HZ II O T 19 tf TURPIN K. I. Turpi A. W. Tarp4 (Kalafuitwl Com hi, nHti.iiiiui i7 powni... HTmswi awmarkiit, un pram im, . .y lluom- With pHtaia bathwJB per day upi nHlimit ImiI.,' fiii IMIIII IlltUIIC M 'f HM. S ICurwiwnn I'1"1'' MANY KILLED IN BIG BLOW Clever Houiewlvei the Worlct)?cr re uilng the Weller Guernsey Ware Political Announcement I , piiofuwional cabm HX ui ll 1u "'" I'1" nvuu-M lliu mmil or vrgelablta Brr Hio ' IU( 'rum " dl,, )yiiV0 a haniUomn irro of Itlilc uru ua wall a a aervlceatiln k Hoen utanill, What If III husband la a few houjB lata to lit weal? A. dluucr looked III till t Max hot for lioufa am! lo.,-a mm of lu flavor ihiuuch KUltlOI. Tim I" If" ! veryjlttle Itlgl.er Bum lliat o( good granite wme, tut Id" nuillly la niucavjialtfr iBiun In and our Cuniblnnlloii Rli C J lit la blgter ilcKtuittar l WM. C? HURN rVI'IKMI.V VltOL()HT(lllK.TI),M.' ' ACIK IN JAPAN, ACCOHIHNO TO1-3 mti: reports mmi com. mij.mi'ation iiki.mi itkhtohki) J. W. IfAWXjfuitBT, VJNOKI'KMIMNT CA.iimm: ih hiikhipp ok ki.aWIh county imi. o. a. rambo DmM All WorkaQuarutMd. TJKalloir BaUdlag. Itootn 211. vfrloM (II. FHKIJ PKTKKBON County I ji'lilleil PreaaKarvli LONDON, h,,. ji), Meeeagce from Tokyo today Indicate that nun lilriida of people davo been killed In (thii rpant typhoon, Land cnmraunl-l ration I it lirlnn restored MALLARD GtTlJB Ttic apaclous, comfortable floallag hotfl dr tin- accommodation ot duck tuiitrra ! located In Agency Ijika, placy batftr aod la muvad from place lull iirit-aary to lliaurn atootlsg to Gome and enjoy a in bttr Hpta and Cu Follow the Birds launches Hpra) and Curlew atop week daya Special Inmla Haturday VAStC afternoon andevening Itataa i 60 par da) Hatanlar and Sunday nirur alon, ll.uovlth berth and mrala nil waa-a arrival, Willi berth nrl steamer Mo. HO dor, It. 00, all tranapoilatlun to and (rnm Klatiath Falla Included lluaaea for regular Haturday evening boat fift1 irt trtaicii'ai omnia hi w et ftrjgtc good h No liquor told. For apetlal Uunrhea apply at dun Morn. (AIT IIOII MrOAUI.KY LEGAL DEATH IS BY SHOOTING Ml'HDKIlKIl HKI.KCTH MIH MODE ok i:xm:ltion ami packs a KllllXia Mgt'AII IN TIIK UTAH PEMTKNTIARV ltiulilkiui Candidal for Superintendent College training, Normal achool ' gradtiatn, Ufa dlplomajften yaara' ex- parlviirx, live yaara ga principal andi lilgh achool teaclier.lntlmata knowl- ixtge of naada of Country and city arhooln. Hyatamatlc Indatrlat training and niirlrultura for afboola of county. ol vlaltatlon. vlalon. inalvo admlntatra CITY AND COU1TT ABarTKACT COMPANY Abatracta. laaaraac Mmbtra Oragon Aaaoelatloa Title Man. FOR' HKNT iCKI.Y furnlihed room at tba Ora gon llouaa, (tilth and Klamath FOR RRNT Two 6-room bonaaa, with bath, $17.60 par month, In qulra at 27C Canal at. a POK ItKNT rour rooms for houau keeping In prlrala family. Tele phone 82. 9-tf MIMCRIJJINROVB KOIt RENT Rooms, aiagl or for housekeeping. 117 Main. f.iSm FOR HALRy rOR BALK l ahoweaae. Inq change. achlae ud at Ladlea Mi ll It Fresh 10-laeh alab jfood at 11.19 per cord load la trV at hay yo eyrr made. OrW airly, doa't wait O PRYTON. PhoM 1I7S. 7-1IM KxiHunt II K tlon of acb Will end ty'a school affalV lu a businesslike.' manner. i conduct the coua- RAMHIIVM KXPRNM If youwant your stuff moved and moTilaSfluIck? cat Ramaby'e Kiprea to doit. (Corner Barents and Main atreataa PhoaaSia MtHCKUJUtKOVf i LEGAL NOIICES .KMPIXIYMKNT t Call up COMBTOCK, ftlB. you want any kind of HKXP. If I Halt an Majawtf to Fasacloaa laaia edON il HegUterHt the dOMBTOCK If you want emMayajeat. FOR KXCHANOE A ano, direct from automobile or a tei Schubert Piano city. saw faofo C.f ' player pl- 17, for an of horaaa. Mala atraat, 21-lt KOR BKUKAt once. range, almoat saw oren; will sell Ctoveland, Karl addlUon. a Tal for ll aajajn, edo steel Ulll-lBCh caah. A. B. Hot 0prlaga ll-4t Are you loureetea laf KLAMATH ICNTY' If at), teejthe Stepheaa. Hunirr llraliy Be Jbey hare aoas imhI hartalaa Notice far PahHaatioai corner between aectlcna 21 and l.. - (Not Coal Lamda) 1 thence east 17 chains, tbaac north-. " Department of the Interior, United 2S chains, thenco weat 17 chalaa, State l.aad Oflc at Lakevlew, thence aouth 26 chalaa to place ofh I nllrd Proa Korvlce HALT I.AKK. Kept. 20. Harry Thome, murderer, waa shot lu death In the atatn penitentiary here today. Iln aelrcted ahootlng aa a mode of eiarutlnn In preference) to hanging, lu the Circuit Ceat: of the Bleu of, Oregon for KlameiU Coaaty Joaeph T. PeUr. PlalnMS f SPENDS 2 CENTS; CANDIDATE LOSES GOOD PRINTING Its an important factor in uny business, und often contributes toward success j tat uh show you our stock of bond paper und print for you a line of office sta tionery which will prove a business-jfetter W. O. SMITH PRINTING CO. rOURTH BTRCKT, BKTaVKCN MAIN ANO KLAMATH .ela Hardy, Ira Hard, Jane Ilea Har dy. Jobs Do Hardy, Halra at Law of J. Fran, llaidy. D cssssl; Also the Uakaowa Halra of J. Frank Hardy, Daceaaed; Also, All Uakaown Persona or Partlaa CUImlng Any Right, Title, Kstate, Lien r mtereat la the Real EaUta Described la the Complaint Herein, Dafeadaala. To lla Hardy, Ira Hardy, Jane Itoe Hardy, John Dee Hardy, halra at be unknown heirs of J. Frank Hardy, ectased; also all unknown persons or I.NNUIKIK.NTt'ANDIDATK FORfMrparllea cUlmlng any right, title, es- I.MilHMTl'Rr: NPKNT 0K'U, 1Un or Mt"i ,n th wX ,tate described In the complaint her- MOKY ON A POHTAOK fTAtP,ln, ,he above named defendants. AmiHIilNO TO HIH OATM ln th naln o( tbs sut of Oreon, 'ion are hereby required to appear and answer me complaint ei me anov HKATTLK. Sept. Id.-Joe Smith. Lj ,,,, ,n lh, abo., eBtlUe, Inaurgnnt, anant only I ceata for poatage atamp In bis light for the nomination for tha legislature. He I nearly got the nomination, coming inext to the wlnnera in a field of a-a. I He has Just filed hla eiaaaa aotouat. IF YOU'RE Yoa'll bay lola ilioitar. Prirra rang JB7A4I, im e y Irrana. In wall for devrlupi i good right aow. I'd you aoine guwl view; llouam aail lota la ally at court, now on 01 with the clerk ot said court, within alt weeks from the date of tba drat publication of IbU summons, aud you are notified that It you fall to appear aud answer eald complalut aa hereby required, lh plaintiff will apply for a dacre of this court, aa prayed tor In hla complaint. lo--lt That a certain mortgage glr- en by J. Frank Hardy to this plain- I tiff on tha thirteenth day of Septem- to 'bar, 1902, to aecur the payment of a doat have the aura of four hundred and eighty. Thaw ai-iflve dollars (118.00). with Interest lerme. If Un.U Pel like r rwaaosutblel yearn arc as leaauisBv CHiraaYTK ACT WE ssa gakft aaaat 'all L MADAM AMD PROF. niflMB awaa-swMal'WI'V w2M CrwaVsTajaVOaBHajf Cur corns, bunion aad In growing tot all. Mm. Tlmma atop bala.from faWag oat la fir treatmSwta, ant a perma nent cure for dswaJaf. Olta aa a tail. No. BIT KlaaMth Ave. jnd the further sum of eight aad 47100 (111.47). with interest there on at the rat of ttx par cent pr an num from tba Bfteenth day of March,. 111, until paid. Fourth That tha plaintiff recover U and from defendant hla cost aad disbursement herein. Fifth For aueh other further aad general relief aa to the court mar stem meet with equity. Thla summons la tarred npoa you 1-y order ot the Honorable Heary L. iH-caon, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath ;ounty. made on tha thlrty-drst day of August, A. D. 1112. by publication thereof In the Klamath County Re publican, a weekly newspaper pub lished la Klamath county. Oregon, for Oregou. 'August 21, 1112 Notice la hereby given that Cora M. Dodge, aa widow ot Frank F. Dodge, of Fort Klamath, Oregon, who, on August 11, 1901, made Homestead Itarty (Act June 11. 1901) No. 012. forth SWU 8EV4.SEK SWtt.Bec. 23; E14 NW!4, Sec. 21, Township 2t 8.. Range C B., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Baal nve-y'ear proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. It. De Lap. County lerk of Klamath county, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on tbu Sth day of October, 1112. Claimant name aa witnesses: Arthur Morrison of Fort Klamath, Oregen: George J. Wlaa of Fort Klamath, Oregon; Alice A. Voee ol Fort Klamath, Oregen: Reetora French of Klamath Falls, Oregon. A. W. ORTON. 6-10-1 r Register. ginning, all In Section 21, Tefraefrtn" 34 South. Rang 7 Raat. Wlateaaatts) Meridian, Oregon. Tb tlrnlMr tfNlsjd for aale consists of a practlcallf tur yellow pine aUnd, about 71 par asjat' of which Is mad up of mature and"' over-mature trees. The Oregon I ern railroad runs through tha 1 vrnitarn corner of the proposed eat area. The minimum prlcea which will he accepted are f 3.2S per M. feat for telisa and sugar pine, aad 11. SO pr M. feet for all other specie. Tha Umber must be cat uadr rasralatliasa prescribed by tb secretary of tha terlor. All timber muat h eat ac4 removed prior to Juno 1, 1111. With the bid a certified check oa a eolvaat national bank muat b submtttad la the amount of f 500. Thla check wgl be returned to unsuccessful hldiara. applied toward tb payment for Um ber If bid la accepted, aad retained aa a forfeit If a bid la accepUd aad tba bidder falU to comply with tha re quirements ot hla bid. Tha right of the commissioner of Indian atalra to waive technical dafecta la advertise ments aad blda, aad to rajaat aajr and all blda. la reserved. Farther la- Notlre of Hale uf leal Property by Administratrix In the County Court of the State ot Oregon, tor Klamath County. In the Matter ot the Estate ot Roy I. Kllgore, Daceaaed. Notice Is hereby gln that, la pur-j formation aa to tha Urn bar auuuce uf an order of the above-entitled court, made In the above-en tilled matter, oa the 24th day of August, 1912, tba undersigned, aa administratrix, will sell tha premie hereinafter described at private sale, to the highest bidder, such sate to be 'at thr rata of ten (16) per cent per '..urn from a-lil 41 ha fnrjw-lnaafl. defendants equity ot redemption pan of thai therein foreclosed, and the Und de- prier and y scribed therein, ta-wlt: South half I Ui lota oa ties bill. Net! lu American Hi QUICKLY lh-lay Hn IU-tu laangvrou In ath FaUa lUat Something New IN DEVELOPERS f For PUtci, Filmind Papers No Meaiurlngr Weighing Le-ve your orden wft hi for deTrioplig and i-rlntlnft. All prim Aide m Vclox ftr. Eve rahln-t I Whit 11 ouaiiNi n the Camera line N DRUG CO S FOR YOUR HEALTH w ttrtvted la fana ( H ) of the southeast quarter ( U ) af you the valley. Section Thirty (10) and north half Ol) of northeast quarter (U) of Phoateail8ecUoa Thlrty-Oa (II), Towaahl twenty-three (21) Math, Raaga ala (I), east of Willamette meridian, la Klamath county. Oregoa. aold ia tha I 1 manner nrovlded by law: and tha nro- cda of aald aala ha applied aa fel- 'lows, lo-wlt: 1 Vleat Ta fh nivanat of tha float. fgbttlms r ,h, ,uI. nd ... foraeloeur aad far. ,. ... r. I j, r . . . oeconu to in . at aaui sum aa the court may adjudge reaaoa J. II. Bhnfor. 6S B.Maln atret,u, " auoraey .-s iu .. i..N Ashland, Ore, any: "fwaa la a uedll,u""n ny from kidney trouhfr, and deeplte1 Third To the paymeat to the all my efiorla t scorned unable to got (.Inlntlff of the sum ol four hundred. Do the right thing at the i Act quickly In time of llackacho lj kidney dani Doau'a Kidney Pill actquickly. Plenty of ovldenco to grovo thla. relief. The kldnoy Bacrotlons were liiniintiirnl mid my baot was vxtremely lann niul painful. t night I was rent leas, and If I cuiht cold It set tled In my kldneja, sjauslng my trou bio to beromo woraa. Iielng told ot Doan'a Kidney Pllje, I procured a box, and heforo I bgjd used them long I fell brticr. I nmnow well and any kldn) no longerlbother me. My advice to everyone Afflicted In n sim ilar way la lo gli Doan'a Kidney Pill n trial." t Continued Proof When Mr. BhafeV was Interviewed on October 22. 1919. ho aald: "My former endorsement of Doan'a Kid ney Pills still hold good. I am now In excellent healthnud my kidneys glvii inn IWlo or no trouble." Knr aaloat all oeaters. Price 0 rents. KosterWllhuan Co., HiiaTalo, Kow York, anl trWila.rnr the Halted tales. A Hememher the nain?sjIon'a- and fake no other T , POLKS OREGON antl WJfeMlNOTON BusincsDirectory laeall Dlraeterr ef Villa, lvlnT 4CB aiaea traph. sal alao final bualaaaa aad i. roue th Cllr, 'fown ' ot lacrlpllva akttch populalioa, laia. I bank Ins luiluli lrr, compllad by asurrLa: elshly.Ov (I4I&.00), with InUreil thereou at the rata of tea par cant (10) pr annum from tha thirteenth day ot September, 1101, until paid; rnd to tha payment to plaintiff ot the further turn of fourteen dollar (214), with Interest thron at the rat ot alx per cent per annum from ho fifteenth day ot March, 1901, until III paid; and the further aum ot four teen dollar (114), with lataraM thereon at tha rata of lx par east pei annum from tha fifteenth day of March, 1909, until paid; and tha fur tliar sum ot fourtMn dollar ($14), with Interest theraon nt the rate ot six per cent per annum from tha fll rentb day ot March, 1101, mattl paid; and the further aum at fou.teen and Id.lOO dollar 1(14.40), with lataraat thereon at tha rata ef ! par cant par annum from tha BttaaaU day ot larch. HOT. until paid: aad the far ther aum of slxteea aad 14.100 dol lar (111.64), with lataraat tharaoa at tha rata of alx par oaat par an num from tha firuenth day of March. 1901, uatll paid; aad tha rurthar auia of alataaa aad T4-190 deUara if 11.74), wiU lataraat tharaoa at tt rat of all par caat par aaaam from h BttaaaU day ot Maraa. II II, aaUl raid; aad tha rurthar aam ot oaraa taea aad 10110 dallara (I1T.T0). with lataraat tharaoa at the rat ot alx par coat par aaaum from tha If eaath day a March, Sill, aaUl paid) r consecutive an! succaaalre week4,inade for caah, provided I am offered the date ot tba first publication being jover 14,000, for aald property, other- (he Sth day of September. A. D. 101 i iwlse I shall sell th aame to the euc W. LAIR THOMPSON. of S. W. Kllgore. deceased, for the S-le-10r Attorney for Plaintiff, sum of 14,000, the amount of la- jdrbtndness duo the latter estate by Sausuuoaa t,la Mt" of toy I. Kllgore, de- (In Equity; Mortgage Foreeloeure) crast-d; said sate to b aaada on or J. O, Stevenson. Plaintiff. e'- the 28th day of September, vi, .1912, at my residence. In the town Marie L. Olfford and Walter 8. Qlt- of uonant. iviamam couniy, uregon. ford, Defendants. of the approved form ot coatraat aaay bo obtained upon raqaaat fraai tha aa perlntendeat of tha Klamath ladlaa school, Klamath Ageacy, Oragoa- Klamath Ageacy. Oragoa. aaptam ber io, lilt. Kdaoa Wataoa. aapar InUndent Klamath ladlaa aaaaol. 10-12-14-1719-21t4-l-ll 1-J.5-I-10 h of To Marl L. Olfford and Walter 8. Olfford, the Above-Named De fendants. In the Name of the State of Oregea: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of tha above-named plaintiff In the above entitled court, now on file with tha clerk of aald court, within all weak from tha data of the Brat pubUeatlon ot this summons, and you are notified that If you fall to appear and answer raid complaint aa hereby required, the plaintiff will apply for a decree ot thla court, aa prayed for ta hla enmplalnt, vis.: That a certain mortgage given by Marie L. Olfford and Walter 8. Qlf. ford to this plaintiff on the Slat day of July, 1911, to secure the payment of the aum' of five hundred (1500) dollars, together with Interest there on at the rata ot 10 per cent per an num from July 27, 1911, ba forecloa- ed; that all right, title and Interest of all of aald defendant In and to said Und be foreclosed, except tha right to redeem aa provided by taw In and to the lands therein described: All of lota 1, 2, 3, 19 and JO ot block 22, aad Iota 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, ot block-iSl, all In Second Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Oragoa, Notice for I (Not coal laada) Department ot tha Iaterter, Ualtad State Laad Oflco at Z-koftaw, Oregon. September 7. lilt. Notice, I hereby gtvea that William T. Srhielner of Klamath Fall. Ora gon, who, on February II, 1111, made homeatead entry No. 04711, for the SHU SKU. Sec. 18; KM NU. 8cc. 19: Stt'U NWK. Sec. 20, Towa- subject onty to the confirmation such sale, as by law provided. The property hereinbefore referred to la particularly described aafollous.shlp 37 S.. Range 9 E.. Willamette to-wlt: jleildtan, has filed notice ot Intention An undivided one-third latereet lajw. miiUe final commutation proof, to and to all that part ot block 101 Injenubllsh lalm lo tha laad above da llowne Addition to the Town ot Bo- .rrlhed, before C. It. U Lap. couaty luiiin. according to the recorded plat.cUrk or Klamath couaty, at Klamath thereof, described aa folio we: Com- t'alls. Ore. on the l&tb day of Octo menclng at the northwest corner otir, 1912. said block and running thence south j C'lalinaul uamea aa witnesses: along tno west line or saiu oiock one hundred and fifty (ISO) feet to a NoUc lo Crwdttora In tha Couaty Coart ot tha fltate ol ! Oregon, fofaUamata Csnaty la tha Matter of the Batata ot Lucy Looaley, Docaaaad. Nolle ta hereby gtva hy tha aa deralgaed, Joha Smart, admtaletrator ot the aetata ot Lucy Looaley, da ceased, 'to tha cradttora of, aad all persons having clalau against aald deceaeed, or tha aatd aetata, to pre sent auch claim with tha proper voucher wlthla alx moatha from tha data of thla aotlc. Such clalau maat he praaeatad to aald admlalatrator la person or aaat to hla addraaa, which la Fort Klamath, Klamath coaaty. Oragoa. Dated thla ltd day of August, A.D, 1111. JOHN SMART, Administrator ot tn Estate ot Lucy l-eaalay, doataaad. IIMIIr point; thence 'east on a line parallel to the north line of said block two hundred (200) feet to a point; thence north on a line parallel to the west line of said block one hundred and fifty (1C0) feet to a point on the north line ot said block; thence west ou the north line of said block two hundred (200) feet, to the place of beginning; nil ln Klamath County, Oregon; Together with the tenements, here ditaments, aud appurtenances there unto belonging or in anywise apper taining to aald land, Including furni ture, fixture nnd Iron safe In the building on said premise. Dated this 28th dny ot August. 1912, ETTA M. KlLOORb, Administratrix of Said EsUtt. 2?-9-S12192S h John Hngetstaln, Frea R. Dingier. Jehu it. Hogelsteln. Stephen Herllhy, all of Klamath Kails. Oregon. A. W. ORTON, 9121010 r Reglater. Timber Sal Sealed proposals In duplicate, each envelope marked "Proposals for Tim er, Klamath Reservation," will b re ceived at the office ot the superintend ent ot the Klamath Indian achool, Klamath Agency, Oregoa, unUl II o'clock noon, Pacific Coaat time, Tuaa- day, October 15, 1911, for the pur chase ot approximately 1,500,000 feat f pine Umber, practically all of which Is yellow pine, on the Klamath Indian reservation, Oregon. Thla timber Is upon portions of the W H of the W H ot the NKU, and tha EH of the NWU. ad tha EH of tb NWK of the NW, and all of tha BWK ot the NWK, except that portion allot- Notice ot balm In the t.'uunty Court ot the State of Oregon, in and for Klamath County. lu the Matter ot tno tluardlanahlp of Ernest Dale Soule and Don Otey Soute, Minors. Notice la hereby given that pursu ant of the order ot tha County Court of the County ot Klamath, StAta of Oregon, duly given and mad oa the 30th day ot August, 1912, la th above entitled estate, Rosa Oty So'ule, guardian of tha persona, aad estatea of Ernest Dal Soule aad Don Otay Soule, minors, will aell oa or after the Sth day of October, 1911, In the County ot Klamath, Stat ot Ora gon, to the highest and best bidder, premises hereinafter mentioned, at prlvato sale, blda to be received at the office of Elliott A Elliott, Wllllte building, Klamath FalUfOrcgon. Sale subject to the confirmation by aald County Court, tha following described real property belonging to the aetata ot aald minora. Terma of aala, caah, or eaa-halt cash, balance secured by appro-rod mortgage. The westerly thlrty-lve (II) foot lot 1, block fourteen (14), original own ot Llnkvllle. now Klamath Fall, Oregou. Dated thla dth day of Bptmr, 1913, Klamath FalU. Oregoa. ROSB OTGY SOULE, QuardUa. ted to WUe Johnson, No. 278, which; embrace tba following descriptien: (Elliott A Elliott, Attorneys for Ouar iieginning & cnaiaa aouth of tha H diaa. a-ia-ie-a.. a I