taseiMts t v New lin if mm The Temple fhemtre QUALITY ONLY MATINEE DAILT AT St SO Btary. Foataae." I drama BheritJ tteeath Wear," hgTpa drama BaajlLoa." ntraam The Vaeipected Sellg comedi 'The Little Knsy ,W( At the "Freed From Kale ALL LICENSED PICTURMSy liei" The Majestic GREAT SPECIAL BUoa Featare, -WAR ON THE PMUN Thl U considered th greatest la dlan and pioneer war dspma ever pro duced. THRKK OTHER OBOD REELS Friday. -The JaatW Bon la Mis- oarl," In three 4v. Wadaea- Seaaay. l(j SAdmlaaMi 10c. NaWay Matinee eae Program change! day. Friday. Satard K ASILGA flfiWAM DAN CI N G WeaaMaajBarlay Eve. HALtStt RENT Jericho Club - for Odd Fellows And Rebek'ahs - only - la basement of O. O. F. Tern. le-aJlowllag. Billiard. Peel. Cart Nkguo njedltg Kounia. Private flrnau kooai fur Itt aesaas oalyA saKlag BroUtafcand Sitters always welcome. . t with to announce I In the famous Cutler Gold Jewelry. Te th buying, dealre the to call and nee Jewelry tor a life Include Sleeve $ I per pair; Bi thai lefe beat 1 thle Mm. LtaJBi frei "A aara pat of Solid who. when Invite you It la the Thle Una i M.I to treat It.M tit llt.SO; Scarf Plal from 11.11 te $10; I4JUINW) freea T.M to $11.80. alfcXocki front $.! to nUNKMsPP Our Huataeen le Ooadl lvr (M..iMuere are Ovutll Because our Grocerh are Got A compllmenfVry order will convince yon. Your nation le please. Monarch Grocery Try a ran of essrt "Arm. COBFKK- Ifioac IMI Home Canning if Sim Wood Wuod SUfrWttJ .TC&.5IG4 Bltck WHifalsU IrySliiWfMl A S3Cd u u tt if 13Cd Liak 114! Mty wm4 4tt, mi I2ii Leave oriei-5 at O.K. Transfer Co. Mm 871 W. 6 and Mala P. Cason Economy Jars On Of Bnaiaty Jar avary day la taiyaar. yaat aa yaa nay otharteaaalag aaaaatL pal ap ateataj aaapa. aaaar laftV aram, aat . . ta waU fratta aa) Tatasla, aad yaa via a dillgatod vtta taa raaatt. Wnetaarfyea eaa far asaae- ure, for taatoly need or proit, there to oalKoa airtight Jar the Ecoaeaa A book eft recipe for the asking. Van Phanexaki Bros. Ktrluslvr Agents fiirH Iuim- X KmmIuhm Ten. mid iolTrra. Candies J That Suit year Taste Chewing Chocolate, Dipped NuU, Italslna and Dm, Cara mel, Penoche. TaJada aad -Nat J Candle. Aik for the Home-Had Kind 4 so Mala .'. t FISHING jkCm Wa hare eye Jh log ju aeed for that amiag I rip: Heah, line, rili. rN aaaketa, etc. w r.n tent, gua mil camping THi gun ktore 14. fVaf AMRKHK I PfcaaeMS th, Hlk II makl II Hi SmallCash Parent ild a house voir per ideas in First! Addition County Warrants bougkft at highest plcca J. F. MftUIRE 43Nlili itaTJt THE EVENING HERALD W. O. SMITH. Idtter Publlahed dally aaeapt tamlay ay taa Herald PnbllUlaf Oaapaay ol Klaatath ralla, at 111 rearta Si. Catered at the poetoBce at Klamath Falla, Oregon, for tranwuleelon through the niille aa eecoad-cUa matter. Subtcrlptlon trrma b tuall to any ad dreea tu the United SUtea: One year ....IS.OC One month II KLAMATH FA 1.1 .t . IlKKOON THVHSOAY, HKIT. SO, IBIS PROSECUTOR TELLS OF THE DOG CASE "There no law lu Oregon provldeiimilalntHl tlmt l I""1 bltteu her Ing for the punlihuient of owner of n. Vlclou doge, but n poreon who ha It upepnr that the owner of the MifiVred damage n rreult of Uio.iIok i Artnur waiien.ni prc.wm i nit of n dog mny recover dnning In rotirt. Whether there I a city orm- uancu aivln an oincor autnority 10 iinoil lit the county Jail on a charge of Inrcit. Ill iliiiiKhter l uuder nr- ivrt lu 1.oh Angelva, awnlttng the nr- kill a vlclou dog I nm not Informed." jrUal tliero of Sheriff llnrne. who l lliualy did District Attorney Kuy-ion lilt way aouui to uriug nor om COAL CLAIMS ARE CANCELLED UOVKR.NMKNT CONTI.NUK8 THE CLKAN.VP IN THK AK8KA DIS TRICT M1LLIONAIRKS ARK AKFKCTKD krmlnll mako reply thl morning to A dnrango ult nglnt WMIen would the luiluuatlon tlmt he hud not per- probably not ronult lu the recovery fonuM hi duty when lis offered of any money for the my amo re 'u'vdneaday no eucouragemont of re- on that It would be lmpolblo to drcts to' Mr. Phillip C. WlUon, who.get blood out of it turnip. aa LKTTKIM FltDM THK PKOPI.K BUSINESS PRWER1Y . ICommuiilcatlon tent to the aid for publication In thl depart ment ihould not exceed 300 word In' lenith and mut bo accompanied b the name and addrc of the lender, ' fret on Main ! aulld Conner- . ........i ..J. i-uu. ii. rrrin uuihiihi wa inaam -near the crnlrrf bualara, aad getting better an the time. Price ftll.oAW term Some of Hie beet vacant uW oeMaln tree. Come In and lalkWivrr. Clll.COTK. I t to American Hotel. I'lioae extl j s JUNKAU. Alatka, Sept. II. Twelve more coal claim have been ordered cancelled by the commla- loner of the general land office. The Llppy-Davt claims were situated 17 mile northeast of aKtalla, adjoining the Cunningham claims. Tho locat ors are stockholder In the Alaska Petroleum and Coal company, which wa organised for the itated purpose of prospecting for oil In the KntalU country, and to which all the locator transferred their coal claims. The claims were located by Mayor George F. Cotterlll of Seattle: Tho. S. Llppy, Seattle millionaire, known all over the United 8tates because of his participation In golf tournaments; Clark Davis, a former clergyman; John Schratn, Adolph Beehrens, John Moseley, Otto K. Hauler, Henry It. llarrlman, Charles V. Davis, A. II. Hunt, alt of Seattle, and Clro Davis nnd R. J, Mahoney, deceased. Argument for the Initiative Mlllagrl Bill Kdltor Herald: The Initiative mlllage tai bill, pro tiding for six-tenths of a mill tai,' . . , , . ,. . four-sevenths for the use of the Ag-iPfl VRflnfl R 1.0 606. 01 j - -..a, r'cultural College, and three-sevenths for the uso of tho university, and pro viding also for a single board of re-1 tents, was prepared by a Joint com mittee from the governor special commission appointed to solve Ore gon's higher educational problem, and from the board of regents of III- land, Opened SeptenwWr 2 Three departments; ness and Knglneerlng ! furnishes a strong cou tho two Institutions workln In con-Jur' M ,c" " teacher . Junction with tho governor and wlthl" ""' """" '" "' ii. r..i,inni. f ih i. in.iiinii.in. ! ness course cotitalm nnd I offered as n substitute for BII"hort,,M1,, tyiewrlll Ihn nra.ont ll.liillvi hill, tar .uivirelal Work; the h tmr .nil .nv.rnln.nl nt Iha llrn In.leC aM Civil, eleCtr illlutlons. U'l mining. ' liio collego la opes the entire ycir (( twelve months. Spiclat teachers Nojnal, Dust- ho Normal fr tearh review clan- r; the llutl bookkeeping, and all com- Ineerlng fours- mecbanlrm BLIND PIGS ARE IN BAD OFFIC'KRH MARK A RAID AND PROMINENT CIT1ZKNH HURRY TO COVKR AIUNIM)KD HTILL IS IAICATKO IIY CONHTAULK This bill does not Increase tho av erage rnto of taxation tor tho support ol the two Institutions as shown dur ing the last ten year. The average during thl period I a trifle over six tenths of a mill. The state of Washington Is at preHcnt paying for the same purpose vvcnteen-hundredthsaof n milt more than the Oregon bill call for, name ly, forty-flrehundredtha of a mill for the university and thlrty-two-hun-dredths of a mill for the Agricultural college. y- Tn growtn 01 the two institutions Aahlanrf will certainly keep pace with thel m-nt. Thoroughness In iirailuates will piitttlons, Let young men sot irady for the unit of thllvsectli toast for each depart nit lines of work. aided In securlut; id young women jnderful develop- of the Pacific I AMJANY, Sept. 28. Uenton coun ty otncials raided a blind pig camp Just across the river from here yes terday evening, securing two barrel of beer and a case of whiskey. A large number of Albany men were at the place at the time of the raid, and the way they scattered through the dense brush wa very much like the scattering of a Sock of quail. Trans portation to and from the bllng pig wa managed by mean of a gasoline launch, and It I said five trip wero necessary to bring back all the pat ron of the place after the liquor had been confiscated. Constable John Catlln, who I alio deputy sheriff for Benton county, dis covered a recently deserted whiskey still Just acroea the Willamette river from Albany on the Uenton county side, recently. In company with John Gordon be wa searching In the heavy timber below the railroad bridge for evidence of bootlegging when the still was discovered. It waa located lu a secluded spot, and had tb appear auce of having been used within a week or ten day. OEMS LEAVE OPEN 816 QUESTION U'HETHKR PRESIDENTIAL ELEC TORS WILL BE NOMINATED BY PETITION OR NOT IN CALIFOR NIA NOT DECIDED I 5 rooms andjbath; fine level lot closf to school balanccjikarenl. Allf?r,iie(M) WM. WAGNER For Information POLYIECHMC COiLrCE Orcaon! growth of wealth In the state, aa has I .nmit po"u o mo experience oi allamsav jm w t.:it U,,BC ,b' wnu" ba,,v$250 Cash This bill expressly re pea In the liOO.000 appropriations of tho leg islative session of two year ago, now submitted to the voter under the referendum (official numbers on the ballot 372, 373, 374, 37S) for their approval or rejection. The present standing appropria tion to bo continued for one year nte most urgently needed to glvo the Inttltiitloni n start In buildings and In carry them through the period whllo the mill tax la being collected The passage of this bill will take the university and Agricultural col lege out of politic. The efficiency! and dignity of the Institutions de-1 mand permanency of support and! freedom from political entanglement. Through the unified control of the Ingle board, hearty co-operation of the two Institution will be Insured. The advantage of a combined Insti tution will be secured, and the ad vantage which come from legrega Hon will not be'sacrlflced. fllnco the mlllage bill Involve tho question of taxation.. In should be taken directly to the people. It Is, therefore, not an abuse but a proper uso of tho Initiative law, and tho bill vhould bo voted upon Its merit. W. K. NEWELL, (laston, Oregon. Block Wood Th economical I mer use. Iave harder Cigar HtoreNa'hl el for sum- Lawrence's e Kit. W. C. BATES I tilled Press Serilce SACRAMENTO, Sept. 21. The democrat adjourned their convention hero at 12:40 this morning, leaving open the question of nominating pres idential elector by petition. Camlnettl baa completed the state central committee appointment. The committee will orgaali to aelact a thalrmaa la Saa FrancUco Saturday, J. O. Davla will be a candidate against De Witt. aad. as tb Bell force have been completely routed, Davl I like ly to win. GENERAL NOl ICES' mere are rust la taa eKanrauary for tb redemption of air warraat protested on or beforejaauary I, 1910. Interest will cdaa from daU hereof. Dated at sSiamatlfFall. Or., tbli 3d day of Beptlamgft 1912 J. W. filEMggJl.'Cltr Treasurer. Iloaeer, Attention A meeting of the Klamath Plonoers In called for Thursday evening, Sep tember 20th, nt 7:10, In tho court house, to finish up the unnual busi ness of tho society, a adjourned from tho July meeting. Thla Includo tho oloctlon of officers for the ensuing year, and any other mntter deorai-d worthy of attention. All pioneer are earnestly request ed to be present. Oy order of the president. There will be a meeting of the Women's Library Club tomorrow af ternoon at s o'clock at th library. W. M. TIMMS General House Cleaning Clectrlc Hcti ha- Lmrpel mnd Qctgery Cleaning We remove alNpots aurt dirt from carpets and rugs by the electric vacuum process Phone Ml. Office 217 Klsumlli Sam Kue REStffcANT MatoMet NOODLES-CHOP SUEY CRATER LAKE NEWS Crater Lake company automobile mil meeting all 8. P,.,tralal ut Chllo quln. Round trip far, tfblloouln to crater j,ako, 111.50. When advised by biles will meet laum Uandl Chlloqu Automobile Medford, Monday and r IB, $2r round trip. lous, automo- at Agency rat sam a ' l.uke to auraday, fare 11 . Is Sliro to havn ii ..I.- refresblaii rllli. fV l havauw.m... w M Ourf luxury which un,"hB A appoint.,, UZj give.. And imLr ' ' '-MS. ba. p,. JJj the dl.po.sl f ,.,, alike, for few pur,, t,o.r' me so llmltnl ,,,,,. " tu afford what wa, f(w ''' .go mii almost prlcnlr,, ' , ' II you dvslru U,IW it "' what n niodoratu sum ib . ' ! inaLii..i ."' c,, '" "P "wkkut ,' A Glean Scalp And Hwlthy Hair ' liUlltlMU Klu.p , in duiiilrutr from the use of iom; Many o( yuiir (i lends have luiiuiJ I liuir suft'nad glossy-t-and a si.ilp free .. .... r i . NYAL'H HlltH t'lil U the priKedure Wash tho hair with warm vic,' mishli -rub thn srnlp with a stiff Jtrush In II mid dry the lislr .before toi I'liK.e liliderstiiUd that lllrdhtolie Is nut inerrli It Is 'i I'inic food Willie It lliomuglil ittmmfn, II nl.n putrnl. Ir. irrlsl arllixt nourUliea Aiitl .lluiulnlo lin- imi ,( nir imlr rriimir all lUndaif prvveal lu rrlum .nd pietwrvrr-aaalMtiiral b-4ut) anil itilur of llie lislr Nyal's MlrstitMka ihoulf be mi your dressing tatd It sells at &n ceutajud II i the bottle IJ N J.Y 15 I W t l H I Ml!, tt plllo iMp rlBl Hi., appl) tllrtauiotii. rub u I'tir wat, WESTERN TRANSFER GO. I II,... I'lii.l..' IIIMI. llrthlaVe Plinni- 111 iii h NKiynt'K IIAIKIAUK rilKIIIIII OliVINtl AMI tilJIKIIAI. TRA.Nhri.lt Hi A SPKC1AI.TY PIANO mm l'i.rMgrrBakhrl Up i OIS ml Drllleiril aril I'lmr In Inns JO 15 AIO lroprliMor lUIV J. t XUAl.T. Prrsldent. t,'. M. Ill'llll,.-,''l..- fit. uml Itt.. llHIIf K. UlTHRtlW. KerrvSary. KlamiKh County Abstract Co ABSTRiGTING Survr esvti and Irt "v-t lotion Kntflnecrj- t.ii4. pmnm. iii.iii:piiiTi.lai'. Klamath 'iills, Orojoa r The Business Man's Batik B'S BiTtlK a bajk that Is able. I Th business man should haw a bajk that Is able, not oru) to take rare of his deposits and rollectloif satisfactorily, but ! to render him assistance wholi needed The Mrwlre of thl bank I satUfsory In all iWpsttruioU. s4 It Is able at all limes to meet the neeis of Its customers with luck loans as they require. r We give avrclal care to bunlnjka men's accounts, irgsr4lss of lli-jlr die. THE FIRS Nil CapltaF nee ' TIONAL 100,000 BANK Cheap Excursion Rates i2V)vi Via mto Hotitlii'ii lfolMo AMI rO.NNM.Tffl.NH The Double Track, Safety lock Lines of the Welt Good for return Trip until October 31 '" J $80.00 . ,,,:tiVK . $021.00 NKW YORK X 110.50 ()MA,IA $08.00 '' 'AU i jjjg tfi() K'ANflAH CITY . . f. $08.00 ton,.. . $118.50 AT. I.OUIH ..... ..$78.00 NBW oiii.imnbI $78.00 Correspon tins' Rates to other Points VIA ANY DIRECT HOUfK i,KT VH Klx'lT FOR VOV Wo will give you lie beat, (hoaprst nnd afst. Tako In YJ luwstono National Parknd Uke Tnlme. Cheap ld trips to Jm InfyiuaUoa or Reieiiuiloii Call on or Wrltst, s, j. niLiiY; AKfiVKIaiiiifili l';ill lAMKSO'GAKA, I). F. al A A.. 801 K St.. Sacramento. Cnl. i " '"