Vri'UBU BV THM vmta imt NICWal WKVICK fbe HetittiQ l l1 rfalft. 1 1 ( EVENING NKWftFi PRINT THE NKWB, NOT HMffORT (wUiVmii So. I, AM KLAMATH FALL), ORBOON, FIIIDAY, HKITKMIIKII SMI. 1012 Plica, riv Ceats 'Prominent ciliaciis ol Klumatli Kails Iwvc to,, ccmilciuiictl liy the Klamath county trim! jury. :,"d ol,iK bench warrants arc in tlic liatnl of the sheriff lor service. Who lhe iik'H '' ""possible ,0 a'ccrlain at the hour ( Tlif llcrahl KI'K to pre, Seven John Uor imlictiiicnu have Ir-cii relumed. Whether John Dpe spells Mcsuv Siudgc, Crisler ami Gocllr. or something tlK there i no way of knowing The iframl jury lw heard thr eviileiicc "ft forth first by T lie llcrahl ajjainM this trio, anil has taint ti' in""-' ,imc '" ,,1C consideration ol time cue than in any "other hinincsv The Kiaml jury left the graml jury room at 5 o'clock this nfternoon, anil proceeded it once to the fonnty c)iirt house, accom ln!cil It) IlaihfT Low ami District Attor ney Ku)kciulall The report of the jur v.it lumlcil to JiiiIjcc Ilcimm and the an nouiicemciii the" made that, in addition to partial report, seven John Doc Indict rent li.nl heen returned. The court op dried luiul u annuls immcdiatel issued V hen it ln'caun' known on the streets this .iftciiioou that the raud jury had ad j'Mirneil slutttl) after convening for the af teruoon seision, until 4 o'clock, there was Mippresxed lint intense excitement on th" stiects fhose who have followed the ses "uons of the present graiul Jlr' carefully Were convinced that the adjournment was taken for the purpose of i-nuliling the dis trict attomev to piepare indictments. This supposition was correct. The jurv met :iain a few minutes hefore I o'clock, and the entrance to the grand jury loom was wntched anxiously ly a uumlier of people Mmost promptly on Jlic stroke of 5 o'clock, the jury filed out, and started across the street in the direction of the court house Judge I'eusou had heen informed that the jui) would make a report, and was in his chatuher when the jury filed into the court room The proceedings were simple. The liailiflf received the document which had lire n prepared hy the jurv and handed them ti the couri judge lieiison looked evt: each one ami then, placing all of the docu ments, except the partial report in an en velope, handed the package to the clerk, villi instructions to issue hench warrants foithwith for the arrest of the seven ac cused. Who these men are cannot he ascertain ed, hut from the fact that there arc seven in wl. id it seems almost certain that the grand jurors have heen convinced, just as have the majority of Klamath Tails cit-ii-ens, that there are reasonable grounds for the belief that Messrs. Savidge, Crisler and (Joeller are guiln of the charge which has heen made against them hy The Herald. There has heen a persistent rumor on the streets all day that, the three aldermen would he indicted, and that two men. not i.tj officials, hut involved in the same trans r it ion, would also he indicted. These two mil are Marion Hanks and Hunter Sav idgi floth of these men were present when tin three councilmcn made the demand on Janes Wheeler for the payment of sonic t',iiV. 'ike $1,(XX). with the alternative of I ei'ig denied a transfer of a liquor license. Probably there has never before been a grand jury session in this county when pub lic interest in the result of the deliberations of the inquisitorial body was as keen as at the present time. Men, heretofore promi nent in public life, have been charged with crimes. The evidence on which these charges were based has been submitted to the grand jury, but, strange to relate, there has been practically no division of public opinion. The judgment of the grand jury on the matter was alone in doubt. The fact that the grand jury has recom mended that an expert accountant be em ployed to examine the financial affairs indi cates that in addition to the graft charges the jury has delved deeply into the general conditions here. The grand jury has not made a final re port. An adjournment has been taken sub ject to call. Mr. Kuykendall announced in open court that the jury had further busi ness, but that the absence of witnesses pre vented the final adjournment. As announc ed in The Herald a few days ago, the most Important witness in an incest case recently disappeared, and it is expected that it is be cause of the absence of this witness that n imal report was not made. The partial report which was brought into court with the indictments follews: Whereas, a long time has elapsed since a full examination and report has been made of the financial affairs of Klamath county and the manner of conducting the same, Therefore, We believe that competent and expert accountants from outside the county should be employed to make a full and complete examination of the financial business of the county and the methods of conducting all of said business; that the' state and condition of the various funds should be inquired into and thoroughly examined; that said expert accountants, should be required to make and file with the proper officers a full and complete ro- port of their work. t III SCHOOL BRYAN HOT ON Another Fake News Story MANY TURKS OROZCO MOVING 1 HI POPULAR: TEDDY'S TRAIL is Credited to Northwestern MEET DEATH! TOWARD RATTLE - . . , - - - ' " -w- -w W W W -VW WW jtTObtm: in good ah could m i:pkctkd at thw time. MVANVAUK TO TNK OOMMUN ITT M CONHIRKRKn GREAT It would tm tlit (lie commercial tlfkt school, which km opened thU iMk, U destined to be morn popular ttu u anticipated. The tint ses tot u Mi MontUr evening, with utlUtdsoco of K. Tho Iblrii m loa u btlil lt overling with an HtniMCc of 30, while a number of tarn aate already tlgnllled their In fcMitaataaierlogaoon. Ahaoat Ue eutlro number enrolled i tU (ireMut time ar people who iU aot enter aa regular etudenta to iwoant nt hutlneaa or other rea Kat. TtiMx people fret the need or "fb Ualnlcg a la offered In thla i(rie,aad are making the moat of It. Tate It the Itrat eitenalon work that Im Wo uttered by thn high achool, tit II other rouraaa prov aa popular lite on leoina to lie, It will In Me the uirlullneM ot the achool to " eommunlty very much. Tiert are no entrance .raqulro tU and no feee la tbeee courtea. ' Idea la that the achool belonga tU communlly, and It almply la Brklig aa effort to beat IU ownera. coaairclal claaa moeta In the w Khool building oa Mondaya, "Mira and Thuradaya of each Nt. I DMMUMKK KKPKATN .AlttlK THAT THK INTKItKHTM WKf.l. I. tXINTBOI. UIKN KOUHKVI.I r UAH TIIK I'ltl MfKXT llOKMAN, Mont., Hept. 10. Bryan poke hern KxUy, repeating the chargo that the "Interreti controllrd the While Home during llooeevelt'a Incumbency. Ho will o In llutle tonight and In Idaho tomorrow HIRAM CANNOT STAND HOT PACE CAMKOIIMA (lOVKHXOU Dlll.lflKD T4 CANCKI, IIIH INDIANA I'HO UKAM H)lt TODAY AND HKHT Ifl KOH OHIO CAMI'AHiN INIIIANAI'OMH, lnd Hept. XO. (lowrnor Jolmeon la no exhausted today that ho cancelled Ida today'a Indiana program and U reeling up for Ids Ohio tour. He goea to Cin cinnati at noon. Krariul that the Klamath coaaty tcraud Jury It about to return Indict 'tntitu agnlnut three city councllmen Mho urr charged with grafting, l!.c h Inmnth KalU Northweatorn thU ninrnliig took tho preliminary tep In llir iti.frnie of thco men by ulUml t I ii it tn illncredlt tho aeven men li'- imnpobo Ihn IniuUllorlat body. nd, not (Rtlinod with thin, tli-j ia"panr declared today that Jauiea Wlicclcr, a plomr rwildent ot thla (ctloii. and one of tho Important wit . im'hhch for the Htnle Id tho graft proa-ji-cutlon, had lied lo Alaaka. Thla dec jlnratlnn wua Mupplemented by the 'htatement that tho flight of Mr. Wheeler was "according to the beat Information obtainable here." Mr.Whct'tor'a moat Intimate frletida In I hl city declare that he haa not left ttio country lo cucape appvarlng ax n wltncim agalnat grafting council men, and, further, that Mr. Wheeler ,i.lll return lo thla city whenever hit prcrcurp. la required. In tact, It la ITAMANH III'KY 1,14 BODIKH AV-'rKUKI. LKADKH OX MM WAV TO lornibU- thnt tic will arrive here to- cvpt a temporary appointment aa n' ulRlit. deputy United SUtea raarahal In or- Mr. Wheeler hai already appeared ader to atari a hunt for them. Wheel- j .m n wltncfti before the Klamath coun-'er agreel, and accompanied the fed--1 graiul Jury and has told what he.rral officer to Portland, where he re-, knowa of tho tramactlon In which J celred hla appointment. The beat In-' Meir. Crliler, Havldge and Qoeller formation obtainable here today la' rorced the payment of about $800. that Wheeler li returning to Oregon 1 1 U testimony haa been set down fa from Montana, where his chaae for riling and aworn to In a legal man-'the government ted hlra. i.er. ilia rrienaa declare that he will Kor moro than twenty yeari TEH THK DKFKAT OK TCRKDJH AHMY ITALIAN DIRIOIDLR IM IIIMTItOYKD IN aTTLK I MKKT THR HKXICAN ALK IIATTLK YE8TGRBAY Hl'l.TH IN nRTH OF M MEN United 1'rcaa Service 1 ItOMK. Sept. 20. General ReUoll reporu that the Italana burled 1,134 dead Turks after Enver Bey'a defeat nt llcrna. bo ready to repeat thla evidence at Wheeler haa lived In this section. nndlblt' w" ''"tf0)rcd ' the p"1- imy time In any court or justice, the ho has Intcretta here. He haa madu illuming newspaper to the contrary 'no arrangementa for leaving the coun- iiotulthstandlng. try, and tils friends here do not be-1 Wheeler postponed hla trip to 8a- Here that a possible circumstance twit n week to attend the grand Jury, would arise thnt would Induce him to( vi'Miiuu, n a renin mi nine aaugn-i leave me country io Keep mm irom ter missed the first week ot achool tolling the truth, especially If by so Ihe day before he did leave the city doing the ends ot Justice would be I fJuttvd Press Service 1 KAOI.K PASS. Aril.. Sept. 10. Mz hundred rebels under Orosco m r- The Italian army'a dlrlg-lc,ovi FederaU m tQ gage the rebels. Refugees declare that Orosco eap tured Jluxuulz yeaterday.' A brlak nght waa put up by tho federal Car lson. Fifty men were kilted oa both mow. SUICIDE POINT TO BE REMOVED BONN U GIRL WILL BE WED UCKNHK IH INHUKD TO JOHN F. "WMMi OK ItlHTLAND AND MIHH VKTUJ 1IIU1WN, WKI.I. KNOWN l! B0NAN8A tfii!Urrl, "enM m liuud thla "wooa to John F. Cobel or Tort- uL? Mlu MttU Brown n- J hay will probably be mar r 'oriland Bunday. I lU own u th auihtr of A. rown, a well known raaUent of WmsW IUU Mr' Cob, U Porl,aa4 ii ileputy United .States marshal ar-, thwarted rlcd here and asked Wheeler for For several months Wheeler haa Information concerning a couple of , been discussing with friends a plan to people who linil onco lived In thla . go to the Skeena River country In the illy, and who Wheeler knew. Thesolfiir north and trap ths winter. He people are wanted by the federal au- haa atatcd repeatedy that the coming thorltlea. up of tho graft cases might Interfere Wheeler was asked If he would ac-,wlth his plan. Kythlaa Hlstora t Mm The regular meeting of tho Pythian 8lstera will bo held thla evening la XI'MIIBR OF FROPLK WHO HAVK1 wc4t J?" of11t1h" ," 'Uow ibulldlug. There will be Initiation and I'HRD FAMOUH NIAGARA FiaCKnUo a banquet at the close of tha TO KIM. SKLVRS AROUKKS THK work. All members are urgently ra- 'quested to be present. AfTHORlTIKS TO ACTION T ' CRESCENT MAN TO BE HAN6ED ESPEE B00STIN6 COUNTY FAIR Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Adams of Merrill came hero last night to meot j Mrs. Adams' father, who will go to I Merrill today lo visit for awhile. Mr. and Mrs. T F. Calmea of Mer rill arrived In tho city laat night, en route home from a camping trip. STILES GIVES A BOND FOR $1000 KHANK M. ttAMIOUN IH HKNTKNC KH TO IIKATH IN A KKNNHYI.VA. NIA COURT WHKN HK IH CON VICTKD OF KILLING A FARMKI1 Frank M. Calhoun, u well known realdent of Crescent, haa been sen tenced lo death by a Pennsylvania court. Word to this waa received here laat night. Tha Klamath county man waa convicted of the murder of Uenja'mln J. (lalloup, a retired Kan sas farmer. Whoa be waa arrested Calhoun Implicated Mrs. (lalloup, who. he declared, had lured him from his home In -Crescent to Phila delphia under a promise of marriage. r.lhnun oleadad Insanity, out mis i.hnaa waa not taken sorloualy, and the Jury rsturnad a verdict of guilty of murder In the first degree. , AGKNT IIAILKY OF THIH CITY RK-i CKIVKH WORD OF RKDUCKDj RATKH TO KNAHLK Y1HITORH TO COMK HKRK NKXT WKKK Tho Southern Psclflc will co-oper ate with the Klamath County rair Association by giving reduced rates ( to this city during the fair. An- nouncement or this waa receivea oy Agent llalley today In tho following I..II..I. frnw Ihn VAIinral ofltpol of Ihe remnany: "Aa recommended by you wo will arrauge to publish an open rate of ono fare and one-third for the round trip from Ashland, Redding and In termediate points, tickets to be on sale September SS to 38 Inclusive, return limit September 30, This Is In lino with arrangements made by this company for all occasions of this kind. "Itt-addltlon to publishing tbe open rates mentioned above, we will ar range to publish a 36-cent rato from Klamath Falls to tbe fair grounds and return, and provide a special train service to take rare ot tbe business." HURN PLEASES SCIENCE CLASS IIMtDWAHK DKALKR PRBHKNTfl (OMPLKTK HKT OF WKLLGR MARK TO THK FACULTY AND PUPILS OF HIQH HCHOOIi The domestic science clasa and fac ulty of the high achool were very much delighted today by being pre-' seated with a complete set ot Welter-1 ware by W. O. Hurn, the local hard ware merchant. The set Includes one casserole, one doien ramequlas, two small baking dishes and three egg ahlrers of this well known brand of crockery, and makes quite an addition to the equip ment ot tho cooking school. YOUNG MAN INDICTED ON A PKR. JURY CIIAHGK IH AT LIBERTY WITH CAPTAIN LKE AND FATH KR AH HURKTIRH I,. (1. Htltes, father ot Kufua SUles, who v,as Indicted by the Klamath county grand Jury on a charge ot per jury, nppoared before Judge Benaon thla nfternoon. and bond for his Ibou'a appearance waa fixed at 11,000. With Captain J. P. Lee and L. a. Silica as sureties, the bond waa accepted. BUFFALO, N. Y., Sept. 30. "Sul- idde Point," a little promonotory over looking the brink ot Niagara Falls, lias uveil CUV unu; uj utuci u, .w state reservation commission. Tbe number ot persons who used the polut as a Jumplng-off place In creased so alarmingly In tho last year or so that tho commission determined to be rid of It. C. C. Warden and wife and child I have recently arrived In this city from 'the Rogue River Valley, with the In MIHUaanea I'ae Gaaa I'nlted Preaa Service CHAKLK8TON, W. Va., Sept 10. Militiamen today tired on some mea who worn attemutlnc to hurn tha Carbon Coa company's tipple la South Carbon. One man la dylug and three are hurt. TEDDY HITS AT DEM LEADERS HK IH NOW STUMPING URYAN'H STATE, AND IH DISCUSSING MANY ISSUES CONSERVATION AND BOSSES TAKEN UP United Prusa Service HA8T1NU8, Neb.,JBept. 30 velt la today In Nebraska. -Rooee-He dis cussed the workmen's compensation tentlon ot making their home In tho act( conservation, bosses, and social Klamath country. Voiumi Girl to Wed A marriage license was Issued this morning to Algln Byerley and Miss tLydla Sorrela, both ot Keno. centers tor farmers. He continued aUacka on Bryan and Wilson. When a man Is born a two-spot ha should aot be criticised tor his lnMl lty to Wketaetrkk. . . y BOOTLEGGERS KILL OFFICERS AUTO IH AMIIUHHED, DEAD AND WOUNDED THROWN OUT AND MAKE THEIIt ESCAPE TO MOUN TAIN FASTNESS Uulted Preaa Service COFFHYVILLE, Kaaa., Sept !.--An auto containing offlcera petrolling the roads where liquor kas been Illegally carried, waa ambushed by bootleggers last night. Two men were shot and killed, and two were fatally wounded. The bootleggers dumped tha dead and dying out, atole tbe auto, and escaped to the Osage mountalas, where their capture Is nearly laiaaa slble, Posses art.QUief ter. tteev r