avri'MKit nv tmk Vlt rtll.M NKWM AKIIVH.K ' fr .No. i Pie fUfrtiwa H ,J4 2 efaU. KVKNINO NEWSFi PRINT TICK NKW8. WOT BlaVrOMr KLAMATH FALIJI. OR1MON, THl'IWIMY, HKITKMIIKIt 90, 1918 Prko, Fir Coat frank Ferris, 56 Years of Age, Arrested on Charge of Kidnapping Little Will WILL KM GIRL IS ffilSIMIO: 1 Harriet fa.1 e REVOLUTION KIMENS BRIO E IS MOOSERS LAST FINALLY OVER ON THE BALLOT MaC itt or M(:v TIIWaT WH.L naj. thi: t:v.vn: what hi: kmmn amoit oampamn txix. tmlTH)NH lOUNM PUOPI.N Will MARK TIIMII HOMK IN MKKVIKW. ONLY IIKI.ATIVKH AM) FKW KHIKNDM ATTKMI CKIIKMONY Mr. Ten Nlckeraon of Keno anil II, T. McKlmeue of thla city were married laat night ( the. home of Fink, 14 Years of Age Aged Carpenter Tells Where the Child Has Been Sent To tVMIIMiKVrrHIKt'WITHTMMK MKCRKTAKY OF KTATK OLCOTT Mt'llllK.MiKHM TO AMKIMCAN IK PRKTAHINU TMK FORM FOR filirroi Hrir WMIIINTi). ' . !" " "'Mr and Mm, I., O Mill. In Hoi tJ MMimtrd nilr !' I'Urpont Ht,rlun aclUUIou. The ceremony waa a" wnulj be the ttmt wllne.a 'performed by llev. 0 II, Fmm of the w(0MUf .mat- Iniratlltatlng roni.l""' '. ... ... -..-.....i.,., - lr. McKlnicu. U m daughter of itw It llii probe mi campaign con . "' ' . . .Tom MrCorrnlck, a prominent reach U,hlk.B. "' -I" '4 Monday pf llf lUm K,nu jutflrl. 1-4 (III be aArd I" I'll "' & "' Only fes littlmnln friend, ami C.ktlen In the republican and ileni-ir.ltln- iT prent at the rttf ntrtratalin fuiiili during I tin il Imony UrteramiieUur,, Thcri'lll be about , Mr mid Mm, McKlmena will make III IttrtMi .llmlr limnn In l.akala Keno Bridge is Report ed to be Very Unsafe Members of the County Court Make an Inspection arid the Bridge U Ordered Condemed by Them TVtbrldf aero.. III Klamath Rlv- tlun of the bridge. II wae ascerUla- it Keno has beea coadsmaed bjr Vd that the piling I. roltn In maay k ef the county court. Notices '''"'"V ...... , ... Owing to the Ultn of in U. Ilk efltCt hUC b Ported O , iBjpoulbl, lo r,p,r of Utk ikies of the bridge, and travel lrrrc, , now bridge IhU year, bul the AIIMMIAI. AMI THOt'lIU: IN CKRTIKK'ATIUM. OK MANY CAK. MOTHKIt OOKM HOt'TH .MCAIIAdl'A WMVM TO KMl IMDATKkt ! - Mm. Hak Will Acraapaar Vf i I nllnl I'rm. Uitli HALKM. Hant. H.lluh llcLaln.T "" "nrr -""" T .. . :..'..'... oi naraunvui naa am ma ccwPuiocj u wajl announced tbli after- of lha damorrallc uomlnatlon for ' noun that Mr. Ida fink, widow. WAHIIINOTON, I). 0, Hit. J(t. Amrrlran MlnUtar WelUel In Nlca- Ufc'lla lpl,riililifwl ItiA alBl itftnarl. ,wi .i A.i.u.i U,..m.-iprpldcntlal elector. All prealdentlal nd motlier of Harriet, will ae- ,i..l .ll....l 1,1m II,. t M.n. old. ?nnrlictora of all bartlaa In the aUta1 ciimmnr DepUtr Hherlff 1, . '. - v nvuanoca 10 uroTiue inia eraa- w , lag to brlaa back the alrl. ncrriary 01 niaw uicou i pr-i M, Flnk WM .,. dta. arlng tho form of certification of Humor I'acoaflrtiieel ......... . . candidate be avail make to county im.najma, nepi, :. -I'laaeogaci !.;. : Strange Disappearance is Speedily Explained nlifl bad aiirrMiderril, and thn the'iiarit now final acptanc. . olullon l rudrd At the Read of thn ticket will traded laat night when so la- formation waa obtained aa to tho whereabout of bar daugb "0 :,Depty Sheriffs and Police Officers Co-operate to Relieve Anxiety of her Widowed Mother. n lh htifamthlp K&roMtatrMv brosftit the naracfl of ,a thr reiuUr' tor Hhf WM rtaln that tht k.ul....t.a,. ... ..i !.- amaaaiaiaiaak ' j . f a J h 111 haul litnl H'lfh fnl rttak ar ,..ifraay a rrpon in uik maaaacre 01 rCTt)Ubejinj who will be dwlbnated American, at Leon It It aaaerl4 Tun.8berraa.elctora. Next will that the rebela trl-d to .top a train .,, ,ho ,iMion & ,D, democratic par hi Uon hlcli born arm. and ammu.,y lnen 0, Unjocuibn party, tbea nlilo,i. Tb bluejackata Hred, pn.hlblllonUta. and laat the naaea of Tlii. rcM.rt cannot be confirmed . ,,, ir,,grem,TM. At ta bead of the altl.oi,gl, there baa evidently oaluot will be laatmctlaii to rota for ome trouble at lon, Bre H I. Mlcklea. a rancher of Uprlagl Mr. and Mrs. Rufua Moor re Uke. rame In IhU morning to it-lturi.ed laat nlgat from a trip to lend the fair. Houthern Callfl child had wet with foul ptay. )) llryaa la la Nevada ItKNO, Hept. J Dryan arrived herei at o'clock and waa tendered a reception. He abook hand all around, but did not make a apeecb. II autorooblled to Virginia City, where he will apeak to the Comatock miner. UNWRITTEN LAW TO BE INVOKED Charged with aplrltlnc away Har riet rink. Frank rerrla, am aged ear penter. waa arreated thla moratag. , and la now a prlaoner la ta Klamatk county jail, from aim,, after par alitent questioning by th ellcar. It waa ascertained that th llttl girl, at now In Orovllle. Calif., to which THK MTAND FOR vroutht rlter at that point I at H rht of the traveler Jadga Worden and CoiamUaloaar Itaatrt and Merrill vial ted Keno rt.fttly and made a thorough Inapec- rounty court plana to build a ateel bridge there In the iprlag. There ta ron.ldrrable travel over the bridge, aud a permanent and aaf alruclure la ronaldered neceaaary. .t-iii .1-uli . . .- ' mm Savidge' mt-Wltc First of Trio to Face Court 1 HAN DIEGO, Sept. 16. Teatlraony Jurte Benson Sets the Dates for the Trials of the Two.w,l"urle,n,rlo1"thc",,l ' which Herbert Lewi la charged with AMPt1ln f!hrdH With ACCentillli Bribes. The the murder of C. II. TolUver. an In- Court Calender in Full is Announced by Judge Salazer Skips to United States to Save Himself U BTtr4-U-a faaitiwtBlC -.. tiren Mvnvitun nibi. k.i. ..... i ., MAKKH.M.LARPLKATOTHAW. " rcTrSl- AMI IIIH mm WILL GO ON 'tunning down, of a aaaf of claw dbeovered by the police mad aharira offlce after th girl had bom rportad . ,. llag. Depaty 8hrla aa Wal- CaUeaT lrea gar lee .ker'aaal tha tlhallaak aid CalaCaav " SAN'DIEOO, BepuStL Tbe Uwia Polleo Smith and OaVer Kali wan ' rae baa been ot)oned unUl 'octo-'ogOwly ag d v4kfaja tket ber Slat. Mr. UwU, 1 year of,810""11' "M n " HaaTafai .... today ..va.blrth to a .tlll-bor. ZfX child In a local aanltarlum. cer ftnd attach of th hrtr oaaa x aa engaged oa the caa. When Mrs. Ida Flak roturaod to ber homo about S o'clock ytrday afternoon ahe was Informed that Har riet had not been to school that day. Her younger alater had atartad fraaa ventor, and hi wife, Catherine, on home a abort time after her. and aaw May 25th. her alater In front of hr uatll tk Lewi will plead Inaanlty and ln-',urn In Ma,u lrt w" reached. ao acnnite clue to the whraoat Mexican Rebel Deserts his Troops it a Report. Town is Sacked - and Twenty Girls Kidnapped Hunter Havldge m 111 be tbe drat of .roll, charged with larceny by bailee. Die three men recently 'indicted In'lln arreted aome time ago. and connection with th transfer of thba ulnce been under bond. Ill l.lvermore bar llcenae to b placed oafcaae la cl for trlnl November lath, trial, according to the calendar poated Follow Ins llio trial of Hunter Sav i.. rironii rnnri ihi. aftarnoon. Illaildco will occur th trial of Robert rial la aet down for December Id caa of Dorothy Ward. The next day the cases agalnat Eatelle Dnodgrnax and Jack Murray are aet. All of the defendanta In these cases ' are under bonda except Allen and th j .. ....... .1 1 ... .W ... ..... ft II. I. mahMh.J . .k.l J, F. Ooeller will be tried on Decern-1 connection wmi mv nrmuni. uiiu Iber 101b. ; marriage lirenae, will come iii iwcguuiy jtu, .nil. iud .iiuira r ii' Th flr.t ra on the calendar laicember 9th. uuder guard In one of the Oak treet' that of tho atate agalnat John D. Cr- The caae agalnit th four women homes. Thn trial of bla brother, Herbert Sav idge, will occur on December tth, aad Allen, charged with railing a check from $1 to ISOO. The caae agalnat Hufua Stllea, charged with perjury In unlfa alijk imai.tilH laa flAnlaelna i ,lh.t ,r. ur. w.i.,of ,n' Klrl waa secured until thl who are charged with conducting " Toll hrer Injured Mr. Uwli, , ,, bawdy houae. are la.t on the cal.a. testimony la expected to rlv.ljle -we. ,,,,, Jar. Maud Kvana will be first to be'Ul r ''"'l"1 "haw. . . . ..,.u i... -iw. dar. Maud Evans will be first to be tried, on December 12tb. On the eame day It la expected to take up thn ALLEN PLEADS NOT GOILTY Kl. I'AHU, Texna, Sept. H. Ad I'M tKvUrd hern .late that Halaiar udMetied hi troopa and haa rroaa- (a the American aide west of feuiUa. Onuco S te UmI MBXKO CITV. Hept. - It haa been officially denied that an amnraty haa been offered Oroico. Girls Are Htolea TIANOI HTKNC10, Mexico, Hept. tl, The Zapatlataa have aacked tho towu and kidnapped twenty glrla. Tho federal troop are pursuing. l. m tm Ml. Murderers Are Not to be Hung Tomorrow itbat even pure bred atock would not) fell for enough to pay th bill. It la understood that K. W. Smith ilanded th contract to collect and de liver for the new creamery. Mr. Smith haa alao bought a very nice I residence In Fort Klamath. It la vl luent that Mr. Smith know aometblng ibenldea making roada, for he m to land everything b goe out for. There arc n number of new build in M going up In Fort Klamath, one I.IVKNTOCK hkiik txi B i(0i which la n now addition to I.. S. FREIGHT RATE IS DISAPPOINTING CO-EOS OBJECT TO THE EXPENSE YOL'Nf. MAN CHAIIOKD WITH llAlrtlNd A CHKCK IS HKPRE SKXTt:i IN COl'RT BY ATTOR NKY t!. M. ONKIIX Itobert Allen, charged with railing n check from 12 to 1200, was takeu lcfore Judge 'cllnaon thla morning. He entered a plea of not guilty, and MIU.U WITH DWKKTHPtHTR IM.U, C0Urt nn0UUCed th1 the dtte 0t MIUM WITH 8WhKTHr.ARTS "lrta, wouW h, t tater. In tho mean NOT WANT TO IIUY HKASON time the young man waa remanded to TICKETS WHKN THKY MAY (XIUNTV FAIR lHnlon'a atore. HAVK CORTH WHO WILL FAY KOUT KLAMATH, Sept. 26. Cli matic condttlona are perfect In thla I Moctlon for thla time of tbe yar, and1 everything I ready for harveat, ax- Thrgg Mm Whn Wtfrt to Have --i " ""'" "h,M' wh,ch u Acting Governor Wallace Reprieves Paid Penalty for their Crimes down on Klamath Uk omwhre, , nuil baa been for tho part two wk. GENERAL STRIKE IS CALLED OFF tMe cuatody of the aherlff. Allen waa lopreaentod In court thla morning by C. M. Onalll. the city na Ijte as C o'clock laat night. but thla uid not prove accurate. Ruth !.' Lap reported to ber father aad In others thla morning that ad bad keen llurrlct paas the D Lap real denc on thn Keno road across the rirer about 8:30 yesterday morning. Thla Information waa at once convey ed to the officer and a telephone mes sage waa sent to Keno. Sam Taget of that place reported that he bad seen a girl answering th deacrlptton of Harriet pass through Keno about 10 o'clock yesterday morning In a buggy, and accompaalod by an elderly man. Later J. W. Hawxhurst reported that he had aeea a girl and a man In a buggy driving toward Dorrla. The description fur nished the officer by Mr. Hawxhurst and Mr. Paget tallied closely with that of Ferris, and, a he had bea slightly under suaplclan, oflcr pro ceeded at once to hi shop oa Klaai ath avenue and Beventh street aad took him to the court house. Uadar tconunued on Pag TT " i '"Uixl resa Bervio "AUHAMKNTO, Hept Held awaiting th arrival of th Ma- .. ..inmn with the thresher. and the movement to pui .. .. .- . , b ,, crop KL'OKNB. Sept. 26. Tbe Ualver- alty of Oregon co-ed a object to being 'asked to buy uon-tranaferabla season .tickets to the athletic game. They arguo that, If they do not buy thlr tickets, tho boy who escort them to ' the games will, and that, therefore, i the expenae la noem irom tn giria- ."".,.'?..5?. :S!2,51w X'onM.nwi or t idmhii," "Z ?.h.. i . i.!One Batch of 2SOMeet Death While Chinese Soldiers in Mutiny, are Executed "ved Alexander BiaUcur, Wllllo luU nl Bd William, Who were lo he been hanged la tho Ute pl Itnliary n San Quentln tomorrow, The Antl . capital PualshawBt ''(tie haa bn working hard to V'eut thu eieoulloa of tbM aun, .,. .... r - Thero Is going to uo u large vivt 20. Llfiu-ifuluro t'XocutlonH In thla atate la bo-i . . blirUy , ,he yMty thg "ini (invnrnnr Wallacn today re- Jug rapidly advancd. j0ftr, and thero will be only half tho, Lieutenant Governor Wallace In a crop threshed, aa tbe otner naii na , .taument thl. aft.raoon said that It .toon mad Into ih.y. waa becauso of a prtllion ifoa ny me ... . ..- - -- - BOTOPO pwplo for the abolition of much dl.appolnUd n not b.lng abl. eaoiul nunl.hm.nt that h. had do- to send their exhibit o ! Ilwrtock t6 capital punishment that elded that thero should be no more, the county lair, or Ihe people vol on the matter Th Southern Pa- .Son. nam legislature & -. S VJniiuiuiu v --. - -- ----- WORKKBS OF THK WORLD IS Incut lororltr girl, who It well known lit ntnilsan aMIvlrlasJi na n rliihgitaiP anrt 8UK8 8TATRaWNTONTHKIM.Jw tmM Mtm o eoU,f,t PRISONMBNT MATTRK .monthly, speaking for the co-ed. ' s,w: i nlted Pii-a Reri h , "It la a dallcat ubjct, for It prac- LAWRENCE, Ma., Sept. 16. itlcally mean that vry girl will take. Another Bunch of 1,000 Succeed in Making Escape to Hills Orgaalur Yatsa ot th Industrial Workers ot th World, announced to day that there would be bo general trlko aa a protoat to th Imprison aiat of Rtur aad Olovaaattl. herself to tho gam. But If It I financially advisable, th season tick et plan la a good Idea, for It will r-ldeu the Intorest of tho Inclined to bo 'fan.' " 8HANUHAI, 8pt- 21. -Convicted of participating In a mutiny In Wu Chang, 260 soldiers were executed hero today. More than 1,068. other ooldtara.who participated In the am mutlay. tue. ceeded In evading arrest, and Uy are still at liberty. They have cattarsl all over the country, and tbr I but little hopo of capturing them. ' II i K ' 4 I i 1 fl