'''' .. ri-.. x. -", iHirri.iK" HV THK lejV PMKH. NNWM HKHVIt'K j ihe luenina - -..rn M i" MlMh. '-, .. m? kvkniks nwmaekrmm J I'HINT THK NKWft, NOT -, lint Veal "fc l,a)T- K MM ATM FAUil. OfUKtON, TUKHPAY, OCTOHK I, ! trie. ? Cswaa Labor Leaders Now Face Trials for Dynamite Plot Brier and Anderson, Under Assumed Names, , fcW-i IHE CASES I STARTED IN FEDERAL COURT fe i UK IKAMKHM AKK ITT nil a for wxhwhaov ox iMit NrMaalgal la Arraigned and lira llallty lu Kacti of thr Caere .lekt HI lit I '" C-rrfsl- 0. S. SAILORS PENROSE IS WITHROW BUYS 'warrants for Arrest MEET DEATH4 CALLED LIAR BEAUTIFUL HOME ' a IIUIIMTIMJ OK TURK OX THK UK- WII.MAM KMXX TKMTIHr.K IIK.'lUIHKVKM4BKMUK&)CKON TMK HTIlOYKRWAI.KKItllKMUi.THI.Vl HMIK. THK NK.VATK I.VVKHTI OMtXKR 0 MtXTM AXU UN. I Local Wood De i TMK IIKATII OK OKKIl'KII AMI KIVK HI.UKJAl'KKTK OATI.VO UOsiMITTKK MCOHKMl PKXXHYM'AXIA HKXATOH imx' MMIKKTM IIAMkMMaVj. t CHAXUKaJj l.'.,lld Presa Xervlre NKWI-OItT, Oct. I,l.lsutenauli Donald MorrUou m killed ant IW The llminarvrll home. on Hlitli ami I, 'l.lurnln strrt'a wail nH today In I'nlird I'rtae Service WAHIIINOTON, I). t., Oct The aenstr campaign contribution Hell wiinrow or Iho Klamath AU aallora Injured, nil .114 latar ou tl'ivriiiltlme rnmmlttt met at IOMO atrscl company. jhoepltalehlpHolarr, a a rwult of (tin ,u mornln There were lint few Tito ileal wa consummated by J. K. i ,b (laanlalliy IMrcllvraof the Kt btiratltiK of a lulm mi tlm dratroyer wtator. MfKulrr. and the coneldnratlon vu ' i i..x.u..t ..f a, 'Walker. Knur other sallore are br- William Kllnn wax our of thi llratI6 00 Tort rmicr leHnaes m nr ,..,. ,... ., T ' l n seam) ' vaB-Bi (IrtrraNM'al - "If Henator Penrose aald that I had .... Kaowlrifgr DraJnt (Offered a million or two million dot- NCW YOHK, Oct. I. Hecrelary late to b elected United lUtaa sen- ll.lilxr nf IK llarrlmin tlnaa ilarliH nr l. ll,l " !.! ITIInn. r.f.V. ... -t .V WH.V nU t .) .l.( .( BAKHnKTWI Word Received t MAN IS RORBFH Fugitives are in Canada hl IMIMI IIAXUITH MAKK A RICH HAfl, IX A HKMORT AlJOfiO THK WATKH KRONT IX OOLDRN OAT: (UTV liliriTtm 8r'fl l.iiiisai ui.ip, inu., ii, t(Hj,y y j,nowedoof tha raported, (Mb MtUaalial arralnnnl hrrrM,, of t,r arnr Mall Htraaahlp ' Jorilaa Mi VmK iubBotnln. Tlirra wan uo daBiunromaiiy. t nlitd I'rraa tiarvlra ii-oa. Il I'lradrd atullty In aCB - -" HTANKOIII) IINIVKHHITV. Oct. I 'lUtwialiul lilm. andarnlmrri '." . .. . . .. It a. annnuncrd on the rampoi ) . . uiiMr., iici, if ur. I'aiarri, '0i'a lihjraltlau, dlrd todar. llUrhHaadn Writ irt.ttf 0 I'rran Karrlr - HAI.KM, Maaa., Oct. I. CMly Mar thai (.clian rrcalvrd two black-basd Iciirta today nfratnlB to dynasilU I hu court houar and Jail unlaaa Kttor and (tloonnlttrra rtlraacd. United I'rtaa Btrvica HAN KRANC18C0 Oct. I. Two) ormrd maakwf tmadlta raldad the Bank Official Sigm Formal Com plaint Againit Men. H and Wagons Shipped N KcMOIrlWrd M aa.Madcn McCornack and Thoa. . ,. (.... .... ..... ..! none oi ueorsr ivauy, owner oi a I'ucKctt were marriaa uunoay TtniBS larbarr Coaat m dwar mra. iai mr no me oi Jira. u. u. jauia oi Kally and kla wlfa war bald up, tut ill. .7 uu.v uaHM. w..A jj-fc f-o AAklAAd. 'k4M ftbfl "- w i -vr w-w -;,-- - fe Arr thr. Il'cntlnunl on l'ar 4) County 1 Prisoners in Closed Quarters Now during the relrbratlon of thr unl vwilty'n twrnty-nmt birthday that irldmt Jordan will quit In Itt.S. TMhVaaafaMjr IM Sll waa atarUd Uila artarvoMi by lluiirita bfttrbwaa doubled. At tb;nd thr robbera eacaprt with 4,000 lunrhron irrrad but two Jurora wrrrii,( tanti and aome jcwrlry. In the box. . United I'rraa Crvlc Wltbwr Arratnl I.AWKKNCK, Maaa., Oct. 1. fifty Ifnltrd PrawiMrrlc. textile workara war clubb4)lU) la- SAN KRA.NCI8CO, Oct. I. B. U aaualblllty at tb ArUmi&m, aatU bytWiOb.r.BriatawliCa tba PncMTeCeMt tbe jiollcr. Thoy wtrt atUekad aftat 'Truat teaaamay. baa bw arrat4 for fofrr Uroa'.. Malaat tb KUmath Kalla Tub and Pall coBy, to ra- tbiy had bn rafuaad Job. bcUM rloUUnc the attta bank act by t, corrr It7. Elliott BIHott raprr-.tbay had atruek. Partbar rioUnc la dapoaltlnn 1100.000 with the aUtr' itt thr pUlntlff. "faarrd. treauwrwe. Action of Arthur WaUenln Threat- RoOSCVelt FUiallV ClltS Ollt enind an Officer Result! In the ftWBTWl m.ruwj vuw vim Outer Door Being Closed Mr. and Mra. Thomas McCoraack, fiKmerr minvni ui nnu, ita m Bi.- demon Uadaf irr or Mra. u. u. Miiia. After a brief honeymoon trip and Mra. Puckett will asa home In AihUad. j j Tf DIX SEEKS . BE DEFEATED!: aacartalAod tbat Briar aa4 Aav aaaumoal, aamoa, had ahlppod Uatr oaUlt. toelaaV H ii a rnult of unbacomlM con-iaunrd. He approached the oMcar, Lrtoa the part of Arthur Wall, ' ahaklnc hie flit In Bchelloek'a Ui Mtr door of the county Jail baa ,"r.,,;"ll,: ..... , , h. , .... . i I II ft " of yt. and whrn It ardtrrd (loerd, and coDceMloaa lrttofw granted prlaonara have rti turUIUd. Inatrad of belnc al V'i to fact Ire rltltora at tbo laatr for of th jail, permlialon muat now V Hcartd at I lie office of the aherlff hrJrto talk with prlaonara In thu hut. Itte eUlrned that Walli-n laat uliht ra4 to kill Deputy HharlfcT ?U ktkatlock. It apiieara tbat tha 'weir wm nut of Iho Jail to let at Ood will. Ih. nMM. .!rfl I do I'll kill you." Thr prisoner w ruihed bark Into the Jail, and couflnrd In the tank. Thla inornlnx, Mra. Walten. with the aid of a man who recently acrvedl thirty data In the Jail on a larceny charan, attempted to hold a conteraa-J (.,) jiroM Hervice T in Campaign Speeches Bull Moose Candidate Completes His Swing Around the Country and Will Now go Home to Play a (Few Games of Tennis and Rest Up for Awhile e taat Haonar ajaraaa wui atart north' tomorrow mormlac ' He will b accompaalo. by C. r. Stone, attorney for Uo bamk, 4 who will, attempt to earns tk ) . property to b braMM l NKW ,'OHK DKMOCRATH KKKKCT thla country. " TIWORARV " OROANIXATION AND THK.V AWOCRX RVLZKR APPKJIRM HTROXGR8T i mieu rrcee ovrvicw .8VRACU8E. Oct. 1. After rffret."" Juaiice. A. I). Drier and Oeorc well known here under tbe Irm of Ilrler ft Anderaoa, are A compwieU thrm with a felony waa laau .lnR lemiH,rry ori-nlxatlon. the den- and the ,b,rit 'ocratlc atato convention adjourned. ) Governor Dll aeema beaten. Sut ler la the atroBteet. tlon with her huaband, but aha waa aren and ordered to leave the vicinity of the county baatll. Wallen la confined In the county Jail no a charge of Incrat. He haa i not yet been given a hearing. Allied Powers are to Firtht the Turks Bulga ria, Serria and Greece aie Ra pidly Mobilizing Troops With a View of Attacking Turkey VIINNA. Oft. l.Th. Turkish loHrnmtBt I... .j.. n...b . a rwrm we a7f3 V4 g a amjga gsjmu "tawii out of Turklah watora. J"y, llulgarla, Bervla and h. n'.,ro ' ,r-r on a war foot- ' II la rannrliol ih.i tk. .in.. ... "Pflni to land .room nn tha W'n coam of Turkey. nnia llapHtch aaya that lion ""iro.ii. i,nv . .,.,.. ta, 4.rM, :: " "":v,ww """' Mowing the report from CouaUn- ii L M ,h urlan mlnUUr " an recalled, llnml n.nln 'rrd on tho bourse here. Staolu Welded altimo. P1U Pr.-T.il "luaiinop,, Hn ht N(rtwt-i Int. Hn mlnl,t". -4flT-Tiir. t,..: . ""' WUI -w- to rltM " '. of mumi,whie ajAt been held up. declare war. Othorwlae Hervla will UMiia Itrfuanl United I'rcm Harvlc PAUIB, Oct. l.-Tho French gov crnmvnt haa requeet French banks to rnfuar to ndvnnco monoy to any of tho Ilnlknn atatea. Thla may dlacouraga Iho war pinna. WAHIIINOTON. I). C, Oct. I. Theodore Roosevelt, eratwhlle presi dent and willing to try the Job again, entered the National Capital today on the home alratch of the most compre henalxr campaigning tour ever under taken by a prealdentlal candidate. Ily the time he reaches New York tomorrow tho Hull Moos Isader will have covered something over 9,000 mill') and have mado S00 speeches to perhaps 10,000,000 cltUena, In ad vocacy or the progressiva principles for which he Is fighting. Tbe 100 speeches does not count the mare rrar-end-of-traln talks, of which there were arorea. It does not give an Idea of the typically Roosevelt strenuoalty :of the trip, of an enthusiasm which tola,, take a ride or a walk, and then never, waned, keen Insight Into local I I'm ready again." coudltlnna. an atertaeaa and varaltal-' What the candidate will probably Ily that transformed what were about I do tomorrow la to play ten sets ofj eight baalc topics for speecnmaaiag tennis, nop niieen ranee on iiora latn almnat new addreaaea In city at-, back, hew down a few trees and oth ter city, erwise enjoy bluuelMn bla typically Thlrty-aeven.atatea hava bn tra-lltooavcltlan way at a time when veined by the Hull Moose Isader. Oae.uost folks would be so tired from a month ago tomorrow he began bU.oOO-mlle trip that they would be awing nround the circle by an excur-jKlad to aeek a comfortable rocking; alou Into Connecticut. Tbeace ht'halr. awunr westward, ilgtagglai up and I Throughout the trip the Colonel on a learch for the two Tbe complaint agateat sworn to by an oslcer Iran Hank and Truat chargea the men with gaged property out of tb country. The bank held a mortgage for , against horaes and other property at Ilrler fc Anderson; and It la ebarted that they bave'left the country, Uk ling with them the mertgaced proper- i iy. r or son line ii naa iisiiii rsyon- led that the alfalrs of the Arm bad b. LKADKRH DKCLARK THAI SOUTH- come tnngled. but It waa not euap c j until a rew daya ago taat tne aaaa DOLL MOOSERS JOIN TAFTITES taJtaBBaW'4'. ) , - WraTKRX WAHHIXOTON W1IX UK IX LINK FOR TIIK RK-KMCO.Iiort. would attempt to escape their crasV down the coast, and thenc eastward and through the South, returning along tho Atlantic coast. "What I am amlous to do now," said the Colonel today, "Is to get back to Oyster nay, play a few aeta of tea-1 has worn Just one suit of clothes. In- ted, his wardrobe and his slmpllc Itr as relscted In the fact that he TIOX OK PHKHIDKXT 1. That Information haa been received hare llint both men were aeen In Aabland i 4mw days ago. Tbey left this city tha suit MERRILL WILL ATTEND EXHIBIT WKMi KNOWN RANCHKR 18 KX PKtrTKU TO ACCOMPAXY HKC RKTARY OMVKR TO TMK LAND HHOWH IX TMK KAHT Hecretary Oliver of tha Chamber of r.im,iM la anxloua that Klamath Hied rreas nervic ( . . ,. ..,....,, ... VIENNA, Oct. 1. Austria has ask- county compete at t he I Por tla: nd I and Ruaala la lavolvnl Dulled 1'reaa Rervlc nd llusala In explain tho Russian noblllisllon of .troops In Poland. It U auapectod that tho caar wants war, ahow next month for tbe boat booth, for which a prise of $160 la otered. Mo believes that with soma work an "'i'"" ." -"- "- -' ""-" 'L-i.iKi m.v h. ..nt from here tbat ill the Austrian troopa are rammi ou ...." .- - - ,...,.. .... n..w.. , will ataud a good chance of winning. ' . , u Is conceded that In the evaat of Troopa Km Rente Elmer I. Applegata taking an exhibit United Preas -rvlr i0' I'otatoaa to Portland h will wlm RKMJRADB. Oct. l.-Uat lht. Oral prise, aad It U aow almost oar- .::j ii.i n.ni... u.llllarv trains warn' tain that B Will 0UIMI. uiwr.Li tnisrd tb. TuakUb b-rd Mr. Oliver will aot' ba bora durbjc tho Portland ahow, aa he haa mad nrrnnaementa to attend tha abowa la at. I'mil and Chicago about that Urn. N. 8. Merrill will accompany him. NEVADA STRIKE IS PROBABLE PltKHIItKNT MOYKR OV THK WKfiTKRX FKOKRATION Of MINKRH ANNOVNOK8 THH PLAN OK THR UNION WORKRR8 f lulted Press HervK a -Ar Nav., OjajJSMtaaUaat, Moyer tha WjLet Miners rte4jBMt would be lVrik ualsaa tbe unlM U'4aBbd aa lucraaof . cesiuala-Kated.' CONSERVATION IS THE THEME AIIKIIIIKN, waan., uci. i. mat, ..,. lh.n . WMk ,.h .. .s a. a. ..- I " - cameo oniy one Dig an nag ana two . ,,, M,dlnl Tri wm carrr tbe South-.vi.kI lutentloa,.of golag. to y onel-...r.. .ectloaot this sUta la the to .rk on a wood contract. It la (Continued on, Page ) ,,,.m'f r H. Burnett. .ub-iel-' that they dU, not st to I . . Keno lour hut nroeeaded' an .chairman appointed by Cha.rm tho ,;;,, Rupp of Aberdeen of tbe aUte cea- ttal committee, to teke charge of tho Aberdeen district. Mr. Ouraett'i statement Is confirmed by those who have made n special study of the elec tion returns In the Southwest. The democratic vote waa exception ally light, although tne ilourbona ap-( pear to have a cnance or placing men In aome atate offices thla fall. The)cn,CH WOKKKK8 (M OX A JOJ ..-..!.. .tAMa t talriiaa1 ' irUJSrValBlTV UtUlVUIBUl I tea nvMnwHwrn COXdllKHH OPK.XH IX INUIANAPO- LI AII)KKHH OK WKLCOMK 1H DKI.IVKRKI) 1IY THK KORMKlt VICK PRK8IUKXT yulted Press Serves INUIANAPOMB. Oct. 1. The Na- tlQnal Conservation congress hers today. Charlea t Fairbanks lvered the address of welcome, retery, repressaUng Prsaldeat delivered aa addraaa. I :i WE WON'T GET HOME TILL MORN if . Dr. HamiHaa n birth of a daaghterto Mr, W. H. Powell at 1,0'alMk ttla at noon. Mrs.-Powia,aaater of r.R.OMs. -W i because of dlssentlon among the lead-, ers. Many of the better element have quit in disgust. With, In tb last! week five committeemen of tb Che-.f halU county Bull Moose organisation) to the republican iota. held bare Moaday alght. tb campalga la the ?' uraaed laaaWa locally " " bar on tha republican rraM attawlag t aad wessa-sR daalar that aalla oouaty ltlDK AND ARRIVE BACK THK CITY AT H O'CLOCK MORNING II i A i ; ,. x-iVVfA. M1 j V ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfg.a aaagsallao MammssssssssmN i" 'vn"'BB HaTW w Ia-BaT , . J- 'xkKK hh I unnr ifjaariy twaamsaasi r i mmanywamsj ,(W Twenty-two membara of tb Kp-j worth League of tb Methodist' church were entertained laat night' oiiahay rid to aba Nomaa i abaaR aaven mil, boyoad Kajbs.'' leMlffwRrllai -Ji.- laal a4M "" ..- '""-r:-.T- ,- T'" - t?' k ia, Kiaauta rxM a'"1"1 , ROW OTY gOUilM.0aa.dlas. Klltott, 4k, RUtwtl. Attsraass fat awv aiaa. ! i iaaa, Uaav'Taaij i: tit, aad as-;thlsjy--'';