : In about a month. Omitting mat ttia of buslneaa In which Mr. Wheeler la engaged with Mr. Schallock, the letter la as follews: "Hardeaty, Alta., Sept. 34, 1313. '.Mi John Schallock. Klamath FalU: "IK-ar Friend Well John, I have cot ubout 900 miles up In Canada. Huvo reen aome very fine wheat coun try, the beat I have evor seen. They ralho from 10 to 60 bushels of wheat to the acre and from 80 to 110 bush el of oata to the acre. Where 1 am now la a stock coun try, and a One one. too. Stock win- iConUnutd on Page 4) T-- RICH STORE IS SOLD TO REIDY SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 5. Th Vaftltea are organising at the St. I Francis hotel thla afternoon to uorn1 Inate candidate for congress. The progressive ar organising ut the Palace hotel for the aame pur pose. Daniel Ryan wa chosen state chairman and Charlea Detrlcn of Sau Francisco secretary. FREAK DEVICES ARE REMOVED Klamath Chapter No. 35, Royal SALEM, Ore., Oct. 5. After u pe- Arch Masons, will meet In regular tltloa signed by almost 16,000 voters convocation tonight at 7:30. had been Hied with Secretary of Stato Den W. Olcott, Jonathan Bourne. Jr., IHxtor at the Fort today accepted the Independent nom- Or. Andrew A. Soule U vlsuiag In inatlou for re-election aa United, the city today. He recently removed States senator. He will run aa the from Montague, Calif., to Fort aUam "liopular government" candidate. ah. where he haa established odacea. Agitators Clash With Citizens in Lawrence Mayor Threatens to Rid City of Un desirables even if He Has to Hire a Train to Take Them Away TO MAKK TIUVKLIXG OX KAIL ROAD TRAIXH HAFKR, IXVKXT OHS OK81KGK THK IXTKK8TATK COMMKRCK COMMISSION I'nllcd I'reaa Service LAWRENCK, Mass., Oct. S Street 'fights between tho Industrial Work- Ia tt ttiA Wnvlit nri thj.lt. aiimlM have been numerous here today oa a reault of the cltltens' meeting at CUTTLK MORTOAC1K HELD RV W. P. JOHNSON IS SATISFIED IIV HID OF B10 MOB IS ON UOND8 Tho L. D. Rich shoo stock, recent ly attachod, waa aold by th sheriff thin morning to satisfy a chattel :nortage hold by W. P. Johnson for Sr-.tOn. I M. Reldy waa the highest bidder, with an offer of 13,810. Rich's store was closed up several weeks ago when he was charged with having too many wives. He la now at liberty pa 31,000 bonds, having been Indicted by tbeJoepalne coun ty grand Jury. ganlse vigilante committees. Mayor Scantuti promise to "rid Lawrence or agitator," even la be la forced to hire special trains to take them away. The Industrialists are today wear whlch.the Industrialists' parade were Ing American flag, aad showing evl- deaounced. Threats are mado to or- dence ot respect. ..i i u t li i -i-fi i , i--ea-tss-staaasss WA8HINGTON, U. C. Oct. 6. Hundreds of model of freak device to make railroad travel more aafe ire being tumbled from the dusty helves of the interstate commerce commission to it new building. Theso models were submitted during an an cient Inquiry of th commission Into tho use ot block algnuls. Some are practical, some freakish, and some ut torly worthless. Among the models Is a passenger car, guaranteed not to telescope in a wreck. The car ends are sharply curved, Instead ot square. The In ventor forgot to calculate what would happen to passengers If the oar waa shunted to one side and avoided tele scoping. - With the many models to a small mountain ot blue prints, Ink draw Ing and photograph all adding to Uncle Sam'a scrap heap. Church Workers are Taken Into Custody i . Charge is Made Against Two Promi nent Chicago Men Because They Possessed Bawdy Houses United. Press Sen lee ' CHICAGO, Oct. 5. The first sen sational arrest In the vlco crusad that 1 now la progress hare occurred today, when Harrison Riley, tho mil lionaire president ot the Chicago Title and Trust company, and Justin, BaH. secretary of the same laoMtwttea. were taken into custody. T' BoUi of the accused are premiaeat1 church worker. They are charged with renting a house for Immoral purposes.