S y.4f-yt.'- lUCK-HANDFRS r. KEEP ACTIVE POMMSNMM ARK WAHNaH) TO ! LXAVK HI COUNTRY ANB MAKB NO ATTKMPT TO PKOSR. I.CUTK CASKS AGAINST THK BRKADRI) COMBINATION' ' SPOKANE. Sept. SO. Nobbed of cask and Jewelry raluad at morn than 11,090, and warned to carry on no proeecutlon against fellow country- H suspected of the crimes. "Nick Drleefc. a weettky Spokane .Austrian, haa been tke victim of three distinct thefts In 4t hours. Hla saloon was robbed of S0, and an employe, Joe Kettmfc, was placed under arrest for ' the crime. Drelch was than held up sad robbed at the point of gun. and wm wan net to glvo any Internum Um tkat mlgkt lead to the coortette of hie fellow countryman. About the asae time three men entered his bhm, and while one of them stood ootr hla wife, threatening- to rat "her threat If ah made any outcry, the tiro ethers looted the residence of ?'Te police are working on the the ory that the robberies are the work of as Austrian "black hand" ertaaJsa trna which has for some time salts d hi this eky, aa there have similar crimes, and the victims hare always boon warned not to Ad In the POTVOTUWe Ufe.eccld boot companies. snt and heollh taonraaee evavraaa about It CONTRACTORS i, RUSH WORK i nuhxm ixroamoN grocnm iMmmu jkxrOMTION PALAGM IfO 1 gfeeml to The Herald BAN PRANCiaCO. lent. 10. Con tract Ko. i, which calls for the mini la of 71 acres of Harbor View lands. haa been completed by the San Frnn emco Bridge company. The orerflow Undo that hare been filed la eever Uet-portion of the sopaslUon nto knaM by the coster Uoeot Web ster street, Ue southerly line of Bay street, the canter tine of Derlsadero street, the southerly lino of Teaqula street, the center line of Scott street ana the southerly line of Lewis street. Thta.eontract was completed within 110 . The coatractora received no bonus, nor was there a penalty at tached, and they ahowod their Inter est In the eiposltlon by speeding their work and completing It before the ei plratton of tho time set for doing the 'In making this nil, 1.400,000 cubic yaroa or aw was pumpea irom ue bay to tke land; and In order to ap preciate the vast amount of soil used la thla work of filling In the overflow laada for a foundatloa to tke exhibit j palaces, which are to be erected on that portion of the fair site, engineers estimate that It would. All an area equivalent to Union Square to a height of 840 feet, which Is practic ally aa high aa the ferry tower. Borings for the foundations of the eshlbltloa palaces are about half com pleted. These borings were made to determine the quantity of the All. CHOICE LOTS MxlCM, First FaJrview, SIM. View Iota on the hUl, WM.9TM. STslM, Carta bow courtjouee. B7M A good one ea Crescent Je., SS75, A hotter oae on Creecdht are,, $4)00, One of the beet la Vfst Hot Springs T. Nichols AObMjob ls at close Jb, 9600 rtj II f-BJa) eH BjSJDVt 04MW aMBdow. M 1 am the oaclnfivo agent for the abof eots nam raf make easy term. Headha, Iota, ganamisi prepertf, UbBmH4M term Next to Americi PboBeMl $250 Caih $ rtomtf nd lath; tint kftbl lot clotfio ckotl Masce like! tit. All for 11600 WE GNEK Klamath County's Biggest Best Fair WiU be hoJd next weak, beginning Wednesday, tho 25th, ending Saturday, the 28th, four day tncluilvtlt will pay every resident of thii county to attend the Fair for many rcasona. Do you know that there axe lew people who live right here In this county thactually know what to bring accompltohtd all over South em and Central Oregon by the hundred of progmaivc Farmers and Stock Grower. Thto wiU bfftn opportunity to get together and discuss modern Idtaa and modemmeth(a;anopricunitytotmrxoveandl)rofit next year by the past experience of thaone.. Not only .compare notea with your nearest neighbor,, "which quite often prove a benefit) but an opportunity to diacuss very important matter wfth the citUens of an entire County, and that County the County which ia destined to be Oregon's beat in five years more. J v ft The Home of the Golden Btule Department Store- Where a complete general line of Evcrything-to-Wear will be found, as, Dry Goods of-every description; Piece Goods of all kinds; Women's and Misses' Cents, Suits and Skirts; Men's and Boys' Clothing; a large and splendidly selected Shoe Stock, etc.. etc. wfiSnSSMu w If y SBm?mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmSlBmmmmmmmiv:lii2mmmmmlai Sm1m5mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmV1HSmmmmmmmmmmmmBmmmmmEi'. 'H mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmViH Your visit to the Fair will he made even more prof, liable provided you combine shopping with sight seeing, and while here, make a thorough iuvcMiga tipn as to where you can lcst buy your Tall .md Winter supplies'. The City of Klamath Kails it keep ing pace in the march of progress with the farmftif districts, mid no where in the stair will you fuul a better place In do your Kail buying than here. JStnJfSEK "Bill ''fc1 A- At no time since this store was opened has buying opportunities been equal with what they arc thii Kail. Many of the icst Rcady-to-Wear lines' have been reduced in price over previous seasons, and Dry Goods in general has shown a marked decline the past few inoiilhi. At all times this store is seeking for your lnimessi).v making the lowest possible cash prices on dependable merchandise. This Kail the opportunities arc greater than ever, for the store that does a CASH business. CASH in buying Fall merchandise has proven of greater worth than usual, and this ii one More that has to and docs buy for CASH ONLY. Every article dur.buyers has made a'saving on while in the Eastern 'market the past few wecktwill he offered to you at (he same saving. This is 'he principal reason why this store is enjoying the enormous business it has today. "Not how much will an ariirlc bring, but how-close can it be sold." ROYAL ORCESTER and BON TON Corsets The season's newest styles are here. Every woman in Klamath countv knows these famous corsets of their sterling worth and increasing popularity. We want you to know where you can buy them, and btij . them at the same prices they sell for in all Eastern cities. A large shipment now on the road will bi here for Fair Week, and we want every woman who attends the Fair to take the time while here to look over the new styles. Priced at $1.00 to $5.00. . i ION '.ftusuau tfv ' Jfapct 'a Goats and Suits for Women Are garments that you will be pleased with. The styles arc the latest and most approved to he found anywhere. The nriccs are the. most reasonable of all high grade women's Rcady-to-Wear garments. The li Flock is sufficiently large to insure a selection you will I l.i: pleased with. Don't miss seeing the new Coats unit Suits, anil stiirialtv umnl,l l.iu. .. ,..,r.fll., U note the low prices they can be bought for at this W season of the year. Our aim is to make volume sc- cure our profits, not only in the Coat and Suit Depart ment, init in every department in the store. W'lUJimmmmB AlJmtgtm7 ummrW Jmtl7nftfl III ill i VI Y Wi'HJKI BJi UHViTgmngS) MEN'S CLOTHING Three specials in Men's Suits every garment a new Fall style. More than One Hundred New Fall Suits for men have just been marked to sell at per tuit, $10, $15 and $20. You will be surprised at the excellent values they represent at these prices. Even the $10 Suits are splendidly tailored, and are the equal in every way of suits we have heretofore been com polled to ask you $12.50 and $13.50 for. 'UFERICK PATTERNS F rUBUCATlONS tatfdtkV A For Fair week you will find a choice collection of Sweaters for men, women and children. A large ship- . mem just received, bought while in New York, rep resents unusual values. These sweaters arc all wool, splendidly tailored, and at the prices we are able to offer them for they can't be duplicated. Mnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm