HtU'l'I.IKD IIV TIIK iMTKI' l'K' Km "KIIVIIK f mt IT ill n 1 .It. 'kVK.V.NO NKwirAi I'HINT TlIK NKWS. WOT y.rfllli . . . i. . - KMMATII FAU. OlfrXJON, FlfllMY, HMTKMIIKII 117, I0J2 Prlco, Five Cetrte King Carnival will Reign on the City Street Tonight Harriet Fink is Returning In Custody of an Officer - . . TIGER'S lUll AFOilETp A6E0 AVENGER '"J" YOUNG GIRL IS RULERS WILL BE IN CHARGE mi SUSPECT' ' WOtR'MSF IMT. LOUM ItH.ICK PICK II A MAN llr I.I I I M tfrh IN. HTICIPATMl IN IUIIIIIKHY OP IS TWISTED KMHM.M AUK IIKOUKMTKI) TO INIVTIIIUII DUMlUIHKN -ANAIIAK HANK L'llllf.l I'leaa hart lit HT. LOUIS. Hopl. II UTIIOHITIKH ITT A hTOP TO n.iMnLINfl XIAMKtf (AT THK P.UIt OltOCMHH PIIKTKNHK 111' TAKE STUMP AGAIIpDDY TO 6ET PARDON: MENHLIY1UUKE01 JOK DKItVI.V. WCU. KNOWN I.V KLAMATHJ-'ALH, IK LODGED J.Y WHO'KILLKD DAl'UHTKIt'Hl TIIK COUNTY MIL, AND WILlTf 17 Waller MM,K Ttt AVOID LKOAL PIIAHK AVVOUXCKMK.Yr IM MADK AT THK Hlaeey, all Ooorge WnL baa bmi! . . arrested here, ostensibly on a murder '"'" llR,'r "",l '"" "" lrambu- rherg. It la belUrrd, howavrr, that''0"" "round tin. Klamath County Kim llsed. Hill FurnUii Muale lor tla ,. BUrtd of being una of thoi,'-lr '""' fr day or 10 waa put srrMiu Parade Which An K. " Vrtmlnster batik robbtri He "" ,," ru" Thursday, and the author .... , , ..i . . . MM from Chlragn Uat wrrk with Mn JIK' H'al l' "! " longer .Ktrd I., IU..I.I. A....r.e.t lo,lMn, jMnM(t Umw hM J ,, Ml0Wcd 0 . .. Ifoun(U Md aaar Dig riint of Ihr Fair Wrrk xaliig na hla wlfr, and who tiirV been '"' '" "''"" "' "'" 'nrt tnat l,le HUH I'rowwlly t '"""""l lli'KdardayUl, Mt Itimla Hreper has horn n charming ..'MM, .fit.. Until Into Thuraday afternoon gani-. l.llng ilnvln-a have lircn prrrolttrd tn Dperatu nn Ihr grounda A prelimii ' arBM tnmilm i Ilia vniina tammM nua. "' tnv uunl "WM"H Urvl ' TArT HKAIigi'ylltTKHM MAX IIKTIIAYKK KXI'KCTN TO UK ItK LKAKKU MtOM THK PKNITKN TIARV IIV UOVKKNOK UK KXAMINKU HOO.V OVERTAKEN OY HER MOTHER It Hchnlulnl In tl Mrokr ! Hrrrn M'KIHLEY HITS HAI.KM, flopt. 2. That V. It Wlctal Hrwtlwr Will Help lhN feMtoc Who Aw OptKa to "- " " " "f "'"r """ a , haro bn glV . hoLi UwTfiMTOTMaorUKOrMci-' : . . r ""' 'IOMIcomptenuntdlcaj mo UU Itay Man llorah" of lUho aad w"1 be ",rdone1 ,oon' w" " i mornlwt. The caaa waa eoaUauad. 1 today by norernor Writ. who. It li ' however, until next week. Kratnn airp tn Ha) IfafirrlaJIv AIiImI . ... ....! ria.iM ir. .i.i . In Ihr CmpakW Joe Dcrviu, a well known farmer roldlDgraoujUipf the city, waa taken MRGK AOAIXHT FRANK KKRItM into custody .last night, by Chief af GfH)WN KRHKHII IVIlrr Smith and Deputy Hherlff . Itepub- 'oot of Coqullle. the aged father wh"o.',,'"",on on charge of laaaalty. Ue T. ,'kttlM Charlea L. Wllco, .fur Wilcox'" f8 "'ft?1' "bPV " . . , . , i , t. to hare been gl Via a heart be-1 ..... wrUnar iwo ... unm,fottfcotnp,tenl will he pardoned aoon, waa Intimated .morning. The 'ci Ki-prrtallr Allrd kn0WB ,,,VM Koote w'aa juitlflcd In ' D"1'". 't la claimed, baa been act- S the action be took In defenae of his.1" ,n Peullar manner for some 'home. ' ' ' tlm- nd t Wi" fearat. that lie would n (O.NtJHKNNMA.V IIKCI.Kt JMT 1KOHV I.ONT MAV KIUIJVIM IIV IIIK HKO:.TTIUI' THHOUOII THK WKMTKIIN NTAT1M V V f, r In imascullae lattlra. ,CoTeeaia. ,OaKaa. McKlaUy 7 5pV ? , "" ii 1ra " " Vak. i nr roafottl haa ac Call fata la. In an k.r. f- 1 al eS d laa. d .. T fa aB J Isaf Kltf I'arultal will trlgn supremr M k ttrrrta nf KUmntli r'alla to ItiL II HI bo pvnuUiablr toulghl tu htfvai ill Kitla of anllra, which n DM erdlnaillr rouatrnatirrd In aillt aorta) TO taulrj will start at T p. m. Uj tt (aqiirat has breu tna.ln that i0 nisak It will b considered Itasfa lu attrropt any fllrtaUoaa be- ntw H l known that a number of t mi mm are ,fuj W"a, A" J," '"f k r C0,t, fcM f':C""fwl' " .-tflaw here to- ..... .- -v ..., ...m .... m. mr ,a)r, autraji "ilooseTrire trip loat him frleada n Klamalli Kails Mllltar) baad,ln the far Wral. because he offered tiilke hl(h schtKil band will be on nothing ronntrurtUe. He had oaly U Jo during- (he evening, and lm abuse and vague promises. A few (leasts parades will be In order. weeks ago o thought California tk psradn w precede the hnprlres, not. we think It Is practlc-ntft- iHtly safoly rrpubllcan. I haVe Just flnt rsc Double harneea racejielurned a buslares trip reach nraittliu Usms; purse ISO, fig. ilng every lown on the I'aclBc slope. Veiid rare lletay race; purse, and I find the lloowveltera generally ''lit, urrToua." Tklrd rs(r -Wild horse raca! Don. - . - . . '". 110; irrond a pair of silver 'Mini ipurs, presruted by the Ore rslltrtMs company, Tkr flaala of the bucking roateat ai U Mi ()n this day. Mrst, 40; . I0. third. 110, offered by ; " Ilradtr llarniaia company WHHSV. - ' li. ik. n-.i t.i.i at.. i... ....j i.ida some one bod llr barm. If ... MH .. .. . lim JM. .tM.-T-J Vf ' " ..-i.. ...- . .v. rneaertt Itnlainlr a. ITaait -l.r.-. J ' ."Hi... rwir u. luuruvr in uir rc-l w " ". "- -. -- .-..m-j Ilia KrirexU IWtare That He 1 Iswaae if Hr Haa Urea (Jasvtjr aa Charrl ly Ihr IMrem of ihw law. Attorary for Ihr Itefraar DerHsara In Make m Htatraarat Until After larratlgatloa. Unit d 1'iras lServcu . 'A alAr In .V. .1.1 tti r..l..r.l CHICAtIO, Hept. 37. It Was an- A AmmT. mH In lh wnnil Irl.l Him. AT sTllllXrVrl T''y l,lu" "' rac1' fn r "'" wbMl nnu",", M J,l" T"fl h,(u,lrUr,l'ootepleaded.gullty to manslaughter. H nUUULf LLI t,om" ort "f "'' " lulr of bonelnern today that Senator La rollettejllo waa brought to the penitentiary IfjrAT IrrialA Ufa .nr hiittoua, uaually. Hut as the will start on a campaign against 'afajtelay, but prison officials refused to IJBfV I IrrrV llr r (tNy brrame exclug this little for-'ltooscvrlt uest weak. oSclully rater him aa a prisoner, aoj IlLU I lalakl l) III inaiity or glvina aometntaa to the. inc Wisconsin aeaaior propoaea ie u is presumed mo governor win par' Inanrs was dlapcnsed with, and It waslhelp Henatora Borah, Keayon asadldon him, and not ermlt bis name to n that the authorities others In the, campaigns which thaylbr entered on the official record or fc Little Harriet Klak baa beaa otec- taken af Corning. Calif., according to t,a telegram received at the sherUfa today from Deputy WaerU Jean ilun that tlirau pot an ead lo'tmi thorltlra others In the, cai u game. are making la thalr autre. 'permit him to don prlaou strlpee. wiL challock, who left here Uat gaght, laccomnaaled br the alrl'a amathaV. VICE CROSAOEp """""""""""""" in iDe ratau4rrttk wmm, tMm mititi. ' afai OOVKKNOR ANNOUXCM THAT KB WILL HTART WITH TO KNJOIN With Stealing Diamond Ring M'GOVERN IS FOR ROOSEVELT Employees of the Southern Pacific Give Officers Glue Which Leads to the Arrest of a Fugitive From the California Capital. Denies Charge ' Through the vigilance of the em- blllil lo this ell) she be plscvd un- Deputy Sheriff llaydon was notified ployrs of the Southern Paclnc at the " "n1 ,n8 cramento offl-nnd Miss Wagner waa placed under . ., ,. . i, ... ...clals at oncenotlDed. LataThursda) arrest. She admitted that she was ilrpot In this city. Miss Dolly Wagner . M Warner call.d at theltl.r r.on wanted In Sacramento, but I In the custody of the sheriff of 0(1)ul and MkcU for ,De ttun protested her Innocence of the chnrge Klamath couuty, and nn omccr Is on .rtir l.valtl. an employo at the against her. She said that a Sacra- AMJWBf OBJMCTieXAaUC mtil I.OOXH I.X rORTLASTD , " aged carpented, who la ckargad with HAI.KM, Sept. 17. flovernor Wert baa, vigorously renewed hla campaign against vKotin rortiana aaa uragon. He announcedrthat Monday aalta to enjoin alleged objectionable ealooaa now being operated in the depot ot the Oregon Electric railway la Port land would be filed. The governor further stated that October 10th he would offer a .tang ing reward of 1100 for the arrest gad conviction of any owner or leasee of houses of prostitution, anywhere, la lape;tor Hrtv ' II. Chsnre. deputy commission 1 " factory Inspector, Is In the '"Wain country looking " lie went tn M"lt In Inspect tLrra. over the Chtloqutn thla the new plant his way to this city from Sacramento depot, hurried up lown to Inform an to escort her back lo uuswer to aiomcer. lie was not nine 10 nun one - .felony charge. The woman waa kept of the guardians of thu public pence WINfONHJX flOVKIINOIt FINALLY i undfr urd ,M n,ul ln "M ot the in u .houses on Oak street. MAKKM tl' HIM MIND 'TO MUP- ui,ril divi un a nmui win r. reived In thla city asklug that when a uau Jl T nallail f Aa aa sS) leiintr UfUUlL'UU v. laa IWUI11HII IHHtiu mi a triiMOi a sawea peinriffana - IHIHT THK CHIKK Of ALL HULL It I nt once, hut mognlied on Main street, lie enlisted the aid tnt-nto woman had destroyed one of her allk waists, and that she had re tained a diamond ring belonging to the woman ftbe destructive parson until the less of the shirt waist was made good. In of a cltlten lo resume the search for it he meantime a warrant charging her an iilttcer while he shadowed the wo- with the theft of the ring was sworn man. put. . Morimiaa for Taft 'IM Press Service , I1'1" ''AX... Sept. X7 President n tb of , Mormon church Issued wiswent today publicly advising " nieinters of thu church to support ntaldmt raft (InliMi praaa liar vice , MADIHON. la., 8pt.'l7. (lor- vrnor McOovern In n formal slate-1 ment Issued today, said that ho favor-' ed Kooseelt. He assorted that the cnlonol la the natural choice of'th.1 republican progressives. LITERARY CLUB IS ORGANIZED Gum Shoe Work is the Downfall of M'Carty i puty United States Marshal Takes Man on a Charge of Selling Taffliini ti n fnnljin. ""T-'" w " '"fT" . VV KiaMATH KALLH PKOPLK WILL ! DKI.VK INTO MANY INTKKK8T , I NO KUIUKCTH DURINQ THU ! WIXTKIt MONTHM A meeting waa held al the home of Itev. J. S.'Btubblefleld last night, aud the organisation of the Klamath Lit oroiy Club waa perfected. J Tluire were seventeen present for J I ho organisation, but It Is expected that the club membership will be llutcher Is Champ Cart (Iratan ot (Iraftoa. N. D.. who claims to be the champion butcher of the world, la In the city, anxious tu onter a carving contest with any ot the local talent. He la attempting to arrange for such nn event to take piuco ou the fair grounda tomorrow. REGULAR TRAIN STOPS AT FAIR After "gum-ahoelng" around lor .... """ u,t .n'hl wtchlai Indians. D.puey ,!nlUa butea oi?!. "Cft,,y Kri rJe capture Mn,n ,.m",",, MfCgrtr on a charge ' "'nK liquor to an Indian. A red- n n" old as a wltntaa. 'no arr,..t was made at the Indian or!,-"," "Ulh r' The fadaral CimV bn "MP'eloua of Me- iVh1 h"1, ' him to tbt. r -If. U."Ur ft won " th Wiitth r ..UUl" ,,e thouh undent "" nl fresanee known. greatly4 Increased before the next iiiuaI I nar "llnuda up," was thu demand, und The purposo of tho club Is too study J forthwith four urmt. were pounding uf different subjects of great Interest tho bottom of tho wagon. during the winter months. Meeting. An Investigation hhnwed that tho will bo held every Tuesday evening, offlrer had been a little too quick, und tho, place of meeting will be The Indian wnu engaged In pulling changed each month. During Octo- the cork out of a quart bottle of wills-' ber the club will meet at the homo of key, Instead of gurgling It down, na'C. P. Stewart. the officer had exported, Tho officer, elected last night were McCarty and tho Indian were as- President C. P. Stewart. KOITHIIHN PACIKIU MAKKM AH- IIANOKMK.NTS HO THAT TRAV KLKItM WILL UK G1VK.N MOHK TIMK TO HKK KXHIIUTS BRYAN HELPS THE RAILROADS DCMOCHATIO LKADKIt IM COM- PAHKD TO A UlllCl'M AH A Ill'HI- .KSH-OKTTKH KOH THK THANH- IMITATION LI.NKH kidnapping tho girl, la coa-haed a the county Jail. -Ha wlU prohaMy avk Le arralgsed uatil altar aha a?rhl of km iHagai vlatiav rerrls peratata la hla - trtit that he bad assisted w tho tflrittaig of the girl out of tho coaatry sot rrom any criminal motive, - aft there are many atorlaa curroat a tato street, tod.y coaceralag hla r.latl.oa with HarrUt. Last night Fraak Otto, a man of DorrU. arrived hi th Ostr.g. response to a reqaaat frost tho oaV clal to Identify Ferris aa tho aaaa who bad driven Into Dorrla with Har riet- He bad no difficulty la dotagao. According to DorrU people tha girl apared there wcarlas goglaa aa4 dressed In clotbea ot a cut and de- 5fu heretofore not caatamary tor er. It waa declared tbat la addition to hiding her haxel eyea with forbid- she had smeared rogue the state., He- laid that (q make the remits of, liUlv'lce campaign lasting ho wna preparing for presentation to dine, glasses the next legislature a number ot bills vcr her face until It would have which he thought would brlng.aboul utmost Impossible for avea her moat desired reforms. ' " 'Intimate frlenda to have recognised i i her. u is claimed mat the youag girl , won provided with at leaat three rtiange. ot dreaaea. and that on tho way to DorrU she tried out at leaat two of her disguises. An uncorroborated report haa It that Ferris sent a telegram from Dor rl to u man named Thomas at Cora ling, asking him to send traaaporta- OXK OK IlKaU.L l.KABKIfH STAFF, ,lon Ior ,wo- y,nK "der nad secured tho "piano player." Tha IH IIKIKTKDTO HAYKCItOH.ltrtlltpor(aUon Wlu not forthcnla. KD THK IIOItllKIV- INTO THK I and Harriet's fare to tne California jr ! OROZCO'S AIDE o IS WOUNDED CMTKD HTATKM i: n 3 I'lu. train leading this city at G:S0 this afternoon will stop at the fair grounda to take ou passengers. This waa announced today, and will be rortad to Main street, where Spatial Officer Morley assisted the f.doral officer In lodging the two men In the city Jail. A hearing will bo conduct ed boforo United States Commission er Ferguson tomorrow, First vice president K. M. Chll cot. Second vice president Drl Warren Hunt. Secretary and treasurer Mrs. J. 8. Rtubblefleld. ' ilono In order to accommodate those w ho nro going south, and who doslre I In visit tho fair and see aa much a. possible. As a result. It will not ba necesary for them to return io thla city to catch tha train. For the railroads, William Jen nings llr) an U better than a circus," nald II. V. Wensell, traveling freight and passenger agent of the Southern Pacific. Mr. Wensell Is In the city today on lone ot his regular trips. He came in from Sacramento, where the demo cratic leader spoke n couple of day. ago. "Crowds commenced coming Into town on tha Brst tralna In the morn ing," aald Mr. Woaaoll, "'and the travel continued all day. ' " "Bryan traveled on the regular train, while In California, making hla reservations' Just aa any other trav eller." ' ' Motion DoaJed McMaalgal Arrive' Judge Benton thl. morning denied INDIANAPOLIS, Sept. 17. Ortle a motion by the defense la tho caaa of Mcaianigai in cnarge or uetertive mc- the nig Dailn Lumber company l.arAti v-lvfl h.rai tAtav . a...... ....... ..... .w..f. 'ugalnst H. J. Wlntora ot al. fulled I'resa. Service , DOUOLAS, Arts., Sept. IT. A're- port Is curreu(here today that Gen eral jYhes llalatan, Oroico'a aide, haa crossed the border Into tho United States. He U 'aald to'be wounded, aud I. bound for Sou thara California. town waa paid by Ferris, raaulrfaa most ot hla ready money. In low of the fact that Harriot la but an Indifferent" musician, tha wording ot the telegram la coaald ered algniacant. W. 1IV Shaw, attorney for Ferris, stated this afternoon that be had not had time to Investigate the charge I Continued" on Page i Textile Workers WU1 Resume Great Battle S Great Disorder Caused When 10,000 . Workers Quit. Engineer is Beaten by Strikers ( " l 1. ; ' ; LAWRENCE. Mass.. Seat.' XT. imi.Lhlnf.rv. and waa beaten by thl Great disorder waa occaafoptd todar Irlkora. 4 !j i... i n a ...... " u . li The striker, and the non-ualaa -v.vvv u.o nuravri iruvw. , . , . .. . i , men ciasoeu, out me ponce restore Hen Robinson, chi.t engineer ofqulet. Three men have beaa ari the. Wood, mill, ttop; the I rested. ; v