RUPPI.IKH HY THK llKITKO I'RKM NKWN NKHVICK 16 '' JsTsbI e f toe niim fjcrain S rf- ' 1 v 'I " '"i '' . iiiul(iKzh : . KVKMxa n MIIXT THK HKWB.'IfOT r i Hrtrnlli Vcl ". 1,1171 KMMATH FAMJI, OlUstJO",- MOMMY, HKITKMIIKK SO, IP11I Price, Five CmIi Judge Benson Gives Warning to Immoral Women Mrs. Rich, No. 2, Starts Proceedings for a Divorce Labor Gets Raw Deal Is an Eastern $; iprieoned Workers go ta Order to Express the Law Officers BEAM GETS YOUNG BUSS IS TRIP SOUTH IS Grants Pass Girl Says f EW WITNESSES! WITNESS BEFORE ! WITHOUT AVAIL! She Has Been a Victim" I i 131 INQUIRY BOARD IlKPl'TY II.MTKIt HTATKH MAIt HUM, HAH A HAIIIt TIMK FlXIkl I.M1 UITXKHHKH WAXTKU TO TKHTIFV IX AX Ol.ll CAHK FOREIGNERS ARE i PROBE CAGED AND HELD B OPENED WITH HANDCUFFS Out of 22 uliM)enMi (nr witnesses .wanted to testify In a rase which haa been pending l the federal courts i I for ilt year, Deputy United States' Marshal lleatty tiaa succeeded In serv 'ing IN, He returned lo thin rlty Hit-! i ii r ilny night from l-ake county, whtro 'niiHit of Ihe witnesses are now living. HKXATOII NhHTH ItKCLAItKHIHAT The nddrear given lo the offlcor WIT.SKMM PROBlfKM HKPOHTM AXII I.KTTKfW OK KATHKR MRH. J. H. IIATIUfAN KXPIRKH AF TKIt TRIP TO CALIFORNIA TO HKOAIX HKALTH FUXKRAL THIH AFTKRKOON The body ot the lato Mr. J. 8. Ilatoman was brought to thla city Jessie Lsyton Rich Asks for the An nulment of Her Marriage With Rich. Attorney is Pleased TnMf la Ten; CHATTANOOGA, Tean.. 8pt. 30 "" "" """" """"' -. . I. kl. l. . tl ni..lTn.,u. Inliv Thla ftnulti hn MltowlwC Opra4lMM Wr Oi4rtdi(wo weeks In the hope that the will apeak In Knoxvllle. ContrlbatloM ot I ait Campaign Caat- Sunday from Red Bluff, where death -! -J u . . i occurred Saturday of diabetes. Mr, llrstroy'eri by HUm Wr.ea vm HU Iteath rVW-Hr"K VIU lM for Alxtut Five Week NOIW UTOIIM AIIOI'MI JAM. HIT POUCH OW.V THK AMKIMCAX fMIVKHNMCXTrra Iboae of tlir ltniiirt all yearalll, yrvn r,ic MrT lKHMIT IXT:lll,,0 nA on,)r " trw ' ,hm "" rt"! WAHHINOTOW. II. C, 8pt. 30. VVMKSVKW nRKWN IHIWKKH1"". ,n "" "" ' , Heforu the bearl?i commence In the change would benefit her health. I The deceaaed waa 30 yeara of age, and bad been a realdent of Klamath Patli for about two year. Funeral! mirvlrea were conducted thla after-' noon at 4 o'clock by Iter. fleo. Peeae, at Whltlock'a chapel. Interment waa made In the Odd Fellow" cemetery. FORMAL CHARGE AGAINST FERRIS The In the tTnltd fltatea vi.'aeuatorlal Inreatigatlon of campaign H. W. Ilamaker. and Involvea the cut- fontrlbnttaM In the 104 campaign tine of tlnilxr on oernmeni land. ret w iammed wlta people. IgewXora Ctapp, I'emevene and Oliver ' f'tlor and Oloiaiinrltl In Ha.'Hmllh baa re-oned the hearing of w. A. Iloudlnol, who realdea neartr",w"lv" fTu J . will leave tomorrow fori""' T" '" "T "auw w""" w'" A. W. Orton of the Ukevlew land 11,'nlted PreMPTTlrt I IMS ANORLKH, Kept. JO. Henator i U. K. Watford, merchant of Val nax. came In Sunday night on bull- ,nea, and returned to hla home thla DIGAMY CASE IS NOW PUT IN THE DIVORCE COURTS C. V. HTOXK UIVKH A CLl'K TH Inn, Mm., aexl Witkrr In Hr tiMNdlng TuwMa Ktrrwi Ttirlr ttplaJoiM la Wwawltc Mnewrr Al Mary far thr Wfnn Arr Vcrjf ItaM'Ul. the probe lalo the Meilcan revolution Algonia becauae of the appearance f new wit-'"ranta I'aaa, where he cW who claim lo have been auk-'!" " winter. to Indlgnltlea. He aude the Utegaent: I probably repair Ire week. (CobdauH rage 4 office arrived In the city Sunday night I and. left thla morning for Portland, j COMPLAINT IH MAItK IX Jl'HTICK 'JHAVKX tXll'IIT .CHABOINO THK AOKIl CARPF.XTKR WITH KTK.I.IX HAIUIIKT KIXK -"I ie eara a r4lt AWHaaal IHIVI IVntlVHi WW eww ptr we iupi - not allow foreign Kwera to Interfere. .., 4V444444"u,dredi of Americana nave oee in 4) .aullcd and wounded and bundreda 4 liHItw f I'mi killed, bcalilra million of American Halted I'reaa Service properly conflacated and ruined. The HAI.KM MaM.Hept. JOThe 4i government ahould not permit Inter- l.oi.rl.oneu. Ktlor and (llovan- '"" r Oermany. Prance or Kng. laricl '- Klamtteed t)elwfMay be Fugitives From the Law Mill, were brought Into the four l room handcuffed. They rr locked In an Irou bound 4 rare lu the rrnler of the room, .Ut.CM, MaM, Hepl. ill. Tlioiu Ji of vlillora are here from Uw rmce, llavrrhlll and l.ynn. They vtrt walking about the alrvet thla aornlni, utlng red Aag. Tho alate WHf ire guarding the entrances at ti court limim, whero a great crowd 11 lathered. Adrolulon to the court room la b) 'd onl), reumil for Kttor haa great confl. lmfe a to th nutcomn of the cam. HUtory til Hie CKar la IMall iit4 rreaa oertnv HAI.KM, Max., Sept. 30. Joaeph J. r'tlor, Alturu (llovannlttl and An- J"iilo Cariiao, after lying In Jail n't Mn-nce, Mann., alnco January 30, U'nmlnm.i 0 t'nge 4" ''"'' 20th IRRIGATION CONGRESS OPENS Warrants Will be Issued for the Arrest of Brier and Anderson on Charge of Larceny by Bailee, by Re moving Mortgaged Property from the County ' Formal .complaint wan made fen ljhjgtVfavWWitJthU afternoon, --jrerglarVfrrie with ehW etaaHag ' The principal wltneaa agalnat Fer- rU. Harriet Fink, arrived In the city I Saturday nlght'ln curtody of Deputy Sheriff John Schallock and her moth er. The girl waa turned over to her iinother Immediately on her arrival here, and no attempt haa been made the officer to keep her In custody. A rumor that Mr. Fink would not be a party to the proaecutlon ot the nged carpenter who la charged with THK DH-r-MHK, J It la Considered l-fewnnK That aa Kffort WMI Be Matte ta Hawer That ; Klrrt Marriage. Haa I ami That fair! Kaown Mere) aa JM Waa'a'a-1i-aiUia"Why at ' , ttM-HWManr h ternoou, and It waa said that a vigor . ... . .. ... . ..... ..... u u .... .i- " Proaecutlon would be made. Per yi nrniiua will vv nwuru um iur uv i iiim iinir n vwiuitirtv uuui;aig ui (iivrv umr uvtii um ic. wnta iwun; , . tHjoner In thA COlintr iftil nrre.t of A. I). Ilrler and (Jcorge An- "",'f "'" "" " " ra nreneniea io me men nave oeen A..ord to roa.r 8herR 8cha. l.i: TIU HH A Ml HKI.KOATI-M AXD VIHITOBH KIUIM AM. OVKH THK ilrmon. charging them with larceny by bailee. The whereabout of the 'I he apeclflc charge agalnat the men worth while making out bill for. and on which It U hoped to bring Suit waa tiled In the circuit thla them buck to thla city, la the taking morning agalnat the two men by T. E. plrltlng the young girl out of thel The complaint waa at country waa poaltlvely denied thla af- Rlcl ' n county Jail. l' I United ITeea ttervlc 444e4 MUrrprracatuUoa Chars" 4 II RANTS PASS. Sept. SO. Jcule Layton Rich today 4T tered ault aakiag for the annat- inent of her marrtat to li . Ktch February 14th laat. ;Sh charged falae representations. a 4 I t . lr lun tit a ft linfMtnfnF UmII knnWrt h(rt . i.P l. 1 .uiiihIm innia.,l l1laTMl ami . allaakmanl letcittamjl t'XITKII HTATKH PHKHKNT FOR1,,,, ,rvryor of wood, are not known.'ty. No Information I available n to The ault I to recover $131.50, alleged POt'll IIAVH HKHHIOX ''"" u ' reported that they are now ,11m iletalU of the charge, but It I be-, to be due on a promissory note given "That make It nil the better," the Attorney remarked. United I'reaa Service HAI.T.1.AKK CITY. Sept. 30. The twentieth Irrigation congress was opened today with over uiaaati and vlaltor from of the United Mate. The aetalon will last four day and the technicalities of Irrigation wilt be discussed by the lending Irrlgatlonltta and conserva tion men of the nation. According to Deputy Sheriff 8chal- " '0. attorney tor men. e lock, Harriet had been trying to get a I pressed no surprise when the fereco Job In Corning, Calif., before ahe waanK dispatch from the United Pram token Into custody. waa shown him thla nfterncon. "I round me girt in n potet in corn ing," snld Mr. Schallock thla morning. atin t,il MnnllAil th.r fnff tt alt,.. iiii their way to tho far north. tlevnl that the removal ot the horses .Nov. 21, 1911. Klllott & Klllott arei ,. .... . V, , , , ...... l Mr. Stone declined to tuppUmeat The amount of toss by cltlteus of land wagon Is the basis of tho crlm- 'attorneys for tho plaintiff. ' j iereraj otntr places where Harrletl1' comment' but lt h NUeveat thai he Klamath Palla aa n result of tho op- I mil charge. Three aulta against the men rti. .npd for a position There I n,ent ,hat lne d,vorCB "ult ot Mr- eratlona of Ilrler Andersou Is dlffl-, It has devuloped that u great, also filed In Jtistlce 0 raves court.' ,10 Mri0n nt the train to meet ,l,ch No 2 wouW eonfirm the conten- n.ii in r..riln. It IiuhIku.ii minrl. lanuiiiut of tin. wood which the two Ther were bv Roberts Hanks.'. . . .... ' tlon of the defense that Rich's Brat ...... w m. . .n.. .. .. -.....,--.-, -- -- - . . -- -,....,j.,i ,,,ii'ui .nAA a a ..,. --.- .. - ''l,l,d thai they are "In bad" In amount.mii hate sold about the city has not,22: O. K. Transfer Co.. t. nd' ,.P.rtin and l . unable n every frnra S,000 to 110,000. bulged, paid for. and It la known that's. Kvans. 1230. " i .;, in Li, with her trip there." Klamath Spuds Beat the Entire World Opinion of Experts Confirms Suspi cion of Local People that This is a Great Producing Section marriage In placed Rich (Continued 8an Francisco had not In a criminal position. Page 4)--" Bawdy Houses Will Not be Mother Fails to Grab Tolerated in this Community Daughter From UlTi Circuit Court Judge Giveg Warning that In the Future'Sherlff Barnea, En Route Home From Immoral Women will be Sent to Jail Without Re- South,is Greeted by Anxious gard to the Condition of the Local Bastlle I Mother Near the State Line KUmaiii county produce the West potatoes In the country. Tnl la tho opinion of produce ,i V.1'" ,,vo nttendlng i ! . . lntl1 Coun'y "'r. nd con JwUor, ot their eipr epiaioa Y como by corraapMUVMoa frag wmento and PortlaM ui .WBnl ,h0 Kh aoaaty po "' whlbitg In Portia.." was the , unce of a meeaafla raaglvad from tecretary of the PmIHc Northweat JM I roducu show to U bald In the "H City Noyembw 11th to ISd. tatalL!'.."' th Kta"" "ountr Po- Milblu In Sacramento aa per- Ihlbll WM tB, word M. celved here from California capital. U. I. Applegate, who had the best potato exhibit at the recent fair hero, haa been fairly boaelged with In quiries, lib haa boen assured by specialist that hla ethlblt here would capture honor In even n world's com petition. "Greatest I have ever seen," de clared W. II. Curtis ot the Wood Curth) company of Sacramento, after he had aeen-tn Appltgato exhibit at tha fair grounds. Mr. Applegate will probably accept the offer which ha haa received from Portland and will have the exhibit shown hare forwarded to Sacramento. Ilawdy houses will from this time forth be forbidden In Klamath Falls. In n stinging address from the bench, Judge Ilenson this afternoon assessed lines of 1125 each on four women who pleaded guilty to con ducting assignation houses, and de clared that In the future, Inatead ot fines, women of this class would be scntcuced to terms In the county Jail. lhe four women had pleaded not guilty when arraigned on grand Jury Indictments, but this afternoon they nppcarnd In court and asked that Iheir pleas be changed. Attorney t'lane represented three of the wo men and Attorney Onelll appeared for the fourth. Upon receiving the pleat, Judge Ilenson Imposed fines of 1125 each, and then gave warning to the defend ants. "I iWsIro that these defendants do nil tako this Judgment ot the court as n precedent," sold Judge Benson. "1 want them lo understand that if they nppear before me again on .t similar charge the punishment will not be-similar. There will be a Jail sentence attached, and this In spite of the condition of the county Jail. "The court will have no sympathy for the defendants because of the county bastlle. Judgment will be passed, and the only consideration the court will Indicate will ha th passing up of the ssntsne to th county court, custodian of th Jail." Consternation reigns In certain cir cles thla afternoon a a result ot the ili'clilon or the circuit court Judge. Property owners who have been re ceiving from 150 to 1200 a month ront for bouses that normally rent for 120 per month, are sever In their criticism of the grand Jury, which brought th cases before the court. It has developed that three, day prcvloub to the meeting ot th laat Krand Jury, the four landladies ot the houses on Oak street were warned to (.lose their house and keep them closed, On woman took th "hunch" und not only closed her place ot busi ness, but mad arrangement to M her furniture, The other three lgnor- (continued ' on ' PageJ 4 ) "(live mo my daughter You have no right to her!" HLerlff Barnes, en route to thla city from California, having Id cus tody Bernlce Wallen. waa greeted on but arrival In Weed, Calif.; by the mother ot the girl, Mrs. Arthur Wal- lea. 'After satisfying himself Ihat Mrs. Wallen did not have any legal right to take away tils prisoner, Sheriff Barnes Ignored the hysterical de mands of the mother, but retained hla prisoner (ana arrived in top cuy wiin her Saturday night. The girl, barely IS years, of age, ex pressed nor entire approval of her re turn to this city, and willingly ac companied the sheriff across th Cal ifornia, boundary., llne. 8a waa Uk- eo to the home of Bherlff Dames, but will probably be cared for elsewber us soon as arrangements can be made Habeas corpus proceedings wer started this morning by C. 0. Brower, acting; for Mrs. Wallen, and a, hear lug will be had late this afternoon, in the event of ha court giving th girl her liberty on the technical charge of delinquency on which sh was arrested In Texas and brought lack to thla city, ahe will be at oace served with a subpoena1 to4 appear against her father, -who 1 held In the county Jail on a charge ot m'eeat,' i liecause abe had one Defers, has tplrited oui of thevcounty, th offi cer will Insist that she b held in , ;all or under bonds to appear when nhc la wanted. s