HiTI'l IK' lV TIIK DMTi:i I'lllvMM NKWH HKIIVII'K flje fUfrttna B ttnlb. i.1 f... KVE.VIXO KRWSTAf I'llINT THH NftWB, NOT Vath Year Mo. I,tb1 KMMATII KAMA. IHtlWlON, WKDNKHDAY, OCTOBER S, HIS Prico, 0tr) OmtM Bloody War in the Balkan States Cannot be Stopped "Probe the Other Fellow, loo," is Roosevelt's Plea CITIZEN SMITH HAS RIGHT TO BE CANDIDATE in.utll. I-WV DOKM .NOT UAHI I'A.V.ilHA.Nrt FROM OKFICK i: i ! I'.tllor of llrial.t IU Krrrlrl the , l'orr f t'lllrlili Kvrr Hlnrr nwkkt ii:ah auk oiaxth HlriI.Mll-r la XrrrMary (lather llraullful Flower lu Tim DMrtit pra In (ha gardnn n( Mm. I! J Murray, roruer u( (Nnlur Mint High atreet, hav grown mi high Hint It Iim bit loiup iwrraaary tit una n alep ladder In pick t hi-III. Hotlin nf Ilia UiiU am ten fet hlltli "lid llll xroHliiK, It U predicted that If tlin irMnt weather run. tinner a i'vk longer ibn plant lll lip nt Irimt twelve frrt IiIkIi. Mm. Murray' yard re- LOCAL WILSON MEN ORGANIZE -. -am. xoi.tlf ku.I.I llt.i .!.. I., il .. Mr Ha llrtu of .lr III Father''' "" ""'"" !'" " "' ( "City liraullful" rontrat Nnlurallaalioft I'apef. TwA D11I Ml N'll -l Soiiii ( the llrnpfll if llir Ha ! IIOI.MI (.'. moHIIF.CK AND Wll, mam waijnku iikcmvk mt t'OXVIl.TM I.Yii l. 11 lii Hlrlur Art or kmIIm ( y HI COON -1 W t.'lllsea l.'ulLd l'ra lervlre). f CIIRYKNNR. Wyuj; Oct. I. f Frank Wlgfall, a negfo, who as- ) taulted Mm. Julia Miff Ins, aged 4 TO. nt Itawllna. wa bitched thl KIIATUIK I Oil l.mTIIII.I TIOX ,nrng by ,h, conTcU ,n ,h. . IN MH.'AI. FIKI.D " penitentiary nt Rawlins. ) Tim mgro had been taken to ' the penitentiary to prevent bit ) Inl. ml Hlatutr t totlon SIJ1 Tho children t of ton who hare heeii duly t aaturallinl uudrr any law o( Ike I'nltftl Hlt, !. lu undrr tha aga of II year at I l HORSEFLY PLAN IS APPROVED! ihetlmoot Hip naturalliatlon ot j tktlr irnU, (hall. If dwlllu la thf I'nllad Hlatea, b romld. rf4 cltlirui lbrif, ' IIIIIIIUATKIV IMKUMT KAHT Tka mornlni niiwnar baa arorad 1 "tfoep," TIi Niiclliwralarn bai dlacovorad Utl W. 0. Hinlth, rdltor of Tba lltr til, nd tba only candidal In thla CliUkt fur tha oftlca ot ra)praan Ulli. U nut a cllUau ot tba UntUd Ctitrt. Thli U tha "acoop," and, Ilk (rut many of th othar ticluaU it'flu printed In that pr. It la f.k. W. 0. Hmllh I a cltlMO ot tba I'nlUd Htatra, and acqutrad that dla Uhftlon tBiityvlicht yvara ago, whoa li ftthrr tccaino naturalltad. Mr. 8ulib Uirn lu Canada, and hit father caino to the United Htata la'.ity-fuur yrara ago. On ot the (lit acti of Smith, aaulor, waa to do cl.ra till liilintluu to becom a dt Ixn of the United Btate. Hub tinttly, and about lb time h aenl fer bit family to Jolu him, h took ou kit final paper, and thualy did W 0. Hmllh becum m cllltan of lb t'nllrd Htalra. Ai kkiii an ho had attained bia Jurlly, V. O. Hmllh oaarclaa th friBchlie imnlcd American cltUna, i"l ilnrv Hint time liaa conliuuod to to ID, Hi:ili: Wll.l. UK hTAIITKIt HIM IN AH THH IIOMI IHMIIK IH ACTIIIMII.MI Tim Molarity Irrigation project hat Un approved by th aUte enslneer, and lh nnt atip In th completion of thli Irrliatlon plan la the Imuance of bond. Attorney (.' J Kerftuaon left for llminiita tixlay In attend a mwtlnu of the land owiiem affrcled by the pro-Ji-ft. At thla mrellnR It U niperled that a bond luun will be alithnrlted. Ill order to promotii cfTrrtlvvl)' the ruiiipalmi of WoodroM tt'llion, a few of lil frlciida here hnt taken tci looking to the orcaultatlon of a Wll ami C'luli. Tti Cortland oHlic of the U'llaou aupMirtem haa aent a bundle of llleraturo and n number ot large lltlioKrapha of wllaon and Marahal to Hollo C. Ilroeabvck and William Wagner, nnd theae grntlemen will illaltlbute them to thnan Interrated. The Wllaon campaign l being aup porlrd by amall contribution from adtulrere throughout the United Hiad-e, and either Mr. Wagner or Mr. (lroberk will forward any aniounta icntitrlliutrd by friend to the Portland Iijiiartem, Hie nmounta helug receipted for by the Hat publlahed In th I'ort luinl Journal, l being lynched by Irate1 cltlien. t EQUIPMENT IS EN ROUTE HERE MA.NKY HltOH. Ci. niKIMHK TO NTAIIT WOKK OS TIIK HKCONII I'.MT UlTKIMI WlNTKIt CAMI TO UK KNTAIII.IMIIKII U A part of V'' o equipment of Maney Urna. (') who aerured the contract lor tho aecoud unit lateral of the Klamath reclamation project, la being liMHighl her overland, and I ox-IMH-leil to arrive between October 8th ...! inn. Up W.IN whii will lilVu n after Mr. Hmllh camo Wt, ,,.,,,. of' u,e work. and who waa In iOI. ho fmiud an opportunity to ,,,... ... Wlirk ,,ono ln ,ho Mt n 'on a umber claim In Idaho. ,, ,,. ,,y ,ho company, will ar-, kthtr than wait to aecur trom WU- rv ,lcr ,, ,hc Httlno t,ne. . vn..n a terlined copy of hla faUtor'a ,nmwiuiely upon the arrival of aturallMiioi, papera, and thereby , tntpmcnt winter quartern will Ibv chiiuc of mlMlng hla opuor b(, ...tulillnhoil, and arrangement "lly to ..cure the claim, he took ,,,,, , ,,,,, worki on. ! Ilrat papera, and hla filing on Thl, ir.i reclamation uOlro ha re- UB llniUl'r Clullll wmm ftllnwul . .. -.r.k.. ..... .!. nt U.H.I- .... .. ...vnvv. ceiveo no wuru mm mw ui w..v,. fie fwl.ral law la very clear ou ) Droit, haa been accepted, but thla la ae rlghia of I(, children of foreign- taken for grnnlH, a they would not ' hti (limn 10 thla city and become 'bring their outfit hero unleaa Ihey hd alurallied, The particular aocllon'dt-ilulte tirrnngement with the aecro tthTTHl ii) 1,1 quuted above. , lary of the Interior. Many Candidates are in the Field for Office Complete Lilt Shows that Democrat! and Progressive! are Not so Ac tive in Campaigning Here MALIN FIELDS ARE FERTILE r'AIIMKHH OK THAT MIXTION HIC I1IIIT UllKAT triUlfH IMI-OKT-Kl IIAItl.KY I'HOVKH (JIlKAT Nl'l-I.'KHH THKK U. C. lw returned laat night en tluialaaile over a trip to Matin, where ir met a number of the farmer. "It'a one ot the greateal farming roi'ntrlea In the Weal," declared Mr. I iiw. Joaeph Otoman, who la farming an vj acre tract, reported to Mr. I.ow that hla crop of rye haa yielded 37 H buahela to th acre, and averaged ubnut aeven feet In height. After tho header had paaacd ovtr tho Held a home could Mally hide In th etubble. Joaeph Kohout la farming about twenty acre. A year ago he aecured about twelve pounda of Imported bar- ly, and, after two aowlnga, ralaed,' r.i'U buahela from thla aeed. Another micceaaful farmer of that at-rtlon la Joaef Vlktorln, who report .".I buahi'U of wheat to the acre. OIXON WANTS PROBE TO BE EXHAUSTIVE IIOOMKVKIrH MA.VAOKH INMHTH OX A rHOIIK Or WlMtOX HABEAS CORPUS WRIT IS DENIED IIKHMCK WALI.K.V Ml'HT KKMAIX IN THK CfHTOIIV OK NHKHIKr IIAft.VKH I'K.VDI.Mi A.N API'KAL TO MIII'KKMK CXit'KT Trrwinrrr of 'alioaaJ Cnwlltn ( IVOrl (Jlvr Tnattaaony Cmmtmmim 'MtrHNtUoawHlalMMr ol Uw ppwartrT ArrlkiM. ami r'rirk KacU Uatv t Money roltMKH I't'O IH HKHTIM1 KANY I'llll.ADKI.I'IIIA. Oct. I. lr. Ed ward Klopl, who operated on Jim Corbetl yeaterday, announced that tho former champion puglllat la rat 1 lug enay and doing flue. REPORT OF TRAIN CHANGE DENIED rilti"! I'u-aa Service WA8IIINIJT0N. Oct. J. Testify ing before the'aenate Inveatlgatlng committee today, Senator Dlion de mande'd to know how far lb Inquiry waa going; aaylng, "I want the com mittee to probe other campaign funda bealdea Hooaovelt'i. The lm preaalori prevail that thla Inveatlga tlou la directed agalnat Itooaevell. Why not probe Wllaon' campaign?" The wttneaa aald that Munaay, I'erkSna and Manna had given blm ap proximately IX.OUO. Of thla amount 152.000 bad bn ipent at headquar ter for literature. "We got lota of dollar contribu tion." th wltneaa aald. II waa only from hearsay evidence, tho wltneaa aald, that be had It that attempta had been mad to buy dele galea. He denied that the tloosavelt The petition for a writ of habeas corpua In the case of tho atats against llernlce Wallen, charged with being delinquent child, waa denied thla morning by Judge lleiwon In the cir cuit court, and the girl waa remanded to the cuatody of the sheriff. The cost were taxed to the petitioner. Immediately upon the announce ment of the declilon, (!. C. Ilrower, attorney for the petitioner, gave no tice of an appeal to the state supreme court. The application for the writ waa Bad by the mother of llernlce. The M waa arratUd In Texas on a charge preferred In the county court here. She was wanted as a witness to ap pear agalnat her father, but beforo ahe could be aerved with a aubpoena aha left for the South, and waa stay ing there with relatives when taken Into cuatody. ItOOHKYKIT IH KAVOBKD California' Attorney fJeaeral KlmU n loophole United lra Bervlc HACRAMKNTO, Oct. J. At torney Oeneral Webb declared todsy tbst the failure of Coun ty Clerk Inland of Lo Angele to certify that the 12.000 Roo velt petition' did not vote at the primaries, doe not Invali date the petition. The attorney general aald that the Ixm Angeles county clerk would be permitted to remedy the defect. It was feared that th Hoo velt electors might, by this over sight, be kept oil tha ballot. : "PLEASE MISTER, let us fight; IS THE REQUEST ItKI'ltKHt-'ATATIVKH OV IH1WK1M (IKT HOMK XOTKH FERRIS WAIVES AN EXAMINATION LAST CONCERTS TO BE PLAYED tlA.M WIIXD CLOHK THK HKAM) HATl'KUAY KVK.MXQ BY PL.Y. IXU A COMI'MMK.VTARY CON CKRT sOR MKRCHANT8 I Allln. Hay They Only lapalrc to FeWC) tlie Kalian lo Allow Mareilanln ti Havi- Hmall l.llirrtlf rigtitleMt U lteMrtrl to lb in lrogiio Atongf Frontier Troop Are; Beo y for Immntlatr Hrrvkr , AtlKO CAIll'KXTKH Ml'HT KKMAIX IN THK tX)t'XTV JAII. 1'KXDIXtJ THK HiaiHIOX OK TIIK fOt'XTV GUAM JUKY Tho Isat concert but one of tho (sou will be pUyed by tba Klamath :PalU MIHUry band tonight In the opera house, the evenings being con- (sldersd too cool to play In th nark. I On Saturday ,venla ih band will itloae the conoart season by playing a concert on Main atreet for tho apodal benefit of the merchants whoa ub icrlptlona have made these concerts iposalble. The last two concerts will he devoted to popular music exclu-alvely. United Trass Ssrvlc CONSTANTINOI'LK, Oct I. The Turklah cabinet hss refused to nr render the Servian mugltloM of war recently aelted. ana appointed Ah dullah Paaha to bo 'ceMmaoor-ra, cblef of the Turkish forces la the Bal-I kans. The Dardanelles haa boon cloaod to, lireek -ablpplng. Flrty-two. Orosk vessel have been com nana wad as( tranaporu. The Rabat, a UVWMtf. aava: 4-c,"Thi atroroa of haraaa. snaraaat J by alx ceaturlos ot Clarions batttos. WIIISiWlgaHLBMIIaMHT:. "is4B5la.C?Cr-- 'BaaBZ!nlH;?w;?r ) "rmmJta; ," . DEUJRAOrr, Oct. I-Ptftjr Tnrh Ish soldiers ired volleys at Bnakka. a town on th Servian frontier. Tka , Inhabitants Bad. When Judge (Iravrx this morning1 fixed the bonda of F. Ferrla at 110,-j 000, the laat hope or the aged car penter to aecure hla relcaae pending ' the convening of the grand Jury was shattered. He will be unable to se cure this amount of bond, and muat . remain a prisoner In the county Jail. Ferris, who la, charged with child ateallng, was arraigned beforo Judge Oravea thla morning, 'lie waived ex amination and waa held to the grand Jury. "The penalty for the crime with ELKS TAKE UP noTinv nv i nn SOFIA. Oct. I Duplicate have been handed to tha represoata- Jive of the powers by Oettlnja of Bel grade, asking that the allies ha per mitted to aettle the Turkish troubles without Interference. It is declared that the allien only want to fore tka jmltan to grant Macedonia autonomy. manager had uavd money to buy del- which Ferris Is charged Is from one egiilea. jto twenty-five years," aald Judga tioorgc Hlii'ldon. treaaurer of the (Have, "and It aeem to me that national republlrun committee ofifio.opo la not an unreasonable 10US, textiriril that the Standard Oil amount to llx aa hla bond." company had contributed f 100,000 1 .. to the 1901 republican campaign John McCall, clerk In tha local fund under Archbold'a name. Other contributor were J MMKIK Al'THORIZKH MRKCXOHK TO COMPLKTR OKAL WITH AI.KX MARTIN, JR., KOR MAIV HTRKKT PROPKHTY .leroplane on Frontier BUDAPEST. Oct. . Telegram from Sofia say that Turkish aaro planea have been lighted scouting thf llulgarlan frontier. I'it Ceoreel VIKNNA, Oct. :. A dUptach from Athena aay that a bill has been In troduced .In parliament suspending . , ... . ,. . . the liberty of the press. The censor The local lodge of Elks will have .,,, .. , ni.. a.,.1. an exclusive home In thla city. Thla waa definitely decided at the." laat meeting ot the lodge when the' I'ler- pout Morgan. Henry Frlck and duo. (loiild. Kach gave f 100,000. Turks Ar Active orK.'QTnrTiwnor r rvi . I directors were authorlfed to take upl,ulUn nM (ofmMy ptMt,t0 I"" .T ." . . 7 " l.i Power against the moblliiatlon of ut aiain miiu iinru Mi.rtjLai. xabih woicq ifimumcw, win leave rnuay wun ni Mplrwj October lat. iauiiij iur Ainianu, wuere no win aend hla 1 rotative. roopa In nualv ItiA TIlA Irtil.. ..A.tlllv M..ut KB. -.l two week' vacation with '., ,J. .1.. "' ',"r, TurKey WM ""!. Borai vr".: ;.'.r .::.,.": iflreek .hip. m Turkuh w... kav tho Balkan. Slmultane- moblllsatlon of troopa In INSTITUTE TO CLOSE TONIGHT OFFICER COMES FOR PRISONER I Alex Martin. Jr.. for 113,000. Mr.lb,en wlled to Mrye M traMporU inriiii in rivv?u &u airiiv miui eve ) ulrtK from Eugene. Fighting Reported LONDON, Oct. J. -It la rumored Jesae Siemens, who baa been apend- that fighting haa started along the Inc hi vacation In Portland, will re-iMontenegroan, Bulgarian and Turk turn tonight. Ho will resume hlsilah borders. The rumor; la diaerad iluiiftr In the poatoince tomorrow. 'lied. THK ADItltKHH OK DR. WINHaUPJDKPUTY FROM a.CIUMKNTO I ornt;iAM ok thk hovthkrn PACIFIC DKCIiAHK THAT THK MOIt.M.MJ TRAIN Wll.l- MARK CONNKtriiONH AT CHICO I4.KAHKH MANY HTATB 8U PKRINTKNDKNT OV BCHOOIJi TO HPKAK TOX1GHT rr tn Information ot vours a nuKo1'1' ll,t of "ndldatas on th r "an. dumocratlo and pro'greoalv w nr ticket in th aUta and In 2i JU loun,)r ta htrawlth publUh w' With th itat Uckt ar Includ ed tho csndlda tea for congraa In each district. In addition to thcae regularly nom inated candidates, a few Independ ents have announced themtelvee for (Condimed ou Va'ti'H OrilclalK of tho Boulheru 1'aclflc deny the report that has bean cur rent to tho effect that thera Is abort- ' ly to bo u chango made In the morn ing train out of Klamath Fall. it Is stated that thla train will rontlnuo to make connections through to Chtco. The report baa cauaed a consider able falling off of the travel on the morning train, a it was presumed that passengers would have to lay over at Weed. The laat day of the Klamath Coun- ,ty Teacher' Institute opened this morning to a good attendance. Th morning waa apent In listening to an aJdresa by Mia. Campbell of Tacoma oh art, and lu special Instructions ln iiarate rooma of the high school building on different subjects. The address last night by Dr, Win ihlp waa especially pleasing, although there was not as great aa audience aa had been expected. Thl evening Stat Superintendent of School Alderman will deliver one of hi charaeterlatle ddreaeaa. Wll.l. ItKTL'RX WITH JOHKPH INK WAOXKIt, WHO HTOLK A QUANTITY OF CI.OTHK.H Deputy Sheriff W. U. Kramer of Sacramento arrived In the city last night to take back to the California capital Josephine Wagner, who waa arreated here aeveral day ago on telegraphic Information. According to the California otBcer, th,e crime with which the woman Is charged waa aggravated. She atole a quantity of clothe from th Cherry Club In Sacramento. All that ahe waa not able to put In her trunk she cut to pieces, leaving the wreckage of valuable garments scattered about tka place. Mexican Rebels Kill American Vice-Consul Ambassador to Mexico Receives a Word of a Raid Made Sunday by a Number of Caro's Followers MEXICO CITY, Oct. 3. Ambawa dor Wllaon waa notlfled today that rebel murdered Allen McCaghn, the American vice consul at Durango, and two other Americana. t Ccnaul Hamm of Durango, graphed that the rebels, headed Louis Csro, raided tke CHI owned by an American, and mnrderad 3j Cliff and Herbert KihmL M m-A agar, No details war flvon. Vlf ,-,,