HDM'MKO RY TMM (IMITKIt I'llHsa NKVYB HMIVICK OT e f torninc rM cfali. .ufvy.A t a.p-T.r- kW - 4 nuirr trk ram, not hmtomV . ' Ittralli Yesi Ns. ! KLAMATH PALI., ORBOON, HATVRDAV, HKITKMBKH ai, lla Pries, Mrs OmM Two City Councilmen and Hunter Savidge Indicted Four of Seven John Dee Warrants Against Women 4 WOMENI ARE (GREEK MINERS HEAD OF WOOL NCLUDEDBY ; NOT TO STRIKE! TRUST ARE TO 'Ti bK AND JUKT!,mm,H,c m, w.Mm, rAUE A 11 I1MCTMK.NTH ARK KKTUMNKII MWY HOUHK MNDLAMaat rr to NrcMtit lb Xi twin Kf-ull la Hi Mnldl o( Wnnrn l Castori? by Has The Women Will II Ar. MI'HY IIV THK MTHIKKHM MIT TO MARK THOUIII.K HIM, IN AU. PHOHABII.ITY UK KKIT Halt lakk, hrit. ii. Governor' Hpry, Adjutaat General Kdgwood.l HberM Sharp and tbo official of th Utah topper company bad n lone eon ferene today. The result of the con. ferease m the niacins uuon -Uwilrf Hoar's Ihr responsibility or presirv'ng' rtJfard llelore 1'uMrt ! 10 o'Clurk III peace. Iln wan Instructed to um- FOI'HTH Ml nasi I t P WILSON TELLS u a . J.' . OF HIS TRIP Accused Give $5 MM! Bonds for Their Presence for trial fiKMOCKATIR tM.MHHATK FOR' I imri im.i mwaitm vm ann anAf. -M ' I'WHtK aaVT WKRK IN PtHEMIIIKNCY THE II IN...CTMK.NT l1fmHN.n ,. II IIV IJIUNII JURY L ' , 7 f'M - " " United I'reis horvletj HAIIlttflllURG. N.. HDt. II. Woodrnw Wilson la!$u rout to Baa - "" Cllrt today to spead Blinday. He eald IcifAHUR IH MADE IN THE UN1TBD In part: Atm ? . , HTATK8 THAT ACCUSED WKRR a. m HiHtmu lf:WV IU TW HI y ti nh I St. Ha.. I a -VtaVdk mui 1 " MUr Morning roar of tlid Jnhu Do beach war mil ordered luued by Judge Reason rtr rtdrrln lo tha. ladlctmeuta re link by Iln ara4 Jury lata yotcr Mr afttrooon antra for lb arrnt of ioata,aaQ. lut nlsbt Itoputy HbMila ktaitork and Marloa HarsM procd llktr(irlrtel Ulttrlctasd placed llitr irrnt tbo landladlca of the tnt itpnted hou of proatllutlon H. Tan wcrr taken btforo Judge )'4Maa, but cm not ahl to f umiak ik K cub ball dMM&dwl and im ylid lu tba cuatodr f lb tli mllttla an a lait retort i wenijr.ru itriKeureakera war Krotely taknn Into tli lllDfban mln tble mornlti. The (lrk mc-1 Hon handi on the Itlo Oranda havnl rafuaed tu atrlke lu nyropatliy, and all lrfMrrti hyiuimllp ' mini l'p 111 OnirUU of lnirnrr, Nih., sail Hrnutlon I Kirrlri A INk Fan rlrr In lnrlmlr-1 in the Met of Tliow Who Arc In llr Trletl REBEL LEADERS Formal Arraittiimeiit to ARE IN COSTODY Occur Monday, 10 a. m. I IU,alUuorlU.nh:Ji..KmiiikV CTA the county Jail doaa aot r aMaaiiaodalloaa for wmmm, iaaaf larne mada arraBfamaaU l IM tMtn being kept la cnatody (heprlfa't houie. and laal ntfht two iifttlai ivarded tbam. Up to lata Iw tfcU attcrnoon tba four woman ittealMlncuiitody. Tat'woana ar charged with oper tilai bawdy hauien, coatrary U tba Ui of Oreion. Tbay will be ar riliMd bifore Judge Reaaoa Monday orilr. it 10 o'clock. At the lame I M u 3ftniUnta will appear Jlunt "lilt. Herbert Ravldge and J. P. titUir, tiltrd i'rr Kern IIOHTON, Hept. J I, -A aecret lltffltlJtlil tin at Iia.i. klni.A.I l.t -.i- . .i. t.- . i- " """ ,r' " "' .win m um liuii mm unU tioajg ... uaUl further order.. ',por,M ""'' ixn wwMwIag th Three hundred depulUa are guard-J,wrrnr' ""P" f. lux the propertlM affected by the ThU make the fourth IndlctmcaH trlk. The picket In tba fortlflca- In ihree cakc. Tim othera Indicted tlntm ar apparently datermlnad tolarv II. H. Wood, Frederick AttMU, Heap tbelr prorutaa to Oocarnoy Sprr ll-"l of Textile Mill Supply corn not to etart any trouble. jpany, aud Daniel Colllru, a dog fan- ,1'lrr of Cambridge. 1N8TRUMKNTAI. IN THR MVR. IIKK OF MKXICAN TROOPH Result of Deliberations of the Klam ath County Grand Jury is finally Made Public. Arrests Made trip objectively. Tkf moat Ittereet- Ing thing haa been Um frleadllneaa of 'k unl.. fl.. ul1 - ..-J . mv i-ur' wo oeriuni inveratnau. ' and the plalneil laHowa were the. 'moet cordial. The aflp waa Bucoa.L,,Ue, lrtm Bnr,e rul. I wan tired at timea, but en- Kl- 'AHO, Taxaa. Kept. II. Oroaeo , ''love.l talklriK to .ad nuMtlna- ih.iSenlor and Joae Cordora Bfteaa. Orot-i the crowd." 4 ,co Junlor'a aeeretmry, left Marta talal It U eat I mated Mat Wllaon ad-1 -nornlag In tho cuatody of a federal' v "' iTioge, preaiaeai awTMg arm. i.ui draaaad HE.flOO aamtAm. inarahal for a bearing before tba fed- w v-mrie-uiwiw 01 atosey, e&HtXo '( eral rommluloner. s M liiigi jtaaiii wciieii utufj-1 w w -1 THR INBiCCTHD MKN iber Co. (Tailed ftmKwtee)? Tho Madero them wltb tbo murder of tba (jd'jrn. '---p. , agtnia. umera impiicaira wru ie- v-uvuin.-vATi, wm. 2i. 4iovernor luted at Jauraa aa aului Johnaon la In AkrWtbl artarnoon." n a battle betwa the filraU He will apeak la Cleveland tonight. a.,ti the rebel uaur Ormcc Junior MEDFORD MAN DISTRICT DEPUTY T. K. KANIKIJI IN AIMHIINTKO TO I'MCK OF HONOH IN THK KI.KN MttMIr HK IK A FIONKKIt IN THK OR41ANIZATION SNEAD'SPAL IS IN CUSTODY near the Coahulla bordoT, Ue rabala wardiuad aad retreated, lata tba hill. " The l-ongwortaa beard Johnaoa apeak jkere laal ababl.j.Altft) ahook. baada 'wltb her father' ranalag mate, e j claiming that hi apnea waa tplea- dld. Nick ragworth waa aot o de-lc,Bltd rnmWtrrtm l'"""""""- HALT LAKR. Sept. II. The Mag- na-Arthur, aUmp mllla at Oarleid are icloeed. nuklag f.OOO aua out. i Nearly 300 deputtee are guarding Sent. 21. the Dlaaham Drooertlea. iiaach ha.-i iv.-3wivi TiiATiiooTelt upok here today m oelal tieneral Manager Jackllng of tba HK HKM'Ktl THK I It AT K MfH.!'""1 Induttrlal progreaa and work-J Utah Copper company, baa returned men romperiaatlon. Sunday he will! from Io Angela, and will take per be tho gut-it of William Allen White. onl rharge for tho mine owner. Penalty Not lea taam three aiatrth. aor moretbaa one year latarta- e pnment In a county Jail, or Ml leea.tbaa ala moatba aeviBMM e than two year ImprUoumeat la uia.aUU pealtaatlary.- e e Arretted thltmonUag and relaaaad on C,000 bond. e Herbert J. Bavldge. taoreUrr aad treaaurer SbtIAm Braa. Ilataktv d company, aad member of Klamath Fall city council. Charge Accepting aad reoelrlac a bribe. k iy tT J aoi tea uua ar yaaM. nor mora than 16 yeara Imprmaa- : 1 TnMy I I Mamoral ,Knlled Pre Service KANSAS CITY. Mo.. IIA.M KIM. THK MAN WHO tOOI'KII WITH HIN WIFK The Colonel U tired and honrte. I Xrw Haaeball Park for 'FHaro I iM l"ri flervlr u.N FRANCIHCO. Sept. II. It la 'ttta that Cal Kwlag will bnIM a UOO.orio rk al tn- inter 'o of MImIou, Army aad VahMtt reeuta tblaclty. The grand tan1, Ii UmI, will be constructed f -y 'K. andii.r park In It Mfitraly will " or tho nneit InTtbe llaltcl in lbc t tlietp. hoUM l"t UFFERTY "WITH BULL MOOSERSI MRDFOIU), Sept. 21 T. K. Dan leu of Medford liaa received notice! l lit appolutment aa district dp. uly grand nailed ruler of the Order uf Klka for all Oregon aoutb of Ore gon .Clly,, Mr. Danlela waa tka Brat rtaJtaef ruler of tbo Medford lodge of tlka, agefla oa of tba moat popular niember of that order In the atate. Ho la a eon of ea-l.leutenant (lover nor Thnraton Daniel of Washington. and waa at one time a newpaper man In Portland. ' MOOSE LODGE IS INSTITUTED nlled I'rrta Sertlr AMAItll.l.O, Texan. Sept. II. U II Kpplng, aged 34, who baa been em.' ployed on the Saead ranch for aom. time, ha Juae been placed In Jail at tbla place. Kpplng admit that ha aaalated Snead In hi plana to kill' lloyce. The grand Jury ha recon vened to consider Kpplng' confalon A " llebekaJia, Alteallott i There will be a meeting of tho drill team on Monday night. A good at tendance 1 detlred, aa there) I but ai ihort time until the visit of the execu tive officer or the degree. Mover declare that ha will prob ably call a strike of the Nevada Con solidated and Chlno mines, where Jackllng Is Interested. The situation Is tens. Governor 8pry haa notified the miners that If they attack men going to work be will call out the mllltla. Tba strikers Insist that they will , not allow the strikebreakers to work. i One hundred men are guarding the UOVKUNMKNT HDHVKVOH KH-mio Oranda tracks In ningham and CAI'KM A HKPIMMANII BV HAH.I0rnW' fhng for atrlkebreaker. Foreigners have bought an the automatic pistol and ammunition- In DIGNITY OF THE JUDGE RUFFLED! Til.V I.KAVINd COURT ROOM. FINK OF l IH ASHKHHKD PORT1-AND, Sept. 11 It la leldom one of the dlgnlflod Judge of the United State court become ruffled , thl city and nearby towns. All of the high-powered rifle have been sold to the mining companies;. II. St. Ueorgo lllsbop Is In the city. ,. .,,, , ,.. ,M . today from bl homo at "The Cedar," . ... ' . - ... . M. t, ...... .I... i.A tm In ,nn BJA MM 1 - -. -Wn. MV . .1. W. M..WW lir I.HJII luai w im ihw mvw .v. aherlfT lo stay, and eipecta lo win. "Mttll IIKPUIII4CAN IH NOW TKI1 IIV THK PKOOHKHSIVKH H OIMIUKHH IH NOW ON ""TH TICKKTH fmn A. W. Latterly haa fo J. n "'" ,,ul1 MoOM wlMlloa f ttDu M ln "e' two thM0 ord,r ii. vLl rd ,'ftr,y hdquaara In .1. J?n l'otcl' No olh" i "i.'Mintw'. (r the uroireaalve nsd docldad that itr.rtv niDisii bocause of the labor NKW OKUANIRATION HTAKTH OUTi WITH A MKMIIKRHHIP OF M. THK CHARTKIl WILIi BK KKIT J. II. Van Mater, a promiaaat rancher of Olene, Is In the cltyodav 'on Inialneaa. llr.. fill TlllfKI. WStKSMI All -00'imak.t Aful evojfli new music and a dellgl ytblag to . Daaco dmlaalon BOc. Ar. ul b "'wn rt rarrles. ilil!!rty ? "' rapubllcun "" by thn l-..n..t.n a ... , ajj -- ."ewunvBiMi si un pn- w ,"" "' "". ror the law doe JWmlt hi resignation aad tba Zu . comm"- eould aot sub to uthr c"d:W. if ha could. lit Ik. " "" nwumw ul'S JPWI county commtttso Ctok? r " ,thM t0 Thoataa 7& di2S!!!t or. " ' "7Y -ia). FATHER HEARS FROM HIS SON Klamath Fall Lodge No. Iiyal Order of Moo, waa Inatltuted opera house tonli last mgni in too a. i. ii. w. nan, lth 6t charter wembera. Tba following officers wore elected rnd Installed: lat Dictator J. V. (1 liber t. Dictator Chaa. J. Fergusons Vice Dictator r. W. Itltcbl. Prelate Ooo. It. Helmlck. Sergeant nt Arm O. 11. Ilrenno roau. Hocrutury It. K. (luthrldgu. Treaurr--W. B. Policy. Inner (luard W. II. Upton. Outer (luard B. S. Johnson. Trustaoa Oacar North, H. H. Low, J. W. rray. Organisers It. L. Andersou and W, K. Leo will remain In tho field for) Henry Kofeldt. socretary of tht three woeka more, and tho charter fruii association n Asmara, receivn. will remain open. They expect to In-.word from Portland loaay taa. ni croase the memberehlp to J60 before aon. Walter, who waa reporuu w they leave: !hv on drugged In 1'orUand, la The lodge will meet next Friday iapwiy recovering. nieht in the 1. O. O. r. hall, when a The news air. Koreia. receive, oi clssa of flft'y more candldatos will be U.t affair waa when he read The Hr- Initiated Into the myaterlea of Mooee- aid last nignt.- xoung iwMem. wa. dom. After laltlatloa there .will he raistaaen ior a union wow "-. an entertainment aad smoker. Seattle. Grlmshaw of (Iresbam, for changing u bnch mark of a government eur .cy, was In progress. Orlaubaw pleaded guilty. The evidence showed that a member of a government aur vnylng parly set an elevation stake In front of the Orlmihaw farm Ja a place tho farmer kept plowed up to-keep a noxlnua weed from overrunning hi crop. He asked the aurveyor to aet but the requoet POWERS CONSIDER PERSIA DIVISION Peaalty- ment In the atato.aaaRaHarr. Arrested thl morning aadrslaaaad oa IS.OOOboada. ,l j. r. qoeiier, prorMtar( riamasvi ran Planing MIU aad of Klamath Falu city ceaaaU. Charge Accepting aad' receiving a bribe. Peaalty Not leas tbaa tva yean, aor mora than IS years Imsrlssa- 4 saeat la thesUta paaKsattary: ' Arrested thl morning aad released on J,000 bonds. ))) bar Klamath Coast Qraad Imrj Cha. E. Worden, foreman, cap- Itallst of KUmath FalU. Oscar Shiva, grocer of. Klamath FalU. . . a W. S. Slougb, real eeute dealer of Klamath Fall. Sam Dixon, farmer, realdea aear Olene. 'd; A. n. Llveraora. hotel asaa of Klamatb Falls. K. W. Milter, farmer of Valley. C. A. Arnold, contractor, Klai ath Fall. Public 1-roaccalor D. V. Kuykendall, attorney of Klamath Falls. e) Ctrrak Jsdge Henry L. flennon of Klamath Falls. The Klamath county arand Jury. after more than a- week of Invaatlga- itlon. baa aubatantlated "tba eharcas made by Tbo Herald against two Klamath Falls councilman, aad In dictments charging them with "ac cepting and receiving a bribe" vera returned to the circuit court last night. In addition an indictment HI'KKIA 'charging a prominent cltlsea with ex- hands the warrants were placed la the of the aberiaT for aenrle. There was no surprise whea grand Jury'a fladtega wera known. The charges against tba men bad bean given so much aabMeky that there was little doubt la the aablle salad as to the oatfeme of Mm grand Jury lavestlgatloa. Following the service of 'the war rant, the three accused ware atrm an opportunity to secure beads, which had been flxed by Judge Reaaoa at $5,000 in each case, aad abaat o'clock the Bavldge brothers appeared In the circuit court. Their bond. signed by C. 8. Moore aad B. K. Rsamea, wera approved by the court. and they were given their liberty. J. F. Ooeller did not appear, but hta bond, signed, by E. R. Ream and J. W. 8lmen. was approved. Tbo throe defendant will be ar raigned before Judge Benson at 10 o'clock Monday morning to plead. At tba same time there will be arraigned (Continued on Page ) It somowhero else waa refused. This spring the weed became very bad. Grlmshaw again plowed the .patch, and In ordor not to tear the stake from (he earth, took a stone and drovo It down to the level of the ground. The aurveyor, E. M. Bandll, , found It that way this spring, and . ... ..... ......... 'fllwl chargea against Grlmshaw. HKTIIKTAHY OF AHHI.AM) FRUIT C(m,d th,t ,uk6 , btn p,aM(, AHKOCIATION I.KARNH OF THK anywhere elso," Judge Bean asked. 1-tiA .nlu wad Is Ik A flaWsariatftlw.. uanv nv uiu iinv imii) -""" A1TACK THROUGH THK HKHAI.D Blnco' tho defendant has pleaded guilty," John McCourt, federal dis trict attorney, Interposed, "I believe that a fine of $10, or even 95, would meet the ends of Justice." "One dollar. Is enough," Judge' Bean thundered, and tha aurveyor left the court room just In time to escape a possible lecture from the beach. ithlak It was. a toag aCatr.jbut ill Ltndsny C, Blsemora. democratic! ply a cos of hold-up wltbalsastrotta nominee for county clerk, la In tbeireauita to Qe city today on bualnaaa from bis. home In tha Wood Rtver aoaaspy. FOREIGN MINIHTRRH OF ANDK.VaLANDHOLDAHKCRKTltortlon ,n "nnecUoa with tha same CONFKRRNCE-PER8IA IS THK ''"m t W n n J Herbert Savidge, J. F, Goeller aad HUBJKCT CONSIDERED Hunter Savidge are tha men who tuust stand trial on serious charges, I United Press Service ' Kccordlng to the mandate of thai &,r..ti, o-.. at i -.. t.fiH ffrfittil Inrv. Thi, flpl Iwa nm! Ai liters Grey of England and Soiano ' councilmen and Hunter 8avidge,rM'w" a nrotner or the councilman, la prest- (tent of the 8avldga Bros. Lumbar company. If convicted, the two councilmen will be sentenced to Imprisonment la I tbe'state penitentiary for terms rang-1 lag from five to fifteen years, Hun ter Bavldge, who Is charged with ex tortion, would be sentenced to from three months to one year In the coun ty Jail, or from six months to two years in tha state penitentiary upon conviction. The newa of the indictment of the two men did aot become public, until tata morning, when' Iberia Barnes erred the Joba Dee bench, warrants wbleh had been ordered Issued by the court lut night. Deputy Clerk of Court CbasUIn was engaged until a lata hour la preparing tba papera la Dance nt the ope house tonight. the eaoWaad Wlrtk-ii sMracait'tiia DUSINESSMENTO BOOST FOR FAIR of Russia conferred secretely today, It Is rumored that they are consider ing the dividing of Persia. Klamath Chapter No, SE, Royal Arch Masons, will meet In regular convocation at 7: SO p m. today. Work In the Royal Arch degree and refreshments. Chhtka Gat la taa GaaM United Press Serves SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. II. Twa Chinese hold-up men entered tha res taurant conducted by Gee 8am. The billed him. aad robbed him .of 100 x land some clothing. Tha police do aot; f 1 OI4VER SECURES APPROVAL OF A PLAN TO CLOSK THK HTOR8S IX THK CITY DURING THK SHOW DAY, Manager C. T. Oliver, acting for the Klamath County Fair Association, haa interviewed during the last twa dan practically all of the prlaeHMlbaal; ness men of Klasaath Falls la regard: to closing their Places of business during the afternoon of tha fair, AH are heartily In accord with taa move-' ment, and have expressed their will Ingneaa, to co-operate wtth the fair association to that eateat, la order tf pa-rfS vae, WT, the Increase grouads. Tha hours suggested for eleslag ar from 1, uatll 6, aad this wW Mawdj siwh1a tlavtA Ia Ika a.nsuh m ssa sil tarn mmiytv tiwv iui uaj w ajaaigiaa.i pa ww. Ulu In taa aftarmoon araajls.