UPI'MKD III' TMM DNITKII I'lltCM X"WN "VICK Ik . i i tor nine efaU. i i j i: Mi" , t :! ' KYKXIItO NaWtWAPRRm PRINT THK NKW8, NOT RMTOKT Hefrath Vein '. liW KLAMATH KAM. OHMJOK, THUKHRAY, (KTORKK II, IBM Priesv Five Cents I Can Stand My ExpenseBill", Grins J. P. Morgan Beatty Says California Primary Law Not IMMJ Measure IAFT MEN LOSE HECTOR SAVES DERVAN SECURES HELEN COULD IS HEW YORK PLUTES WOOD DEALERS WAR CLOUD YET AN AUTOMOBILE HIS FREEDOM! IN TRAIN WRECK. MUST PAY HIGH: EVADE ARREST HOVERS OVER THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE COURT DECISION IN CALIFORNIA iMM'.il, MMU'HA.NT I'HKM HHK K.- l IKt; OK I.NMA.NK 8UHHM7T MAKKmII'HIVATK OAR $ liKHAII.KH, IIItI ROI.KK ARK OI'KN IX OOUJf. M TRACK OH HHIKK AXII AXIIKIUi TIMil'NHrllt WITH OOOII KK- ri:i.T ov , iitii.MMi machi.nk IN KHOYT OK IIIH NTOIIK (HIM' Jl'Hril'K HKCI.AHK THK NTATi: IAW IM HAM ' The irmiiil Act tot) of (), M. Hector this morning aated automobile be- irrln !- !" Tllllr MiinilKni i Waterman . i-ll.l.ir ml Ultra Hoowvell denlrucllun. (fear I Mil Prgrrlr Are Ik A PI.KA THAT WINK THK AT.) TKTIOX OK THK OKKICKHM OK THK WUXTV K.tMOl'H WOMAN H XOT IX Jl'HKIr KH1HT I'KOPI.K HIT KKH TWO Wtt.l. IMK TRVS MKTROPOLI8 AXDKKW I CARMHOIK HKAIM.THE LWT OF ' MULTI-MIIAIONAIRK8 SOX HAH IIKKX DISCO VKRKD. v OKKICKHM AIIK OX THK THAI I, i OK KfOITIVKH Joe tlervan. who wa recently tak-ti huh rttt r1re t'fi liilo eu.tody on a charge of In- lirrii released from I lie About n I.'. Dili morning Mr Wat- from com- iuuty, has munty jail NKW YOKK. Oct. 3. Ths city tag ,booki have ben opened to the public. BUFFALO. Oct. 3.Klght people ilt woe shown that real and parsoMl rii Ininrrd, tn.faUlly, In a wreck property assessable for 1913 tout In 'value slightly mora mat 7,lw,vuo,- AM.IKIl XATIOXH HflCB AN ULTI MATUM TO .TURKU 000, a net Increase of nearly 300,- lllioul a hearlnc. ' i Mti. Dcrvaa cams bare and made a i"" l'" West Shore linn today, erman stopped In front of the Hector I for Hip release of tier huibaud,. Helen Oould'a private car wa. ilf. '- ..-a ,.i.. . ......I . II-.... I.H-... ... .!.. ...... I.. I. ll ....I . ...i ...... ...,.... .. ... I .. . ,tv gm wr nura mi w pr rumi iii iw " ! . -.- 'r""""' p.i.iu i . n.j uau nil. i mitr iiumiiBK'ii'ii uy mo iuun-1 j-noil, imt Ml.. Mould escaped with I, ,r lliililrn Hal HUtr Slate '" m,nrr l'l'l'-'l '' l l"cliln.. ty olnrlali, thr rrlraio of IVrran waa,,,,,. ,. I than the rntlnr burnt Into rUmi. nrilired , , Uh llr.iiiiillilr. Mr, Hurinr, wltli rnr irrtnrn of mlnd, crabbnl a Orci cUlnauUlirr and J mtnii Wnrdrn of the county court. Atator Hilled Imrrlnl to ttm liiirnlnit car. arrived In the city thl afternoon t'ulti"! I'rew Hervlca "''""''" h"r,,r" Tho chemical u played ou the from Korl Klamath, where he haa TUKNTON N.J Oct . Aviator SiN' niANCIHCO, Oct. 3, The biirnlna- rnlne and In a ahort time' been for vrral daya looking .-., " ..' ' " ,'', ,. tl.U lupreme court ha. denied the ' U.l .park wu eitluitul.h, The'l.U ranch property. "h WM Ml,,d V ' '" " ""' . T,liltc writ of mandamua. deC.aln!CAr' . u-njM.a to .ucn . .. . . .an etlviit that It n hauled to the Artloa llelajretl mt the llooirvelt rlrrtora ra en-1 ,....,. lholl ,, , .. , ' , . , 'repair anop. y. j Kerguion returned from Ho l!li4 to rrpuuucaii arnanaiion tiounda thin afternoon. II fell J.oOO UU ent year. liiileAie Paeaiala aavltlt ate rumen tBI taVtmeVa eM mu BaiiUBlS t . . ., .,,,,', ..... ,u llrorn nirni ui iv,vvv,vi'v iraue 1110 fr aonat llat. The eatatea of John D. Itockefeller, John Jacob Aator and Joseph I'ulltter are aaaensed at Vr 000.000 each; Cornellua Vanderbllt, 18.000.000; Mm. Kueeell Sae. !, r.10.000. and laador Straua, $2,000.-000. Real eatate owned by J. I'. Morgan, I lit-oige Anderaon and A. V. Brier have dropped completely out of alght, nnd every effort of the authorities to dUcover tbelr whereabouta haa been unavalllnc. It la known that the two men,' wanted bera for taking away mort- la-Mgrd properly, ahlpped tbelr outfit' Aahland to Vancouver, D. C.,' out the Canadian offlcera have not re-, rotted any aucceea In trailing them after they arrived In IJrUUh territory. i t t(MMv It waa expected that Sheriff Baraea, and C. F. Stone, attorney for the I fntr HieM. 'creditor of Drier A Anderaon, would United Prase Sarrlc ' ..tart for the North Wednesday, but U lUSaNNK, SwKseflaad. Oe. 4 a no word waa received from the1 Th Turklah and itallaw ran.. Klgtitlag la KtforiM AltNkt 1 llrr, Hut Xo CowHrwtloai Hrm Rerrlvrtl Mrhooea arr Cleawd In Mnnlrargro, and KnUiawlaMai la at ll lllghrat lolat MoblllaaUoa of Tmopi ContiaiBsea on U btltol Hecretary of Htale Jor ia U ui'tmld III hi. dvcUloli to ac it pt tht HiHiM-ri.lt ronvrntloit In Hac i Binto i republican, ItlUd I'ret.Henlce Tkt rfeclilnn, whleh waa uaaaW' nam, tr.tr. the Taflltea without a ' i t4ldtte CbU f Juttlre lleatty .aid "It. (irlm.ry law I. i bad law. It nikt niiir to have been paaaed but A li th Uw, ami we are bound by It." The court ruled that the .lata law I nrrlbeil what roti.tltutc'd the re Micn party and lha national party I'd nothing to do with It. ' nania U.t night, where he went to Argument, were mad. today In the , , metUng of he Und owntr. ... ui io i-nr t. nu,..u., w. v Mnvcted by the liuieuic appeareii lor me piaiuun anu nilutl A Klllott for the defen.e. MRS. CALMES PASSES AWAY by the Horsefly Irrigation project. It waa eapertcd that at thl. meeting bond, would be authorised for the carrying on of the work, but action waa delayed for a week. Mwln""i , ,-,..,i. M -u. .....,.,. . .1,. .... -!& . ... . . .. J .. $1.76.000; Charlea M. Schwab. U.-l , '" -... -. -- - -- e reaenunvea nave agreea on u ,700.000; Harry Payne Whitney. l. ,rJ", ''" P?Vn. It I. probable,) ., ,wraa of peace tr.aty.v4 iJB.000. The Orand Central elation " crlff n.rne. will uk. up th. . tbM ,t WW .) d at 116.000.000. the Kqult- "c '"" """ ""'" "" " ined eoon. f ! W Webb to Re lwrrr (' It. Webb, who haa been connect ill with tbe Chamber of Commerce I la aaaeaaed liert for several month., will leave able Life building alte at $11,000, Ihl. evening for Berkeley, where he 1 000, the Metropolitan Life bulfdlng at. will enter the law department of the. $13,416,000 and tbe Mutual Life at, 1'iiltrralty of California. - ,I10.00000. , af. i i f t-r- naasaaw5Ecafci --ni jassaattsa. -r- Wlr K OK WKM. K.NOW.N MKIIHIU.' MAX llM AKTr.lt AV OPKIl.t- TIOX AT UN.'AI. HOMI'ITAI IX rKHMKNT AT MKHHIM. W SECURED III I0IED CASE M LAST .; Mooted Law Point Disposed of by the State Supreme Court D. V. Kuykendall Receives News of a Decision Which Will Prevent Delay in the Trial of Many Actions in this County. Cross Bill Practice is Involved UNCLE SAM TO! I DAMAGES ssw-- SEEK liBllrd CrMi Ilrrl4 . i . -' - .1 A. M l.t-.UOmxN. Oct.' IndHtlaaa a 1 4r that .Turkey preparing to strike Bulgaria first and the hardest.. Tbe (war office bellereiTthatTa few reil- menta will be aufflclent to dlspoa of i Greece. iKOUl CAH OKIQIXATIXO IN HeporU that the Turlllah forts THK luAKKVIKW MXH DI8-lhllve flrl on th Ottmk aieamars In tbe Bosphorua are uaconBrmed. TIUCT ARK OX TIUAI. IX KKTV. KRAI. COURT IX JIKUFORD I Airships netted IIKMIRADR, Oct. 3. Servla ha Mrs. T. Calmrs of Merrill died at the lllarkhurn hospital at S o'clock this morning, following an operation for tuberculosis. Her mother, Mrs. II. Iloyt, and her hu.band were lirr bod.lde when thn eud came. I Mrs, Calmea was 37 years of age. tklMl lie TIMTIMOXV AilAtVST JHlie was born In Colu.a county, Calif., Ilium ixi.l'i.u ...I. ui Iibm rnalilnl In Merrill for n num- tiiit.i. Uvi.t. .v. .,.......' I ber of years. Hhe I. .urvlved by her '". received In thla city by Attorney 'lower court making a declalon on the fiii-nr'iv k....'..1..!, ' hu.band, parent., a .l.ler. Mrs. Alll- li. V. Kuykendall thla morning, an nurlts of the bill, an appeal would till Four caaea originating In the Uke-,1 U1 Turkish aeropUnea nnd Mew land district are being tried inttrtni wlond. of munitions of war . . .. . .. . j ... Jen route to Turkey, the federal court In Medford. All are As a result of a decision which li.ai In the past It haa been the practice just been handed down by the state for nltornr). to set up cross bill, supreme court, and news of which when delay was desired. Upon the l.lU4 I'lui HerUre Isnn of Berkeley, Calif., and six broth- instrument of delay which baa been le taken. .era, all redding In Oregon effectively u.ed by Klamath Kail, at- tint appeal, tbe law cases In which the government aoska Turks llrpslatrt .to recover for timber alleged to have VIKNNA, Oct. 3. It la reported been taken by the defendants froml"" lht 8ervlan regiment has re , ,.mA pulaed a Turkish battalion attempt- rendered was Donnrt A Uonart vs. C. K """ a- ,nf tocro u,e frontier. I. Stewart and M. M. Uou.h, and. Syke. Hamaker and Kl.le alcael- Tn MhooU ,n Montenegro nave fcrew out of a dispute for tbe posses- lau are Jointly sued for $10,435. 'been closed. Enthusiasm la at the nion of the .tore room now occupied 8yl(M n,mi,er nnd Earl Brooke! highest point, and tbe mobilisation ii' the I'aira oiiiiaru nan. a croaa . lfi ... - o( troopa Is being rushed. waa filed and decided by IheJ . j . . Pending the dlapoalllon of .court. An appeal was taken, and the! " " n""1" """" I'lUmalum Given esse would be, original action was forgotten In thetr $17,089. t'court an opinion on tho point of Uw.Ja90i ) ' Mr. Kuykendall entered tbe case as I , w.' No arrangements have been mauoltnrncyi, has been put out of rommls-.beld up. As the stain supreme court u-Uort to secure from the supreme INIMAXAI'OI.IH, Oct 3. Tho Jury (or the funeral, but It Is oipectdikOUi nmi much mooted law point 'l almost twe years behind In Its irtunM In the casea In which llrtnt It will occur Haturda) Inter-(iposed of. woik, the law case would be held up Mnlnrni labor lenders are defend- mrnl will tie In Merrill The supremo court haa held that for that time at least. nn attorney for bondsmen, and ar ,M on charges of a conspiracy to - when the lower court disposes of n Aa a result of the recent ruling by !"Ule thr w n ,e transportation ThousaniU (lieri Taft cross bill tho law ease must be pro- the Huprcme court, the filing of n f ttplolvea. nt 3 n'rlock thla after- IIHOCKTON. Mass.. Oct. $. I'resl- coeiled with at once, and not held up rrcsa bill In the futuro will not cause '"" itent Tafl und Mrs. Taft visited the i until an appeal to the supreme court 11" taking of testimony will be Brockton fair today. About 100,000 en the cross bill declalon Is com- 1 J. I). Hamaker, Individually, for "Jfled at oace. t any more delay-than Its disposition In Hi n lower courta. , people cheered the preeldent. p'eted. I in IUHl'1 VVW.. .. MM MW. The case In which tho declslou was of this declalon Orion, regl.ter of the United States land office at Ijikevlew. Is one gued along the line of the decision of ot the witnesses for the government the supreme court. Vh0 u in attendance at court, be bav There are a number of caaea nownit Deen ,Ubpoenaed more especially pending In the courta In thla section ltliat he mfnt brtnK wi,n j,ibi lhe which may now be tried as a result i0fflcUI records of tbe land oflce for use In the trial. CONSTANTINOPLE. Oct. 3, The j Bulgarian. Servian, Montenegroau and flreek mlnliters have Jointly la sued an ultimatum to Turkey, de manding autonomy for Macedonia. Albanian, Servla and Crete' within three days. If thla Is not granted n second ultimatum will be delivered to the powers, giving notice that unless the Turks yield within the second three days, war will start. Money King Forgets a Mere $100,000 J Pierpont Morgan Tells Senate In vestigating Committee of Cam paign Contributions to Reps INCOME TAX LAW IS VALID HTATK HUPKKMK COURT HAX1M noVX IIKCIHIOX IX AHK IX WHICH WKLMi KAHHO CO. IXVOLVKD held the constitutionality of law In the Pacific Telephono rase, the ex prrM company concentrated its at tack on the gross Income law on the ground that It was repeated by the l09 act. SULZERWINSA Case Will Bring Up an CHANCE TO RUN Important Point in law AHHIMllr,,.. .. .. . . M'i.rDo;v.,""' ":"."". a:r ,1,,,. . ' ami waa causa 10 ins '" In the hearing before the aen- timiiAbjr, contributions InvasU- "M Mmmliien afl0;06 thla room- ju' ." n" "xciised M 11 o'clock. torT.,n,OVO",y nd ,uUt"' "' lion, "'nuuciaa the examiw 'lh .!.. . iL. . "w" tMn that conUI- B"l'l'ta. Thenilgsn. hrok.? Nuw York ' Pli ro.!,,iiofwo'oo- i lb. . ,,Ba wntrlbutsd to any npublleaki party la 1804. He also denlod thut he had attended uny general conferenco of Dnanrlera re garding whom to support. "I want It distinctly undorttood," he added, "that J. P. Morgan A Co, did not make a slnglo contribution with any promise attached, or with any expectation of a return, and uni leas we deemed It advantageous to ths government and the people. Wo had no applications from any can didate, but only aubacrlbed for the good of tbe country and the people. We were all In harmony, and we did not expect to receive any returns." I Continued ou Page 41 1 HAI.KM, Oct. a. The supreme court lit an opinion Just handed down. reiusoa. o dismiss uw sun uruuiui vj tlin state ngalnst Wells, Kargo A Co., m collnct a tax under the gross in- como law for the three years, 1906, 11)07 and 1908. The defendant company sought to have tho suit dismissed on the ground that the tax law enactod In 1907 and Ihn law enacted In 1909, creating a state tax commission, Impliedly re pealed tho grots Income tax law. i ne allegation was alio made that the gross Income tax law waa In violation of the federal constitution, but alter the United States aupreme court up- MERRILL Y0UN6 PEOPLE TO WED I.ICKXHK IH IHHUKU TO ROY C. COOPKK AND 8TKI.LA M. DUR HAM, DAUOHTKR OK MKRRIUj CITY MARSHAL A marriage license waa Issued this morning, to Roy 0. Cooper and Btslla M. Durham. Tbe wedding ceremony will occur In Merrill Sunday. Miss Durham la the daughter of T. M. Durham, city marshal of Merrill. She la It yeara oi age, and ths con sent of her parents waa necessary when ths license waa Issued. Ioovkrxor dix is "katki Mandamus Proceedings to Allow VOlt IIKXOMIXATIOX FOK UOV- i krxor ok xkw voHK-wii, Half Breed Children to I HON' IH PI.KAHKH WITH RKHUI.T Half Breed Children to Attend School Invohres Fine Points United Press Service i BYRACU8E, N. V Oct. 3. 8ulter was nominated by the democrats for governor at 1 o'clock today. Gover nor Dix withdrew after a bitter fight. Wilson Pleased United Press Servlcs INDIANAPOLIS. lnd Oct. 3 Woodrow Wilson arrived hare at noon. He praUsd Bultsr for his free dom of action. "The choice of the Syracuse con vention la cause of great satisfaction to me." ha aatd. Marlon Loosley, clerk of the school board of the Fort Klamath district; la In the city today consulting with Attorney Thomaa Drake relative to the suit which haa been brought against the school district to compel the. admittance of Indian children Into the schools attended by the white children at Fort Klamath. i The case' has been set for hearing before Judge II. h. Benson Friday morning at 10 o'clock, bu.T It Is not probable that ths trial will take place at thla time, as Judge Benson will have to leave Sunday for Lakevlew to open court there. -4 .ui--jfc The question at Issue la an Import ant one, and the decision will be awaited with Interest by all sections ou the coast where there are Inwlai ri serrations. Mr. Looseley maintains that the district la maintaining a separata school for Indian children at Fort Klamath, which Is equal to that atj tended by the white children. It la also assiTt.il that the Indiana atakJ ing tho complaint are not permanent residents of the Fort Klamath, 44n trlct, but own property on the rwwrj vmiuu, nun uuiy uiuvv (u yw ffimv, nth during the school I