o UPl'LIKI) I1V THK irHITKtl ritKHfl ""' ""VlCa! print Tm-mnrt,iMriiwir ? . a-atli Vrtf Noi It of Chief MITHM TO OIMSH GMHM HIKES Son he f tumna Befall rrrr j ' . " i ' ; - -, , ,. - . san . KLAMATH FALLS. ORMOM,' MOKaMY, SKITKMBBR 9S, ISIS Mm, Wtf Oaaaa t Escape Jail on Technicality v A 'riff r " F V ' , , egr. If 1 ff ltnV -tS V V 1 5X EillfDi Immoral Women Seek to its INDICTMENT IS CAUSE OF DELAY SERIOUS CHi AlflMW H KOUKSWOMKN HIll.NO IN M WOMEN OMAHOKI) WITH I ISO IIAWIIY HOL'MKM IHCHKIi MOVKII HACK ' IN THK RKMTKICTKU 1I IENTTAFT TEDDY'S :ps busy oh jr XECUTtVE JOB t Hands oUJmpqua Matt INT HKCKIVKH MKS PLK IN CAPITAL I'l.'O fart That flrend Jury DM Not la- write All the ' ( WMi ftamlaed I" Glvni an (.'mm for A. r. Orahem called on J on (Saturday evening and ci that four woman, denlsens uerwona, war being quai Ilia Hchallock homn very home, lis declared thai II Mllag Alilr lit Charg. AgaiaM wtr, nol coBluctlti thorns Uvmrn Ml" Am tliargml Wlth'manner characteristic of (Iml; , mualty. i Jl Opfllnil H.ly Muttaaa , , . .,,l,.,,eii ' I woman had been ordered taken) Whm tkv r aialnat thu four Hchellock homn temporarily, tuuUidle of Hi" houeea In the r-'f the fact that tha county l utlctnl tlUtrlct were taken up by .not the proper place for Ihi Mr Huon alter the noon adjourn ttaal today, a luotlou for th. quash lit cl the Indictment wee Intro ivK by Hi attorney! for lh H ftaM, and tliv raaaa want contlnuad mill tomorrow moraine. Tktta motloni, all almllar, aakad Iktl Ida catri be dUmlaaad bacauaa tW ladktmruU wrro ndoraad with ill ol tba wIlnMaaa alctt on, who kid ippaartd bafora tba grand Jury larouKtlon with llioa raM. Thla m wttara waa I'ollca OMatr flbarp.' n ladlttmvtMa ara arMa1 with ; maiaiMofXpura, Hamilton. Hall. I WOOD HIVRK VAUCV ,moim. jw. nraim ana imr, I1HINCJ IMMKNMK KX Mtid Kvn, Dorothy Ward. Htella i raaifTM and lloaatta Murray wra IMUBl'n whlrh wara aubatltutrd for "Jaaa l)oa" In the IndlctmanU, wkac' T,"'" . iU aomtn w.r. formally ukd for Joh" Kllla. tba wall k! life.!!... in it,.. rn.,ri ti.i. mnrtw . Klamath booatar and atocki li. The nr.t thrta uamtd wero ral-,,h cl"f ,od"'r1 r,B'" iav&td h Attnrnav I'r.n. and lti-.lh rounly fair. Mr, El iittt'i lnli.rr.1. w.r- lAok.d afl.r by !" "" "" ,,,,lD,' limn... rt.m -ri.. ..l..i aUo havo a rldnr In the con or tine and tho court ave them un-' Unfortunately, on account ' til I o'clock thU afternoon within I belnx ablo to aecuro a roaaonablft'i klth to plriid I from tho Houtbern 1'aclflc, tho Wood It u at Ilia nftarnoon aeaalon that , Itlvar Valtay will not be ablo to roako u'estamlve an.aihlblt of llveitock, 1M loaJftain I frBUairt EM3 cared for. The Judge fort aued drdcra that tho women I to one of the houac In the n dMrlct and kept there under UNABLE TO 6i RAILROAD Rj O reeled by Ttmmaawa ! taaelra While ItoowTrlt la to Hhow MlaaoMriaaia 1 1 on Hie Way lo rAJHaWad HtaUa WMh i iee IIIINOTON, II. C, Hept. 23. at Tatt waa nuiy today, lie hhr Hygleno Conareaa, attend- IPtlon or the delegatea to tra rcharltlaa Convention and to- wlll addreaa neiroaa on the ilveraary Jubilee celebration lmaflclptlon proclamation. Idant will go to New York Continued on Page i ) CAUVOHNIA FKOfMt WIM. VOTK FOR THK HttM.mmU rOR THK TMIKU TIMB tNM Ml IX Frank Jack Dies With Bullet il i ,-; 44 Calibre Revolver From MOOHKR IF WKV CAN United I'reaa Bartlat KACnAWKNTO, pt. 3i. The Rooaerelt elector forCallfornla hare ' been announced aa tellewe: Cbarlae. Wheeler, Phillip aUuaWoft, John Uc- ljughlln.'Ban FraMKeo,' A. Wallace, t Florence, ColllaaV I'arter, MarakaU. Rtlmaon, Vot Anjatati'Uaorgo rardae.l Oakland; frank DarHa. Vallejo; Roaa' null, Areata; R. raraald, SaaU Bar bara; M. Itarrla. Fraano; .1. flaaey. Dowlevllla; M. !., flaa Diego. 1'etlilona will aUrt to clrejUU to morrow, with tba nope of plaelng llooaeveltera ballotl twice. OLLIE WICKS PASSES AWAY HIOMACH TROVB1JC CLAtaM A WKLL KNOWN WOMAN OT THK ItKHKRVATION 4UetATIVfi DO .MrT KNOW Of IHCATH !. ! Ollle Wlcka died on the Klamath Indian reeerraUon Bautrday night af ter a brief lllneaa from atomach trou ble. She waa about 3G yeara of age, and waa wall known In tba vicinity of Port Klamath. Dr. Hamilton of thla city waa aum- monad to attend the alck woman, but Alleged Murderer is a Recent Arrival Hire Dispute Over Money Matters Leids to Shooting. Indian Police Get ' Information. Make Arrest lira. I'rltchard, departmeal preal- i.. .. ..i.. ... h.. raa not abl. to prolong Ufa. Oraion. left thla mnrnlng for her .... .IT .... home In Aahland. ' , . The relatlTea of the dead womaa are at Silver Lake, and up to a.lat y uour today It had beta Impoaalbl. to ( communicate with them becauae the Itelepbone line to that place la dowa. Attarney H. W. Keejaa haa goaa toj Portland. Sale' aad letMjMaWeaa fer'iae'gtaa A Orieatfck.,v r CorraUia of t UVNHTOCK I'MNNKH TO r'Allt ;to tectives Steial t State Witnesses 'ns' Hen Take Artie ncManigalJWAIJE CONNOR nd Uncle Behm to 'Testify in gthe Several Dynamite Cases' iU motion to nuah waa made. IX MAYBE IR GREAT PERIL liiniKHK.NTATIVK OP THK OV IRNMK.NT HMIM KIIOM JAI'AN AND A TKHIKIO TYI'HOO.V IIK lIXtUKMlNArTKR I :tex prM, Rflrvca NEV YOUK. Hept. II. terrlno I'Pbaor In Jaimn haa reaufttd lu tbn .rlng of all communication. Bee 'rr Knox haa tailed from Yokabo . and la prnbably la th. atorru araa. according lo Mr. Kills, aa waa at Aral i planned. "Wo eipccted to bring down three i or four carloada of mock." aald Mr. Kllla, "and after falling to get a rto from the railroad we planned to Re cure a barge, but thla got atuck on the bar coming up, and we had lo give I up. It u Impoeeiblo to drive milch) cowa and fat animate a dlatance of 40 J mllea without damage. Wo had aome flne boraea which wo wanted to ehow at the fair, but without transporta tion oa the railroad we are unable to get them here In good condition. "I am greatly disappointed," con tinued Mr. Kllla, "for It we had been able to load our anlmale and ex hlblte on tho rare at Chlloquln and bring them direct to tho fair grounda, the Wood River Valley would have had tho largeat exhibit from any one aoctlon of the country." 11 ANOKI.K8, Sept. 3S.U waa lato thla afternoon that De- (ectlte McUren of the Duma' ngnncy had spirited Ortle McManlul and Undo Oeorgo llehm out of the county Jail According to tho Information Jail delivery occurred Saturday. It la aald that the two prisoner are now en route to Indlaaapolla to teatl fy In the dynamite caaea against the Union Labor leaders. - DIES AT ASHLAND the jWKI.L KNOWN HOTKL MAN IB lltmiKD SUNDAY UNDKR THE AUHPICKH OK THK KLKH IX)DQB. rX)RMKRLV OPKKATKD HTAQK8 ALLEN CASE UP IN THE MORNING torney, P. II. Mills, aad hla two eta tera. The attorney aaked for addi tional time. In order to examine the Indictment returned by the grand Jury. ASHLAND, 8ept. J J. The funeral of th. lata Walter E. Connor of th. Oregon hotel, who died her. Friday, waa held her thla afternoon. The funeral waa under the auaplcea of the Klka In th. Klka Tempi. YOUNCi MAN CHAKOKD WITH IIAIHI.NU A CHKCK FROM SS TO I MO Hi OIVKN FUHTHKK TIMK i TO KNTKH HIH l'LK. JUDGE CENSURES COURT OFFICERS Walter E. Connor waa wall known la Klamath Falla. aad formerly oper ated a ataga line between thla city and Pokegama. Hla, father, John Connor, la th. owner of Lone Rock ranch la Swan Lake Valley. ' Robert Allen, charged with ralalng a check from 11 to 1 100, waa given until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock to enter a plea. Ilo appeared In coiirt thla morning accompanied, by hla at DKLAV IN HRINQING WOMEN INTO COURT RESULTS IN JUDGK UKNSON CKITIC1UNQ THK OKPICK OK THE SHERIFF Strike Breakers will Cause a General Miners9 Walkout Officials of the Miners' Organization will Take Drastic Action if the Mine Owners Insist on Using Their Usual Weapon of Defense. Outcome Feared )"d Press Hervic.. I 8ALT i.akb. B.pt. i Union . iitn MMt that any attempt to ua. ''Ikebroakera lath. Ulngham dla-J'k- lll cause a general walkout la !? w?-p olnea, eepeclally la Arl 1.' N!w ,,,00' N W.a"afoa. ". whura Qaaeral Manager Jack- ling of the copper truat haa Intiraata. Deputies today found a box of dy namite near Markham guleh bridge. It la not known bow It got there, aad both aldaa accuse the other of being guilty of making, th plant. It U claimed by th. atrtkora that the dap utte knew Juat wher to go to Had the dynamite, and there l. ..t.-ong feeling among them. The official of the Dlngbam Oar Held railroad aad the copper official aay that they do not know when tha strikebreaker will be used. The camp ramalaa quiet, with all saloon doted, aad th. atrlkorj keep lag order. Threata of punishment for con- j tempt of court thla morning had ao terror for four womaa of tba uader- I world who are under ladlctaeat for operating a bawdy vhoua. here, if hurrying meant any neglect of th. proper placing of the fine feather, by which they apparently horded to. cap tivate. A a result Judge Benson ae verely censured th. shsrlR'a office. "These women were to hav. been In court at 9 o'clock thla morning," declared Judgo Deason, when the two , women finally appeared about 11 o'clock. "The aherlS'a office will here after perform the dutlea of (he offioe, and bring prisoners Into court at the time designated." j Th. wAmin war BAll.ad In aaanla time to prepare to gat raady to go Into court, It la declared, but th. elab orate toilet took mora Um. thaa waa anticipated. Three, of them cam. straggling aloag about 1,0 1 4 5, aad Deputy Sharif a Schalioek aad Karlaa Baraet war. aa roat. w feraaf Ua fourth Into court when ah. waa saca wending her way courtwarda. Mra. Teabrook of Merrill, who haa been visiting, Mri and Mrs. E. B. Ramaby In thla city, left thla morning for Marahaeld, where ahe will make her future home. lianaea Ctiaaea W Sheriff Dames left Saturday even ing .for Lo Angeles to bring feck the little Walten girl, who fcustp pear as 'a wltaeae against her father, who Is held la the couaty iall on a charge of laesat. Three handrad aat aaraaty-eli Umba will a ahippeA, t th. Sacra meat, market by LMk Oetaav to morraw. Tala la part ad a Macau pur chase . Mr. Oerar Ma'l. SAppte at. ,ta. aalaaa. are to b. ahkyped later to Ua BEACH BUILDS RIVER STUMER Fraak Jack, son of Llak hMvar Jack.- the famoaa chief of th M Llak River ladbua, waa ehatf t death it'llMS but aJght, aaClMsfhM CblnwoodV an Umpawa hasM, s charged Vtk crlsm. i The accueedaa anaeted aaaai af ur Ua aaolagi bf the aad Ukeo to Fact Klasaata, hto bdag broagat to Urn afty. Befor. hla' Saaah FiaAatJaaai talst . .. Ua stofy of TJaTahaeAlaaVaatdi R fraaa Ua lafea-maAam aktat aa ik iiT1m tW-efa-. Taaamaai1- war. aht. toarrsjat Ohaw Jack waa ah4 thravgl man. aad the aaTorta of Ua doctor aad Dr. R. R. HsmlRaa a UM city were unaucceeaful la aavtag hla itfe. Tha last of Ujree aaaaa Srad hy Cblnwood proved fataL The ahootlag occarradl a Ua "wblu" aid. of th. Wood Briar THK TOWING OK LOGS WILL RKI .,,, at rt KtamaU. That la. at) THK PRIMARY PURPOSE, HUT the aide or the brldg oar Ua ...... ... .... .,... -.latloa. Liviri nni ur. tniw tvn inn CARRYING OK PASSENGKRH SAVIDGES GET A BRIEF DELAY FORMAL ARRAIGNMENT OF AL LKGKD GRAKTKItS WIIJ. OCCUR TOMORROW MORNING AT IS HKKORK JUDGK BENSON "CapUla Jack" la Ua nam of a new boat, being' built by Roy Beach', to ply tba watere la KlasaaU River aad Lake Ewauaa. The craft la a stern wheeler, aad la forty feet long with a nine-foot beam. Th. averaga speed of tha newly constructed water- pller will be about eight mllea aa hour. It la Ua intention of Captain Beach to use tha boat chiefly in towing of log between Keao and thla city. While h. wilt have a large barge to be towed along in front of the steam er tor the purpose of carrying freight to varloua point along the river and to Keno mechanta. If the ateamer la completed by the time aet for th. coming KlasaaU county fair, Captain Beach will con vey passenger to and from Ua fair grounda, thua affording them great conveatenc. in making Ua trip of two mllea la a very (aw mlaataa. According to the atery taia fee Frank Jack before hla deaU he had ataried for home a few aJautas feV fore 11:45 last nighty and mat Chte wood Juat befor. atartiag atraaa Ua brldg.. "Why don't you pay m. U. meaey you ow. ma?" Chlawood demaaded. "I don't owe you aay moaey," re plied Frank Jack "My areUar ow'aa you th. moaey." "You pay m. U. moaey right paw, or I will kill you," aald Chlawood. "I'll pay you In. tfce meralag." re plied Frank. Thereupon, and without aay far ther warning, according to Fraak, Cblnwood fired. Ure. ahettv Th. first passed .through Fraak'a aaata leg. The second went over hla head Edson L. Foulk, a prominent cattle n of Oatell arrived In the-city last eveahag. Judge Bentoa this morning granted additional time to' Hunter and eHrb art Savldg. within which to plead, and 10 o'ciook tomorrow waa Ah. hour, aet. At U. aam.'tlm. J. F, Qoeller will plead. Tht Savldg. broUera were la court ahortly before o'clock thla morning without counael, but It If reported that' their ,defee will be mad. by Judge Drake. Mr Ooallar ta being rapraaaatad by J. C. Rutaate 'temporarily. F, O, Btoaa haa haaa retained by Mr. OoeU Ur, hut Mr. Stone la aot now la U. city: H. la expected back toalght. SREEDYJAPS . SEEK MANCHURIA (Continued oa Paga 4) KASILGA WIGWAM , WILL BE0PENE0 nRHTRNTKRTAINMENT OF Tx. SEASON WILL OCCUR WaWNhaV J DAY KVKNINl---ORCHBwTRA OF (.FIVE PIRCKS WILL FLAY J INTERVENTION IN TERRITORY NOW SEEMS TO BE THE PROGRAM OF THK LITTLE BROWN MEN llnlted I'reaa Service TIENTSIN. Sept. U.Jt la stated oa diplomatic authority that Japan aaa InUrveatloa la Manchuria la lav atlaaat. Tha dlsordera throughout tha Hermit Kmplr aoatlau.. -,,. w Kaallga Wigwam will open Wed nesday evening. Contrary to thoaa who ara hasty la guessing, this is not a new hratHttt food, hut It might b. aald to ataad for a sura cure for Ua'Maaa. Kaallga 'la aa ladlaa werd (or 'dance." and wigwam aaeaaa haaaa or ' hall. Aad now you have tt, dance hall. Th. wigwam U locatad la tha Harm Dunning on nun ana aiata mwmwm,r aad R will be. opened Wadaaaday' avealag with tha Brat WerUtasaeatj of the season. Tha hall haa been ea-i tlrely raatocalad aad aa oreatatm of tra placwi will furnish th. mnatc. , .mS