HUITMKD IIV TIIK l)MfKI I'lUMM NKtt'M HKHVICK mm fut'iumt Jitf ctalft t I'ltINT TIIK NKWH, NOT HMTOIIY Httmili Vrw So, I .NTH J - KLAMATH KALI. OHKOON, HAT17IIUAY, HMTK.MHKK UN, 19111 Prko, fir Omm Dealers Reported to Have Skipped the Country Fort Klamath Murder May Lead to Arrest of Several SEVERAL ARE MIXED IN THE NEW LODGE IS CLEVELAND TO GROWING FAST LEAVE THE CITY:' mi:xa ,S KXII.K H-mltT of Itevolier l I'ul Out .f hu Couiiiir UNIQU NDIAN MURDER xkw mkmhk.iin auk i.mtiatk.h ukllk.nowx kmploik oktiik ,XI A HANQIKT IH IIKI.H A total ok aw mkuiikhm is n.v- KMTKIt MM).N KUnmlli Kails lxlgn No. I Kit, l.ornl Orilrr of Unn.e, held Ihr-ir rrg. ilUr litrrlltiK lt IliKliI In llin I. O. O. F hull, mill foity-flti' new caudl Intra Here Initialed lulu llir mys lerlpa of .Mnoapiloin After Initiation a hsinUet wn irrd, with Chss. J Fprgusnn act- .MTMttiurir-H ami: ixkoiimko 01' m:w iikvkmh'Mkvt Mead ' t'lirtiiiMrtli llrlrtg Alow Willi I'rstik Jar un Hit Mjttil ' lt,r Munlei. II Hlalril That Tlirif Mrtr Hrtrrnl Oilier ltnlkln Wlio IjmIi Tik MmU l llif Munlrml Man Tint iitlirt lxltr Clinrll" ( fnif t,u) t'hPtiiiitrlh were Implicated In llir murdrr f Frank Jack at Kurt kUnulli a few da) ago wan lull Mtrd Utt lilflil wfieu Clsrflrld Jack I it J aonip Indian friends arrived In tl.i cltr from llin reservation Tim Mlana iele III ronailllallim tudar silk umcvr a ml friends here, anil It b a iprrtrd that u thorough Invpsllga Ion will be tlartrd aa noon as It la tlronllrly delrrnilned whether Chm vsrlh la to lm trlml In lh state or fiJrral courla. Tba iu -" . -lommllrd on I ho "white" aide of Hood II 1 1 1-r, but Ml lirar llir reserva linn that thr federal aulhnrltlra max Lk up thr caae, especially aa all of Us parties rnncerurd atr Inillana and tfdof Hip govrrnuient. CIiciiompHi tiaa been rnnnnisl In II tounty Jail aliirr thr niunlrr, and u rtfuipil tn dlacuss tho rase with ujonr, In fart, he hna not talkril tout an) thins allien lila t-nunurinent. It U cUlmrd that there were at Uu three other llidlaua Involved In tie murder of Frank Jaik, A nutn tnrof (hnta wrro fired, lillt the only tiln lake rltt'Ct waa the laal, ant) ll tiidrrd by ChrnoMnlh. The Inillana M secured a hot Up of whiskey In l'rt Klainath, anil linil roup Into Hip e4s to drink It. Trundle nroav orrr anmetlilhg, on wt Hip iilrtloii of who hail lipruj Tim aplrll of rpi'lr inrvnllixl on llilni liiformatlon Icaillni to lh thu atri'vla Inat iilchl, In M'llo of Ihr aakln of foniilaluta acalnat thi fnrt that tho pronilap to hno tuu tn mi Hip rrarrvatlou who liMVnthraaa hamU on tho alrppl Uhl not tna t rn fiimlaliliiK lliiior tn tlin Indiana. i,'ilallii. Thi ahlpwnlka Mro rowil ISip Mitlro party appeared tn bl,.d with paoplp, four of whom wpri nlntt Jack, hut It waa tho drndly maakud. Itn of ClipniiWfllh that kvouiht hltn' Tho IhrnwIiiK of ronfpltl una tho In ll.c jcrouiiil, , f prlnrlpal form of niuiiapiiipnt, mid n r- Kri'nt umntll) wn illapoHod of. The Dititi. tonlht atiilln VIani,tinM.i iilrtnro kIihwh Morn uoll nt- ''(mil, 'N ironlipd. IIM.'I.AMATIO.N HIIUVUK AC rMTM I'OHITIO.V WITH CAM I'lllt.N'IA HltaiWAV COMMIHHION' I'nlleil I'rcaa Service VARIIINi;TON, Hopl, 28 Tim atntp deparlim lit haa Uppu advlard that M6na la en route to t'nnania, an eillo from lila conn- E PLAN BARNES WILL CREDITORS MAY TO ENTERTAIN ARRIVE T0NI6HT LOSE A LARGE AMOUNT OF COIN A II. (,'lviipaiid, Mho haa been uinliortpd lth Hip local riclamatlou ttnlrn I mid n hnlf klntorliiK poaltloii In tho liradquar Ida olTIrp of thp California Htate HlKliMay rotniiilaaloii, and will leave f'ir HncraniPiitn with hl fnmlly to- ..llillOW lr fMrtftlttlnttd lian tifuin will, llin llltf mm lllIklHIailk UhVMI Uula .... - ...... ..,. , ....,, i(iaiiinlloii airlro for apypn anil a brilliant a-rrbp xpre iiiadp by mw half ycara, and prelou to that tlmp) ty Inltlalpct tlimap. and Ihpy nil fpll '"' cotiupclntl with iho public worka, mnndenl that inrmbrralilp of !SU JtBl14 l& BaAHillkll liallt. tt mmm mm M, M Mm liluH. All of flip altlmlnlliifflita of lhl rtoapa, Ortllhpr 1 1 III CnlHnrnla Hlalx HUliwav mmmlaalnn A rnminlttpp waa appointed to a- have bit-n madp on mnrrlt, without i euro pprmanrnt lodfe and rttih rooma (oiuMcrallon of jltlcal afflllatlon. for the order. tmd the ppctlou of Mr. Clparelaid la The neit mrolliiK will b held Krl n Juat rrrognltliin of lila ability Mil l day utht, October 1 1 Hi, at Hie I. O, lltiitwa O, K, hall, when a ctaea of 100 new candidate will be lultlalrd. After Unrliurla on Hir Initiation a banquet will be apread HAN KIIANCIIH'X), ti-v al Uie Hotel Hall grill. , lirKanifera K. U Anrfpraon and W, Knn harbor, according to Uindon K. Ih wurklB hard In Miak l)iU,.,.Mram rppll liar. nip largeai oruor in inn my, nuu ore try. Ilia aou la with him. He haa been the principal In tho iTICKKTM TO rKKKOIlMANCKH , revolution In Nlcnrnuun, and ll ! U now believed thai pence will , Arrnementa hnvo been made by, e lip nriniy piunilaliPd. TIIKATIIICAI. CtlMI'A.NV WILL BK IHHKHIKK IH IIIIIXHMl HACK THK IX THK CITY OCTOBKB TTM AJfU M KUCHA NTH WILL fllVK AWAY YOL'MJ OIUL WA.STKI) AH WIT ' NKHH AOAI.VHT HKIt KATHKH. ' CIIAIU1RD WITH IXCKHT IIIUAII AXOKHHON HAVK HKK.V MIHMI.WJ HKVKRAL BAVK l. . GEHERAL STRIKE IS NOll ASSURED With llernlce Wallen In custody, a number of the merchant! of tha M.ierlfr llarnw will arrive In tho city , n Hila illv for the naat HireelT . . . . . 1 city with Um Manlon-Claman player I K-nlghL On tho aaroe train will bei''"" IVo-j Her la HaM'la ilf yiam, haa accepted an en-l for it x- rnlerulnment at the iMputf Sheriff John Bchallock havlnc ' oH-ra houap, beginning Mbnday, Oo- In cuatody Harriet rink, tober Tth. Judging from tho report' 1 (trough the courteay or n Texa from Medford, Oranta I'aia and other aherlff. Sheriff llarne west only aa towns where thla company ha ap- far -uth aa Loa Angel la hie chaae pearrd, they aro mak'lng good, and, for llernlce Walled, wanted bare aa a hnve played every night to overflow ullnea against her father, Arthur home. Wnllen, who 1 charged with Incest. ' . According to the plan 150 tlckeU The ijlrl U supposed to have been j UaVnr nxlon creditor her nro given away free ten night to""""" " """","1"" "" "". holding claim variously MtlMtod t from fK.000 to 110,000, .A. D. Briar IUbkp KrwM N,0M la IIM Two Mp Took Wreh Hwl of Valuable Wwk Kald Tliry Wrtw Oolag to Oavrate pr Krao, Hat No CosritnruKtoei ilrliarllllpnt Ilf Maaarhllatta. Inctud. IIiiki. ImMlnv llrlc.l.' tMretl through letter to TIS, and I . . euhfiiil. ttMi irrri' imtf avthiru. l.t. ....t.H.i.r ,i. nm-A Iiik waier, park and rapid tranait ays- '"" -.-...-r... ... ..'"TncMl nckpts are given by the mer- ",v """" "" ' '""land Ocorge Anderson hav aasareat- THIALIHTM 'tlTK IX KAVOII OK chants with rery 25 cent purchase. "r" tamo D,clr ,n1 ,ue '"" om' y dropped completely oat of aiskt, KT.HKK AKKaTIXO :-MKH, TKX- 2' "' " P"f'd D ""TJZl"" '"! tb" U? ..'! nrj nmuroij, --- -. . . "were consldercn aaiM aaeamr ror TII.K HOIIKKHH The. I'nlliid I'rusa Service IJWUKNCK, Masa.. Sept. a. - B. (That n general strike affecting 30.000 '& It a aanvlr ai a. Ill luiwtMii nftmt I Was i . The i . ; :r. " c :: .: : . . aii..i..,ii i. .--.iiu.- WM uracueanfwaairrw wnea inrcca bringing meinber from alt Hip sur rounding country Into thla lodgr. CROWDS REVEL Kelly Is ellad KAN rilANCIHCO. Kept. IN. Jsa. It'illy, h! years of ago and prealdent cf Hip lllbernla hank, died here toils) irnl committee of Industrialist voted I In favor of It. The declalon will bo submitted to the entire body of In dusirlallsts for approval at a monster mass meeting to be held this after uoou. The strike Is Intended aa u protest against the arrest of Kit or and . (Ilotannltl. PUN TO MAKE -RODEO FIXTURE there und the girl was turned over to I him. In order to bring the girl back to this city It became necessary to lodge n charge against her. Thla was done by charging her with delinquency, aa extraditable offense. I AltTICI.KM OK I.NConi'OllATIO.V AHi: KII.KU KOI! AMl'HKMKXT KNTKItntlHK -HALL, MAVIIMJK AND KKIUJt'HOV XAMKI) MRS. STAHLMAN 6ETS DIVORCE Taken to IVallrnllary Kor the purpose of making the "Hoi oro" a feature of the annual enter-1 WITHOUT BANDS doro a feature or the annua talnmenta In this city, articles of In In. Kttor corporation hnvo been filed by the UKXHO.V DIHI-08RH OK KAMILY TROVULK IX SHORT TIll-lTlli:il GKTH CUSTODY OK THK CHII.URKX MAIIIII (IHAh KKATl'lli: Ol' THi: KKMTII fOl'.VTY KAMI WAS XOT AS HI'CCKNSI'I'I. Ah IT IIAII iii:i: HtoMiHi:i. illnii Agenry the credit which had beea extended them during their business oparatloas here, and l( waa ascertained thla af ternoon that there 1 a acrambte to levy on whatever of vala aa bean left here by tha two met., wko have ruw-jn uvjv.ifciiMi m w-j v?jvjaapaapi jhar. ' According to the beat Information (obtainable this attaraooa. tke two men left the city a week ago Thurt day with the avowed purpose of work ing with their outat la gettlag oat wood In the vicinity of Keao. This outfit Included tea head of valuable work horses said to hav baa bought from J. Prank Adam. Oao of thair creditors went to Keao raatarsVay, but was not able to locate 'the two men. They had been there soma time before, and had stopped at tb Bmmlt farm. This morning two of their credit- InilUaw tu Writ A nnrrlago llcenso nop Issued this -nlUil 1'ress Ssrvlce inornllig lo OIIer Jackron nnd l.ucllo, SAI.KM, Mass., iept Wirka. They ".r, nnd rcaldo and (llovannltl. the two Indualrlallsta, llodeo Amusement Asoclatlon. on Hip Klnmnl l i --e ntlon The) nrrhed hern loduy and were nsslgnpil The Incorporator given In the nr will hi inarrlod t inm-iMv at tho If- lo cells In tho icnlteutlr). They n- tides are K. II. Hall. Hunter Savldgp i . i i ... ij. i ten minuirs was me lima raauirra liiaru Hi lunar nil luiiiuirui, nuu vuuiio j. riiauwii, --- - i i-n-j .1..1- -kln In wi.vJa ! .. . . Ibv Circuit Court Judge Denson this!0 vUlted their cabin In Nlchokt ad- Infternoon to grant n decree of dl-i"-on. ana lounu mat everyming or orce to Mr. A. B. SUblmaa. (value had been removed. It Waa after Tho action was started on thethe report of these two mea had bawl Krouml of cruelty, and personal aer- " 'n' crodttora baaaie lce was had. Mr. Stahlman did not especially aiarmeo. I relnt the case, and made no appear-1 In addition to numarou bill liince. about the city. It 1 declared that a Judge llenson heard Mrs. Stahl- l"fl bnk Involved to, the estaat .man1!, story and took judicial notice of M.000, but this could not be con ,of other fact presented, and forth-1 Armed this afternoou because of the I ... .. . . . ll,.ll hnllrl.v I.W.n W all if lhS hlllll. wuu ine uecree was granicu. ...... ..v..--,, ..... -, -.. -, - Prizes are Awarded for Best Exhibits by School Children CltV And COUIltV SCilOOlS MaKe UlSDlaVS. WniCIl arC Two children were given Into the Ing Institutions here in order to en- Featnres of the Fair. Pupils of Worden School District Make one of Best of Exhibits Shown Power Company to Face a Big Lawsuit Relatives of Horace Cox Will go into Court to Recover Damages for Death of the Young Man Tin) ioiioi. California Power com Miy m noon ho nuked to piiy dam- 11 result of I ho dentil of llor "p l'o In this rlty n short tlmo ago. A 'oil iliiirglng the company with ll ii'iniiibiuty of tho young man' 11 Hi will ho filed lu tha circuit court nt Meek by relatlVM. V I'ogu,., uncle of tha deceased. '" a well known Salem attorney, has win in t,, clty (or amoit A WMk ""wtigaung the death of hi nophow " finally It waa decided to atari an "Uon against the power company. amount for which suit will bo "lered had not been determined lo ". tut It I expected that It will 1 n the neighborhood or 110,000. Horace Cox was well known In thl eltv. Iln was 11 uriidiiAlii of thu Klnnt- nth rininty high arhotil, nnd was urn- bllloiiH In heroniii nil nltoiney. lu order to nrovldo fuiuU with which to rnuiilvtn his vilucHtlou, ho HCrupted n position from tho power company, ami was employed lu this city as storo keeper. On the day of IiIh untlmoiy ileal 11 u heavy wind provnllcd, nnd power lines had crossed telephone Hues, noting Cnx notl lied tho company's llnemun, nnd then irorntilrd lo tho scene, of ih trnuliln. Ho was climbing a tele graph polo, presumably lo attend to hi dutlea of turning on street lignti, when ho came In contact with a high voltaio wire. He foil to the ground. and when assistance arrived ho was dead. One of the successful features of tho Klnuiuth county fair has been the sihool exhibit, the prltes tor which ere nwiirded today. The high school exhibited wood work by thu inuuual training depart ment nml tho domestic science class soned lifers made hy member of 1 thu class. Most of the furniture now lu tha high school wn mado by the pupils. Tho commercial department I'Xhltilt was featured by the demon rt ration contest lu Dpewrltlng. The rlty schools had n full booth iiintalnliiK samples of tha school work, Tho booth exhibiting native birds nnd nlilmals from tho collection of Professor Diiuhnr attracted consider able, attention, Tho country schools were repre sented by agricultural exhibits. Thul of tho Worden schools was nno of the best. Tho best Individual inhibit was by Kugeno McCornack, and wns of grain and potatoes grown on reclaimed swamp und. One of tho attractive feature of tho school exhibits was tho display of embroidery and handmade fancy work by Miss Porrls Tuttle and Ml llobetto Tuttle. Tho following prises wore awarded: Piece of furniture Klrst, Klamath county high school. Ilrond Klrst, Kltle Stansble; sec 'oud, Violet McCollum. Canned fruit First, nee Summers 'ami lluth Thompson, city schools; 'trcond, Harriet Fink nnd Claudlu ' Spink, city schools. I Aoron First. Irene Taylor, Cres- .yritt: second, Florence Crlssman, 'Kfcimath Falls. j Dress, hand mado First, llobletto Tuttle, Lorella, second, Horrls Tut I tie, l.orrlln. Cooi spring chicken First, Mary .McCornack, Klamath Fall; second, I Agues Folsom, Spring Lake. Pulp map of Oregon First, lleaslo Ogle, Klamath Falls; second, Adolph Nltacholii, Klamath Fall. Peck of potatoes First, Kugeno McCornack, Klamath Falls; second, same. Squash First, John Chapman. Worden; second, Kugen McCornack, Klamnth Falls. Cab ago First, Kugeno McCor tut"., Klumnlh Falls; aacond, Oraham Keel, Klamath Fall. Turnips Marlon Turner, Fort Klamath. Table carrot First, Willi Job, Worden; second, Catheryn Turner, Fort Klamath. Sugar beet Flrat, Jack Matney; Falrvlew; second, Oraham Keel, Klamath Fall. Table beet First, Constance ! Fisher. Klamath Falls; second. Fred-' 'die Cordon, Fort Klamath. Onions First, Karnest Nltacheln. Klamath Falls; second, l.lnn Skllllng- ton. , Mangle beets First, Myrtle Hu, Kltimath Falls; second, Kugene Mc 'Cornack, Klamath Falls. Sheaf barley First Kugene McCor- nack. j . Sheaf rye First, Kugene McCor-, nark. ( Hht-uf timothy First, Kugene Mc-I I Cornack. Sheaf ulsyke First, Kugeno Mc- Cornack. Hheiif alfalfa First, Violet Matney Sheaf oate First, Vance Matney: second, Kugene McCornack. Corn and Tomatoes First Neva und 8tella Anderson. Ileal display of fancy work Dorrls and Roblnette Tuttle. Prlio given by Golden Rule. Uest bouquet aweet peaa and ast ers, Agnes McCornack, Prise by Hector. lu the typewriting contest A. Jones won the first prise with a record of 1,351 words In 30 minutes, Mlsa Fern Wood wou tha secoud prlio with 1,136 words in the same time. custody of Mrs. Stahlman. pending ul employe to attend the fair. further order of the court. rlar Anderson have had tho Charles J. Ferguson appeared foi contract for disposing of the alaba at Mrs. Stahlman. (Continued on Page ) Discrimination Against Halfbreeds is Charge Mandamus Proceedings are Started to Require School Board to Per- . mit Breed Children in School Charging that tho directors of School District No, 7 are discriminat ing against children of mixed blood, William Crawford, through his at torney, C, M. Onelll, has started man damus proceedings. The papers wore filed In the office of the county clerk this morning. The petitioner asks that the court require the school di rectors, K. 8. Turner, K. M. Leeva and It. A. Moon, and the school clerk, M. F. Loosely, to rescind an order re quiring children of mixed blood to attend a separate school located In an Isolated part of Fort iKtamath, In School District No. 7. William Crawford was born In Yreka, Cat, His father was a white mau and his mother was a Modoo In dian woman. The petitioner married Kllia Barclay, who was born In Klamath Falls, and whose father was a white, but, her mother was a Klam ath Indian woman. After their mar riage they adopted tb customs of the whites, and havo coutlnued to do so, bringing up their five children Just aa are white children. Although each of tho five Crawford children holds an allotment on tha Klamath reservation, tho family has resided In Fort Klamath, where Craw ford own a house and tnra lot, oa which .he haa regularly paid tax! The petitioner set 'forth that a, haa participated In the dutlea of a cHtaoaj of the United Slates, and aa regular- T (Continued on rage )