MII'I'MKII IIV TIIK 1NITK nilJW NKWH NKIIVH.'K e tienittg cfalft. u W A ilk liiii' vi masi, i'iiint mi: news, nor nmnxmi llh Vrr Ho, t,mn KLAMATH KAMA. ORKOON, FRIDAY, OCTOHKR 4, IBIS Prleo, Ftf Omm "Liars, Liars, Air, is Substance of Roosevelt's Plea Out of the Frying Pan Into the Fire, is Turkish Empire tw COLONE L DID STEEL CONTRACT BARNES GOES . BRISTOL LIKES 'CATTLE SHIPMENT JUDGE BENSON BALKAN WAR IS NOT KNOW OF HAS BEEN LET ON THE TRAIL LOOKS OF THINGS IS MADE TODAY MAY CAMPAIGN TO FOLLOW PEACE WITH ITALIANS CONTRIBUTIONS (tMllltVTi: UIHJKH KXPUMIOS OK ONI: Of HIH ACCIMKIIM PORTLAND HUM WIU, MUPPLY I ( TIIK rllAMKWOHK FOR THK nkw rou.vrv court houhk! ' MOIIK XVI M. UK Hl'HHKII i The routrarl for the aleel for the new Klamath county court houae ha MIIKHIPP TAKKH UP TIIK :llAHKPIIOMINKNT mOHKRTY OWNKM , HUNCH OF tJUTt HKAD8TARTSON MKMIIKHM OH THK SCQUAb 8UF- lOlt IIHIKK AMI ANDKHHON.l WHO AHK WA.NTKD HKKK FOR1 A NKIIIOl'M OPPKNNK ( AHIVKM IN THK CITY FHOMIvOH, AN'QKMCM HAM ,HKKN AWAY HI.N'CK I.AMT fttfli.VU TIIK WAV TO THK MM ANOK l,KH MARKKT HTZPATBICK, WILL GO TO MAN FRANCWCO , PIIAOK I.KAHUK WILL THY AND, KNI.IHT TIIK AID OK CIRCUIT1 -tX)UIIT JUDGK PKACK PACT M HfaNMD, THOOPH WILL HK BUT .!..- UUm l?l,tfMr II. I men -" br((1 i,,, , ,,p tv0rhwel Hie,! . fore HeuMorlal Hirugua ""ir of Portland. The contract price iteslera who are wanted here on n BiiirrkrUrr That Up UnrrU'la JI,00u, f o, b Klamath Falli, rharxe of Inking mortgaged property ltlat llif .inrilnrr if Any '' Hhi-rlff Heme left this morning on II. M. Ilrietol arrived la th rite A ablpmant of 1,607 bead of cattla Itix trnlt of George Anderson aad A.' laat night from hla home In Lo An-,w started on th war outb lodar I), llrler, former Klamath Valla wood IrtMloii fur Tatt Muarj 1'nMem From ttir Ilia and delhery la pwmlaed within the nut of thn country, ln-t lu week Although thn authorltlee have ant Aa aoon aa tho ateel arrive the 1IU, information concerning tbe two ork of construction will atari. It ,11)n thi.y bava not yet been appre-. la eipected that all of It will be com- handed. Tlia laat Information had cf pleled thla fall, and the brick work ,j,rm waa when they ahlpptd their will be atarted aa aoon aa xwalbla.'outnt from Aahtand to Van eouvcr. Already aeveral carloa.la of brick n, o. It la auppoaed that they ar havn arrived here. ir, In llrlllib territory before the The alecl for the work la carried mCera there were Informed that they In atock by the I'ortlaud concern, aud w,rp wanted, and iticceeded In get waa made In I'ortlaud. Other bidden tll( located In aome laolated part of on the material would not have benhe prnrlnr. able to auppty the alrel for a rouplo' of montha, which would have ire- Mra. C. W. Mitchell and Mlaa Miller vented actual conatructlon work am In the city today from Willow atartliix until aprlc. Creek. i.Ih. II. will raaialn here about !ty V. A. Fltipatrlck, manager of tbt tw,. wreka t,o took after hla eitanelvej? rancU of the CbJ """nLk !Tmtbe pubUc "br,rjr ,n ,hU c"r lomor IMeaaed with ,the reault of their work during trie county fair In tbla city, the membera of the Equal Huf-1 Turkey frago lcague will bold meeting at I nllJ l'r Bervlce WA8IIIN0TON, I). C. Oct. 4. Ulore llooievell waa called to the i ml ttfore IIhi aenate eoaaaalttea la n.ilotlB the tl)0 campaign con I Itattona.ttila morning. "I hoM that He nator I'enroae anoulu W thtoan out of the aenato becauee cl bli ailmltilona befor thla com iltlN that be advlaed John Arch UU to try and purrbaae Immunity f oa tho (utrrnment," declared Mr. I.jwmll. "Arrhbold teatlfled that Crneltua llllw, republic naUoaal tifanrrr In 101. bad trM to blade rill him. I have aaaurancea that Ibe luolird UU company contributed c tblac to that campaign." The Colonel declared that llarrl 1 ib, thiouih Hectetary ltab, bad uUi to be xhci) an audience at the V httn llouio It waa granted, and I tbvai prment llarrlman, accord- ur to the Colonel, aatd that more, aBnraa needed to elect lllgglnaaal,,,,, w(n tKjHTI-:HKI IX lufirnor oi ,ew ior. 1-1. .u,. TM. I. hi. at ttl.lt .vm';i '"-!... -. Klamath alnce In the aprlng of Mt -' ,n tbo,raor,?J.D? .,or Tl year. He a.y. It la noticeable that " l0 "" w,th ,h" a"n of the many aubaUntlal IraproveaeaU navnl(nmpn,r' been made, and be la more convinced The ZX ranch la one of the largeat than a-er that Klamath Palle will In the United BUtea. and la located mnke a large city. near I'alaley, In Lake county. The i.. ...vin. nt 1.1. .-,. ,ii up leMtU Juat ihlpned are billed to the Ilrlatol rcportt conditlona eiccptlon ally good, Tha paat year nan been a record breakor for new realdencea in I.o i Angela. Kern County Land company, and will help out In furnlahlng meat for the Lor Angetea market during the win ter. ' The Link River Klectrle company haa moved lu orflcea to tho Kvana Mra. Sloan will remain for building between Fifth and Sixth on but lob upecu to return 'Main, which will be abared with R. Mr. and Mra. Hobert Uloan came to the city laat night from Bonanaa VMIey. a vlilt, today or tomorrow. IK. ritnltb, the realty dealer. Oeta Oat of One Dtfftratt- Only to Oet Into TroaMo Wata Many Nelghbora The RJgliU of llalkan Mtatni WIH Ho Kaforcotl With Arm lr Xiriaaaiy Tieajw Are llelng More! row afternoon for tbe pnrpoae of pre paring plana for the carrying on of! the campaign for rotea for women In thla county. ' It la probable that Judge IJenaon' will be perauaded to makeaeveral ad-1 . dretnen from an automobile In dUTer-' 4)aa,444e; ent parte of the county. The judge la' , n well known campaigner, and the' I'race Coanea member, of tbe league are confident UB,led.preM g,,- that If hla aervlcea en be enlUted A VIENNA. Oct. Dle.Mho their cauae will be greaUy aided. tA fro n.B.d r-.,i-nBi. l.t Every voter In the county will be acnt literature favoring equti auf frage, and aome other plan may be adopted at the meeting tomorrow afternoon. Mra. K. W. Vannlre la reported ao rloualy III thla afternoon. MOST REGISTER EVERY 2 YEARS T. II. Thompaon. proprietor of the lAihlaad nuraery, l In the city calling jon hla cuatomera. He atatea that tho iPoopU ef'thla city and county are tehlotoc la avTMt-nmonat of fruit and ahade treoa and abrubbery for tbe Impr6vcment of thelr,property. today confirm the report that 0 Italy and Turkey have algned a e peace pact. t THK NI'IIINO OI' TIIIH YKAII ARK .NOT HKgl'IIIKII TO RKOIH TKIl AOAIN IN OIIOKK TO VOTK "lie aided to have Cortelyou and lliuaulit In raiting funda," aald tliel (rlotfl " then naked l,ob to phone to Cortelyoit and llllaa, and aak them) laMp llarrlman out." ' lloowT.ll declared that If the Kor the conenlenco of tho- who lundird (III company contributed to. , . . ... ll rampalga fund It waa done "r ","1 dur,n" ,hn U,y " nnd t tkout hit knowledge and conaeot. " Impoaalble to go to the court houae I "quoted a Inter written to lcorgto rrglater. County Clerk l)e Up an- t ifrldnd (,.m.ii..b .. ,l.u .tik.tl...i.I . ... -.. .1... . Hf..!, h.ln. t llbtutl romtulltre lu ISDN, an foMihn booka cloae he will keep hla office I '' : open In tho evening until 9 o'clock. "I am Informed that aome onn on . There haa been aome Inquiry aa to ) or behalf haa requeatod rontrlbu- w)n mutt reglitrr at thla time. The,. bi irnm John H. Archbold and liar- law require that an elector regular, riintn. I prolmt agalnat the acoep-,oV(,ry two yeara, ao that thoee who '"" If thla money la tendered. llreKlalored In the aprlng or thla year lonM be retimed. will not ba required to roglatcr In or- ' I am not a candidate for ofBco, ,rr (l votu at the forthcoming elec- (Continued on I'bik 4) tlon. Ua"' -Ttr- -air - Professional Burglar , Plans . for CamDaitfn During Winter! r " PENALTY TO DE Quantity of Articles Needed by a Sneak Thief Stolen; niij ny nnnu from Local Places of Business. Blank Keys and llll UN OUUH Firearms are Included U List of Goods Missing nKKLIN, Otc. 4. The IgkUag on the frontier which M now m pregra It not I rlleved to ho aerloaa. Reforta from CoMtnntlnopl idony that ta Tnrira rnd Pulgorlano wwro ta aa . gagtuent at Jamboll" la whlea 460 weru killed. ' .Vo ccplrmatlon haa come to tho report that tbe Servian killed thirty TuifcH m-ir Vranra. and that Chrlj tlani Trre maaaacred ta Tnrkkth town. ' 4w 4 Article Htolrn One ahotgun. One revolver. HU flaalillght batUrle Hunch of blank key a. Oae ault of clothe. Onn overcoat. One pair pant. ol Carl Hchtibert aome time laat night I ouulde by pulling the atrlng might I and carried away a number of artl.niatcn tne aoor. cIm of value. Anticipating an attempt at robbery an officer kept watch at the theater F-iom tne oieciric auppiy aiore ,... ,h. ih,. hu. no OM ,nDeard laeeaaa -w - - w r - tbre waa mlaalng thla morning ait0 try out the atrlng combination. I ahotgun, halt a doxen flaah light bat-j An Inveatlgatlon at the atore of the terlea nnd a fountain pea. Link River Electric company ehowed At the bicycle repair abop- the that the thief had entered the place 4lhlaf aecured an overcoat, a' ault of by ualng a "jimmy" on a window In 4 clothe, a revolver, aome blank key tbe rear. A atngla foot print on the 444a)4) 4ind a pair of pant. ground outaide ana under tne win- Tho police were notified laat night do w waa unuaually large. of au occurence that may have had, Tho fact that the thief In each In An unknown man. nreaumably niaome bearing ou the robberiea. AtlaUnce aelected aa booty article cal- I.ABT HALF Or' TA.XKS Ml'KT UK PAII MONDAY OR 10 I'KH CKNT WILL BK AUD Kf TO AMOUNT DUE IV re Uoa-traaed 'i"il i'ien Service VIENNA, Oct. 4. Meaaage from ' .Rome and Cpnataollnople practically Dkf.l.gi7lT conflrm lullan-Turklah peace. Father's Love to Stop Prosecution of Youth The Complaint Against Young Ruf us StUes. Charged With Perjury, May he Dismissed by Officers .profeaalonal burglar. Intent on ot.l Pk theater Juat boro eloa- culated to b. a part of a m()dwra bur- 1 ..... , . Ing the houae for the night, an em- glar'a equipment leada the police to fitting hlmaolt for the wlntor aea.on. . no(Md ft irBf WU 0M ni M,8 thit ,, robr,, ww t. broke Into the Link River KlocUlo jUttrh(.d lotne atch of the back door j formed by aome peraoa who coatem company'a atorv on Main and Third land the other end banging outaide taiplatea extenilve oparatlona along the 'alreeta. nnd tho bicycle repair ehop'auch n manner that a peraon on tha burglar line tbla winter. I" WHAT DOES THE PRISONER MEAN? A n rmuli of a father being rocon 'e to tin. nmrrlnio of hla 1 6 -year-J ''I dsuKhier, mi Indictment agalntt 'lfui mm.,, charging porjury, may f lltnilaawi, Today T. I), fltllea, an it"l of ituruH. U In the city and e! ll ul tho court houae with tho of thn family reconciliation. Ilului milt waa Indicted by tho "H srand Jury on a charge of faUely "wrlug to the age of a daughter of 11 "w r'lnckua, n well known farm- 'r ' Yonnn Valley. Mlaa riackua i married to an undo of Rufua. T. ' ' s"u. ngnlnat the wlahe of her Parent. Tha father, whui h iri.i iha airrlnajw, came to thla city and mad -mpiaint agalnat Rufua, who U but ra of age. Tho grand Jury rd tho complaint, and returned an Indictment, charging the young man with iterJttry. He waa arrested nnit releaaed ou 11.000 bonda. , it I now reported that Mr. Flack-1 ua haa beronio reconciled to hi daughter' marriage, aud U willing to drop the proaocutlon which he atarted. Mlaa Klackua, now Mr. Stllea, la living with her huaband on hla home atead near Swan Lake. "My father-in-law haa not vlalted ua aa yet," aald Mr. Stllea thla after noon, "hut mutual frlenda who have aeen him declare that he la ready to drop tha proaocutlon." Mr. BUtea mat hla wife In thla city about thre yeara ago. It waa a caao of lovo at Oret algbt. The principal objection of her father to a wedding waa tho youth of tho girl. DKI'ITV DIHTRIOT ATTORNEY (JKTN A I.KTTKH FROM MAN HKNTKNCKU TO RK MANOKO FOR MURDKR OK A MAN ItclU of a bit for a bridle which ho ha aent hero to be aold for hla benefit. 1 M see by the paper that you have aoimi hnraea now," tho nruoaor wrote. ' . I llo referred to the thre bucking, bronchos bought by the F.lka lodge' following the laat Rodeo. I SOCIALISTS TO MAKE THE RACE "I hope to meet you aoon." Thualy doe Noble Faulder, con demned pturderer, conclude a letUr addreased to Deputy District Attor ney Ferguson, and received hr laat night Faulder was convicted of murder In this county, nnd waa sentenced by Judge llenson to be hanged aome time ago, but Governor Weal granted a reprieve. If the anti-capital punleh inont amondment Is turned down by the votera at tho November election Faulder will be executed aoon there after. In a letter to Mr. Ferguson Faulder DE PUY WINS IN CIRCUIT COURT ICI.RTIFICATK8 OK AUCKPTANCK Or NOMINATION ARK KII.KI) THIS MORNING IN TIIK OKKICK OK COUNTY CLKRK A party cons'latlng of R. A. Kmmttt, iV. II. North. KD. .North of thla city 'and Hen Looaeley of Fort Klamath. 1 'eipect. to lcae Sunday for the moun- Tho laat half of tbe delinquent tin, aner big game. They will hand taxes must be paid Monday br a pen- for woodruff Meadows and Abbott ally of 10 per cent will bo added, and llutte on the headwaters of the Rogue from that time on 1 per cent a month 'nnd hate promised all klnda of venl- additional will be charged. Deputy Sheriff Haydoa, la charge of tbe tax collection for the sheriff' office haa been working overtime dur ing tbe paat few day receiving belat ed payments. aon nnd bear meat to their frleada. Corbet! to Recover PHILADELPHIA, Oct. I. It .ik announced thla morning that Jim CorLett'a recovery la practically cer-Ulo. It. W. Tower is lu tbe city today from hla ranch near Kcno. Mr Tower waa the winner of the first prlxe for the best exhibit of apple at the recent county fair. He la very proud of the showing tbe products of hla orchard made In competition with other growers of the county, and (Irmly bvllvvc that Klamath county wilt develop Into a good fruit section. JIUKJMKNT AGAINST K. h. HOP- KINH 1H QIVKN 1IY JUDOK BKN HON IN HUIT INVOLVING A THRKHHINQ OUTFIT Judgment for tho plalaUR waa giv en thla afternoon la tha eaao of J. W. Da Puy vs. H. L. Hopklaa. argumeaU la which wer hoard by Judg Benson yeaUrday. The ault Involved a taroaains ma chine outfit. J. C. Rutenlo appeared tor the plalaUI. ' s Two Shoplifters Fail to Make Their Get Away Chief of Police Smith Captures Two ' Men who are Accused of Steal ing Shirts from Atkinson's Certlitratea of acceptance of the nominations recently mad oy the roUallits In convention here were filed In the office of the county clerk I hla morning. They are aa follews: Assessor A. L. Coan of Merrill. County Coramlsaloner J. R. R It tor of Merrill, County Clerk L. ,B. Bllvey of Klamath Valla. Sheriff A. J. Simmers of Klamath PnUa. Coroner C. A. Hay of Klamath Falla. ' Treasurer J. W. Tyrrell of Klaa- uth Falla. Acting on Information furnished by C. K. Atkinson,. Chief of Police Smith this morning arrested two men who stole two ahlrta from taa Atkin son store, and who are auapocted of being Implicated In other potty theft In this city recently. En, route to the city jail one of tho men mad aa effort .to escape, but 'he waa captured by the officer. ' Tha two man vtatt'ed the Atkinson tore thla morning and shortly after their departure It waa suspected that they had carried away aome atock. Mr. Atkinson followed them to the UeMaa Rule'atere and took' a couple of ahlrts away from one of tho man The shirts had been atolen from Mr. Atklnsoa'a store. j One of the men baa oai,tro-M with bla breathing apnaratae, aad la required to call Into rvlc a altvar tub. He ha been la tha kr, for several day, and haa received 'alma from kind-hearted cltliaai. ; When arreated thla moraine ha waa aMghtlr under tho Influence of liquor, j ;-J deorge Moore, one, of tho two atoa, declared thla attnuoa 'that'k waa tbe victim of a aaaear. 'Ho waa oan fined In separate room la tao oun ty Jail thla afternoon, aad wilt bo o; amtned by a phyaMaa. ' "-'-