ANTIS FlfiHT I FOR LOST CAUSE ONTAHK) MAN TKI.LH OK THE HTRUOULK TO KKKP TBR WO MAN KROM KNJOYING KqUAL Hl'FKRAClK HTTM MEN "It evidence U needed that the antl-suffraglsts ar fighting (or a loct lost cause. It can be found In tb ar- gumenta wlilch they tbmclre pre sent In th otilclal pamphlet recently issued by the secretary of state against the constitutional amendment extending the suffrage to women. Among other things their argument contain the statement that "there li alwaya an active and tcatoui mtnorltjr In favor of woman suffrage, and thU minority can be trusted to get out and vote.' " So says Ralph V. Eck hardt 1b the Orefonlan. ' "If auch be the case, let u all turn aaCragiets. The curse of this coua try is set the big corporations, nor taw vatUlcal bouse, but the apa- The abuses of the Inl other forma of popular Itwwwt are due to the fact that (Be latereettd minorities are "active sjbbb aoaloua,' and can be trusted to jteWmad vote, while the majority, Cas) taaHy are Interested, but do not realise It, fall to vote at all or rot 'no' because of Inauflclent under standing of the measures. K we vould only all get out and vote ther wonM be no need tor the Initiative, referendum or recall. The sntl suf fraglata any: "The nun at his labor In the street. In the meeting place ot men, learns unconsciously as n rule, the code, the meaning, the need of public attain,' "If he learns the code, meaning and need of public affair at all, the average man certainly learns them unconsciously. The man who works at manual labor doe not have vary much leisure time to spend In study- tar political Institution and mess urea. If he Interests himself In those thing he la a notable exception to' the rule. The average farmer, laborer, mechanic or artisan la later eeted In thing which concern him more nearly than the policies or a grant commonwealth. It fcs wrong that It should be so. but w do not tee that reason deprive him ot hi right to rot. Again they aver: " We protest against the proposal for the following reasens: J Because the need of America I not an Increased qunalty, but an Im proved quality ot the vote, and there Is no adequate reason for believing that woman suffrage, by doubling the vole, will Improve its quarity.' "Anything can be proved by asser tion. Woman suffrage may or may not double lb vote I think not but It will certainly alter It In a man ner different from that which I U' ferred In this so-called reason. In the arst place, not nil the women In the United States or of the state of Oregon are married. In the second place, not all who hav the prlvileg will vote, any more than nit the men who havo the privilege vote. But the average business woman, the av rag aplaaUr, the average school teacher la about as intelligent aa the average man, and It should be her right and duty to cast n ballot which will offset the vote of the bum. the fanatic, and the Illiterate foreigner. To withhold from her that privilege is to subject her to a government la which she hss no voice or representa tiona government wherein those -Abo nrementally and morally her in ferior are politically her superiors." SPUD EXHIBIT WINS ATTENTION KLMKK APPLKOATK SHOWS M VARIKTtRS ONK GROUP OK 40 CAMR PROM A MNGLK BILL FROM 8KKD KROM MAINS LORD MAYOR IS DEAD CHILD IS NH INCENSED FOUND IN BOX The booth ot Klmer I. Applagat at the fair grounds attracted consider- able, attention today. He displays 31 varieties ot potatoes raised on bis place. One group of 45 potatoes, weighing IS pounds, were taken from one hill. Mr. Applegate secured three seed po tatoes from llslne, and thee 45 po tstoea came, from one eye. They are Reed's Golden 0m. DELINQUENCY IS CHARGE PLACED tYALLKN GIRL TO BK BROUGHT RACK TO THI8 CITY TO HER. HKLF PACK A CsURGR HK WILL BK WITNESS) The little Wallen girl, who, It la charged, was assaulted by her father, Arthur Wallen, will be brought back to this city by Sheriff Barnes on a warrant Issued out of the Juvenile court, and charging her with delin quency. When the girl secretly left tb city, preauaably to escape appearing aa a wltn against bar father, th county officer got busy with the .wire and soon Jwd trace of her. Finally, la I.os Aagele, eh was rreUd. Whether or not the charge agalast the girl will be pressed cannot be as- erUJa4. SECOND DAY OF FAIR SUCCESS EXHIBITION- BOOTHS ATTRACT THK ATTENTION OP MANY VM 1TORS HACK PROGRAM IS IN PROGRKM8 TRIM AKTKRNOON The second day of the Klamath County Fair attracted considerable more attention than the first. The exhibition booth were popular places for visitor. The speed program la In progress this afternoon. Toorow'a Piuginm First race Halt mil running race for 1-year-olds, heats, two out of three; purse, 17, ISO; flrst heat. Second race Quarter and repeat, purse. ITS, 150; flrst heat Third race Second heat half mil race. Fourth race Second heat quarter turned to this city but night. The object of the old man In spirit- laa .I... WA..MM all lt tl M MMIHI.V 111 WV !" - -" - I ... ,, -. lf.,11,, WI.W.III Is a mystery. It Is expected that, . ' " ..,,. , .. 7u . .k. .i.i k. k.. n ght was a success, and dunclmt after tb search for the girl bad been ' . k j -a k ,. ,. , ,, ,., 'n enjoyed until a late hour, Tlw abandoned, he Intended to Join her , .. ' music was excellent, but thr floor. tn the south. . . .. . .... ... . ... .... II' villi III lUtl IIMIV III "llltll Hll' I1NII M. R. Doty reported thla morning ,.r.t,arol. was not the, having met a girl answering tb de- ...,.,,,. . . w,. .,,,, i c. scrlptlon of Harriet on the Keno road , , .. , rom,.Mi yesterday morning. She was sitting ,hnl ,. M, .. , ..,,,.., ..OI1di,in on n rock by the side of the road, and for .ho ..COBj d,.B -,...,. w, bc Firth race Finals half-mil race. Sixth race Finals quarter race. Seventh race Wild bora race, purse, ISO, ISS. All Woodmen having W. O. W. en tertainment tickets admitted fre tai day. On thla day prises will bo awarded on the poultry and livestock exhibits. The Judges of these exhibit will be from the Oregon Agricultural Col lege. Poultry Judge Prof Jaa. Drydau. Livestock Judge Prof. E. R.' Sam son. The evening of this day will be de toted to the Mardl Orss. Hashing will commence at In the evening. Unmasking at 11. Yesterday's Race The first rsce, a quarter-mile dssh, was won by V. Cello, owned by Hiss alary Harka of Poe Valley. Bull moose, owned by J. Pearson, second, and Hiss Pelican. W. Ooss owner, was third. Second race, three-quarter mil dash, waa won by Wade Hampton, with Dick Rusher second and Bessie Hills third. Third race, quarter-mile dash, was won by La Claire, with Uncle Tom second and Carparnla third. Oswald Brown and Slim Chambers were the only entries in the wild horse race, which was won by Brown. SUIT STARTEO A6AINST FERRIS ItKLKAHT KXKCLTIVK DKCLAHKH THAT THOOPH ARK NOT NsCKD KD TO TAKE CARE OF THOU IILK IN IHELANU UKLFAST. Ireland, Sept. 14. The lord mayor ot Belfast Is Intensely angry nt the war department for' rending troops to thin 'city. In n atatcmcut Issued this morning lie de clared that troop were not needed. The soldier aro arriving. BEN SELLING'S RECORD PROGRESSIVE T Notice to Cr0tar n the County Court of the State ot Oregon, tor Klamath County prescribed hy the secret r n.. i? terldr. All timber must I.. .... '".' In tlio MMIcr of (he Kslat of l.ucy removed prior lo June 1. mis 7u! timber must be cut under retuUiW Prescribed lir the . .. UM AM1KI.KH POI.It'K IIAVK MVH. TKIIY TO MOI.YK MKATII UK Si;i.TKI KltOM HUKFOCATIOX. Cl.tTHKM KXPKNHIVK teus of nil's mmi (Continued from Psgo 1) Cnlled Press Service 1.08 ANIIKI.KH. Hcpt. 26.- Tlu body of a two-inniillin-olit child, - pensively dressed, found todny In the lnlory In the Title Insurance Trust building. Dentil n cnused Jby suffocstlun. The hotly was In a box addressed to Mnjoiit, Winters, Callt., from the Karl Fruit Co, The police bellnvo the box was re-shlpped from Winters l.oostoy, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given by th ua ..... ,ililmied, John Smart, admlnlatralar While a Legislator Aided In ,ll( (t, v.iu ut Lucy Looiy, a Bl.olnn llnnn tlatllia Books 'teased, lo tile creditors of, and all Placing Upon blatuie books . w , Many Popular MeaSUrOS. iUrenel, or th said estate, to pro k-iiI siirli claims with th proper ' -. . ,ii ,i .. i.n. itmiclier ttllhlu six tnonlh from th 'publican nominee for Untied Suite. presented lo .aid adrntaklnlor l Senator, in a recent Interview, said l'twi or sent to his addrws. which ' "I am proud to y that us n He- M 1'oit Mnmath, Klamath county. I nntillrin I hut. Iit.nll III Kill OreSUII (Hl'Snll. I Lglslatur on and o(t for iiIkiuI U lnt"l U'l Sl Ar "' Auul, A.I) .years. UurliiK that time It was my 1911. J pleasure and duty to nld III nrlulimlliiK JOHN SMART, and wrltlug upon the statute nooks Ailliilillstlnlnr nt win i.sinte oi i.ucy a cross examination uy mo oiucrre, Ferris admitted hla part In the abduc tion of the girl. It appears that several days aao Ferris went to Dorris, where he hired t a rig. He drove to this city, and kept the outfit here until yesterday! morning, when, by arrangement with I Harriet, he mat her on the Kcnc. road Tbey drove to Dorris, where NKW Ferris bought the girl a ticket to Oro-. lllo, Calif., and put her aboard the 5 o'clock train south bound. He re- KASIL6A HALL IS NOW OPEN i of this state such progressive minis urea aa the Australian ballot la. the lultlsttve and referendum, recall. the Presidential preference primary law and many other reform measure which have given to the people their right. Theso measures hate taken Oregon from under machine control sad placed the noiulnallnR maihluery la the hands of the people where ll belongs. In mlud I hau leeu at thla work for I )ers, laboring I losley, deceased. xtt-lllr ll.'l. 1.1. ..IIM...I ,!...,. ' " " "" times on a suites! nntluual tmnk mu,t b iUbm(4T llin ammiiit ut IftUO, This check win be rslurned lo unsuccessful biddsri applied toward the payment for tV bur If hid Is accepted, and rsUlnsd si a forfeit If bid Is acc.pi.a u, bidder falls to comply i, tllt ' qulremenls of his bid. The rlibt i Hie commissioner of Indian affalra to wAlU leclmlcal defocls In sdmtlu. nirnls mid bids, and to reject tit and nil bids, la reserved, Ftirlhsr la formation its to the Hmlirr and ropJ of thii'Npproved form of cuntrsct sui be obtained upon request froiI, ,tl perlnleudrnt of th. Klamaih Indlu school, Klamath Agency, ()r.0n luamain Agency, Oreou, R,tUm, r 10, ID II, Kdsun Watson, sail.,, her "tion, super- .Notice for Publication lltlendeut Klamath ludlnti school, I (Not Coal Lands) I-3-S-X-10 h ii.iirtmeiii nf ilia Interior. United ' ' I...I J n..i n .1 - '- - ' , . ,.,.n- iwr 1 iiuiKmiuQ Hlnles i.anu umro ni uaaeview, j (( ro, Rm,i Oregon, August 30, 111. .lleparlmcllt of the Interior 11-.... ...... . . - -MIIW I DA NCI NO WimVAM IK THK HCKNK OK AN KNJOYABLK PAH TV FLOOR WILL UK PUT IN SHAPK FOR 8KCOMI PARTY Not Ire li hereby given that Cora H. Hodge, ns widow of Frank F. Dodge, of Fort Klamath, Oregon, who, An' August It. I90H, made Homestead ooaslalently for everything that would ,;lltly ,aC( June II, IVflC) No. 03, hetag about the present Oregon sy (l)rt,uHWli UKU. HMH HWU.Hec. :J i:U NW'.i.Hei". S, Tol H., Itange d K., Wlllametle Meridian, lis men noure 111 inieuiion 10 mnae iit 37 H lUlne 9 K . Will. .-... tnal nte-year proof, to claim trildlnn, has filed notir. of in declined his Invitation to ride with bias. 'I'd rather walk," she replied. "It will strengthen my aaklee." I Deputy Sheriff John 8chllock will leave this evening for Orovlll to! bring Harriet back to thla city. Ferris baa lived In thla city about three years. He came her from Cal ifornia. Ho haa operated n carpenter , shop for some time, and also en gaged in general contracting la part nership with Oeorg Klein. Hr. Klela this morning advertised a die-' solution of the partnership, before 1 however, the arrest of Ferris. District Attorney Kuykendall slat- ed thla afternoon tbat a charge of kidnapping would bo preferred against Ferris. It Is possible, how-' given tomorrow evening. MINERS' STRIKE TO DE CONTINUED OOVKItNOH HI'RV-OK UTAH CON FKIIH WITH I1UHINE8M AOKNT OK UNION TO DKTKKHI.VK WHAT CAN UK DONE SWC YSlrwgSBwsl awry W.r 'lilwawaw gCx 4 V JBilgggggg lsJVwawawawaW V wggggsiawal X BwawawawawwaV K MAgsBawawawawawawawawawawgBwawaV .gssssssTlgsawawrTgggggggfc gSWSWSWSWSBSBWSBBBslgggSWSWsl gggggggggggggvssssssssssH awawawawawawVi ' sbbbbbbbbbbbbbwI ggggggggggLswawawawawawT EN HIhImm l..ti.l flrtt.. -. . .. .... .,. , ,., Oregon, Keptemtvr ? 191 Nullro I hereby ghrn that Wlllfsss T. Hrhtelner uf Klamslh Falls, or. gon, who, on February 11. nit I U,Hec. ,n,)t homestead entry No otTIi fs nshlpSI the. HIJW SK. Sec IK, K .Ngu lerldlan, Hcc. 19. IIWU MV,R 10. Toes! 10 the laud nbuin ilvscrlbed, before C. u, make nnal roiiiiiiut.illon proof U i. Do iJip. County Clerk of Klamaih entahltth claim to the turn! sboie'de- miniy, ai iiamaui ruin, wrraon, un i.iribrd, lietoru I' It He ,sp, toutlf the 5th day of Oclnbrr, 19IS. rUrk of Klamath county, hi KUrnsU I'lalmniit iiamee as nltneseesi I'M. Ore., on the lllh dsy of Ocio. Arthur Morrison of Fort Klamith. t,,r, oj. iregoii tleorgn J Weiss of Fort Claimant names as wiiritM .Umatli, tlregot, AlUe A Vo.e of Jlni llsgelaleln. I'reu l lllngltr 1'iirl Klamath. Oregon. Itestora Ji-lm . Hagelsteln, Hteplirn I twrlthf French of Klamath Falls. Oregon mil of Klamath Falls, Oregon A W OIITON. A W tlllTO.V, 'llr Hrglsler 9-13.10.10 r ItegUter, " - -- " "7illir of hale " "" limber Hale In t)r County Court ut the ntate ol tie , I. 1 1 roposals In duplicate, each Oregon. In and for KltmtU ueior marked ' Proposals for Tim County . I l.imalh llesertallou," will be re- In jlr Hatter of the Ousrdlinihlpof 1 iird at tin oltlre of tlm superintend. Crnest Date Houle slid Don Ote; nt ' ili- Mamath Indian school. Hoiile, Minors ivlimatli Ageury, Ortgou, until 13 Notlie Is hereby glien thai tuna, i) clock noon, I'nclfle Coast time, Tiles- am ( tho order of Hie County Court day, thinner IS, 1112. for the pur- of tlm County of Klamath, XUI of ihnsn nf niimliii.ilely l.MIO.OUu feet Oregon, dill) gUeti and made on lie pine limber, piaitlrnllr nil nf Hhlrli 30th day of August, lll, In tb i- elltiH pine, on the Klamath Indian above eulllled estate. Itixe OUt eelve Republican Csndldste for reservation, Oregon This timber Is Moule, guardian of (Un persons, sal United tates aenator, . upon portions uf tlm V, uf tlm Wis tetale of K'rntxt luu Houls sad Vm 01 inr, anu win 01 in iiiay Houle. mnnii. 111 ull on ct KLLINO This being true and a matter .SW,, nml tlm K Culled Press Servlr SALT LAKK. SeDt. 26. Ooverno,1 ever, that the federal authorities may apry lnU mornnf conferred with A. invesugaie me maucr wim a view , ww bMiBeM .... of ,h, 8t..m of proceeding sgalnst the aged car- ahovelmtn'a un0n. lo determine on penter on nn ven more serious wnmt btllg tb, IOTernor mf bi use bU charge. 'nower to bring Deace at Illnaham. On the voting list Ferris' age Is,uecu for .,ui,m,ni f tho given at 56 years. He Is a native of lroube are poor. More deputies are Michigan. bpin ient l0 iiin,b.m. W. H. Shaw waa retained by Ferris thla afternoon to make bla defense. Following Mr. Shaw's visit to the Jail "Tb people of Oregou do not hav to guess as to m progressive work. It I an open book. It Is recorded on ta statute books of thU slate. Judge year progressive candidates by wbal they have done, by their records as progressives, and I shall be perfectly .. ft... N.'lll ..1 ...- .. .,. .1-- ... .....I .... 1- ayTir. w,o, z t :u "" .'v: iur ri"" t'ou,u,r o,.KU,n""- h,au o'o,' are th true progressives In Oregon. "' ,NW,'" "7'" '""' l'u,.'" """. ' hlgheat snd lst bMr. " '- jiMiii.i'n. .in. .-, kiiiiii reiiiise nrrninsiier meniioneu, si .uibrans tlm folio vlng dfMrrlptlon' 'private ante, bids to be rele4 st I'rglmilne r. ilialus suuth of Ihn U the nltlm of Klllott A l.'llloll, WHIM eo.lii" tMtwein sections 32 ami 33 htilldlng, Klamath I'.dls. Oregon. Sat i di IK,, m.t IT chain . thetire north siihjerl In tho roimrmsllon b sale :, iiuliis, tl.eiuo wi.t 1; rhaliu. County Court, the following deMrlUI ll e south JT. chains tn place of he reul iroi,lt)' betnngllig lo the eiUls Wtlsfled with the verdict eipreeeed KIM" ': a" '" Hisllon 23, Townahlp of said minors. by th people next November." LOWELL FAVORS SELLING Had for 1UU WAHHINOTON, D. C. Sept. 26.- ALLKQKO KIDNAPPKR IN MADE DKKKNDANT IN AN ACTION TO RKCOVKR sMH) AIXBOKD TO BR UUK FOR RENT Following bis arrest this morning on a charge of kidnapping UtU Har riet Fink, Frank Ferris waa mad de fendant this afternoon In an action started by th WblU Realty cosspaay to recover rent to th amount of about 0. The plaintiff I represented by J. C. Itutenlc. fl W fcavti sjau rare s'r! 01 open.' Ji Haatar RssaMy Oa. swirisM lt l hleoheUe Manager Houston of the Temple theater, haa secured a number of col ored stereoptlcon picture of tb Elks Rodeo and bucking contests, which will be thrown oa the screen toalgbt. These are not the, motion picture which were takes during tb Rodeo, but slides mad from th beat Individ ual camera, picture.. Riding' Jim Jeffries, and Ray Plckatt on Cycloa are among th list to b shown. FOR SALE Jersey cow, wIU b trash Nov. 10. Abo a lot of Walt Leg horn pullets. Inquire John Auatad, Hilt Addition. 10 laia witn eerris, me accusea ao- A deadly rodent ext.rmlnsior which ned to make a statement for pub- m.y Dror of tbll cateat valuo in llcatlon. although previous to his en-(Wpn, oul bubonlc plague, lias been gaging counsel be talked freely. discovered here by rFcderlck (1. Now According to hU story, Harriet of tno Unlveralty of Michigan. The ram to him aeveral daya ago and dic0Y8ry u a micro-organism. on.i stated that she waa In trouble, and (hundred millionth part of a cubic cen asked that.Ferrla get her out of tho ,lmeter be)n, ,uffleJent amount to country. km nn ... n,inn.iy. I did not realise that I bad done Krlday. September 27lh. the nee- nrong until tb offlcer came down ond liavlnc Installment will heeom. and arrested me," be said. idellnaucnt. Thla la for the navln. 7 in the first, second and third unlu, SACRAMENTO, 8ept. 16. 8ecre-,.nJ run. from the brirt-e to thn de. tary Jordan stated today tbat he will pot BBd on Bltb trtT) Immediately forward to Attorney, . General Webb a printed sample bal lot of the presidential electors desig nated by the republicans favoring Roosevelt, the republicans favoring Taft, tb democrats, the socialists and the prohibitionists. He will tben frsme a ballot according to Attorney General Webb'a decision. The Taftltea say tbey will appeal to tbe courts If the Rooseveltera are sllowed to use the designation of re publicans. Notice of Dissolution Notice Is hereby given partnership heretofore tween C. S. Croaby and doing business under of Crosby A Klein, has solvod by mutual con M. Klein having X trig ex is sn ueoW, the) affals atai.. ANCIENT CASE WILL DE TRIED Oppenent In Primary Supports Him ae Regular Party Nominee. In giving hts uuijualltled Indorse meat of the candidacy of Hen Selling, progressive Republican nominee for United Slstes Senstor, Judge Stephen A. Lowell, an oppouent of Mr, Soiling la th primary election, said recently. "Senstor Selling Is the regulsr con stituted nominee ot the parly. Ho has bees a burden bearer In tho past poli tical contests and Is entitled, under ull rules ot the game, to his reward. Ho I a progressive Republican, not only today, but waa such when It took aoaa courage to occupy advauced ground. He Is a substantial business an, with a home and Interests lu the state. Why should any honest man who believes In fair play In politics, a well aa In every day affairs, refuse U support hla candidacy, I am with aim to th end and he ought to win by 10,000 plurality In November." I Smith. Range ? Hast, Willamette Terma of sale, raab, or eae-Ult Merl llan Oregon. The limber offered rash, balance secured by spprovei fur sxlo consists of n prartlrall) pure mortgage, Mo pin.) aland, nhout 75 per rent The westerly 'thirty-Ore (111 few t wlilrlt s Hindu up of mature uud lot I, block fourteen (Ml, orlglul overmature lieex The Oregon l.'asi- own of l.lnkvllle, noa Klamath Kalis. nn inllroad runs through the north- Oregon. western corner of the proposed sale Dated this th da) nf Pitemr, a en 'll.n minimum prlrtw fclilch All) Ibis, Klamath Kails. Oregon, he nutptud uru 13.32 per M feet for IIOHK OTKV' HOUI.W, OuarJIsi. win;, mid sugar pine, and II, Sb ir I'.lllott A Klllott, Attorneys forGisr- .M (nt for all other aperies. Thn dlaa. (.13-10-IMk -r Alcohol for Boys? Co To Your Doctor A'k y-ur doctor how often he prcrjRc an alcoholic itlmuUnt tor children. He will nrtsbably gay, 'Wrry, very rarely." AsJchlHi how often he prccrlbciilc forihem. He will probably aawr, VCrV. VL-rV frinllcntlu ,rUiesf slr Lien sknut Aver' BMV alcoholic Sarap.irilb m .1 tonlclwi the younit. fHi&J DKI'CTs' Y terest to C tlnuo the Dated Septe 26-3t dlsBV S. Croshf, bgeiaesa. BlwarRS am 1 tho be- Klein, rm name day dls- said Geo. ed of bla In- UMTKII HTATI34 MAII- SHALL IH HKIIR TO HKKiT. PA I'KRH ON WITNKHHKM WHOHK ADDItKHNCH AHK YKARM OLD who will con, 1912. CROBBT. H. KLEIN. Dissolution of Partaershlp Notice Is hereby given tbat the partnership heretofore, existing; be tween F, Ferris and Geo. H. Jtleln, doing, a, general contracting Jmalnes under tb firm nam"of .rris ft Klein, baabeen this dsy dJsolvd by mutual Dated SopUsr 20,, MI, 26-3t QEOXH. KLEIN, Deputy United States Marshal I)eatty arrived In this city last night with subpoenas for a number ot wit nesses who aru wanted to appear In tho federal court session to be held In Mod ford soon. TheMi witnesses are summoned to testify in the case of th government against J. O. Hamaker, an action started juotu Hum six years ugo, and involving tho cutting of timber on! government land, , , Mr, Realty ha the all-year-old ad-1 dresses of witnesses, ,and Is having a ! hard tme nerving the papers. Oiie of the beat UtswTn Laurelhust ! Addition lo Portlaayitto trade for lota In KUniarsskFalls Heo Cullcote at OlKJ Mala a4rL at psvota Call. Perslstsnt Advocate of Popular Right Editor Davey, of the Harney County News, eay of th progressive record f Ben Selling, progressive Republican aoaUaee for United States Senater: "Ben Belling was an earnest and tfltBt advocate of popular rights aad prlvtlegss when tbe men who ure , aw leading the noisy band of Roose Vtt sbouter were among the most aide-bound stand-patters, some of ' taaaa going so far aa openly to refuse 1 a members ot the Legislature to vote J for th successful candidate of their owa party for United States Senator, Just ta amphaslie their opposition to th popular system of election." wk WA '7 I.. awsssssgCri "'u First trt 6 Klanu-fi Judge a Bank fly II (laaaclal soundness, if standing and cnaracisr directors and ofllcsr, b Ni dlness to be of service to ! I,.iu,llnra. That Is tbe WSJ Mlsh (his bank to be Judi und w Invite the strictest aV iiilry. When you havo meU wo solicit your account oa b" iiHiilt of our Investlgstlon- nd Savings Bank FaUf , Oregon Having to his credit n record ot 10 years of active endeavor In the pro gressive cause, friends ot popular gov1-' eminent lu ths stats should have no hesitancy In supportlug lieu Selling lar United States Senator, , ' There Is one thing about Ueu Sel ling's progreiBlventss t was not born yesterday. He has alwaya boen ' a progressive and us th Republican I nominee for Senator 1 entitled to the ' vote of ttvugtf.t-ereslv, 1 . Bvorytlilna; In BBBsHBBBwawawawawawawawaV Solo lleri .sbbbbb1IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVI HhiTinasf gaSBBslLlgaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa llin M,liSv BBBBBBs'laBBBBnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB! I'tnllOs 1 UBBBBBBBeiHtii SWagaBBBBBBBWagBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIWaV kll laSBsKftw! HWagaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsi B '" iHIWI ". -Ji 1Iih1o rcM-ntntld' of Clay A Cn.'s IMsbo. ,.v ami other loadlnl Other miikes l nioJ- rices. Tuning ami ri" Au,.iiev fur 11: mi MAtiHfj14' li.'ii Tvin.'u'iirrcil AM' hull TALKING M.WI"1' s, rllallonery nml I'lrt"" ' KUMATH fMIS MUSIC HOWE 710 Main Street. It. MADHIIX, l'rlrlcir