UI'I'UHU MY TMK UNITMO nHt NRWS MRVIL'K ;' J t , i m ' . l . m mtnm ium. .i " . i ' V ttt T r ' I 1) J '"' bTWSMIwJII, I'KINT THB NMWS, NOT gevrath Teal Ha. I, KLAMATH WAUM,Tmmo tUKftftAY, HaOTRafBRR M, itll Tomorrow is Opening Daylbr Klamath County Fair Councilman Goeller Requests an Immediate Trial Tier pleas of women decide baldwih leases iallen hearmg iteachers will imerrill will NOT GUILTY IN TO FIGHT CASES BRIBERY CASES UOHLLKR MC Clil'MII-MAN QU3.TH IMMKWATR TMAL LANRMDIKM OK RONM IN HK HTHICTKI DIHTRIGT KNTKK I'l.KAN OF MOT OUILTY' THIS MORNINU ' NEW BUILDING NKI HARRWARIC PI KM WILL MOVK TO NKW HTORKROOM IN THK MOTKL HALL HUILIMNO t NKAR MAIN AND FOURTH is pnsTPnNFn W WWBS ! II u . . MEET HEXTWEEK HAVE EXHIBIT Attorneys for the (our landladies lot houses Jn ttte restricted district Jed? ItrniMHi Will Make AaMatt. 'asked the court IhU morning far per a,! T..iwrow Wkei V-m WW1"1'"'0? withdraw th. motion nled Monday to qusab the Indictments lie Tiled Account of October MMt lhe four W0R,,n. Noi guilty Term f hH hi Uktlw I Two 'waa lh plea then entered by th at- IfiMiatra v trial ltifai ftMit fltrfavse U... in U'alU'" '" " """ " """ - - Week Inr Time I'wn May llenaon Mated that lie would nub announcement of liU decision when lib rase would b tried, tomorrow l'lf u( nt sullty were entered nloriil at to o'clock. Tim women went inea remanaea jo me cimoar of th ebrl until that time. tbe circuit rourt lliU morning by Hun- l.r tfirlds. Herbert Bsvldge and J. I' (loellrr lo tho Indictments found iMlnit thrrn by Ihe grand Jury. Th charge sieliul lb former U utor- tlou, and aselnit the two Utter of wreptlng mid receiving brlB. ! Borrrr ie riled by their ttory f ilmt the IndlctmenU, without argu BfM. Juilce Demon announced tbt lie ilriuuiren would I overruled. C r. Htont. ttlorMf CacMr. OmI i br. Informed lb court that hi cIImI tubed an Immediate trial, ant b ali like lo hare U caaa Mt Juat aa non a poeelbU. Judge Beaaoa , itited that In two week a a would biff la go lo Ijikerlew to open the 0 toUr term of court la Lab couaty, I lid ht unable to eay at tb)a tlata I eitftker the raa could b triad before Ual line nr not. Tb data of trial till probably ba eat when tba court chU Kiln at 10 o'clock tomorrow Baraloi. VOUXO tUMxMaWmW HMH.,KxvyAlljKxtno(mAutMU(aAH. ISO CHHCK IH OIVKN UNTIL TO MORROW TO K.VARLK HIM TO. HKCURK ATtOII.NKV r RANOKO fOR THRKK IIAYtt IN H1TTUTK, WHICM RHQINH NKXT MONDAY ArranieoMau are practically com plated for th Waalnr of the new Mel baa building by the llaldwln Hard ware company, according to aa nouncemenl made today. Thla build ing la located juat eaat or tb preeent location of the rirat National bank, and the upper portion will b part of the Hotel Hall. The llaldwln company haa boenjlogal adrtaar, planning for o me tome 16 mora far-j tber down town with their ImmeJiaefi Tb boarlac of Robert I.. Allen,) An .wolleat program la belag pre tbo yoong man accuaed of raUIng a ptrd by County School Superintend- cnacn rrom to izuu, wnicn waa QUIT A XUMBRR ARK COMJNO TO FAIR TRM WEEK BCT MAMV WILL HK TOO RUBY AT OMK TOATTKND act for tbla morning, waa continued until 10 o'clock tomorrow. When he appeared In court thla morning be In- County CojimUeloaar C. O. Merrill ... i n a . .i.. t.i. . !.. fa city today. He etataa that atltut, 'which mU la th hUh" of th'tVm'" L i?- UmTiU !T ..i..i t...,UiCL i. it, .. .. 7.. tloa aro buay with thalr crop, p. """" -.. an ...m wi three jlayi, eommeaelng Monday. Boa- formed Judge Rnton that be waa un-lgjot,, witl begin each day at a, aoi to maae aaiuractory arrange- u Mi ln lh forwoon. aftar menta with tha attorney he ngaeil.lw)on ,nd t1taing, AU of th ecaoou and aaked for time .to eecure another o( th county. icpt Crcacont and Ln 'Pine, will b dlamlaaed during the " i day to enable the teacher to attend RICH HAS BRIEF TERM OF LIBERTY ). ! iHniam larim ty a toek of hardware. Implemanta andtnlllll Bll III I m.... -et. t.u(ll LI.L 111 -w. v -wii. livw viiiiqiBli wiiicu haa a frontage of SI feet, will be uacd for the handling of abetr and liaM hardware, while the preaent a tor, will he uaed aa a wareboua lor machin ery, la addition to th larg ware- houae at tha depot. It la elated that ihe leaa la being drawn up aad will be, algned today. fiint of mnci aJwRmJiaj. aj mTWReTtlR ' Deputy SherUf Bam Walker, Coro Bf r Whltlock. aad Uepaty Proeecutlag Attorney C. J. Margaaoa retaraed laat afealeg from'rart Ktamatti,. barlag In cuatody Chlawood Umua,"th IndUn who la ahanod wlU hUUBg rvrnxa 4p carm hAu. TMR AMOUNT OV RONDH IN fk.jabontlwowoakf. RK- ' 'Aa aaon aa thla la arrB4'tfce ahalr-Jfrank iaak.'.aii the raR of a dla- iJW1" ? p,rt :JaJ..t!ia 'be fcovW. TkU wilt probaVy takalpUaadMa th cdtHKy Jail awaltlac a tTRKANKtl AND MK IH RKTUi KB TO IAU. I preliminary boartaf. Ube IneUUt. Among th laatroctora who will apeak nt Ua Inatltute are: Dr. A. C. Wlaahip of Bob ton, Mra. M. O. Ful karaoB at Hetem, Dr. Ooorgo Rubec of th Ualvaralty of Oregon, Eugene; L. R. AMarmaa, auperintendent, aad K. F. Carltoa, aaalaunt auperintendent of tmMie Inatrurtlon. -The Oregon Agricultural college of Conrallla haa akw rmlaed taaead a roBceeeata Uv. The local taatrnetoni who wll b ob tha program are Mlaa Corawaa, Ml Applecate, Mlaa Carpoater aadt Mr. MeCalL ' I i -I I greator portion of th grata haa been htided, and aomo of It la already la tuebj. bnt threahlac haa mat yat com nunced la that aectloa. Tiie Merrill people began yesterday collecting exhibit for the coaaty fair. which will be broaght to th grenade hero tomorrow. Quite a aamber of people are coming from th MerrtU country to attend th fair. reoreaBg to Mr. Merrill, but the aeceealtr of looklag after the Immoaa crops will keep many from ntteadlag- EXHIBITS BEING ARRAH6ED FOR' COUNTY FAIR 1 KARMKRfl '(6oMINi IN FR9M KV KRY RRIJtION AUeadaats at the Fair Ofwmada At Kept Rao AH Day Haclag the Kthlbtu ta the I Reclag aael coaweete aa ah After moom aad W. O. tf. DriM an the) Ke M STUDENTS 10 HAVE A C0N1EST Tat nlfht atudeaU of Ik big Kkeol will he gives aa opportualty Ui'onitrate" their ability on Ua tmrltrr during the county fair, 1 lb contrite will be held aack day t h. to ;lfi at ththigrh aiaoal 1kb; and Aral aad aeeaad ariis will oawirdtd of 1 10 gad II aack lUth writer will writ blladfolded ! mlnutca each day befor tha con UiL The content matter will ha aew Attorney C. F. Stone returned matj renlng from UranU I'aae. where; be baa been aa the attorney for I n. Hlch, who I held In the county Jail there on a charge of bigamy- Mt. Btoae haa alao been to Baa Franeiaco to gather material for the detente. There waa bo preliminary hearing held, aa th grand Jury waa already In aeaalon, but ball waa placed' for lllch at 1780, which waa furnlahed, tljft. mada tiMlluMllAII. In mi til Hail m . L... ..... L.I... l..t.Ua lk' vmnciBCO. oui juit ueiuie irai.ua Man baU waa ralaed lo ll.Olt. and Rkh waa returned to Jail, where ha will wait the result of the Investigation 1 by th grand Jury, which la consider ing th case today. The Hogus litter Courier ha Ihe following to say of the case: , I. H. Rich, la the county. Jail with a cfisrge of polygamy haaglng over bU head, enjoyed few brief mlaute of freedom Thursday night, whoa he waa released from boadag on tb strength of 7B0, which has been tele- in nan anamawtia eaa wiiiiam denninss iiammers Teddy in California Tour POWER COMPANY COMHECT WELLS CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS NOV nwew weieiiwaejer wa arraagnd ar- RKINQ SUPFURD WITH A I40N GALLONB OF FCRB WA TKR A DAY Declares that Rooaevelt's Trust Policy Is the Most Dangerous Political Hersy Preached by Any Public Man for More Than 100 Tears Auauj;;:,. ;.,.,..; w .- b' hu u,hw III report to I'rofeaaor Morrlaon at '"""T the high achuol at a. m. Wednesday, TltHI')HT I'HAIHIA WILL Htll. KIR HANTA DOM1NOO I'HIUDKI.l'lllA, Bept. 14. Kn rout eul, President Taft Issued or n lor Iho transport Prairie to sail Thursday or Friday from here with ft marines, to guard tha cwetoas ohm at Hants Domingo during the "volution. On helaa' released Rich mad ail arrangements to leave. oa the night train -for Ban Fraaelaco. hut even af ter hla ticket had been purchased he found liberty again snatched from his grasp, and today la as much behlad tha bar aa aver, the Catlforala ticket unused, nil because, as Rich looks at It, of the perversity of a Jealoua wo. telegram mas. At .the eleventh hour n (Continued on Page M'Manigal Reaches Indianapolis Today United Preee Borvlc HANFORD, Calif.. Bept. II. W. J. Bryan left her at o'clock thla morn ing ntter n big reception. He will travel through Iho Ban Joaquin Val ley by way of Fresno, Merced sad Btockton to Sacramento, where h will address lha Democratic state coa- POLITICIANS ARE FIGHTING HARD TWO IHO CO.NVKNTIONB RR1NO HKLD IN CALIFORNIA WILL NOT lK ABLK TO FINISH UP THKIR WORK TODAY ventlon nt 1 o'clock. Then by spe cial train be will go to Baa Fraaelaco, where a great meeting of democrat Is planned. There will be special trains from all of the adjacent cities. He hammered Roosevelt during his speeches throughout the day, declar ing that he waa a trust beneficiary, aad that only Wllaon could be fairly looked to for a remedy for the injua- The California-Oregon Power Co. made direct, connection Monday with their pumpa to the two aaw walla re cently bored on the former Reames place on Conger avenue. Thla as sure Klamath Falls of am ampl sup ply of pur wster. Th wells are seventy-Ove feet deep, aad are cased with lS-lnch rlvlted pipes th atlr depth, so that there la ao poselbl chance of contamination of tha water. I According to Superintendent Hr ,nd wUl rorf,u atraaee money. ucea none oy mem ana in. riBn.mM these two well are aupplylag which breeds them. He declsrd-B0 gejioaaof water a minute. It bow Roosevelt to be n belated reformer. ukei coM t0 a ujiob g.uoa, 0f who did not asslat the progressives wtter , day t0 gppiy the city 'of until they had stirred up a revolt la Klamath, Falls, aad thla can be nacur- Ul '" ed with an average of twenty hours Tomorrow Is the opening day far the KUmath Coaaty Fair, aad today the people from all over Ua.aaemty have been earning hi wRh.UMir hlhltav TTitii in kilag attiagid la the heaths this aftaraeom. Aavaat aaaay who were nankl la pjat aaro'ta- aay.are aapecteeljRBrw mtt laatr a- hlblu tomorrow fa Th program (aa arraagmi morrow aftemeee, la aa fiMswa: Firs raad raa.asiBVi pars. 175. S0. ' " Second ran Sadals haras. hsM mil: puna 175, a. , i Tairo race Tar yr aiaa ting, oa mile; para,.7l, fit. Fourth race WUd bora purse, 60, IS. Wild bones mast all ha I I broken. Horses ara to b whea tha surtlag alganl la 1 The Judges will choose tha haNaH bucking horses from eaafc day'a raa to partlclpau la tha wUd hatwa fmala on the laat day. ? Aa entrance fee of 19 per eaat of th toul purse will bo charged em all races cicept the wild aora raa. Four hones must be entered vaa' two to atari. All entries must ha made oa tha day pravtoaa t raa en tered.. Hones falling o appear at scheduled time wllle dmaaaMd. ley. 8outherland likely winner. aeems to be the llnlled freia Kervlce 8ACRAMKNTO, Bept. St. The aoclallat convention mot tbla after noon. Their platform will contain a demand that the state guarantee to all cltlioaa a universal night-hour day, the abolition of the death penalty and poll tan; the adoption of the home rule In taxation ameadment; peasiom. tor mothers, and tha abolttloa of child tabor. i Cnlted Proa Servlc BACRAMKNTO, Sept. It. Llltl prospect appeared this afternoon thnt Itber tb democrat or republican con- mentions would be able to flaUh to day. Tho progressive and democrat caucuses are oa. The southern and' the republican party, policy he said: "It is the most dangerous political heresy that has been preached by any public man In n hundred years." MOYER WAITING: 'GENERAL STRIKE CONLEY TO HEAR DARROW TRIAL MlOriTier AdAlnit MCNSmaraS in WC central delegation- votsd to support Dynamite Cases Will be Used as Witness Against Labor Heads Vuitsd Press service INDIANAPOLIS, Sept. l4.-6rtia NtHaaiga win arrive her from Lea MlM thU afternoon, although tba ' !ttCt tln" u Uh'howa. H wHI prob , y Ihv the Uals at tha outskirts ' . lty aad be take it th Fed "i tmlidiag, whrhe wUl remaU during th trial of the union labor leaders. McMaalgal was spirited out of th couaty Jail la Us Angeles Saturday, by tmtKllve McLaren of tha Bursa Camlaetll, thereby Inaurlng hU elec tion aa chairman. AU night caucuses led by Wolf. Wright and Hogue decided that ao compromise to Taft'a claim of reach 'Keen designation would be permitted. The progreaslv assume that th nut assembly will be thelra, aad th contest la hot for tha speskerahlp be tween Benedict of Los Angeles, W. A. TRIAL OF LAROR ATORNRY FOR RRIRINQ RAIN WILL OFRN IN LOS ANOKLKS ON THK 8IST OF IMMKDIATR HTRIKK OK NEVADA OONSOLIDATKD PINNRD JT WILL HK GKNK1UL IF HTRIKK. RREAKKRM ARK VSKD j ' ' ' t United Press Service SALT LAKE. Sept. !. MOyer, nt Ely, Nevada, haa reported that he plans as Immediate strike in th Ne vada Consolidated mtnea there. There are no developments In the report at Bingham, that a over nor Spry Is seek ing a basis for settlement. The West ra Federation I prepared t call a general strike, if strikebreaker ara used. fulled Prfes Service BACRAMKNTO, Sept., II. AcUag Qovaraor Wallace today appointed Judge W. M, Coatey of Madera to preatd at th trial of Clarence uar- gnoy. and Uki across th e0J'lauto,rUaq 0f Fresno. L. D. BohaeU Vow far brlglag Bali, Tha trial opaas nam to oa use - - w.w Jm m(, q q Y8WI of Brk-Octobr w boa aame., a day pumping. la case more water Is needed nt any time, this amount eaa bo Increased by continuous pump- ins. ' It 'Is tho Intention of tha company to drill additional wella so that the supply can be Increased whsn aeeded. It U believed by oBclala of tie com pear that th question of para water hasbeen solved, aad that thiypoople of.'Klamsth Falls will bare for complaint la the future la eaa Sve horaea ara alsredtla. any event, i.he third horse wRl save Its entrance money. Bueklag coatsaU Thla areeR wml commence on the Srst day, aad wRl coatlaue throughout the three suc ceeding days; the Saala will be held on tho fourth day, All riders com peting must be entered before boob of the flnt day of lha fair. A busking mule, n backing bull aad a backkag pony wlU taajafc taaar pan of th amusement each day. ' W. O. W. competklv drttl evealag oa Main street. t i Are ou IntPlesleatsf KLAMATH ;olNTY7 ifleo, searTbe Btepbeaw liinter lUaltr ma Jaey have imrt hargalaa JUDUK AT DARROW VKUtf SUFFHRR FROM ILL HKALTH LOS ANGELES. Sept. St. J edge Huttoa, who. presided durlag tha Har row trial, haa aanoaacea hla with drawal aa a candidate, tor re electlaa, on account of 111 health.- - ALAMKDA QIRL BWDaS AROUND THK SRAL HOOKS United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO., Sept. II. Mm Nellie Schmidt of Alameda swam around eeai .reeks today with a Ufa boat aecompaaylag her. She tatohed stroag amid tha cheering of Ua crowd which had gathered to witness tha.feet.a4 r Plenty of Funds for Mexican Revolution InTestigation of. Senate Sub-Corn mittee Finds That Orozco is Able to Prolong War Indefinitely (Jailed Press. Sernee LOS ANOKUnl. Sept. I The ae' i at sub committee, ooaaUtiac ',M Smith aad Fall, who arejavaatlgatksg th Mexlcaa revolutloaa la Amerlea her, have asccrtaiaed that Oroaeo has, suHclaat btada U-aroloas-ta Moilcsn struggle mer dovernor aultterea C OWhaaaaa and four othen tssUbed that Oraaa handled over throe mHMaaa,!. mat lean money. Pall satd ,... ' "The teaUmoay aaasaatea that Oraa co has tha f uH sympaUy of Ua pe4a of Caihaaaaa." - i