VITMHO HV THK IIIRTKII l'lNN NKWN KMV,tK gfoe ftuninn cfald. KVPNINO IfRWmTA PRINT THK NRWH. NOT etf, Veal ' KLAMATH FALLg, ORMON, WKRNMaVJAY, SBPT. OS, Itll PHca, Ftve Cos Leo Craddock, Well Known in Klamath Falls, is Found Dead in Lakeview From Gun Shot Wound Mother Hurries From Here mm m m mm m "W m . th Af th. t,o.i IRMPUII JUL FLOaOEDl I0T IH HARMOHV OPENS TODAY JNI'KRItVltHOTHKKMOI'THIHCITV'MH.V CHAHOKD WITH DRL'NKKX- DKPF.AT OP HELL MAY RESULT IN laRKATKKT INTKRROT U TAaTJW Friends in Doubt as to the Suicide Explanation Half of the Young Man's Head waa J Blown Off. No Motive is As signed for the Raah Action ,UI to The Herald I UKKVIKW. Sept. !. l.o Cred i, bm people llv at Klamath liili, ( foun dead yeslsrdsy aoon, , ti. Autre'i hard vara etor. Itilf of bis hesd waa blown off, and I irirtl; br klINd himself, j ,N'u nolhr U stslgned for the act, II It defeated was In Ilia best ot ijliit shortly before noon, according UttMn hn talked to him during tw moraine KXMIMtTH BIO WMJ ) ' Plyatoatli Rock H Leys Record Hrcaker A moaaler egg ahtll tress which Ive yolkr bav already been taken Mid at III containing an antlra f k villi aaparala ahall waa brought to Ihla cltr yeatar- day to be pUrc" on aiblblUon at (ha fair. Tin gg waa laid by u Plymouth Horn han on the J. II, Wlae farm. ImIow Marrlll. It la 7 Inches, measuring alda- wist, and a Inches In clrcumfer- vara lengthwise. Tba egg U be- Inn exhibited by Hierry Rroa. INTERVENTION IS ALMOST CERTAIN 006 BITES A SCHOOL BOY HKCL'HP. CONTRACT FOR PUT-. TINfl IX A PL'MPIXM wTAT)X FOR IRRIGATION PROJROT XF.HM KXPRKMM THKtR DIHTKOV Af. HV DOING HOMK DAMAOR TO I THK HAHTILK . KKRHH'N tOttH OF HTRKXOTH TO THK PARTY PHP.LAN U IN FtXf. COXTROL IV I HK MPKHe) PROGRAM tt. HiniTH ATTRACT OOIfHBMa ARLE ATTK5TIOK ? SACRAMENTO. Spt. . Th democrat convened at 9 o'clock thU morning after an adjournment takan at 3 o'clock this morning. Thar will be a state rcntral committee of 77 A contract waa slgaed Tuesday j In order to express forcibly teetr which will meat tba Irrigation of .disapproval of having beeh arrested about 700 acres Of land below Marrlll for being Intoxicated, Chart Mc near White Lake. Sperry Rroa. of ' Clear and A. K. McCarty broke down tiiU city have catered Into an agree-1 the flushing tank In the cltr Jail laat meal with five farmer of that eec-tnlgbl, and thin morning the Jail waa 'member, with ten delegate at largv Hon for lhi pumping plant to provide i flooded with water. to appointed by the chair. tin. water. The men ware taken before Judge. "" wn" apparently defeated, It la proposed to Inatall a 60-horae- Leavltt thla morning. McCarty. an",,: rower electric pUnt. having capac-lold offender, waa fined 110 and Mc-I "Tl Pt In the republican party Ity of 3,000 galteni per minute, and .Cleave 110 over 4,000.000 galloni per day. The water will bo taken from WblU Uke. The men who are back of the pro ject are J. II. Wlae, J. J. Deard, O. H. Neither paid. (Iraybaal, A. Cunningham. P. Clublne and A. C, BRIBERY CASES The opening day of the County Pair waa fairly wall i Inptte of the fact that It waa aat expected that much Interest would be taken until tomorrow. The exhibits at the fair were not entirely ready, but there waa enR dent of a display to Insure the'ae ceaa of thla feature of the abow. li aa a dunghill to Mt. Shasta com- The greateat Interest waa aaaai pared to the apllt In the democratic rested In the speed program, party la this state." The program for tomorrow fol- , The Phelan wing of the party U In Mews: full control. TROHHI.i: IX HAXTA UOMIXUO WIIX CACMR THK UOVMRX MKVT TO ACT MAHIXRH HRXT Mr. Crsildork waa well known In tUt city. He hit been working for lb brothrr.ln-law, J. II. Antea. In Ulevlew for a couple of years. He tat 10 )nrt old. Ills mother, Mrs. .L A. Craddock, rraldea on tlpham tmt In Pslrvlew addition. Mb left lie Uktilow thla moralag. Tkederrsied had four sisters: Mrs. r M. Centrrs of Med ford. Mra. W. II. IJNMltun of Kreewater. Ore., Mra. IL a "mlth of Klamath Palls and Mn. J. II. Auten of .akevlew. Two tottm. Hllss and Will, rratdr In HOa. Trittit of Hip young man here arc Irtllaed In doubt the sulfide theory. HbbtlUvrti (hat the young man was 11 la charge of the etore during the Ma sour, and, while looking over a lit, accidentally shot himself. II m f a Jovial disposition, and not tweao would be at all likely to be-1 at despondent to such a degree asi Ui bis own life. I : rim TKOVM.K COMPI-AIXT IM MARK AT THK ,' (tlt'RT MOI'HK RV MRU. V. C. WII.MOX lilt. HAMII.TOX VAV. TKMIKH THK WOUND HUGHES WINS A mm VICTORY ARE NOT SETiMANDAMUSCASEfl BEFORE COURT W. O. W. receptloa aad parade. 1'renalum on agrlcattaral sihlbWa will be awarded oa thla day. RKQCKHT OP 11KPKXDAXT FOR, AN 1MMFJIIATK TRIAL HAM NOT YKT RHRN ACTMD ON RV aR- tXTT JPROK HeMX ARCVMKNTH OF ATTORNRYH ARK United frees Ifarvlce WAHIUNllTON, I). C, Kept. . omclals admit that Inlerventloa la Hanu Ikimlngo la nearly certain. Ma-, " " rlnes have been aent rradylo act. The 1 J.year-old aon of Mr. and Mrs. ' It la eipected that the opening of I'- C WlUon was bitten by a dog the canal will Increaso the disturb- while playing In the Central achooi a aces In l.atla America NOT OOMri.fcTKt L'XTII. NOON. l)KaIO.Y IH NOT KXPECTKD FOR rtKVKRAI, OATS RUMOR LEADS TO A BIG SWINDLE i.ime ronuisnlons when some one' to one, urged the dog to attack another dog.. The republicans have nominated Young Wilson ran about that tlmejllrlggs. He waa not opposed. Mid the dog look after blm, overtak- Wilson's policies have been every Ins and biting his right leg- 'there approved. Dr. Hamilton caulerlted tha wound, ' and It Is not expected that there will ry- i , ;t -. -. MITH H4 DEPKATKR FOR DKMO., , t , .. .! I No action haa yet been taken by fRATIC NOMINATION FOR THKjJUQf0 ,, 0B tht rqdw, of At. l.MTHD HTATaH HKNATK, TWO'torney C. P. Stone for J. P. Ooellcr TOONK tor an immediate trial on the charge ( Arguments of counsel In the pro- of accepting n bribe. It la not be-ceedlngs on a demurrer to tbe com- nlted Trees Service lleved that the court will set the'plalnt In the case In which Henry iiftvrnv v sr clue 'or tr,,, unt" "r ,he term ' llabbea and W. A. Leonard aeek to TKh-NTON, ,N. J.. Bent. 36 liughos n ,..,,,, ,, concllded, , forec ,n election under the charter Mr. Sione haa been retained in the lorm of government were not con- against Hunter and Herbert eluded until noon today. C. it. Onelll argued for the plain- yard Tuesday, and this moralag Mr. Wilson called at the court house to una defeated Smith for the democratic ....h. - m.illBl itnmlmllnn far lfnltiktfl RIbIa ajtflfttnr. iiii.i i lumrnia., .-. luin ocslnst Ilunlcr and llorbert II appears that the boy waa with too to one. and In some districts Ave 8,vd)JB ,, w )rob,D,r have ... Trotting race Mile heats, two aat of three; purse 1100, $76. First race First beat trotUag rasa. Second race One-half aajl dee: purse ISO, Its. Third race Heroad heat Irnltkeg race. Fourth Wild horse race: paraa. 150. IIS. Fiftli rare Pinal beat trotttag race. Mrs. Arthur It. WUsoa retaraed Tuesday with, her alster, who Mves near San Pranciaco. Her father aad mother. Rev. aad Mrs. R. P. Powet- son, of Moulder Colo., retnraed with her. and will visit in KUatata Falls for some time. Mr. and Mrs. 8. V. Burroughs, of tiffs and Judge Drake for the city. Los Angeles are In the city, ea rente uurrougna parents, wno She was , poctcd for several days. formerly Miss Genera Wllkeraon. IT IH WHIHPKRKO AROUND THAT n'r erlou. consequence, AN OLD IHHUK OP PRNNIKH CON TAINN (MII4I, AND (OLLKOTOR PROFITM RV HKIXINO MANY lUaks Will Close Tie bsnks of the city have decided tatka it noon on Prlday aad Hatur- 'T in accoiini of the fair. Mrs. Klliabelh Parker arrived In 'Ity last evening from Portland ,Bd,p ro,clw, lll of aeveral weeka with her((h ,,,, Th,B ".l. J. I'arker, of the Wells Pargo bm ,hi, B , irrei enmnaav. .... ...... i.-.i . PENALTY WILL BE ATTACHED SOON "WWili A,p OP TAN KM MU8T K PAID IN I.KHH THAN TWO WKKKH OP THKRK RK KX TRA (HA ltd KM TO UK PAID COPKNIIAtlKN, Hepl. 16. Uy spreading the report that the Danleh copper rent coins or the 1010 Issue contained gold, a clever awlndlar baa mnaased a amall fortune In Denmark. lief or spreading the rumor the large numner ot became noised a uo II I inai inrougn a miiiam m i mint gold had been mixed with tho topper. Tim price or me rem pieces DIET KNOCKS OUT ATHLETE WOMAN FALLS' ' TO HER DEATH iMIKSKS K ' KkKVA IMrtlNtl AND DKOIN I.VTt) ATOIt MIIAPT, PALLINU I imiu'V Tlllli:: MTOItlKS TO A I'HMKNT PIXHlll STARVATION DOK8 NOT ACCOM PI.IHH THK HKHULT A.NTICIPAT- KD HV 74-VKAIW1I.D MAN IH. PORTLAND. Sept. 16. While at NOW IN IIOHPITAli umptlng to slep from the elevator on the Fifth street aide of the Meier soclate counsel. Judge Benson took the matter visit Mrs Mr. nnd Urn. Spratt Wells and two advkement, nnd a decision Is not ex-'reside In t.angell Valley, children of Illy are here today. American Sailors are Killed by the Rebels in Nicaragua Sensational Report of Massacre Gomes by Way of Panama. Leon is Said to Have Been the Scene of the Trouble. Fierce Fighting is Reported XIIDDLKTON. Conn.. Sept. 36. ..!, i ., rt.r th rp had ... - I ... .L. . riRIIK wiri wv-v. sw I organ to go up. sum siuns " (jeorgo Wara, an oia-ume nmieie,. ...,, ,te upward' Journey, Mra, -i. .,..11.. ...k U'lll, IK. n,i. . . ..... . . .!. I"""" ' .. .. .-. United Prasa Service the report, and much uneasiness U Naval ottlclaU doubt the Panama re- PANAMA, Sept. 16. It'ls reported 'I' ll aa a dollar each. Willi tbe mar-lWno f0Mr niontha ago began a aerie I)eUo K jM,jn,, 31 at Ita highest the collector dls. ot experiments In living on a mini- ..... Thiri-nth tr " Trv u .TstVent n a laeal l,hoM lH,r"r '0 u ""V"t' Nwaragua. after killing forty revol,,. Meter, today Is a patient In a local mcnt of ,ut ore t,u dowB the open, ,," ' . . years old, of 34 1 that twenty-nine American bluejack- street aorlh. lelo- Lta have been massacred at Ion, much nan dollar each kot trlhuted bla centa Judiciously amon,; the clamorous bidders, and eacaied before It became generally known hospital, suffering from lack of nulrl-' n fl rkni the eameat baaemsat.lUon,,u ,n dMlH;r",e bM,lp that th coins were aorlh only their ,.n, .... ' , , i...,..,. i Thar has been no conflrn ..... ,iwun waa aiiuuak hhhmmwhw Although hla condition I serUus. ,B,Unf ine turned a complete som.r I Leon baa been a rebel stronghold. The place has a population of about 35,000. Report Doubled matfon of WASHINGTON, D. C. Sept. port. No conflrnifitlon of It baa been I received here. Admiral Southland reported recent ly that 400 marines had been aent to Leon under Lieutenant Commander Long. fare value. Iu than two woka ramaln within 'Men th second half of taxes due V be paid without penalty. Deputy ""riff lUydon, wno has charge of " tax collection for tha aharlR'a fe, stMod thla morning that pay ""mis uro now coming la rapidly, and now iiiipcara that there will be but "nll amount to be taxed for d "iiuency. The second half of tbe taxes will ome delinquant Monday, October ;' ' At tha same tin, property re "tiy udvortlsad u delinquent will 'offered for sale. Tho penalty on taxes not paid be , ' Octobar 7th Is 10 per cant, and cent a month thereafter, TURKISH WAR IS EXPECTED - nailing ane lurneu nnsiiinn ui-i .,.,. ...,. the phyalclana any that careful lraal-;.uttB- UBllod on n,r he,d andcar to the floor, puahlng the elevator UUV1 VIVUI tV " v .innB amb uiiinti warn iu 71 voiri ' .. .. mvun auuio 1110 "i i'" "v old. ' ... fc -...1 l. A tew weeaa ago no suuuuuvvu had cut down hla diet to a basis whore the cost waa only 26 cents n inent will restore health, as he haa a Lnoujuer, strong ronstiiuuoo. ru 1 1 ,v... . hou M , . cldent employes ot tho store were un able to find out who the woman was, beyond that she was ou. of th work er. It was only by checking up .the weok, and consisted principally ot oat mewl, crackers and pancakes. Concert Tonight I fi. m.n.lh Ullllarv hand will 1100 ON THK ARMY AND $15,- j)Uy m cogrl n0Uie quar. tonight. 000,000 ON THK NAVY HO PAR l ho program follew: March "Tno uiaoiator- ooua. Modley overture on popular aonga i Laaipe ITALIANS HAVK HPKNT aaa,O0O,. IN THK HTIlt'OGLK United Press bervtce IIOMK, Sept. 36. It was announc (h here today that th war with Tur key haa cost the army 116.000,000 so far and the navy 116,000,000. Dr. Hamilton waa callsd to Kno thla afternoon on aa emergency case. At th Ragtime Oall" WlUoa horenade from "Itarlequln'a Mil lion" Draco tastetlano" SpanUh walu. .Praasaa Medley of Southern Plantation aoags "Moonlight Bay" aong March--" Washington Poat"...8ouia National Anthem namea of 'women In different depart ments and finding who waa missing, that they got her name. In, charge of the ear waa A. W. Mills', an old employe ot Uo store. With blm, however, running the .le vator, was C. D. Kmery, a aew awn, who had Just started work la tho store. According to the story toll by Mr. Mills, Mr, liaaklsj, la eeataaay with another woman, got oa tka elevator at th first floor. Tba ear had etoa ped at tbe third door, going up. Hat cry pushed the door to ahut It, when Mra. Haaklus hesitated a moment, then hurriedly atarted to atop ot the woman made the step lu safety, but atepped upon the edge ot tbe door In some manner, apparently caused by the momentum of the car, she tot tered backwards, llefore the eleva tor could be stopped she went under Ibo car and fell to the basement, breaking her neck In the fall. In the car at th time ot tbe acci dent were Mills and Emery, the girl who had gotten Into the elevator with Mrs. Hasklns, and two other passen ger. Mr. and Mrs. flv U. Gardner of Port Klamath were arrival here today. Railroad Extension to be Started in January Line From Bend to this Section will hie Rushed Along After the First of the Year. Men in Field Amos Lundy. rancher ot Illy, waa axaoag the arrival thla morning. Mr, aad Mr. Joe Coburn of Yalaai an bare attaadlag th fair. Announcement haa been mad la Portland that extension work oa th O. W. R. N. road will begin south from Bend, the present terminus, about the nrat of the year. Three crew of surveyor for the above road are now In the field run- men Is working vlght mile east ot Crescent, and two crew are cross sectioning, one between Uend and La Pine and the other between La Pine and Crescent. It la understood that hurry up ordera have bea glvaa to push the work along a faat as pos- nlag line. Oa erew of seventeen Bible. :i