UrrUBD BY THE WVTMD PHMM NMWI BBHVICIC Stye ftieniita Hefato. EVENING PHINT TMB NEWS, NOT aevralh YearNo. IMI KLAMATH FALLS, ORBOON, KDVEHDAY, HKIT. IN, I01B County Gr andJury Reports Two Indictments IT FIGURES HE HAS MANY VOTES TO SPARE miMtiKNT GETH DAILY RWORTH from hid manager Wtfaoa Mahra HK Willi Real-lriila ef Mlaat t" ' Hie He.' llaltunu sjsotImis Dry Humor Atlrarts. Hryaa I Caassalgralag ' Montana tad I tali Teddy I In lw MomIIi Kb Bourn KmI failed l'rc Hervlc KEOUGH MIXES IMMUNITY BATH MUSIC WILL AID' WITH DE BRUCE WILL BE BARREB LIBRARY FUND BY PROSECUTION IIUII.DINM OI'EIIATIOMM AUK TKM POHAIIILY HI'HPKNDKD H'MKV FOREMAN (IK JOII IN TAKEN lit;. FORE JtlHTICK GRAVEN IMPORTANT OPPICKHH .OT TO RE CALLED TO NT AM '&O.NKY IH NEEDED TO CARRY ON ' fOMMENDAIH.K INSTITUTION. AND MRS. Kl'MWALTH CON 1 CHUT IH SURE 'HI PLEASE Robert Allen Must Pace a Charge of Raising Check (Jot minim 1 IMeruiUMl That la Hie Harvester Trual I'rueecaUoa Tlirrt Re No Opportunity for Mm Higher Up to F.wrap- ProaeraUon by Offering to Tall All la Kichaage for Freedom From IVoaeratioa. IIKVCHI.V, Hept. II. -Chairman lllllea n( lhi republican national com mittee la telephoning the poltllral alt onion datlr 10 President Tall here Tkt president U convinced that ha lll bar twenty electoral votta morn lata tnough to ri-altct him. II con cadta ibat llooeevelt ha no chance Hulldlug operations oa the now hotne. of tin Nortbweateru were sus pended for a abort tint this after noon whau Dan Keougb, forniun of tha work wai arrested on a charge of aaaault and battery, preferred by Jaa He llrilce. Keough waa arralgoad be fore Juitlua Graves this afternoon. .and the hearing will bo tills evening In the meantime the defendant la ut liberty on his own recognisance WASHINGTON, I) 0 Hept. 1. - lean hotel, who declared that llr ,,"r,mrnl "Nuitlcc admlttd that tho llrnre had been employed ai a porter jawrnttitnt wnu't cull HaruiUr truit In the big hotel, but had been ill- maguatea wliirn at the Chicago Oiargcd this morning for drunken hearing. ' I'erklns, (lary. Cliarle Deeriug, He waa drunk when lie went nver'Cyrus and Harold McCorralck will to the ne' building," said Mr InnU, I probably not be permitted to teatlfy. 'and Interrupted the work there, Mr Criminal protecutlont are poulble. iitohere eicepl In California and Ktntu. iKeough threw him off the lot Juat aa 1 'l had thrown him nut of the hotel i llryaaj la Huh thort Dm before." I'alUd 1'rra Bertlce ! lie llrure declsrod that he was alt SALT I.AKK, Hept. is. Uryaa oti ling hi front of tha building attend Msipeclal train arrived lu I'rovo to say, "hire he opened hla Utah cam Mi. II continued hla atlacka on aooasteli and Tafu He will be In Halt tomorrow evading. W I'atted I'rtsa Service allNNKAI'OI.IH. Hept. II. Wood row Wilton (pent the day la thla city ut l. Paul. He will aUrt for Cbl uto tonight. Ha la making a hit with kit rear platform apeachee. Hla tnttr la friendly, good oatured and ah ipeechea are replete with dry liBor. Ing to bl own bualnea when he wai aaaaulted by Keough. Ha dlaplay ad a black eye aa proof of the nttmilt CONCERT WILL BE TO-NIGHT On Krlda) evening Mrs. Dob J. Zutnwalt, with the Mlatnce of other J talented muilclant will give a con cert at the opera Uouaa for the benefit ol the public library. The proceeds aro to be used for tha purchase of new books, which fact will be wel comed by the reading public, and will 1 aaaure a large attendance. Mrs. Zumwalt Is too wall known to need au Introduction, and no apology seems needed, as thoca who attend will be amply repaid for the outlay, but the Women's Club feels Ilk say Ing that It Is hoped that this may be the last time that It become neces sary to appeal to tho public The county court has accumulated lUUnrj nun DEI Inquisitorial Body, After INTO TROUBLE! Week's ,n.ulry. speaks I WINDOW PANE M BROKEN IN THE HTORE Or VIRGIL SON, AND THE YOUNO MEN ARK AR IIKHTKD nY LOCAL lOLICK FRESNO FIRST AT THE STATE FAIR , KLAMATH MILITARY RAMI WILL r:TKKTAI.V IN COURT ROtTrik Hgi'ARK LEADER DANIEL I'ltn'AHKM I'ltOailAM a fund with the Idea of taking orerl the tllirary and converting It lato free Carnegie library aa soon a ar rangement can be made, but this fund la not available for running et pense of tba preaeut Institution. The Income of the library from oth er sources la barely auflcleat to da fray running eipeases, making It neceatary to rale fas.ee In other ways for lha purctisa of books. Mix young men, out of their teeni Just long enough to have a legal right to enter saloons, were arrested last nlfcht by Offleers Hall and Sharp attar they had rolled an empty beer keg into the street and knocked out a pano of'glaa In the store of Virgil A Bon. The young men were arraigned be fore Judge Leavltt In tha police court this morning and asa eased 94.60 each. Jury Goes Back into Session After Bringing in True Bill Against Allen and Person at Liberty Miss Myra fuller. Miss Marion V. Merrill and L. Sherman of Bedford arrived last night la aa auto, after a trip to Crater Lake. They started this morning on the return trip to Mod ford. bona toatght Kooaevelt to Testify fitted reu Service WAHIIIN'tlTON, 1). (!., Heptp. II. rrogrpulve National Committeeman frank llogan telegraphed that Rooee Ttlt would testify before the senator Ul contributions committee her on October 1st I'lilleU Preas 5ervln HACHAMKNTO, Uept, II. Judges at the California state have announced prlies won -1 lews: The regultr wkly concert by the Klamath Fall Military band In the The 'court house f)iar thla evening. fair I The folio Int; l the program pro fot-jpared by Leader I Unlet. March "The OladUtor . iJousa Popular dance, ope h at p. m. AdeVtaafti 60c The average man'a knowledge of tho tariff on wool Is confined to the fact that underwear woven from It scratches. Jesse A. Jackson of Oakland ar rived In the city last sight, and left this morning for Fort "Klamath on a hunting and fishing trip. Johnson) in Illinois Vail Press Henries) CK.STItAI.IA. Ills., Sept. II. tlov rtor Johnson continued his Illinois uapalin today. Ha baa been greet A by enthusiastic crowds. He spoke ""Uy In liuquoln and" twelve other tosni. Hrfaa'a Dates la California I nlted I'r-m Bervtra .AN rilANCIBCO, Sept. II. W, J. Brysn will arrive In l-oe Angeles on Morrisy. , will make three apeecbes. IU leave ju Angeles Monday Wlht and speak at llanford at I a.m. my' "' KrMno . m 10 over the Banta r to Merce.1. " " due In Stockton at UilO, and III rmh to Sacramento to address . '"Democratic convention. Ha will For county eihlbtta. clast A, beat J Select Ion "The llurgomaster". gonerat appearance Fresno first, . ... .. .. . Ludera with Sonoma, Alameda, Merced, Coin "Funeral March of a Marionette" aa, Huttor, Sbaata and Nevada lu the' Comic .Oounod order named. .Miserere from "II Trovatore" . .Verdi Class II, foreign products Merced 1 Waits "Wedding of the Winds," flrtt. Ban Joaquin second, tllenn third, Hall National Anthem Dance aa longAa ou like: opera bouts lonlMLt. pickets 60c, s longjAs Dr. (Ico. Wright reports the birth of a 10-pound son Tussdsy evening to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Oalaraeau of Pair- view addition. Dance as lonsT aa you like; opera house ton Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kllgoro are visiting here today. Mr. Kllgoro la 'operating n farm near the Loat River diversion dam. Uood music, opera bouse tonlg Ask Wrennbi . good Odor. Dano at algh GOVERNOR WEST WILL TAKE REST OFFICE OF EXECOTIVK Of FORT LAND HAS BEEN CLOSED FOR A TIME OOVERNOR HAYSH. WILL GO AFTER GRAFTBR8 xfuHMLSsBBBmattm atsU BBBSBfJaaBBBBBBTs.W'MaBLsBri r BT,"lIsBss1aBBsfc 1 RaMaTiBY mXU9Wmw V K BBRBaSBalV VB1 1 out It. as lonsfas y IgiTlcket TlckeU SOc. Ilefore marriage tho average girl's 'idea of It la that keeping house means looking after a couple of goldfish and tfiktng care of a fern. A'iKNTS WANTED Twobr three good hustlers for best strident and ealth Insurance. PhgCe 77 or see A. C. Wrenn, 70 CaagV ave. ll-tt Qood music opera house tonlg Ask Wrenn ce at arrive In Han Francisco and make two speeches Tuesday, leaving Wednesday afternoon for Sacrameuto, where he speaks In the evening. Then he will, go direct to Ogden, Utah. , good.Door. DetV V AfL about It. Itepubllran luh Wilson United Press service HAN FHANCISCO, Sept. II. Anti Taft and autl-ltoosevell ropubllcana from all over tho stato have organlied to puah Wilson's campaign. The name of thu Wilson National Pro gresslre Republican league has been selected. W. K. Bmythe of San Dlefo has been elected president. A cam paign committee of thirly-oue hna named, Appropriate Scripture When Henry J. Horn, now assistant to President Mellon of the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad, was division superintendent of the Montana division of tha Northern Pa rlilc railway, he lived at Livingston, Mont., and married a Mlsa Josephine Itoblnsoa, Ono day after the Drat baby came. Mr. and Mrs. Horn took the baby to church. Mr. Horn carried the child, and as tho proud father and mother walked down the aisle the minister rtRd from Daniel, seventh chapter, eighth verse: "I considered the homo. and, behold, therevcamo up among' them another litlm horn Mexican Rebels, in Numbers, to Fight Insurgent Generals get Together and Combine Forces With a View of Again Attacking the Federals PORTLAND, Sept. II. Oorsraor West's Tic clean up crusad la Port land la to have a rest t, far as the part governor htmsetf In the mesnUss) cutors, H. M Hurst, will coal The governor's 01 moved back to Salem who mat Fan Hobbee, his secretary, took her note and papers back to the state capltoL While Miss Hobbes U la tha gov ernor's official offices In the capltol, Governor West himself will b ta opectlag one of the state forest re serves with some federal officers. He will not return to Salem until next Monday. In the meantime hla Port' land office will be locked up and de- sertod. After next Monday, however, the governor expects to be In Portland from time to time to see that every thing la golag as he wants It la his campaign to clean up the city. After being In session more than a weak, the Klamath county grand Jury made Its first report to Judge Beasoa in the circuit court at 10:10 thla morning. -Two Indictments were re ported to the court, oae agataat Rob ert Allen and the other aaalast a au whose nam was not glraa. Allen is charged with havbag ram id a check from ft t tm. Haauutea hurried fllsht fraaa tk-r, ait in tm auto, but,as captures, tmiaa, Calif., aaoTreturaed to thla atty, B la now conflaed la tha ewaat Jail. Ha win be formally aimlCMo Judga Ban aJMmw.rsmla. JAPS PICK OUT A SHOW SITE LITTLE DROWN MEN ARE THE FIRST OF THE FOREIGNERS TO GET liUSY FOR TBE PANAMA PACIFIC EXPOSITION Ank aonuruliout It. I United Prees Service POUOI.ABS, Aril., Sept. 18 Phono mt wages from the border say that the rebel general, Alants, with 700 ,uien, have Joined with Salasars with 500 men and Ho Jaa with 600 men at Colon! Morale. Thla concentration Is reported to preclude a real attack on Agua Prleta, Nacoiwl and San Jlnes. It Is declared that they will take the Held today with the entire fore. Irish Lassie Conies Here Answering Cunid PieaiMoyer Leads Strike --.?-h - 1- r mtr 01 tapper miners Thomas Robert Johnston, Foreman of the O. K. Stablest is the Fortunate Man to Win Bride After Separa tion has Been flore Than Six Years " clmli-atlou of a romance " hd Its IncepUon In the Emer ZH wl" occur tat tota " Minnie L. Drown will be united Rwrl,, mrs ago Mr. Johnston left Ire land for tho United States to make lit fortune and n horn for the fair lassie who had won his heart. About tan daya ago Miss Drown, the fair lassie, arrived In this city In answer to the favorable letter of prospect which ahe had at last received from John ton. A marriage llreuso was Issued to them this morning, and It wai an nounced that the wedding ceremony would take place thli afternoon. Mr. Johuston ! In charge of tho barn of tho O. K. Transfer company during tho night. ' Increase in Wage Scale and the Re cognition of the Western Federa tion of Miners is Asked United Press Servlea SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. II. With tho boom of cannons on the cruiser Marblehead, a parade of 3,000 troop ffom the Presidio, and many other functions, Japanese Commissioner Ta- koda selected the Japan site for the Panama-Pacific Exposition building. Japan ia the first foreign nation to make a selection. The Japanese exhibition and build ing will cost 11,000,000. The build ing will be presented to the clty'after the fair. Kayla4an'rafttMd tha oaart that the Jury h4 farthar aula, ul the Jury returned to the grand lary rooms la taa.aaatriet attorney eV for further oleliaerattoa. The report of the Jury at so aarly an hour thla morning was naexpaeud. and there were but few paapl area ent when the Jury filed Into tha eoart room. , McCoy Ret anw J. W. McCoy arrived la tha ettjr last night with 60 head of Holotala eawa from Southern California. Tha eawa will be sold to dairy turn la this section. LOST Lady'a watch, buaUa site 0; Initial R eagravfaTe "From N. M." engravasroa la ltd of case; Rockford moyffent N0.6O1IHI. Finder leave atyc K. K. Stora; re ward. X X lltt Want Speedy Trial 'nJted Press Service NEW YORK, Sept. II. Latty Louis and Oyp tha Blood war formal ly arraigned thla morning baton Jaa tlce doff. They each entered a ptaa of "not guilty," and demanded Ixuaa dlate trials. They were remanded to the Tombs. Je city' y The Woman's Eplacopa Qulld will meet Friday atternoonXt tha home of Mrs. A. D. Mlller.ytubura straat, Hot 8prplnsWaddUfon. Important work will ba dlrtajmtd. H-it HOUSTON GETS LESS THAN LIMIT LOCAL CLOTHIER RBTOsUW FROM HUNTING AND FISBJNfi TRIP FORTY AUTOS AT CRA TER LAKE YESTERDAY Unl.ted Press Servle SALT LAKE, Sept. II Four thou sand miners atruck today In tha Utah Copper company's mtnea at Bingham, fifteen miles from here. President Mover of the Western Is personally Federation of Miners conducting the strike. Sheriff Sheup Is considering the calling of troops. Tha miner ask a wag advance and recognition of tha Union. Mr, dene Chllders arrived last evening from the Rogue River Valley, where ahe has been for several weak visiting relatlvea and friends. Sh left thla morning for her Langel Val ley home Popular di at 9 p. m. lane, onara houi tjgHkt Ask Wasan abodt It. V Fred I.. Houston returned last ra nlng from a ten daya' huatlag aad camping trip on Rogu River. Ota Melhase and Bob Huasakar. alae members of the party, will remain far some time longer, aad hapa t brsag la the limit of door. Fred saya that he did not succeed la fWkig tha limit, but had a la Urn aarartha less. Mr. Houston declares that that were forty automobile at Qratir Lake Tuesday whs h pd thf He returned with Mr. aad Ma. Claud Daggott, who visKed Ofattr Lake la their auto. VJ& isi A i 11 ,ii m Wl ' ft m !